NationStates Jolt Archive

The Marriage of Rep. of Neo-Celtic Leaders

17-11-2008, 17:46
News Flash:
On 9 Novermber 2008, the PM, Brighid daughter of Anna of the Celtic Reconstutionist Socialist Democratic Party and Second Minister (2M), Kat daughter of Jude of the Buddhist Reform Party (for those who do not know, the 2nd Minister is the secondary leader of the government selected directed by the people from the leaders of the losing parties in the multi-party Parliamentary election) were married in the centre of the capital of New Dublin by the Chief Celtic Reconstuctionist Pagan High-Priestiess (Annu Daughter of Great Water) and the Chief Buddhist Monk (Wigga son of Re-ab).

Note from the New First Family:

The 2M and I would like the world to know that, while we are now married, our politics will not change. We will still go head to head on issues that matter to the people and our party. We are still members of different parties. We are still going lead with our hearts.

Neither one of us is going to resign unless our parties ask us. I can not speak for my wife, the 2M, but I can speak for my party. My party, the Celtic Reconstutionist Socialist Democratic Party, has, as a party, not asked for my resignation.

As far as I, the PM, know, the Buddhist Reform Party has not asked for the resignation of it's party leader. And being that the people has elected the leader of the Buddhist Reform Party the 2M. That means that the 2M will remain the 2M. I just hope that at the election in Feburary, the people vote for our parties for the positions.

I would like to think the people of The Republic of Neo-Celts for their well wishs. I would like to thank those citzens and members of Parliment who attended the wedding. I would also like to thank President Mike L of the Colony of NewBonicua for his attendence and gift of a 10th century vase from his people. The vase will be shown in National Museum of Ancient Tressures in New Dublin.


Brighid daughter of Anna
Prime Minister
Republic of Neo-Celts
18-11-2008, 15:28
From the office of the 2M of The Republic of Neo-Celts:

As 2M of the Republic of Neo-Celts, I would like to echo many of the graditudes which have been stated by my wife, PM Brighid daughter of Anna. I would like to thank those who supported and attended our wedding. I am proud to be married to such a wonderful woman. I, too, would like to thank the President of the Colony of NewBoniua, MikeL, for his attendence at the wedding, the gift of his people and his continued support and friendship with the Republic.

As my wife brought up in her anouncement, the question of one, or both of us resigning has come up. This has come from both the Neo-Celtic Reform Party and the Green Party of the Republic of Neo-Celts. I would like the people of the Republic to know that I am not resigning my post as party leader of the the Buddhist Reform Party or the position of 2M, position which I won with nearly 70% of the vote in an election against 5 of canidates. I would like to announce, though, that I will not be running for reelection for the position of 2M. I also recognize that my party is too small to make a serious run at the majority and that pervents me from becoming PM.

In the mean time, my wife and I will continue to lead this nation. We will continue to as my wife said, "lead with our hearts". We will continue to go head to head on the issues.

I know that in Feburary, I will become a simple MP, if I win my election. If I do not, I hope to continue to lead the nation as a First Lady. With my parties small size, I know that this is an up hill battle.

once again, I would like to thank the people for their support.

Sincerely your,

Kat daughter of Jude
Second Minister
Republic of Neo-Celts
18-11-2008, 23:30

Kiravian Empire

Permissim Astrav Subleucim

Imperial Secriat of State

Foriegn Affairs Office

The Kiravian Empire shall not take any position regarding marriage across party lines, especially since political parties are something that we have the pleasure of living without.

However, we are most interested in the emergence of what seems to be a new Celtic nation onto the world stage.

The Empire is home to about seventy-five million speakers of the Celtic languages (Gaelic being the largest). In addition, the Coscivian culture in which the majority of Kiravians participate, is heavily influenced by Celtic customs, philosophy, and art. Several Coscivian languages include extensive Celtic-based vocabulary.

We are very interested in conducting diplomacy with the Republic of Neo-Celts, and urge you to contact us if you wish to arrange a conference.
18-11-2008, 23:36
From: Lady Luana, President of Laileto
I offer you congratulations on your marriage and best wishes for the years ahead.
I, for one, believe that if you both think you will be able to perform your duties well, you should continue to do so.
Laileto is interested in conducting diplomacy with the Republic of Neo-Celts, as well.