Meeting between Imperial Powers (MT, Closed; ATTN Anagonia)
Imperium of Telros, Cavalon. 11:00 AM.
Cavalon, the shining capital of the Empire. It was a perfect symbol for the beauty and strength inherent in all Telrosians. They were a peaceful people, if not a bit too proud. They took pride in their military traditions, in their "outmoded" government which had still had a monarch that held power in their country. It had art, music, towering skyscrapers, stunning parks and a great forest that surrounded the city. It was a paradise, at least as close to one in this day and age. Signs of their former isolation were still there; run-down buildings, inferior cars rusting in driveways and the streets, and even some streets that still had too much garbage than there should be. Despite its flaws, Alexis knew he loved this city, as he loved his country. And he was doing his best to make it as prosperous as possible.
Which was why he had asked the Emperor of the Imperial Drekamythian Empire., Havok Agamemnon, to come visit the Empire and meet with him. Alexis wanted to open ties with nations whom were close to his way of thinking and were also powerful enough to be relied on when Telros was in crisis. The Empire was still weak, its military in the process of an expensive but need restoration project. And so, he had to toe a fine line until he had the military power to back up his words. So, now, he had to play the game of the diplomat. Gathering allies, fostering Telrosian interests abroad as he secured economic and diplomatic ties to other nations. Even now, he had become somewhat involved in several disputes, seeking to increase knowledge of the Empire abroad, so it wouldn't be some unknown nation coming into the global world. With recognition came foreign interests wanting to invest in his country, which would strengthen it and make it come one step closer to globalization.
So it was that he stood waiting at the airport in Cavalon, Imperial Airlines, with his detachment of security around him. He had the area well-covered to prevent anyone from harming the Emperor or himself. Snipers in alcoves, hidden guards meshing in the crowd, he spared no expense on security. After all, first impression was important. He watched as the plane from Drekamythia landed and the Emperor descended, flanked by his own bodyguards. When he reached a certain point, he nodded and his group began to move. He came forward and smiled at Havoc, extending his hand. Both leaders spoke briefly, the usual name introductions, and quick greetings/smiles before they moved out of the airport. A convoy conveyed them to the Palace in the center of Cavalon, along a route which showed off the scenic beauty of Cavalon, where they immediately were taken to a patio, where a lunch had been prepared. Servants set out the food and ensured all was in order before they left. Both leaders began to eat a bit before Alexis decided it was time to begin.
"Well, thank you for answering my request, Emperor Agamemnon. I asked you here, as I intimated in my letter, to formally open relations between our two nations. I thought that while we eat a good lunch, we could discuss our relative nations and perhaps work out something as to the relations between our nations."
14-12-2008, 23:26
Lord Emperor Havok Agamemnon was a devoted follower of the United Republic, its ideals, and its hold on Freedom and Democracy. Ages ago Drekamythia held its own as the premier Imperial Power in the Region, fighting to survive against its age-old nemesis in Nodea Rudav. War after war, battle after battle, Drekamythia became something of a laughing stock. That was until the Great War that Unified three nations into a Grand Empire, something Havok enjoyed to represent at any meeting being it foreign or domestic. His people still cherished the ancient prophecy of the God Emperor, foretold to return when the days of Armageddon were upon Drekamythia. People believed firmly in this prophecy, stating the existence of Dragons within the Drekamythian borders as proof of it. Havok himself had a hard time swallowing such religious dogma, but he stood himself upon the foundation of his previous Lord Emperors that came before him.
Drekamythia was not an active participant in foreign affairs, as the entire nation was a Sovereign Member of the Anagonian United Republic. For two thousand and eight years this had been such, and Havok understood the importance of conveying that he himself did not represent Drekamythia as an independent nation, but instead all of Anagonia as the rights of the Unification Agreement allowed unto him. Experienced in the diplomatic affairs of the world, and experienced in governing his personal military and economy, he was well maintained to convey advice to a fledgling Empire. Tradition allowed him much leeway in decisions, especially in diplomatic affairs. Therefore this visit would be a much needed vacation for the Lord Emperor, even so affairs of the highest priority were on the list.
Standing about six feet and two inches, he dwarfed many of his Anagonian brethren. Natural born Drekamythians matured usually to this height, representing the eon or so of heritage held within the proud Imperial Democracy. His hair extended downward to half his lower back, a coloring of silver and slight grayish being the natural hair color of history. Donned upon his body was firm metal plates of armor representing the Warrior History of his people, engraved with ancient symbols in the native Draconic language of Drekamythia. His armor was shinned to perfection, and on his side a long-sword sheathed within a rune-engraved metal casing. Underneath the armor was black garment and scale-mail, overall the traditional uniform looking as if the Lord Emperor was prepared to die in battle with his armies. Behind him, nearly touching the ground, was an equally black cape that extended from the armor, on the back of it engraved a golden Dragon surrounded by runes to represent the symbol of Drekamythian Power.
His silver-green eyes befell the Telrosian Imperium's landscape, and when he found himself upon a patio sitting at a respectable dining table with luxurious food choices he smirked as he enjoyed the local food. He ate as a gentlemen, keeping his arms off the table and taking off his gauntlets to strap them upon his armored suits belt. His skin coloring was obviously white, gently darker by royal Drekamythian bloodline. When Alexis Darsin the Fourth spoke unto Havok, he raised his head only slightly as he whipped the areas around his mouth with a traditional napkin, patting it down and sitting upright. He nodded towards Alexis' gracious welcome and invitation, and spoke when Alexis finished.
"I am honored to be here," Havok responded in a subtle and smooth voice, "and am very pleased by the hospitality your nation gives unto foreign guests." He again bowed his head in thanks, returning to look at Alexis. "I believe I speak for Anagonia as a whole in this meeting, and not my beloved Drekamythia. Therefore as an official representative and leader of our fine United Republic, I intend to ensure that relations are made and solidified during this meeting between us." He smiled slightly, "Everything I have experienced so far tells me you are serious about relations, and I therefore see nothing to hamper that desire."
Alexis was impressed by the man before him. He wore such strange clothing; he didn't expect anyone to still wear armor similar to that worn in the middle ages, but he supposed it was a cultural thing. He wasn't going to say how weird that was, for he was sure there was much that was weird in Telros in the eyes of Agamemnon. Taking a bit of steak, he chewed it and swallowed as the Emperor spoke, affirming his desire to affirm relations and commenting on his treatment of delegates. Alexis smiled and chuckled a little. "Well, I was taught my manners by my mother, a strict woman, and they included treating guests like how you would be treated. And since we're both royalty, we get the 'royal treatment', so they say." He winked at Havoic and smiled. "But I am glad you can speak on behalf of your United Republic, the less meetings we need the better. God knows I am so busy these days, with the reforms and all. And that's not counting the problems going on overseas." Alexis sighed and sipped some of the wine from his glass. This man reflected a lot of what he had come to expect from the Republic. Reports from the Minister of Foreign Affairs had briefed him as well as he could be before his meeting and he knew the people of the Republic to be a honest, fair, well-meaning people. They always sought justice and fought against the injustices of humanity wherever it was found. This was a nation he wanted as a friend of Telros.
Sitting forward a little, he began to begin his opening speech to Havoc. "Your Majesty, Telros is a fine country. I love her dearly and she has been good to me. The people respect and trust me, and so I am able to do much that many other nations cannot. Such as reform the isolation-ridden Congress and get power back to the people. However, as I am sure our announcement some time ago has informed you, our military is in poor condition. We are strong, and well-trained, but we have inferior quality weapons, armor, and everything else. We are currently working with nations such as Lyras to fix this, but it will take time. In the meantime, my goals are to gather friends in nations whom think much like we do and work together to perhaps make a dent in the ills facing the world. I will be reopening the embassy program soon, but I prefer face to face meetings. Not to mention many nations that apply will not be close to us, at first." He took another sample of his wine and spoke again.
"I am essentially saying I'd like to make friends with nations I know I can trust. And I have chosen you first. Your record is superb and your beliefs are close to ours. I would like to open relations as soon as we can, and start working together. If you have any questions, be they on this or anything else, feel free to ask them. That is what I am here for, of course."
15-12-2008, 00:05
Havok nodded often towards Alexis as he spoke, cutting his steak that was placed before him in a calm and slow manner. Chewing slow as if taught in a school of strict rules of dinner table affairs. His eyes remained down at his plate, looking up only when he finished chewing and swallowed. He rested a hand on his lap as he took a drink of his wine, quite enjoying the taste of it. Resting the cup, it looked as if he paid Alexis no attention at all through out his speech. In reality, he was attuned and thinking of a proper response. At the point where Alexis went all out for relations, Havok raised an eyebrow slowly, barely noticeable. He looked down at his plate and began eating a good sized portion of the steak, taking several long minutes before he finished the portion and gazed back up to Alexis and whipped around his mouth.
It was at this point he raised a hand, smiling, and lowered it to take another drink of wine. When he was finished, he maintained his smiled, and spoke in a respectful manner.
"Under normal circumstances I wouldn't doubt that a traditional Anagonian dignitary would hope onto the diplomatic bandwagon and engage relations without delay." He shook his head slowly, "But times are changing, Emperor Darsin the Fourth. I-" he placed a hand against his chest plate for effect "-am someone who encourages diplomacy, but at a respectful and wise pace. I will not jump to cut this visit short, as I am enjoying my stay." He lowered his hand onto his lap, "I will however consider your requests and answer your concerns by saying that Anagonia can and will provide modern arms and training for your military to get you to a more standard level of defense. I can convey that Anagonia is willing to partake in monetary loans to your nations to encourage economic growth, perhaps expecting a return of the loan with no interests in the near future." He raised one finger for added effect, a raised eyebrow apparent, "I will not, however, encourage my beloved Empire and Republic to hastefully waste resources without further information on your current state of affairs."
He lowered his eyebrow and finger, gazing at his plate to take some portions of the side dish and consume them. Taking another few minutes, afterward drinking some wine and gently using the napkin to clean around his mouth, he gazed up at Alexis again. "My friend," he said with a more friendlier tone, "I am more than willing to state that Anagonia is currently involved in the establishment of a birthing democracy elsewhere in the world, and am willing to state that Anagonia is ever watchful of its allies and military bases around the globe. So much of our resources are spent to ensure the safety and continuation of Democratic Nations around the globe, that it will support any fledgling nations that it deems to support its internal population." He smiled openly, "From what I have seen, your nation is a worthy endeavor, but I will not as stated earlier jump the gun before knowing more about how your nations works."
Alexis bowed his head a little, taking the minor rebuke. He understood what the other leader was trying to say and he was ready for it. After consuming more of his meal, as he worked his thoughts into something resembling order, he began to speak. "I fully understand what you are saying. After all, why waste all that money on something that could become your worst enemy for all you know? That is why I said to ask questions." Clasping his hands together, he tilted his head back a bit, his eyes half-closing. This was showing he was deep in thought, trying to properly recall the details of his government. "The government of the Empire is shifting a lot right now, due to reforms I am making. It used to be a very dictatorial one, with a rubberstamping Congress, and a supreme Emperor/Empress. A lot of that came from our former isolation mindset, since the world was a scary place at that time, and we were nowhere near to being able to defend ourselves. So we though to make ourselves minimal on the radar and hide. A foolish decision we have seen now.
The government has three sections: myself, Imperial Congress, and the Council of Advisors. I have the power to deal with any crisises that come up, and I leave most of the decisions to Congress in the smaller matters. I go to it for advice and permission for many things. I do, however, hold the final veto that overrides their decision, but I can only use it once a year and only in a crisis. The Congress deals with most decisions, passes laws, with my approval and advice, and handles much of the bureaucracy. Finally, the Advisors are a check on my power, by being able to overturn one of my decisions, if it presents a clear danger to the nation, and they must resign afterwards. Both the Advisors and Congress are elected. I can put my backing behind any candidates, but the people choose them."
He looked at Agamemnon. "Does that help at all?"
15-12-2008, 00:30
Havok finished his steak rather quickly considering how slow he was consuming it, cleaning around his mouth again to take a drink of the wine. He pondered Alexis and his presentation of how the internal workings of his Empire worked. Many things were different, Havok took note, from how the Imperial Drekamythian Empire worked. Everything conveyed seemed to not present a clear and present danger, and to Havok the Telrosian Imperium seemed to be on a clear path to Democracy. Perhaps, he considered offhandedly, it would maintain its Imperial Heritage much like Drekamythia had.
Shoving all thoughts aside, and consuming some more wine, Havok nodded clearly. "I am very pleased by your information," he said with a smile. "I'm also glad you understand my message. However, one concern remains." He leaned forward slightly, ensuring his posture indicated seriousness. "What, therefore, would happen if there was an open rebellion by your People? Let's say they chose a form of Republican government, and wished to oust any Imperial Traditions?" He tilted his head slightly, "What would you do?"
Alexis closed his eyes and sighed. "A question I expected to come up, especially if you have been keeping tabs on our foreign actions as of late. I would be very hurt, as that would imply they do not think I am doing what is best for Telros. But if they sought to create a Republican government, then I would support them and step down as Emperor. The people's wishes must be followed. It is not right to oppress them in any way, be it restriction of what kind of government or any of the multiple rights we have on this earth."
15-12-2008, 01:22
Havok liked what he heard, taking a few more sips of wine and enjoying sitting back in the chair instead of upright. His smile was genuine, and he nodded in respect slowly. "Exactly what I wanted to hear," he responded in kind.
"Now concerning assistance," he said as he sipped some wine, "what would you be expecting from Anagonia?"
Alexis smiled and began to reply. "Well, not much initially. It's rather rude to ask for so much when we just met. Your mentioning of loans and such surprised me. If I seemed to ask for those, I am sorry to have come off that way. I was speaking more of our nations coming closer and aiding each other through influence and word. If you do want to aid our military restoration or anything else, I will be thankful but that is not asked of you right now. For now, opening of relations and perhaps any requests to help with projects abroad is all I expect. As you said, you like to help democracies and such across the world. I am looking to become a mediator of sorts, working to use diplomacy to stop the conflicts the world has been having."
15-12-2008, 01:45
Havok waved a hand briefly, "If I came off as being hypocritical, I apologize. My intent was to convey the fact that Anagonia is willing to assist the Telrosian Imperium but merely wants to get to know the Imperium on a more personal and diplomatically acceptable level." He nodded shortly, smiling. "I intend to convey our interests in helping your infrastructure reconstruction to a more acceptable level of worldwide standards, and the fact that we wish not to press upon your economy any interests for any amount of loans we give." He raised a finger, "Rather, as you have stated, we have the same interests in mind and wish to begin this diplomatic relationship by first establishing a joint Non-Aggression Agreement furthering it with other relations and trade agreements."
Alexis sat back and nodded. "I understand. My apologies for the confusion." He refilled his cup and began to drink again. He had finished his meal and servants began to come in and clean up after the two monarchs. When he spoke of a NAP and other agreements, Alexis smiled. "That is a good start. I will gladly sign a Non-Aggression Agreement and would be glad to discuss further diplomatic and trade agreements."
15-12-2008, 22:26
Havok Agamemnon took note of the servants actions as they cleaned the table in a timely fashion. He was wonderfully pleased with everything he was experiencing so far in the Telrosian Imperium, everything his personal Advisor's spoke about seeming to have some foundation to it. Yet there was one critical part missing, two if you counted a military mindset. Havok specifcally wanted to walk among the Telrosian populace, without any staged pathways, and personally view how they lived one day of their lives. This, in his opinion, would tell him far more than a meeting with their leader. An added plus would be to view a Congressional session, and seeing as he had all the time in the world for this visit he planned on pushing these two idea's into action.
Gazing back at Alexis from his drift into thought, he blinked a few times to swiftly regain sight of the current events. So far, everything was going in a pleasing and timely fashion concerning affairs of diplomacy. Actions by the Emperor towards Havok presented a kind and welcoming view to Anagonian influence in the Telrosian Imperium, if only slightly. The meal was extravagant in Havok's opinion, the wine a especially pleasing, making the lunch/dinner a gratifying experience. The servants swiftness suggested they knew their place, and were either payed well to do their jobs or ensured by some other means. Havok assumed per Alexis' democratic intentions that they were well paid, and therefore cast out any doubt of hidden torture or forced labor. Everything presented to Havok so far seemed to indicate a truthful intent upon relations, but again he desired to see a deeper part.
He smiled back, "Indeed we shall begin with a NAP. But first, I wish to play this on a little longer and get to know your nation personally." Before Alexis could respond, Havok continued. "I do not desire to be noticed, nor have my presence informed to the populace. Rather, I seek to walk among them for a time and see how they experience their lives." He smirked, "I especially desire to see a session of your Congress in action, and if need be will allow myself to be announced." He clasped his hands together on the empty table, leaning slightly forward for effect. "What do you think about this, Emperor Alexis the Fourth?"
For the first time, Agamemnon would see the Emperor's mask of calm confidence break to show a full look of stunned bewilderment. He had not expected such things from the man, since he had expected he wouldn't have time for such things. That and he had never been asked for such things. A few seconds later, he recovered and smiled. This was a smart man indeed. "Of course, I understand your willingness to do both actions. Whenever you wish, you may leave and go out amongst the populace. I give you my word that no one will know of your rank and personality. They only know you by name as it is right now. And I was planning on calling Congress together to discuss some of my planned reforms, so you can sit in on that meeting." He leaned forward. "If you need anything to help accomplish those, please go ahead and let me know."
16-12-2008, 00:01
Havok noticed the few moments where the Emperor's composure seemed to be lacking, and relished that he achieved a mental victory albeit with a new Comrade. Keeping his composure firm, Havok nodded as Alexis responded with eagerness to offer his nation's experience for Havok's personal enjoyment, or rather review for the purpose of the conversation at hand. He gently unclasped his hands and sat comfortably back in the chair provided beforehand, smiling openly and with a rather pleased expression.
"I believe that firstly experiencing your politic would bring me great delight, as it would give me a firsthand impression of your willingness for reform." He nodded slowly, "Secondly perhaps a guide as I tour your streets and towns for, oh, a few days?"
Once again, Havoc gained a victory over Alexis as he blinked in confusion at his requests. How long was this man planning on staying here? From what he had intimated from the letters and the sense of the man when he had first arrived, it was someone who was very busy and was not going to be staying a long time. But he quickly shrugged it off and smiled. Just goes to show that he shouldn't be so quick to fall into patterns of thought, for Agamemnon was able to break them very quickly. "The guide is easily arranged; I'll send word for the Diplomatic Core to send someone to be ready for you. The politic will have to wait until tomorrow, I need to get some things ready for my presentation."
He cocked his head. "Is there anything else you'd like to discuss?"
19-12-2008, 03:04
Havok grinned under his trained expression, hoping it wasn't noted. Once more he had achieved a personal victory by surprising the Emperor. Assuming if his presentation of his personal attire was any indication, Havok gained an insight into Alexis that he perhaps judged too quickly that which was far from reality. Assuming, of course.
Havok nodded, "I believe everything is in order, Emperor Alexis the Fourth." He looked around slowly, "Where shall I retire to for the night?"