Zealander Republic
22-11-2008, 18:02
To: The Nations of the World.
From: President James Williams, Zealand.
Subject: Zealander Republic Embassy Exchange.
Dear leader,
The Zealander Republic, or Zealand, is proud to annouce announce the opening of our embassy exchange to foreign nations, mainly to serve as a place for diplomatic discussions between your nation and Zealand.
As a British colony, we gained independence in 1955 under The Zealand Act which gave Zealand independent and republic status, and we soon joined the Commonwealth of Nations and are regulars at the Commonwealth Games, though never winning it sadly.
Zealang, curiously, is often desribed as 'New Zealand's little brother', since the first people to arrive in Zealand had been in New Zealand beforehand, it is true in some ways, and in some ways not.
Our military is small; The Zealander Defence Forces (ZDF) only have 11,250 servicemen in total, and we maintain a strict neutral stance which was last violated in 1939, before Zealand was a nation.
Please follow the below rules, regulations & guidelines to recieve an embassy in our nation.
Rules & Regulations.
No more than 35 Embassy Workers.
No more than 35 Embassy Guards.
No more than 15 vehicles, and at least one vehicle must be an electronic hybrid.
Weaponry cannot exceed assault rifles.
For aircraft, nothing bigger than a UH-20 Blackhawk. You recieve a helipad.
We reconigse diplomatic immunity.
Full Name of Nation:
Form of Government:
WA Category:
Civil Rights Rating:
Political Freedoms Rating:
Number of Vehicles:
Total Number of Personnel:
Total Number of Security Forces:
Special Requests:
Yours Sincerly,
James Williams.
President of Zealander Republic.
From: President James Williams, Zealand.
Subject: Zealander Republic Embassy Exchange.
Dear leader,
The Zealander Republic, or Zealand, is proud to annouce announce the opening of our embassy exchange to foreign nations, mainly to serve as a place for diplomatic discussions between your nation and Zealand.
As a British colony, we gained independence in 1955 under The Zealand Act which gave Zealand independent and republic status, and we soon joined the Commonwealth of Nations and are regulars at the Commonwealth Games, though never winning it sadly.
Zealang, curiously, is often desribed as 'New Zealand's little brother', since the first people to arrive in Zealand had been in New Zealand beforehand, it is true in some ways, and in some ways not.
Our military is small; The Zealander Defence Forces (ZDF) only have 11,250 servicemen in total, and we maintain a strict neutral stance which was last violated in 1939, before Zealand was a nation.
Please follow the below rules, regulations & guidelines to recieve an embassy in our nation.
Rules & Regulations.
No more than 35 Embassy Workers.
No more than 35 Embassy Guards.
No more than 15 vehicles, and at least one vehicle must be an electronic hybrid.
Weaponry cannot exceed assault rifles.
For aircraft, nothing bigger than a UH-20 Blackhawk. You recieve a helipad.
We reconigse diplomatic immunity.
Full Name of Nation:
Form of Government:
WA Category:
Civil Rights Rating:
Political Freedoms Rating:
Number of Vehicles:
Total Number of Personnel:
Total Number of Security Forces:
Special Requests:
Yours Sincerly,
James Williams.
President of Zealander Republic.