The Trail of Aelita(MT, Semi-open, IC)
Orginal Thread, all prospected jury members please read to page 9 ( and occ thread:
New Flash
The Trail of Aelita, her various generals(and possibly her sister Mew II) has began in the high courts in Chaziton, Chazaka on this date November 23, 100 FC(Years since founding of Chazaka)
The List of Crimes that the defendant(s)are being prosecuted by this court for:
At least one count of crime against peace and unlawful destruction of a (maybe dully elected) government (
many counts of war crimes
At least one count of mass murder and coercion (
with a list provided later
At least one count of 2nd degree murder (
Unlawful possession of nuclear missiles and launch of said weapons (
with intent to fire more (
Conformation of nuclear weapons ( and 2nd example of nukes (
Ordered Mass Murdering of unarmed citizens(at least at this point they should be) (
Use of god like powers (
also 2nd example ( (not technically a crime but still)
Purchasing of highly illegal and dangerous cyanogen chlorine (, Tranmittion of order (, amount ordered (
Probable Destruction of Civilian Nuclear Power Plant, still under heavy investigation (
Possible Breach of World Assembly Resolution #9, due to the force joining/support of Aelita government (
As these crimes are/were both hideous and had an (inter)national impact, The Chazakain Supreme Court felt that the jury should have been an international scope. Which led to the following jurors and countries.
Jury Members:
Chazakain:Themis O'Beal
New Kerepticain: Lester Kuebler
Mewslander: Thrown Out
Allied States of Gun Manufacturers: Jameson Reed
3 unnamed at the this time(ie people can still sign up in the occ thread)
With the Chazakain Chief Justice will be proceeding.
The Prosecution Team is:
Chazakain: Miss Poena
New Kereptica: Lawrence Vipperman
Falkasiain: Vassili Korolov
New Greston:?
The Defense Team is:
Beatus: Gregory Jefferson Whethersbee III
New Greston:?
Mew II/Aelita?
Chazakain Chief Justice:
New Kereptica
23-11-2008, 20:53
OOC: Do we start it at the beginning then? Or do we do from where we left off?
occ: It is a fresh restart
Chaziton High Court, 19:01
All rise, the honorable Shamash proceeding.
Aelita(and generals) you are brought forth upon this court charged with many serious crimes. The Prosecution is seeking the highest penalty, banishment of you and your staff to the netherregions of this world and the dividing up of your country between the occupying countries for a period no shorter than 10 years or how long they see fit. How do you plead?
New Kereptica
23-11-2008, 21:06
Lawrence Vipperman, the Kereptecean representative at the trial of the war criminal Aelita, stood as the judge entered the room. At his place on the prosecution table, he could clearly see Aelita, her sister, Mew II, and all the members of the defense. In his mind, he was already picturing how pleasing it would be to see that Mewsland scum go off to prison, or even better, Vipperman thought, to death row.
*cough they're sisters and as far as i know we haven't taken in any other siblings*
Themis surveyed the assembled defendants, slowly wishing that Chazakain Law allowed a more direct death penalty but he was still happy that they would be banished.
New Kereptica
23-11-2008, 21:15
OOC: Oh. I thought Mew II was a guy. Editing.
Gun Manufacturers
23-11-2008, 22:31
From his place in the jury box, Jameson Reed stood as the judge entered. When he sat back down, he looked at both the prosecutor's table and the defense table. He had a legal pad and pen at the ready to take notes.
The Beatus
24-11-2008, 05:41
Gregory Jefferson Whethersbee III sat next to the defendants. He looked over at the jury box, and his eyes met with those of Jameson Reed, and he gave him a kind smile.
Gun Manufacturers
25-11-2008, 23:53
Gregory Jefferson Whethersbee III sat next to the defendants. He looked over at the jury box, and his eyes met with those of Jameson Reed, and he gave him a kind smile.
Jameson Reed wondered why the defense council would smile at him like that. Maybe he thought the gesture would endear Jameson to the defense's side of the case.
Still waiting for that plead, defense. You also get first move/statement/witness/whatever...
Shamash was getting impatient, "Defense how do you plead?"
26-11-2008, 01:36
OOC: Good news guys! Computer is all fixed, and files and memory are all safe!!
IC: To come.
The Beatus
26-11-2008, 06:50
Seeing as it appeared, the guys from Mewsland were not going to say anything, so Gregory Jefferson Whethersbee III, rose and stated, "The Defendant pleads not guilty. I also wish to inform the court, that we will be perusing an affirmative defense, stipulating the fact that when the defendant committed these acts, she was acting in defense of herself, and others, from what she perceived as a threat to her life, and the lives of others." He than sat down again.
Gun Manufacturers
27-11-2008, 04:59
Jameson Reed made noted what the defense council said, and wrote at the top, 'Defense council is stating his case during the plea. Strange, but maybe that's a requirement in this court'.
Gun Manufacturers
29-11-2008, 00:22
OOC: Bump?
29-11-2008, 00:46
OOC: I'm pretty sure people are away for Thanksgiving, so this probably won't be updated again regularly until later this weekend, at least.
Unless someone just took Aelita out back and put her down as a mercy killing, to get this farce over with. No offense
Seeing as it appeared, the guys from Mewsland were not going to say anything, so Gregory Jefferson Whethersbee III, rose and stated, "The Defendant pleads not guilty. I also wish to inform the court, that we will be perusing an affirmative defense, stipulating the fact that when the defendant committed these acts, she was acting in defense of herself, and others, from what she perceived as a threat to her life, and the lives of others." He than sat down again.
Dully noted Defense, I believe the Prosecution has an opening statement.
"Yes, we do your honor. We are charging Aelita and her top two generals with
1. At least one count of crime against peace and unlawful destruction of a (maybe dully elected) government(Aelita and Generals)
2. At least one count of mass murder and coercion(A&G)
3. At least one count of 2nd degree murder or murder through an accomplice a POW.(Aelita only)
4. Unlawful possession of nuclear missiles and launch of said weapons
with intent to fire more(Aelita gave order, general for acting it out)
5. Purchasing of highly illegal and dangerous cyanogen chlorine(Aelita only)
6. Possible Breach of World Assembly Resolution #9, due to the force joining/support of Aelita government(A&G)
We have ruled out the destruction of civilian nuclear power plant being caused by Aelita directly though we have not totally rule out sabotage of some sort.
For these crimes we are seeking the ultimate penalty in Chazaka Law, Banishment to the 2,500 km^2 Taegh Desert at the border of Chazaka and Chazada, where she and/or her top 2 generals will be left in the middle of it with a week worth of water and rations and a map detailing possible water holes in the area, where she will live the rest of her life.(SIC: She will also be implanted with a tracker to make sure that she is not rescued by her former government/sister/third party)
Since the defense did not call forth a witness we will. We call forth a representative from the Salzalnd Government ( who we believe can show the best unbias evidence for charge number 4.
29-11-2008, 01:49
ooc: I'm here, although my hard-drive is still toast. I'm getting my fixed CPU back on Monday.
Gun Manufacturers
29-11-2008, 02:46
Dully noted Defense, I believe the Prosecution has an opening statement.
"Yes, we do your honor. We are charging Aelita and her top two generals with
We have ruled out the destruction of civilian nuclear power plant being caused by Aelita directly though we have not totally rule out sabotage of some sort.
For these crimes we are seeking the ultimate penalty in Chazaka Law, Banishment to the 2,500 km^2 Taegh Desert at the border of Chazaka and Chazada, where she and/or her top 2 generals will be left in the middle of it with a week worth of water and rations and a map detailing possible water holes in the area, where she will live the rest of her life.(SIC: She will also be implanted with a tracker to make sure that she is not rescued by her former government/sister)
Since the defense did not call forth a witness we will. We call forth a representative from the Salzalnd Government ( who we believe can show the best unbias evidence for charge number 4.
Jameson Reed quickly wrote down the charges against the defendants. It was a lot to write down, so he wrote it shorthand. Once the court adjourned for the day, he would copy the notes down in longhand.
29-11-2008, 16:20
A high-definition TV connected to a satellite uplink was wheeled into the courtroom, then turned to face the judge, jury, prosecution and defense. Once cued by the prosecution, the television was turned on, presenting the image of a slightly-greying middle aged man.
"Good morning, ladies and gentlemen of the court. My name is Vincent Perry, and I am chief of the Pacific Island desk at the Salzland Defense Intelligence Agency. Due to distance and time constraints I am unable to appear and testify in person, so the court has allowed me to present sworn testimony over this satellite uplink. I have already been sworn in, and will now begin my testimony."
"The following communications intercepts were recovered through a variety of monitoring devices, including some classified which I am unable to divulge. I can say, however, that the following messages were all broadcast in the open, as they say, or over unencrypted frequencies. Several other nations, including some not involved in the fighting, also intercepted these broadcasts. These other nations were used to check our own intercepts for accuracy, as well as to confirm the identities of those speaking. Here is our first intercept..."
Launch the weapon and fire it directly southward
"Now, the origin point of this signal was triangulated to be the flagship of Aelita's rebelling fleet. Voice-print identification provided by our databases, and seconded by a neutral third-party, have confirmed that the personnel authorizing this deployment were directly overseen by Aelita, and acting under her direct orders. Immediately after this message was transmitted, again I must add, over an open and unencrypted frequency, we detected an increase in activity at this Mewsland missile base (Switch to a brief satellite overhead of the missile base), followed by the launch of one nuclear missile. We have firmly established that this base, at the time, was under the firm control of forces personally loyal to Aelita. I will now play our second intercept for the court."
Get another missile ready!
"This message, transmitted from Aelita's flagship after a second nuclear missile apparently malfunctioned and detonated pre-maturely, can be directly attributed to Aelita. It shows personal knowledge of the first demonstrative nuclear launch, personal knowledge of the attempted second nuclear attack, and willingness to launch a third nuclear strike."
"In the interests of full disclosure, I have been authorized to announce to the public that during the conflict the Armed Republic of Salzland did extend offers of support to the Mewsland Resistance, following Aelita's liberal use of Weapons of Mass Destruction. Those offers developed into nothing, and were withdrawn once Mew II and Aelita reconciled. I will now stand for additional questions from the prosecution, followed by any cross-examination from the defense."
01-12-2008, 00:09
I do have to remind you that I was brought here for the purpose of being the witness for the defense. I may have to add that banishment, if I remember correctly, was declared unconstitutional by the WA?
01-12-2008, 00:13
And who in their right mind would break apart a country which already has people rioting in the streets!? There are eighty-six million people in Mewsland. Dividing up the aforementioned country could cut families apart, destroy the Mewsland economy, cause yet more riots, cause repercussions across the nations which split up Mewsland, and wreak much other unforeseen havoc! In response to Chazaka "throwing out" the Mewsland jury member, how can you throw out someone from a position in that there was nobody in?
I do have to remind you that I was brought here for the purpose of being the witness for the defense. I may have to add that banishment, if I remember correctly, was declared unconstitutional by the WA?
OCC i assume this is mews II talking, you really need to mark it since you can be 3 different people/groups(Mew, Aelita and Generals)
Poena sat up as the Mewsland Rep/Mew II/Aelita tossed out unconstitutionality of Chazakain Laws.
"Your honor if I may" *Knods*
First Mrs./Mr. Rep/Mews/Aelita, you/Aelita/Generals are being tried under Chazakain Laws what the WA writes up as laws has very little say in this court room.
Second The WA is a legislative branch not a judicial so they can not rule anything "unconstitutional", they may pass laws that outlaw certain acts or at least try to*grin*
third which resolution are you referring to?
fourth our constitution has this form of punishment directly written into it.
For thee worse of criminal offense thy shall be banished into the desert with only the most basic of supplies with thee
Define: Criminal offense punishable by above: Human(later amended into sentient) Trafficking, Holding of Human/Sentients onto slavery, Death of innocents(stricken out in 1950, no agreed upon definition of innocents), launch of thee WMDs, purchase of thee WMDs, forced conversion into thee religion/beliefs, use of "god modding"(also allows use of i.g.n.o.r.e cannons/WMDs on said offenders(only known acceptable use of WMDs in the Constitution), other crimes against peace/humanity/sentientity, list goes further on...)
01-12-2008, 04:08
That would be Mew, I don't know why the signature isn't showing.
IC: I hereby alter my statement. It is not unconstitutional, it is unlawful, cruel, unusual, a whole slew of other words which I can not think of at this time (a laugh from Mr. Mewsland Rep {that's not his name, I can't think of a good one), and in addition, it can be, in some cases, basically a death sentence.
IC: I hereby alter my statement. It is not unconstitutional, it is unlawful, cruel, unusual, a whole slew of other words which I can not think of at this time (a laugh from Mr. Mewsland Rep {that's not his name, I can't think of a good one), and in addition, it can be, in some cases, basically a death sentence.
Yes, lets talk about unlawful, cruel, unusual and other. Your "sister" Aelita has done several things that you yourself thought were cruel,un..., infact you were quite willing to kill her for these acts that we are trying her for before you found out she was your "sister". A claim that none of our scientists/geneticists/soldiers/doctors... can even verify. If you can not quote which resolution which you believe we are breaking and which part of it we are, please sit down and shut up and let us continue this trail.
Mr. Vincent Perry. Do you or your government have any pictures of the detonation of these nukes? Also do you have any video/pictures of the second launching?(occ technically Aelita wasn't rebelling, at least i don't think she was. I'm fairly certain she set herself up as the ruling mewsland government before she became vice president under Mew II)
01-12-2008, 05:33
I hereby have an update from the Mewsland Scientific Commission: Aelita is only my half-sister. Her mother, strangely enough, turns out to be part of the Fiduses and Diuses Federation, which turns out to be one of Chazaka's puppets. I quote from the Chazaka Factbook:
Puppets of The Chazakain Empire for now
The Federation of Fiduses and Diuses
01-12-2008, 05:37
There was no second launch! The mewsland rocket pads act differently than most others do! The rocket is moved from the silo to the launchpad under the silo's and/or launchpad's power! The second missile was knocked into the Sea of Mews. (The sea of mews is on the west side of mewsland)
Gun Manufacturers
01-12-2008, 05:40
Jameson Reed was disappointed with the defense council's inability to control the outbursts of one of his witnesses, while another witness was testifying. He was also more than a little intrigued as to why the judge was allowing the outbursts, instead of having the offender removed from the court until it was her time to testify.
The Beatus
01-12-2008, 06:30
As soon as Mew began his outbursts, Gregory placed his head in his hands, and began contemplating how this would affect his career. There really was nothing he could do. It was not as if he could object to his own witness's outbursts. He quickly though, then he stood up, just as Mew finished his final outburst and stated, "Your Honor, I wish to request that the courtroom be cleared of all observers, and witnesses that are not on the stand. The heated, and emotional nature of these proceedings, may drive some to attempt to influence the jury with their outbursts."
occ: May be a bit late but ok
Defense Motion is passed, all non jury members, witness on stand, defense team, prosecution team please leave the building. We will call back further witness once needed, and if you wish to watch the trail Mew II we will allow one camera crew to "tape" this and direct it to you, but you are dismissed from this trail until you are called upon the stand and once you are on the stand I hope you provide more "proof" than these outlandish claims or you will be dismissed "permanently":mad:.
01-12-2008, 23:53
OOC: I am still ready for follow-up questions/cross-examinations
Mr. Vincent Perry. Do you or your government have any pictures of the detonation of these nukes? Also do you have any video/pictures of the second launching?(occ technically Aelita wasn't rebelling, at least i don't think she was. I'm fairly certain she set herself up as the ruling mewsland government before she became vice president under Mew II)
side note because I'm tired of mewsland continuous claiming that her/his population is still increasing after the blockade, war(s) and nuclear denotations, mewsland population is assumed to be a total of 20 million for this trail.
02-12-2008, 00:14
OOC: Well, that was a little embarassing. Please excuse me. I'll chalk that up to me being ill at the moment, and not as on the ball as usual.
Also, I'm referring to Aelita's forces as Revolutionary/Rebels, because they were fighting against the existing government (the leader who Aelita assassinated to take power). Since Salzland does not recognize Aelita as a legitimate head of state due to the manner of her ascension to power, and the fact that there existed an organized opposition seeking to return the previous government to power, she exists as a rebel in my nation's eyes.
Mr. Vincent Perry. Do you or your government have any pictures of the detonation of these nukes? Also do you have any video/pictures of the second launching?
"Sir, we have satellite thermal images displaying the first nuclear detonation, along with isotopic analysis indicating that the detonation yielded a mass of (OOC: enriched Uranium/Plutonium, it's up to Mewsland since it's his/her missile) nuclear-fissile material. In other words, I can say with 100% certainty that the first detonation was nuclear. Based on the trajectory of the radar contact, as noted by Salzland's National Missile Defense Tracking and Acquisition networks, the missile originated at the Mewsland missile facility under Aelita's control that I previously noted."
"As for the second missile, which detonated pre-maturely (OOC: I'm calling shenanigans on it not being launched, because it would've been impossible for Aelita to order a third missile launched from the facility that had just been nuked if the second missile had detonated on the 'pad), I have photographic and video surveillance from a Salzland KH-12 satellite. We also have photographic evidence of a third missile being prepared at the same launch facility."
Thank you, Mr. Vincent Perry. If no one else on my team has any questions, your witness (defense) councilor.(occ give it 24 hours for any one else on the team to response than its all up to you for awhile defense)
02-12-2008, 02:52
Your Honor, I hereby refuse to leave the courtroom. I present my reason why in the Mewsland Constitution, Chapter 3 Section 21 Paragraph J. And I quote:
All witnesses must remain within the courtroom while a trial is in progress. The witness for the defense must remain within the courtroom for purpose of giving responses to statements made by the prosecution or jury.
I'm afraid I cannot leave or stop giving responses (which you seem to call outbursts) without breaking Mewsland law. It's a two way street I am afraid. Paragraph R states:
The witness for the defense has the right to respond to any statement at any time.
If I were to not do so, I would be declared an unfit witness.
02-12-2008, 02:56
Read the Mewsland NS page. Population: Ninety-one million or 91,000,000 if you prefer.
New Kereptica
02-12-2008, 03:16
"This is not a Mewsland court. The Mewsland constitution has no place in these proceedings." Said Vipperman, finally unable to contain himself.
02-12-2008, 03:18
However, as a Mewsland citizen, I am hereby bound by Mewsland law. And having a Mewsland citizen being a witness and the defendant (major places I might add), all participating in the trial are bound by Mewsland law in addition to the laws of all the other nations participating, not just Mewsland and Chazaka.
New Kereptica
02-12-2008, 03:26
This is an international War Crimes court. This law supersededs all others.
That is quite enough Miss Mews II, this court has given you enough chances, you are hereby found under contempt and are dismissed from this court for the remainder of the trial, you can give your testament electronically. officers please remove her from this court, if she tries to enter this court again she is to be arrested and placed into the Chaziton Jail for trespassing and disrupting an ongoing trial.
I hope the rest of your witness do not behave like this defense:mad:
02-12-2008, 03:32
For the first time during the Court Case, the Falkasian Prosecutor stodd up and directed is full attention to the Mewsland defendents. As he was an integral part of the Prosecution team, he was not bound by the judge's request for everyone to vacate the courtroom.
"Mew, first and foremost; you may be a Mewsland citizen but as this is a Chazakian Court, you must abide by Chazakian Law. Think, for instance, what would happen if one of mky countrymen were to go to New Kereptica and kill someone? Would he be tried according to Falkasian Law in New Kereptica? No! He would almost be guaranteed a trial according to Kerepticean Law! What if murder wasn't illegal in Falkasia? Then it is up to the Falkasian visitor to learn the laws of New Kereptica and abide by them during his visit!
Now tell me, how is that hypothetical situation different from the situation you are in now? One must abide by local laws if they are being tried by local courts. Plain and simple."
Vassili directed his attention towards the Judge.
"Your Honor, I suggest we remove Mew if he/she ((Sorry, don't know gender)) makes any more outbursts. It's disrupting the case and putting not only the appointed defense, but the prosecution off task as well. It is, to put it simply, impeeding our ability to litigate!"
02-12-2008, 03:51
And yet, while this may be a Chazakain court, even if I am not within Mewsland, I am still bound by my home country's laws. Mewsland military are currently at my command. May I tell you something? I am not really here. It would be futile to remove me. I am merely a projection and so is Aelita. The real Mew II (and Aelita) are transmitting from within Mewsland. These projections will self destruct in fifteen seconds. Thank you.
OOC: Mew II is a she, and Chazaka, would you quit calling her Mews?
New Kereptica
02-12-2008, 03:52
Ooc: Oh hell no!
Vipperman pulled out his shotgun. In the blink of an eye, he had raised the barrel to chest height, pointing it at Aelita.
"DIE!" He shouted, as he pulled the trigger, sending hundreds of pellets across the courtroom. The blast obliterated the war criminal, spraying the wall behind her with her blood.
Vipperman then lifted the shotgun under his chin.
"My task is complete Lord Cthulhu!" He shouted into the ceiling of the room.
He pulled the trigger a second time.
02-12-2008, 03:53
OOC: Oh yes.
IC: 10 seconds.
New Kereptica
02-12-2008, 04:01
OOC: So you accept the assassination? Fine by me. There's no going back now.
wow Mewsland must have said one hell of a something to piss off New Kereptica, i love the ignore button.
Now carrying on
The corpse of "Aelita" slumped down in its chair.
Good thing we went past such things as in person trials thought Poena, as she recoiled from the "gore" that had appeared on her computer screen if that had been real...
If we don't have any further drama.
Defense, I believe it is your turn to question Mr. Vincent Perry.
02-12-2008, 04:04
OOC: To be fair, you did edit that in after Mewsland posted.
02-12-2008, 04:05
Okay now didn't I just state that we were projections? If I mistyped it I will update it now.
New Kereptica
02-12-2008, 04:05
OOC: lol. Vipperman's a religious extremist and a member of a sleeper cell that has declared a Holy Crusade against the people of Mewsland.
Salzland: I was editing it as Mewsland posted.
Mewsland: You said Mew II was a projection, not Aelita. Also, there is no such thing as a tactile projection.
This was all a joke. As you were. Sorry for the interruption.
02-12-2008, 04:08
The "gore" fizzed out and so did Mew II as a boom resulted from the projector destroying itself.
OOC: Too bad you won't get to see its tech. Very advanced.
Gun Manufacturers
02-12-2008, 04:10
OOC: WTF!?! Assuming a MT tech level, I'd think the people in the court would be able to tell if Aelita and Mew II were projections. It should have been stated before.
*cough* occ thread:
also i'd like an explanation for why you(New Kereptica) just killed my prisoner(i'd prefer in the occ thread but here works too)
New Kereptica
02-12-2008, 04:11
OOC: I would very much like to. If you do have specs and a decent reason for them to work from an engineering point of view, I would be very grateful if you let me see them.
EDIT: Damn, sorry. Didn't see your post when I posted.
02-12-2008, 04:11
Modern? Ha! Try Far Future silly!
New Kereptica
02-12-2008, 04:13
Mewsland, if you read the title, it clearly states that this thread is MT.
02-12-2008, 04:13
OOC: lol. Vipperman's a religious extremist and a member of a sleeper cell that has declared a Holy Crusade against the people of Mewsland.
Salzland: I was editing it as Mewsland posted.
Mewsland: You said Mew II was a projection, not Aelita. Also, there is no such thing as a tactile projection.
This was all a joke. As you were. Sorry for the interruption.
OOC: It's all good ;)
If any foreign nation has anything that they particularly value in Mewsland, I would make arrangements to have it evacuated. Now.
Having noted the bombing of a trial duly meeting the highest standards of international law (OOC: My guy is still on the satellite link, after all), the Armed Republic of Salzland issues the following ultimatum. Mew II, Aelita and the generals responsible for orchestrating the war crimes carried out by the Mewsland Armed Forces during the recent conflict will be physically transferred to Salzland custody, for a military tribunal.
Should this condition not be met, or should an attempt be made through subterfuge to evade this condition, then a state of war will exist between the Armed Republic of Salzland and the Nation of Mewsland. Having noted the eagerness of the Mewsland nation to resort to Weapons of Mass Destruction in their conflicts, should any WMD use occur in said conflict, the Nation of Mewsland will be destroyed.
most of my 1st and 2nd fleet(s)/army groups are still in Mewsland at the moment.
also what happened? why the heck are being killing my prisoners in my courtroom!?
Whats going on?!
briefly drops ignore
02-12-2008, 04:20
A message from the real Mew II: "That bomb was not intended! We are currently being held captive by Rabidus Umbra, who sent the bomb. He was the one transmitting! Also the "Aelita" in the war crimes was not her! I was unaware of the projection! I cannot tell you where we are, and I will be cut off soon. Search quick-" The message cuts out.
OOC: Rabidus Umbra is Zainzibar Land's, don't ask me.
New Kereptica
02-12-2008, 04:25
They lie! Again they lie!
02-12-2008, 04:26
OOC: KEREPTICA! Give it a REST already! Yeef.
New Kereptica
02-12-2008, 04:27
02-12-2008, 04:29
All of a sudden, the Mewsland rep got a email message over an official channel: Mew II is not lying! We are trapped within a location within Mewsland! The email was signed by none other than Aelita.
02-12-2008, 04:33
OOC: Unless there's independent confirmation from Zainzibar Land that he/she is a willing party in this, then I will consider this as a rejection of my ultimatum and that a state of war exists between our nations, Mewsland.
02-12-2008, 04:37
OOC: Jeez people! Just press the big, red I.G.N.O.R.E. Button and force Mewsland back into the case. If he/she/it/whatever doesn't want to participate, we can assume that that is what's going on in both their minds!
Isn't much to fight over/with. I've leveled the mewsland senate/capital, their two "top" leaders are under my custody and I still have got a military blockade around their islands, and I have quite a few troops still on the ground. and please listen to Falkasia(by the way do you have any questions for the witness?), get back to the original reason for this thread.
Chazaka has withdrawn all of its troops from Mewsland and armed its satellite i.g.n.o.r.e cannons
02-12-2008, 04:40
OOC: Falk, I'm pushing a big red button. But it isn't labeled 'I.G.N.O.R.E.'
As I've said several times, this trial is little more than a farce. It's going to be ignore-cannoned no matter what the outcome is. I participated because it was really something to pass the time, instead of working on my Russian homework, and because it was nice to participate in a non-war RP for a bit.
Now it's time for the fur to fly.
02-12-2008, 04:42
OOC: Time to launch!
02-12-2008, 04:43
Man I like the big red I.G.N.O.R.E. button. Chazaka and New Kereptica just hit the list. Salzland could be next. So could Falkasia. It's in your hands.
02-12-2008, 04:45
OOC: Falk, are you thinking what I'm thinking?
New Kereptica
02-12-2008, 04:46
Hit 'em hard for me guys. Alas, an attack by me would fall on deaf ears.
02-12-2008, 04:47
That's it. Hit the list.
and me too. Since this all went out the airlock once Mewsland started to post again.
New Kereptica
02-12-2008, 04:48
02-12-2008, 04:48
RIP to the Nation of Mewsland
We Tried
We Failed
We Pushed the Button
I'm going to play this as everyone with troops in Mewsland evacuated before the nuclear/kinetic Armageddon rained down. And yes, I know claiming damage is a God-mode. I'm indulging myself. Just this once.
Edit: Like the Dune and BioShock references. Nice
Following numerous acts of defiance against the international community, as well as several confirmed nuclear launches, the Government of the Armed Republic of Salzland could no longer turn a blind eye to the threat posed by Mewsland. Upon direct order of the President, 500 Peacekeeper ICBMs leapt out of their silos, programmed for dispersal over the territory composing the nation of Mewsland. The launches were staggered, so that the ensuing blasts and EMPs would not knock any of the missiles off-target.
Once the ICBMs arrived and detonated at their targets, the second stage of the strike commenced. In orbit, a handful of Salzland's 'Godsend' kinetic strike satellites loosed their payloads at pre-selected 'targets' in Mewsland, if you could call the radioactive craters where military bases, sea ports, cities and towns once stood 'targets.' Each satellite unloaded its so-called 'Rods from God' on the helpless country, as a clear display to any who might consider similar acts of rogue nuclear attacks in the future.
Nothing would survive this Armageddon.
As Admiral Nabuco, looked back on the land she and her troops had fought so hard for. She sighed then went into the transport. "Thats everyone, Lets get out of this hellhole" "Yes sir!" The Helicopter lifted off, as the first of many kinetic and nuclear strikes hit the remainder of the Mewsland Capital, destroying in seconds what had taken weeks for Chazaka to take.
In Chaziton, Aelita and Mews II were lead from their secure holding cells. They asked "where are you talking us?" and got no response. Mews II was taken to the nearby zoo, where a fresh shipment of flesh eating Zterr had just arrived from nearby Chazakain, she was tossed into the holding cell with them. She lasted only seconds, barely having time to scream out.
Aelita was escorted to a waiting copter where she was airlifted to the Taegh dessert and dropped off, with no supplies. The copter circled around her for awhile and headed off after dropping off a thumper ( and a nearby hill started to move... (
New Kereptica
02-12-2008, 04:59
Vipperman stood in the middle of the empty courtroom. Everyone had left, in anticipation of the Salzlander strike, but he had remained. He ventured out, throug the high doors of the courthouse, onto the street. The low marble building sat in the middle of a busy metropolis, and was flaked by tall office buildings. The streets were silent. Not a soul stirred in the steel and glass towers that soared above him.
"No gods or kings. Only man."
Gun Manufacturers
02-12-2008, 05:06
RIP to the Nation of Mewsland
We Tried
We Failed
We Pushed the Button
I'm going to play this as everyone with troops in Mewsland evacuated before the nuclear/kinetic Armageddon rained down. And yes, I know claiming damage is a God-mode. I'm indulging myself. Just this once.
Following numerous acts of defiance against the international community, as well as several confirmed nuclear launches, the Government of the Armed Republic of Salzland could no longer turn a blind eye to the threat posed by Mewsland. Upon direct order of the President, 500 Peacekeeper ICBMs leapt out of their silos, programmed for dispersal over the territory composing the nation of Mewsland. The launches were staggered, so that the ensuing blasts and EMPs would not knock any of the missiles off-target.
Once the ICBMs arrived and detonated at their targets, the second stage of the strike commenced. In orbit, a handful of Salzland's 'Godsend' kinetic strike satellites loosed their payloads at pre-selected 'targets' in Mewsland, if you could call the radioactive craters where military bases, sea ports, cities and towns once stood 'targets.' Each satellite unloaded its so-called 'Rods from God' on the helpless country, as a clear display to any who might consider similar acts of rogue nuclear attacks in the future.
Nothing would survive this Armageddon.
OOC: Damn, you're not messing around. :eek:
IC: The ASoGM notes the launch of WMDs against Mewsland for their crimes. While we wish it had not come to that, we do understand that Mewsland was a dangerous and unstable nation in possession of their own WMDs. Hopefully if there are any survivors, they can learn to handle themselves better in international matters.
Gun Manufacturers
02-12-2008, 05:10
Vipperman stood in the middle of the empty courtroom. Everyone had left, in anticipation of the Salzlander strike, but he had remained. He ventured out, throug the high doors of the courthouse, onto the street. The low marble building sat in the middle of a busy metropolis, and was flaked by tall office buildings. The streets were silent. Not a soul stirred in the steel and glass towers that soared above him.
"No gods or kings. Only man."
OOC: You forget, Jameson Reed hasn't left yet.
IC: Jameson Reed headed to the bathroom when court let out. Once he finished in there, he exited the courthouse, and saw Vipperman just standing there. He approached and said, "Well, that didn't go well".
02-12-2008, 05:12
OOC: I feel kinda bad about it, but honestly, enough was enough. I'm sorry to everyone who invested much more than I did into this, but I'll be happy to pay your respective attorneys' fees/court costs/occupation, blockade and war costs. No reconstruction costs though.
Chazaka also noticed the launching multiple WMDs while wishing that the destruction of Mewsland could have been averted, they understood while it had happened and agreed with the useage. Chazaka then prepared for its honoring of the dead, killed in what would be called the Mewsland Incident I and II.
Open letter to all nations involved
Chazaka has lost many a brave and courageous men and women during what we call the Mewsland Incidents, we wish to invite your leaders/military generals/common wo/men to our celebration of our honored dead ( and the "glorious" survivors. To be held in Chaziton Chazaka on December 3rd 20** around 20:00 CMT(Chazakain Modern Time or -6:00 GMT).
Signed Admiral X
Signed President Nyx Darkrider
Signed Vice-President Apollo Lightbringer
New Kereptica
02-12-2008, 05:24
"That will all be over soon"
Vipperman gazed into the sky just as the first missiles streaked into view.
"The end is upon us. Eternal peace."
Vipperman closed his eyes as the missiles fell. He felt a hot rush, as if he was standing in the middle of a desert on a cloudless day.
Then, it was all over. Vipperman could feel his body falling, falling through cool nothingness. He opened his eyes, and gasped. All around him, he saw stars. Hundreds upon thousands of stars. His body was floating in a sea of black, the stars foam upon the waves.
"Welcome, Mr. Vipperman" said a deep voice. The voice seemed to emanate from the very water in which he floated. It came from everywhere at once. Lawrence found it immensely soothing.
"How do you know my name?" Laurence asked. He was calm. Nothing would trouble him ever again.
"I have seen you Mr. Vipperman." The voice said again, the very fabric of space vibrating to produce the noise.
"How have you seen me?"
"I see everyone, Mr. Vipperman" The voice said. Laurence felt a wave of calmness wash over him. His mind was free.
"Are you god?" Asked Laurence
"No." Responded the voice.
"Who are you?"
"I am you, Mr. Vipperman."
"How can you be me? I am me."
"You are you, Mr. Vipperman, and I am you." The voice said. It spoke slowly, deeply.
"But how can you be me, if you are talking to me?"
"I am not talking to you, Mr. Vipperman." The voice spoke even slower, even deeper this time.
The foam swelled. Laurence could no longer feel his body. He was nothing. He was the sea. His mind ebbed and flowed with the currents of the stars. Laurence was at peace.
Gun Manufacturers
02-12-2008, 05:56
"That will all be over soon"
Vipperman gazed into the sky just as the first missiles streaked into view.
"The end is upon us. Eternal peace."
Vipperman closed his eyes as the missiles fell. He felt a hot rush, as if he was standing in the middle of a desert on a cloudless day.
Then, it was all over. Vipperman could feel his body falling, falling through cool nothingness. He opened his eyes, and gasped. All around him, he saw stars. Hundreds upon thousands of stars. His body was floating in a sea of black, the stars foam upon the waves.
"Welcome, Mr. Vipperman" said a deep voice. The voice seemed to emanate from the very water in which he floated. It came from everywhere at once. Lawrence found it immensely soothing.
"How do you know my name?" Laurence asked. He was calm. Nothing would trouble him ever again.
"I have seen you Mr. Vipperman." The voice said again, the very fabric of space vibrating to produce the noise.
"How have you seen me?"
"I see everyone, Mr. Vipperman" The voice said. Laurence felt a wave of calmness wash over him. His mind was free.
"Are you god?" Asked Laurence
"No." Responded the voice.
"Who are you?"
"I am you, Mr. Vipperman."
"How can you be me? I am me."
"You are you, Mr. Vipperman, and I am you." The voice said. It spoke slowly, deeply.
"But how can you be me, if you are talking to me?"
"I am not talking to you, Mr. Vipperman." The voice spoke even slower, even deeper this time.
The foam swelled. Laurence could no longer feel his body. He was nothing. He was the sea. His mind ebbed and flowed with the currents of the stars. Laurence was at peace.
OOC: Um, we're in Chaziton, Chazaka, not Mewsland. I didn't see anyone fire any weapons at Chazaka, so what are you talking about?
New Kereptica
02-12-2008, 06:03
What? Damn.
Vipperman teleported.
The Beatus
02-12-2008, 06:30
Gregory Jefferson Whethersbee III sat under a tree, outside the courthouse, contemplating how this would affect his career. He had fought hard, to get where he was, and now it was all gone in a flash. This farce of a trial, would be a stain, on his otherwise clean record. Feeling, completely, and utterly depressed, he removed, a Heckler & Koch UCP pistol, from his sports jacket, and began indiscriminately firing 4.6x30mm rounds at nearby people, he was careful to count the rounds, and shot at each person twice. He fired 18 rounds, before turning the gun on himself, firing one, into his head.
Gun Manufacturers
02-12-2008, 08:36
Gregory Jefferson Whethersbee III sat under a tree, outside the courthouse, contemplating how this would affect his career. He had fought hard, to get where he was, and now it was all gone in a flash. This farce of a trial, would be a stain, on his otherwise clean record. Feeling, completely, and utterly depressed, he removed, a Heckler & Koch UCP pistol, from his sports jacket, and began indiscriminately firing 4.6x30mm rounds at nearby people, he was careful to count the rounds, and shot at each person twice. He fired 18 rounds, before turning the gun on himself, firing one, into his head.
Jameson Reed was missed by the first shot, but grazed in the arm by the second. It wasn't a bad hit, but it was something that would leave a permanent scar. He ducked behind a car, and upon hearing the final shot ring out, took the risk to look at the shooter. It had been the defense council, Gregory Jefferson Whethersbee III, and the final shot Jameson heard had been Whethersbee's suicide shot. After seeing that there was little more danger to be posed by Whethersbee, Jameson moved back off the street, took out his cell phone, and called for a cab. He'd get himself patched up at an emergency care clinic, then head back to the ASoGM.
02-12-2008, 22:54
OOC: Well, that was a cool ending.
Poena watched the police wheel the corpse of the former defense councilor. She had just left the building when he had started his suicidal spree, luckily the councilor hadn't been aiming at the court. Lucky for me, she thought; he still had seriously wounded several and killed at least one, and another wasn't likely to make it. SZhe sighed, Chazaka had suffered so much due to the Mews' Clan and it wasn't likely to regain its lost pride/prestige/etc for many years to come. She walked down the stairs as the sunset to her back...