Technology on trial(open)
26-11-2008, 09:05
"Greetings from Lowery city, i am Shaun Suresh for A1 news.Recapping our top story, a robotic lab assistant has been put on trial for murder.The robot, named model C-1, apparently killed his creator, the late Professor Asimov Solenson, in mercy after an explosion at his lab on the outskirts of the city.While some believe him, others think its an excuse, that the machine himself committed murder.The late professor was known for his work in advanced A.I. robotics, which is why C-1 has been ruled capable of standing trial.No one has come forward to defend the robot, leaving him to represent himself during the court hearing in a few days.Its this reporters opinion, that he wont last long without some help.In other news...." *A yellow humanoid robot stood inside a prison cell.His model number printed on his chest.He had very little in the way of a face, simply a head with visual receptors, and a speaker for a mouth.He looked around, staring blankly at the guard* "Situation outlook: poor."
To C-1,
I wish to offer my services, free of charge, in your defense in court. I am an experience trial lawyer of 12 years. All that I ask from you, is the rights to your story, including, but not limited to, book deals, movie deals, video game deals, etc. I hope that you will take my offer, as it may be your only hope.
Bu Lec'tec
Jurg, Spaz, and Trindel and Associates, Attorneys at Law
26-11-2008, 09:57
From:Robotic model C-1
To:Bu Lec'tec
"I accept your generous offer of defending me, free of charge as they say.And since i have no use for those other things, you may have the rights to my trial and such.Thank you and good day"
26-11-2008, 22:58
"Model C-1.Charge, murder of your creator Asimov Solenson.How do you plead?" "Not guilty your honor" "Very well.Your trial will commence once your defense has arrived from Tolemca."
The Grand World Order
26-11-2008, 23:02
((OOC: Robots don't have emotions or nervous systems, so they could simply decommission it without "hurting" it. It IS an inanimate object, after all.))