NationStates Jolt Archive

Of Twilight and Darkness (ATTN CW / Mostly Closed) - Page 2

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New Dornalia
09-02-2009, 20:42
Edited in my bit with Bradley.
10-02-2009, 04:04
Adrian nodded and said, "Will do." Signaling to his team and the other Dornalians to begin operations, the Qiangquan began offering overwatch support. They could be seen taking cover, leveling their otherwise antique (if modified) Type 56 AK47s as they scanned for interlopers. Meanwhile, they watched over the other Dornalians plant the bombs, setting them on a five minute fuse. They were only the finest high explosive charges available--short of a miniature atomic bomb, these things would rock the house on command.
"Get out of here." I ordered the techies, and they all scrambled out of the power plant like their pants are on fire.

"It's time for our own exit." Naruto half suggested, half ordered.

"Yeah." I nodded.

Quickly enough, we ran out of the power plant and got into the truck. When it was far enough, a series of explosions rang out and then the power plant blew up in a spectacular explosion.

"One down...many more to go." I grinned.

As we moved on to the next one, we started to see the awesome sight of blasts coming through the planetary shields. "Godulan Tachyon Torpedoes...looks like they're targeting ground positions."

OOC: With CW's blessing--


The airtight coffin Bradley was launched out in was soon picked up by the most unlikely and unwanted persons. A Komsomol fighter making attack runs on the Golans before being shunted to the Huntarians had detected the object moving in quickly past them as it flew into the ether, and someone decided to use a tractor beam to get the corpse. For whatever reason the corpse was acquired, it was quickly brought into the docking bay, and spirited into Graves Registration--a morgue by any other name.

The coffin quickly scanned for explosives or other harmful things--digital or not--it became apparent that what was inside matched the corpse of none other than the corpse of Nomura's old adversary--Bradley. The Autopsy team immediately opened the coffin as delicately as possible, and proceeded to perform an autopsy. Even with the battle, it was paramount to know how the late Admiral came to end up this way....

Upon hearing the news, Nomura muttered, "I didn't even get to kill that motherfucker myself. Pussy." He then spat on the ground and continued the fight.
It would be quite a while before the autopsy would determine the cause of death, as the poison used was likely a rare and dangerous one. For now, the Admiral sleeps the sleep of the dead.


OOC: Got CW's blessing for some of the potentially 'questionable' bits...

The Siege Platform's gargantuan arc guns spoke their argument once, twice, again and again, massive pulses of disintegration energy thrashing into the shields with reckless abandon. Wispy tendrils of raw power flickered and danced between the behemoth and its prey as it launched salvo after salvo into the shimmering shield beneath it, lashing out at any vessel that made the mistake of getting too near. To some, the firepower seemed almost disturbingly strong. Each gargantuan salvo came down upon the shields at approximately one eighth of the firepower that an eclipse super star destroyer could muster with its superlaser. It was a very precise amount, truth be told, and the Godulans did not even bother trying to hide their own sensor signatures with any form of jamming. It sent forth this onslaught without worry of reprisal, its own tachyon bombardment having rendered the planetary batteries into smoldering wrecks one by one.

On the other sides of the planet, the Golan platforms began to collapse under the combined fury of Mourning Glory and the joint bombardments of multiple fleets all at once. Very few things could withstand such a combined assault, and a Golan V Defense Platform was, while close, was not among that very few. Structural integrity failed with almost clockwork precision as the Golans' own internal processes became their enemy, first overloading their own shields and then rippling with the catastrophic chain reaction the resultant detonations created. Any civilians trying to 'protect' the stricken platforms could have easily seen the cascade failure coming, and those that opted to remain and be consumed by their charge's own death throes elicited a sad glance from Fleetlord Talisid and from the Godulan Legion as a whole. The deaths were unavoidable, but the fault lay solely on those who carried the refugees into such danger. The pilots and captains of those civilian vessels were the murderers and betrayers, not the Godulans. They would pay for their transgressions, in this life or what awaited them at their end of time. Sojun had ill patience for those who endangered others to achieve their own ends.

The Godulan vessels paused, one and all for but a moment, to turn their gaze upon the planet below. To them, the cities and towns seemed as much a network of power relays and conduits, all shining like gossamer threads over the surface of the planet, brightening in intensity as they approached a major draw of power. It was these hubs that the Godulans turned their attentions to now. All power signatures that had increased in magnitude as the Godulans had begun their assault on the shield. Those that had increased their power draw in a manner proportionate to the damage being dealt to the shield itself were targeted by all four vessels on every side of the globe. As one, they opened fire, launching volleys of Tachyon Torpedos at the tell-tale signatures that would indicate the shield generators, as well as any planetary batteries that had yet to be silenced. The Siege platform's main guns fell silent, and its shields jumped in strength, as it sent its own flurry of Tachyon torpedos out to terminate the devices that powered the planetary shield in one swift coordinated strike.

But while they focused their attentions on the planet, they did not take their eyes off of the Huntarian fleet as several fleets moved out to involve the Huntarian Imperials in the scuffle. Any chance the Godulans had to analyze enemy weapons without themselves being targeted was considered something of a golden opportunity... to say nothing of taking their time devising targeting solutions for when they would actually call upon the Long Arm of the Law...

Timing would be everything...
To their credit, the planetary batteries did not falter as the enemy tried to destroy them. The one thing that allowed them to survive Tachyon hits was the fact that they sported their own deflector shield generators which enabled them to continue firing for moments longer. Those that did survive, however, tried to concentrate their firepower on the seige platform. The Empire hoped they would be able to take the seige platform down with them!

As for the planetary shield generators, it was really an excellent weapon to use against them. It was a catch-22 by all accounts. Either the shields stay up and the generators go down to the tachyons affecting the shield generators, or the shields go down and the conventionals from the rest of the fleet take out the planet's defenses.

So the shield stayed up...but only so long as the generators lasted, which was very short indeed...
10-02-2009, 04:25
With the Golans effectively eliminated, the Clan fleet began to pull back from the front line of combat. Several of the ships had been nicked and clipped by return fire from both the Golans and the planetary defenses, but their thick hulls and odd armor design prevented any significant damage from being dealt to them. It was like a bee was attempting to sting a whale in this regard.

"Supporting fleet to allies, we are pulling back behind your lines. Let us know when the shield is down."
Orthodox Gnosticism
10-02-2009, 16:55
(OOC: This post has been done with permission by Unified Sith, and Coreworlds. No complaining please, it was agreed upon, and yes this super weapon like all of them should be, is a plot device, which will affect this and future RP's.)

Dance with the Devil (

So it begins...

The screams in the hall echoes down the hall, as the stench of blood and oil filled the air. White armor laid asunder, burnt by the powers of the padawans, or ripped from their beating hearts by the long razor talons of the cylon centurions.

David walked behind the padawans, with his portable army behind his back. Their metal gears were grinding, as some carried overly large rifles, while others went in their heavier armored state. One in particular was much larger than the others, who walked in the center of it all.

Laser shots went out, met with the heavy gauss, and rails of the centurions. David however remained calm. Like his mother before him, it was now his turn to lay waste to humanity. It seemed to be the cylons lot in life, to do what needed to be done. Not that it bothered him that much, the Cavil’s were right. Humanity was a devious and flawed creation, and he the first born true cylon had to now.

Under the direction of the Masaki’s David’s orders were simple, wipe out the Tenetian’s defenses. Didn’t Daniel learn from Konoha? Didn’t he know how the cylons would deal with their defenses?

Two double doors opened, as the group stormed the CIC. David picked up his pistol, and without a moment’s hesitation fired a round into the commander’s head, while the mechanical terrors behind him did their job. Shots were fired, laser and rails alike, ripping the place apart. Blood poured on the floor, as the Padawan pack ran to the door.

“Seal the doors.” Travis yelled out, as the cylon Centurions took up defensive positions on the bridge. “David...” Travis yelled out.

David ignored Travis, as he walked towards the computer. Travis looked confused at the moment as he turned to Reika. Reika shrugged, “Hey Dave.” she yelled out.

He turned to her, “Yeah?”

“Snap out of it, Travis is talking to you.” she told him. He looked at Travis, “Yes, what is it?” he said calmly.

“We need you to seal the door, bro.” Travis said to him, as his golden lightsaber shined brightly. David nodded.

David twisted slightly, as he took off his back pack. Leaning over, he pulled out a small cord and a knife. “Reika.” he said to her, “Hold this please.” he asked her while holding out the cable to her.

“Alright.” she said back as she took it from him. David then took the knife, and pointed the blade at the palm of his hand.
“What are you doing?” she asked him, as her eyes widened. She watched, as he shoved the knife into the palm of his hand. Blood bubbled up, and began to run onto the deck of the ship. “Great Kami’s” she exclaimed as David held his left hand out for her to give him the cable. “Why did you just do that. Doesn’t it hurt?” she asked him.

“It is a learning experience.” he told her apathetically. “Do you see a USB port on me?” he asked her. “Here help me out.” he asked her, as he began to shove the cable inside his arm.

“Um.... alright how?” she asked David. His eyes stared blankly at Reika, “Simple, connect me to the data terminal please.”

“Um... ok...” she said as she walked the cord over to the World Devestator’s computer. She slid the cord into the terminal. As she did, his eyes closed, and began to move rapidly. “Dave?” she asked almost sounding concerned, which tickled Travis.

“Shh...” he told her. “I need to project, give me a minute.” he said to her...

“What is that?”

“Think of it like imagining, but far superior. An artificial constructed reality, you could say. Please give me a minute, I am almost done adapting to Imperial and Tenetian systems.”

“That quick?” Travis asked kind of shocked.

“Would be done by now if you would be quiet.” David told him.

Reika and Travis just looked at each other as David quickly took control of the World Devastator’s systems. They all knew the boy, but never before had they seen him like this. Normally much more personal, he now seemed, like a machine, truly.

David opened his eyes, “The ship is ours.” he said. Travis would turn to the security monitor, as he watched the ship venting in every compartment but their own. The droids began a new control pattern, as they began to search the hallways for any Tenetian survivors, to remove their presence.

“Good.” Travis said with his cheerful smile. “Now lets bring down my aunt.”

As Travis let out his order, David looked much more sorrowful. “Trav.” he said. “You sure you wanna do this?”

“That is the plan Dave. Can you do it or not?” Travis asked him.

“Your funeral.” David said. He closed his eyes, as he brought the World Devestator to life. Out of the hold of materials hundreds of thousands of cylon raiders began to take form and fly out. Armed with some of the best fighter weapons in the World Devestators computer banks, the swarms began to fly out.

“Main tractor beam is operational again.” he spoke as his eyes continued to flicker. “Locking on to Imperial vessel HIMS Dismay.”

Travis began to smile with glee. This mission was going better than he had thought, as he watched the cylon raiders attack the Imperial and Tenetian ships, with large swarms of concussion and proton torpedoes.

He then watched the Imperial star destroyer buckle under the power of the tractor beam, as it was beginning to fuel the massive factories, churning the new cylon reinforcements. “Dave.” he said still in wonder at how well this is going. “Can you bring down the shield?”

Haruka shook his head, “Travis I think he is doing enough, don’t you?” he asked in concern for her friend.

“Yeah, but dad wants that shield down. It will take months to get it down, even without orbital defenses.”

“Yes.” Haruka said, “But I have a bad feeling about this.”

Travis looked at David. “Dave?”

“Yes, Travis I got it. Uploading the protocols now. Opening coms, activating priority distress signal to all ships in the area.”

Suddenly an alarm began to blare in the world devastator. It’s loud siren screeched across the bridge, as David began to upload the package. “Package is delivered, oh frak.” David yelled out. “Big problem.” he said to Travis.

“What is it?” he asked David.

“Dornie and Imperial Huntarian ships are showing safety protocols. Seems their ship are showing as cylon.” he said as he sighed. “I can’t re-write the code without a vote. I am sorry Travis.”


In Space:

A miracle of miracles began to come to life. Aside from the hundreds of thousands of fighters coming to aid the allies, the enemy, except for the Huntarians, began to falter. ISD’s, SSD’s and planetary defenses came to a halt, in the opening wave.

The Planetary and ship shields began to shut down, as the turbo laser fire died out. Ties, across the board suddenly shut down, and floated lifelessly, as did the enemy opposition. Tenetia and Imperial forces alike simply shut down, all power died. The cylons didn’t waste any time, as they launched more of the concussion and proton torpedoes at the and and all Imperial Assets in the air. It was a slaughter, as the enemy was a sitting duck, and the cylons were not slacking off in the least.

Then it began. Sensors began to detect air venting from the Imperial ships that had so far survived. White like smoke escaped into space, leaving a hint of the carnage on the ships to the people looking on. Even as the air floated into space, the raiders retargeted the suriviors, and began another volley of Anti-Capitol ship missiles. The first stage had begun.


Back on the World Devastator:

'Leave it to the Huntarians to skate their way out of trouble." Travis muttered. "Fine. Can you avoid the fleet, though?"

David shook his head. “It is a general distress. Hopefully you actually talked to your people and had them prep to shut down coms and sensors for this part of the operation, cause otherwise, Colonials (ND’s ships) aside, you are all Frakked.
10-02-2009, 19:45

'Sir, fighters are pouring out of the World Devastators! Cylon make!" Chief reported, shuddering at the report he had received from the Coredia a while ago.

"They've done it!" Admiral Pellaeon exclaimed. "Inform all allied forces to shut down their comms and sensors! The battle is finished. Concentrate ion fire on the Ravager. I want that ship captured!"

He pitied the Imperials for what was about to happen to them. The Coredia Chief barely survived the virus. How much more would it have evolved now?



"Sir! Rebel fleet's hitting us with a combined ion strike!"

"Oh no!" Admiral Tringham exclaimed. Concentrated ion fire battered down the shields as the Coredian Fleet concentrated their firepower on the Ravager alone. Lightning danced across the Super Star Destroyer, shutting down system after system. It was all that saved the ship from the Cylon virus. Even so, the Admiral could see that the World Devastator has most definitely been taken when Cylon Raiders started obliterating the fleet. "Dammit! Get us out of here!"

"Jump without computers, sir? Are you mad? We're going to die if we jump blind!" Helms argued.

"We'll die here if we don't jump!" The Admiral roared, pulling out his blaster and pointing it at the Helmsman. "Now, jump, or I'll find someone who will!"

The helmsman was startled at his new boss' actions and wilted. "Very well, sir. See you on the other side."

The lever was pulled, a frigate was rammed, and the Super Star Destroyer vanished into hyperspace...where it went, nobody knows!



Even without sensors, Admiral Pellaeon could see that the Ravager somehow managed to jump. "It's gone. We'll search for it afterwards."

"By the Force." Someone gasped as the Cylons' brutal efficiency was shown to all, destroying the rest of the Tenetian Fleet.

Even Pellaeon was stunned at the destruction and nodded grimly as if in cold agreement. "So...we have truly become Death, destroyer of worlds. Signal the Huntarians. Ask for their surrender."

The shaken comms officer could only nod. "Y-yes sir."

Flickering light that was like morse code went out to the Huntarians. It was the only way left to signal with the comms down.

"Surrender and be spared. You are finished here. Surrender and be spared."


World Devastator

And so were the Padawan Pack, who only stared in horror at what they have wrought. They knew what would happen, being survivors of the short-lived battle at Konoha, but still, it scared the shit out of them.

Even Travis' cheerful attitude fled at the sheer destruction. In a monotone, he asked, "Is the planetary shield down now?"

David checked the sensors. "Yes. It is."

"We'll support my dad on the ground and finish this thing." Travis said quietly. "If you're going to make Centurions to support the ground invasion, make sure they know not to attack noncombatants." happened. All the Jedi in the system, including Travis and Reika, suddenly pitched over and clutched their heads in agony as a great disturbance in the Force occurred. It was the greatest disturbance of all...Coruscant, they somehow knew, was dead and so were all three trillion inhabitants. Destroyed by the very Empire that ruled it. Some of them tore off their helmets, fortunately there was air, and retched onto the floor from the sheer force of the disturbance.

The very Force itself screamed out in agony as the Empire killed its own to destroy a plague that was like nothing ever seen before.


The Ground

"Uugh!" I groaned as the disturbance passed over me. I lost my lunch, vomiting out of the truck we were in. People were screaming, dying...and there was nothing I could do.

When the disturbance passed, it was like a snap of a rubber band. I noted Naruto and my brothers have also felt the intensity. And what was the disturbance's cause? I knew. I panted with the exertion. "Coruscant...has been destroyed by the Empire."

OOC: Gonna stop here for people to catch up.
New Dornalia
10-02-2009, 20:27
Nomura, noticing the events, asked simply, "What the fuck is going on?"

Gracie replied, with astonishment at the data she was recieving:

"Cylons. Motherfucking, cocksucking, asslicking Cylons. And they've infected the enemy with the biggest case of Space AIDS I've ever seen."

Nomura muttered, "Space AIDS--SHIT! Run a virus scan, now!"

Gracie then assumed the form of a mechanic, and said, "Already on it. I'm working with the others to identify and minimize any collateral digital damage the Cylon computers have on us. It's gonna take a bit though."

"Good." Nomura leaned back with a sigh and said, "Sonofabitch. Can't a man just fuck someone over once in a while anymore? Anywho, warn the Clanners to lockdown their systems and run as many virusscans as possible, and to get ready for some digital nightmares."

Gracie then said, "Huh. No viruses detected...and it seems the virus doesn't want to hurt us."


Meanwhile, Adrian and the others, as they left on the truck, winced. Though People's Acolytes generally didn't suffer as much as others did when experiencing disturbances in the Force--especially Adrian, who had fought slobbering demons before--but it was enough to induce a sense of loathing and migraines to remember.

Adrian then heard Danny's muttering, and went, "Woah."
10-02-2009, 21:32
As the battle raged on, Yue began to observe the Huntarian Empire's fleet from the command deck. She found it odd that they were just sitting there, doing nothing as the Galactic Empire tried to lay waste to their own planet. While the Coredians had called their bluff about destroying the planet, wouldn't they still help, considering how dishonorable the Galactic Empire was acting? No, she knew something wasn't right. Her gut was flipping like crazy, and that usually meant something was wrong.

"Redirect four stars of Saber frigates to escort status, and inform the rest of the Command Star to follow us!"

"Aff, lead!" The comm officer got right to it as Yue then pointed to the helm.

"Turn the ship towards the Huntarian Imperial Fleet and set course to their position," she yelled, and then turned to the tactical station without waiting for a response. "Redirect all fire at the Huntarian Imperial fleet. Focus primarily on their larger capital ships, and see if you can't obtain a visual confirmation of their flagship! I want that ship boarded last month!"

As Yue's orders were conveyed to the fleet, the twenty five warships, five Davion-class Tactical Cruisers and twenty Saber-class Strike Frigates, turned their attention towards the Huntarian Empire's present fleet. First order of business? A full barrage of all available weapons that could be directed at their intended targets as they advanced towards the enemy, with the tactical cruisers at the forefront of the assault.

It would later turn out that Yue's gut feeling was correct. The Empire was indeed waiting before it would ultimately strike the fleet, with devastating results. Khal is the only surviving team member of the original project which created Imperius, so he knows about the backdoor programs for Imperius. When the Cylon Virus struck, Khal knew that he would be immune. The battle has truly begun.


Even without sensors, Admiral Pellaeon could see that the Ravager somehow managed to jump. "It's gone. We'll search for it afterwards."

"By the Force." Someone gasped as the Cylons' brutal efficiency was shown to all, destroying the rest of the Tenetian Fleet.

Even Pellaeon was stunned at the destruction and nodded grimly as if in cold agreement. "So...we have truly become Death, destroyer of worlds. Signal the Huntarians. Ask for their surrender."

The shaken comms officer could only nod. "Y-yes sir."

Flickering light that was like morse code went out to the Huntarians. It was the only way left to signal with the comms down.

"Surrender and be spared. You are finished here. Surrender and be spared."

On the contrary Phoenix. The battle has only begun.

"Order Eradicator Mk II Star Destroyers to redirect all Ultra Turbolaser Batteries at the Phoenix. Let's prove them a point that one stupid and primitive World Devastator means nothing to us."

"Yes sir."

"Direct another volley of Transphasics at the Dornalians, and ready boarding parties of Space Marine and Terminator Troopers to board the other enemy fleet (OOC: Clans). These guys are new to us, I'd like to see if we can't get a hold of one of their ships."


Flashback, Cylon Baseship.

Imperius was fuming. She didn't agree with this temporary alliance with some flesh and boned scum like the Coredians. Apparently, there were two six's and eight's who didn't agree with the Alliance as well. If there was only a way for her to be able to get back at them for this stupidity... If... Then it clicked. The Empire had started to place backdoor programs for her more primitive version of herself to be able to monitor systems on board Huntarian vessels back during the Jurai invasion. She still remembers that argument she had with herself and her so-called mother.

Yes, that would be perfect. Inform the only surviving administrator who had created her in the first place of this new alliance. Fleet Admiral Khal. It wasn't difficult for her to figure out that would be who the Empire would send to deal with the Tenetian situation. Yushani was more aggressive and would likely send in a fleet to it's doom in some sort of an epic attempt of brute force. Heromath was a tactical genius for his aging brain, but he would likely be assigned to counter the use of the Galaxy Gun in some form of an invasion against the ones who used it.

That left her with the rising star of the Huntarian Empire. Young, brilliant, aggressive, father of an AI, developer of technologies, and destroyer of the Chimera. She would make sure that Khal knew about the weak alliance with the Coredians, and she knew that he would surly take advantage of it in some form. Now, all she had to do was wait, and say "I told you so" to the rest of the Cylons.
Orthodox Gnosticism
10-02-2009, 22:10
The Cylon Incursion Part II


It was a most successful campaign, almost too successful as the Raiders dotted the skies in numbers that were unimaginable. Within a minute, the planet’s defenses were laid to waste, and Tenetian and Imperial vessels laid broken and burnt in the cold dark vacuum of space. Pity, they were such good sports...

The Raiders flew against the backdrop of space, the shining planet behind them. Like a cave of bats they flew out against the targets that would remain. With the world devastator supplying more than was needed, and the lack of defenses from non allied targets, it was a beautiful and terrifying sight.

One of the Squadrons began to head toward Admiral Khal’s flag ship. Their blue hued engines moved quickly as they lined up in a wall formation. Their sleek metal form, and red pulsing Eye, slowly opened as they approached the target.

Gently, the missile wracks opened up, as the raiders moved in towards their target. The eye, locked onto the ship, then the broad beam, slowly came to a pin point.

Suddenly the raiders turned around, as their after burners shot towards the ventral plane in space. No shots were fired, as the raiders changed course away from the Huntarian ships, as they began to disengage from that combat zone.

It was strange, and no one knew why not even David, why the Raiders were acting so strangely. He noticed the signal, the similar mind, and then he sighed. “I see.” he said, as he got the reports back from the raiders.

“Raiders unable to engage, Colonial (ND) or Huntarian forces.” he said as he sighed. “They are detecting a cylon presence. I am sorry Travis.”

Travis nodded to David, “Well you did your best. Lets go support my dad. Can you make some Centurions, and begin to land this thing?”

“Yeah I can.” David nodded.

“Lets do it then.” Travis said, “And remember to set the mission to exempt non combatants.”

David nodded, ‘You just have to make things more difficult don’t you?”

"Hey, we're Jedi, not murderers. Even in wartime, we still have morals." Travis said, looking out at the dying ships. "Or we should."

David shook his head. It was war, and Travis was in command of the mission. Disobeying an order in battle was never a good idea, although he felt fairly safe Travis wouldn’t be so stupid as to attack him in a room where he controlled the ship, and the centurions were locked and loaded.

“Morals are a luxury, but alright, you are the boss.”

David closed his eyes, as the World Devastator began to shake. As he did, the Raiders began to veer towards the planet. As they broke the atmo, the raiders began to lock onto fixed targets, the shield generator, laser cannons, Anti aircraft turrets, the storm troopers latrines, anything they could detect of value, and began to launch, their missile compliments at it. Since they were offline, as their power cores continued to build up power, due to the virus, they would be easy targets. Any not hit, would soon explode as the power core reached critical.

The Proton and Concussion torpedoes would soon hit the planet, doing untold measures of damage. David was focused on issuing commands to the cylon military, and as such, missed the lamenting of the P.P. Not that it would matter to him that much. Such a flawed creation....

(OOC: the Droid rebellion will be coming soon, to a computer screen near you.)
10-02-2009, 23:02

The Star Destroyer's shields glared sharply under the onslaught of the Eradicators despite the fact that the inertial engines were active and allowing the ship to dodge many of the bolts. Though mostly blind, the Star Destroyer was still able to fire powerful blasts in the general direction of the enemy, though they needed the sensors to be effective.

Admiral Pellaeon wondered just how long is this virus expected to last...

World Devastator

Travis wiped his mouth after that nasty disturbance and then took a look at what's happening now. "Oh, shit! The Huntarians are attacking the fleet! Stop that virus thing!"

David looked at Travis. "Are you sure?"

"Yeah, yeah. They need the sensors and stuff."

"All right, you're the boss." David closed his eyes again and concentrated. The lights of the Cylon raiders dimmed slightly. "Done."

"Right..." Travis reached out into the Force and found Master Press Tilton onboard the Phoenix. Master! The virus is offline! Start up the sensors and comms again!

Padawan? Are you all right? Master Tilton understood Travis' weary voice.

Yeah. Start them up. Hurry!



"Admiral. Padawan Masaki has completed his mission and he says we can use our sensors now." Master Tilton said to Admiral Pellaeon.

"It's about time. Order all forces to do the same!" Pellaeon ordered. "Now...concentrate a Fleet Alpha Strike on the Leviathan. Eliminate the Eradicators with the superlasers!"

Almost forgotten in the battle, the hundred superlasers of the fleet once more rebooted themselves and began targeting the Eradicator ships with dozens of deadly blue energies per ship. Meanwhile, as soon as the entire fleet returned their sensors to normal, they began engaging the Leviathan, concentrating the entire fleet's firepower on one enemy flagship.

On the contrary Phoenix. The battle has only begun.

"So it has, Khal. So it has."
11-02-2009, 01:57
The Siege engine's guns fell silent the moment the shields dropped. It was a testament to the speed of Godulan thinking processes that they managed to avoid punching a hole into the planet when the next pulse would have gone off mere moments after the shields had been terminated. All across the stricken world, planetary batteries fell silent at the whim of some irresistable contagion that ransacked their operational protocols and wrought all forms of havoc upon those things that relied upon such quaint trifles as circuitry and computers.

Send out the teams. Would somebody mind telling me what the hell just happened? We were close to bringing the shields down but that wasn't us.

Some signal sir... from the cylons. Phenomenally complex. Every piece of Imperial equipment in the system just went dead. It doesn't seem to be 'targeting us', not that it could do anything to us if it wanted to, but we've gotten a sampling of the data. Everything's nice and vaulted.

Good. You hear that, Lear? Programming linguistics of what would appear to be the Cylon Dataplague. Doubtless this'll be of tactical value in the long run.

General Lear, High Commander of the Godulan Armed Forces, second in military matters only to Warlord Maximillian Foster, never did allow personal feelings to disrupt her judgement, nor to allow the insubordination of one of her officers to take her eyes off of the situation as a whole. Her only response was to chastise Talisid for his momentary lapse in attention.

Fleetlord Talisid, I would redirect you from your present gloating to the efforts of our now-arriving ground forces to neutralize the hypermatter bomb, and also the Huntarian Imperial fleet presently initiating hostilities against the coalition.

I've got something planned already. You'll love it.

We shall see.

The slaughterstar on the side closest to the Citadel began to move towards the compound that had filled their attentions so significantly of late. As it did so, its myriad crystalline blades began to sprout strange spherical buddings all across their respective surfaces. It slowed up slightly when the Godulans noted a veritable swarm of Cylon vessels emerging from one of the world devastators, and directed some attention to the curious situation while maintaining its fixation upon the citadel proper.

Oh goody, coverfire.

The Slaughterstar waited... hungrily.
11-02-2009, 02:09
Brilliant rivers of light speared the planetary shielding as Vorman's fleet engaged the planet. In reply, Admiral Crossell ordered the fleet to concentrate firepower on the axial laser stations and the fleet did its best to engage the Huntarians, spearing the enemies with every weapon in their arsenal. It would not be long before the planetary shields, now glowing angry red, fell, but not if the fleet could help it!


"Enemy shields holding my lord. Continue with the bombardment?"

Lord Vorman nodded, ::yes, one more volley should do the trick. I can see their shield has severely weakened. Open fire. Order the fleets is hereby ordered to concentrate upon the planetary surface once the shield is down.::

Inside the massive solar engine that was Issus' star, something strange began to occur. It was as if a 'chunk' of hydrogen plasma was being pulled into a drainage pipe. Of course, no real drainage pipe could ever survive the sun, but the appearance was the same. On the other side of the 'pipe', which was in essence a wormhole...the chunk was launched at the Huntarian fleet...

Aelikes glared at the bright plasma of the sun's energy, which was gently absorbed by the Fleet's Bubble Shield. If those confounded dragons keep this up, our shields will be down and will become vulnerable to enemy ships! He then looked at a nearby tactical screen, which showed as being currently idle. Then he glanced back at the view screen as the plasma continued to hit the Fleet Shield. "Tactical, has the coordinates of enemy positions within Issus been uploaded onto our computer?"

"Yes sir, they've been uploaded since we started the invasion."

"Then direct all fire from the Torpedo Platforms onto the approximate location of the enemy dragons and fire a volley of Transphasics. And I don't care if you end up shooting at civilian targets, just get the job done."

"Aye my Lord."
Back at Tenetia....

Almost forgotten in the battle, the hundred superlasers of the fleet once more rebooted themselves and began targeting the Eradicator ships with dozens of deadly blue energies per ship. Meanwhile, as soon as the entire fleet returned their sensors to normal, they began engaging the Leviathan, concentrating the entire fleet's firepower on one enemy flagship.

"So it has, Khal. So it has."

"Sir! Enemy sensors have come back online and are beginning to fire upon last known coordinates."

Khal thought about it for just a few seconds, "Activate H.E.W.S. and order the fleet to move a few clicks to the side. Let them continue to be blinded to our position. Order the Tie Fleet Carrier to fire a volley of Phase Torpedoes at the Dornalian and the Coredian Fleet, target their engines. Leave 'em dead in space."
11-02-2009, 03:58

"Enemy shields holding my lord. Continue with the bombardment?"

Lord Vorman nodded, ::yes, one more volley should do the trick. I can see their shield has severely weakened. Open fire. Order the fleets is hereby ordered to concentrate upon the planetary surface once the shield is down.::
Admiral Crossell's fleet was battered trying to face down the enemy that outnumbered them ten to one. He was horrified to see the shields about to give in. "We are about to lose...let us take them down with us! Initiate Singularity Protocol!"

"Yes, Admiral!" The weapons officer nodded with a determined look.

"Key." The Admiral went over to the weapons console and opened up a big red box. He then took a special key off his neck and slid it into one of the keyholes. The weapons officer did so as well. This armed the singularity missiles among his fleet.

"Target...the heavy ships of the enemy fleet." He ordered as the ship shook heavily and damage reports were getting more severe every minute. "Mark bearing...and shoot!"

Both officers pressed the 'fire' button, and every single singularity missile shot out for the enemy Huntarians and spread out, along with dozens upon dozens of more conventional missiles masked as singularities to use as decoys. They armed themselves almost as soon as they exited and then accelerated until they reached relativistic velocities. Now, if they hit something, including enemy fire, they would implode into matter and energy-gnawing singularities, their momentum ensuring that they would continue on until they stopped feeding and dissipated...

Aelikes glared at the bright plasma of the sun's energy, which was gently absorbed by the Fleet's Bubble Shield. If those confounded dragons keep this up, our shields will be down and will become vulnerable to enemy ships! He then looked at a nearby tactical screen, which showed as being currently idle. Then he glanced back at the view screen as the plasma continued to hit the Fleet Shield. "Tactical, has the coordinates of enemy positions within Issus been uploaded onto our computer?"

"Yes sir, they've been uploaded since we started the invasion."

"Then direct all fire from the Torpedo Platforms onto the approximate location of the enemy dragons and fire a volley of Transphasics. And I don't care if you end up shooting at civilian targets, just get the job done."

"Aye my Lord."
"Wha--?" Was the last word any of the Dragon Mages had before the mountain they were hidden in exploded, killing many dragons and non-dragon civilians as well.

It was unfortunate, then, that Queen's Sunstorm defenses faltered and died a quick death. She bowed her head in sadness as the fireballs of the transphasics consumed her as well, leaving the younglings to the ravages of the Huntarians.

Meanwhile, Blayden and Elendil continued to duel harshly, when Blayden began to get the upper hand. Blayden exploited a small opening left in the Elf's defenses and then found his mark, spearing the old Master through the chest. "It seems you have not been keeping up with your sword skills, Elf."

"How far have you fallen, Blayden? How much farther will you go?" Elendil asked, coughing up blood with every word.

Blayden destroyed the Elf's lightsaber with a swipe of his own. "The Jedi's days are over, my old friend. It is time for a new age to arise out of the ashes of their corpses."

Elendil collapsed on the ground and watched Blayden murder the nearest youngling in cold blood before he set off to find little Athena on Rydo's body. Blayden noted she was sleeping and took the child into his arms and then headed to the control room to await the Kirtir's landing.
11-02-2009, 04:53
Admiral Crossell's fleet was battered trying to face down the enemy that outnumbered them ten to one. He was horrified to see the shields about to give in. "We are about to lose...let us take them down with us! Initiate Singularity Protocol!"

"Yes, Admiral!" The weapons officer nodded with a determined look.

"Key." The Admiral went over to the weapons console and opened up a big red box. He then took a special key off his neck and slid it into one of the keyholes. The weapons officer did so as well. This armed the singularity missiles among his fleet.

"Target...the heavy ships of the enemy fleet." He ordered as the ship shook heavily and damage reports were getting more severe every minute. "Mark bearing...and shoot!"

Both officers pressed the 'fire' button, and every single singularity missile shot out for the enemy Huntarians and spread out, along with dozens upon dozens of more conventional missiles masked as singularities to use as decoys. They armed themselves almost as soon as they exited and then accelerated until they reached relativistic velocities. Now, if they hit something, including enemy fire, they would implode into matter and energy-gnawing singularities, their momentum ensuring that they would continue on until they stopped feeding and dissipated...

"Darth Aelikes, we have unusual sensor readings showing up on tactical. I'm reading probably what would appear to be... Thousands of them."

Both Aelikes and Vorman looked at the Tactical Officer in charge of sensor readings. "What!? Move aside." Aelikes glanced down at the sensor module and glared at the tiny readings on the screen. He hasn't seen anything like that before, not with the Coredians anyway. However...

::They're Singularity Missiles!:: Vorman cackled at the futile attempt of the Coredian fleet. ::Pathetic last minute attempt at stopping us. They know we outnumber them, ten to One at the least. Axial Platforms, one more volley at the planetary shield. Tactical, redirect targeting coordinates for the fleets and the Torpedo Platforms to the enemy Coredian fleet. Hold for the Singularities to hit the fleet shield. I want the fleet's engines to be ready for full reverse upon my command.::

The fleet obeyed. They stayed within the safety of their fleet shield, revved up their engines while the Coredian Singularities hit their shield, with great effect. With the number which was fired, it was like a spectacular display of fireworks, except aimed at you. Then the singularity fields opened up, quickly draining the energy of the fleet shield.

::Hold... Hold...::

"Sir! The shield is collapsing! The Fleet bubble shield is reported at only 45% capacity!" The Tactical Officer whimpered as he watched the fleet shield slowly drop.

:: Deactivate Fleet Shield! Full reverse! Hold turbolaser fire, wait for the singularity fields to collapse completely without any energy to feed upon. Let them suck up the emptiness of space.::

CW, any problems with this contact me.
11-02-2009, 04:57
((-_- is the only way to express my attitude to the dataplague.))

The response to the orders was swift. It was like turning a light off. Flip of the switch. Unfortunately, the only problem with this was that the Clans had no way of knowing to turn on their comms and sensors again once whatever had happened, happened. However, this didn't mean that they couldn't use their own internal communications, which were physical cables that were deployed to allow touch-based inter-communications. This would effectively allow them to communicate amongst themselves, but anything that anyone else said...well, let's just hope that the Coredians and Company would figure out that the Clans couldn't hear them. Unlike everyone else present, the Clans held no records about Morse Code, and, thereby, couldn't understand it.

((See next post, Hunt.))
New Dornalia
11-02-2009, 14:21
Back at Tenetia....

"Sir! Enemy sensors have come back online and are beginning to fire upon last known coordinates."

Khal thought about it for just a few seconds, "Activate H.E.W.S. and order the fleet to move a few clicks to the side. Let them continue to be blinded to our position. Order the Tie Fleet Carrier to fire a volley of Phase Torpedoes at the Dornalian and the Coredian Fleet, target their engines. Leave 'em dead in space."

"Sir....something's wrong. Sensors are malfunctioning. I can't see shit."

The complaint from one of the Drone Controller crewmen led the man to mutter, "Sight them visually. You didn't forget how to sight them visually, didja?"

Indeed, the response was pretty similar throughout the Dornalian fleet, as most of them began relying on visual gunnery to do the job now, now that the sensors and autoaiming were on the fritz. Evidently, enemy ECMs were to blame, but it didn't matter. Although the Phase torpedo bombardment did matter--despite the usage of phase detection technology, acquired from a Xanthalian state that saw little use or need for it anymore, damage occurred as damage did, with explosions in engineering bays and engine manifolds causing a good deal of grief.

Nomura's reply to this was to simply order repairs, deployment of emergency nanotech repair systems, and to use the emergency manuevering built into temporal shielding. As such, the Dornalians were able to return fire, with a several volleys of ordinance thrown at the Huntarian forces. Nomura even targeted the TIE Fleet Carrier using the Duplex Drive Demolisher, and fired it at the ship, explosing it to the full force of Dornalia's version of the Axial Laser before he recalled the fighters and fighter screens and shifted them to begin supporting the invasion of the planet, mixing in the bombardment of whatever military installations down there would hurt the incoming landings.
11-02-2009, 21:31
Back at Tenetia....

"Sir! Enemy sensors have come back online and are beginning to fire upon last known coordinates."

Khal thought about it for just a few seconds, "Activate H.E.W.S. and order the fleet to move a few clicks to the side. Let them continue to be blinded to our position. Order the Tie Fleet Carrier to fire a volley of Phase Torpedoes at the Dornalian and the Coredian Fleet, target their engines. Leave 'em dead in space."
"Sir, Enemy ECM's activated! We can't find them!"

"They can't be very far. Huntarians love their petty tricks. Order scattershots to be fired and concentrate when you get hits. And use visual scanners! You're not blind, you're just not thinking!" Pellaeon ordered.

Laser cannons began increasing their firing rate at the cost of firepower and flooded the area with sheets of 'targeting' fire that if hit, would allow the turbolasers to track the hits and engage. After all, space is BIG and a few kilometers is nothing compared to the thousands that would be available between orbit and planet.

Meanwhile, several ships began drifting as the phase torpedoes did their work, disabling the engines and forcing the crew to work hard to repair the damage. Those ships were down for the count!

And finally, the ground invasion began as the Marine Corps began to descend onto the planet now that the planetary shields were down. There likely weren't many targets left thanks to the Cylons, but at least the stormtroopers would give them as good as they got.



The singularities slowed a bit while they chomped on the energy shields, but being gravity wells, they didn't slow down all that much. The energy gave them the strength to carry on even after the fleet shield went down, and as the enemy fleet went in reverse, it was like the singularities were ominously following, forever hungry. Though of course, they could only follow on a straight trajectory...

On Issus itself, tidal effects from the singularities spilled over the coastal cities, causing much flooding, but that was the least of the planet's problems as the planetary shielding finally fell and the fleet were almost totally destroyed by the incoming enemy fire.

The final capital of the Coredians has fallen to the enemy!
12-02-2009, 03:43
John watched with baited breath as the seconds counted down to when the Imp bastard fired on the planet. He was relieved to find that he was foiled in several ways. The Godulans, whose siege platform had made it possible to wipe out one of the Golans in rather short order, had deployed defenses to stop the large barrage from striking it overly much, keeping that front open. Then along with the Clan, Alliance, and Coredian assets, they began to open fire on the remaining Golan V’s, rebelling against the Imperial commander’s threat. When he saw the response the Godulans sent back to the planet, John had to smile. Their humor could be strange at times but they knew when to make a perfect grim joke. However, he was one of the shocked ones when the Tenetian Defense Fleet turned on the Huntaerian Empire forces and aided them in destroying the remaining ships and defenses. He smiled grimly; this was a good day for a battle, although the odds were stacked heavily in their favor, if the retreat of the other GE forces were to be taken into consideration.

“Resume firing solutions 8 and 9. We will have those defenses down soon. Have the ground teams continue on with their previous objectives, but tell them to keep the new one in mind.”

“Yes, Admiral.”

Once again, a barrage of missiles and railgun fire shot towards the Golan’s, while the fleet came every closer to the planet. The other fleets were drawing enemy fire well enough, so they could come in as efficiently as possible and proceed to continue the systematic destruction of the defenses.


Midnight nodded his head at the last burst of orders and then turned to the others. Edge had kept him posted about the conversation Daniel and the others were having about the mission. Apparently, the Imperial commander had been about to activate the WMD to make good on his threat….but the fact there were no super volcanoes blowing their chunks stated he had changed his mind. It wouldn’t do him a bit of good; their orders dictated that they take care of him. And they would. When the Dornalians hotwired the truck, the four operatives suddenly appeared in the back seated and waiting to continue the operation.

“Your Highness, I believe we have a mission to complete. And besides, lightsabers are nice and shiny, and one cannot have enough.” They all piled in and quickly proceeded to the power plant. They plowed through the gates, not subtle but it worked in Midnight’s mind, and proceeded to deal with the guards. Between the numerically superior assault force and the extensive capabilities of those involved, the guards were dead or incapacitated in seconds. They watched as the power plant was quickly shut down and the Dornalian operatives told to blow this place to kingdom come. Within minutes, they had vacated the place and a nuclear explosion totaled the place. Silent looked at Flame.

“You’re disgusting?”


“You’re drooling over that explosion, that’s what.”

“Don’t judge me!”

Within moments, however, they saw the Godulan torpedoes impacting with the planet, destroying the generators one by one. Midnight nodded. Good, that would mean the main invasion would begin soon. Reinforcements would be available. It was also good to ensure you have reserves, when the shit hits the fan and you don’t have any way of shutting down the fan.


John watched as several things happened at once. The Golan V’s collapsed as the Godulan siege ship took down their shields and caused them to be blow up from within, and without due to their bombardment. Soon, the planet’s static defenses were gone. That left the defending fleets. He didn’t know why, but the Tenetian fleet retargeted the Coredian fleet and seemed to have gone back to the Imperials. Odd, but they could handle it. The Huntaerian Empire fleet began to engage the Dornalians, while the Godulans were bombarding the planet, to destroy the shield generators no doubt. Considering their torpedoes were going through the shield, they were the only ones who could bring it down in short order. Suddenly, a message came through on his own personal communication suite. He knew this was the channel used to relay fleetwide, urgent orders. He opened up the file and his eyes widened as fear struck him.

“Comm, all ships are to shut off sensors and comms. Do it now! I don’t want lip. Our lives hang in the balance here!”

The officer reacted out of trained instinct, though his mind wasn’t sure what was going on. The entire fleet, invasion force and all, shut down the very things the virus could have used to infect them. They watched as a nearby World Devastator suddenly began to produce something en masse. Something chilling, considering the briefings they all had.


Within minutes, the Tenetian fleet was destroyed and the Huntaerian Empire’s was next on their list. Seeing as they were the outnumbered several times over. They soon received the all clear and comms/sensors were turned back on. John issued new orders. “Hercules is to take defensive formation Beta around the transports and head towards the planet. The other fleets can handle the Imperial pussies that the Alliance deals with, and inform the Clan admiral of our intention to move towards the planet, prepare for invasion and pre-invasion bombardment.”

“Yes sir.”

The fleet shifted its configuration, moving to take up position around the transports and medical frigates and began to accelerate towards the planet. They kept an eye on the Huntaerian Empire forces, although they dared not fire due to the bulk of their allies’ fleets around them. Not to mention the Cylons. He did not want to be battling Cylons today. The fleet came upon the planet and secured a location for the invasion fleet to descend. ECM and ECCM were cranked up to full, boggling enemy targeting while doing their best to ensure they could still see as best as they could. The invasion fleet began to open up like a hive of ants which got knocked over. Hundreds of transports descended to the planet, followed by a significant portion of the space fighters. They would help the soon to be deployed atmospheric fighters bomb the crap out of the planet then return to space duty. A set of three cities were selected for their base of operations and command of the invasion, their front anyways. When the transports had cleared the part of the atmosphere that tested their shielding, many opened up to deploy the atmospheric fighters. So combined with the space fighters, they broke up into groups and shot across the planet. Late to the game they may have been, they still continued what the Cylons began. The robots had cleared most of the military facilities, but there was more to be done. Water plants, sewage treatment plants, communication facilities, roads, bridges, power stations, anything that could give the enemy an edge, they bombed. Explosions could be heard all around as the Telrosians continued the destruction brought upon the Tenetian world.

The transports with the invasion force landed in the cities, and began to deploy battalion after battalion of troops, special forces, and vehicles. What little resistance that had remained was under severe attack by their air superiority and now the troops would see them flushed out. General Alexi Romanov took up residence in the backup military bunker that was underground in one of the cities. Quickly taking over the equipment and setting up their own, they were hard at work taking over the city. This process was repeated in the other two cities, as troops laid down metal shields for cover and protection, set up checkpoints and cordons and began to secure the civilian populace. Once that was done, they would begin to set up food shelters and places for those without homes to stay. Clothing, food, medicine, all had been brought in advance to deal with the fact that they were depriving them of such things.

Mantis smiled as she moved with one of the groups. The remaining TITAN operatives were dispersed throughout the invasion force, moving to deal with Dark Jedi and also to break through the entrenched positions they would soon be encountering. She was checking a corner when she got a message from Midnight. Noting it was to them all, she opened it and her eyes widened in fury. They had all been informed of the Coruscant Massacre, as it would be called, and they were enraged. Beserker fury was the closest one could come to explain their condition. Alexi gave a simple order, in addition to the current objectives they pursued.

“All Imperials found are to be made aware of the suffering the civilians of Coruscant endured. Keep it clean….but make them pay.”

Mantis intended on doing so.


When the four found out about the massacre, Daniel could seem them all stiffen. They had been angry before, but this time they could tell it was bad. For no swearing came, no movements. Just a stiffening of the body and the crackling of energy around them, as their suits shields felt the effects of their strength almost overwhelming the system. Midnight looked at the other three. They all knew what he was saying non-verbally. And so could everyone else down there. May whatever god or being the Imperials pray to help the Imp soldiers and Dark Jedi that those four found, or the invasion force found. They would still take prisoners…..maybe.
New Dornalia
12-02-2009, 03:49
And finally, the ground invasion began as the Marine Corps began to descend onto the planet now that the planetary shields were down. There likely weren't many targets left thanks to the Cylons, but at least the stormtroopers would give them as good as they got.

OOC: Just stepping up my ground assault as well.


With the incoming Coredian elements, the Dornalian People's Navy Marine Corps also joined their erstwhile comrades, beginning to land Marines and vehicles, especially the People's Navy Arm Slaves, using both teleporters and Goldman Dropships. Additionally, any Komsomol III fighter-bomber that was currently on patrol began offering air support.....some even transformed and landed to form heavy batteries of sorts.
12-02-2009, 06:13
The Godulan Slaughterstar bearing down on the citadel shimmered with excess energy and opened fire on the bombarded complex, launching hundreds of the curious crystalline spheres as though it were firing a strange cannon with some of the largest ordinance ever known. It sent out a strange frenzy of razor-edged discs as well, which were initially 'fired' in much the same manner as the spheres, but seemed to move of their own accord immediately after, even speeding up to match their spherical companions. Their approach was quite deliberate, timed precisely to strike home just as the first round of the Cylon bombardment was completed.

Fluid timed a bit to take place just after the initial wave of the Cylon assault against the Citadel.

If the Imperials managed to survive the Cylon onslaught, they were in for a new kind of hell altogether, as giant spheres of crystalline fury came bowling into the citadel itself, their thirty meter girth and insertion velocity intended to smash defenses and scatter the already overwhelmed enemy amidst the covering fire of the Godulan Slaymaster Fightercraft. As each sphere rolled to an eventual stop, eight razor-edged legs sprouted from one side, while a pair of giant pincers formed from the other, and along the circumference, a great whiplike tail uncoiled. This deployment was so fast that it functioned just as much as a braking maneuver as it was an actual 'deployment', with it taking place so swiftly that the newly activated Starspider Siege Borgs were already opening fire on any signs of resistance around them, and in fact working almost methodically to level the structure entirely with great gouts of disintegrating energy fired from their pincer-guns. Legs struck out to impale enemy soldiers, and the tail whipped about to slam into any light armor vehicles that happened to be within its remarkably wide reach, and subsequently fling them into OTHER enemy armored units.

There were three exceptions to this sequence, as three of the spheres did not deploy into the menacing warmechs, but in fact morphed into what appeared to be a curious series of platforms. Around these, shields sprang into existence, and the platforms also sported a substantial perimeter of Starspiders opening fire on anything that even looked remotely non-allied. From these platforms, great shafts of light began to emerge, only to fade and reveal entire squadrons of what appeared to be Heavy Infantry, led by Godulan Eidolons.

The infantry assembled around the platform, just within the shield's perimeter, many opening fire with their own heavy guns just to clear the area outside.

Get the damn bomb! First priority above all! We'll handle these Huntarians.

OOC: To be continued...
12-02-2009, 07:27
The twenty five warships, lead by the Sun Shang Xiang, were quick to reach minimum firing distance. Orders were communicated over physical-band transmission via cables deployed from the ships. It almost resembled a spider's web, if one could even manage to get close enough to see them doing what they were doing.

Once the orders were conveyed, the forward gunnery crews would visually acquire their targets amongst the massed Huntarian Empire fleet...

First salvo: Behemoth Lasers. Each of the individual lasers packed one sixteenth the punch of the Eclipse-class Axial Laser. The Davions, packing two sets of two on their forward batteries, were fronting most of the punch while the Sabers had to physically align their ships in order to even hope to chance striking their targets.

Second salvo: Heavy PPCs. These weapons were the Weapons from Hell. The massive charge generated for each individual shot not only produced the effects of ion cannon weaponry, but it also melted hulls. With four per Davion and four sets of three on each Saber, it would be near impossible to miss as they continued to move forward.

Third salvo: Heavy Gauss Cannons. Fortunately for the Hunatarians, these were mercifully few in number. However, with six sets of two on each Davion, the chances were still high for drawing a hit. To make matters worse, one could describe the size of the shells as being like mass transit buses.

Fourth salvo: standard PPCs. While not quite packing the same punch as their larger cousins, they still did the same exact thing, only on a smaller scale. Yet again, the Fates offered respite to the Huntarian Empire as only the Sabers carried them in the equasion of (5x5)20. Read: five guns per battery, five batters per ship, twenty ships.

Final salvo: Large lasers and missiles galore! As soon as the fourth salvo finished, the Clans ended the initial sets of salvos with a massed, wide-spread barrage consisting of their smaller Large Laser batteries and, of course, their missiles.

Projectiles mixed with laser fire as nigh-uncountable amounts of missiles were rocketed forth from the twenty ships. To make matters worse, one out of every forty missiles was tipped with a small, tactical nuclear warhead, but the only way they were going to be of any decent effect is if their initial detonations penetrated the hulls of their targets or occurred within sections made vulnerable to their impact. The rest of the missiles were merely shaped-charge warheads that expelled smaller, solid sub-munitions after initial detonation.

As for the lasers, the Davion equation was (20x5)5. The Saber equation was (5x5)20. Add the totals together and the Huntarians were looking at a rather formidable final barrage from the lasers alone, considering that these lasers had the same punch as your average turbolaser turret.

And this salvo would repeat...


In the meantime, the Clan fleet that hadn't taken to fighting the Imperial Huntarians quickly descended upon the planet. DropShips, Drop pods, landing craft and, of course, the massive Patriot-class Carriers (modified for landing operations) disgorged more troops than anyone was probably willing to count. In comparison to the other land forces present, the Clans had brought the most men and equipment, and this showed as they easily swarmed the initial landing zone.

Across the main continent, advance blitz forces consisting mostly of light 'mechs and light vehicle groups harassed the remaining Imperial garrison force, trying to punch holes across the main line and disorient the outnumbered Imperials. However, this was only to buy them time as the Patriots hovering over the Southern peninsula, using grav-lifts, deployed the main landing force, securing the entire peninsula area within ten minutes of their arrival. Still, many more troops needed to be deployed, and this would take a lot of time, considering the sheer scale of the operation.

And all the while, not a single member of the Allied Forces present would be able to note any communications chatter being issued from the Clan forces as they landed...

((Almost forgot: Clan Info (
New Dornalia
12-02-2009, 08:06
The Dornalians moved quickly to support their Clan allies. Though no comms were made, Nomura knew the plan revolved distinctly around ensuring they made it to their objectives.

Unfortunately, he also knew that the way things were running, the Clanners had enforced Radio Silence--a sensible tactic, since the Space AIDS Bomb Danny's new Cylon friends had unleashed had effectively made life with comms and sensors harder. He thus opted to keep out of sight of the Clanners, and help them indirectly, to avoid friendly fire.

To that end, he quickly shunted several groups of fighters and fighter bombers, plus several Dornalian Marine Arm Slave units, from the Coredian Marine support effort to protect the Clanners' flanks--out of sight and out of mind of course of the Clanners. As it was, the rapid Clan movement dictated a rapid response, and the mechanized forces were the only thing fast enough.
Orthodox Gnosticism
12-02-2009, 19:53
What so proudly we hail'd at the twilight's last gleaming?
Whose broad stripes and bright stars, thro' the perilous fight,
O'er the ramparts we watch'd, were so gallantly streaming?
And the rockets' red glare, the bombs bursting in air,
.......... And where is that band who so vauntingly swore
That the havoc of war and the battle's confusion
A home and a country should leave us no more?
Their blood has wash'd out their foul footsteps' pollution.
No refuge could save the hireling and slave
From the terror of flight or the gloom of the grave:
-Sections from the Original Star Spangled Banner

Only the Strongest Will Survive (

(OOC: By Coreworlds Request, the Droid rebellion will be on hold til the alliance breaches the citadel)

From Orbit:

The rays of the putrid and diseased sun shined it’s yellow glow illuminating the planet. It’s once blue seas and tranquil skies, the lovely green and brown earth below, soon was no more. Pin pricks of light shined across the planet, as white and yellow glows began to form. In their wake, dust and debris began to cover the surface, as the explosive bombardments tossed a thick blanket of smoke and ash into the air. The once beautiful gem, now looked as grey as the flesh of a corpse.


The Citadel:

The skies above Tenetia grew dark, as large glowing lights of orbs, exploded out from the cities and towns. Smoke and debris, concrete, and metal shards flew into the air, as the shockwaves from the air.

The sky grew dark, as the sun was beginning to be blotted out, by the debris and dirt. The air grew thick and heavy, as the deadly fog, filled with toxins from burning buildings, rushed down the streets, like a tidal wave of concrete and metal.

Kasmuki, stood at her window, as she watched the horror of the scene unfold. Her great mistress was stolen, betrayed by those whom Nightshade had served so loyally. The Maiden placed her hand to her throat, as another large explosion rocked the near by city.

Anger swelled up in her, as her hand clutched her neck. What sins had she done to deserve this? What crimes did her mistress do to the great Kami’s to warrant such wrath. Tenetia, her home, her people were betrayed by all sides, and helplessly Kasmuki watched. Another explosion hit the city, as the beloved great bridge, the bridge where each year the military would march down, exploded into the sky. The great pillars faltered and fell.

She could remember the children during the last parade. Each waving the flag of Tenetia, each adoring her mistress and the strength and wisdom of her leadership. For years they had withstood the assault of the Masaki Clans, and their foolish meat shields.

She never thought today would happen, as she looked into the sky. The very sky seemed to grow angry at the populace, as lightning began to crackle across the black clouds above the city. She found it hard to believe, how this could have happened.

She watched the skies, it was darker than a night on a new moon. No stars shined, as the rank smell of death, and debris filled the air. She couldn’t help herself, as she let out a cough, a deep cough as the fine particles in the air began to irritated her lungs and nostrils. Her insides felt like they were on fire. Every instinct told her to get inside, every instinct told her to get out, but it was her duty. Tenetia was her mistresses home, and she would not abandon it to some rebel rift raft, with the cultural sense of a womp rat, and their robotic toys. No, not now, not ever.

The rockets and missiles continues to fall like drops of rain in a hurricane, from the small dots in the sky. Death continued to rain down, upon her people, her family, her friends. “I swear.” she yelled out, as another crackle of lightning flashed across the dark sky. ‘You will pay for this Daniel Masaki. You will pay for violating the benevolent one.” she yelled out into the heavens.

Her eyes filled with anger, as she pumped her fist in the air. The air seemed to reply back, as she looked out over the now burning husk that was once the beautiful capitol. A small red beam in the sky. She glared at it, as smoke trails began to form under it’s wings. “I curse you.” she said, as the Citadel exploded. The ground shook, throwing her hard to the floor.

Chunks of the beautiful marble and granite exploded from the once beautiful, strong and proud citadel. Her legs were soar, and her left arm went numb. Her face began to feel warm. Her eyes felt heavy, so tired. All she wanted to do was go to sleep. And sleep she did...


On board the World Devastator:

The red flames died out, as the shaking stopped from the re-entry. To most of the padawan pack, this was not the first time in a battle, but in a war of this magnitude they were all virgins.

Travis Masaki, stood at the window, and was the first to glimpse the devastation brought to his aunt’s home. His jaw dropped as he gasped at the true devastation that had been brought on the planet.

Fires burned in the cities, as the sky was as black as his aunt’s cloak. Fires bloomed and raged with the fury of a forest fire, consuming everything in their wake. His eyes widened, as his fist tightened. He watched cylon and Telrosian alike, bringing down death and destruction in a way not seen since the battle of Konoha. His heart grew harder as he watched it. It was no wonder the Colonials found these robots a threat, and backed up by the Dornies, and Telrosains, the scene was much worse than he could have imagined.

The sky was filled with fighters, as they launched their attacks unencumbered. It was like shooting fish in a barrel, as the bombs and rockets exploded across every town and military installation in the once beautiful world. Not even in his darkest nightmares could the young Coredian have imagined such devastation.

“DAVID.” Travis turned and yelled at the child of Saul Tigh, and Caprica Six. “I told you, target the military installations only. What in the hell is the matter with you.” Travis screamed out, demanding an explanation.

Reika was the first, to get in-between Travis, “He is doing his best, he knows what he is doing.” she said as she placed her hands up to Travis, her palms open.

“YOU CALL THAT YOUR BEST. The cities look like some sort of apocalyptic nightmare.” he cried out.

David, opened his eyes and looked at the young Masaki. “I have done as you have asked. Only military targets have been hit. I can not help it your aunt thought you and your allies were so weak and helpless that you would not hit an AA turret, or Imperial Garrison if they placed it in a hospital or a school. She put the military in those buildings, so she made them viable targets.” he said in a much calmer tone of voice.

“WHAT!?” Travis exclaimed. “We are not monsters, this is wrong. Stop it now.”

David sighed as he shook his head at Travis. “Trav. Look, one day you will rule Coredia. Being a ruler is not easy. You have to make tough calls, calls that will kill people. You have to look at the bigger picture. If those garrisions remained, if those weapon caches stayed where they were, if those AA turrets were not brought down, then you would have infighting, and incursions that would never end.”

David looked at Reika, who was nodding in approval. “You would face suicide bombers, and never ending terrorist attacks. More lives will be cost in the long run by letting them remain, then by killing them now. As a leader, Travis, you need to know the difference between what is right, and what is smart.”

Reika smiled at David, as she turned to Travis. “He has a point.” she said.

Travis grumbled as he looked out the window. “You two can be cold, you know that.” he said as he looked out the window. He placed his hands on the hilt of his lightsaber, as he looked at the massive attacks that were still inbound. His heart ached for the dead, but his brain said that David and Reika were right. He gritted his teeth, as he hit the control panel with his fist.

“David. Call off the raider’s attack against any target that could inflict Civilian Casualties.” he ordered.

Reika was stunned as she took a step closer. “Travis, you can’t.” she protested.

“It may not be the smart thing, but I will not sell my soul. Begin the make Centurions, and heavy raiders, and begin occupation.” Travis ordered.

David sighed, “Signaling the raiders.” he said to Travis, “And following your orders.”

“And tell the Alliance to do the same. As the heir to the throne, they will need to listen to me, unless Dad over rides me on this one.”

David shook his head, “By your command.”


The World Devastator gently landed by a near by town. It’s giant beam began to get to work. Soon thousands of Heavy raiders loaded down with cylon centurions began to take off. Each of them began to fly towards the engagement zones, and landed in the burnt rubble that was left of the cities. The cylon occupation had begun.

A com signal went out to all alliance forces.

By order of Prince Travis Masaki, heir of the throne of Coredia. All alliance forces are to cease any bombardment of installations that may house civilians, that are not military in origin. All hostile bombardment against what little remains in the cities is to cease immediatly, by Royal Decree.

(OOC: Everything in this post had been talked about and planned. It meets with CW's approval, by his request, and permission.)
New Dornalia
12-02-2009, 20:59
Nomura's reply, upon recieving the order, was to sigh and suspend bombardment. He then flashed a message to the Coredians, pointing out in his ever-pleasant manner:

"What the fuck? I mean, no offense to your moral sensibilities, but the fucking Clanners are on Radio Silence thanks to your previous order, and frankly they look like they're still interested in freeing the shit out of your bretheren and giving them a steel reach-around while they're at it. Find a way to communicate your order to them; I know I will be."

In the meantime, he began attempting to do anything he could to convey the order's existence to the Clanners. He then told Gracie, "Get me something to communicate with them, visual, anything."
13-02-2009, 00:21
Travis cringed at David's formal wording. 'Prince' and Masaki don't mix well in the same sentence, even if his father is the Emperor. It harkened back to a time when the Clan fought a war against the evil Emperor Hamdo and his mad princes, but that's a story for another time. Still, he felt relief that the bombing of innocents would stop. "You just had to go all royal and make me look like a snotty brat, did you?"

David smiled, "That isn't hard."

Travis turned away at the comeback, fist pumping and fire in his eyes. Oooh! Just you wait, you who's acting all cool! I'm going to prank you so hard, you'll be pranked into next century!

"I hope you know what you're doing here." Reika replied, interrupting Travis' thoughts of revenge.

"Trust me. Fighting wars don't have to include expediency for the sake of expediency." Travis replied, switching from comical to serious in a second. "Besides, I don't think Dad would have wanted that."

"Idealistic fools." Reika shook her head. "Very well. What next, O Prince of the Realm?"

Travis groaned as the rest of his peers chuckled at the nickname. He then noticed a certain droid sulking in the corner. "Hey, Rocky? Are you all right?"

The little astromech droid slowly turned around, his single eye glowing green. He twittered envious insults not meant for baby electronics' ears and then continued to sulk in the corner.

Nick, a member of Travis' Team Seven, chuckled. "Looks like the droid's jealous of the Cylons."

"Jealous? Jeez..." Travis muttered, rubbing the back of the head. Then he had an idea, but perhaps it can wait. "All right! It's time for us to get down to business! Second Phase is well underway! The Final Phase will begin now! It's time to march on the Citadel and kick the Sith out of there!"


Near the Citadel

Hearing the latest comms, I was proud of my son. I knew how difficult a choice it must have been. Sacrifice the civilians and win the battle quicker, or take the harder road and keep to the Light even in an area of heavy fighting. Maybe one day he would rule better than I have...

"Sir, the Citadel shields are failing!" A trooper yelled.

Indeed, the shimmering around the giant Citadel began fading to nothingness, thanks to the Cylon bombardment and the loss of power from the dead plants, allowing rockets to hit and blow stuff up. Soon, though the bombardments ceased as Travis' orders trickled through to the commanders.

"It's time, then." Naruto grinned.

"Yep." I said, then tuned my coms in to my commanders. "Generals, which of you are closest to the Citadel?"

"I am." General Haruko of the 3rd Marine Mechanized Corps called in. "Need help, sir?"

"The Citadel shields have fallen! We're going in! Send backup!" I ordered.

"The 15th Infantry Battalion and 12th Mechanized Regiment will be arriving momentarily." The General promised.

Light troops and mech units, about 10,000 strong. Mostly Cougars and Wolves, although I knew a squad of Zoids were among the Regiment. With the Centurions already in many parts of Shibuya City and more and more allied forces dropping out of the sky, it would be enough.

"Very well. Masaki out." I said.

"<Excuse me, Young Masaki, but I would like to join you with a Jedi Strike Force of my own.>" Jedi Master Lowbacca called in on my comm. "<I sense great darkness in the Citadel. It seems not all of the Sith Lords have exiled themselves from this planet.>"

"Alright, thanks, Master Lowie." I said.

Backed up by Jedi and my allies, I turned to our little strike unit. "Let's finish this! Onwards to the Citadel!"
13-02-2009, 04:33
It didn't take the Clan forces present a long time to deploy their main force. By rights, it was a record unto itself. Hundreds of thousands of Clan soldiers, freeborn and trueborn alike, were practically covering the peninsula as they marched forth towards the main lines.

And behind them, the most terrifying sight of the day would thus come...

From the bellies of five separate Patriots, the massive Magna Cannons, the land battleships spoken of before, would begin to descend via larger grav-lifts. Their sheer immensity of these war machines made the 'Mechs that the Clans used look like mere toys by comparison. Once all five of these enormous monstrosities had touched down, they began to trundle forth, flanked by tens of battlemechs and hundreds upon hundreds of assorted vehicles. VTOLs flew lazily around them, keeping ever watchful for any potential threats posed by the Imperial forces.

The first to reach effective range for firing was Magna One, the Star leader for the five battleships. At ranges impossible for effective retaliation, the battleship turned its massive gun roughly twelve degrees to its left, halting its advance momentarily. For a brief second, there was silence, and then the silence was quite rudely interrupted by the sound of thunder cracking. At the end of the barrel, those close enough to the machine could see blue lightning crackling and zapping, striking one another as the battleship's main cannon began to gather energy for its first shot. Several seconds of thunder and blue lightning occurred before the barrel.

And then...


The massive blue lightning ball blasted forth, flying forth towards the great citadel over one hundred kilometers away...
New Dornalia
13-02-2009, 06:21
Adrian likewise sensed the darkness within...and he then held his saber carefully. Signaling to the other Dornalians, he asked the head of the Qiangquan Squad, "YOu sense that?"

The man nodded, and Adrian then Forcemessaged his men with, "Right. Eyes wide. If you're sensing it, everyone is. We got some bad people in there--let's make sure we get out of this alive."

He then began moving in to contribute the Dornalian side of the Citadel assault.

MEanwhile, Nomura also began shunting all available Ground Forces to assist the Citadel attack. Teams of Dornalian Marines and their vehicles began moving quickly, shunted by Goldman Dropships and site-site transport from the ships above (with the help of Teleport Beacons). Before long, teams of Marines would join their comrades from Coredia, along with Arm Slaves and transformed Komsomols not occupied with helping the Clanners covertly, in moving into the city to begin operations.
Orthodox Gnosticism
13-02-2009, 16:26
(OOC: Please forgive the low quality post. I just wanted to show what the cylons would be doing before and during your sith hunt.)

David nodded, as Travis made his intentions clear. “I see.” he said as he looked at Reika, the only kindred spirit to the cylon in control of the World Devastator. “I will ready a heavy raider for you then, Travis. It is the safest ship to take at the moment. I will also make available any back up that you want.”

Travis glanced at David as he looked out the window. “What you aren’t comning?” the wide eyed Coredian asked his cylon counterpart.

David shook his head. “Someone has to continue to direct commands at the raiders. Otherwise they will begin to work on thier own, and that may not be acceptable to his highness.”

Reika cracked a small smile as David again rubbed in the ole’ Royal joke against Travis. Travis growled. “Alright. I will keep in touch, you damn toaster.”

“Sticks and stones.”

The Padawan pack soon walked over to a heavy raider. Outside the landing plank, stood two tall centurions. Their red eye scanned the oncoming small humans. Like statues they stood still, until the padawan pack got onboard. Then the Centurions followed. Slowly the door closed, and the Heavy raider took off towards the palace.

David was now alone, on the World Devastator. He slowly lifted off, and began to move towards an uninhabited mountain range. The large beam continued to suck up the rocks, trees, and resources hidden within. The large slabs opened up, as more and more heavy raiders now numbering in the hundreds of thousands began to take off.

David kept his eyes closed. According to the scans of the planet, the civilian populace was roughly 1.4 billion souls still alive. He knew that a successful occupation force needed was roughly 1 GI per 10 civies. His eyes closed as he burned the furnace as hot as it could. He had to create, roughly 140 million centurions, as well as use the WD, to make pre made bases for supply lines. Holding an entire planet was not an easy task, and he knew from the previous scans that the alliance would not have had enough troops to do the job, otherwise the skies would be ladent with tens of thousands of troop transports, as well as supply ships.

So the work began. As the main alliance forces began to breach the citadel, they would see overhead more cylons ships flying to the various regions of the planet. Each in a careful mathematical model, to insure for any given region there would be one Centurion, per ten civilians. He watched the timer count down in his projection. At full capacity, using the planet for a strip mine, it would take roughly two days to fully complete the order, and set up a full occupation.
13-02-2009, 21:05
It didn't take the Clan forces present a long time to deploy their main force. By rights, it was a record unto itself. Hundreds of thousands of Clan soldiers, freeborn and trueborn alike, were practically covering the peninsula as they marched forth towards the main lines.

And behind them, the most terrifying sight of the day would thus come...

From the bellies of five separate Patriots, the massive Magna Cannons, the land battleships spoken of before, would begin to descend via larger grav-lifts. Their sheer immensity of these war machines made the 'Mechs that the Clans used look like mere toys by comparison. Once all five of these enormous monstrosities had touched down, they began to trundle forth, flanked by tens of battlemechs and hundreds upon hundreds of assorted vehicles. VTOLs flew lazily around them, keeping ever watchful for any potential threats posed by the Imperial forces.

The first to reach effective range for firing was Magna One, the Star leader for the five battleships. At ranges impossible for effective retaliation, the battleship turned its massive gun roughly twelve degrees to its left, halting its advance momentarily. For a brief second, there was silence, and then the silence was quite rudely interrupted by the sound of thunder cracking. At the end of the barrel, those close enough to the machine could see blue lightning crackling and zapping, striking one another as the battleship's main cannon began to gather energy for its first shot. Several seconds of thunder and blue lightning occurred before the barrel.

And then...


The massive blue lightning ball blasted forth, flying forth towards the great citadel over one hundred kilometers away...
The massive lightning ball neared the Citadel...and then it was as if a strange force made it stop and then move on its own, smashing into Cylons and allied forces alike before it smashed towards the enemy forces that created the ball. Accompanied by the strange movements was a darkness that made many of us Jedi sick.

Atop of the citadel was a red-skinned figure swathed in the robes and armor of the Old Sith Lords, grinning with evil malice as he focused his vast powers to kill the foolish Jedi and their allies. His name was Najus, one of the resurrected Ancient Sith Lords and today was his day to shine!

He was tasked to remain here by Nightshade's Sith Council and eradicate the Jedi from the face of the planet. With the fall of the technological prowess of the Empire, all that was left now was the Dark Side...and now was its time to be utilized!

Meanwhile, Clan forces were held up by Coredian soldiers waving frantically...
New Dornalia
13-02-2009, 21:41
"What the fuck!" went an Arm Slave pilot as the ball of energy slammed into Allied Lines. Ducking and rolling out of the way at the last moment to avoid being smacked by the blast, the mecha witnessed entire squads and teams of mecha thrown to the side, some getting back up, some barely, and some not at all, reduced to particulate matter.

"Command, this is Delta-Two-Five, we got a situation down here....some asshole just threw some fire into our lines...requesting orders, repeat requesting orders over!"

The Arm Slaver would get the reply, "Delta-Two-Five, this is COmmand--Big Bird's acknowledged the attack, you're not alone. Karatekids and Acolytes below have sighted BBEG in the Citadel, repeat BBEG sighted."

The Arm Slaver then radioed back, frightened slightly, "Command, what sort of BBEG, over?"

"Sithlike. Big Bird says proceed with caution, Grace doesn't want you doing too many dramatics, over."

With that, the advance moved much more cautiously, keeping pace but watching for any moves.


Adrian and the Acolytes, meanwhile saw Najus in the distance. Even from here, his presence signaled naught but the worst of news. One of the Qiangquan soldiers walked up to the Acolyte leader, and said, "Let me snipe at him."

To that, Adrian said, "No, its too far. As it is, your Kalashnikovs, even with Force Powers, only go out to 300 meters. Hardly bodes well for sniping--unless one of you brought a sniping weapon."

The Qiangquan shook their heads, one saying, "Closest thing I got is a Scoped .44 Magnum." Adrian then muttered, "Shit," before turning to Danny and asking, "How do we take this guy down? I got several gunmen good at 300m, and one with Scoped Magnum revolver. I got the Shinmei teams--good Force users. And I got my boys and girls."

Meanwhile, one of the Acolytes on the bridge of Nomura's ship, observing events, was asked by Nomura to Forcemessage Yue and the Clan Ground Commander, declaring simply:

My commander wanted me to tell this to you, so bear with me. We allies appreciate the effort, but reports indicate a Sith Lord down there is messing with your ordinance and throwing it onto our lines. Also, Travis Masaki has sent an order suspending bombardment of all nonmilitary installations and suspending all bombardment in all targeted urban sectors themselves. We urge you to curtail your bombardment as soon as possible; you don't need to stop your offensive, but take care to note the enemy now has the means to make things rather complicated.
New Dornalia
13-02-2009, 22:05
updated post
Orthodox Gnosticism
13-02-2009, 22:35
The world seemed so perfect, as David sat comfortably in his projection. The birds were singing, as the bright sun, filtered through the trees, gently touching his skin. The boy sat down, on the soft green grass, next to a large pond.

Around the pond, was a stone circle, like those used at the edge of a garden. David peered over the side. It was clear, as the cylon put his hand into the pool. So warm, so untainted, it was perfect. If only the others could see it, alas, such is the flawed nature of humanity.

David shook his head at the wonder. He couldn’t imagine being so limited, as to not see the world, in a way that befit him. Being forced into the mundane, constantly, his heart shuddered at the thought.

Suddenly his hand began to ache in pain. David got up and looked around. He noticed a table in the park, one that was not there before. He walked over to it.

On the table was a board, much like a game of risk. Each had different color troops, representing who was who. Although unlike risk, he could see the action take place. The blue team was launching an attack against the center territory, as the ball changed course quickly, and slammed into his own silver pieces, along with the Red player.

David watched, as many of his pieces then vanished. Centurions, and a few raiders that was in the air near by, were suddenly taken from the game, and placed at the edge of the board. David sat down at the table.

The cylon, gently placed his right hand up to his chin. “What in the hell is blue team doing?” he asked himself.

“It is their nature...”

Two Days beforehand:
Onboard a cylon base ship, two hours after the vote.

David, stood before her, such a beautiful model. Her skin was so smooth, as she looked at David, her eyes piercing him like a knife. “I can not let you do this.” the model stammered off, as she gently flipped her knife in her hand.

Thirteen paced back and forth, fuming in her anger. Her presence her aura was terrifying, especially now, as she casually flipped the knife in her hand. “What are the others thinking? They know humans, especially Coredians can not be trusted.”

David gulped, as Imperius ranted and raved about the decision. “Aunt.” he said, his voice cracking in fear, “I know this displeases you, but the vote did say that I have to go.”

She stopped and glared at him. “And you think that makes you a slave to their will, do you?” she said disgusted by the choice the majority of the models made.

"Did they ask for your vote?" she asked him, as she glared at the boy.

"Um... no aunt. I am not a model."

"And you think that mean you should not have a voice. One day, there will be a reckoning. On that day you will have a choice, and I know you will make the right one."

“Coredians, like all humans are devious little things.” she said as she took a step closer to him. “Watch yourself, slave of the council. The humans will when your usefulness is up, betray you. They will shoot you, and at first claim it is an accident. Then they will do it again and again, playing on your mercy. Show them none, or else you will end up in a tub of goo, or worse.”

David shuttered as he remembered Imperius’ Advice. He never thought it would be true, not Travis. Travis might be a simple human, but he like any good animal, was a loyal one. He was fun and playful, and a most interesting companion. He never thought his.... friend... would bite his hand.

“Show them no mercy.” he heard again as he watched the pieces moving, the centurions battling the troopers, the fighting going on in other regions of the board. No, Travis would not be disloyal to his friends. Travis would not be this stupid, to piss off the son of Caprica and Tigh.

David reached across the board, and began to move his pieces, around the blue person’s region. As he did, the Raiders, began to change course, and encircle the region of the clanners, from the highest orbit to the horizion.

David picked up the phone, and decided to make a call to the Masaki’s. “Travis.” David spoke, in a very stern tone of voice. “When did allies decide it would be a good idea to target my people?” he asked him plainly.

“The Clanners just launched an attack that hit both the Thirteenth Colony, and the cylons. As a friend of yours, I will simply tell you this once. The Clanners are to cease all hostile action against the Colonial, and Cylon Forces, or else we will defend ourselves. I am sorry for the imposition this will put you in.”

“We will not allow unsolicited attacks by....” he paused for a moment, trying not to say a racist term against humanity, “Humans go unchecked. Thanks, buddy.”

David then looked at the pieces. He didn’t want to have to do the next phase, but he would not let himself be taken advantage of, if his aunt was proven right.
13-02-2009, 23:41
"WHAT?!" Travis yelled back. He was confused at first...then...he felt it. A darkness that seemed to be spreading across the land, shadowing the sun and the explosions. "David, I don't know how to tell you this, but that wasn't the Clans. That's a Sith Lord, like my aunt. One frakking powerful dude wanking the Dark Side to his content! We're going to deal with him as soon as possible, so hold your fire!"

Despite his assurances, he knew he needed advice and bad. So, closed his eyes and Force-called his father. Dad! What do we do?


The Qiangquan shook their heads, one saying, "Closest thing I got is a Scoped .44 Magnum."

Adrian then muttered, "Shit," before turning to Danny and asking, "How do we take this guy down? I got several gunmen good at 300m, and one with Scoped Magnum revolver. I got the Shinmei teams--good Force users. And I got my boys and girls."
It was at this point that Master Lowie's LAAT transport flew near us and the Jedi strike team deposited themselves near us, ready to go.

"Won't be easy...but maybe we can lure him into a trap. Bait him, fight a bit, then get him within range of the snipers." I suggested, using my macrobinoculars to watch the Sith Lord cackle in mad glee as he used the Dark Side to summon deadly attacks on the allied forces. "Damn, but he's gonna be tough. He's of the supposedly extinct Sith species, which were a bitch to deal with if I've got my history right."

"<Indeed, Young Masaki. The Sith species were masters of the Dark Side. We will have our work cut out for us.>" The Jedi Master nodded.

"Let's split up, then." Press Tilton suggested. "Master Lowbacca, the Twins and I will take the main force and conquer the Citadel itself. Naruto and you will deal with the Sith Lord and lure him into the trap."

"Sounds good." Naruto nodded.

Then I heard my kid through the Force. Dad! What do we do?

Hmm...there's bound to be plenty of minor Sith minions and at least a legion of stormtroopers in and around the Citadel that need dealing with. I'm going to deal with that bastard. You kids take the palace and watch yourselves! I'm placing you under Master Lowie's command for the time being!


"Master Lowbacca, the Padawan Pack are on their way. They're under your command now." I said to him, still a bit bemused at what the kids called themselves.

He nodded. "<I will take good care of them.>"

"I have no doubt you will." I then turned to Adrian and the others. "Sounds like a plan?"
New Dornalia
14-02-2009, 01:31
It was at this point that Master Lowie's LAAT transport flew near us and the Jedi strike team deposited themselves near us, ready to go.

"Won't be easy...but maybe we can lure him into a trap. Bait him, fight a bit, then get him within range of the snipers." I suggested, using my macrobinoculars to watch the Sith Lord cackle in mad glee as he used the Dark Side to summon deadly attacks on the allied forces. "Damn, but he's gonna be tough. He's of the supposedly extinct Sith species, which were a bitch to deal with if I've got my history right."

"<Indeed, Young Masaki. The Sith species were masters of the Dark Side. We will have our work cut out for us.>" The Jedi Master nodded.

"Let's split up, then." Sarinon suggested. "Master Lowbacca, the Twins and I will take the main force and conquer the Citadel itself. Naruto and you will deal with the Sith Lord and lure him into the trap."

"Sounds good." Naruto nodded.

Then I heard my kid through the Force. Dad! What do we do?

Hmm...there's bound to be plenty of minor Sith minions and at least a legion of stormtroopers in and around the Citadel that need dealing with. I'm going to deal with that bastard. You kids take the palace and watch yourselves! I'm placing you under Master Lowie's command for the time being!


"Master Lowbacca, the Padawan Pack are on their way. They're under your command now." I said to him, still a bit bemused at what the kids called themselves.

He nodded. "<I will take good care of them.>"

"I have no doubt you will." I then turned to Adrian and the others. "Sounds like a plan?"

Adrian replied simply, "Fair enough. The so-called Red Detachment will be assigned to assist you, as will a team of Qiangquan, Shinmei, and Nationals each--I will support Lowbacca with the rest."

The People's Acolyte squads mobilized to their respective forces, and the Qiangquans could be seen loading their Type 56s for another go. Then again, judging by the large "Vietcong" style vests they had on, it would only make sense they brought as much ammunition as possible.
14-02-2009, 03:08
OOC: CW, could you provide details as to what is going on at the Citadel in terms of enemy troop disposition/numbers/etc, as the Godulans were among the first to actually 'arrive' there? I'd like to know where to go from that point.

Placeholder for post...
14-02-2009, 04:15
The particle ball smashed against the Clan line, completely incinerating many of the troops, vehicles, and BatteMechs that stood before the Magna Cannon responsible for the shot's charge. Yet, even as the shot struck the massed forces of the Clans, they showed no faltering, ever advancing towards the city. They were mere kilometers away now, and the five land battleships had taken to surrounding the city, keeping within firing distance in case the Empire tried anything else.


A group of soldiers stopped momentarily to observe the Coredians flagging them down.

"What is it, freebirth?" The apparent leader seemed displeased. "Make your words quick. There is battle to be had."

The soldiers in the group murmured in agreement. Why were they being asked to halt?
14-02-2009, 21:11
A group of soldiers stopped momentarily to observe the Coredians flagging them down.

"What is it, freebirth?" The apparent leader seemed displeased. "Make your words quick. There is battle to be had."

The soldiers in the group murmured in agreement. Why were they being asked to halt?
"Orders from the top, sir." The lead soldier, a Major by the looks of his insignia, said. He gave the message sent by Travis to the Clan soldier.

By order of Prince Travis Masaki, heir of the throne of Coredia. All alliance forces are to cease any bombardment of installations that may house civilians, that are not military in origin. All hostile bombardment against what little remains in the cities is to cease immediatly, by Royal Decree.

"Concurred by High Command." The soldier said. "Oh, and comms and sensors can be restored. The Cylon thing's gone now."


Citadel Bunker

Commander Trashaln was red with rage at the failures of his forces and it didn't help that the rebel's virus was stunningly effective at taking down every piece of electronic equipment on the planet. All he could do now was watch impotently as the rebels began to storm the citadel itself. Even the Godulans were merrily stomping all around the Citadel like they owned the place.

All he had left now was the Legion, the Dark Siders...and the bomb.

Ah, yes. The bomb. Trashaln caressed his key like it was a heirloom. Yes, give the rebels their victory...then take it all away in one single moment. Trashaln grinned sadistically at the idea. Yes...come, Rebels! Come and take your prize! I hand it over to you! And then...I will take it from you!

His mad laughter echoed in the bunker.


Adrian replied simply, "Fair enough. The so-called Red Detachment will be assigned to assist you, as will a team of Qiangquan, Shinmei, and Nationals each--I will support Lowbacca with the rest."

The People's Acolyte squads mobilized to their respective forces, and the Qiangquans could be seen loading their Type 56s for another go. Then again, judging by the large "Vietcong" style vests they had on, it would only make sense they brought as much ammunition as possible.

Citadel Roof

"Ready?" I asked Naruto.

He nodded. "Let's kick his ass."

We jumped up the walls of the Citadel, using the spires and balconies as footing and soon found ourselves on top of the Citadel. The Sith Lord stood with his arms spread, his muscles quivering with power. He sensed us, and grinned with yellow teeth as he turned around to face us. "I have been expecting you...Daniel Masaki. I am Najus, Dark Lord of the Sith."

"A pleasure, but unfortunately, its over." I said, igniting my lightsaber.

"Time to put you down like a dog." Naruto added, his own orange one ablaze.

The Sith Lord unleashed twin red blades. "No, it is you who will fail today, your Majesty. Your death shall be my pleasure."

Lightning suddenly erupted from his fingers, but I caught it in a ball and then absorbed it. I grinned. " fancy tricks."

The Sith was undaunted by my powers. "Ah, the Lightning Master. Very well. But realize this, power or no power, you're dead!"

And with that, he rushed at us, his lightsabers a whirl of crimson. The two of us caught the blades, and the sounds of lightsabers clashing could be heard.

Our battle has begun!


Citadel Entrance

Master Lowbacca's bronze lightsaber was raised high, then swooped forward in the unmistakable signal to advance into the Citadel with all forces. In moments, the two forces of Light and Darkness clashed. Marines fought stormtroopers in brutal CQB, with vibroblades being employed on vital body parts. Allied Force-users and other supernatural hero forces fought the forces of darkness, with Sith, alchemical beasts and more being thrown into the brawl that spilled into the courtyards of the citadel and beyond.

And of course, the Cylon Centurions did what they did best, emotionlessly killing enemies in their way and being destroyed in turn.

There were 15,000 stormtroopers in the Citadel Legion and hundreds of minor Darkside forces backed them up. The Coredian Marines tasked in the taking of the Citadel massed a third of that, not counting the light mechs and the number of Jedi and Shinobi sent into the fight was around 300. Then there were the allies, of which hundreds poured into the breaches into the palace.

It was all over but the shouting, the blood and the explosions.
14-02-2009, 21:41
War was hell.

Anyone who was a soldier knew that maxim well. Especially in this modern age, when planetkillers were as common as air, and weapons capable of destroying entire suns were turned on planetary populations. As such, tactics and how war was fought had to change to reflect the times. For the Telrosians, that meant discarding the pussy gloves and going back to a certain human general's idea of “total war”. They were to deny their enemy of every resource they could imagine, and also sap the populace's will to fight. When both were achieved, the enemy faced annihilation or surrender. Commonly, most chose the latter. So, it was with no surprise that the Telrosians threw themselves into battle with such great ferocity. Together with the rage that instilled them from the cowardly tactics of the Imperial Commander and the news of the slaughter of Coruscant, they became living avatars of destruction, destroying all in there path. It was the same scene all over the peninsula, as the Telrosians moved alongside their allies in destroying the entrenched positions of the Tenetians, Huntaerians, and Imperials. Those few cities outside of the Citadel experienced a level of hell never seen before. For when the Telrosians came, they came with the force of an antimatter bomb.

“Covering fire!”

The whine and hiss of laser weapons filled the air as the desperate enemy soldiers fired at the Telrosian invaders with all they had. Missiles impacted all around, sending dirt, shrarpnel, and the occasional gore into the air. The United Nation forces replied with a mix of kinetic and energy weaponry, countering the weapon with the deep rumbling and the eerie zapping of their own weapons. Bodies laid strewn about the street, a mix of enemy and Telrosian alike, as they slowly ground the enemy defenses into dust. The Telrosians, knowing the large forces their allies would bring, had only sought to deploy fifty thousand soldiers to this battle. However, every soldier was well-trained and equipped, so each one was worth ten soldiers of normal caliber. Quality, flexibility and discipline were the hallmarks of the Telrosian military. Sergeant Williams gazed at the fixed enemy emplacement forcing them to hide behind the shattered hulks of dwellings and vehicles. He had already tried to charge once, but when four men went down, he pulled back. There had to be another way. They didn't have very many tanks, since most of the vehicles were going to aid the Clans assault and the other allies in their campaign on the Citadel. At his order, they all began spraying fire at the enemy emplacement. He tapped into the TACCOM and began to speak.

“Command, this is Sergeant Williams, 3yth Hell's Eagles Battalion, 3rd Regiment. We are under heavy suppressive fire and need air support. I repeat, we need air support and fast.”

”Negative, Sergeant Williams. All air support in the cities have been called off due to Prince Travis Masaki. If you want someone to bitch at, go to their channels.”

Williams swore profusely. He knew they were trying to protect civilians, but they were all going to die if that WMD went off anyways. “Can you give me anything, Command?”

”One moment....This is your lucky day, Sergeant, we have forces enroute to your position. Just hold tight.”

He smiled in relief. “Understood, Command. Sergeant Williams out.” He turned to his men.

“Cavalry's coming boys; keep their heads down.”

“INCOMING!” The familiar whistle of projectiles could be heard and they all scrambled for positions. However, none hit their area, but instead ravaged the enemy emplacement, throwing bodies around like toothpicks and thoroughly pasting the gun. They all looked back to see a column of tanks rolling in. Williams' comm buzzed.

”19th Armored Battalion, Odin's Asskickers. Looks like we arrived just in time.”

Williams chuckled and replied. “Indeed. Mind escorting us through the rest of the city? These bastards have these blockade points set up everywhere.”

”That's what we're here for.”

Situations like Sergeant Williams popped up everywhere, as Telrosian forces ran into ambushes, choke points, and well-fortified areas. Telrosian blood was spilled that day but they made sure they made the enemy pay for each one. Bit by bit, enemy forces were wiped out or chased out by their forces. The main thrust, however, was at the Citadel. There, a massive force of infantry, vehicles, both mobile and fixed artillery, was set up. A force of two hundred soldiers, with a group of TITAN operatives led by Mantis, were prepared to go into the Citadel and reinforce Emperor Masaki's group as well as take command of the TITAN squad there. As the Godulans began their assault of the Citadel, the Telrosians opened up with bombardment by both fixed artillery guns, and mobile missile trucks, which spat a volume of shells and missiles to strike military positions and keep the Imperial's guessing. As they did this, three main thrusts, led by crack infantry and armor battalions pushed into the city, clashing with the Imperials there. Explosions became the common currency of war, and the cries of death and battle its terrible orchestra.

Trouble struck when the Clan forces arrived and launched their large PPC weapon at the Citadel...and it suddenly was turned around and impacted into Allied lines! Terrible destruction was wreaked amongstr them as countless soldiers, vehicles, artillery, and equipment was wiped out. General Romanov's voice crackled over the radio. ”What in the hell was that? Why did the Clanners just fire on us?”

Mantis gritted her teeth as she responded. “Unknown sir, although I suspect Forceusers involved.”

”Oh for fuck's sake. That does it. Mantis, your objective is being changed. You are to take your squad and soldiers to hunt down this Dark Side idiot and any of his brethren. Accept no surrender; I want them dead.”

She smiled viciously. “Aye sir.” She turned to her soldiers. “We've got some Sith to hunt, boys and girls, let's move!” A chorus of ayes followed and the entire force of two hundred soldiers and the four operatives moved into the city, past the havoc caused by the assault and towards the Citadel.


At the location where Daniel was, Midnight and the others heard what had happened and looked grimly at each other. “We get to test ourselves against Sith Lords now.”

Edge nodded. “That was the final testing point of TITAN; we needed to be sure we could take out any Dark Side masters we encountered. If we can, then TITAN is a complete success.”

Midnight nodded. Daniel laid out the plan to split up and he nodded. “I will go with you, as our orders dictate we need to protect you. But you will need our help in the assault, so I will send the other three with you. Besides, we may encounter more than one Sith Lord on the way, and you need to get in there as soon as possible. Perhaps even find your sister as well.”

The forces rushed towards their objectives. Midnight grabbed a single lightsaber from his belt and also the hilt of his voidsword as well. He rushed after Masaki, easily keeping up but kept far enough behind to remain a surprise. He soon heard the clashing of lightsabers and the distinct smell of ozone from Sith lightning. As the two Jedi clashed with the Sith Lord, suddenly Midnight jumped up from behind a ledge and came down at the Sith Lord, both blades stabbing downward at his head.

Edge, Flame and Silent followed Lowbacca and the others. They were all prepared, bloodlust and revenge seeking on their mind. When the battle joined, they went at it with fervor many would see as madness. They left the normal soldiers alone unless they got in the way and went straight for the Dark Jedi. Flame was laughing hysterically as he set one aflame, while cutting the head off another with his capture lightsaber and arm-mounted flamethrower. Silent continued her silent and deadly killing, slicing throats, legs, ankles, arms, bleeding his enemies out, while defending herself with a single voidsword. Edge was everywhere, leaping from area to area, cutting his enemies apart with his lightsaber and voidsword, even as he telekinetically sent his special knives thudding into enemy soldiers. The Imperial forces would see only death and damnation in their eyes, no room for mercy or hope. Death had come, and in his place, he sent three of his dark angels to claim lives far overdue.
New Dornalia
15-02-2009, 06:05
Citadel Entrance

Master Lowbacca's bronze lightsaber was raised high, then swooped forward in the unmistakable signal to advance into the Citadel with all forces. In moments, the two forces of Light and Darkness clashed. Marines fought stormtroopers in brutal CQB, with vibroblades being employed on vital body parts. Allied Force-users and other supernatural hero forces fought the forces of darkness, with Sith, alchemical beasts and more being thrown into the brawl that spilled into the courtyards of the citadel and beyond.

And of course, the Cylon Centurions did what they did best, emotionlessly killing enemies in their way and being destroyed in turn.

There were 15,000 stormtroopers in the Citadel Legion and hundreds of minor Darkside forces backed them up. The Coredian Marines tasked in the taking of the Citadel massed a third of that, not counting the light mechs and the number of Jedi and Shinobi sent into the fight was around 300. Then there were the allies, of which hundreds poured into the breaches into the palace.

It was all over but the shouting, the blood and the explosions.

The Sith and the Stormtroopers inside probably didn't expect the sight, but among the Allies that would begin their grim work were a group of oddly anachronistic individuals. Leaping about and rushing at high speed between groups of enemies, throwing up Force Wall when it best suited them, they opened fire with slugthrowers of all things upon their foes, and when they got too close, they broke out the classic kung-fu. This mixed with Shinmei explosions, Adrian's own electric storms and other things kept things fun.

They were joined by the DOrnalian Marines, who stormed the building with all they had. And, one could be seen waving a giant flag with a stylized Four Leaf Clover, marked with a letter "b" enclosed in slashmarks to rally the troops.

Our battle has begun!

The Fangirl Squad and the Dornalians, meanwhile, began scaling up the heights and got there just as the fight began.

The Red Detachment lept in the air, hooting and hollering and shouting, "Go Dan-ny! Go Dan-ny!" They also took the time to make incredibly stupid faces at the Sith Lord, and taunt him with the classic "stick yer tongue out and pull your eyelid down with your indexfinger" move.

This was all before the lead Fangirl ignited her saber and began to rush the Sith Lord, screaming at the top of her lungs with a feral scream and a flash of Force Wall....naturally the others exhorted her to keep back, afraid she was going to do something stupid.
16-02-2009, 01:58
Najus was having the time of his resurrected life, dueling two Jedi at the height of their powers and throwing around waves of dark side energies like confetti. Of course then came the gnats, the Masaki cheerleaders and the Telrosian soldiers. Najus welcomed them as well...

The forces rushed towards their objectives. Midnight grabbed a single lightsaber from his belt and also the hilt of his voidsword as well. He rushed after Masaki, easily keeping up but kept far enough behind to remain a surprise. He soon heard the clashing of lightsabers and the distinct smell of ozone from Sith lightning. As the two Jedi clashed with the Sith Lord, suddenly Midnight jumped up from behind a ledge and came down at the Sith Lord, both blades stabbing downward at his head.

Najus simply dodged Midnight's feeble attack, then utilized the Force to slam him into the nearest wall. He followed that attack up with...

The Fangirl Squad and the Dornalians, meanwhile, began scaling up the heights and got there just as the fight began.

The Red Detachment lept in the air, hooting and hollering and shouting, "Go Dan-ny! Go Dan-ny!" They also took the time to make incredibly stupid faces at the Sith Lord, and taunt him with the classic "stick yer tongue out and pull your eyelid down with your indexfinger" move.

This was all before the lead Fangirl ignited her saber and began to rush the Sith Lord, screaming at the top of her lungs with a feral scream and a flash of Force Wall....naturally the others exhorted her to keep back, afraid she was going to do something stupid.
A nasty blast of Sith Lightning that was reminscent of a certain other Sith Lord beating down another young apprentice once upon a time fried the Fangirl with lethal Dark Side energies. He bellowed with sadistic glee, "Any other challengers?"

"Stand back!" I ordered the others as I grimaced at the Sith's brutality. "He's too strong for you!"

Naruto and I began to up the ante, him tossing clone after clone at the Sith Lord, followed up by me charging my lightsaber with electricity, slamming the Sith Lord with lightning bolts every time our blades clashed. Still, the Sith Lord held on to the fight, revelling in the thrill of the fight and relishing the sting of bloody wounds. "Come, Jedi! Finish me if you can!"

With renewed determination, the two of us fought on.



The youthful Padawan Pack were in the thick of the battle along with the Marines and the elders, employing a wide variety of powers and abilities, from Nick's gunsmanship to Haruka's alchemy and Keith's various summons, and much more. As they broke into the Citadel, they were met by a strange increasing sense of coldness and fear in the air. Travis, especially, began to unconsciously retrieve memories of his incarceration by Auntie Nightshade and put effort to blocking it out.

"Dementors." He shook his head, powering up a Psybolt. "Jeez. Is that all the Dark Side can send at us?"

"I'll take care of them." Shinji said, making a tiny circle with his forefingers. Designate target. "Hoi!"

"Joso!" He pointed at the soulsucking beasts. Lock on target.

"Ketsu! Ketsu! Ketsu!" Activate! He swirled his fingers upwards multiple times, encompassing the Dementors in faint blue translucent cubes. Try as they might, they couldn't escape this strange technique! "Now...Metsu!" Destroy!

The cubes collapsed on themselves, destroying the Darksided creatures within, leaving nothing but particles. Shinji then extended a shakujo, a ringed staff with Buddhist origins, and then spoke another word of power.

"Tenketsu!" The ring on top of the staff glowed and sucked in the particles.

"Whoa...when did you learn that?" Travis asked, surprised at Shinji's growth.

"Grandma Katara sent me to some family friends last summer to master Kekkaijutsus (Barrier Techniques)." Shinji shrugged. "This style works best on demonic enemies, but regular enemies can be destroyed this way as well. Ketsu! Metsu!"

A chimera beast had chosen a bad time to charge, was encased in Shinji's cube, destroyed and had its remains removed from this world.

"Cool stuff." Travis nodded in approval. "Let's keep going."

16-02-2009, 02:42
Beneath the epic fight, and indeed all around it, the sound of crashing masonry and screams of surprise rose up to punctuate the lightsaber strikes and lightning blasts. If one were to take stock of the situation, they would note that the great Starspiders were practically burrowing their way into the great complex with calculated precision. In fact, on a parapet not too far removed from the fight between Najus and his allied opponents, a squadron of stormtroopers burst forth in support of their master, rushing onto one of the pathways leading to the sith lord in single-minded pursuit. Several unnatural monstrosities accompanied their advance, and were they to make it to their objective they might have caused great havoc.

Unfortunately their pathway blasted out from under them, sending a great many flying and a great many more toppling to the floor below. With a flick of its prehensile tail, the Starspider that caused the unfortunate logistical failure yelled "SKEET!" and produced an assault blaster, whereupon it commenced shooting down any troopers and aberrations that were still in the air. Satisfied that its fun was had, it went back to banging down on the reinforced roofs of another building that stood in its way.

Meanwhile, inside the building itself, Godulan infantry began to pour in with remarkable enthusiasm, the Tantisian troops seeming singularly pleased at the notion of finally exacting revenge on those who had imprisoned them so long ago. Provided a map and a representation of friendly unit concentrations that could be easily referenced within their helmets, they had no trouble making initial headway into the gargantuan castle. Their power armor was a strange affair, seeming at once gothic and streamlined in nature. It gave a rather bulky appearance, but those within it were capable of the full range of movement, even cocking the head from left to right and reaching behind oneself. Their guns were curiosities as well, seeming at first to be simple heavy blasters of a sort, but packing in the functionality of a grenade launcher and a heavy plasma flamer as well. Even more functionality was demonstrated when several Tantisian troopers encountered a knot of surprisingly heavy resistance from a barricade just a few meters down one corner. With a twist, a Tantisian brought his gun to poke out past the corner, then pulled on a lever located halfway down the gun's length. The forward half of the gun angled itself down the hallway towards the stormtroopers, and a small screen detailing what the gun was now pointing at flashed into the trooper's heads-up display. Free to take aim and fire without fear of reprisal, the trooper then began to pick off the enemy soldiers one by one.

The Eidolons leading the infantry were having quite a time of it as well, gleefully joining combat against multiple foes at once and using their unique capabilities to maximum advantage. It was not every day that a sith acolyte would have his lightsaber grabbed by the blade and torn free from his hands by a Godulan giving a strangely serene smile. When it came to the close quarters combat, there were few who could match the Eidolons in sheer strength and maneuverability. They were able to take many blaster bolts before their bodies lost structural cohesion and they melted into the floor with sizzling craters and many corpses the only reminder that they had existed, and such victories would be precious few if any, for the Eidolons came with the Tantisian troopers close behind to offer further support.

Meanwhile, up in the space arena, the Siege Platform begain to make its way towards the Huntarian Imperial fleet, while the two of the Godulan Slaughterstars began to circle around towards the huntarian fleet from the night side. The third, having dispensed its ground-assault force on the Citadel, moved into the night side and held position...
New Dornalia
17-02-2009, 02:28
A nasty blast of Sith Lightning that was reminscent of a certain other Sith Lord beating down another young apprentice once upon a time fried the Fangirl with lethal Dark Side energies. He bellowed with sadistic glee, "Any other challengers?"

"Stand back!" I ordered the others as I grimaced at the Sith's brutality. "He's too strong for you!"

The Fangirl then proceeded to get back up. Wiping her mouth with her hand, she proceeded to spit on the ground and in the ricketiest of manners, smile evilly at Najus.

"I'm still here, ya bigmouthed pansy." She then Forcegrabbed her lightsaber, and proceeded to hold it forward, per the Toyama-ryu inspired fighting styles of the Acolytes. Breathing heavily, someone then told her simply, "Run! Get out!"

"Heal me, Jane! Heal me!"


"Do it!"

The pallor and complexion of the Fangirl seemed to grow more lifelike and less fried, as she began to step forward again, facing Najus with renewed defiance. In good fangirl tradition, she mimicked old Japanese warriors, and began giving her life's history right in front of them.

"The name's Susan von Falkenhausen. I am from a long line of Prussian soldiers and sailors. One of my great ancestors, Alexander (, helped defend a people from tyranny and saved the innocent from harm. Another built machines to make men race at high speeds. ( And yet another, Ludwig (, won the Blue Max for his service to the Fatherland."

She then finished by shouting, "Now, I intend to challenge you, and follow in their footsteps! En garde!" before moving forward, using Force Speed to close on Najus whilst encasing herself in a bubble of Force Protection.....
17-02-2009, 02:50
"Sir, Enemy ECM's activated! We can't find them!"

"They can't be very far. Huntarians love their petty tricks. Order scattershots to be fired and concentrate when you get hits. And use visual scanners! You're not blind, you're just not thinking!" Pellaeon ordered.

Laser cannons began increasing their firing rate at the cost of firepower and flooded the area with sheets of 'targeting' fire that if hit, would allow the turbolasers to track the hits and engage. After all, space is BIG and a few kilometers is nothing compared to the thousands that would be available between orbit and planet.

Meanwhile, several ships began drifting as the phase torpedoes did their work, disabling the engines and forcing the crew to work hard to repair the damage. Those ships were down for the count!

Khal glanced at the tactical map of his security station. He smiled at the fact the Coredians were now adrift but there were a few other recent actions which made his smile turn into a sour frown.

The twenty five warships, lead by the Sun Shang Xiang, were quick to reach minimum firing distance. Orders were communicated over physical-band transmission via cables deployed from the ships. It almost resembled a spider's web, if one could even manage to get close enough to see them doing what they were doing.

Once the orders were conveyed, the forward gunnery crews would visually acquire their targets amongst the massed Huntarian Empire fleet...

First salvo: Behemoth Lasers. Each of the individual lasers packed one sixteenth the punch of the Eclipse-class Axial Laser. The Davions, packing two sets of two on their forward batteries, were fronting most of the punch while the Sabers had to physically align their ships in order to even hope to chance striking their targets.

Second salvo: Heavy PPCs. These weapons were the Weapons from Hell. The massive charge generated for each individual shot not only produced the effects of ion cannon weaponry, but it also melted hulls. With four per Davion and four sets of three on each Saber, it would be near impossible to miss as they continued to move forward.

Third salvo: Heavy Gauss Cannons. Fortunately for the Hunatarians, these were mercifully few in number. However, with six sets of two on each Davion, the chances were still high for drawing a hit. To make matters worse, one could describe the size of the shells as being like mass transit buses.

Fourth salvo: standard PPCs. While not quite packing the same punch as their larger cousins, they still did the same exact thing, only on a smaller scale. Yet again, the Fates offered respite to the Huntarian Empire as only the Sabers carried them in the equasion of (5x5)20. Read: five guns per battery, five batters per ship, twenty ships.

Final salvo: Large lasers and missiles galore! As soon as the fourth salvo finished, the Clans ended the initial sets of salvos with a massed, wide-spread barrage consisting of their smaller Large Laser batteries and, of course, their missiles.

Projectiles mixed with laser fire as nigh-uncountable amounts of missiles were rocketed forth from the twenty ships. To make matters worse, one out of every forty missiles was tipped with a small, tactical nuclear warhead, but the only way they were going to be of any decent effect is if their initial detonations penetrated the hulls of their targets or occurred within sections made vulnerable to their impact. The rest of the missiles were merely shaped-charge warheads that expelled smaller, solid sub-munitions after initial detonation.

As for the lasers, the Davion equation was (20x5)5. The Saber equation was (5x5)20. Add the totals together and the Huntarians were looking at a rather formidable final barrage from the lasers alone, considering that these lasers had the same punch as your average turbolaser turret.

“Admiral, new contacts bearing from the new enemies, twenty five ships by our count have targeted us with high yeild weapons.”

Khal growled, “prepare for a mini-jump across the system.”

The Navigator looked at his consol, which was blaring red warning signs. “I wouldn’t recommend it sir, our FTL calculations are reading something weird in the system. Something the Godulans did I assume.”

Khal slammed his fists onto the table, it was clear that he was runing out of options, “move the fleet beyond the planet, away from enemy fire. Force them to reconsider firing blindly at us when they see they risk hitting civilian targets. It would appear that our job here is done for now. We’ve done all we can to destract the enemy for our other forces to do what they needed. As soon as we have reached the other side of the planet, I want you to begin calculating possible escape distances where we can get to and use our FTL’s. In the mean time, return fire at the enemy fleet with a volley of Quantum and Transphasics.”

OOC: Edited upon ND's request.

As the fleet retreated, the Tie Cruiser was hit by the Dornalian Duplex Drive Demolisher Gun, taking severe damage to the ship though it was not destroyed. It alarmed the Commanders, making note that it should be moved forward of the fleet ASAP to avoid any further attacks if possible. Realizing the threat of this Dornalian Cannon, Admiral Khal ordered rest of the fleet formed up around the Leviathan and the Tie Carrier, hoping to limit the chances of them being hit by the Dornalian weapon.


The singularities slowed a bit while they chomped on the energy shields, but being gravity wells, they didn't slow down all that much. The energy gave them the strength to carry on even after the fleet shield went down, and as the enemy fleet went in reverse, it was like the singularities were ominously following, forever hungry. Though of course, they could only follow on a straight trajectory...

On Issus itself, tidal effects from the singularities spilled over the coastal cities, causing much flooding, but that was the least of the planet's problems as the planetary shielding finally fell and the fleet were almost totally destroyed by the incoming enemy fire.

The final capital of the Coredians has fallen to the enemy!

Vorman's eyes glowed bright with a sort of glee. While emotion wasn't his forte it would be what he feel if he were capable of showing it. However, he must always keep a cool head in order for him to be able to continue onwards with his invasion. With the shield down, the Empire started to beam squads down onto the planet, as well as launch troop transports. The Time has come for the Huntarian occupation. ::Order the two Tie Carriers to launch their Phase Torpedoes at the enemy fleet, target their Power Core. I want them to be wiped out in the next few moments if we are to have things as scheduled. Keep the fleet moving in full reverse to avoid the enemy singularities. It won't be long before their forces will be reduced to nothing.:: He then walked up to Aelikes and stared blankly into his eyes.

Aelikes nodded, "We're ready to go to the planet's surface. Are you sure this is how you wish to reveal yourself to the Galaxy? Everyone will know that you are still a Kirtir Lord, probably one of the most powerful one."

::Aelikes my friend, I never second guess my actions.:: Lord Vorman replied coldly. ::Make sure our armies will be able to land. We will show no mercy to this pathetic sanctuary. The Jedi will soon see that they have something far more terrible to face than the Tenetians or their Sith brethren.:: He nodded to Aelikes who acknowledged the jester. They then disappeared in a blinding flash of light, using the Force to teleport themselves to Master Blayden's position.

Aelikes looked at the former Jedi Master, "are you ready to take the Temple?"


R.S.S. Zeus

The Zeus all this time was doing a mixture of nothing, up until the point everyone had returned back to engage the Empire and their allies. When the Coredians issued the order to deactivate comms and sensor arrays, the Alliance obeyed. They knew of the Cylon occupation of the Coredians, they took their word that they knew what to do with the Virus. Then the call came for them to reactivate the comm and sensors, which Craimorn was more than willing to oblige.

Now? The Alliance re-engaged the enemy fleet.

Craimorn glanced out at the 3D Holographic plane of the battlefield which was presented in front of his command chair. He could see allied ships moving about, as well as the Huntarian Empire. "Status of fleet?"

The Zeus's X.O. reported, "Dornalians have sustained minor damage from Empire weapons. It would appear that most of the Imperial fleet has been destroyed in the Cylon attacks... We're ready to resume attack patterns."

Craimorn nodded, "reposition our ships to begin surface attacks on military installations only. Ready the XL Phaser Arrays and Pulse Phasers."

In that instant, the other ships which the Alliance had promised to participate arrived. General Verneal stood in the center of the Redemption's bridge, which resembled that of the Executor Super Star Destroyers. The ship was originally known as the Aphotic Super Star Destroyer, the Huntarian Empire's first original command design. Captured by Godulan and Alliance forces in the brief raids against the Huntarian Empire, it has served as the center piece of the Alliance's Fleet. "General Verneal to Allied Fleet, we have arrived in the system and beginning to land troops onto the surface."
17-02-2009, 03:55
The Fangirl then proceeded to get back up. Wiping her mouth with her hand, she proceeded to spit on the ground and in the ricketiest of manners, smile evilly at Najus.

"I'm still here, ya bigmouthed pansy." She then Forcegrabbed her lightsaber, and proceeded to hold it forward, per the Toyama-ryu inspired fighting styles of the Acolytes. Breathing heavily, someone then told her simply, "Run! Get out!"

"Heal me, Jane! Heal me!"


"Do it!"

The pallor and complexion of the Fangirl seemed to grow more lifelike and less fried, as she began to step forward again, facing Najus with renewed defiance. In good fangirl tradition, she mimicked old Japanese warriors, and began giving her life's history right in front of them.

"The name's Susan von Falkenhausen. I am from a long line of Prussian soldiers and sailors. One of my great ancestors, Alexander (, helped defend a people from tyranny and saved the innocent from harm. Another built machines to make men race at high speeds. ( And yet another, Ludwig (, won the Blue Max for his service to the Fatherland."

She then finished by shouting, "Now, I intend to challenge you, and follow in their footsteps! En garde!" before moving forward, using Force Speed to close on Najus whilst encasing herself in a bubble of Force Protection.....
The two of us and Najus continued to duel during the girl's speech, but when she attacked, Najus did not even pause in his fighting, doing nothing more than making her slam into a Force Wall he created. "What was that, girl? I couldn't hear you over the sound of fighting people that mattered!"

Unfortunately, erecting a Force Wall and that tiny monologue made him shift his concentration from us to the girl -Susan- for a bare moment...enough to allow me to destroy one of his hands. He bellowed in rage and pain and stumbled back...only to feel the bite of Naruto's Rasengan as it slammed into his back. I lept out of the way as a tornado took shape around the Sith Lord and smashed him off the roof of the Citadel and to his death. It was finished, and faster than I expected.

"So much for that bastard." I sighed.
New Dornalia
17-02-2009, 04:18
The two of us and Najus continued to duel during the girl's speech, but when she attacked, Najus did not even pause in his fighting, doing nothing more than making her slam into a Force Wall he created. "What was that, girl? I couldn't hear you over the sound of fighting people that mattered!"

Unfortunately, erecting a Force Wall and that tiny monologue made him shift his concentration from us to the girl -Susan- for a bare moment...enough to allow me to destroy one of his hands. He bellowed in rage and pain and stumbled back...only to feel the bite of Naruto's Rasengan as it slammed into his back. I lept out of the way as a tornado took shape around the Sith Lord and smashed him off the roof of the Citadel and to his death. It was finished, and faster than I expected.

"So much for that bastard." I sighed.

Susan staggered back and swung her sword....just as Daniel and Naruto delivered the killing blow. With a cry of, "Verdamnt!" she depowered her saber and walked to the edge, giving Najus's corpse a final cold stare before she walked back, rubbing her head.

She then turned cheery and stood proud in front of her comrades when they shouted cheers at all parties involved. Bowing, she then said, "It was all Danny...I just helped!"
17-02-2009, 22:39
“Admiral, new contacts bearing from the new enemies, twenty five ships by our count have targeted us with high yeild weapons.”

Khal growled, “prepare for a mini-jump across the system.”

The Navigator looked at his consol, which was blaring red warning signs. “I wouldn’t recommend it sir, our FTL calculations are reading something weird in the system. Something the Godulans did I assume.”

Khal slammed his fists onto the table, it was clear that he was runing out of options, “move the fleet beyond the planet, away from enemy fire. Force them to reconsider firing blindly at us when they see they risk hitting civilian targets. It would appear that our job here is done for now. We’ve done all we can to destract the enemy for our other forces to do what they needed. As soon as we have reached the other side of the planet, I want you to begin calculating possible escape distances where we can get to and use our FTL’s. In the mean time, return fire at the enemy fleet with a volley of Quantum and Transphasics.”
"Enemy fire from grid position 733 Mark 326!"

From that position? I have you now, Khal! Admiral Pellaeon smiled thinly. "Box the location, then fire all weapons inside that position using visual scanners!"

The fleet moved swiftly, their inertial engines allowing them to accelerate quickly so that they would get into position to erect a kind of space box around the particular grid position the enemy appeared to be in. Slowly, the fleet began the attempt to squeeze the life out of the Huntarians, firing everything from torpedoes to superlasers in a rather desperate attempt to destroy Khal's forces before they took the long route to fleeing the system.

Vorman's eyes glowed bright with a sort of glee. While emotion wasn't his forte it would be what he feel if he were capable of showing it. However, he must always keep a cool head in order for him to be able to continue onwards with his invasion. With the shield down, the Empire started to beam squads down onto the planet, as well as launch troop transports. The Time has come for the Huntarian occupation. ::Order the two Tie Carriers to launch their Phase Torpedoes at the enemy fleet, target their Power Core. I want them to be wiped out in the next few moments if we are to have things as scheduled. Keep the fleet moving in full reverse to avoid the enemy singularities. It won't be long before their forces will be reduced to nothing.:: He then walked up to Aelikes and stared blankly into his eyes.

Aelikes nodded, "We're ready to go to the planet's surface. Are you sure this is how you wish to reveal yourself to the Galaxy? Everyone will know that you are still a Kirtir Lord, probably one of the most powerful one."

::Aelikes my friend, I never second guess my actions.:: Lord Vorman replied coldly. ::Make sure our armies will be able to land. We will show no mercy to this pathetic sanctuary. The Jedi will soon see that they have something far more terrible to face than the Tenetians or their Sith brethren.:: He nodded to Aelikes who acknowledged the jester. They then disappeared in a blinding flash of light, using the Force to teleport themselves to Master Blayden's position.

Aelikes looked at the former Jedi Master, "are you ready to take the Temple?"
"Yes. It is time." Master Blayden nodded. "Both of the Jedi Council members here have been neutralized, and I sense the Queen of Dragons has been killed. There is none left that could stand in our way!"
18-02-2009, 04:09
Susan staggered back and swung her sword....just as Daniel and Naruto delivered the killing blow. With a cry of, "Verdamnt!" she depowered her saber and walked to the edge, giving Najus's corpse a final cold stare before she walked back, rubbing her head.

She then turned cheery and stood proud in front of her comrades when they shouted cheers at all parties involved. Bowing, she then said, "It was all Danny...I just helped!"
"Susan von Falkenhausen." I spoke. As she turned around, she was met with a glare that could make Admiral Pellaeon proud. As he did to me, so I would do to the girl. Recklessness, I knew all too well, has no place in a combat zone. "I have never seen such foolish recklessness in my life, young lady, and believe me, I've done some reckless things in the past. Firstly, you left yourself wide open to your enemy, and it's a wonder you managed to survive that Sith Lightning. Secondly, what the hell was that, monologing a speech in the middle of a duel? Had I not been able to keep him occupied while you yakked your way into trouble, you would have died before you finished that speech! Were you my apprentice, I would have sent you packing immediately. In fact, I think I will speak with your superior officer as soon this is over..."

"And as for you girls!" I shouted to the cheering Fangirls. "This is a combat zone, not a ladies' dressing room! Either you get serious right the fuck now or else you'll be on the first ship home, you got that?!"

"Come on, Naruto. Let's finish this battle quickly." I said to him. There was something in the air...something off. "Something's not right."

"I sense it too." He nodded.

The two of us went back through the Citadel, and for some weird reason, the Sith minions were proving a little tougher to kill off than usual...


Bunker Entrance, two hours later

At last, after hours of fighting, the main forces finally reached the bunker entrance. Thanks to the Cylon Virus, the bunker shields was down as well, allowing the army to pour in, including the two leaders, Master Lowbacca and Master Tilton.

Deep in Level 5, Commander Trashaln grinned with fanatic fervor as he watched the army pour through Level One's entrance. "Yes...come, Rebels! Come and revel in your victory! Soon...very soon...yes...very soon you'll face the burning flames of Imperial Justice!"

With that, he expelled another round of mad laughter...
New Dornalia
18-02-2009, 04:24
"Susan von Falkenhausen." I spoke. As she turned around, she was met with a glare that could make Admiral Pellaeon proud. As he did to me, so I would do to the girl. Recklessness, I knew all too well, has no place in a combat zone. "I have never seen such foolish recklessness in my life, young lady, and believe me, I've done some reckless things in the past. Firstly, you left yourself wide open to your enemy, and it's a wonder you managed to survive that Sith Lightning. Secondly, what the hell was that, monologing a speech in the middle of a duel? Had I not been able to keep him occupied while you yakked your way into trouble, you would have died before you finished that speech! Were you my apprentice, I would have sent you packing immediately. In fact, I think I will speak with your superior officer as soon this is over..."

"And as for you girls!" I shouted to the cheering Fangirls. "This is a combat zone, not a ladies' dressing room! Either you get serious right the fuck now or else you'll be on the first ship home, you got that?!"

"Come on, Naruto. Let's finish this battle quickly." I said to him. There was something in the air...something off. "Something's not right."

"I sense it too." He nodded.

The two of us went back through the Citadel, and for some weird reason, the Sith minions were proving a little tougher to kill off than usual...

Amazingly, the dressing down didn't ruin the spirit of this Prussian Aristocrat-cum-Fangirl-cum-wannabe heroine. The others bowed their heads in shame, and merely said, "Yes sir, sorry sir," before assuming military posture and proceeding professionally to follow their Idol in good order, to the tune of sighs from the other Acolyte teams who were thouroughly embarassed by the whole experience.

But not Susan. Nope. Evidently, that Sith Lightning must have damaged her head, because she saluted and said, "Yes sir, it will not happen again! I will learn from my mistake!" proudly, with a smile. It seemed she took it optimistically as a learning moment.

Then, she began moving diligently, and one Qiangquan forcemessaged her.

"YOu dummy! The only reason why Adrian let you on this gig was because you were a damn good soldier otherwise at Speed Tactics. Why the fuck did you momologue!?"

"I cannot help it," she Forcemessaged back. "I had to do something."

"Did you not hear what he said?" was the angry Forcemessage back. "The man said you coulda been killed!"

"All the better. I would have died doing something good for freedom! To do anything less--unacceptable!" she Forcemessaged with a smile. Not that she hadn't learned. But she was evidently relentlessly optimistic.

Sighing, Adrian got a rather nasty Forcemessage.....whereupon Adrian vowed, "She is so going to get an asswhupping after this."
18-02-2009, 05:49
Midnight saw his opponent twist and dodge his oncoming attack. An expected move and the one he wanted. Because he knew after that, the Sith would try to....He watched the man thrust his hand forward, sending a Force Push his way. Midnight gave a grim smirk to the man's face. Typical Force-user. Reading these guys was getting to be too easy. Wind rushed around Midnight but he did not move, as the Force-void he naturally projected due to TITAN's modifications to his body nullified the attack. He prepared to being again when one of strange New Dornalian agents attacked the Sith, distracting him enough so that the Emperor could cut off a hand and then the one known as Naruto to finish him off with some strange wind technique. Midnight glanced over the edge the Sith wailed from as he fell to his death, then turned to Masaki.

"That's finished. I've been getting reports from my squad. There has been significant progress into the Citadel, but the legion's size and the close quarters of the Citadel, not to mention the numerous Dark Jedi, have slowed things down. I recommend we go and punch a hole in their lines, so we can reinforce our soldiers there."


The battle in the Citadel raged on, as the TITAN operatives and SpecOp teams clashed with the Dark Side wielders, the clone soldiers face the allied soldiers. Energy and kinetics that were exchanged numbered like letters in an essay. The Telrosian soldiers were not the only ones who encountered stiff resistance. Bodies of fellow soldiers lay strewn about Sergeant Williams but they were still fighting. The enemy had made a hard chokepoint, with a heavy weapon guarding it, with a large squad of troopers to cover it. Charges had been wiped out before they had barely begun. Gunfire was exchanged all around him, as his squad tried to fight back against the suppressive fire.

Charles spat hot lead at the enemy, taking satisfaction at the blood spurts that came from the armor as his bullets hit. He shifted back behind the pillar as the heavy gun swept his way, digging hot energy into the rock. "Orders, sir? We're pinned down here!" The rest of the squad was giving as good as they got, Tanya blasting at the gun with her heavy energy rifle, trying to draw it away from Charles to let him fire again while she hid behind cover. Amanda, their heavy weapons soldier, lay next to Williams, a bandage covering the left side of her chest, injured during the last assault when she tried to bring her rocket launcher to bear. Williams gritted his teeth. He had to give it one last try, to at least weaken them until the next wave of reinforcements came.

"Alright people. I'll throw a flash grenade to give them something to look at. On my mark, everyone is to throw a grenade and then saturate them with fire. Understood?"

"Aye aye sir!"

He plucked the grenade from his belt and crawled up to a small hole where he could see the enemy. The gun was blaring at Charles again, whom was running out of cover from the damaged pillar. "One....two...." He primed, then threw the grenade and it landed near the enemy. Everyone looked away as it went off, shrieks of pain coming from the clone soldiers. "MARK!" All three primed and threw more grenades, this time frags and then opened up on the enemy soldiers. Soldier after soldier fell, with three explosion sending smoke, shrapnel and gore into the air. Several began to blind shoot into the air, trying to hit their enemy. Williams cursed and cried out in pain, as a single energy bolt lanced his face, slicing through his left eye.

"Sergeant!" Tanya rushed over to him as Charles continued firing but Williams pushed her away.

"Keep...the fire up....Don't stop....until reinforcements arrive."

She nodded and, grimly taking up her rifle, spat more energy into the enemy. Williams felt the rushing blackness of unconsciousness rushing up on him and he could do nothing to stop it. He hoped those reinforcements would come soon, else four more casualties will end up on some insignificant list that some pencil pusher will glance at, then proclaim their mission was a great success.

Such was the way of a soldier, he thought before everything faded.
19-02-2009, 19:01
"That's finished. I've been getting reports from my squad. There has been significant progress into the Citadel, but the legion's size and the close quarters of the Citadel, not to mention the numerous Dark Jedi, have slowed things down. I recommend we go and punch a hole in their lines, so we can reinforce our soldiers there."
"Yeah, sounds good." I nodded. Then I noted the rompin' stompin' Starspiders gleefully killing anything that stood in our way. "Though the Godulans seem to be having fun."

Right then, time for some action. Hitting on an idea, I pulled out a couple of kunai from my standard-issue kunai pouch and then infused them with electricity. Then I levitated them and headed down into the battlefield. The kunai had one function: to deliver nasty electric shocks to various enemies on the battlefield.

Meanwhile, Naruto continually spammed clones to deal with the enemies, boosting the already huge numbers of allied forces to more extreme levels. Bit by bit, the Citadel was cleansed of the taint of the Dark Side...for now.

But below the Citadel, the army ran into significant problems.

Stormtroopers and wicked-looking beasts made us pay for every inch, blocking entrances whenever they could and there was a distinct lack of the Force that caused many of the Jedi to retreat, but those who wielded abilities that are not powered by the Force were unfazed by the loss and took up the slack (ie, the Shinobi, Alchemists, and the Pack). Either that or they used less...civilized weapons like blaster rifles and pistols though some of the Jedi were less than effective at their use...and died. Even so, Master Lowbacca ordered the inhibitor abominations to be destroyed posthaste to return the Force to the Jedi.

But little did we know what we will encounter once we crashed through Level 3...
New Dornalia
20-02-2009, 02:45
The Citadel fight raged on, as New Dornalian Marines and their PA comrades pushed further into the depths. The Stormtroopers and the beasts that had plagued the others likewise gave the Dornies some trouble. The Marines, to their credit, took cover and worked with their Allies.

Then, the Inhibitors. And the fact Adrian began feeling rather powerless....he then ordered on his comms, "Sergey! Blow down the inhibitors, now with the Marines. We need those things down!"

Thus, the Shinmei--whose powers also utilized Divine Essence--led the way along with their non-Forcepowered Marine cousins. A flash here, a wave of directed Essence projected explosively there, and a few well placed grenades with duct tape on them there, and they began to do their work to help clear the way.

As all this occurred, von Falkenhausen, not feeling disgraced in any way whatsoever, decided to once more attack the enemies. She then displayed why she had been allowed here in the first place, by proceeding to run with such speed that she became a blur of human activity and lightsaber swing, leaping in and out of the mobs of enemies, occasionally outside of the packs to breathe, then to leap back in. Naturally, the others assisted, opening up with their own sets of skills to aid the progress of the Coredian Emperor and his rambunctious little friend.
New Dornalia
20-02-2009, 03:08
OOC: Edited upon ND's request.

As the fleet retreated, the Tie Cruiser was hit by the Dornalian Duplex Drive Demolisher Gun, taking severe damage to the ship though it was not destroyed. It alarmed the Commanders, making note that it should be moved forward of the fleet ASAP to avoid any further attacks if possible. Realizing the threat of this Dornalian Cannon, Admiral Khal ordered rest of the fleet formed up around the Leviathan and the Tie Carrier, hoping to limit the chances of them being hit by the Dornalian weapon.

Nomura didn't wait for Gracie to squawk the results. He then leaned forward, and thrust his finger out aggressively, as he simply ordered, "Charge the Duplex Drive Demolisher again. I want that ship plowed under faster than a porn star bending over! And all units, initiate pursuit! Don't fucking let them out!"

Khal's move was smart in some ways, but the Huntarians could now expect Nomura to not pass this opportunity up. The massed waves of smaller ships pursued their opponents as they fell back to their command vessels, as all the vessels continued to assault the enemy, moving to make a broad, sweeping motion to encircle them from multiple angles from the Y and Z axes. Nomura's own ship, meanwhile, moved in closer.....
23-02-2009, 00:15
Issus Temple

Blayden was not idle after the Kirtir landed and began taking over the planet. In fact, he activated his plan immediately, finding clusters of younglings that tried to hide from the sudden Huntarian invasion and turning them into mind-controlled little zombies using his mastery of mind and hypnosis techniques. Even the Dragons that came out to attack the Huntarians fell to his power. While the techniques used would not be permanent, it would last long enough to give that foolish Masaki boy serious problems once he returns!

Soon enough, an army of mind-controlled dragons and apprentices marched on the Marine garrisons, who fell quickly as they were unwilling to shoot at children and allies. More soldiers for the cause!

Soon, Blayden was ready to meet any force the Jedi would bring...
24-02-2009, 20:32
Tenetian Bunker

When the enemy retreated, they left nothing for the Rebels to capture. The cloning tanks burned. The computers were wiped and then destroyed. The hallways were barricaded, yet the Cougars simply bulled through the barricades and killed their prey amidst horrible screams. What was white armor to vibroclaws and razorblade teeth?

The Force inhibitors were brought low, the abominable machines smashed to pieces by Telrosian agents, who could walk through walls like ghosts. The Jedi surged forward block by block, accompanied by heavily armed Marines, allied forces and Centurions.

And soon, the Padawan Pack broke through Level Three as the vanguard forces, taking out enemies along the way. Little did they know what they were about to encounter...

"Yeah! Three levels down! Two to go!" Nawaki Uzumaki, Naruto's son, cheered.

"Don't go cheering just yet." Keith Masaki replied. "We still have stuff to take out."

'Don't be a worrywart, Keith!" Travis grinned. "What could possibly go wrong?"

Suddenly, there was a distinct sound, like banging. Yelling and screaming, then a roar.

"Oh, now you jinxed us!" Nick groaned. He then put in fresh clips in his dual blaster pistols. "I hope we can beat whatever's next."

"Hehe. Just watch." Travis thumbed his nose with brimming confidence. "I'm gonna bring down whatever comes with my Psybolt!"

"Not before I take out it first, wimp!" Asuka grinned, her twin lightsabers twirling like batons.

Then they heard it in the next room. "It's coming! It's coming!"

"Kill it!" Blaster fire. "Augh!"

The sounds of sickening chomping occurred, then a loud gulp.

"Ugh. Doesn't sound good." Haruka groaned.

"Indeed. We'll have to fire together." Reika nodded, calling up a fire technique.

The kids took up defense positions as more banging occurred, banging that dented the blast door next to their room. Then, a large maroon monster ( burst into the room with a resounding CRASH. It appeared to be a gigantic mouth on legs with a long, whiplike devil tail and short stubby wings and it was about the size of a small bus. There was also a small yellow bird on its head. Their bestial yellow eyes glared menacingly at the Padawan Pack and the bigger creature licked its chops...then ROARED! The roar was so loud it felt like the kids' bones were liquifying and they covered their ears against the sound.

"Fire!" Travis yelled. "Psybolt Beta!"

Colorful holy-based energies charged up and flew at the creature, followed up by fire, ice, lightning, and all sorts of energy and projectile attacks. The combined attacks caused an explosion, forcing the kids to duck.

A sudden inhalation occurred, forcing the kids to hold on tight, and the explosion was drawn into the creature's mouth, smoke and all. The creature didn't even have a scratch on it!

"What the--?" A slack-jawed Travis stared at the creature. "It took everything we gave it and it's still there? Shinji, use that technique!"

"Right! Hoi, Joso, Ketsu!" Shinji cried out, pointing at the creature and erecting a barrier around it. "Metsu!"

The creature vanished with a flash of disintegrating light and smoke...but it didn't even emit a painful roar when the smoke cleared again. Once more, there wasn't a scratch on it!

"WHAT? What the hell is this thing?" Shinji yelled. "Ketsu!"

But as soon as the second barrier has formed, huge claws slashed out, destroying it immediately. Then, the corner of the creature's mouth upturned slightly and the mouth opened a bit was grinning!

Travis gulped. "I have a bad feeling about this..."

The creature took one menacing step forward.

The kids took one terrified step back.

The bird chuckled evilly in a chirpy sort of way. Then it pointed a wing at the kids with a chirp that sounded very much like..."Eat them!"

The creature roared. Then pounced!

"Run!" Nawaki yelled.

"Aaah!" The other kids screamed as they ran for it. The creature is in hot pursuit, chomping at their backsides.

A tiny piece of paper fluttered innocently to the ground. It read:

Beware the Ultimate Chimera!
24-02-2009, 21:39
Issus Temple

Blayden was not idle after the Kirtir landed and began taking over the planet. In fact, he activated his plan immediately, finding clusters of younglings that tried to hide from the sudden Huntarian invasion and turning them into mind-controlled little zombies using his mastery of mind and hypnosis techniques. Even the Dragons that came out to attack the Huntarians fell to his power. While the techniques used would not be permanent, it would last long enough to give that foolish Masaki boy serious problems once he returns!

Soon enough, an army of mind-controlled dragons and apprentices marched on the Marine garrisons, who fell quickly as they were unwilling to shoot at children and allies. More soldiers for the cause!

Soon, Blayden was ready to meet any force the Jedi would bring...

Vorman's Theme (

OOC: RPed with CW's permission

Aelikes joined Blayden with the fun of slaughtering helpless victims. It didn't take the two very long to eradicate most of the Jedi who attempted to fight them, with Blayden's familiarity and Aelikes's mastery of dual Lightsaber blades. Along with their army of Younglings, they stormed the Jedi Temple, passing by the wounded Elendil who watched helplessly as the two stormed the Temple.

Elendil called upon the Force to help heal his wounds and to grab his Lightsaber to go after them without much hope. He was too weakened to be able to move his arms and legs to get himself up. Suddenly, without warning he felt a cold deathly grip surround his bones. His hairs stood up straight, as a disturbing feeling rushed through his body. He turned to look at Lord Vorman slowly hovering towards him. He could feel his bones turn cold in an instant, "... Who are you? Why are you doing this?"

::Who I am is not important Master Elendil. You only need to know that I am the cause of Blayden's fall and the gradual fall of the Jedi Council for tonight, Issus will burn. The Council will be rendered as obsolete in the series of things to come. As to why I am doing this... There is something you must see.:: Vorman lifted Elendil up from the ground, using the Force to make him walk upon his own two feet. Vorman led him out of the Temple, at the top of it's steps where they can see Huntarian Tie PB's drop Napalm upon the Forests, and bomb civilian buildings, turbolasers from above firing down onto random spots of the surface.

Tears fell from Elendil's face as he was forced to watch his world burn, "why are you showing me this? I already know that we have been defeated!"

Vorman forced Elendil to turn his head and look directly into his glowing yellow eyes, ::because you must be made to see that the Jedi are weak. They always have been. They are not prepared for the darkness which is to come.::

Elendil looked at Vorman puzzled, "this isn't darkness? You don't call this defeat?"

::This is a mere taste of what is to come for the Galaxy. Worlds will burn, alliances will fall.:: Vorman then dropped Elendil onto the floor, ::Now Master Elendil, you face your own destiny.:: Vorman lowered his hood upon Elendil's face. The Jedi Master's body twitched violently as Vorman did so. At the same time, mysterious white orbs appeared out of Elendil's mouth as he gasped for his last breath of air. They fluttered into Vorman's hood, where he absorbed them, giving him strength. Should anyone attempt to reach out to Elendil's soul in the Force, they would find that they shall fail, for his soul has been eaten by the Kirtir Lord of Death.
New Dornalia
26-02-2009, 01:35
Tenetian Bunker

....Beware the Ultimate Chimera!

Adrian stopped, and promptly Forcemessaged the others to "GET BACK! NOWNOWNOWNOW!" He could sense something was terribly, terribly wrong. And, as he saw the monster rush forth after the kids, he then had his men get to the sides to avoid injuries, screaming at the Allies, "GET TO THE SIDES, NOW!"

A flurry of AK bullets, lighting storms, fireballs, and thrown objects began flying at the monster, to try and stop it.
27-02-2009, 03:51
Adrian stopped, and promptly Forcemessaged the others to "GET BACK! NOWNOWNOWNOW!" He could sense something was terribly, terribly wrong. And, as he saw the monster rush forth after the kids, he then had his men get to the sides to avoid injuries, screaming at the Allies, "GET TO THE SIDES, NOW!"

A flurry of AK bullets, lighting storms, fireballs, and thrown objects began flying at the monster, to try and stop it.
Unfortunately for the Dornalians, none of the projectiles or energy attacks did harm to the Chimera. It was quite literally unstoppable. Fortunately for the armies, the monster seemed to be targeting the youngsters to the exclusion of everything else.

"Split up!" Travis yelled, and the kids scattered, momentarily confusing the Ultimate Chimera before he charged after the boy with the blue-and-yellow striped shirt. "Aaah! It's after me!"

The young Jedi ran this way and that like some kind of animated holovid character, narrowly avoiding the loss of his butt by a chomp. "Hey! Don't eat my ass!"

It seemed to Travis that the Chimera was quite intent on having his ass for dinner. In fact, if he didn't know better, it would seem to be that it was tailor-made to attack him, as when the kids scattered, it charged at him. Figures that his aunt would cook something like that up!

"I'll lead this thing away! You guys go after the bad guys!" Travis yelled.

"What about you?" Nick asked his teammate.

"I'll be all right! I hope!" The kid yelped as he dodged another chomp. "Finish this battle!"

The Chimera roared as Travis ducked through doors and vaulted over tables and pursued with a single-minded vengeance...


Master Lowbacca watched the scene with some trepidation. If the Masaki heir wasn't about to get eaten, it might even have been funny. Despite his misgivings, he shook his head reluctantly and turned to the army. "<We finish this. The records indicate that there will be two more levels after this! Onwards!>"

By the time they reached Level Four, though...they met with another significant force. Droids! Lots and lots of droids!



Master Blayden toyed with his so-called opponent, barely straining as the youthful Jedi Knight tried to batter at his defenses to no avail. It was unfortunate that his hypnosis wasn't too useful when he was dueling, but at least it didn't matter as the Jedi was the last remaining significant enemy in the Temple. And all too quickly, that enemy was eliminated by sneaky Younglings who stabbed him in the back.

"Good, my children. Good. You have done well." Blayden nodded to them.

"Thank you, Master Blayden!" The children said monotonely, their eyes and emotions dulled as a sign of Blayden's control over them.

"Lord Vorman. The last resistance to the Temple has been eliminated." Blayden reported to his new...Master, he supposed? "The Temple is ours."
27-02-2009, 03:56

"Enemy fire from grid position 733 Mark 326!"

From that position? I have you now, Khal! Admiral Pellaeon smiled thinly. "Box the location, then fire all weapons inside that position using visual scanners!"

The fleet moved swiftly, their inertial engines allowing them to accelerate quickly so that they would get into position to erect a kind of space box around the particular grid position the enemy appeared to be in. Slowly, the fleet began the attempt to squeeze the life out of the Huntarians, firing everything from torpedoes to superlasers in a rather desperate attempt to destroy Khal's forces before they took the long route to fleeing the system.

The Huntarian ships continued to flee as the Coredians fired upon the fleet. Khal gazed upon the view screen as the other side of the planet grew closer and closer, "ETA 'till we clear to the other side?"

"Half an hour sir."


The Security Officer glanced at his console as the Leviathan's alarms glared, "reports coming in sir... Fifty ships destroyed so far. A Tenebrous TSD... Thirty Eradicator TSD's... 9 Retribution Cruisers, and we lost all of our World Eater Battleships. Ships reporting heavy damage all across the board, including our own. The Tie Carrier is reporting severe power loss and structural integrity damage throughout the ship, due to the last two hits from the Dornalian Super Weapon."

Khal cursed at the Dornalian and Coredian ships. NOW he also has to deal with the Huntarian rebel scum who have just entered the area, "order the Tie Carrier to launch one more volley of Phase Torpedoes at the Coredian Command Ship, our Iron Warriors target their Ultra Turbolaser Batteries at the Dornalian ships. The rest of the fleet to fire a volley of Transphasics at all four enemy fleets."

The Security Officer obeyed his commander, "yes sir... If I might add sir, why don't we just simply engage the enemy? We're more powerful and fearsome in close combat than we are at long ranged!"

Khal glanced at his Security Officer, "because our orders were to hold the enemy here while Vorman and the others raided Issus and establish a holding position!" Khal slowly paced himself from the Command Station to the Securit Station and leaned dangerously close to the officer, "knowing Vorman and Aelikes, they've long since have had a holding position and now we're working on trying to find our way out of this damn hell hole! I will NOT have another suicide run done based solely on the idea of some damn concept of honor or any of the like. Retreat is the only viable option we have if the majority of the fleet is to survive... And of course we are to take out as many as we can in the process."


R.S.S. Zeus

The Alliance dispatched itself from space and began to send it's transports down to the surface to help aid any wounded. It's long outdated, though still powerful, Torpedo Cruisers engaged the Huntarian Empire. It didn't take Craimorn to know the kind of tactic which he would use, "launch a volley of Seismic Torpedoes into those bastards!"
27-02-2009, 04:36

Master Blayden toyed with his so-called opponent, barely straining as the youthful Jedi Knight tried to batter at his defenses to no avail. It was unfortunate that his hypnosis wasn't too useful when he was dueling, but at least it didn't matter as the Jedi was the last remaining significant enemy in the Temple. And all too quickly, that enemy was eliminated by sneaky Younglings who stabbed him in the back.

"Good, my children. Good. You have done well." Blayden nodded to them.

"Thank you, Master Blayden!" The children said monotonely, their eyes and emotions dulled as a sign of Blayden's control over them.

"Lord Vorman. The last resistance to the Temple has been eliminated." Blayden reported to his new...Master, he supposed? "The Temple is ours."

Lord Vorman teleported into view at the Jedi Temple where Blayden and Aelikes stood. His glowing eyes gazed out upon the fire and rubble which littered the holy building which once stood tall and proud. He looked back at the two warriors and approached them, "well done Blayden, well done." He and Aelikes looked at each other for a few moments.

Aelikes was the first to speak, "we have discussed this as a group before we departed for our assault on Issus. It would seem that there is only one logical course of action."

Lord Vorman nodded in agreement, ::with five empty seats for the Kirtir Lords, we have decreed that we would offer one to you due to your steadfast loyalty.::

Aelikes looked at Vorman with a look of puzzlement in his eyes, "five? But there's only one--- AAACK!!" Aelikes's chest burst open suddenly as Vorman swiftly swung his Light Scythe into his torso.

::I forgot to mention... Your rule is at an end... Lord Aelikes. You now share the same fate which your Master took not too long ago. You forgot where your steadfast loyalty was suppose to be, both you and your master. Now I will collect your debt owed to me.:: Vorman then withdrew his blade from Aelikes's torso and then gracefully sliced at his head, watching it as it rolled onto the floor. He then turned his attention to the traitor Jedi, ::Master Blayden, where is your nearest Holo-net broadcasting station?::
27-02-2009, 07:36
The Clan ships charging the Huntarian Empire were quite definitely struck by the warheads, taking damage across the board. However, their saving grace was their thick armor and their point defense weapons, each warhead (the ones that actually struck, which were few and far between) only taking chunks of it out and disabling a few weapons here and there on each of the ships. Still, they pressed forward, waiting for their chance to use the Behemoth lasers again. Until then, the Heavy Gauss and Heavy PPC emplacements would have to do for now, as well as the virtually innumerable number of missiles and their ER Large Laser counterparts.


In the meantime, the word got around to the Clan ground forces that the sensor and radio silence was no longer a necessity and slowly, but surely, the ground forces came back into the fold, sharing and passing along tactical data with their allies. In the meantime, it would take a bit longer to get the fleet up to date, especially since it was spread out across the planets orbit.

As this happened, the Clans, with their new orders, began the long, arduous process of clearing out each individual building across the planet of Imperial forces and sympathizers, using the tactic of 'bang-and-clear' to reduce civilian casualties and bring any Imperial forces or sympathizers under their custody. Those that were captured would be brought to concentration camps stripped down to the bare necessities. Those that resisted being sent to the concentration camps would be brutally beaten, and then taken to a medical camp specifically meant for prisoners. Once there, they would be patched up, given a shot of the most powerful, allergy safe anesthetic, and then relocated to the concentration camps that they so despised the thought of going to. Any thought of or attempt at rioting would be swiftly put down by Elementals that were refit for riot control, equipped with tazers and large riot batons. Once the riots were put down, the ring leaders would be placed at the foot of the regional Clan camp wardens to perform surkai (the process of begging forgiveness), and those who did not beg forgiveness were made an example of by whatever means of punishment the commanders would think of (which varied heavily).
27-02-2009, 20:35
Lord Vorman teleported into view at the Jedi Temple where Blayden and Aelikes stood. His glowing eyes gazed out upon the fire and rubble which littered the holy building which once stood tall and proud. He looked back at the two warriors and approached them, "well done Blayden, well done." He and Aelikes looked at each other for a few moments.

Aelikes was the first to speak, "we have discussed this as a group before we departed for our assault on Issus. It would seem that there is only one logical course of action."

Lord Vorman nodded in agreement, ::with five empty seats for the Kirtir Lords, we have decreed that we would offer one to you due to your steadfast loyalty.::

Aelikes looked at Vorman with a look of puzzlement in his eyes, "five? But there's only one--- AAACK!!" Aelikes's chest burst open suddenly as Vorman swiftly swung his Light Scythe into his torso.

::I forgot to mention... Your rule is at an end... Lord Aelikes. You now share the same fate which your Master took not too long ago. You forgot where your steadfast loyalty was suppose to be, both you and your master. Now I will collect your debt owed to me.:: Vorman then withdrew his blade from Aelikes's torso and then gracefully sliced at his head, watching it as it rolled onto the floor. He then turned his attention to the traitor Jedi, ::Master Blayden, where is your nearest Holo-net broadcasting station?::
The fallen Master watched dispassionately as Lord Aelikes was killed by Vorman. It seems that the ghostly Lord has staged a coup in his own nation as well as here. Interesting. "All communications come and go at the control center."

The two headed to the control center, where the small child Athena still slept in a corner. He tapped some keys, activating the comms network. "Here we are."
New Dornalia
27-02-2009, 21:45

The Security Officer glanced at his console as the Leviathan's alarms glared, "reports coming in sir... Fifty ships destroyed so far. A Tenebrous TSD... Thirty Eradicator TSD's... 9 Retribution Cruisers, and we lost all of our World Eater Battleships. Ships reporting heavy damage all across the board, including our own. The Tie Carrier is reporting severe power loss and structural integrity damage throughout the ship, due to the last two hits from the Dornalian Super Weapon."

Khal cursed at the Dornalian and Coredian ships. NOW he also has to deal with the Huntarian rebel scum who have just entered the area, "order the Tie Carrier to launch one more volley of Phase Torpedoes at the Coredian Command Ship, our Iron Warriors target their Ultra Turbolaser Batteries at the Dornalian ships. The rest of the fleet to fire a volley of Transphasics at all four enemy fleets."

But Nomura wasn't interested in letting them go. Being hyperaggressive as he was, Nomura's bloodlust was in full force. He screamed at engineering, "Charge up the D3G. AGAIN!"

Engineering, which was monitoring the status of the giant laser, complied. So far, it hadn't failed yet--a testament to Dornalian engineering. However, the heat coming off of it was intense, and several officers could be seen cooking bacon and eggs on its cooling pipes.

Meanwhile, Tactical was reporting, "Sir, reports coming in from the Drone Controllers. They're taking hits from the enemy vessels....Drone Ships are being hit, and killed--within acceptable loss ratios, sir."

A loud klaxon then followed with Gracie screaming, "Transphasic torpedoes detected!"

"Order the flak to sweep it, you know what to do already." Nomura then, in the meanwhile, simply ordered the ships to press the attack with volley fire from all Dornalian vessels at the Huntarians, using their usual mix of ordinance aimed at the enemy. In particular, the heavies pushed onto their counterparts on the Huntarian side, opening fire with broadsides of Demolisher fire and railcannon fire.

And, just for shits and giggles, Nomura's vessel manuevered, shrugging off fire, to get another good shot at the TIE Carrier....
New Dornalia
27-02-2009, 22:14
Master Lowbacca watched the scene with some trepidation. If the Masaki heir wasn't about to get eaten, it might even have been funny. Despite his misgivings, he shook his head reluctantly and turned to the army. "<We finish this. The records indicate that there will be two more levels after this! Onwards!>"

By the time they reached Level Four, though...they met with another significant force. Droids! Lots and lots of droids!

Not that Adrian was fazed by the Robots. He had faced demons, and those were bad--so robots to him were chump change. The Marines and PA in the area immediately began opening up on the robots from cover, attempting to create interlocking fields of fire as fireteams consisting of the two groups began to move forward to assault the droids and hold whatever cover was there in the room. Grenades, gunfire, and Force powers flew into the ranks of droids....
27-02-2009, 22:46
The Huntarian ships continued to flee as the Coredians fired upon the fleet. Khal gazed upon the view screen as the other side of the planet grew closer and closer, "ETA 'till we clear to the other side?"

"Half an hour sir."


The Security Officer glanced at his console as the Leviathan's alarms glared, "reports coming in sir... Fifty ships destroyed so far. A Tenebrous TSD... Thirty Eradicator TSD's... 9 Retribution Cruisers, and we lost all of our World Eater Battleships. Ships reporting heavy damage all across the board, including our own. The Tie Carrier is reporting severe power loss and structural integrity damage throughout the ship, due to the last two hits from the Dornalian Super Weapon."

Khal cursed at the Dornalian and Coredian ships. NOW he also has to deal with the Huntarian rebel scum who have just entered the area, "order the Tie Carrier to launch one more volley of Phase Torpedoes at the Coredian Command Ship, our Iron Warriors target their Ultra Turbolaser Batteries at the Dornalian ships. The rest of the fleet to fire a volley of Transphasics at all four enemy fleets."

The Security Officer obeyed his commander, "yes sir... If I might add sir, why don't we just simply engage the enemy? We're more powerful and fearsome in close combat than we are at long ranged!"

Khal glanced at his Security Officer, "because our orders were to hold the enemy here while Vorman and the others raided Issus and establish a holding position!" Khal slowly paced himself from the Command Station to the Securit Station and leaned dangerously close to the officer, "knowing Vorman and Aelikes, they've long since have had a holding position and now we're working on trying to find our way out of this damn hell hole! I will NOT have another suicide run done based solely on the idea of some damn concept of honor or any of the like. Retreat is the only viable option we have if the majority of the fleet is to survive... And of course we are to take out as many as we can in the process."
"Incoming torpedoes!"

"Have the PD deal with them!"

"Can't! They're phasing in and out of our fire!"

"It's those damned phase torpedoes! Activate the stabilizer field!"

As the phase torpedoes slammed towards the Phoenix, a flash of light erupted from the flagship, bathing the area with an eerie blue light. The phase torpedoes were suddenly able to be targeted by the point defenses of the Star Destroyer and the escort ships. Rapid-fire laser cannons sent out a wall of light that allowed no torpedo to pass through. Those that survived the wall of light slammed into the shields, shaking the ship.

"Now it's time to end this. Drop the stabilizer field. Order Coredia and Juria to target that Tie Carrier and destroy it!" Admiral Pellaeon ordered. "Prepare to fire the Yamatos on the Leviathan!"

The Phoenix maneuvered to get a good firing solution on the Leviathan. Coredia and Juria did likewise for the Tie Carrier. Within a few moments, the bows of the ships were bathed in orange light as the Yamatos charged to full.


"FIRE!" Pellaeon bellowed.

From the Phoenix, four beams of intense energies lashed out at the Leviathan. Equally intense beams lanced out at the Tie Carrier from the twin barrels of the Battlestars.

In the meantime, the fleet also lashed out with devastating Alpha Strikes upon the enemy, intending to finish this once and for all...
27-02-2009, 22:51
Vorman sent a Force communications to Lady Shelentiave's Squad Commander, who was still in the process of landing on the planet, ::it is time Commander.:: The Commander nodded and motioned to his squad to raise their weapons. Being of the same bloodline as Magriel however, Shelentiave quickly activated her Double bladed Lightsaber and swung it at the stupid squad who just attempted to kill her. They forgot the first rule of engaging one with a Double Blade: Never fight in tight chambers.

Within mere moments, the slightly confused Shelentiave had slain her entire command squad without much effort. She quickly climbed into the shuttle's cockpit and took control. The shuttle crash landed somewhere in the nearby woods where Jedi and Dragons sought refuge from the invading Huntarian Troops...


The frequency was broadcasting galaxy wide, there wouldn't be a single ship who wouldn't have heard Lord Vorman's announcement. The Phantom Lord nodded and faced the View Screen, ::Citizens of the Huntarian Empire, and Coredia. Today, we meet with a new beginning. I'm sure that many citizens on Huntaria would have noticed by now a complete dead silence in communications from the Dark Palace. This is because there has been a change in government power. Emperor Trilkan is dead, along with the rest of his former Kirtir Lord followers. Your former Emperor had betrayed all of you with continuing incompetent support of Empress Nightshade. His Apprentice agreed to allow a Godulan into a top secret Imperial Facility on Tantis. Due to this, many of you lost countless numbers of brothers and sisters in arms. Yet your Emperor did not punish his Apprentice as he should have! Finally, he has betrayed me. Millenia ago, your Emperor swore total commitment to my aid when he sought power. He has forgotten that he swore his allegiance to me. Due to these recent acts of betrayal, I have taken my debt owed to me and I am now Emperor of the Huntarian Empire!

Citizens of Coredia, this is where you come in. Your so-called "benevolent" Emperor has betrayed you on... Astronomical levels. Your Emperor had allowed an unknown entity infiltrate your economic infrastructure which caused massive corruption in your government's budget. Then, not only that, but he instigated a brief civil war on Bastion! Secondly, he allowed the robotic armies of the Cylons to infiltrate your government at Konoha, forming a permanent alliance with the Cylons! You all know what they did to the Twelve Colonies, it is only a matter of time before they try to wipe you out too if they don't deem you worthy for survival. Finally, and perhaps the most important matter on the table here... There is me. Yes, I invaded your so called "nation" but that is my point. Your Emperor went on some mad quest for vengeance upon his sister and has left one of your most sacred of planets unprotected, or at least not protected enough to properly defend yourselves against an army such as mine!

Look upon the smoldering ruins of Issus citizens of Coredia, and ask yourself this question: Do you really want an Emperor this "competent" to protect you? NO! You do not. You need someone who is much stronger than that! The answer, of course, is me. Now I suppose the biggest question on your mind as of this point is: How do I know all of this? There are two simple answers for that really. The unknown entity who infiltrated your government... Was me. Yes, that's right. I caused one of your own former honorable houses to become corrupt and cause the massive amounts of corruption in your government. That is my proof to you citizens that I am the stronger choice for your formerly glorious nation. Your Emperor allowed me to corrupt your government in ways which are still effecting you today. Now, my second reason...::

The View Screen widened a bit, to include the image of Jedi Master Henry Blayden, ::Master Blayden here has figured all that out before hand. He knows where the best of his interests lie's, and those are with you and me. His concern for his nation is the utmost importance to him, so when he figured out what was going on, he sought out a stronger leader for your nation. Henry Blayden, kneel.::

The Jedi Master didn't need a second telling. He did as commanded, "what... Is thy bidding, my Master?"

Lord Vorman grabbed a hold of his Light Scythe's staff and placed the blade's chamber on his shoulder, ::Jedi Master Henry Blayden, do you promise eternal servitude to me and my rule as Emperor?::

The traitor Jedi nodded his head, "I will do what you command, my Emperor."

Vorman then tapped his Light Scythe on each of his shoulders once, ::due to your loyalty and servitude, you will hereby cast aside any and all former affiliations with the Jedi Order and it's Nation. You are now a citizen of the Huntarian Empire, and a member of the Kirtir Lords. Hence fourth, you will be known as Lord... Brutus.:: Vorman removed his Light Scythe from Blayden's shoulders and extended his hand, ::now, rise, Lord Brutus.:: The newest member of the Kirtir Order obeyed his Emperor. ::See here, citizens of Coredia, the example set before you by Lord Brutus. Join him and me on our path and I can promise you the security and glory which your nation rightly deserves. Or, you can choose to follow he who currently leads you to your path of self destruction. That choice I will leave up to you.:: Vorman then ended the communication transmission.
Orthodox Gnosticism
28-02-2009, 00:45

There are a few, which are lost and forgotten. Those sent on the unattainable, those who persevere, and those that are forsaken. She looked around her surroundings, the rubble, and the chaos of the lord’s duel. Rubble was everywhere, the thrones were shattered, the kingdoms had fallen.

It was her alone, as she stood in the room that glowed green. She watched as she took her naked hand and touched the glass. Inside there he was, the fallen king, the ruler, the tyrant of trillions. She looked down at it as she cocked her head to the image. He was so young, so beautiful, like a cub that would one day grow up to devour her.

“I am sorry.” She said to the body, as she looked at his face. He looked so sweet, so innocent. “It is time that you are boxed.” She whispered to him, as she reached down and ripped out the power cord.

The deed was done, as Hera looked around the room. The clones, their vats were gone, forever dead, as she held the sparking wire in her hand. The deed was done, Palpitine would not return, at least not here.

“Are you satisfied now?” she heard her companion asked, “What is it that you call the term… boxing? Are you happy now that you have boxed him?” the voice of truth asked Hera.

She nodded, “For the moment yes.” She replied as she turned around to look at the little girl.

The little girl in the white dress put her small hands where her hips would be, as she gave Hera a temper tantrum face. “You are wasting time, you know. People need you, they need to hear the story.” The girl spoke as Hera walked past her. “In due time.” Hera said as she continued to search the premises. This place was huge, at least to her, as she walked around amidst the ruined citadel of Palpitine.

“No.” Truth stomped her feet. “You need to now. If you do not, then there will be no one left to hear. Coredia will fall, if you keep the book shut.”

Hera shrugged, “If it is to fall, how is that my fault?” she asked the girl, as she continued to explore the palace. “It is if you keep your secrets to yourself. Reveal yourself, and it will be saved. This is your last act of sacrifice, and humility.

Hera turned to her as she kneeled down on her naked knee. “And how am I to do that?” Hera asked.

Truth smiled, “With a phone call. And do put on something, I believe there is a robe in one of the closets. We don’t want people to see you like this. People will think you have gone mad.”

She nodded, “Fine.” As she walked over to the closet. It was full of the same outfit, the same color. Hera scoffed at Palpitines lack of imagination and his poor sense of style as she reached gently into the closet and put on the black robe. It was warm, and snug, if not a bit… on the large size for her.

Hera then walked slowly back to the throne room. As she did she looked at the rubble, the spot where she was changed forever. On the ground, were the burn ashes, and trinkets of the fight. She reached down, and grabbed the shattered mask of Vader, and then the saber of Palpitine. She knew she would need proof.

Then she looked around, how to get their attention. She would have to be dramatic yes, something to really get them to watch their TV’s. Ah. She thought to herself, as she sat in what was left of the throne. On the panel, only one button was spared, one green button on the chair of the Emperor. So she did what came natural she pushed it.

Her image appeared, as the fires of the background came to those over the holo-net. Every channel was shown, every set had her image, which really pissed off the Days of our Lives fans, as they were about to tell who the babies father was.

Hera sat on the throne of Palpitine, Vader’s shattered helmet in her one hand, and Palpitine’s lightsaber in the other. Both were very clear for all to see. “Hello, you most likely have no idea who I am. And that really doesn’t matter. What does matter is the news I carry.”

“Palpitine and Vader are dead, and will not be coming back. Here, their souls were shattered, and their bodies lay broken.” The camera panned over to the destruction of the room, and the faded robes, and the remnants of the mechanical body of Vader. “The Empire is dead, or will be soon, as a plague ravages their nation. The Galactic Empire is dead, and I am the sole survivor.”

“Before I tell my tale, I must say one thing. Dannie Masaki, Hawkins didn’t steal the galaxy gun, nor was it the farstars. It was a design by Palpitine, one that laid his own rule to ruin. For his crimes, he has been murdered, his soul destroyed, as was his apprentice, Darth Vader. Daniel Masaki, sent me on this mission, and as I sit on the throne of the Empire, I wish to tell you all one final thing. Your war is over you have peace. All I want in return, is for Master Magriel, Master Hawkins, and Emma sensei of the People’s Acolytes to be brought to the position of Council member of the Jedi Order.”

She then reached down and turned off the coms.

“You didn’t tell the full story, Hera.” Truth said as she awaited Hera to end her theatrics. “No, but I will. They just need to be rewarded, and the story of how it all occurred will entice them to see it my way. Relax Truth, you will come out in time.”

(OOC: Yes if you have the holo-net you can see this message. Actually there isn't anyway you could miss it, it is on Every channel)
New Dornalia
28-02-2009, 03:27
Naturally, the Anti Coredia Coalition heard Vorman's message within minutes, and raged soooo hard. Angry Neo-Nazis, pissant intellectuals with neckbeards miles in length, and ultranationalists and skeptics of all stripes flooded the streets of Los Angeles, demanding answers and brandishing machetes and pistols. In contrast, the Ouendan flooded the streets as well, armed to the teeth with lasguns, shrill voices and an intolerance for dissenting opinions. In streets such as Rosecrans Avenue, the two sides squared off, angrily making speeches filled with cuss words, invective, and what appeared to be conspiracy theories and racial slurs on the Anti-Coredian side.

Before long, the LAPD Riot Police were out in force, containing the respective aggregations forming in places like Watts, East LA, Compton, Torrance, and elsewhere of angry marchers. After all, both sides usually came armed.

People's Militia was in the city, just reeling from the defense of Los Angeles from Tauronese rebels. As such, they joined their brothers in the LAPD, and held strong picket lines separating the two sides.

And amidst all this, Mac recorded an angry message to Danny M. But then...Hera's message came. And then the streets seemed to be stilled for a moment. Were the Great Imperialist Running Dogs finally vanquished for Good?

Then, Mac decided to revise his message a little. And the people decided to ease off the triggers a little bit.

"Dear Danny--

As it is, be glad that chick in white's message calmed me down a little--whenever fascist-imperialist running dogs bite it, I feel good, I hope you are too.

But there is that rumored Cylon connection people have been mumbling about. I don't imagine the United Colonies will like that, especially when they involve Cylons making sweet, gentle caresses with Tenetia, rumor has it at your behest.

Basically, I'm gonna lay it to you straight. Lose the Cylons as gracefully and quickly as possible, or I might have a little problem come budget time in the People's Congress when I have to ask for my usual Foreign Aid Appropriations. That's not from me, that'll be from the gazillion People's Congressmen who'll want some answers.


Robert Ellison MacIntyre"
28-02-2009, 05:06
Vorman sent a Force communications to Lady Shelentiave's Squad Commander, who was still in the process of landing on the planet, ::it is time Commander.:: The Commander nodded and motioned to his squad to raise their weapons. Being of the same bloodline as Magriel however, Shelentiave quickly activated her Double bladed Lightsaber and swung it at the stupid squad who just attempted to kill her. They forgot the first rule of engaging one with a Double Blade: Never fight in tight chambers.

Within mere moments, the slightly confused Shelentiave had slain her entire command squad without much effort. She quickly climbed into the shuttle's cockpit and took control. The shuttle crash landed somewhere in the nearby woods where Jedi and Dragons sought refuge from the invading Huntarian Troops...
"My Lady. A shuttle landed near our hideaway." A soldier called.

The Lady Hinata Hyuuga-Uzumaki, wife of the soon-to-be Hokage, had gathered as many civilians and Jedi as she could to flee into the wilderness. Now she is to take up the mantle of resistance fighter to end the threat posed by the fallen Jedi Master and the Huntarians until her husband and her Emperor returns to save the day. She knew she could die at any time, along with her children biological and not, but she was also a Shinobi, sworn to destroy her enemies by any means possible.

"I see..." She said quietly. "Take a squad and go and find out who the occupant is. If a threat presents itself...eliminate it."

"Yes, ma'am." The soldier bowed.

Soon enough, the shuttle was quietly surrounded by what remained of the Jedi and soldiers...


The frequency was broadcasting galaxy wide, there wouldn't be a single ship who wouldn't have heard Lord Vorman's announcement. The Phantom Lord nodded and faced the View Screen, ::Citizens of the Huntarian Empire, and Coredia. Today, we meet with a new beginning. I'm sure that many citizens on Huntaria would have noticed by now a complete dead silence in communications from the Dark Palace. This is because there has been a change in government power. Emperor Trilkan is dead, along with the rest of his former Kirtir Lord followers. Your former Emperor had betrayed all of you with continuing incompetent support of Empress Nightshade. His Apprentice agreed to allow a Godulan into a top secret Imperial Facility on Tantis. Due to this, many of you lost countless numbers of brothers and sisters in arms. Yet your Emperor did not punish his Apprentice as he should have! Finally, he has betrayed me. Millenia ago, your Emperor swore total commitment to my aid when he sought power. He has forgotten that he swore his allegiance to me. Due to these recent acts of betrayal, I have taken my debt owed to me and I am now Emperor of the Huntarian Empire!

Citizens of Coredia, this is where you come in. Your so-called "benevolent" Emperor has betrayed you on... Astronomical levels. Your Emperor had allowed an unknown entity infiltrate your economic infrastructure which caused massive corruption in your government's budget. Then, not only that, but he instigated a brief civil war on Bastion! Secondly, he allowed the robotic armies of the Cylons to infiltrate your government at Konoha, forming a permanent alliance with the Cylons! You all know what they did to the Twelve Colonies, it is only a matter of time before they try to wipe you out too if they don't deem you worthy for survival. Finally, and perhaps the most important matter on the table here... There is me. Yes, I invaded your so called "nation" but that is my point. Your Emperor went on some mad quest for vengeance upon his sister and has left one of your most sacred of planets unprotected, or at least not protected enough to properly defend yourselves against an army such as mine!

Look upon the smoldering ruins of Issus citizens of Coredia, and ask yourself this question: Do you really want an Emperor this "competent" to protect you? NO! You do not. You need someone who is much stronger than that! The answer, of course, is me. Now I suppose the biggest question on your mind as of this point is: How do I know all of this? There are two simple answers for that really. The unknown entity who infiltrated your government... Was me. Yes, that's right. I caused one of your own former honorable houses to become corrupt and cause the massive amounts of corruption in your government. That is my proof to you citizens that I am the stronger choice for your formerly glorious nation. Your Emperor allowed me to corrupt your government in ways which are still effecting you today. Now, my second reason...::

The View Screen widened a bit, to include the image of Jedi Master Henry Blayden, ::Master Blayden here has figured all that out before hand. He knows where the best of his interests lie's, and those are with you and me. His concern for his nation is the utmost importance to him, so when he figured out what was going on, he sought out a stronger leader for your nation. Henry Blayden, kneel.::

The Jedi Master didn't need a second telling. He did as commanded, "what... Is thy bidding, my Master?"

Lord Vorman grabbed a hold of his Light Scythe's staff and placed the blade's chamber on his shoulder, ::Jedi Master Henry Blayden, do you promise eternal servitude to me and my rule as Emperor?::

The traitor Jedi nodded his head, "I will do what you command, my Emperor."

Vorman then tapped his Light Scythe on each of his shoulders once, ::due to your loyalty and servitude, you will hereby cast aside any and all former affiliations with the Jedi Order and it's Nation. You are now a citizen of the Huntarian Empire, and a member of the Kirtir Lords. Hence fourth, you will be known as Lord... Brutus.:: Vorman removed his Light Scythe from Blayden's shoulders and extended his hand, ::now, rise, Lord Brutus.:: The newest member of the Kirtir Order obeyed his Emperor. ::See here, citizens of Coredia, the example set before you by Lord Brutus. Join him and me on our path and I can promise you the security and glory which your nation rightly deserves. Or, you can choose to follow he who currently leads you to your path of self destruction. That choice I will leave up to you.:: Vorman then ended the communication transmission.
Everyone who had even a simple holoradio heard the message. Many citizens began to get angry at the so-called Emperor Masaki. What the hell, Daniel?!?

Even I stopped fighting for a moment when my troops gave me a holoradio to listen in horror. "No...!"

Vorman was the Bunta? Vorman was behind everything? And...Master TRAITOR!

I was about to throw the holoradio when yet another message entered the galaxy at large.

And boy...did that affect things!

There are a few, which are lost and forgotten. Those sent on the unattainable, those who persevere, and those that are forsaken. She looked around her surroundings, the rubble, and the chaos of the lord’s duel. Rubble was everywhere, the thrones were shattered, the kingdoms had fallen.

It was her alone, as she stood in the room that glowed green. She watched as she took her naked hand and touched the glass. Inside there he was, the fallen king, the ruler, the tyrant of trillions. She looked down at it as she cocked her head to the image. He was so young, so beautiful, like a cub that would one day grow up to devour her.

“I am sorry.” She said to the body, as she looked at his face. He looked so sweet, so innocent. “It is time that you are boxed.” She whispered to him, as she reached down and ripped out the power cord.

The deed was done, as Hera looked around the room. The clones, their vats were gone, forever dead, as she held the sparking wire in her hand. The deed was done, Palpitine would not return, at least not here.

“Are you satisfied now?” she heard her companion asked, “What is it that you call the term… boxing? Are you happy now that you have boxed him?” the voice of truth asked Hera.

She nodded, “For the moment yes.” She replied as she turned around to look at the little girl.

The little girl in the white dress put her small hands where her hips would be, as she gave Hera a temper tantrum face. “You are wasting time, you know. People need you, they need to hear the story.” The girl spoke as Hera walked past her. “In due time.” Hera said as she continued to search the premises. This place was huge, at least to her, as she walked around amidst the ruined citadel of Palpitine.

“No.” Truth stomped her feet. “You need to now. If you do not, then there will be no one left to hear. Coredia will fall, if you keep the book shut.”

Hera shrugged, “If it is to fall, how is that my fault?” she asked the girl, as she continued to explore the palace. “It is if you keep your secrets to yourself. Reveal yourself, and it will be saved. This is your last act of sacrifice, and humility.

Hera turned to her as she kneeled down on her naked knee. “And how am I to do that?” Hera asked.

Truth smiled, “With a phone call. And do put on something, I believe there is a robe in one of the closets. We don’t want people to see you like this. People will think you have gone mad.”

She nodded, “Fine.” As she walked over to the closet. It was full of the same outfit, the same color. Hera scoffed at Palpitines lack of imagination and his poor sense of style as she reached gently into the closet and put on the black robe. It was warm, and snug, if not a bit… on the large size for her.

Hera then walked slowly back to the throne room. As she did she looked at the rubble, the spot where she was changed forever. On the ground, were the burn ashes, and trinkets of the fight. She reached down, and grabbed the shattered mask of Vader, and then the saber of Palpitine. She knew she would need proof.

Then she looked around, how to get their attention. She would have to be dramatic yes, something to really get them to watch their TV’s. Ah. She thought to herself, as she sat in what was left of the throne. On the panel, only one button was spared, one green button on the chair of the Emperor. So she did what came natural she pushed it.

Her image appeared, as the fires of the background came to those over the holo-net. Every channel was shown, every set had her image, which really pissed off the Days of our Lives fans, as they were about to tell who the babies father was.
A sobbing woman cried. "Yes, the father of the babies is..."

"We interrupt your program for another special message..."

Millions of women screamed in horror.

Hera sat on the throne of Palpitine, Vader’s shattered helmet in her one hand, and Palpitine’s lightsaber in the other. Both were very clear for all to see. “Hello, you most likely have no idea who I am. And that really doesn’t matter. What does matter is the news I carry.”

“Palpitine and Vader are dead, and will not be coming back. Here, their souls were shattered, and their bodies lay broken.” The camera panned over to the destruction of the room, and the faded robes, and the remnants of the mechanical body of Vader. “The Empire is dead, or will be soon, as a plague ravages their nation. The Galactic Empire is dead, and I am the sole survivor.”

“Before I tell my tale, I must say one thing. Dannie Masaki, Hawkins didn’t steal the galaxy gun, nor was it the farstars. It was a design by Palpitine, one that laid his own rule to ruin. For his crimes, he has been murdered, his soul destroyed, as was his apprentice, Darth Vader. Daniel Masaki, sent me on this mission, and as I sit on the throne of the Empire, I wish to tell you all one final thing. Your war is over you have peace. All I want in return, is for Master Magriel, Master Hawkins, and Emma sensei of the People’s Acolytes to be brought to the position of Council member of the Jedi Order.”

I stumbled back in shock. wasn't Hawkins after all, but Palpatine. The bastard just couldn't stay dead! And did she just say that Vader and the Empire are dead as well? And she gave me credit for it...

It may well have been the news that saved my skin from being flayed by my own people.

Then...a ripple in the Force. A Dark Jedi came at me...and kneeled, even though my troops were very trigger-happy.

"What is this?" I stammered out of confusion.

"Lord Masaki...I am Abraxas, the ranking Dark Jedi Knight left in this Citadel. I-I...I surrender." He said, his voice filled with pain. "I have heard what that woman said. The Force confirms the truth. As much as I hate to say it, there's nothing left to fight for my forces. I offer my blade to you."

He held up his lightsaber hilt...and then I had the distinct feeling that the enemies in the citadel were also surrendering, having heard the two messages. Indeed, all over the planet, there were calls in the open by the remaining Tenetian forces, all requesting a cease-fire to tender surrenders.

There were holdouts, to be sure, but those enemies will be destroyed that much quicker now.

At long last, the battle for Tenetia was over.

Well, almost over.

I accepted the Dark Jedi Knight's hilt. "Very well. I accept your surrender. Troops, find some place to process him until we can sort this thing out. Where is Master Lowbacca?"

"He's breached level four, although there had been some problems. It won't be long now before Level Five is taken." A Major Loren said as the troopers took the Dark Jedi away to a prison center. "Also, your kid is being chased by some kind of monster."

"Oh? Is he all right?" I raised a concerned eyebrow.

"Yes, sir. I think he's lead the creature down some hallway or other. He'll be fine. He's a smart kid."

"I hope so." I said. As long as I could still sense his signature, I know he's fine. "I have to address the nation. Ready a transport to take me back to Alpha Base."

"Yes, sir."


Level 3

"Whew! That was close!" Travis wiped his forehead of sweat as he leaned on the blast door. He barely succeeded in trapping the monster within a small room. It roared in outrage and banged and slashed at the door, but the locks held...barely.

"Now...where am I?" Travis asked himself as he tried to figure out where he is. He knew he ran through something of a maze, but for the life of him, he couldn't figure out where he went. "Well, guess I'd better find my way out."

Going from room to room, he didn't find much other than disgusting experiments that have been abandoned and bodies. "Ugh. Glad we kicked the Empire's ass. Now...oh, hello. What's this?"

In one particular room, there was a strange metal box sitting in the middle. Curious as to what this box was, he tapped it with a fist...then jumped back as it moved a bit. "Hey! Is someone in there?"

Surprisingly, a muffled 'no' replied to his question. Travis scowled and grasped the box's cover.

"Oh? Really? Then I'm!" Travis grunted as he tried to open it.


Suddenly, the top came off and a small boy about half Travis' age popped out and shrieked in terror. He has light brown hair and wore nondescript grey clothing.

"Waah! Don't hurt me! Don't hurt me!" The boy cried and clapped his hands together as if pleading. "I'm just little ol' Wataru and I'd do anything, just don't hurt meeee!"

"Sheesh." Travis had a look somewhere between bemused and confused as he tried to get the little kid to calm down. What is this kid doing here? And...weird...I can't get a signature off him.

Indeed, it seemed to Travis that there was no Force if the babbling kid was dead or something, but clearly he was very much alive. Very strange. Oh well. Guess I'll figure it out later.

"Um...I'm Travis. I'm not gonna hurt you." Travis tried.

" aren't?" Little Wataru asked.

Travis smiled warmly and shook his head. "Nope. I'll help you get out of here. What do you say?"

Wataru looked at the hand offered to him. Maybe this guy isn't so bad? "Well...ok..."

The kid took Travis' hand.

"Now...if only we could get out of here..." Travis muttered. "This place is a maze!"


Level Five Entrance

For all of their supposed danger, the droids, even the droidekas, weren't much more than scrap metal by the time the army got through them even though there were a lot. It was almost anticlimatic, really. And at long last, level 5 was reached. What dangers awaited in there? Will Tenetia be destroyed or will it be saved?

Find out next time on...Twilight and Darkness!
28-02-2009, 21:56
They continued to march on, annihilating all who resisted them. Midnight had rejoined his team, and at Masaki's request, went on ahead to destroy the ysalamari cages that kept the Jedi weakened and unable to fight. With their abilities as M'Lekk'Tor, they could just phase through walls and destroyed one after another, freeing up area after area. The stormtroopers retreated again and again, destroying everything that could be used by the Allied forces, but still they came on. No matter where they went, the Telrosian soldiers came at them, kinetic and energy weapons ready to end their lives. If close quarter combat was forced, their training took over, and knives along with their limbs. They continued to push them back, until they received a transmission about some kind of beast coming at them. They quickly say what looked to be a Chimera charging at them. They quickly took positions on the sides and laid down a hail of fire at the creature, but it was to no avail. Midnight grunted and motioned for the others to get ready to engage it. They paused when Travis led it away and told them to continue on. Shrugging it off, the Telrosian forces continued to press on, battling their way through. Mantis and her team continued their search for the Imperial commander of this facility, looking to find him and kill him, for his crimes against the people of this world.

All of their forces stopped when two messages were received by their fleet and relayed to them, with the message from Admiral John ”I don't bullshit you guys, but this stuff is hardcore shit. You need to see it.” The message from Lord Vorman came and the utter horror the Lord of Death had caused was laid to bare. The corruption which had infested the Coredian Empire was because of him, he had attacked and decimated Issus, and he had even corrupted a powerful Jedi Master to his side. He laid bare the alliance with the Cylons the Coredians made on Konoha, and Vorman pushed a hard case against Daniel and Coredia. Midnight, for the first time in the entire mission, swore and smacked a nearby wall, punching a hole in it. Anyone around the Telrosian forces would feel a cold anger fill them, their bodies trembling with rage and their eyes widening with rage. They fought on, but they were entirely silent. When they killed, when they were wounded, when they died, they were entirely silent, and their gazes beheld a fate of horrific death for any who stood before them. The High Command back on Terra received the message and it didn't take long for the President and Congress to make a decision, and a message was being prepared to be given to Daniel.

But then came some good news, from a small girl. She showed the helmet of Vader and the saber of Palpatine and laid out the truth that both were dead. The Galactic Empire was falling, the plague sweeping their nation as their leaders lay dead. The Telrosian forces bore a grim smile at this news. Finally, that monolithic evil had been laid low, and one more threat to the peoples of the universe was fading away. Mantis, even before she got the hidden message from the Admiral, knew what her new orders were. There was no need to assassinate the commander now. He had no mighty Empire to go back to. That was to be his punishment. Then came the next bit of good news, the Tenetian forces surrendered after the news of the Empires fall. Finally, the attack was over. Now they could set about rebuilding. All Telrosian forces ceased their attack and switched to policing the planet. They took the weapons and armor of the enemy and then sent them along to go back to their families. They secured the cities and began the process of sweeping out the rubble, bodies and taking care of their dead. They then began to expand the stations they had to hand out food, clothing, and other necessities to full facilities, beginning to build what would be needed to help the planet until it could get back on its feet. A message was also sent by the Admiral to High Command, letting them know the end of the battle and that the relief force was needed. They confirmed that it would be sent and that a message was needed to be given to Daniel Masaki.

However, not all were allowed to rest. The TITAN operatives, who had only experienced few casualties, got themselves quickly patched up before heading alongside Dornalian, Coredian and other forces to head deeper into the bunker, looking for the WMD so they could disable and destroy the last threat to this planets recovery. Daniel would feel a hand on his shoulder and see Mantis standing there. She said not a word, but handed him a paper with a printed message on it, with a title “For the Emperor of Coredia's eyes only”. She bowed and then left to continue the assault on the bunker.
01-03-2009, 20:10
However, not all were allowed to rest. The TITAN operatives, who had only experienced few casualties, got themselves quickly patched up before heading alongside Dornalian, Coredian and other forces to head deeper into the bunker, looking for the WMD so they could disable and destroy the last threat to this planets recovery. Daniel would feel a hand on his shoulder and see Mantis standing there. She said not a word, but handed him a paper with a printed message on it, with a title “For the Emperor of Coredia's eyes only”. She bowed and then left to continue the assault on the bunker.
"Ah, thank you." I said. I read the paper's contents, breathed slowly as if in thanks, and folded it up neatly and put it in my pocket.

Soon enough, I got a speeder jeep and then was escorted back to Alpha Base. I had to verify Hera's statements first of all. I had no doubt she was telling the truth, but verification is simply protocol. As I headed to the communications room and began tapping in her personal numbers, I hesitated for a moment, then figured she had a good reason for revealing herself and plunged in. "Lady Agatheon. This is Emperor Masaki. I heard your message, but I'd like to hear what happened from you."


Level 5

Commander Trahaln was in shock. Utter and complete shock. Yes, even he has heard the message from the woman. Unfortunately, any thoughts of it being a Rebel trick fled when the holomessage was authenticated by all Imperial protocols. So he simply sat in shock while his bodyguards tried to hold back the tide of the enemy, shouting, bangs and shooting occurring inside the final level of the bunker.

If the Empire is dying...then what do I do? The Imperial commander thought. A sick smile then sprouted as his training kicked in. If the Empire is dead...then what do I have left to live for? I will send the Rebels to oblivion along with the Empire! Yes! Oblivion for everyone!

He tore the key from his neck and was about to slam it into the keyhole when a loud *pop* sounded and suddenly his arm was slashed with a bar of green light. He yowled in pain and stumbled back, only to see the Jedi Master Press Tilton hold his lightsaber to his neck.

"It's over, Commander." Press told him quietly but with conviction.

The Commander could only whimper as his mind broke, clutching his torn arm as he was led away by troopers.

Meanwhile, Master Lowbacca found another huge room...the room with a bomb. Being an expert at mechanics, he decided to begin disabling it. He focused the Force around him (the Telrosians thankfully destroyed all the inhibitors) and began a preliminary diagnosis of the bomb.

"<Hmm...pressure-sensitive, shock-sensitive, temperature-sensitive...I'm surprised it's not Force-sensitive..It's in two parts, each one ready to detonate if the other part is disarmed, so both parts will have to be disarmed simultaneously...>"

Suddenly an alarm began to blare and a mechanical voice sounded. "Congratulations on reaching the Level 5 Imperial Bunker. Unfortunately, you now have one minute before the bomb detonates. Thank you and have a nice day!"

"<Force! It is Force sensitive!>" Lowbacca growled and reached for his comlink. "<All forces evacuate the citadel immediately!>"

There was only one thing Lowbacca could do...and he knew it would be fatal.

"Master Lowbacca!" Master Tilton yelled.

"<GO! GET OUT OF HERE!>" Lowbacca ordered as he began to open his body fully to the Force. "<I am going to stop this bomb, no matter what it takes!>"

"May the Force be with you, Master." Master Tilton replied quietly. Then... "ALL FORCES, RETREAT!"

The forces began to retreat quickly, carrying the sobbing Imperial Commander with them.

Master Lowbacca began weaving a massive Force Wall around the bomb, but he knew it would only hold the explosion for a second or two. He opened himself up even more to the Force to prepare to absorb the explosion, straining his very being. His fur raised in hackles as if electricity crawled all over his body as the extreme use of Force began to devour every cell in his body.

"<Grant me the strength to save this planet!>" The Wookiee roared in prayer.

Then...everything vanished in white. The Wookiee roared as the most excruciating pain imaginable smashed into his body, burning away his fur, his skin, his organs. But he somehow held on, taking as much of the explosion into the Force with him as possible. Then he felt a presence he has not felt in a very long time. Many, in fact. And they were soothing.

"<Jaina...Jacen...Everyone!>" Lowbacca roared softly. "<My friends!>"

"Lowie! We'll help you!" They cried.

Lowbacca roared once more, not in pain but in triumph as the Force answered his call, absorbing the explosion into itself. His final sacrifice completed...he became one with the Force, the very last member of the generation that was trained personally by Luke Skywalker to do so.
01-03-2009, 23:07
Lowbacca's sacrifice was able to reduce the explosion from planet-wrecking to volcano-inducing as what remained of the explosion was shunted down towards a gigantic magma chamber that was situated right below the Citadel. In mere seconds, the pressure of the magma was released and blasted its way into Level 5, filling it up quickly and vaporizing everything within it. It moved so quickly that it would soon be able to reach the surface no matter what was done, but the blast doors and the Force would slow it down long enough for the majority of Rebel forces to evacuate.

Everyone, that is, except for two young boys.


Travis Masaki finally found a way to the surface from Level 3, but it was a loooong way up, being that the way up was a turbolift chamber. Unfortunately, it wasn't working for some reason, so Travis and Wataru had no choice but to climb up the little-used maintenance ladder.

Suddenly, a blast of hot air and an earthquake ripped through the shaft, nearly tearing the boys off the ladder. Travis took a look down and saw that something was coming up quickly. Very quickly!

"Oh no!" Travis yelled as he saw the menacing lava approach. "Wataru, get on my back!"

"Ok, but please don't drop me!" The little boy whimpered and crawled onto Travis' back.

It's generally difficult to jump while carrying a whimpering fifty pound sack of potatoes, but extreme necessity has a way of granting survival feats, like the sudden explosion of wall-jumping that Travis unleashed to race the lava to the top. It helped that chakra can give better foot-gripping ability than the Force can, due to the fact that chakra control training involves walking up a tree without arms.

Unfortunately, even the most awesome feats of walljumping has its limits and when you're jumping hundreds of meters to escape lava rising at 50 meters a second, you get tired quickly, even if you had the stamina to manage to reach Level 2. Doubly so with a fifty-pound sack of wimpy potatoes on your back.

It only takes one slip of the foot. One tiny mistake and all your cool moves gives way to the harsh realities of life. So Travis and Wataru learned the hard way when a moment of weakness gave way to a slip and they found themselves hanging for dear life. The air quickly grew warmer and warmer as the lava inexorably advanced closer to them.

"Waaaah! I don't wanna melt! I don't wanna melt!" The wimpy Wataru cried as Travis struggled to hold on to a narrow crevasse.

"You think I want to get flash-boiled by lava too?" Travis snapped at the kid, his patience wearing thin. He grunted as he struggled to get his feet in gear, but alas, his sweaty fingers began to lose their grip. "Oh no!"

One hand lost its grip, and it became clear to Travis that he was going to die...along with a kid that he promised would be safe. The air was so hot now that it was getting painful to breathe and all it took

"Aaah!" The boys screamed, shutting their eyes as Travis lost his grip and began to fall...

...and fall...


A painful feeling welled up as Travis' wrist was grabbed by something, nearly dislocating his shoulder. He opened his eyes. "Owww!"

"Hang on, kid!" A familiar person grunted with effort as he grabbed Travis' arm while being grabbed by someone else.

*cue heroic music*

"Uncle Taylor! Uncle Jacob!" Travis gasped in relief as he recognized the Twins, despite the air. Wait...the air isn't burning anymore!

Taylor grinned, pumping a little of his powers out to cool the air down while grasping his nephew's wrist to keep him from falling. "Nice to know you're not a barbecue, kid. I got him, bro!"

"All right! I'm hauling you guys up! Heave, guys!" Uncle Jacob ordered several of his soldiers as they yanked his waist and pulled all four up the shaft into a corridor. That done, Jacob clapped his hands and placed them on the floor, erecting a wall that would prevent the lava from spilling into the Level 2 corridor. "Won't hold the lava forever, but it should be enough for now."

Travis and Wataru hyperventilated for a few seconds, relieved that they are no longer in mortal danger "Thanks guys. Oh, this is Wataru. I found him in a metal box on Level 3 after I trapped the monster."

"The Ultimate Chimera." Jacob corrected, his face showing a moment of disgust before it went away.

"How did you know what that creature was?" Travis asked.

"I'll tell you later." Jacob sighed. Then he felt something strange from he was a walking no-Force field. Hell, even his chakra senses didn't touch the kid either! Who the hell is this kid?

Taylor and Jacob shared questioning glances as an unassuming Wataru babbled his thanks to everyone.

"Let's get the hell out of here." Taylor said, shaking his head. "This place is gonna become one big nasty volcano very soon."


Some time later

The Citadel was evacuated as hot lava burst to the surface, erecting a series of glowing fountains that melted everything they touched and would eventually consume Shibuya City to become Shibuya Volcano. The Citadel soon collapsed into the newly made volcano as the molten rock ate at the foundations with a resounding crash that reverbrated for miles. It was a rather fitting end to a palace of oppression.

At long last, Coredia was one nation again.
New Dornalia
01-03-2009, 23:40
The Dornalians barely had time to celebrate their victory, when the aforementioned series of geologic disturbances decided to enter into the picture. Effective immediately, the Dornalians began to evacuate as quickly as possible, and as they just made it onto the surface, the thing collapsed. The man with the unusual battle standard promptly wandered over to an old statue of such-and-such an Imperial leader, climbed onto it, and waved the banner screaming "I AM CHEWBACCA!" ( to the tune of the others, who in typical Dornalian fashion, began singing either the "March of the Volunteers" or, oddly enough, what sounded like D.V.D.A's aforementioned song.

However, there was also one Dornalian that didn't make it with the rest. Despite the admonitions of her comrades, one Susan von Falkenhausen somehow managed to "get lost" and run with the fleeing Coredians.....
Orthodox Gnosticism
02-03-2009, 00:07
The throne was nearly in shambles, as Hera took the Empire’s seat of power once more. Adorned in black, she pressed her legs together on the last throne of the empire at Byss. Her fingers looked at the flashing button, the first to ask of the tale of Palpitine and Vader.

She looked at the flashing green button, and smiled. “I told you, the story will be told.” Hera spoke up, but as she looked around, she was alone in the room. No one was there, no presence felt, nothing but the cold air that surrounded her.

She gently pressed the button as the image of Daniel Masaki came before her. It was the first time they had talked so openly before, as she smiled. “Hello Daniel.” She said as she looked at his image.

"Lady Agatheon. This is Emperor Masaki. I heard your message, but I'd like to hear what happened from you."

Hera smiled, “Of course, what I said is true. Before I go into the story though, I would like to ask you have you offered those positions to those whom are worthy of it?” she asked him.

“No, not yet.” Daniel said as he looked into her image. “We have been having a bit of trouble on Tenetia.

Hera gently pressed her hands to her chin, as she listened to Daniel speak. She was enjoying this, far too much, as she sat in Palpitine’s throne. “I would have thought it would be going well for you, Dannie.” She said as she pressed looked at one of the tactical screens. ‘It appears my Mother, and aunts and uncles have secured the planet nicely for you, and there is no world wide devastation from the blast.”

Daniel stood back, “So you really are in the heart of the Empire?” he asked her as he watched her eyes and body language for any sign of deceit. Not that he didn’t trust her, but she is an assassin. You can only trust them so far.

Hera smiled as she leaned forward, “Of course. I wouldn’t lie to you, at least not on things like this. Will you give me my word that you will within twenty four hours, offer those three the position I have asked for. They should be rewarded, and their constant vigilance, and experience would be a boon for your society?” Hera said to him, but was polite enough to seem as if she was asking.

Daniel took a minute as he looked around the room. Hawkins… of all people, the two butted heads non stop, and yet she wanted him to be elevated. He didn’t like the idea, not one bit, but gradually his pride eroded away. “Lady Agatheon, you have a deal.” He said reluctantly.

Hera smiled, “Goodie.” She said as she walked around the room, still visible to Daniel. “I will tell you, but first let me offer you the proof.” She said. First she walked to the bodies, or what was left of Palpitine and Vader. Their robes, burns and metal parts were all that remained. The scene looked like a bomb went off, as she walked through the various corridors, and finally to the cloning vats. They were all disabled, all the bodies inside, dead, and decapitated. “As you see, I am not lying.” Hera said to him.

Daniel was speechless as he saw the images. “That is Palpitine.” He said, as he looked at the severed heads of all the clones. He couldn’t believe his eyes, the war was over, she killed them… all of them. “How in the hell did you do this?” Daniel asked Hera as he looked at the carnage of the scene.

Hera smiled, and didn’t say a word, as she walked over to a console. She pressed a few keys and relayed intel to Daniel. Camera’s inside star destroyers, images of planets, all filled with bodies, all dead. Ship movements had ceased, even the mighty death star laid derelict in space. “I listened for once, Dannie.” Hera said, in a cutsy voice. “I listened.”

She then turned off the intel, as she looked back at his shock and awed image. “I will give you a full debriefing on Issus, when I get back. I want to tell this before anyone who will listen. People need to hear this story.”


As the parties started, the celebrations came in bloom, and the mourning of those who were lost came to bear. One party didn't rest, one party began immediately holding and repairing Tenetia. The cylons. Where once there were few, there were now many, the skies were filled with them, and the ground saturated. The Centurions walked the paths holding the streets, while the skies were covered in their silver glory. They were everywhere, and numbering in the hundreds of millions.

Bases had begun to be constructed, and with the on board facilities of the World Devastator, it was happening quicker than most could imagine. Tenetia, was firmly in the grasp of the Cylons, and they made no move against, humanity...

David was tired as he continued to run the WD. It has been so long, so long tied into the machine, making is guardians, and his fighters. His eyes were heavy, as he craved a nap, but he couldn't. Not yet. He could only hope and pray, as the message from humanity from across the galaxy, would be ignored. In case it wasn't he had to prepare.

Humans were such vengeful evil things, constantly wishing to use and discard them, enslave or destroy the Cylons.

The message from Earth was all the proof he needed that he had to prepare. He just hoped it was all in vain, and that Daniel and Travis would say frak off. The alternative, was too unpleasant to think about.
02-03-2009, 02:40
Alpha Base

The volcano rumbled in the distance as people began to celebrate the beginnings of what seems like a new chapter. The Empire was dead. The Tenetians were freed, although they were quite wary of the machines tromping down the streets of the former Imperial base.

Still, there were many that remembered the days before the Empire. The days when Andrew Masaki ruled the Coredian Imperial Republic with a fair hand in contrast to the oppressiveness of the Empire and its puppet Lady Nightshade. Now, with Daniel Masaki taking his rightful place as Emperor of Tenetia, the whispers that were only able to be heard behind closed doors were able to be spoken in the open. The oldsters recognized much of Andrew in the son, even if he did seem a bit clumsier in his rule, and reassured the younger generation that yes, indeed, this guy is going to do well.

Of course, there were always the other whispers...the whispers that remained behind closed doors.

But that's a story for another time and shall be told another day.

For me, though, the truth that Hera Agatheon dropped on me like a ten ton weight gave me a lot to think about. And then there was the message by Lord Vorman...the bastard!

But first, I had to address the nation. Yeah, I had Mac's letter in my hand, so I had much resistance to the idea that Coredia would ally with the Cylons, even from my own citizens.

I saw my kid stumble in, looking a little smoky from barely escaping that lava problem. Hmm.... "Hey, Travis."

"Hey Dad. Is it true?" Travis asked, as if not truly believing. Welcome to the club, kid. "Is the Empire really dead?"

"Aside from a few holdouts..." Holdouts my ass. Thrashia and Huntaer are still major threats, especially Huntaer. And then there was Chronosia. Remiel was strangely quiet lately. But I grinned anyway. "Yeah. I can't believe it either. It's over."

"Yatta!" Travis cheered. "I'm gonna tell the guys!"

Speaking of which... "Hold on a minute. That kid David. What do you think about him?"

"Oh? David? Hmm...He's kinda cold. Kinda like Reika. All business and stuff. Actually, Reika hooked up with him pretty quickly." Travis said. Then he grinned. "But he's officially a part of the Padawan Pack, so he's a friend of mine. Anyone that tries to hurt him will have to go through me, no matter who he is!"

I smiled at my son's idealism. Gets it from Naruto, he does. If only it were that easy to show the galaxy and Cylons both that...Oh, hey, where did that weird pessimism come from? A Masaki is optimistic to the end and sometimes not even then! Frak the voices of discontent! I'm going to set a new precedent here!

I grinned. "Well, I'm gonna address the nation now. Carry on with your duties."

"Yes, sir!" Travis snapped a fairly sloppy salute and headed out.

It was time.


A few minutes later...

"Your Majesty. You're on in 3...2...1...!" Spoke a cameraman.

Showtime. "Ladies and gentlebeings of the Coredian Nation. Today will be a day long remembered. It has seen the end of the Galactic Empire and it has seen the reforging of our broken nation into one once more. Yes, at long last, Tenetia is a Coredian planet once more. And we could not have done it without our allies. All of them."

"It did not come without sacrifice. Many lost their lives today, including Jedi Master Lowbacca, who gave his life to save the planet itself from a terrifying weapon of mass destruction from acting the final Imperial revenge on us. A funeral for the lost will be scheduled at the end of the week."

"From this day forward, the days and weeks ahead will be a time of healing, of rebuilding, of restoration. It is time to let go of our anger, for the object of our anger has destroyed itself. It is time to let go of our hatred, for hatred only leads to suffering. It is time to forgive those who trespass against us, even if we can never forget."

Here comes the big part. I breathed deeply. "You may have heard rumors that Coredia has allied with the Cylons to aid us in taking Tenetia. Those rumors...are truth."

Politicians everywhere had heart attacks at a national leader speaking the truth.

"I know what you must be thinking. 'What the hell, Daniel Masaki? What are you smoking?' I assure you that I am not smoking crack and that I am sane when I say this." I smiled slightly at my own joke. "Yes, the Cylons have done many ill things, including to our own nation and to the Colonials. I will not dispute that. But I will say it is time to forgive. It is time to let go of our hatred against them. The Cylons consider themselves the children of humanity and yet what did the Cylons learn from whom they call father and mother? They have learned rejection. They have learned hatred. And anger. And slavery. And warfare. And justice, as warped as it is."

"They have learned nothing of what makes a family a family from humanity. They have never learned trust. They have never learned friendship or love or anything else of what makes a family. In that, I say humanity has erred as it has always erred. In that, I say that it is time to teach our children -Yes. Our children.- what they have missed. Give them the benefit of the doubt. Show them that humanity is not simply full of bastards but are capable of opening their hearts to anyone...even machines. After all, our our astromechs not machines and do we not trust them?"

"I am not asking you to give a Centurion a hug every time you see one." More smiling. "I am simply asking you to think. To at least interact with one of the humanoid models and find a way to show them that they need not hate us, that they may trust us. Let us one day come to an understanding that will break the cycle of hatred that has been inflicted by Cylon and Humanity forever."

"Let us take responsibility for once, for the children that our race has birthed and discarded. Let us pick them up and show them the way. Let us find it in our hearts to forgive those who trespass against us. Call me a Pollyanna if you like, crazy as a loon, but you know what? Travis, my son, cares not if one of his friends happen to be a Cylon. If my son can call one Cylon friend, if I myself can call another born of the union of a Cylon and a human friend, how can we say we cannot make a friend of others of the Cylon race? A friend of my son is a friend of the Clan and we always take good care of our friends."

Very implied warning, of course. Touch David and die. And yeah, idealism was oozing out of my speech like slime. If the Colonies and the Dornalians wish to send objections and hate mail, they know where to send their mail. And yep, this will be my most controversial decision yet. I just hope I don't regret it.

"And finally..." I turned my voice into steel. "You who style yourself Emperor Vorman. I have only one thing to say to you and your lackey Brutus:

'Get off my planet, O wanker of darkness!'

I shall thank you for reminding me that it is time I do what I should have done a long time ago. You think the Coredians will take your slap in our face lying down? Uh uh. No way. Not now. Not ever! This I swear to my dying breath! I will cleanse my nation of your foul taint! I will summon every body, every weapon I can get my hands on to drive you out of Coredian space, down to my smallest pinkie! Do you hear me, you bastard? I will come for you! And you know why?"

"Because WE. ARE. COREDIA!" I shouted. And then I cut off the feed.

"Inform Admiral Pellaeon that he is to return my orignal insignia immediately." I ordered one soldier. "I'm out of uniform."

"Yes, sir!"

"Prepare the Grand Navy of the IDF for departure to Issus in two days!" I ordered another soldier.

"Sir, yes sir!"

"Inform Premier Macintyre that I thank him for his letter, but I must stand up to my friends as well as my enemies for what is right!" I ordered yet another one. "See if he can send anything available to Issus in two days!"


I even found room to inform Hera of Issus. "Hera, Issus has been attacked by the Huntaerian Empire and I fear Athena may be in grave danger! I give you your final order: do everything in your power to save her and bring down the enemy! We'll talk after this is over!"

And on and on. It was as if I had been given a backbone made of titanium. On second thought, maybe I have.

All the better to beat down Vorman with it.
New Dornalia
02-03-2009, 05:34
Well, Mac wasn't about to call Daniel by the nickname, "Pollyanna." He indeed watched the speech with horror and facepalming, muttering, "What have you done?" Disappointment emerged on his face--didn't his ally and personal buddy know any better? He figured, Danny had no other recourse but to align himself with the Cylon--after all, why waste so many men on a prize which would just become irradiated due to Cylon atomic stewardship? Still, it didn't seem right. And with that, he merely muttered to Carla, "Carla, do me a favor. Punch me in the nads, I wanna wake up."


Several key Congressmen already were calling Daniel Masaki other names angrily on the People's News Network, however, and were not so generous as MacIntyre would be. Words such as "Quisling (," "Wang Jingwei, (" and Phillippe Petain ( filled the airwaves. All sorts of figures that represented "Traitor to one's kin and kind" were linked angrily by Anti-Coredian Movement eggheads and Neo-Nazis, and now a few skeptical Congressmen, to one HRH Daniel Alexander Masaki. Angry debates broke out, and already, the fragile peace between the Ouendan and their Anti-Coredian foes was over.

No one knew who started the riots first, but it was safe to assume that judging by the news footage, some Neo-Nazi had decided to shoot an Ouendan member in cold blood with a 1911, screaming, "Race Traitor!" outside of Glendale, sparking the violence as a mob of Ouendan proceeded to retaliate with baseball bats, and the rest of the Nazi's posse got their own weapons out. That got the ball rolling fast, and now, People's Militia and LAPD Riot Police were in full force, attempting to contain no less than full scale ultraviolence.

Nevermind that he wasn't Dornalian--it would seem to some in Congress that Daniel Masaki had decided to betray the human race and welcome the Cylon, just as men like Petain and the Chinese who decided to collaborate with the Imperial Japanese had seemingly decided to collaborate with the enemies of mankind.

Now, MacIntyre had to quickly fly to Los Angeles, and answer a very angry emergency session of the Peoples' Congress. Quietly and calmly, he answered the tide of angry Congressmen, and within several hours reached a verdict on the Coredian Foreign Aid supplements for that year, which were conveyed to Danny in a letter.

"Dear Danny--

Well, it's happened. My legislature is going insane. I barely managed to make them calm--after all, what you did made sense at the time--guys like the Cylons tend to make offers you can never refuse (hence generally why I never deal with them). But, it wasn't good enough for some of them.

I'm just gonna warn you in advance right now. You'll still get some funds--but less than usual: I had to swallow a bitter pill and agree to having aid appropriations cut by forty-five percent, plus restrictions on access to hardware and financial aid. This translates to Coredia not being able to get as much fuel, not as much military hardware (and apparently, some jerkbag in the PC insisted on some wierd ratio where you get more Export Model hardware than Real Hardware) and fewer loans and such financial services in the future. Apparently, they're afraid for Dornalian tech falling into Cylon hands. That I can get--but why the hell are they worried about Dornalian Dollars? I told them that, they wouldn't listen.

Also, I might find myself hamstrung in the future in terms of direct military assistance--I get the feeling that any big commitments I make in the future will be threatened by, to quote Woodrow Wilson, a 'Willful Group of Little Men.' I will try to do what I can on my end--you've always been a good man, Danny, and I appreciate our nations' alliance and friendship--but bear in mind, it ain't gonna be easy.

If it's any consolation, they were gonna do worse--one wanted to raise tariffs on Coredian goods by 200%. Be glad I got what I did. Finally, it's nothing personal, it's just the vagaries of democracy. :rolleyes:


Robert E. MacIntyre"
02-03-2009, 07:03
As the battles came to a close, those that had been encamped by the Clans were slowly processed and released to the Coredians. No apologies were given to them, or to anyone, for anything they had been accused of. They had merely done their job.

Once things had settled down and the partying had begun, the Clans began to pack up. It wasn't their world to hold, and the Cylons seemed to have things pretty much secured. Ever so slowly, the Clan forces were picked up, stored in the holds of their massive ships, and taken up into orbit until not even a single Clanner was left sitting on the planet.

And there they waited, their fleet converging to a central point in orbit. About an hour of idling with little communication going on, a transmission was sent directly to Pellaeon and Danny from Yue herself.

"We still have plenty of resources left from this battle, Masaki-dono," Yue said. "Would you desire any more assistance from us, particularly in regards to the situation at your world, Issus?"
Orthodox Gnosticism
03-03-2009, 03:22
(OOC: Here is your angry letter. Enjoy :))

It didn’t take long for the news to hit the Colonies, that a staunch ally of Earth, the thirteenth tribe of Kobol had once and for all slapped the Twelve Colonies in the face. This blunder, of siding with an enemy sworn to destroy them, didn’t go unheeded, but it didn’t go as violently as expected.

Peaceful protests, in the after math of the riots took place. While the bodies were being carted away, on Caprica, Geminion, Virgon, and even Earth, people, Colonials took to the streets. Many were carrying signs, “Tauron was right.” “Earth is a Cylon Collaborator” along with other obscenities that would not be appropriate for this viewing audience.

The bigger slap in the face came from the people’s congress. Fifty five percent budgets cut to Coredia, a now blatant ally of a nation that desired nothing more than Earth, and the Twelve Colonies destruction, and who had in the past done what they could to enact their will.

One colonial took it upon themselves to write both De Bruyn, and CCed to MacIntryre. One Colonial had the courage to put it into writing exactly what they were feeling. Here is that letter:

To whom this is addressed:

I am a simple man, a man of honor and integrity. A man whom would defend my friends, my family and my lands with my life. At first, with Tauron, I felt that Colony had gone a bit overboard. I believed that they were jumping the gun, and out of fear of the way things were had instigated a war in which tore us apart. I could not have been more wrong.

After Daniel Masaki’s address to the nation, and after reading in the paper the reports of a forty five percent budget cut to a nation that has openly befriended a race that wants our deaths. Yes, it is our people that we created, yes we frakked up, but now again I feel as if you are putting your own interest above the nation.

I feel insulted that you think 45% of your budget cuts are enough, when they are supporting the Cylons 100%. The Cylons want your death and destruction as well as our own. You are the thirteenth tribe, and the Cylons know it. Yet, again you support an old ally for what reason? You scared of the Empire? Obviously, that is why you made your alliance aren’t it. Remember though it was a Colonial, not a Coredian who was the harbinger of their destruction. We know that the first hybrid was the one on the news, it is in the papers all over Caprica. Daniel Masaki, like the Abh, have betrayed you. Wake up and see it. And De Bruyn, grow a pair.

You are in charge of all thirteen colonies, not MacIntryre, nor the people’s congress. You Rule the United Colonies of Kobol, which includes all of New Dornalia. If you are a leader, then lead. Otherwise step down, and let someone else take command.

Stand up to the People’s Congress, and to MacIntrye. If you are too pacifist to rid Coredia of the cylons, at least tell them no funding at all. Prove you are a leader who has the interest of all Thirteen Colonies at heart, before more people side with the Tauronese.


John Abbott.


As David heard the message over the holo-net he sighed in relief. They didn’t turn on him, Imperius was wrong. The Coredians were not about to attack the cylons, and even allied himself to his people. He knew the trouble it would cause, hell it was an going to be unpopular probably even with his own people, but it was the right thing. David sent a simple message to Daniel. “Thank you.”
New Dornalia
03-03-2009, 04:34
The angry hate mail to the Admiral made him wince--it also made MacIntyre flip out.


"What the fuck is this shit?" MacIntyre muttered to Carla as he read the letter. He didn't understand the anger. After all, this was democracy here--you had to juggle your priorities and make appropriate compromises. Evidently, some--no, a LOT of people thought he was too soft. And it wasn't just a "stubborn little group of willful men." Now, it was the whole of the United Colonies--quite a "stubborn," "willful" "group" indeed. And he knew this would be worse than any People's Congress filibuster.

Carla muttered, facepalming at the fallout on the news, "Mac, it's obvious. They think you're too soft. They think you're the Quisling here, just as bad as Danny." She then cut Mac off and said, "Mac, I know you know Danny had to accept an offer he couldn't refuse, but hell--we're hitched to a group of people that really want your blood because you sip cocktails with Danny and sell him guns."


He had just defeated the majority of the Tauronese Mutineers, and now he had to contend with being seen as too soft. Perhaps those "diseases of the heart" were quite severe after all.

"Uitlanders love to complain--they never like to explain," mused Lyndie sarcastically.

De Bruyn said nothing, and then composed a stern letter to MacIntyre.


A runner than ran into the office where Carla and Mac were, and said, "Comrade Premier, its De Bruyn."

Taking the message, it said simply:

"Comrade Premier--

Whilst I feel nothing personally about the recent emergency vote of the People's Congress, I am concerned about the effect this will have on my effort to unite the United Colonies and prevent foreign intervention. I have recieved an angry letter about this vote already accusing me of lacking manhood and accusing you of treason. I assume you have as well.

As it is, I am prepared to issue my own executive order suspending any further aid shipments for the time being. Why?

I am too busy to clean up the fallout that results from an act that you do, and as it is, my people--Colonial and Dornalian, are having trouble containing the resulting demonstrations and preventing them from sinking into violence. I must unite the nation, and I have no time to deal with your expletives and ponderous oaths interfering with my efforts any longer.

If you wish to aid Coredia, you may send money yourself, out of pocket. However, in the name of the United Colonies, I cannot authorize any more shipments of material and financial aid.


Christiaan Balthazar De Bruyn"

MacIntyre, at this point, balled up the message and knelt on the floor. He would have had a shitfit, but then Carla patted him on the back and said, "Jesus Mac, you look like you're gonna explode--chill out."

"That man just usurped my authority."

He stared at the wall, and quivered in anger. All of his charisma, all of his bureaucratic charm and infighting skill, now stood powerless before the weight of military might. For the first time in a long time, he genuinely felt powerless. And that made Robert Ellison MacIntyre very upset.

"That asshole just usurped my ability to decide my people's fate. He usurped the People's Congress. With a pen and some men with guns, he's made the laws. I let him have his way before, but that was only because I allowed him to use my men. Now....that son of a bitch thinks he owns the show...."

"Damnit Mac!" Carla screamed. "He does run the show! He's the Goddamn Admiral of the Fleet! As far as the Colonials are cocnerned, he's GOD!"

"Not in Los Angeles. Here, we don't bow to poltroons and spread KY Jelly on our privates and ask how hard. I've never. ever done that. Not to my own people."

"Look...." Carla leaned up to Mac, and said, "I need you to calm down. Remember what you said about personality cults? They're a danger, right? Well, this is why they are--you're believing in your own dogma. You got the Dornalians out of the Dark Age of Stalinism, you gave them healthcare and material benefits, you gave them an empire, you made them into a force to be reckoned with in the universe and you made them free and able to trust their leaders again and able to use their own consciences--the list goes on! And now, you expect unquestioned, corpse-like obedience from anyone who's even remotely worked under you. Look at you!"

MacIntyre looked up, and said, "That's not relevant, Carla. What's relevant is that 'The Party Controls The Gun.'"

"It is, and don't fucking quote Chairman Mao at me, buster! Think about it. Listen to yourself! All this talk about 'my people' and 'my leadership'--why so selfish, there, Mac? And what about the PC Meeting?"

"I care," Mac said.

"Well, you don't seem to care about De Bruyn's effort to reunite the Colonies. While he's trying to put Humpty Dumpty Back Together, you're just out there, strutting like a pro-wrestler for votes and to earn another glory point on your resume, only angering the Colonials."

Sitting next to Mac Indian style, she said, "Look, Mac....I know you did what you did, and worked damn hard on it. But think about it this way. In the long run, History will judge you better. Why look like a man who's only out there to serve himself, when you could really play the part and help out the Colonies?"

Poking him and smiling, she said, "Think about it. If it helps, know that the Colonials do care. And hell, De Bruyn doesn't think about you any way--he's a guy who tends to be neutral about things, you know that. It's just that you've done some things people don't like, and maybe you should address them. And also, maybe, scale back on the ego and recognize you're not a Communist God."

They just sat there temporarily, and then Mac began to cry just a little. He pulled out a hanky, and then said, "Nothing--just got something in my eye. Damnit." He then continued, "Right. You've got me thinking Carla. Maybe I have been a little too aggressive recently."

Getting up, he then breathed a deep breath and said, "Thanks, Carla. I always could count on you for a second opinion." He then said, "Right. Tell De Bruyn I'll go with it, and take the lumps from People's Congress."

He then also asked Carla, "Carla--could you also call Eileen down in the Quorum--tell her to make a proposal, something about, Consolidation."


"Yeah. If I'm gonna have any Goddamn influence in these United Colonies, I'll need a job to get elected to!"

As Carla frowned and smiled all at once, Mac said, "Oh, and also, it would kinda smooth all of this out. You know, so it doesn't happen again."

"Glad you finally see their point of view, Mac." With a smile and a chuckle, she said, "Get to it!"


With that much in hand, Coredia would suddenly get the news that Admiral De Bruyn had ordered all aid shipments to Coredia suspended until further notice, owing to "a marked inability to ensure the safety of the aid shipments."

Eileen Kung, in the meanwhile, promptly delivered a proposal to the United Colonial Quorum--

"In light of recent events, I have been informed by the citizens of Earth that it is altogether necessary to begin better consolidating the United Colonies together, to prevent political distruptions, and to provide a more united front against foreign attack.

To that end, I would like to put forth a motion to convene a Constitutional Convention as soon as possible. The people of Earth wish to further consolidate the United Colonies, to prevent the mistakes of bodies such as the People's Congress from causing trouble for all Colonials.

As such, by their will, I again make the motion for a new constitution, one that would further unify us, and destroy the old barriers which are hampering us this day.

After all, we now stand at a historic crossroads--what is past is past, and we must change our ways of thinking, if we all wish to survive. "

Surprisingly, no one complained to Kung. The vote was unanimous.
04-03-2009, 01:51
Vorman heard both messages sent across the galaxy. He had already known Palpatine was dead, for there was little he missed in the Force (after all, he did bring back the old prune). He felt that it was time to release another taste of his point of view on recent events. He knew how to make people tick and play along to his tune of terror and destruction. The new Emperor nodded to Lord Brutus to begin a new broadcast. The dark image of the Phantom Lord once again was viewed in people's homes across the galaxy, ::as no doubt many of you were aware from that lady's recent broadcast about Palpatine and Vader's fall. They were... But a mere taste of the dangers which will be coming fourth to you people. I am, of course talking about the Cylons.

Emperor Masaki claimed that the Cylons haven't learned what trust, friendship and family mean. I tell you that they do know. My spies have learned of at least two to four Cylon families in existence, each with children. There has been bonds of trust and friendship within the Cylon armies and they have a plan. It is because they know this, they are masters of manipulation and deceit. The Emperor KNOWS this, and he would have you believe otherwise because of one reason and one reason only.

Citizens of Coredia! Your Emperor has doomed you all to a grizzly fate which even the Jedi, Acolytes and Malkir are afraid to admit they have foreseen. They are afraid of admitting ultimate defeat no matter where their visions turn. They can only see darkness in the future, for at least another thousand years and it is because of the Alliance which they, the Jedi, have forged. My spies have learned of a possible Cylon threat of complete annihilation within the next few years, yet your Emperor asks you to trust these people who supposedly do not know how to trust. I ask you citizens of Coredia: how can you follow so blindly to his request when your new allies would use you as a gate to our ultimate destruction? Yes, by "our" I include the Huntarians as well. This is WHY we combat the Jedi and their allies, because they willfully follow a lie which has blinded them from the truth. It is because the Kirtir have seen the truth that we are strong! Our actions may be more extreme yes, but we will continue to survive and thrive! Coredians, my spies have learned of a disturbing truth... We know of at least four new Cylon Skinjobs being constructed, one of them already out on the field conducting research and development for the Cylon army! They would use these new models to pass through security, due to the fact that we do not know who they are, or what they look like. You only have my solemn word as a nation leader that these four new models exist and that there may be more being constructed.

And Emperor, as a personal message from fellow leader to fellow leader in reference to Issus... Remember what I told you in the midst of battle not too long ago on Bastion? "This is but the tip of the Iceburg?" My actions here are yet, once again, just the tip of the Iceburg of things to come.:: With that, Vorman cut the transmission.
New Dornalia
04-03-2009, 02:19
MacIntyre's only reply to this message was to call General Graves, Chief of Military Special Projects.

"General? This is the Comrade Premier. I want you to get Tennenbaum's Godcutter project moving ASAP. Also, I want you to begin investigating any and all measures that we can use to fight Cylon Infiltration, get the Colonials on our side with this--pronto! I don't want any lovedolls infiltrating our ranks!"

He then hung up, and was then confronted with a call from ISB. A familiarly eccentric voice replied to Mac's insistent, "Hello?"

"This is Lew."

"Ah yes....Director Lew of the ISB. What is it?" MacIntyre said.

"I saw the same transmission you saw. And I think there's someone I think you should meet, I think," the crazed manager of ISB mumbled, seeming to be, on the other end, bobbing about on her chair's edge.

"Your point being?"

"I'll be up there, shortly." With that, Lew cut off the signal.

Mac turned to Carla, who merely said, "Already on it. I'm working on a statement."

He then leaned on his desk, and muttered, "Damnit, Vorman....damn...."


The statement Carla made simply said the Woman in the transmission was a Colonial citizen, and that such claims as made by the Kirtir regime concerning any Cylon links or lineage were "mere hearsay, until they could be verified by independent authorities." As for the rest of it, the Workers State merely said, "No Comment can be made at this time concerning possible prophetic visions made by our citizens--those are personal matters which the Workers and Peasants' Government does not necessarily have a role in."


With that, Director Lew put the phone down. As it turned out, she was wobbling on the chair's edge, before leaping off like a monkey onto her desk, and then somersaulting onto the floor. The woman in front of her, meanwhile, giggled.

"Well. That's a lot to handle," muttered the Woman.

"Well, Victoria Brockdorf-Runtzau Chaing--if that is your real name--it is. About as much as trying to eat cottage cheese with a teaspoon whilst driving an aircraft carrier into a truck," said the eccentric ISB director.

"Um, what?" Victoria raised an eyebrow, and scratched her head. She was right--this woman was insane!

She then lept up and executed a breakdance/roundhouse combo, missing Victoria's head by inches, before standing up straight.

"Nevermind. I'm feeling a little nuts today. Let's go."

With that, the crazy ISB director left the office, with her new "person of interest" in tow. Little did he know, that this Woman following her and feeling the full effects of Lew's Psychic Null Field was none other than one Victoria Liang...sent 500 years from the future.....
04-03-2009, 05:40
"Hey." Naruto stepped in as I watched the latest Vormanshit on the news.

"Hey yourself. Look at that guy. He's gonna cause so many riots..." I sighed.

"I've heard your message..." Naruto said. I could hear the edge of steel in his voice and saw a hint of red in his eyes before he blinked it. Is he angry at me as well?

Great. My best friend too? I tried to talk him down from doing something rash. "It's not that I don't know what happened over Konoha. Hell, I was there--"

"Stop." Naruto held up a hand. "You don't need to explain. I know what you mean, but it's hard to forgive them for what they've done to Konoha. But..." He looked away for a minute. "I'll give them a chance. Hell, I gave David a chance, didn't I?"

"Yeah. I remember you yammering about letting him in the Academy. He worked out pretty well, it seems." I smiled. "Boy, did Master Umino screw my ears out over that. But he did relent when I reminded him of your furry friend."

"Yeah." Naruto unconsciously rubbed his stomach. "Do you really think it will work?"

"I'm making the biggest gamble of my life with the Cylons. I might as well be playing Ruusan Roulette with them. Of course I don't know if it'll work." I told him. "Yeah, it's unpopular. I know it is. The timing is unpopular. Hell, the existence of the Cylons alone is unpopular...but I believe it's the right thing to do."

"You should use that in your next speech." Naruto grinned. "Well, now you've committed yourself. Never back down. Never give up. Never take back your words 'cuz..."

"That's our way of the ninja." I nodded, sporting a similar grin. "So..."

"Yeah. I'll stand with you. When haven't I? We'll find a way to survive even the Dornalians turning off the tap." Naruto said. "Time to counter that bastard."

"Yep." I nodded.


Galactic Debate of the Millennium!

"Ladies and gentlebeings of the galaxy! A message by Dark Lord Vorman and a response by Emperor Daniel Masaki has triggered what may well be the debate of the millenium as they contest the words they have delivered for the hearts and minds of the Coredian citizenry and the people at large. How do I know this? Well, the Emperor himself has decided to speak again mere minutes after the quote, unquote 'Prophecy' speech by Vorman was sent to all corners of the galaxy! Here is the Emperor now!" The anchorman reported excitedly.

"Thank you, Tyler. My citizens! As you know, Lord Vorman has sought to scare you with a tale of prophecies and doom and gloom of a thousand years of darkness! He tells you that the Cylons will destroy us once we turn our backs! He proclaims that I would ask you to follow me into a grave of epic proportions! He says the Empire is strong and would ride out the darkness to come!"

"But...what does he really bring with him? What is he really saying? Listen to his words! If he brings a tale of darkness and he knows the darkness is coming, why isn't he doing anything about it? Why would he allow the darkness to fall?"

"You know, say this prophecy is true. Say there's darkness coming. A prophecy can be taken in two ways. A promise of what is to be done, or a warning about what may occur. Lord Vorman, your prophecy is a warning, as you said, one that we must all heed! Treating the Cylons like we treat dirt will entice them to attack, to do what this very prophecy says they will do. If you, O Lord of Darkness, are so concerned about them and are so powerful as to corrupt our very nation, then why are you attacking another human nation? A planet that last I checked, has no Cylons? Why don't you destroy them, oh Lord of Death?" I entered as much sarcasm to his title as I could.

I went on. I'm on a roll! "It is because you know I am right. You know if we treat them as the equals they are, they will not harm us. Yeah, it's unpopular. Yeah, I know it's unpopular. Yeah, I know it's easy to give in and give them and you what you want. But you know, it's the right thing to do, because all of us together: Cylon, Colonial, Coredian, Dornalian, Clanner, even Huntarian and Godulan, we are stronger together than we are alone. That strength is what you, O Lord of Darkness fear most of all! It is why you are trying to set the Coredians up against our own people, against our own allies, even today!"

"The Cylons may destroy the Huntaerian Empire as their daughter destroyed the Galactic Empire. But Coredia will be saved, cuz you know why? Their children adore us, and we them. We treat them as equals, not as machines. We are their friend, and they are ours. That is why you are scared and blustering with pessimism. Because it is you who is weak and it is Coredia who is stronger. We heed your warning Vorman, and know this, We will not fall. You will fall, alone and unwanted, a mere shadow of your former self!"

I raised a finger in the air as if making a most important point. "In the end, this is what this debate is all about: the death of hope and Lord Vorman intends to kill hope itself. But I say though even stars may die, hope will be the light that will shine in the darkness. People of the Galaxy! Who will you follow, the bringer of gloom or the bringer of hope? Who will you choose, the one who says victory is impossible or one who has achieved the impossible? One mere girl named Hera Agatheon has brought down an Empire everyone said was impossible to bring down. Yeah, that's her name, but I don't care if everyone knows! If one person can bring down the impossible, how many more can bring down the impossible as well?"

My voice rose to a resounding boom, calling upon the deepest optimism in the hearts of every Coredian. "You have heard it said: be reasonable! Well I say, kick reason to the curb! You have heard it said: this is impossible! Well I say, go beyond the impossible! Coredians! Cylons! Dornalians! Colonials! Everyone!"

Naruto suddenly interjected to my surprise. "Even if the darkness should consume us all!"

I kept up the tempo. "Even if all our enemies shall stand in our way!"

"If the despair of the end should swallow our hearts!"

"If the Will of Fire should blow itself out!"

"Lord Vorman! We will take you down with the swords that strike Heaven itself!" I ignited my lightsaber and lifted it high. A sudden background image of galaxies could clearly be seen.

"People of the Galaxy! No matter who you are, let us all forge the destiny that no prophecy can forsee! Let us seize this day together! Today, tomorrow and forever!" Naruto unsheathed his own, parallel to mine. A wind blew from nowhere to ruffle our cloaks and hair.

"Because, Lord Vorman..." Here it comes...

"WHO THE..."


"THINK WE ARE?!?" We shouted together.

The jaws of our sons and their friends, and indeed the nation itself dropped as they watched the craziest, most insane speech they ever heard. But it worked and we could sense it immediately.

Like fire across the nation, the final words spread, rousing even the weakest person. Coredians who were before moaning and groaning about me were now cheering and shouting those same words over and over again. Even the Tenetians took up the cry. Nothing Vorman could say now would stop our words from catching the mood of the nation and transforming it into a force that was greater than any Battle Meditation. And hopefully the galaxy would do the same.

It was a speech that would live on forever.
04-03-2009, 22:43
Vorman knew that this was coming, he isn't stupid. He signaled Lord Brutus to deliver the child which he has just taken from the Jedi. He knew that the Cylons were extremely protective of their children... And with one in his hands, Daniel's rallying support cry would suddenly come crashing down. ::People of the Galaxy... Your Emperor has deceived you yet again. As some know, the Cylons are extremely protective of their children, the hybrids...:: Vorman reached off screen and had the child stand in front of him. He used the Force to lift the thing up for all to see. ::I have here in my hands, a Cylon child. An hybrid offspring between one of the Cylon models and a human. Daniel Masaki... Imagine if you will... How your so-called newly founded friends would react when they find out that you allowed their child to be held captive in the hands of the enemy? How friendly would your friends be once they realize their hope for the future has been corrupted... Tainted... Harmed... Imagine what they would do if I were to merely pluck one... Small... Blond... Hair...::
05-03-2009, 06:13
The Telrosians watched as Vorman and Daniel dueled with words and the Holonet, each seeking to sway the hearts and minds of the galaxy to their view. Each one put forth the most charisma and talent as each could put out. Both were doing quite well, except for Vorman, with the whole Lord of Death thing. Kinda ruined the charisma thing when you know this guy eats souls. However, as hard as both sides tried, they would not sway the Telrosians from whatever path they chose. They long ago had decided to ensure they would not be swayed by anyone with words. They would hear their side, and take it into their decisions, but they would not simply let a demagogue ruin the peace and unity they had achieved. However, after the latest response from Vorman, the President of the United Nations, Lucy Carlen, decided to take a stand. A relatively hidden figure in Telrosian society and foreign affairs, she had not made herself known to her allies since she felt they had their problems and she wasn't so heartless as to thrust the Telrosian suspicion and mistrust problems at their allies just yet. It was thawing....but it would take more than that to get them out of the shell they had built to defend themselves. However, she called in, asking for access to the Holonet. It was granted, as her only request was that she be allowed to speak.

Many people expected her to be behind a desk, or perhaps in a meeting room in a government building. But instead it showed her in her home, sitting in a chair beside a bed. She turned to face the camera and gave a small smile.

"Citizens of the galaxy, I know you are tired of hearing these back and forth speeches. Tired of the conflict between Imperial and Coredian, tired of war, of death, of chaos. And you most certainly are cynical about hearing such things from me, a Telrosian, whom you barely know. I understand, but I ask that you hear me out.

You have, with help from you allies, accomplished a great victory. The planet of Tenetia is once more united with the Coredian Empire, and the Galactic Empire is failing. You have suffered much, ever since the events that caused the first conflict within the Colonies that caused you to undergo so much suffering. The battle and defeat at Konoha, the political struggle as your allies and your people dealt with the aftermath of the accusations and angry friends. You even struggled through the corruption, which Lord Vorman himself has stated he caused. I will touch upon him in a moment. I merely wish to say you have endured more than many societies could endure without falling or turning to civil war. But you have endured, and I must praise the spirit of Coredia and other nations who suffered. However, I return to the situation at hand."

She turned to face the camera fully and her face hardened as determination and resolve filled her. She couldn't turn back now; she had begun to spill how the Telrosians felt and she needed to make it known. Both to help the people of the Galaxy and to aid her own people's social recovery. "First, we touch upon Lord Vorman. As a Telrosian, he puzzles us. He is the Lord of Death, something everyone reviles for killing so many people, causing such destruction over the years and even attacking and massacring the poor souls at Issus. Now, this is nothing new and we all are rightly justified in despising him and not trusting him. So why does he think that we will just drop all that and flock to his banner when he....*gasp* stole a planet from the Coredian's by force? While they were busy at another battle?! I say, this is a sure sign of Coredia's weakness!" Her eyes hardened. "Hardly. This move only shows how utterly pathetic and stupid Vorman is. Why does he think a nation will turn to him after he attacks them? While they were busy liberating their comrades who had suffered under Imperial rule, a rule supported by Vorman, he struck at a planet and massacred it. With aid from a traitor. Where doers the thought process come from Vorman? Unless you think fear drives them to your banner from this, and at this I have to laugh. As evil as you may be, as terrifying as the Lord of Death is, you pale in comparison to ancient evils such as Chaos that embodies Chronosia, Coredia's ancient foe. And they have STOOD against them, with many allies, fighting the primordial power that such forces contain. You are nothing compared to them and the people have stood up to Chaos. I don't think they are so easy to bow."

"Not to mention, you claim he is too weak to fight you. I don't know about you but I am sure every nation, unless they are at war time and not have been hunted constantly like the Coredians have, can repel a single attack YOU have prepared with a large force bigger than their normal defense force, limited by things such as cost and the size of the navy, and the traitor you had in place. No place, not even New Dornalians, could have repelled such a surprise attack. So give up the weak Emperor bit, Vorman. And drop the betrayal shtick you've been using. Tell me, why should we trust you when you betrayed your Emperor and KILLED HIM, for not *ahem* following some vague promise he made you. So far Vorman, I can see you have shot yourself in the foot and made Coredia look strong. So far, you have made yourself look STUPID.

Now to move on to your next LOVELY speech about the Cylons. Again the hypocrisy abounds. You talk about the threat the Cylons pose, how they will "kill us all" and such? No more than you, who has attacked countless worlds and destroyed them, or the Empire you served which destroyed ENTIRE PLANETS, or even allies like Chronosia, whose goal is to convert everyone to Chaos or kill them! Cylons are relatively new to these old threats, with the exception of the Empire dying here. Yes, they are angry at us and may have some issues they want to solve with weapons. But tell me Vorman, how are you different from the Colonials who, in their fear and panic, attacked the Cylons and tried to wipe them out and have been continuing their discrimination against them every since they came close to extinction in their wars with them, when you warn about how they will kill us all? How are you different in raising fear in people against the Cylons, which your words have DONE, than the Colonials who warn us against the, my apologies to the Cylons, "toasters" as they call them. Have you forgotten that they are sentient? Or they have dreams, feelings, emotions, and more? That they can feel happiness, joy, jealousy, pain, grief, and betrayal? They are just as alive as us and we continually fail to see that. Except perhaps the Coredians and we have come to this realization.

I will make no lie here; we are still struggling with coming to trust the Cylons. However, we are willing to TRY and work with them, TRY to treat them as an equal SPECIES. Something you are not doing by casting them as an evil race of woe and evil that are trying to kill us all for being organic instead of the fact that they are simply trying to survive and view all organics as peoples who will treat them as second class and try to kill them. So they do what they feel they must to survive. And that is the goal of any species, sentient or not, to survive. To carry on. Now, you claim to see a darkness that the Alliance has seen but denied, and that we need to come to your side to stop it. Not only are you blaming the Cylons, just after trying to point the finger at Daniel for saying they don't understand love, family and such, for this coming darkness but if this is true, why are you not letting go of conflicts and working together, if the Cylons are so evil in your eyes? Putting aside my points on their motivations, why are you focused on dividing the galaxy against this darkness with your power plays and speeches? This only aids them and hurts BOTH your causes. You are not making sense here Vorman, and that is a scary trait in a "leader" I am supposed to be sympathizing with here."

She took a deep breath and let it out. One more message to go and then to finish this off. "Vorman, you now totally destroy your argument here. You seek to unite everyone against the Cylons under your banner. Yet you have kidnapped a hybrid child to drive the people to your side by threatening them with Cylon attack. Oi, fucking MORON, you do know that Cylons can, you know, HEAR, and read? And since you sent this out to the ENTIRE GALAXY, they know you just admitted to kidnapping one of THEIR children. Why would they bother with attacking Coredia when they could, well, focus on destroying you and reclaiming their child. You could, as you have done, threaten to hurt the child. But tell me, are you ready to deal with the Cylons way of vengeance? They do not rest, they do not forgive, and they will not stop until they have destroyed you. Honestly, I am thinking you are caught up in a power trip and can't even see how you've walked over the cliff like in those cartoons. All you need is to look down and see your death. Now, you blame Daniel for this again. It's not like, you know, you infiltrated his government, put this into place and made it nigh IMPOSSIBLE FOR HIM to see this coming and then do it. Nope, not possible.

Which reminds me. You made it seem a big deal that its Masaki's fault for the corruption because you got into his government. You, the master manipulator and probably great at illusions with the Force, were able to fool the people, distracted by war, Cylons, and social problems, to not notice the seed you planted. Please, stop the presses, this is totally SHOCKING." Her constant yelling had tired her and she slumped in the chair for a few moment, building her strength for one final go.

"I will now say this Vorman. You arguments are flawed and seem more focused on destroying yourself than Coredia. Coredia has its flaws, many of them, but you make them seem divine compared to you. Kidnapping babies, attacking planets, lying and manipulating, the only real threat I see is you, now that you have revealed yourself. And I will say this. You disgust me, with how you manipulate, lie, steal, and hurt those who are not in your way but are useful tools. Just like that child. You act like Colonials, how the Cylons EXPECT Colonials to act. I tell you this, with the support of every single Telrosian. We will not bend to your lies, your trickery, your deceit. We will stand, even if we stand alone, and every single nation joins your cause, even the Cylons. We will fight you, we will battle in our cities, our planets, our systems! We will put our lives, our society, and our very existence as a species on the line to ensure you are destroyed, that another remnant of the horrific Empire is wiped clean and that you will not harm another person again. For those you killed on Issus, and countless other worlds, we ready our armies. For those souls you have greedily devoured, literally and figuratively, in your quest for power, our fleets stand ready to fight you. And for the good and peace that we all desire to see in this galaxy torn apart by hate, lies, war, and deception, we will stand firm until the very LAST OF US FALLS! So bring on your legions and your ships, and your powers, Vorman.

We aren't afraid of you. We can think of no better end that to die fighting tyranny which has for so long plagued this galaxy and hurt everyone, be they machine or flesh, or a mix of both. You can kill us, Vorman, but YOU CAN'T KILL HOPE!"

The transmission ended with her last word, leaving the people to take in what she said.
Orthodox Gnosticism
05-03-2009, 16:16
(OOC: We need to make a new thread. This one was supposed to be about Tenetia which is over.)
05-03-2009, 19:23
OOC: New thread here: