16-11-2008, 13:35
To: The Community of Nations.
From: Irari President, Alhena Al-Fulani.
Re: Irari Embassy Exchange.
Dear fellow leader,
The Federation of Irar is an Arabic country bordered by Iraq and other nations. Like most countries in the region, Irar is oil rich, but it's mountainous terrian on it's borders reserve the most oil, and so far nobody is drilling there because of it's sheer extremely low tempatures which defy the rest of the country's tempatures.
I am Irari President, Alhena Al-Fulani, the first female president of Irar. As you have probably worked out, we do have women's rights, unlike most of our neighbours.
We have now decided, after due consideration, to premit other nations like yourself to establish embassies in Irar, mainly as a place for diplomacy and conferences between our nations. We are opening up in our capital, Siyah, in our largest city, Avivia and in the island of Maccia.
We would recommend no more than 50 armed guards.
We would limit embassy workers to 50, so as to avoid overcrowding in the embassy.
Weapons must be no bigger/powerful than a automatic assault rifle. For example, RPGs are not needed.
With vehicles, you may have as many as you place, but aircraft must be no more than UH-20 Blackhawk for security purposes.
Embassy Staff:
Armed Staff:
Other Request(s):
President Alhena Al-Fulani.
From: Irari President, Alhena Al-Fulani.
Re: Irari Embassy Exchange.
Dear fellow leader,
The Federation of Irar is an Arabic country bordered by Iraq and other nations. Like most countries in the region, Irar is oil rich, but it's mountainous terrian on it's borders reserve the most oil, and so far nobody is drilling there because of it's sheer extremely low tempatures which defy the rest of the country's tempatures.
I am Irari President, Alhena Al-Fulani, the first female president of Irar. As you have probably worked out, we do have women's rights, unlike most of our neighbours.
We have now decided, after due consideration, to premit other nations like yourself to establish embassies in Irar, mainly as a place for diplomacy and conferences between our nations. We are opening up in our capital, Siyah, in our largest city, Avivia and in the island of Maccia.
We would recommend no more than 50 armed guards.
We would limit embassy workers to 50, so as to avoid overcrowding in the embassy.
Weapons must be no bigger/powerful than a automatic assault rifle. For example, RPGs are not needed.
With vehicles, you may have as many as you place, but aircraft must be no more than UH-20 Blackhawk for security purposes.
Embassy Staff:
Armed Staff:
Other Request(s):
President Alhena Al-Fulani.