A Small Yet Deadly War (OOC/Interest/Sign-up)
A Small Yet Deadly War.
There has been a cluster of nations which have had hatred for each other for many years. Most of these tensions are over past history and disputed territories in the Pacific.
Now, tensions have reached an all time high; not over history, not over territores, but over resources.
These nations' economies have started to fall slightly, with several nations just dodging a recession. Many blame greedy bankers, and now the wealthy yet disputed isle of Cyapa has been discovered to be rich in gold, silver and oil, these nations' need this for their economies.
The Federation of Irar.
The Empire of the Four Houses of Lonun.
The Democratic Republic of Aglorea.
The Royal Duchy of Rechburg.
The Great Warlord Republic of Rammsteinburg.
The Holy Empire of Osea.
Terrorist Organizations*.
The Angelus of Nex (Zainzibar Land*).
The Al-Raka (Irar).
Sign-up Scheme.
Full Nation Name:
Head of State:
Armed Forces Size (large, moderate or small):
Full Nation Name: The Federation of Irar.
Head of State: President Alhena Al-Fulani.
Population: 6 000 000.
Armed Forces Size (large, moderate or small): Moderate-Large.
Notes: None.
Yes, I'm a young nation, but I want to get an actual military RP going. Besides, the war will barely affect your nation execpt on the military.
* = These organizations are controlled by nation in brackets (sp?).
** = ZL will be playing an organization only for this. You can play your nation and some terrorists, but you can just play one.
Void Templar
16-11-2008, 17:41
Full Nation Name: The Empire of the Four Houses of Lonun
Head of State: Emperess Tara Whyt III
Population: 3.851 billion
Armed Forces Size (large, moderate or small): Large
Notes: None.
The Shadow Species
16-11-2008, 17:50
Full Nation Name: the Shadow species alliance (TSSA)
Head of State: no single leader, shadow council
Population: 195 million
Armed Forces Size (large, moderate or small): large.
Notes: The alliance is made of 3 groups (see here for information) (http://www.freepowerboards.com/isisforum/isisforum-about4.html). The link is for FT primerilt but it does extend to MT.
It is important to note the shade have few warriers while the devai and hnters are almost completly militerised. There are troops from the other species and (as this is MT) the Hisseth are alive and well in the alliance.
Right...I'll think about Shadow Species. Decision by morning.
Full Nation Name: Democratic Republic of Aglorea
Head of State: President Chris Rescudo
Population: 790 million
Armed Forces Size (large, moderate or small): Moderate
Notes: None
Democratic Republic of Aglorea accepted.
About when do you think you'll have the IC thread up?
Whenever we get 6 nations in. Ofcourse, whenever the fifth one is accepted, I'll have to think about Shadow.
16-11-2008, 18:36
Full Nation Name: Royal Duchy of rechburg
Head of State: Duke Blaise
Population: 2.8 billion
Armed Forces Size (large, moderate or small): large.
I am a Pacific based nation, considered to be in the New zealand - Australia region.
Void Templar
16-11-2008, 18:41
Full Nation Name: Royal Duchy of rechburg
Head of State: Duke Blaise
Population: 2.8 billion
Armed Forces Size (large, moderate or small): large.
I am a Pacific based nation, considered to be in the New zealand - Australia region.
Oh, we're gonna clash.
Australia. >: D
16-11-2008, 18:46
There are a few of us down there, Rammsteinburg is also down near me.. around 400 miles away or so... looks like the south Pacific region never got so crowded:p
Besides we dont always need to clash, Rammsteinburg and I found each other close and get on very well, no reason why you and I cant, :mad:unless..
Royal Duchy of Rechburg accepted.
Void Templar
16-11-2008, 18:55
There are a few of us down there, Rammsteinburg is also down near me.. around 400 miles away or so... looks like the south Pacific region never got so crowded:p
Besides we dont always need to clash, Rammsteinburg and I found each other close and get on very well, no reason why you and I cant, :mad:unless..
No, don't worry. You can come over any time for tea. :D
Zainzibar Land
16-11-2008, 19:02
Rabidus Umbra and the gang would love this. Essentially they are terrorists who sell biological and chemical weapons of mass murder to warring nations, so the casualty list is even higher. Would you like them included?
Sure. I'll put them on it, but they would count as part of your/somebody's nation, and he/she would have final say on them. So, they're called what? :p
16-11-2008, 19:09
Is this going to be a MWD and nukes rp
No. Nukes can not be used, but terrorism can be used all you like.
16-11-2008, 19:16
Full Nation Name: The Great Warlord Republic of Rammsteinburg
Head of State: Großadmiral (Grand Admiral) Krystan Gottfried Emmerich, Rammsteinburg Kriegsmarine
Population: 2.581 billion
Armed Forces Size (large, moderate or small): Large
Notes: Would it be acceptable for me to work with Rechburg, as we are allied nations very close to each other?
Zainzibar Land
16-11-2008, 19:21
Sure. I'll put them on it, but they would count as part of your/somebody's nation, and he/she would have final say on them. So, they're called what? :p
They're called the Angelus of Nex
They're not state sponsered either
But sure why not, they (for now) are based in ZL
Osea 767
16-11-2008, 19:47
Full Nation Name: The Holy Empire of Osea
Head of State: Holy Osean Emperor Alexander II
Population: 1.564 Billion USD
Armed Forces Size (large, moderate or small): Large
Notes: None
Hmm...I'll allow 6 nations. No more, else overcrowdin'.
16-11-2008, 20:04
Where exactly in the pacific will the island be located?
The Shadow Species
16-11-2008, 21:51
Irar I suggest you consider my aplication faster then, seeing that this threads rather popular.
Also, with what the other posts have said laitly i feel i should say it now "I CLAIM JAPAN!!!" Also im colsely allied with VT cause my nation is the same religion as his :)
16-11-2008, 21:54
I'd be interested in this ill post up a quick thing in a bit as am a tad busy
Full Nation Name: The United Supremacy of Edoniakistanbabweagua
Head of State: Jaques Guerrero
Population: 262 million*
Armed Forces Size (large, moderate or small): moderate
Notes: An island nation in the Pacific nearby South America and Central America
*My real population is in the billions, however there is no way I can physically have that so I capped my pop at 262 million. Will post up an army list that was based on the early 162 million cap I used to have. This list is also based on Automagfreek's Logistics thread.
Void Templar
16-11-2008, 22:24
Irar I suggest you consider my aplication faster then, seeing that this threads rather popular.
Also, with what the other posts have said laitly i feel i should say it now "I CLAIM JAPAN!!!" Also im colsely allied with VT cause my nation is the same religion as his :)
Perhaps, but perhaps not....
The Shadow Species
16-11-2008, 23:53
i ment in general
Void Templar
17-11-2008, 00:17
i ment in general
Yup. But I'm planning on going back to good old early MT VT and being an imperialistic raider kinda chap.
The Shadow Species
17-11-2008, 23:29
18-11-2008, 16:16
When will this start?
New Greston
18-11-2008, 19:47
Can I RP a few terrorist agents? I did one while back and never put to rest this one terrorist of mine. I'll see if I can dig him up...
The Shadow Species
18-11-2008, 21:49