NationStates Jolt Archive

Vietnam Empire Government

Vietnam Empire
23-11-2008, 00:40
The Imperial Democracy of Vietnam Empire

The Government of the Vietnam Empire was established after the fall of the communist regime in 1980. The Nation has a multi-political party system that allow the people to have political freedom to choose the best leader. The Nation has call up the world best architects to develop two governmental buildings for the Representatives and the Senates. The Constitution is still under development because of the assassination of the first President, did not finalize the signature. However, the Constitution was denied by the people of Vietnam and wanted a more perfect constitution.

Isham Mendoza and Andy Hunter are the first non-Vietnamese leaders of the Nation. They were friends to the first President who liberated Vietnam

Current Office

President– Isham Mendoza CON
Vice-President – Andy Hunter PUP

Secretary of State – Hanh Lee RNP
Secretary of the Treasury – John Vu CON
Secretary of Defense – Thanh Nguyễn FWP
Secretary of the Interior – Son Nguyễn PUP
Secretary of Agriculture and Environment – Phuong Lang PUP
Secretary of Commerce and Economy – Johnny Smith FWP
Secretary of Labor and Social Policy – Andy Hoang CON
Secretary of Health and Human Services – John Tien CON
Secretary of Housing and Urban Development – James Truong PUP
Secretary of Transportation and Communications – Sam Tran DEM
Secretary of Energy – Linda Ho RNP
Secretary of Veterans Affairs – David Phùng CON
Secretary of National Security – Kiet Võ III FWP
Secretary of Foreign Affairs – Michael Dinh FAP
Secretary of Defense – Matt Nguyễn DEM
Secretary of Education and Science – Adam Lee FAP
Secretary of National Justice - Fmr. Chief Justice James Chung (No partisan)

National Senate Assembly

Speaker of the Senate -- Scott Davidson DEM
Senate – 350 seats

DEM - 75 seats
CON - 50 seats
FWP - 60 seats
RNP - 55 seats
FAP - 20 seats
PUP - 75 seats
GRP - 15 seats

National House Assembly

Speaker of the House -- Bob Mason CON
House of Representatives – 830 seats

(image is not available)

DEM - 115 seats
CON - 135 seats
FWP - 152 seats
RNP - 125 seats
FAP - 125 seats
PUP - 125 seats
GRP - 53 seats

Major Political Parties

Democratic Party (DEM)-- Liberalism

Constitution Party (CON) -- Nationalist Conservatism

Freedom Workers Party (FWP) -- Centrist Democratic Progressivism

Republican Nationalist Party (RNP) -- Conservatism

Free Alliance Party (FAP) -- Economical Nationalism, Pure Centrist

People's Unionize Party (PUP) -- Libertarianism-Centrist

Green Party(GRP) -- Social Justice, Peace, Grassroots Democracy

Abolished Parties

All forms of any extreme Communism are abolished, the leader who created the extreme communism will be executed.

However, Democratic Socialism is acceptable

Any Extremist form
Vietnam Empire
23-11-2008, 00:47
Any Suggestion or Improvement?
23-11-2008, 00:49
Perhaps a description of the political parties/people? It looks good. The buildings are too Western-looking in my opinion, but hey, it's your country. :p
Vietnam Empire
23-11-2008, 00:53
Yes, but in my history book, My nation got influenced and "stole" the idea of a Western-looking Government Buildings and I'll take your consideration on descriptions
Vietnam Empire
25-11-2008, 07:30
Bump, open for suggestion/improvement or Ideas to include that is not on here