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Five terror suspects sentanced to death by Supreme Court.
Minutes ago, the Supreme Court sentanced five suspected terrorists, who were plotting an attack on the Parliament Offices, were sentanced to death by Judge Ahmed Al-Khali.
The five men, Mohammed Al-Ahmed, Asif Bin Fahim, Hassam Bin Hassam, Fahim Al-Fulani and Mahmoud Ahmadine, are due to be executed tomorrow by hanging, which has resulted in several human rights charities to protest against 'government brutality'.
"Once again, five men are sentanced to death," said a spokesman for Qaitia Humanity. "Once again, the government is playing God. This must stop immediately, as only Allah himself may kill his Creation."
The Government have dismissed Qaitia Humanity as a 'death to the victims' charity, and states that 'it's law that terrorists should die'. The population has been divided between these two views, though the Emperor has always been a supporter of the death penalty.
The five men pleaded 'not guility', and many agree that this was because 'they wanted to avoid death as long as possible', as it is law that all terror suspects, no matter their cause, must die to 'preserve stability in Qaitia'.
Qaitia, like many Middle-Eastern nations, is ravaged by Islamic terrorism, and the recent pro-West attuide of the government has prompted many terror groups to start a large recruitment drive, which the Intelligence Branch reports 'has been very successful'. The government recently established new measures to combat these recruitment drives, which are working slowly yet surely.
The men are due to die tomorrow, though the government is considering a firing squad for the execution.
Belasaladani protests against incorporation into Qaitia get violent, Armed Forces intervene.
Recently, protests in the Belasaladani Emirate have been getting violent, with riots against police becoming much more common and resulting in two thousand deaths, most of the dead civillans.
Belasaladan was recently incorporated into Qaitia after a peaceful agreement between the two nations' governments, after the Belasaladani economy collasped and trade with other nations was destroyed by the country literally going bankrupt.
Qaitia, long time ally of the country, offered the Belasaladanis incorporation into Qaitia until the country can support itself once more, with complete emirate status and control over all internal affairs and some minor foreign affairs.
The riots, which have been taking place for the past two months, have killed over a thousand, and a assistance request from the Belasaladani government to the Qaitian Armed Forces to 'stable the area' have been answered, with two Mechanized Divisions being stationed in the area.
"The Belasaladani Situation is worsening by the minute," said Prime Minister Asif Al-Assad earlier today. "Today, we have reports that a hundred innocent lives have been taken. Qaitia believes in freedom of speech, and any armed presence in the country is for peacekeeping reasons only."
However, several Belasaladani groups are rejecting Al-Assad's promise, claiming it is 'false' and declaring the armed presence as 'clear imperialism'.
Many are already calling Belasaladan 'Qaitia's Palestine'.
Interaction with Latin Byzantines causes controversy.
Yesterday, the Government made it's first communication to the Greco-Frankish Empire of Latin Byzantines, a nation which recently exited isolation after several years of no contact with the wider world.
However, Latin Byzantines was founded by Crusaders, a fact which has casused unlimited controversy and commenting across Qaitia, most of the comments from religous leaders and extreme Islamic groups.
"How can we, a nation which warred with the Crusaders, suddenly make contact with a nation founded by the remains of the Crusaders?" said Ahmad Al-Akhbar, a preacher at several Saldirian mosques. "It defeats the purpose of all our great ancestors have done!"
There have been rumours that the Emperor and the Crown Prince are planning to visit the nation, which has resulted in small protests in the capital. However, the government maintains the stance of 'history does not matter' in this issue, unless Latin Byzantines are indeed 'Crusaders themselves'.
The Conservative Party have taken advantage of the widespread bad feelings towards interactions with this nation, their leader, Muhammed Al-Fulani, declaring that it is 'completely wrong' to be interacting with this nation, and that Qaitia should 'ignore them'.
The Labour Party, the parent party of the ruling People's Party, supports the interaction, for much the same reason as the People's Party do.