Victims Wanted (FT, recruitment)
25-11-2008, 20:24
In the interest of providing a sandbox/testing ground for The Anointed, a new ally and protectorate, vassal state, etc, of Chronosia, we are looking for worthy volunteers to be slammed with a Chaos invasion.
This will be character and battle intensive, preferably with extensive city-fighting.
I would ask if there are any takers amongst the other FTers. Bear in mind, a medium-high degree of writing talent is preferable.
I'd like to volunteer my Templar alt for this invasion.
Solar Communes
26-11-2008, 00:29
I'm still waiting for what may come from the first contact between Solar Communes and Chronosia, so I hope you didn't forget about our RP which is still active despite all the time passed between each post. I offer Polish Worlds for the invasion, even though the Steel Legion would fit more as an invader because they could blitzkrieg with their German-styled forces and tanks. Yes, it's basically Poland in SPAAAAAACE!
The Anointed
26-11-2008, 01:27
Poland in space is sounding pretty awesome right now.
Can I get an idea of terrain on the inhabited planets?
Gaian Ascendancy
26-11-2008, 01:43
This coulda/sorta do well with me, if not for my current Civil War event I got going now. (Just started in fact.) I could keep a writers eye open in case the two somehow collude at some point. Don't want to press this if not wanted though. =oo=
The Eternal Swarm
26-11-2008, 01:45
Though the swarm and Chronosians would likely be brothers in spirit, both being worshippers of Chaos, it is also true that I cannot evolve unless attacked. Thus I leave open the possibility of attacking the swarm to you.
(Think zerg crossed with WH40K Chaos and you've got the picture, except I'm adding from all great monster and horror legends and stories.)
26-11-2008, 17:23
Hm. Decisions decisions...
The Eternal Swarm
26-11-2008, 19:01
Really I'd rather look into friendly relations, but am open to attack all the same.
After all, we never did do anything together when I was here under another incarnation, though we did always talk about it. Now we have better reason to do something, after all, someone's got to help me understand Chaos better...
26-11-2008, 20:19
This brings back memories of that thread we had going on a good while back. Shame it died.
26-11-2008, 21:24
Hm.....How to make it fair. Barring any personal selection from Anointed, why don't you write a small segment about why you'd be awesome for this. Or a small sample of Chaos-based rape of you, from your perspective ^^
Cybran Republic
27-11-2008, 07:20
Sound of gunfire through the night, killing and hatred a terrible sight, reports come in under heavy attack, message recieved, we're movin back!
The chatter of rifles and cannon couldn't quite hide the screams. No one was sure who was screaming, or why, but they all heard them. The orbital forts were smashed, there was no reason for the enemy to be assaulting, and yet they were. Reports were coming in from all over of enemy landings. Everywhere from Wichita to Santa Fe, Panama to Bombay, the entire world was invested. Battle hardened veterans, the soldiers of the east and west fell with terrifying swiftness. These aliens, with their screaming swords and archaic, and some even whispered arcane weapons. Monstrosities with tentacles and eyes and hands that did not belong, but otherwise pretending to be men. A perverse mockery of human life. The world was destroyed in just 6 short hours. The fight, however, had only just begun. On the central continent, a combination of tactical ruthlessness, technological advancement, and sheer luck enabled the beleaguered soldiers to hold their lines.
I am anger. Under pressure. Lost it cages, a prisoner, the first to escape. I am wicked. I am legion. Strength in numbers, a lie, the number is one.
Former Commonwealth of Virginia:
"Fall back. Second, cover third, then first, then weapons. Fire and maneuver, go."
A deadly hail of gunfire cut down the first ranks of the encroaching enemies. Shambling horrors, bestial, and in some way reminiscent of the very soldiers they battled against. They lacked the armor, or the varied equipment of a troop of SPARTANs, but where the thirty soldiers of 2 Charlie were more than a match for any humans, these monsters were another matter entirely. Those that did not die had an unnerving tendency to heal before the very eyes of the soldiers, and those that did looked somehow wrong, as though they were only resting for a time, before rising up to fight again.
Grenades, rockets and bolts of searing radiation blasted entire squads into minced flesh, to seemingly no avail. Return laser and shell fire, massive loud guns, unwieldy looking, but undeniably effective, caused shields to flare, and in some cases fail. When shields failed, they never had time to replenish. The sparking and sputtering armor would just be another lifeless husk on another dead battlefield.
The actinic flare of a plasma grenade scattered a score of these unknown enemies, but it also revealed what drove them on. Many considered the SPARTAN remotes to be the largest bipedal weapons on any battlefield. These titans overtopped them by nearly half a meter. Many considered Spartans to be the only troops capable of surviving enemy fire long enough to reach melee range, but every one of these soldiers carried a sword and a gun, or so it seemed. There was the enemy.
"Spartans! Cease maneuver and sound off!"
"The enemy is to my front!" A suit on the left flank of the platoon went down, a gaping hole punched through the carapace of his armor, and shattering the power core.
"The enemy is to my right!" Another suit fell, and the platoon seemed to move in reverse, a line coalescing out of the ordered chaos that was a retreat under fire.
"The enemy is to my flank!" A third suit dropped, its armor blackened where yet another alien weapon had struck, and destroyed the circuitry that gave the operator control. The platoon began to move, in bounds and jumps of thirty feet or more, to land directly in the center of the enemy formation, and fire began to pour outwards, bullets, plasma, grenades of every stripe, and rockets by the handful. The enemy began to falter.
"The enemy is all about me, my ammunition is spent, my weapon jammed, and my knife broken." The torrent continued, and another five suits dropped, of various causes, blackened or shattered, it made little difference.
"I HAVE HIM RIGHT WHERE I WANT HIM!" Every gun in the platoon trained on the Chaos Space Marines driving the advance. They didn't know what they were fighting, but they recognized the threat, and reacted. The light infantry of the Damned fell by the score, the withering assault and lightning surprise of the attack leaving them momentarily vulnerable. A single space Marine fell, and a tiny red dot appeared on another Marine's chest.
The infantry rushed forward, seeking to overwhelm the encircled and outnumbered soldiers, but it was not yet to be. By ones, and twos, and then by squads and platoons, the damned fell back, until only the Space Marines remained. Both sides paused, assessing the worthiness of their foes, and simultaneously opened fire.
Howling Khornates charged the tattered twenty survivors of the platoon, and were et with blistering gunfire, to seemingly no effect. A rocket smashed one Chaos Worshipper to his knees, and a bolt from a fuel rod gun finished him off, but the losses on the side of the Dark Gods were minimal. Ten yards away from the last of the troops, they threw down their guns and pulled out energy swrds, or Hammers. Roaring chainblade met hissing energy sword in a flash of metal and bone. Sometimes the chainblade failed, and a Space Marine died, sometimes the SPARTAN was too slow, and was cut down without a chance. In the case of the lieutenant, the last survivor of the entire battle, his hammer smashed them like matchsticks as he laughed. He never saw the Daemon that wrenched his helmet around to stare him in the face, before apparently devouring the armor.
A decent bit of previewing I think. Especially for one AM. I use what we will for ease of understanding call HALO tech, which bears little resemblance to the game in actuality. My combat troops are well away from any fight, with what looks suspiciously like an XBOX 360 controller in hand. I can explain more later. Too tired now.
The Anointed
27-11-2008, 16:10
You control artificial infantry through a super-military version of xbox live?
The Great Lord Tiger
27-11-2008, 16:59
No, but really: Is this going to be canon? For example, if I lose an army in this, is it gone according to the NSII universe? If this is an alternate, 'just for fun' universe, then yes, I want to unleash my fury.
Otherwise, no thanks.
Imperial isa
27-11-2008, 17:10
You control artificial infantry through a super-military version of xbox live?
having seen a video of someone using a 360 controller to move a UAV,i wonder if you are right
The Anointed
27-11-2008, 17:43
No, but really: Is this going to be canon? For example, if I lose an army in this, is it gone according to the NSII universe? If this is an alternate, 'just for fun' universe, then yes, I want to unleash my fury.
Otherwise, no thanks.
Yes, this will be canon. This thread is intended to find a roleplaying partner so that I can create a vibrant and violent entrance to FT for my nation.
Credit to Chron for the idea. Cybran Republic is currently looking like candidate number one, as he's made the most effort.
27-11-2008, 19:11
Also, it's not like your entire nation will be smooshed. Just some isolated world or outpost, depending on how extravagantly you want to be smooshed, of course!
27-11-2008, 21:05
Wouldn't mind having an outpost and fleet massacred, perhaps a planetary invasion. If there’s anything I'm good at its being the victim of a massacre!
27-11-2008, 21:08
Prove it then :P A small sample, if you don't mind. Just a post to assure imminent quality and proper intent.
The Great Lord Tiger
27-11-2008, 21:45
We're a single-planet nation ATM, though. I plan on expanding when I reach 600 million. Then, my fleets will unleash their true potential on some pitiful world, perhaps inhabited by non-stellar beings, and I will crush them in the name of the Great Lord Tiger!!!1!
27-11-2008, 21:51
We're a single-planet nation ATM, though. I plan on expanding when I reach 600 million. Then, my fleets will unleash their true potential on some pitiful world, perhaps inhabited by non-stellar beings, and I will crush them in the name of the Great Lord Tiger!!!1!
You're not allowed to call CAGE evil anymore.
Chron, if you'd like, I could arrange a battle between The Annoited and the Ferans. I need to establish their ground combat abilities better anyway. ^_^
But I don't REALLY have to provide a sample, right? I mean, it's me...
27-11-2008, 23:00
Well, it might help :P. You need to post for CAGE anyways :P
28-11-2008, 01:38
A little more information and I might be inclined to audition. Is there a requirement for fleet engagements? If not, then I'll be willing to offer up a story to suit his needs.
I deal mostly with characters anyways when it comes to fighting.
The Anointed
28-11-2008, 01:57
Personally, I would much rather not roleplay a fleet engagement. My own preference would be to begin either with an orbit-to-ground assault, or with troops already on the surface.
My own roleplaying style is character-driven, with brutal, personal combat sequences which often leave characters as emotional wrecks, though always backed by a detailed and planned troop list - I dislike roleplaying with unspecified forces and/or armaments.
28-11-2008, 02:06
Ah, someone of like mind as I. Well then, look for a sample of my writing in the next day or two. Hopefully you don't mind the occasional fictional race such as dwarves or elves.
Polish Worlds
28-11-2008, 04:07
I was writing a story about how aliens from outer space invaded Earth right in the middle of the Second World War as a FT Intro... anyway, until writer's block came. Just an excuse to have World War II in Space ( Polish Worlds is basically like those retro views of the year 2000 having flying cars and spaceships... yes... it is an interstellar civilization by 2000 AD. I'm still writing the story to justify it, but this is really what I intend to do.
So after the Nazis and after the Tripods from War of the Worlds, a new threat is about to arise...
The Eternal Swarm
28-11-2008, 12:45
My only stumbling block, is that Telros has yet to respond. We agreed to let me sack a system in one of his nations and take it as my own, and we came up with something, but I really need it done before I can do anything.
I'll give him one more week before I say phooey and make up something.
29-11-2008, 18:35
(Forgive me if some parts of this seem spotty since I am only giving a brief overview of what the world is like then delving into what could be surmised as the middle of all the fighting.)
In an age long since left to the remembrance of scholars and the ancients of dwarves, a dwarven stronghold had once been the center of wealth for all of the mountain folk. Only ancient texts and faded maps hinted at its possible location though the journey to its hiding place promised to be full of peril. Some ventured a theory that the great dwarven fortress of Mirn was not on Mythrandir but on some distant world. Others argued against the idea that any of the early dwarven clans could have ventured from their homeworld without space travel. They used an ancient gate found in the depths of Hammer Hall on Mythrandir that had been dated to the time that Mirn was believed to have thrived. To the confusion of all, the gate lead straight into a solid rock wall that had been untouched for eons.
All potential thoughts aside, the lure of wealth and ancient heirlooms was enough to make Mirn a favorite tale for the bards to tell in taverns. For one dwarf, mere songs and stories of his clan's ancient home was not enough to satisfy. Gathering companions around him and a great wealth of knowledge, he set about unraveling the mystery that was Mirn.
From misleading clues to dead ends, the company eventually found their way to the ancient gate beneath Hammer Hall and awoke its true purpose. An ethereal portal billowed between the two stone dwarven sentries. On the other side, only darkness stared back. Summoning their resolve and having faith in one another, the companions strode through the gate. What happened once they reached the other side is a tale of great heroism and sacrifice as the goblins that flooded the empty halls during Mirn's fall, were cleared away. Eventually the great goblin chieftain that had placed himself upon the throne belonging to the ancient dwarven kings was thrown down. Now the wealth of Mirn flows once more through Hammer Hall and a world far beyond the realm of Mythrandir is added to the kingdom.
--(fast forward)--
From where they had come, no one knew but they had brought death and destruction with them. Without provocation, these invaders had attacked the generally peaceful people of Mythrandir. Once the initial shock of the treachery had worn off, the fortress of Mirn had awoken like a wasp's nest that has been shaken. Dwarves readied for battle as they grabbed their shields and weapons. Armor not seen since before the Clan Wars was marshalled out onto the field.
Armies clashed in a violent tempest outside the great gate of Mirn. Dwarven songs to the battle gods rang from their lips as they waded into the swarm of invading soldiers. Bodies of the dead began to pile high as more of the chaotic legions had to climb over their fallen brethren to get at the dwarves. On the battle raged for hours on end it seemed with no clear victor. As dwarves fell, their bodies were dragged away by their comrades and replaced by fresh dwarves.
But the bombardment of tyranny and enslavement is constant and only the stoutest of hearts can withstand it indefinitely. Eventually the dwarves were pushed back into their halls and the great gates were smashed. Still, they would not bow to some dictator in surrendering their freedoms. Anyone venturing into a dwarven stronghold would have to pay dearly before it was taken. And so the legions of slaves and mindless servants did as they had to fight for every square inch of endless tunnels and halls. But the slaves and servants of tyranny are endless nor are they the true threat. The threat was the idea that filled their minds and hearts as these invaders believed themselves to be in the right and asserting their way of living over the rest of civilization. A war against an idea could not be won with swords, axes, or hammers but chaos would feel the bite of freedom and reason anyways.
On the bridge of Grond, the dwarves made their stand bringing the chaotic legions on a few at a time and thus were they swept aside by the hammers and axes of the dwarves. Many a warrior fell to their death in the endless chasm which the bridge spanned. A renewed song of war took up from the rear of the lines and carried to the front as if a tidal were building and surging forward. For a time the dwarves held the bridge and prevented any from challenging their claim. But battle fatigue began to sink into the bones and muscles of all dwarves. A great blow was dealt when the dragon helm was lost to the multitude of slaves and all saw as the great dwarven warrior fell from the bridge and was lost to the darkness.
Beaten, they did all that they could, the dwarves collapsed the bridge and retreated into the main hall. All seemed lost as the enemy would eventually find its way around and lay siege to the dwarves. But hope was rekindled as help came through the ancient gate. Elders Sebastian and Thrandur marched up to the hall followed by a great host of Mythrandir Warriors. The dwarves cheered when they saw their dwarven Elder and their human friend leading the finest fighters. Thrandur held his great warhammer tight in his gauntlet fists. Elder Sebastian was covered in his earthen armor and appeared to draw strength from the rocks around him. A great sword etched with runes easily rested in his grasp.
When chaos broke down through the gates, they were met by the symbolism of order and freedom in Mythrandir. Sebastian and Thrandur lead the charge as they were followed by their own host. Sebastian's blade cut a great swath through the enemy horde as he fought with the strength of ten dwarves and moved as lithe as any elf. The human's blade ignited into flames and the fell sword cut through slaves, sending them reeling from the fight in agony. Thrandur was no less marvelous as his hammer crushed bone and tore flesh from any that ventured near.
The tide battle went in favor of the Myths for a time as the presence of the Elder's made it too terrible to behold for most. Chaos was not without its champions though. Slaves and fodder made way for grisly beasts that represented damnation for all who would yield now. For a moment, the hearts of the Myths faltered but Sebastian would not let it be so.
"Have heart my brave Myths! For so long as our lungs still draw breath, no Myth will ever suffer the yoke of tyranny or slavery. Fight for your freedoms and your homes and this day shall be yours. Let chaos come. There is no fear here in ancient Mirn, only our resolve. Tyrants have come before and they have been hewn down. Such is the fate of all who surrender their reason. We will be happy to teach that lesson again!"
(Need anything else or more? If you have questions, feel free to send a telegram or IM me.)
29-11-2008, 19:06
I can't help but laugh every time I see a thread where Chron is asking for more victims. It makes me feel all warm and duzzy inside. :P
The Anointed
29-11-2008, 19:45
You do realise FT means Future Tech, and not fantasy? If that post was simply for and example of roleplaying style then great, but I'm just making sure you know all the facts.
Cybran Republic
29-11-2008, 21:14
You control artificial infantry through a super-military version of xbox live?
Think HALO junkies gone horribly wrong. But yes, that's a very watered down explanation. Sorry about the late reply. I've been up on a mountain hunting since Thursday night.
Here's the long winded explanation.
Shortly after the assasination of the President in 2010, global conflicts flared up on a scale not seen since the cold war. The ensuing wars stretched the American military to its limit. Near constant combat duty gradually wore down the available troops, and the available pool of eligible recruits. An increased push for minimization and automation led to the development of the first Remote Combat Unit. Some 6 feet tall, and more durable than any living soldier, the development team referred to the dark machines as "Johnson's" as an inside joke. They were buggy, but they could change the course of a fight, especially with human support. Developments in communications and materials led to upgrades in the machine. The second model was modeled heavily after the ODST, and was more responsive to commands, and more durable. Upgrades were made to the Johnson remotes, although they were never quite as durable as the Tier two combat troops. A whole array of light vehicles and rapid movement units was developed to support their more mobile style of warfare.
Eventually, with the development of a shielding unit, the ODSTs were repurposed to scout/sniper teams, and became an elite Special Operations unit. Development immediately began on a third stage combat remote, larger, better armed, and more heavily armored. They designed them after the SPARTAN armor, and the original suit, Sierra 117, is on display at the National Marine Corps Museum.
Development branched out shortly thereafter, and tactical anti-tank/anti-personnel suits were designed after the Hunters. The final things that made the combat remote a viable system were the inclusion of multiple combat modes, for melee, ranged and unarmed combat, and a matter conversion system, that allowed the implementation of a larger variety of weapons, with varying calibers and ammunition types, with absolutely no logistical strain. Covenant design weaponry and vehicles quickly entered service to supplement the UNSC designs already built. The only current lack is a functional space force, as superluminal flight has yet to become a reality, though a planetary teleportation system was developed and implemented for ease of transport and military maneuvers.
Any questions you have about this more detailed explanation, I'll be happy to answer whenever I'm on.
29-11-2008, 22:18
Yes, I do realize this is futuristic tech here. This is simply how I write.
That is why I asked if you were interested in actual ship engagements. If you like, I can direct you to threads where futuristic tech is more evident.
The Anointed
29-11-2008, 22:34
Yes, I do realize this is futuristic tech here. This is simply how I write.
That is why I asked if you were interested in actual ship engagements. If you like, I can direct you to threads where futuristic tech is more evident.
Not required, thankyou. Sample was good.
The Anointed
01-12-2008, 19:36
Cybran Republic has, at my urging, begun the IC thread. Thankyou to all who showed interest, and to Chron for starting this interest thread.