Federaton of United Libran Planets Embassy Thread
United Libran Planets
22-11-2008, 18:33
The Supreme Magnate calls the Council of Lieges together to discuss the problem of lack of trade with other spacefaring nations. "M'Lord Magnate, I believe the problem is we don't have an embassy. As M'Lord knows, were a young nation and many of the others don't know of our existensce."
The Supreme Magnate sits on his throne on the Imperial Manor House, considering Duke Carl Reissess point. The Duke is in charge of the Duchy of The Northern Marches, where extensive mining of titanium and other minerals is occuring. Just the thought of that cold place, where a warm day is above freezing causes the Supreme Magnate to shiver.
"What say you, Lady Brittany?". The Princess of the Principality of New Hellenes, a collection of islands in the Southern Sea sits pensively and considers. "M'Lord Magnate, I agree with the Honorable Duke Reissess. The Principality is an ideal spot for tourism, however all we get is the frozen citizens of Lord Reissess domain."
After canvassing the collection of Lords, Ladies, Dukes, Princes, Princesses , the Supreme Magnate calls an aide over. "Will this fly with the Captain-Generals?" The aide whispers something in his masters ear, and the Supreme Magnate comes to a decision."I agree with your request. I therefore declare that I shall reward the Embassy to Lady Brittany of the Principality of New Hellenes. Set up a temporary embassy. You shall have as many Humanzee servants to assist you as you need. Now that this is done, I am famished. Riegel, please fetch the wine and suckling pig".
Riegel, a liveried Humanzee slave dressed splendidly in scarlet bows low before his Master, and goes to fetch the food from the kitchen. As Humanzees are incapable of speech, he goes in silently to the kitchen and signs to the other Humanzees inside the kitchen in ASL (American Sing language). "Damn these unsufferable humans! I pray that some day Buddhyahllah will avenge this outrage against our people on their heads. Some day soon, my brothers, they will pay for this!". The other Humanzees nod their heads in agreement. All pray to Buddhyahllah for deliverance from the oppression of their Human masters.
Meanwhile, Lady Brittanny flies back to the city of New Corinth with a large continegent of Humanzees to begin the work necessary to build the Embassy. She directs the Captain-General of the city of Cornith to open the unused wing of the Principate Palace to receive guests and makes arrangements for foriengers to stay in the Noble section of New Corinth, reserved for those with incomes of 1 million Libros or more.
The Humanzees begin construction of the new Embassy, while surpetitiously mocking their human overseers in ASL.
23-11-2008, 14:01
Chalybs System...
"Feudalism, you say?"
"Yes Mi'lady."
"Strange, I thought it was an outmoded, obsolete system used by kings to exert power over the proletarian masses?"
"It would seem so, Mi'lady, but the people of Federation of United Libran Planets seem to like it well enough. They are constructing an Embassy, and the Chief Ambassador is encouraging us to send a diplomat there."
"And I'm guessing that would be me?"
"Well, with all due respect Mi'lady, now that the Greali have moved out of this sector of space and are our allies there's no point for a Ambassador to be here anymore. This nation would be the most logical choice."
Ambassador Tiri sighed, pushing her deep brown hair out of her eyes as she looked at her servant droid. The Xiscapian was short, as they came, only five foot five, covered in ebony fur and possessing orange eyes, a swift hand, a precise mind and a slightly cool disposition. "I had hoped to see Xiscapia again by the end of the year..." She sounded wistful. "There's no helping it I suppose, when duty calls it commands and I must obey."
So an Xiscapian Marchamp class frigate (http://the-least.deviantart.com/art/Frigate-33361730) appeared within FULP space, unescorted and apparently alone. It sent out a message, broadcasting on all frequencies in an attempt to be heard:
Greetings to those who work in the domain of the Federation of United Libran Planets. We come as a peaceful envoy from the Kitsune Empire of Xiscapia in hopes of starting an Embassy so as to forge peaceful, productive relations with the nation here.
There was a flash and a thunderclap, the cosmic slap and tickle of faster than light space travel, the great vessel peeling back into the embrace of real space, reasserting its form and function within reality. The DEV Unerring Sense of Direction turned its sensors to the area about them, pleasantly surprised by the presence of an inhabited world, but also by a Xiscapian vessel. It did not know how well-known they were with the Xiscapians, but the Xiscapians were certainly known to all who would call themselves Myenyans.
The shipbrain broadcasted a cursory hello to the Xiscapians, enquiring as to their status and general well-being, before turning its attention back to the planet, gently carressing the orb with its sensors and other such information gleaning tools.
And then it spoke.
[i]Greetings to you, people of this world. I am the shipbrain of the Myenyan Collective vessel, the DEV Unerring Sense of Direction. We come in peace, and bearing other similar sentiments, and would like to know more of your people and your culture.
Human and drone-form diplomats await your convenience to engage you directly in...Face to face interaction, as it were.
Humbly awaiting your reply,
Unerring Sense of Direction
United Libran Planets
25-11-2008, 17:02
Message sent from the Spacedock at New Corinth:
Greetings, we welcome you to the beautiful city of New Corinth. Arrangements have been made for your baggage to be picked up by my faithful Humanzee servants Rastus and Demetrius.
Please feel free to make yourself comfortable. An armored van is being sent, along with a contingement of the Steel Knights, our private city malitia here in New Corinth.
Greetings, and welcome to the Principality of New Hellenes!"
26-11-2008, 00:25
The frigate's Captain, pleased to find another so courteous, replied to the Unerring Sense of Direction as the vessel settled into orbit, informing the friendly shipbrain that they were excellent health and status was nominal, thank you very much. Now they responded to the ground control as preparations went on inside to send the diplomat down to the designated starport:
Many thanks for your prompt reply, our ambassador and escort will be down shortly.
After a short time elapsed a little white shuttle (http://www.revell.de/starwars/reqRessources/img/produkte/abb_imperialShuttle.jpg) slipped out of an unseen hanger and meandered down though the atmosphere to the Spacedock, any scans made showing it to be unarmed and containing four lifeforms. It soon touched down at the indicated landing area, hissing softly as the wings folded and the ramp extended to the ground to allow passage out. The first was an armed soldier (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Image:SithCommando.jpg), rifle held at his side, who marched down and pivoted so he stood next to the ramp, perfectly still. The Ambassador herself stepped slowly down the passage, robes fluttering around her feet, flanked by a second guard. Her bright orange eyes flickered as she took in the surrounding area, taking in this strange new world and whatever awaited her.
United Libran Planets
27-11-2008, 17:31
The frigate's Captain, pleased to find another so courteous, replied to the Unerring Sense of Direction as the vessel settled into orbit, informing the friendly shipbrain that they were excellent health and status was nominal, thank you very much. Now they responded to the ground control as preparations went on inside to send the diplomat down to the designated starport:
After a short time elapsed a little white shuttle (http://www.revell.de/starwars/reqRessources/img/produkte/abb_imperialShuttle.jpg) slipped out of an unseen hanger and meandered down though the atmosphere to the Spacedock, any scans made showing it to be unarmed and containing four lifeforms. It soon touched down at the indicated landing area, hissing softly as the wings folded and the ramp extended to the ground to allow passage out. The first was an armed soldier (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Image:SithCommando.jpg), rifle held at his side, who marched down and pivoted so he stood next to the ramp, perfectly still. The Ambassador herself stepped slowly down the passage, robes fluttering around her feet, flanked by a second guard. Her bright orange eyes flickered as she took in the surrounding area, taking in this strange new world and whatever awaited her.
The armored van pulls up with a contingement of 50 men on motorcycles. The men are dressed in leather jackets, with oblative armor that also has the ability to absorb kinetic strikes from slugthrowers.
On the back of the men on motorcycles leather jackets is the emblem of a Knight walking through flames with a sword held in front of him. The men appear to be rough, with twelve o'clock shadows and greasy hands. Each motorcycle has a sidecar, with a man sitting in it and a mounted heavy machine gun with an underslung grenade launcher.
"Greetings, My Grace" says one of the men, dismounting his motorcycle." I am Captain Reynolds, of the Steel Knights 5th Motorcycle Platoon. This here" he says jerking a greasy thumb to the man in the sidecar" is Private Jones. Anyways, Her Highness has asked us to escort you to the Palace. Please let me be the first to welcome you here to New Corinth. We hope you enjoy your stay here."
The armored van opens up to reveal a troop of odd hominids. They stand about fout foot eight, with the tallest perhaps standing at five feet one inches. However, you notice that they are quite well muscled, and easily pick up your baggage and load it into the armored van. Each of thse hominids have a strange mixture of human and simian features, and are covered with thick fur. "Oh, yeah", says Captain Reynolds" You never seen a Dome before. Uhh..I forgot. Calling 'em Domes is considered, uh, impolite, so yeah their, Humanzees. Anyways the Domes, er, Humanzees are our indentured servants here and do all the hard physical labor, ya see. Sidling up to you he confidentially whispers "The only thing I like worse then the damn Domes are the Pinks, you know, the Edenites. Damn buggers are such uncivillized louts they run around here bare ass naked, and ya know, their Dome lovers. Damn savages!" Spitting, he mounts his motor cycle, as the Private Jones racks back the charging handle of the heavy machine gun, and the Captain checks his laser pistol in his shoulder holster.
As you drive towards the Noble Section of New Corinth city, and the Palace where your embassy will be, you see a medium sized group of naked humans holding signs that say "Free the Humanzees!". The crowd is overheard to be yelling "Power to the Humanzees! Cainites go Home!" , "Buddhyahllah will judge you, demons!". The crowd, on seeing the Steel Knights approaching, pull sensibley aside to allow your convoy to pass.
Inside the armored van, the one of the human passengers sees your confusion. "Oh, yeah..your new here. Well, see, the Edenites are big on Humanzee emancipation. Anyway, their crazy religion says that they got to live like Adam and Eve did..you know, naked and vegetarians. Anyways, like I said, their nutty superstition says that anyone who isn't an Edenite is either a descendant of Cain or Abel. Basically, Cainites are us, you know" he says with a voice dripping with sarcasm" people that enjoy living in dwellings other then thatched roof huts and enjoy all those "sinful" pleasures. Anyways, there more friendly to those they call Abelites, who are people who believe in a god or have any superstition of any kind. Most of us, to be honest sir, are atheists here. Science is a better way to understand existence then mumbo-jumbo and superstition"
The Palace it's self is a building built in the style of old Greece. A liveried Humanzee servant runs up to the van door, opens it all the time while bowing to you. A red carpet is laid out before you, and your baggage is carried by a party of Humanzees into the Palace.
27-11-2008, 18:15
Tiri kept her face carefully expressionless throughout, and her Marine Guards only visage was the hard helmet, betraying no feelings. However, inside her head she felt like simultaneously laughing and crying. Already she had been introduced to three factions: Heathen, atheistic barbarians who rode about on motorbikes and enslaved others, mad, vegetarian naturalists, or tiny, hairy Neanderthals. She hadn't been here five minutes and there was already problems. When the van stopped one of the Marines went out first, then the diplomat, flanked by the other as she had been leaving the shuttle.
She stared down the red carpet, distinctly uncomfortable now. The Xiscapian was clearly not human, closer to one of the Humanzees than the Cainites, and though no one had shown her any kind of hostility yet, she knew it would only be a matter of time. If she could, she had to fix things here, and that would require meeting someone in power as soon as possible. She had been informed that there was a Myenyan ship near here that would also be sending down ambassadors, and she suspected they might be able to help her. For now the kitsune walked down the carpet, a Marine on either side of her, staring straight ahead. Knights on motorized bicycles, furry humans, Terran Greek architecture, naked protesters...what's next?
United Libran Planets
30-11-2008, 09:26
Carrying the baggage into a palatial housing quarters, you notice the room is large and lavishly decorated. The floors are covered with thick tapestries, woven of cloth grown on one of the farms outside the city of New Corinth. The walls are painted a garish red color, with gold gilt worked into the borders. A large four poster bed, a large closet and a bathroom adjoining the room with a large bathtub made of marble with gold gilt work around the edges takes up a quarter of the huge bathroom.
The Humanzee sets down your bags, bows his head, and leaves your room.
Outside the room, one of the secretaries of the Princess stealthily sticks a chip in the computer. Secretly working for Federation Intelligence, she types a report in cyphers to be sent via satellite to the headquarters of Federation Intelligence back on Omphalos, the planetary capital of the Federation.
"Dear director" she types" I continue to evaluate the situation here in the Principate of New Hellenes. So far, the Humanzee situation seems under hand. Agents have noticed, however many of them communicating what might be considered seditious thoughts against Mi' Lord Magnate. The Edenites have continued their protests, and it is with concern that we agents have seen that many of the Edenites continue passing seditious material among the citizens of New Hellenes.
Continued evaluation of the threat the Edenites may represent, and possible links with the radical Edenite terrorist organization The Order of The Green Cross continues. We are still frustrated in inserting Federation Intelligence officers on the Edenite planets of Gan Eden and Shamballa. However, we can say that through satelite observation of both planets, the Edenites continue to fortify their planets and to acquire arms stockpiles.
In addition, we suspect that the Marches of Hyperborea from the polar regions of Omphalos are supplying the Edenites with weapons, aerospace fighters, hover fighting vehicles and Mecha. Agents with in the March say that Prince Alexander has been in communication with key Edenite leaders. I will download to you the substance of these letters sent to Gan Eden and Shaballa.
We have a new Ambassador as you know. I request that further assets of Federation Intelligence be sent, and that they have the capacity to evaluate the technological level of the Kitsune, with the eye of eventually approaching the Kitsune for purchase of said technology, if it proves superior to our own. My impressions is the Ambassador regards as inferiors, which of course we can use to our advantage in getting afore mentioned Federation Assets close enough to the Ambassador.
Continued penetration of the Humanzee community is being frustrated. This agent sees it as absolutely necessary to acquire Humanzee intelligent assets, to keep us informed of the mood, attitudes and plans of the Humanzee community. I will continue to search for these agents, and I request the financial wherewithal to recruit these assets.
I will keep you further informed, Director. End message." She pushes the "Enter" button on the computer, and the message is routed through satellites to Omphalos so the Director of Federation Intelligence may receive it. Pulling the chip out of the computer hardrive, all traces are erased. Satisfied she won't be discovered, she returns to the job that she does under her cover of bring a secretary.
Out in the halls, the Humanzee servant that had delivered the Kitsunes bags ponders the possibilities of making contact with the Kitsunes. While the Edenits were good allys of the Humanzees, the Kitsune were obviously aliens and might be empathetic to the Humanzee's plight. It would be difficult since the Kitsune more then likely did not understand ASL, but there were other means as well. He would have to await an oppurtunity to make contact with the Kitsune when his Masters weren't watching, and see if the Kitsune would supply the Humanzees with weapons to help them wage a revolutionary war against their human oppressors.
30-11-2008, 20:32
Tiri stepped into the room, gazing around at the ornate furnishings of the interior, reminded a little of the Imperial Palace on Xiscapia. She looked to her escorts. "Thư Bảy, sweep the phòng cho các lỗi và từ máy ảnh, sau đó bảo vệ các cửa. Malkan, trên đây." She beckoned to one of the Marines. The other soldier pulled out a small portable scanner, looking not unlike a cell phone, and began to exert a field over the room, searching for bugs or cameras. The second Marine, Malkan, approached Tiri, rifle held pointing at the floor, head bent confidentially. "Ambassador?"
"Nô lệ, Malkan, những người này sở hữu nô lệ. Những người, đã làm những gì mà du côn gọi cho họ, Humanzees, họ đang khôn ngoan, nhưng họ làm việc đấu thầu của con người mà không có nguyên nhân. Watch the Humanzees cẩn thận, tôi muốn biết nếu bạn thấy bất cứ dấu hiệu của một ngầm nổi dậy hay chút phong cách xảy đến trước mắt loạn. , Tôi sẽ làm tốt nhất của tôi vào cuối cùng của tôi, nhưng chúng tôi đang ở đây để giải phóng những người này ngay sau khi chúng tôi có thể, nếu không các Kitsune Đế quốc sẽ không có gì để làm với các FULP. Giữ nó yên lặng, chúng tôi không muốn bắt đầu một chiến tranh ở đây."
The Marine answered. "Tôi hiểu, Đại sứ, chúng tôi sẽ làm tốt nhất của chúng tôi. Những gì chúng tôi làm, nếu chúng ta là một vị dissident tế bào?"
"Hãy liên hệ với covertly nếu bạn có thể, nhưng nếu bạn có một điều rủi ro, không đi. Bạn biết procotol, cố gắng thuyết phục được bệnh nhân trong khi đang nói chuyện liên tục, nếu này có thể được giải quyết tất cả các bloodlessly tốt hơn."said Tiri seriously.
"Có Đại sứ." The one called Malkan bowed.
Tiri sat down on the bed, settling in comfortably. "I'm glad our hosts have seen fit to provide us with such upscale accomidations. Do you think we've been assinged our own servant?" She asked conversationally to no one in particular, fox ears twitching.
For those not benefited with knowing Xiscapian Native, I have translated the conversation above:
TIRI: Sab, sweep the room for bugs and cameras, then guard the door. Malkan, come here.
TIRI: Slaves, Malkan, these people own slaves. Those, what did that thug call them, Humanzees, they're sapient, but they do the bidding of the humans without cause. Watch the Humanzees carefully, I want to know if you see any sign of an underground rebellion or hint of impending revolt. I will do my best on my end, but we're here to liberate these people as soon as we can, otherwise the Kitsune Empire will have nothing to do with the FULP. Keep it quiet, we don't want to start a war here.
MALKAN: I understand, Ambassador, we'll do our best. What do we do if we locate a dissident cell?
TIRI: Make contact covertly if you can, but if you think there's a risk, don't go. You know the procotol, try to convince them to be patient while talks are ongoing, if this can be resolved bloodlessly all the better.
MALKAN: Yes Ambassador.
United Libran Planets
02-12-2008, 17:20
Tiri stepped into the room, gazing around at the ornate furnishings of the interior, reminded a little of the Imperial Palace on Xiscapia. She looked to her escorts. "Thư Bảy, sweep the phòng cho các lỗi và từ máy ảnh, sau đó bảo vệ các cửa. Malkan, trên đây." She beckoned to one of the Marines. The other soldier pulled out a small portable scanner, looking not unlike a cell phone, and began to exert a field over the room, searching for bugs or cameras. The second Marine, Malkan, approached Tiri, rifle held pointing at the floor, head bent confidentially. "Ambassador?"
"Nô lệ, Malkan, những người này sở hữu nô lệ. Những người, đã làm những gì mà du côn gọi cho họ, Humanzees, họ đang khôn ngoan, nhưng họ làm việc đấu thầu của con người mà không có nguyên nhân. Watch the Humanzees cẩn thận, tôi muốn biết nếu bạn thấy bất cứ dấu hiệu của một ngầm nổi dậy hay chút phong cách xảy đến trước mắt loạn. , Tôi sẽ làm tốt nhất của tôi vào cuối cùng của tôi, nhưng chúng tôi đang ở đây để giải phóng những người này ngay sau khi chúng tôi có thể, nếu không các Kitsune Đế quốc sẽ không có gì để làm với các FULP. Giữ nó yên lặng, chúng tôi không muốn bắt đầu một chiến tranh ở đây."
The Marine answered. "Tôi hiểu, Đại sứ, chúng tôi sẽ làm tốt nhất của chúng tôi. Những gì chúng tôi làm, nếu chúng ta là một vị dissident tế bào?"
"Hãy liên hệ với covertly nếu bạn có thể, nhưng nếu bạn có một điều rủi ro, không đi. Bạn biết procotol, cố gắng thuyết phục được bệnh nhân trong khi đang nói chuyện liên tục, nếu này có thể được giải quyết tất cả các bloodlessly tốt hơn."said Tiri seriously.
"Có Đại sứ." The one called Malkan bowed.
Tiri sat down on the bed, settling in comfortably. "I'm glad our hosts have seen fit to provide us with such upscale accomidations. Do you think we've been assinged our own servant?" She asked conversationally to no one in particular, fox ears twitching.
For those not benefited with knowing Xiscapian Native, I have translated the conversation above:
TIRI: Sab, sweep the room for bugs and cameras, then guard the door. Malkan, come here.
TIRI: Slaves, Malkan, these people own slaves. Those, what did that thug call them, Humanzees, they're sapient, but they do the bidding of the humans without cause. Watch the Humanzees carefully, I want to know if you see any sign of an underground rebellion or hint of impending revolt. I will do my best on my end, but we're here to liberate these people as soon as we can, otherwise the Kitsune Empire will have nothing to do with the FULP. Keep it quiet, we don't want to start a war here.
MALKAN: I understand, Ambassador, we'll do our best. What do we do if we locate a dissident cell?
TIRI: Make contact covertly if you can, but if you thing there's a risk, don't go. You know the procotol, try to convince them to be patient while talks are ongoing, if this can be resolved bloodlessly all the better.
MALKAN: Yes Ambassador.
That day, a Humanzee comes to pick up your laundry to wash. Casually, he drops a piece of paper into your wastebasket.
The note reads: "My name is Thadeus, part of the Humanzee domestic staff here. As you know, were kept in slavery. Arrangments have been made, if your Excellency desires, for you to meet a group of Edenits who are allies, who have information.
The meeting, if you should agree, is to be held at the Silver Narwhale Taveren , 50 miles outside of New Corinth. The contact will be dressed in regular clothes. He will Identify himself by showing his Clan tattoo, which is of a raven on his right arm. Further, he will have the other half of this torn Libro note." You see that the note was crumpled around a One Libro note that is torn in half.
Reading further the note says "If you agree to meet with the Edenite contact, leave a quarter Libro coin on the dish when the staff comes to take away your dinner tonight. The map to the Taveren will be found under the floor mat of the Ambassadorial Car, on the driver side. Good luck!"
03-12-2008, 00:58
The Marine Sab palmed the note out of the can while throwing away a bit of paper from one of Tiri's notes, and quickly read the writing on it before storing the scrap in her armor. Soon enough she, the Ambassador and her fellow Marine were in conference again. Malkan had removed his helmet, exposing his silver-furred head and elegant muzzle, yellow eyes unreadable as he leaned against the wall of the bathroom. Sab was still fully armored, standing casually near the washing area, informing Tiri of her findings. The diplomat herself was in the huge tub, cleaning herself amid the small pool of hot, steamy water, thankful that there was at least a bath here, even if it's function and look was not what she was use to. She expected she would be meeting with planetary or government officials soon, and wished to look her best for them.
Sab had finished her report on her findings, watching the kitsune in the water, who's back was to her as she washed. Finally Tiri spoke:
"Vì vậy, họ muốn chúng tôi đáp ứng trong một tavern bên ngoài thành phố?"
Sab and Malkan looked at each other. "Có ma'am." Sab responded.
"Có thể là một trap. Tôi nghi ngờ nó, tuy nhiên, nó chỉ cần seemsd khá phức tạp để tìm ra, nếu chúng ta đang vì hay chống ách nô lệ. Tin nhắn said the Allies Edenites đang có, tôi hy vọng rằng có nghĩa là có một số loại kháng Humanzee tổ chức phong trào. Tôi bản thân tôi có thể không đi, dĩ nhiên, không có nghi ngờ tôi sẽ có nhiệm vụ ở đây và trong bất kỳ trường hợp nào tôi sẽ thu hút sự chú ý của tôi với Đại sứ tình trạng đầy đủ. Nếu tôi đã được to be caught, tôi sẽ có một thời gian khó khăn cách nói chuyện của tôi ra khỏi nó. Vì vậy, một trong số các bạn sẽ đi."
"Đại sứ?" Malkan's eyes widened.
Tiri turned to face them, hands running though her hair, smiling. "Thật vậy, Malkan, bạn đang ở tavern cho một thức uống và một cơ hội để tìm hiểu về một số người dân địa phương, ngoại giao nhiệm vụ của bạn, không? Mất tất cả các percautions bình thường, cố gắng để có ít nhất một chút covert, không có armor, như vài vũ khí như bạn có thể quản lý. Mục tiêu của bạn sẽ bị threefold: Tìm hiểu về các dạng trợ giúp Edenites và Humanzees cần, xách tay tất cả các thông tin về các chính phủ, địa phương và FULP-rộng, và tất nhiên, để thiết lập rằng Kitsune Empire là ở mặt bên của hà hiếp . Hãy nhớ rằng, tuy nhiên, chúng tôi sẽ giúp các Humanzees đầu tiên, các Edenites trung tại khách sạn là tốt nhất. Tôi mong sẽ được để báo cáo của bạn."
"Khi bạn muốn, Đại sứ. Tôi sẽ làm như bạn lệnh." Malkan bowed his head.
"Để xem nó khi thời gian đến." Tiri nodded, rising out of the bath, water running in rivulets between her breasts and dripping off her furry body. Sab approached her superior with a towel, which was taken from her as the Ambassador dried off. "As I mentioned, I believe I will be meeting with officials soon, so I will need you, Sab, with me. Malkan, you may go off on your little vacation, but be back soon, you have a job to do. What would our honorable hosts think of you got roaring drunk and had to be carried back here, hmm?"
TIRI: So they want to meet us in a tavern outside the city?
SAB: Yes ma'am.
TIRI: Could be a trap. I doubt it, though, it seems quite elaborate just to find out if we're pro or anti slavery. The message said the Edenites are allies, I hope that means there is some kind of organized Humanzee resistance movement. I myself cannot go, of course, no doubt I will have duties here and in any case I would attract attention with my full Ambassador status. If I were to be caught, I would have a difficult time talking my way out of it. Therefore, one of you will go.
MALKAN: Ambassador?
TIRI: Indeed, Malkan, you are at the tavern for a drink and a chance to get to know some of the locals, your diplomatic duty, no? Take all the usual precautions, try to be at least a little covert, no armor, as few weapons as you can manage. Your objectives will be threefold: Find out what kind of help the Edenites and Humanzees need, all the unofficial information about the government, local and FULP-wide, and, of course, to establish that the Kitsune Empire is on the side of the oppressed. Remember, though, we help the Humanzees first, the Edenites are secondary at best. I will be looking forward to your report.
MALKAN: As you wish, Ambassador. I will do as you command.
TIRI: See to it when the time comes.
United Libran Planets
04-12-2008, 17:58
The Marine Sab palmed the note out of the can while throwing away a bit of paper from one of Tiri's notes, and quickly read the writing on it before storing the scrap in her armor. Soon enough she, the Ambassador and her fellow Marine were in conference again. Malkan had removed his helmet, exposing his silver-furred head and elegant muzzle, yellow eyes unreadable as he leaned against the wall of the bathroom. Sab was still fully armored, standing casually near the washing area, informing Tiri of her findings. The diplomat herself was in the huge tub, cleaning herself amid the small pool of hot, steamy water, thankful that there was at least a bath here, even if it's function and look was not what she was use to. She expected she would be meeting with planetary or government officials soon, and wished to look her best for them.
Sab had finished her report on her findings, watching the kitsune in the water, who's back was to her as she washed. Finally Tiri spoke:
"Vì vậy, họ muốn chúng tôi đáp ứng trong một tavern bên ngoài thành phố?"
Sab and Malkan looked at each other. "Có ma'am." Sab responded.
"Có thể là một trap. Tôi nghi ngờ nó, tuy nhiên, nó chỉ cần seemsd khá phức tạp để tìm ra, nếu chúng ta đang vì hay chống ách nô lệ. Tin nhắn said the Allies Edenites đang có, tôi hy vọng rằng có nghĩa là có một số loại kháng Humanzee tổ chức phong trào. Tôi bản thân tôi có thể không đi, dĩ nhiên, không có nghi ngờ tôi sẽ có nhiệm vụ ở đây và trong bất kỳ trường hợp nào tôi sẽ thu hút sự chú ý của tôi với Đại sứ tình trạng đầy đủ. Nếu tôi đã được to be caught, tôi sẽ có một thời gian khó khăn cách nói chuyện của tôi ra khỏi nó. Vì vậy, một trong số các bạn sẽ đi."
"Đại sứ?" Malkan's eyes widened.
Tiri turned to face them, hands running though her hair, smiling. "Thật vậy, Malkan, bạn đang ở tavern cho một thức uống và một cơ hội để tìm hiểu về một số người dân địa phương, ngoại giao nhiệm vụ của bạn, không? Mất tất cả các percautions bình thường, cố gắng để có ít nhất một chút covert, không có armor, như vài vũ khí như bạn có thể quản lý. Mục tiêu của bạn sẽ bị threefold: Tìm hiểu về các dạng trợ giúp Edenites và Humanzees cần, xách tay tất cả các thông tin về các chính phủ, địa phương và FULP-rộng, và tất nhiên, để thiết lập rằng Kitsune Empire là ở mặt bên của hà hiếp . Hãy nhớ rằng, tuy nhiên, chúng tôi sẽ giúp các Humanzees đầu tiên, các Edenites trung tại khách sạn là tốt nhất. Tôi mong sẽ được để báo cáo của bạn."
"Khi bạn muốn, Đại sứ. Tôi sẽ làm như bạn lệnh." Malkan bowed his head.
"Để xem nó khi thời gian đến." Tiri nodded, rising out of the bath, water running in rivulets between her breasts and dripping off her furry body. Sab approached her superior with a towel, which was taken from her as the Ambassador dried off. "As I mentioned, I believe I will be meeting with officials soon, so I will need you, Sab, with me. Malkan, you may go off on your little vacation, but be back soon, you have a job to do. What would our honorable hosts think of you got roaring drunk and had to be carried back here, hmm?"
TIRI: So they want to meet us in a tavern outside the city?
SAB: Yes ma'am.
TIRI: Could be a trap. I doubt it, though, it seems quite elaborate just to find out if we're pro or anti slavery. The message said the Edenites are allies, I hope that means there is some kind of organized Humanzee resistance movement. I myself cannot go, of course, no doubt I will have duties here and in any case I would attract attention with my full Ambassador status. If I were to be caught, I would have a difficult time talking my way out of it. Therefore, one of you will go.
MALKAN: Ambassador?
TIRI: Indeed, Malkan, you are at the tavern for a drink and a chance to get to know some of the locals, your diplomatic duty, no? Take all the usual precautions, try to be at least a little covert, no armor, as few weapons as you can manage. Your objectives will be threefold: Find out what kind of help the Edenites and Humanzees need, all the unofficial information about the government, local and FULP-wide, and, of course, to establish that the Kitsune Empire is on the side of the oppressed. Remember, though, we help the Humanzees first, the Edenites are secondary at best. I will be looking forward to your report.
MALKAN: As you wish, Ambassador. I will do as you command.
TIRI: See to it when the time comes.
Quickly word is spread among the Humanzees that the meet is going to go through. One of the Humanzees, Amos, is knottinbg together a message for the local branch of the Order of the Green Cross, an Edenite group dedicated to liberation of the Humanzees but described as "terrorists" by both Federation Intelligence and the Federation capital-world of Omphalos.
The Edenites have their own language, which consists of a system of colors and knots. The sequence of knots create letters, which when combined with the color of the thread give a message. Amos carefully knots the white thread, which colors tell the Edenites that the Kitsune are peaceful (white is the color of peace). The sequence of knots spell out "Contact established.Kitsune open to disussion of issues of mutual interest. Meeting to go forward at the Taveren as planned.Amos." Taking the string, Amos leaves the Palace to go buy food at the marketplace. There, he hands it off to the local Order of the Green Cross contact, who also sells wild fruits harvested from Gan Eden from his health food stand in the market.
Surpetitiously, Amos hands the man the money along with the knotted string. As a further signal that he is a fellow Believer, Amos strikes his left breast with his right fist and gives the man a mundra, a meditative hand posture, of the hands held together palms against each other and gives a slight bow. The man returns the gesture, recognizing him as a Believer in The Faith.
The man carefully takes the string and stores it away in a pouch. He then takes a green string and begins knotting a message to the local cell of the Order of The Green Cross. Green is the color of growth and new beginings, an approapriate color to convey the message of the new developments. He begins making a series of knots, grouped together in the tactile symbolic language of the Edenites. "Ambassador has received message. Seems to be open to further collaboration. Make sure information from the raid of GeneTech is prepared and given to Ambassador.Local unites of the Green Cross are to establish security around Taveren, look for Federation Intelligence and Principality Internal Police. Have vehicle ready to allow Kitsune to flee if necessary, units be ready to aid the withdrawl of the kitsune if necessary."
both strings are handed to a woman who poses as a shopper inspecting the wild mangoes. She purchases a single mangoe, while the fruitstand man stealthily drops both strings in the bag. The woman gives him the mundra of the symbol of enlightenment and understanding, which is the thumb made in a circle with the middle finger. Again, the fruitstand man returns the gesture with palms together mundra, siginalling he understands she is a Believer of The Faith. Smiling, she leaves with the one wild mangoe and the colored cords in the bag, to deposit the bag at a food bank, where the local leader of the Order of The Green Cross cell will pick up the bag and receive both cors with their encoded messages.
Meanwhile, the Supreme Magnate sits in the Manor House, and contemplates his next move. He ponders the issue of rebellious lieges, and decides to teach a lesson to the scheming Prince Alexander, ruler of the marches of Hyperborea. Calling his aide tohim over the phone, the plan for dealing with the sly Prince rises in the mind of the Supreme Magnate.
"Mi' Lord?" says the aide. "Yes, Nathan, I called you because I have decided to punish the Hyperboreans for their perfidious alliance with the Edenites. To show our displeasure, I henceforth command the 111th Arctic Mecha Calvary to be dispatched to Hperborea to set up a garrison. Further, I will cut orders for the 111th to examine ALL transports flying from Hyperthermopolis, irregardless of the nature of said cargo. In addition, I also would like the Black Hand to be sent to Hyperborea, in case we need to "deal" with dear Prince Alexander". The aide nods, but silently gulps to himself.
The Black Hand is the "Black-Ops" Special Forces detachment of Federation Intelligence. They had been involved in assasinations, kidnappings, blackmail and other underhanded tactics against the enemies of the Federation, including several princes, dukes and magistrates who had thought they could screw the Supreme Magnate and get away with it. Needless to say, the Black Hand was so good at their job that the only way you could tell they hand been there was a dead, stiff body and their calling card; a white playing card with the a black hand print on it, like the kind that people used to have done at the old Terran police stations when they were arrested.
The Black Hand also used extortion to get those Lieges who chose to rebel against their Lord into line. Nobody knew or could know who was Black Hand or not. As far as records on them, there were none. All members of the Black Hand had their fingerprints erased through surgery, their retinas were surgicallty removed and changed, even death ceretificates were filed for them when they joined. Each agent was required to fake his or her own death, as ordered by the Black Hands Steering Commitee, and bodies were surgically altered to look like the agent whohad supposedly "died". All members were fobidden to carry any form of identification, to own any possessions in any of the names of their aliases, to rent or own property in their name or that of any of their aliases or to even vote.
Which was why every one feared the Black Hand. Whether there was 100 agents or 100,000 agents, nobody knew. All anybody knew was the Black Hand existed, and were the poisoned dagger of Federation Intelligence. While they would never admit it, it was conjectures that the Black Hand had resources unimaginable by the average Federation citizen.
Indeed, the entire Southern Continent was the property of the Black Hand, Lock,stock and barrel. Photography or people visiting the Southern Continent without permission were punishable by death on sight. Even satellite photography was punishable by death, to the woe of some snoops of the past who had ended up dead in their bed with the Black Hands calling card. The Black Hand was a world of it's own, one that most Federation citizens avoided at any cost.
And now the poisoned dagger of Federation Intelligence was poised at the jugular vein of Prince Alexander. Nathan felt a sudden surge of pity for poor Prince Alexander. It was too bad. However, Nathan decided, far better that the Black Hand take Prince Alexander's metaphorical head then his. With that thought and a sigh, Nathan left the Throne Room of the Supreme Magnate to deliver his orders to the High Command and the Director of Federation Intelligence. He reminded himself to buy some flowers for Prince Alexander's widow.
05-12-2008, 01:32
That night...
Malkan trotted easily down the steps leading out of the Embassy, walking casually to the Ambassadorial Car, hands in his pockets. He wore simple black pants, a khaki shirt and short black boots, concealing a holdout pistol and small dagger as his only weapons aside from his katana sword, which was with him as demanded by tradition. Sliding into the vehicle he felt underneath the seat and extracted a map as promised and, easing the car out though the gates, followed the directions indicated. Soon he reached the tavern, rolling to a halt and scanning the area for suspicious-looking characters before climbing out. He felt so obvious and exposed, with no armor or HUD, the only kitsune for miles and, if you didn't count the Ambassador and Sab, the only one for many parsecs. Approaching the Silver Narwhale Taveren, the kitsune felt for the torn half of the currency note in his pocket that would be his ticket to the meeting.
Hopefully all would go well.