NationStates Jolt Archive

A Meeting of Warriors (Closed--Attn. Gaian Ascendancy)

New Dornalia
13-11-2008, 07:00
Andrew Jackson Memorial Shipyard, Nova Louisiana SSR, Workers State of New Dornalia

In the distant Socialist-State Representative of Nova Louisiana, lay the shipyard known as the Andrew Jackson Memorial Shipyard. Originally, it was to be named the "Comrade Shimura Memorial Yard," but a vote in Congress led it to be named after the ever-ornery American hero instead. A fitting name, since he was a man who would have been home in New Dornalia and its increasingly non-Communist society.

Nova Louisiana itself would be reachable mostly by two means. One was some sort of massive long-distance jump. The other was New Dornalia's network of Hyperspace Expressways.

As it is, preparations were going on at Andy Jackson. Mostly of a military nature. Security cordons were in place, a media blackout enforced, and increased inspections and exclusion of all personnel not of a Teal Level Cardkey were in place, with certain parts of the yard kept off limits to all but the highest security personnel. Notably, an entire flotilla of vessels, including one Mao Zedong Mark IV vessel was nearby.

The shipyard workers wondered what was up? Some sort of secret project? Big whoop--Dornalia had tons of those. But what project possessed the management to seal off a part of the Andy Jackson?

Robert Jensen, and Carla Baileygates, Commissar for Foreign Affairs knew. As did Supreme Admiral Robert Bundrick, Acting Head of the People's Navy. And they waited soon enough....
Gaian Ascendancy
13-11-2008, 07:27
*Core System, one minute from Fold Jump*

"Are you okay Advisor Skuld?"

"Oh just peachy. I forget the last time I did anything diplomatic." ..the raven haired Advisor of Science mulled back, looking a tic green to the facade even. She added to Commander Saki. "I thought Washu was going to do this one."

Saki just remarked back as the bridge of the DAGS Greeting Dawn, a highly advanced Black Lion Class Battlecruiser was a frenzy of last moment preparation. "You'll do fine. Everyone else is busy with that Sar`nor mess right now. I have your back as well."

"Thanks." Skuld put, sounding more hopeful than perturbed. Her nervousness was telling enough not to press upon.

":: Twenty seconds. All hands brace for Jump event! ::" ..a female Valkyrian voice blared, causing all activity to suddenly taper down fast. Skuld and Saki simply found seats, as the former remembered Excellency Imaldris's orders.

You are authorized to inform anyone present of our current situation, as well as our unique temporal situation. Keep contact to a mimimum, as much as to avoid added outside influences for the present time. We still do not know if our presence will cause any paradoxes or such, so lets keep everything balanced and low key.

However, do not let this pin you down. If required, protect whomever you deem fit of need, and call for help if needed. And come back safe, that much is an order of absolute. We trust in you, good luck and Light bless.

Skuld sighed. "No pressure."

":: Event aperture envelope forming. Ten seconds. ::"

Skuld steeled herself. Even if it had been a few thousand years since her last diplomatic mission, she was in the here and now. She just hoped Seto's and Peorth's lessons would pay off. Even if they were older now than most civilizations.

"Here we go." Skuld just steeled out, as the viewscreen of stars and the Coreworld amongst, began to 'flatten', and gleam a brilliant 'line', as the Fold commenced.

Skuld didn't even have enough time to wonder about locational physics, as the viewscape suddenly 'spread' out suddenly, and the location scene scape appeared, all of it utterly new, as far as these Gaians were concerned.

"And here we are." Skuld amended.


As such, an empty enough patch of space saw a brilliant white line 'expand' out from a two dimensional state, and a brilliant upon brilliant white warship, dotted replete with blue and green 'lights' all along the vessel, appear to full view. Probably one of the most advanced vessels any starfaring nation would ever encounter.

And one that didn't cause any temporal fissure on arrival. (More on that later... =^^=;;; )

It also lent to an awkward moment. (Silent otherwise known as.)
New Dornalia
13-11-2008, 07:39
The appearance of the DAGS Greeting Dawn was met with a flurry of activity from the Dornalian side. The ship that moved, slowly but surely to greet them, was the massive Mao Zedong Mark IV vessel in the area. It's XO sent a message to the other vessels, ordering them to hold back; they did so in a cautious, but not hostile line.

Onboard, the XO quickly sent a message. Though the Dornalians had met Gaians before, this type of ship was relatively new to them. Or rather, one they hadn't met in a bit.

"Unidentified Vessel. This is the New Dornalian People's Navy vessel Ride On. You are entering a Restricted Area. Identify yourself."
Gaian Ascendancy
13-11-2008, 07:56
:: ~ "Unidentified Vessel. This is the New Dornalian People's Navy vessel Ride On. You are entering a Restricted Area. Identify yourself." ~ ::

Skuld gulped and stiffened her breath. She reached over and activated Holo-comms.

"Apologies. This is the Dimensional Ascendancy Guardianship Sphere Warship Greeting Dawn. We.. we're here on auspice of the Valkyrian Order, on Command of the current Lord Excellency Imaldris Kerenska. We were the ones that requested military hardware a few days back, and are here on.. ah.. yeah, inspection of the slated facilities that were agreed upon.

I am also authorized to state our situation, in so far as diplomatic relations will allow. Again, apologies for the sudden arrival."

Saki however had an eye on the Mao Zedong Mark IV warship. "So.. that's what Commander Lind wants to insert into our Patrol Fleets." ..said in a tone of uncertainment. A Valkyrian needed a LOT to be impressed. But the times didn't give room for much complaining. Skuld asserted that with.. "Get used to them, we need the dock space until the Core Yards are freed up from refurbishment of the mothballed fleet.

One year and we're still in Exodus mothballs too much."

Saki suddenly remarked. "Milady! The Comms are still up!"

Skuld squeaked and.. "Oops! I'll be arriving shortly.. ah.. where requested by shuttle." ... and hit Comms to standby, before smacking her forehead. "Ohhhhhh man!!! Where's Seto when I need her!"

Saki just patted Skuld's head in turn.
New Dornalia
13-11-2008, 08:08
Saki suddenly remarked. "Milady! The Comms are still up!"

Skuld squeaked and.. "Oops! I'll be arriving shortly.. ah.. where requested by shuttle." ... and hit Comms to standby, before smacking her forehead. "Ohhhhhh man!!! Where's Seto when I need her!"

Saki just patted Skuld's head in turn.

The crew of the Ride On didn't quite know what to make of Skuld. Gracie was certainly puzzled; the AI unit simply mused, "Wow. Am I always like that?" The rest were either amused or presented with something original in the scheme of diplomatic things. Ah well. It must have been the ship, some mused. Technically, this was a Mark IV--the biggest ship in the Navy, not the Mark III that the Gaians had purchased. Then again....that would be corrected soon enough.

The XO quickly replied with, "Greeting Dawn, this is Ride On. Proceed with a Shuttle to Drydock Two. The delegation is waiting there, over."
Gaian Ascendancy
13-11-2008, 08:37
((OC- Last one then I need to get ready for work soon here. =^^= ))


Comm-Tech responded their acknowledgment, as Skuld just stood and let out a ragged breath.

"Okay, if you already made your mistake for the day, the rest will go smoothly.

I hope."

Saki just stands and gestures. "Shall we head off then milady."

Skuld led the way, to a large, elongated Lambada class troop shuttle, one that had two extra stabilization 'wings' to give flight support, mainly in atmospheres. The size was chosen for more than one reason. A good contingent of inspection Synthetics and Droids were 'plugged' into available wall space, while biological Gaian versions would talk with their New Dornalian counterparts. Skuld and Saki entered last and upon reaching the pilot deck. "Let's go gents."

A couple of standard pilots then set course and piloted the shuttle from the large warship bay, a pair of Palladium corvettes launching off from ejection ports to either side of the large warship, and 'forming' up to give standard escort.

Not dallying, the shuttle soon arrives, while the two Palladiums quickly 'reform' down to humanoid form, landing almost at the same time the shuttle does. (To who knows what reaction.)

Skuld was still as tense as on arrival. "Man I'm nervous."

Saki just kept a serene cool and kept bolstering Skuld up. "Good, it means you want to do well."

By the time the landing ramp extends down, the two Palladium take guard positions to either side, as the still rather 'young' looking Gaian Advisor walks on down to the sight of their hosts. Only Skuld and Saki emerge, the latter eyeing everything quickly, memorizing just as aptly.

Skuld simply walks up to the hosts and bows, her white and red-gold trim robes tressed around-about her.

"Ah.. greetings. I'm Advisor Skuld of the Gaian Council."
New Dornalia
13-11-2008, 23:20
By the time the landing ramp extends down, the two Palladium take guard positions to either side, as the still rather 'young' looking Gaian Advisor walks on down to the sight of their hosts. Only Skuld and Saki emerge, the latter eyeing everything quickly, memorizing just as aptly.

Skuld simply walks up to the hosts and bows, her white and red-gold trim robes tressed around-about her.

"Ah.. greetings. I'm Advisor Skuld of the Gaian Council."

The sight of the Gaian Advisor fazes Carla not in the slightest; she's used to strange happenings from other places and climes, and the Gaians for her in particular serve as an example of some of the most unique people she's ever encountered. Carla bows back in a 45 degree formal Japanese style bow, and then extends her hand. Respectfully, she goes, "Carla Baileygates, Commissar for Foreign Affairs. Welcome to New Dornalia, Advisor."

Bundrick and Jensen, however, were understandably somewhat puzzled by the sight of these two. They had been used to legends of Coredian Child Soldiers, and such. But a kid as an advisor to their government? The Gaians surely had to be hard up for men and materiel, even with their rumored cross-dimensional potency. Not that they knew of Skuld and Saki's true nature, of course. Carla nodded for them to greet the party, and they too bowed and introduced themselves.

"I am Robert Jensen. CEO of Jensen Design Bureau, and one of the key members of the Arsenal of Freedom. I am looking forward to negotiations."

"And I'm Supreme Admiral Robert Bundrick. I run the New Dornalian People's Navy, for now at least, until my boss comes back--if he does." He was referring to the previous Admiral, De Bruyn, and his appointment to the United Colonies.

Jensen then waved to Skuld and the others, saying, "Follow us. We've a small reception area for you, with refreshments and such. Dornie custom." Leading the group through the massive shipyard, dotted with propaganda posters extolling the virtues of hard work, democracy and Dornalia's varied alliances, Robert explained the layout simply.

"You'll forgive the sparse interior of the yard. Normally, this big facility is full of New Dornalia's finest equipment, capable of matenancing and building every size of ship up to the Mao Zedong Mark IV class, the largest in the fleet. We gots benches to rest on, lockers for equipment, power connections and other accoutrements to keep our workers going. Those large clamps are adjustable in terms of spacing and articulation, to fit various sizes and types of ship.

However, per your instructions, we are restricting access to this zone to only the most trusted personnel. No cameras, no recording equipment, and no psychics--we installed ysalamiris at the entrance and People's Acolytes and Marines in the inside--again, only those approved for Black Level Clearance, our highest--to sniff out interlopers. We also had all those ships out there for that reason too."

Leading Skuld and company past a group of silent cranes and assemblies, plus what looked like several plain boxes with doors and personnel cabs on them, Robert spoke.

"The machinery you see is basic replicator and assembly equipment, used to replicate parts and quickly assemble them together, as one would assemble a model airplane. That was one of our best achievements."

He then fingered a loading dock and said, "For parts we can't replicate ourselves due to their complex nature, this is our secure loading station. There's a tram and machinery to take them to the production floor."

Then, finally entering a small office, Skuld and company were shown to a table, where, among other goodies, was no less than several flavors of ice cream.

"We wanted to get a variety of refreshments here, and I had a hankering for the stuff," Robert said, motioning to the goods. Going to a console and hitting some buttons, he then said, "When you're ready, I can show you the pictures and the plans."
Gaian Ascendancy
14-11-2008, 03:43
Boy if they had said 'kid' aloud... ughboya...

Anywho, Skuld let herself be escorted and whatever not, starting with an eye back to the Palladium.. "Sit everyone tight for now." ..which the two bowed their heads to in acknowledgment.

From there, Skuld listened intently while eyeing everything that Saki was eyeing, for their own respective reasons. Skuld kept her 'opinions' in check, since she knew she was dealing with far less advanced technology that she was used to. Hence the kits she had brought with her on the Battlecruiser, when negotiations and 'other' matters were settled.

When they entered their destination however, One really beheld squeal managed to eke out. (Might have shattered the room to pieces if Skuld had less sense.) Saki was 'also' there to assure, as she put a 'good' stiff arm on Skuld's left shoulder. Their Mindlink was no less terse. :: Business Milady, business prior. ::

Skuld eyed back crossly for a bit. :: I'm not leaving here without a bite, if I have to put up with this you know. ::

Saki just sighed lightly, but Skuld knew better. This was all too important anyway. Skuld impressed this with a well mannered tone. "Your facility is very impressive. I've brought our own tools to help speed things along, once we are finished here.

Please, go ahead and continue."

:: Nice one milady. ::

:: Oh can it Saki. ::

The two took their own seats, Skuld really focusing away from the ice cream for the moment.
New Dornalia
14-11-2008, 06:17
Robert then looked at Skuld about to break a massive squeal over the ice cream that was introduced into the room. Evidently, she had a hankering for the stuff too. With only a raised eyebrow he quickly concealed, he punched in a few more keys and brought up the specs for the Mao III.

Onscreen was a vessel that resembled a larger, shinier, decidedly less clumsy looking version of the Prometheus from Stargate SG-1. However, it was still Battleship Grey, and keeping with Red traditions, had big Red Stars on the side. Shown were cutaway views, three-quarters views, profile and top views, and basic stats, along with schematics.

"This is the Mao Zedong Mark III Pocket Battleship. A marvelous design if I say so myself. I didn't have a hand in making it though; the boys in the National Government did as much."

He then zoomed in on a three-dimensional spinning view and took them through the ship, commenting, "It's a stout design as you can see. Three kilometers in length, with some of the finest technologies Mother Dornalia offers her kids. Temporal Shielding. Replicator weaponry. Quality armor protection, made of reinforced Leninite-Manganese-Steel plating. We've made plenty of refinements in the metallurgical process and made sure the armor endures plenty of hits. There's even a nanotech regeneration suite, though that's only for emergencies. Room is for several thousand, though we usually only use nine hundred personnel due to heavy automation."

Switching to a few closeups then a picture of what looked like a teenager spinning a leek, Robert continued.

"Those listings are slightly out of date. We've upgunned the Mao III with some new tools, mainly the Masada system used on the Mao IV, so it has a more comprehensive defensive suite. We also have an onboard Ship's AI system. Officially, it's called the General Rated Ability Computer Integrated Engineer. We call her "Gracie" for short. She's the little lady spinning the leek. Trust me, she's very good at managing humdrum affairs. Naturally, you're free to modify the Mao Zedong Mark IIIa design as little or as much as you desire."

Carla then took some cookies and cream ice cream, and then coughed gently to get Skuld's attention. Motioning to the ice cream, she then said, "Go on. It's fine."
Gaian Ascendancy
14-11-2008, 07:42
By the time Carla however was gesturing to the ice cream, Skuld was deep into her other passion. This as she had a fully interactive holo-display projecting from her wrist unit, another two floating holoscreens projecting from hair ornaments. Even her eyes and forehead markings were alive with blue-white 'ethereal' electronic activity.

Saki just looked on while Skuld muttered.. "The Heavy fabrication Subspace transit units will need to be plugged into the melded dock yard lines. Feeder ZPC units at four points to speed arm-replicator beam operation. The atomic database unit here...

Reslotting the bays for Palladiums.. nano-units standard.. *mumble mumble* ..have to test that shielding with the dimensional arrays...." went like this as Saki just commented openly. "Sorry, she usually handles our technological integrations. A good Age of this gets one set in certain ways.

Just keep it on ice for a bit."

Course by then Skuld somehow had produced thirty holoscreens and was playing her trade to the occlusion of all else. Saki just teardropped. "Okay... more than a bit.

I can answer any questions if you like."
New Dornalia
14-11-2008, 08:39
By the time Carla however was gesturing to the ice cream, Skuld was deep into her other passion. This as she had a fully interactive holo-display projecting from her wrist unit, another two floating holoscreens projecting from hair ornaments. Even her eyes and forehead markings were alive with blue-white 'ethereal' electronic activity.

Saki just looked on while Skuld muttered.. "The Heavy fabrication Subspace transit units will need to be plugged into the melded dock yard lines. Feeder ZPC units at four points to speed arm-replicator beam operation. The atomic database unit here...

Reslotting the bays for Palladiums.. nano-units standard.. *mumble mumble* ..have to test that shielding with the dimensional arrays...." went like this as Saki just commented openly. "Sorry, she usually handles our technological integrations. A good Age of this gets one set in certain ways.

Just keep it on ice for a bit."

Course by then Skuld somehow had produced thirty holoscreens and was playing her trade to the occlusion of all else. Saki just teardropped. "Okay... more than a bit.

I can answer any questions if you like."

Carla nodded, and proceeded to ask Saki, straightaway, "What exactly is she doing? Compling lists of technologies for a modified Mao?" The look on her face betrayed genuine curiosity, but also a hint of fascination that someone could work like Skuld did. Robert also chimed in as well, noting Skuld's flurry of activity with a more direct, "What, may I ask, is going on?" He too was inquisitive, being a draftsman and an engineer himself. And, he was more than a little piqued that something was distracting everybody from his presentation.

As for the icecream, it was in a foodservice chilling unit, so it wouldn't have to be iced for now. Still, to keep it fresh, one of the staff put a cover on it.
Gaian Ascendancy
14-11-2008, 08:55
Saki just put it as if explaining why a cat bathes. "Over the millions of years our civilization evolved after the Dark Ascendancy War began... er.. for us. Um...

It's complex, but for the question, our technologies and biological capabilities are essentially merged. Nanites and long term genetic reconditioning allowed us to fully utilize our brain functions as formal computer networks.

Right now Lady Skuld is sharing her Mind Link in a Hyper-LAN with the other personnel back on board our vessels, not just the shuttle we arrived in. More standard comptrollers on our warship allow us to share data as if telepathy, as well as near hive mind capability, while not endangering our individualist quality.

As.. I said, it's complex, but such is a result of a billion years of evolution in every scale we've approached. I don't even suppose we realize where our biological verses genetic base being structure is anymore. Only the true Synthetic Droid archetypes can call themselves non-biological."

Saki then looked up and half smiled, realizing she spoke more than she intended. Course then Skuld just SHOT up out of her seat at that weirded out moment! "AHAH!! We can fabricate everything together within sixty days for each ship! Beat that Washu!!"

"Uh... milady."

Skuld blinked.. "What?" ..and remembered.. "EEK!! Ah... sorry.. I get engrossed too easily. Hehe..."

Saki... "Good thing Urd isn't here."

Skuld just shot a dry look at Saki.
New Dornalia
14-11-2008, 21:28
Saki just put it as if explaining why a cat bathes. "Over the millions of years our civilization evolved after the Dark Ascendancy War began... er.. for us. Um...

It's complex, but for the question, our technologies and biological capabilities are essentially merged. Nanites and long term genetic reconditioning allowed us to fully utilize our brain functions as formal computer networks.

Right now Lady Skuld is sharing her Mind Link in a Hyper-LAN with the other personnel back on board our vessels, not just the shuttle we arrived in. More standard comptrollers on our warship allow us to share data as if telepathy, as well as near hive mind capability, while not endangering our individualist quality.

As.. I said, it's complex, but such is a result of a billion years of evolution in every scale we've approached. I don't even suppose we realize where our biological verses genetic base being structure is anymore. Only the true Synthetic Droid archetypes can call themselves non-biological."

Saki then looked up and half smiled, realizing she spoke more than she intended. Course then Skuld just SHOT up out of her seat at that weirded out moment! "AHAH!! We can fabricate everything together within sixty days for each ship! Beat that Washu!!"

"Uh... milady."

Skuld blinked.. "What?" ..and remembered.. "EEK!! Ah... sorry.. I get engrossed too easily. Hehe..."

Saki... "Good thing Urd isn't here."

Skuld just shot a dry look at Saki.

After the group paused for a moment of awkward silence, they began again. The comparison between the Gaian neural networks and the GRACIE linkups was too hard to miss, and thus Admiral Bundrick said, "Ah. It's a bit like the way Gracie works. Our Gracie AI units have the capability to communicate and swap information, and our computer science personnel have even found they have a tendency to chat about surprisingly mundane things, yet they're still themselves." He then shrugged and went, "Just a thought. Nothing meant by it."

Carla nodded, seeing as how biology and science was generally something that, while she had a grasp of left to the experts like Robert. Robert, at that, smiled. "The Mao Zedong hulls can be produced in a matter of hours--a couple of weeks at most--using the processes we have here. Unless you meant the upgrades for each Mao Zedong, of course."
Gaian Ascendancy
15-11-2008, 01:14
Skuld quipped. "Each vessel will take only sixty days flat, once we install our dockyard upgrades. We just need to finish here. Is there anything else you wanted to know at this point? Kinda supposed to be here more than just for talking tech. My boss was interested in seeing where this meeting goes."

Saki just folded her arms and waited, not needing to say much at this point.
New Dornalia
15-11-2008, 05:29
Skuld quipped. "Each vessel will take only sixty days flat, once we install our dockyard upgrades. We just need to finish here. Is there anything else you wanted to know at this point? Kinda supposed to be here more than just for talking tech. My boss was interested in seeing where this meeting goes."

Saki just folded her arms and waited, not needing to say much at this point.

Robert nodded; he supposed the fact the Gaians had specialized equipment to install on their Mao Zedongs was the reason for the two month timespan as opposed to the standard two weeks--or seventy two hours. Still, with people like Skuld, he mused it also wasn't a surprise if inefficency maybe didn't play a part as well. Not that he said any of this of course.

Carla, on the other hand, was more generous. Smiling, she said sheepishly, "My apologies. Robert and Admiral Bundrick here are used to dealing in technocratic things. How to produce what where, caliber of naval guns, et cetera. Luckily, I'm a better conversationalist."

She then leaned back her chair, folded her hands, and spoke, nibbling on some ice cream. "So, tell us. How are things in the Ascendancy? We haven't heard from you fine folks in a long time."
Gaian Ascendancy
15-11-2008, 06:05
Skuld looked down. "Been better. Well... if you don't mind accepting temporal physics as an absolute fact, our current situation will make more sense.

The civilization you probably knew way back, changed a 'lot' from the time we ended up coming from. I mean, no offense, but after an Age, we all honestly forgot the Alpha civilizations we originated from. even the old Motherworld is alien to us now.

But if you add a billion years of endless war against our mortal enemy over an entire Dimension, separate from this one, well.. that's where we hailed from. The Antara Dimension was once our home. over twenty separate Universes, all how you would view occupying distinct Galaxies here in the Alpha Dimension, was our domain.

All that until a year ago, when we had to leave. Our enemy used some... I don't know. a weapon, or just used Universal Physics in some accelerated mode. But they created a Dark Rip, the Dark Ascendancy, they tore everything apart. Even Washu and I, the brains of our entire realm, the lives of billions of trillions that relied on our know how, could figure a way to stop it all.

We barely escaped after a few thousand years of watching everything we worked for, annihalated. We only came here on Lord Aleaic's orders to find some genetic offspring we didn't even realize would become our current Lord Excellency, because Aleaic believed we might save us all in the present form, by taking what was left of our future version, back here in time to warn ourselves."

Skuld gulped at that. "Now we have an unproven leader my Sister calls son, while we struggle to start all over again, with no real focus for our future, other than a 'hope' we can reach the 'current' Antara Dimension, and warn our 'past' selves.

I'm not sure I even make sense. Especially when I'm supposed to do just 'that'!"

Saki finally spoke, calmly as ever through her ages. "It has only been one year. We used to be more patient than this. We should harken that."

"Patience was never my virtue." ..Skuld joked. She then looked to the hosts. "Well. That's some of our sordid story you ya."
New Dornalia
15-11-2008, 06:26
Carla nodded as she heard Skuld speak. Being around Dr. Tennenbaum's lectures and various items of the sort led her to comprehend somewhat the gravity of the Gaian experience. She shook her head sadly, muttering, "Hell of a journey. It makes the Exodus seem like child's play, if you ask sympathies." The look in her eyes was one of sympathy, and lament at how civilizations could fall so quickly. Her mind was still processing it all, but it was clear enough catastrophe had come upon an old friend.

Carla then smiled and said, "I would offer my assistance, but I was under the impression your unique temporal requirements would preclude open and freeflowing aid. Nonetheless, I think small scale arrangements, such as what is occurring now at Andrew Jackson, might work to help you back on track. What would you say to future projects of this sort? We have qualified staff, including one Doctor Edelmira Tennenbaum. One of the most brilliant individuals we have."

At that, Robert and Bundrick winced. It was evident this Tennenbaum was somewhat infamous, perhaps even Washu-like.
Gaian Ascendancy
15-11-2008, 07:03
Skuld nods. "We're not even fully sure yet if our presence will cause some temporal paradox. This meeting if anything is a test to see if we can cohabitate in this Dimension. One step at a time to our goal.

We know the Ascendancy exists intact, if smaller and all, at this point in time. This our own mutual history holos can attest. We know they'll survive until a time we can find a way to construct a new Inter-Dimensional Supergate.

We have to. We have to prevent the loss of 'that' many innocent lives, even if we cease to exist. That at least I can believe in, since Imaldris spoke them so intensely."

Skuld lightened her mood considerably. "We will take all assistance we can get. we have to rely on others until we're strong enough on our own again. Even then though, we need to remain very neutral. At least we hope so."

Saki then prodded. "Pardon, but the souls on board are getting antsy."

Skuld grumbles. "Sheesh, I told them to sit tight. It's my first diplomatic mission in a thousand years or so, tell em to cryo it already."

"Will do."

Skuld 'finally' then noted.. "Speaking of cryo. that Ice cream is looking too good now to ignore."

Saki rolled her eyes as she went into Mindlink.
New Dornalia
15-11-2008, 08:17
Skuld 'finally' then noted.. "Speaking of cryo. that Ice cream is looking too good now to ignore."

Saki rolled her eyes as she went into Mindlink.

At that, Carla smiled and opened the lid of the ice cream container. It was still fresh, fortunately, and edible. She waved to it and said, "We've Rocky Road, Cookies and Cream, Caramel Swirl, Vanilla, Chocolate, Neapolitan. Take your pick. I prefer the Cookies and Cream myself, its a good batch today." Proudly, she boasted, "It's not the replicated stuff, either. This is real chocolate cookies and vanilla ice cream."

Carla then spoke warmly, taking some Rocky Road, "What kind of assistance would you need exactly, besides technical stuff like this? We have food, and raw materials--our lands have expanded since we last met. We might even have things like a spare planet or two."
Gaian Ascendancy
16-11-2008, 00:53
Saki just flat out spoke for Skuld, to Skuld's blushing annoyance. "Just scoop her up one of each. Like any of it will last long."

Skuld snips back. "Yeah? Give Saki a scoop of rocky Road. Just like her battle wired head."

The two traded nice eye-lighting bolts for a split second.

Skuld then turned back business like to Lady Carla's offers.. "Actually for the moment, our internal resources are stable enough. We brought with us a very large population, but most were in Regen-Stasis until we could support them.

It's our future goals that are the problem. Most of our military and support structure is being run too much by Synthetics. Er... Droids, Persocoms, Androids. Etc... We're pushing too many things on them, where we should be splitting between Biologics.. Freeborns, Sibiko Genetic Form, Angelics, Avians, more... and Synthetics in all our duties about 50/50. It's more like 80/20 right now, which even I hate.

What we need, is more space to begin expanding the Biological base in an aggressive manner. What we need... well... is planets."

She took a breath before explaining. "Since we don't have a Planet Foundry Dimensional Fortress to use to construct our own planets as yet, we need help identifying dead planets, unused stars, areas where planets were destroyed in cataclysms, and the like, for us to transport to our new 'home' nebula, to use to construct a new Interstellar Star System Complex.

The plan is to create hone hundred new Star Systems, compacted in our resident Nebula, and terraform every one of them, Planets, Lunas, Planetoids Belts, and whatnot, to support everything we need for our superstructure needs. We can do the rest, since we're used to upgrading civilizations on the very short term scales. Just need the time and resource space to work it all on. Somehow we still can't outright magically conjure worlds out of thin space, but we can do the next best thing with otherwise unused stellar matter."

Saki spoke in to assure with.. "We wouldn't ask for any of your worlds or territory, nor any other civilization that is owning any form of territory presently. Instead we just need help identifying anything of stellar matter that isn't being used or identified as used at the current time, in this galaxy, that can be accessed."

Skuld took over quickly. "We already have identified candidate material outside this galaxy in a region of the Outer Universe called the Red Galaxy zone, where immense areas of stellar matter that is too dynamic to form civilizations easily, is located. We plan to use them, but we need an 'anchor' of closer material in this galaxy to form at least three basic new Star Systems to construct more of our assets from, to form higher capable Fold Generators that can handle the extended distance.

Until then, something closer is needed." ..and then Skuld brings up three distinct holoprojections from her wrist unit. Each projected a planned Star System. "Since our Core System has four worlds, but tons of Lunas and Planetoids, we project a three to five planet range to be sufficent, to expand upon over a ten year period. After that, we should be able to expand to candidates in the Local Galactic Group. In twenty to twenty-five we can step up to full influx.

Hopefully by then we'll have a plan for what to do with it all. Tain't my job there."

Hearing the Gaians talk, made it all sound like they were constructing starships, instead of planets. Such as the common mindset of a Gaian, from the timeline they came from however.

Skuld then brought things round circle.. "So.. that's our real need. Aside from that, standard trade and cultural exchange is the usual norm. If you want to lend any planetary space, it would only be for Outpost needs, and mainly for the basic needs just stated. But the Council would have to discuss this over first, especially after our biological forms are scanned for any temporal anomalies.

As long as we don't Schism this galaxy outright first, we should be able to proceed with everything. Such should be hopeful at this stage of things, since we didn't blow each other up just looking at each other here."

Saki.. "Not your usual fare there Milady."

Skuld just stabs a comical look back. "Hey.. Urd isn't here. I 'can' hold my temper pretty danged well you know."

Saki made some kind of uncertain 'hum'. Skuld's version was more teeth grinding.
New Dornalia
16-11-2008, 02:29
At that, Carla smiled, giggling a little. She always did have a warm personality that somehow made her a better diplomat. Motioning to the staff to get a couple of spare bowls, she then had them placed in front of Skuld and Lind, with the appropriate flavors placed in.

As this occurred, Admiral Bundrick spoke, "Well, I think we can help you there. Our Commissariat of Science has a record of undergoing extensive long distance exploration missions, manned and unmanned."

Carla nodded, saying, "We have done such efforts since the beginning the Workers State, when we had to send teams of Scavengers to locate new sources of techology and raw materials in the midst of a post apocalyptic wasteland."

Leaning to get more ice cream, she said, "The point is, we in the Workers State are willing to offer you the services of several Commissariat of Science expeditionary teams in order to help you find unoccupied planets for your rebuilding project in the areas you designated. These would be teams crewed by both civil Dornalian scientists and People's Navy personnel--as we usually handle such things. You'll find these are hardy, self reliant folk, who know what they're doing."

Admiral Bundrick nodded.

Carla then said, leaning back with the ice cream and picking up a spoonful, "And, we'd be willing to engage in trade and culture, definetly. Especially since we Dornalians have changed since we last met too. We have plenty of raw materials, tech, ships, and cultural items we can exchange. Our cultural items focus on music--mostly rock and blues-based, but we got others--and film and television. Our capital is home to the legendary Dream Machine known as Hollywood." She then ate.
Gaian Ascendancy
16-11-2008, 03:11
((OC- Saki.. not Lind. BIG difference. =^^= ))


Saki spoke for a mowing down Ice Cream eating Science Advisor. "I suspect we will bear a replete and peaceful fruit.

Peaceful I stress. You're not actively engaged in any conflicts we should know about?" ..she didn't ask of any internal 'scenarios', since the Gaians had no right this time around to mess with anything internal. Saki's concern was cross civilization problems.

Especially since the Gaians had enough of their own at the moment.


((OC- Keep an eye on my other thread, since I decided this thread takes place a few days before this one, during the 'negotiations' that happened in the storefront thread. Complex aye, but kinda wanting to tie everything together.

Mentioning something in 'aftereffect' after I make the Transmission post would be something to ply into later. =^^= ))
New Dornalia
16-11-2008, 03:23
Saki spoke for a mowing down Ice Cream eating Science Advisor. "I suspect we will bear a replete and peaceful fruit.

Peaceful I stress. You're not actively engaged in any conflicts we should know about?" ..she didn't ask of any internal 'scenarios', since the Gaians had no right this time around to mess with anything internal. Saki's concern was cross civilization problems.

Especially since the Gaians had enough of their own at the moment.

OOC: Apologies. The AMG references caused me to insert Lind somewhere in there, in lieu of Saki from Steel Angel Kurumi. Alos, I have been keeping track.


Admiral Bundrick shook his head, as did Carla. "As of this moment, we're not actively engaged in any conflicts we know of. The Galactic Empire is a perennial Cold War subject, but no active war has occurred for a bit. We are currently working out an integration with the confederation known as the United Colonies of Kobol, since they have acclaimed us as their lost Thirteenth Colony. But that's been peaceful so far, and not troublesome--it means we're still New Dornalians, although we're within a wider framework."

Carla nodded. She then said to Saki, "So, like you said, I too hope this will bear peaceful, and useful fruit. Does that mean you are willing to take up our offer on the assistance to explore, and all the other elements?"
Gaian Ascendancy
16-11-2008, 03:47
Skuld made one big fat gulp and responded. "Aye. Though understand we will accept help from anyone of any star nation. We won't help another nation fight another, and will assist any other technologically, trade or otherwise, with fair intent.

If there is a conflict, we reserve the right to withdraw until the fight ends, but can assist any side humanitarian wise all the same.

It essentially no different from our ancient version, except this time we're rebuilding with a greater understanding of things than the first time we built ourselves up." Skuld looked weird with some ice cream staining her lips, but the words were stiff enough not to be mistaken.

"Otherwise, yes, all discussed is feasible to continue relations with."

Saki then stated. "All the same, we are not expecting formal help with our own.... problem, at present. Hence added reason for our secrecy."
New Dornalia
16-11-2008, 04:18
Skuld made one big fat gulp and responded. "Aye. Though understand we will accept help from anyone of any star nation. We won't help another nation fight another, and will assist any other technologically, trade or otherwise, with fair intent.

If there is a conflict, we reserve the right to withdraw until the fight ends, but can assist any side humanitarian wise all the same.

It essentially no different from our ancient version, except this time we're rebuilding with a greater understanding of things than the first time we built ourselves up." Skuld looked weird with some ice cream staining her lips, but the words were stiff enough not to be mistaken.

"Otherwise, yes, all discussed is feasible to continue relations with."

Saki then stated. "All the same, we are not expecting formal help with our own.... problem, at present. Hence added reason for our secrecy."

Carla nodded as she listened to them speak. Just as well. The Gaians were known for being, in Commissariat Circles, "The Time-And-Space-Hopping Switzerland." Not that it needed to be changed. Given their present situation, it wasn't surprising that they'd keep it. They couldn't afford to get involved in others' policies, and frankly, she wouldn't wish Dornalia's Cold War with the GE on them. Besides, she knew that even if they did change a lot, their words and the fact they sent someone like Skuld showed they had a code of morals that kept their pragmatism in check. That'd keep the diehards in the Commissariat pacified.

Carla nodded and said, "Something tells me getting People's Navy units involved in your affairs wouldn't work. I concur. We'll leave your problem to you."

Admiral Bundrick then nodded and said, "I approve of this, though I do hope you will keep the Non Disclosure Agreements packaged with Dornalian export weapons in mind, if you intend to keep that neutrality clause. I don't want these Mao Zedongs to be used against us or our friends."

Carla shot a glare at Bundrick, saying, "I'm sure that the Gaians won't use them willy-nilly. You heard Skuld. It's not like they're going to declare war on us at a whim or give weapons in a war to either side. And I'm sure they'll use their best judgment when handing out technology in peacetime." Turning to Skuld, she said with a smile, "Right?"
Gaian Ascendancy
16-11-2008, 04:49
Skuld nodded. "We have one enemy here already in this Dimension right now. One is enough."

Saki then asked. "I presume negotiations are completed then? The blokes back on board are getting antsy again."

Skuld groans.. (10% an ice cream headache. The rest...) "Man, you Valkyries are too impatient."

Saki retorts back.. "It us that are getting the new toys. And for official note, the Droids are not being patient either. Two years stuck in one System would give anyone cabin-galactic fever."

"Dully noted." Skuld just twirled her spoon with.
New Dornalia
16-11-2008, 05:26
Skuld nodded. "We have one enemy here already in this Dimension right now. One is enough."

Saki then asked. "I presume negotiations are completed then? The blokes back on board are getting antsy again."

Skuld groans.. (10% an ice cream headache. The rest...) "Man, you Valkyries are too impatient."

Saki retorts back.. "It us that are getting the new toys. And for official note, the Droids are not being patient either. Two years stuck in one System would give anyone cabin-galactic fever."

"Dully noted." Skuld just twirled her spoon with.

Admiral Bundrick nodded. He was still somewhat skeptical, but if Carla could get this kid to be sincere and if this kid could be was fine for him. Carla was more trusting, knowing the Gaians better than Bundrick did. With a smile, she giggled somewhat and said, "Oh dear, oh dear. Well, if you must be off, then I can't keep you. Though I would like to present you with a gift."

She then got up, and reached under the table. Carla then produced a bottle of Glenlivet whiskey and a DVD of Rio Bravo starring John Wayne, saying, "Here's a gift for your leaders. A bottle of Glenlivet scotch whiskey--one of Earth's best beverages--and an example of one of Earth's finest media--a motion picture made by one of humanity's great artists, Howard Hawks. You might like it."

Robert also said, "Also, I may as well hand you a disk with the plans and stats for the Mao Zedong Mark III, so you may have reference." He was more practical, and it showed in the disk he processed for Skuld to hand to the savant. Smiling, he said, "Treat her well. I'm personally eager to see how you folks make the Mighty Mao shine."
Gaian Ascendancy
16-11-2008, 06:43
Skuld blinked. "Eh?" ..this as Skuld received the gifts.. bemusedly. She had other intentions. "I wasn't in a hurry to leave. In fact we came here to get started retrofitting the docks as soon as we were finished here.

Even brought the retrofitting kits with us." ..she then fished out a glowing pure diamond card of some kind, essentially a credit chit." ...I brought the Gaias.

Saki just rests her head on her chin, leaning on the table. She actually eyed the Dvd rather interestingly. (That'd end up being a bad cultural mistake of sorts down the road. More on that later... =^^=;;; )
New Dornalia
16-11-2008, 07:56
Skuld blinked. "Eh?" ..this as Skuld received the gifts.. bemusedly. She had other intentions. "I wasn't in a hurry to leave. In fact we came here to get started retrofitting the docks as soon as we were finished here.

Even brought the retrofitting kits with us." ..she then fished out a glowing pure diamond card of some kind, essentially a credit chit." ...I brought the Gaias.

Saki just rests her head on her chin, leaning on the table. She actually eyed the Dvd rather interestingly. (That'd end up being a bad cultural mistake of sorts down the road. More on that later... =^^=;;; )

OOC: Oops. :D. Guess they don't like Westerns.


Carla then blushed beet red. She had made a rookie mistake, and then, stifiling embarassed laughter, replied, "My apologies. Well, I suppose you can shelve those things for later enjoyment. In the meantime, let's turn this over to Robert, since he knows this facility well."

Pushing yet another set of buttons, Robert said, smiling, "We can get retrofitted now, actually. Trusted personnel will be on staff to help integrate your equipment into the plant's workings. After all, this is our facility, and we should help you get things going." Pushing a button, he brought up a picture of a tall Indian man, a turbaned Sikh with a clipped beard and considerable build, and wirerimmed glasses. "This is Director Singh. He manages the facility, and can thus help speed things along in terms of the Dornalian side of things. Any questions about our equipment, he's the first one you can ask."

As he spoke, he then took out a scanner of some sort, and said, "The moment you swipe your card over this, we can get to it. Singh is ready for you outside."
Gaian Ascendancy
16-11-2008, 08:36
((OC- Actually, quite the opposite. ))


Saki blinked. "Eh? But..." the supposed epitome of cinema was removed from reach. Skuld half blinked and eyed over sidelong at her guardian.

Saki just wondered what was tantalizing about...


*Six years from now...*

Karinka walked down the hallways of the Valkyrian War Academy, the light of day playing across brilliantly from the still nascent green-white star, more than enough light as she checked over her daily duty roster logs for the Divisions on her large silver and white/blue lined GUI Padd unit. A simple humdrum duty day.

A couple of Valkyries and civilian types pass by, just before she hears...

"Well howdy partner! How's y'all day pilgrim?"

Karinka IMMEDIATELY threw down her duty Padd onto the marbled walkway!

"GAWD! Will you stop that already!?!?!!?"

Saki just giggled. At least she wasn't as bad as Kurumi was with all that. Karinka just bellowed. "Those media discs were meant as a cultural gift! NOT AN ADDICTION TO BUG ME WITH!!!!"

Saki just smiles. Till... "Oh! Howdy Karinka! Are we saddling up again today?!"

Karinka just screams off to another planet somewhere. Kurumi just blinks. "What's her problem."

"What isn't." Saki quips, adding.. "Is Nakahito coming again?"

Kurumi beams and hops. "One way or another!"

Saki just....



Skuld looked over and shivered. "I don't wana know." ..then looked at Lady Carla and the holo. "Anywho, it all sounds good. Shall we get started?" she rose, ready and quite willing.
New Dornalia
16-11-2008, 22:02
Skuld looked over and shivered. "I don't wana know." ..then looked at Lady Carla and the holo. "Anywho, it all sounds good. Shall we get started?" she rose, ready and quite willing.

Carla nodded, and the party led Skuld and the others outside, to the bowels of the shipyard once again. This time, the man Robert Jensen had fingered as the man to speak to could be seen, discussing business with a foreman. Their very presence was a sign that they were certified for being here, amongst the Gaians. The man with the turban, this "Singh," was a giant.

And, as the party walked closer, Singh turned to the party, nodding and looking at the group, saying, "Mr. Jensen?"

"Mr. Singh, this is Skuld, and this is Saki. They're here from the Ascendancy to work on integrating their techs into our Mao Zedong battleships. Help them whenever you can, and keep things moving smoothly."

Singh raised an eyebrow at Skuld. "A kid? These alien races get stranger every day. It's not like the old country at all," he thought to himself. He then shook his head and extended his hand out, saying, "Welcome to Andrew Jackson. I look forward to seeing what you had in mind."
Gaian Ascendancy
16-11-2008, 23:50
Skuld and Saki followed Lady Carla and Lord Jensen out back where they came, then coming upon their foreman hosts, craning up their heads a good bit. Both just thought.. Tall. ..before Lord Singh spoke.

Not that Skuld 'looked' like she took the obvious comment well. Saki just looked plain as Skuld just shook Singh's hand. (And found out the 'kid' had a grip. Nanite and Ascendant enhancements and all that. =^^= )

Skuld then looked at Saki to start off. "Let's show them shalt we?"

Saki giggled. "Aye we shalt." ..and produced the data disk. Skuld then simply brought up a holo-data reader unit from the same wrist unit, and Saki placed the disk in a solid enough looking slot of some kind. It took a few moments, as the holo unit adjusted to the protocol needed to read the disk. Once it did, Skuld's eyes began to glow and have those fun little data 'reading' lines, as her Network read the data and read it back through her Network, into the Mindlink, and again with the rest of the Gaians and their Networks, along with the Comptroller unit onboard.

Skuld then told Saki. "Go ahead and tell the guys onboard to start working with the workers here. I'll detach the kits and scanners." ..she then looked at Singh with those same data fed eyes. "Let's start by scanning your dock hardpoints and dimensions."
New Dornalia
17-11-2008, 02:25
Skuld and Saki followed Lady Carla and Lord Jensen out back where they came, then coming upon their foreman hosts, craning up their heads a good bit. Both just thought.. Tall. ..before Lord Singh spoke.

Not that Skuld 'looked' like she took the obvious comment well. Saki just looked plain as Skuld just shook Singh's hand. (And found out the 'kid' had a grip. Nanite and Ascendant enhancements and all that. =^^= )

Skuld then looked at Saki to start off. "Let's show them shalt we?"

Saki giggled. "Aye we shalt." ..and produced the data disk. Skuld then simply brought up a holo-data reader unit from the same wrist unit, and Saki placed the disk in a solid enough looking slot of some kind. It took a few moments, as the holo unit adjusted to the protocol needed to read the disk. Once it did, Skuld's eyes began to glow and have those fun little data 'reading' lines, as her Network read the data and read it back through her Network, into the Mindlink, and again with the rest of the Gaians and their Networks, along with the Comptroller unit onboard.

Skuld then told Saki. "Go ahead and tell the guys onboard to start working with the workers here. I'll detach the kits and scanners." ..she then looked at Singh with those same data fed eyes. "Let's start by scanning your dock hardpoints and dimensions."

Singh's handshake was replied with Skuld's strong grip, and the man knew he dealt with either a willful brat or someone who was a professional. And judging by the command, she was the latter. Singh then nodded and motioned for her to follow him, saying only, "Follow me, please."

He then led her on a circuit of the dock, generally pointing out the same bits that Robert did. He also went into more detail.

"As you can see, each dock has the expandable clamps that can expand up to six kilos in width to hold really large ships. Not that that is often the case.

Also, there are the fabrication arms and cabs; they use nanotech and replicator components to manipulate components into shape. If something needs to be sealed in a certain way, such as spot welding, welding, or et cetera, it can be done here. If it has to be twisted and banged into shape, it can be done here. Precision is generally good, though they're best at large scale assembly of parts.

You have your access catwalks near the arms, there. These enable workers access to the frames of an emerging ship for close-in work that can't be done with the big arms. Things like electrical, inspections, et cetera.

Then there's the replicators in the back here. Big assemblies. Use massive matter-Ishikawa energy manipulation processes to produce parts we need for each vessel. Generally used for most ship parts but the small stuff. The small stuff is made in the replicators off to the side here, or trucked by the gate. I assume Robert has shown you that.

That's most of it. There's also numerous machine shops, computer labs, testing facilities, et cetera."

After the tour, he then produced a disk of plans, saying, "Here's the schematics of the yard. Each yard you will be using is built on a standard plan, so the yard space you will be using will all pretty much look like this."
Gaian Ascendancy
17-11-2008, 03:10
Skuld keeps a keen eye on everything. There wasn't a big drop from what a standard Gaian dockyard comprised. She wondered how many other civilizations were as advanced.

She then flit fingered as she spoke. "Alright, we'll attach our kits to be able to feed material streams from the Molecular Units we'll install, along with the ZPC power units and heavy industrial replicators to augment the ones here.

We'll also install the Droid and Persocom training kits to create the needed crews upon each vessel completion. During construction we'll probably come up with a separate new class vessel to share, based off all three classes we purchased, so the new Database Matrix Cores and their Persocom Databanks will store all that for study later. All parties here of course can share in it."

Skuld then turns to Saki, as the first Gaian souls begin to spread out and meet their new compatriots, while afar, the Battlecruiser is already seen producing large white and blue-light lined 'blocks'. "Tell Command to alert the resource fleet to start bringing in raw material once the Molecular Foundries are online in the next six hours."

"Roger." Saki turns and holds her own ear as she communicates. Skuld then looks to her guests, not wasting time. "We'll need to Fold in two large kits for forming the security-trade Starbase, as well as a land based Outpost Base to expand upon. The latter only needing three kilometers at most, since underground expansion will save a lot of surface footprint room. Not sure about a StarLadder to attach a future Orbital Facility, but that's for another time.

Can I acquire authority for this next step from you guys? I'll have clear that with our Council after that. That would finish up all our needs for now."
New Dornalia
17-11-2008, 04:24
Skuld keeps a keen eye on everything. There wasn't a big drop from what a standard Gaian dockyard comprised. She wondered how many other civilizations were as advanced.

She then flit fingered as she spoke. "Alright, we'll attach our kits to be able to feed material streams from the Molecular Units we'll install, along with the ZPC power units and heavy industrial replicators to augment the ones here.

We'll also install the Droid and Persocom training kits to create the needed crews upon each vessel completion. During construction we'll probably come up with a separate new class vessel to share, based off all three classes we purchased, so the new Database Matrix Cores and their Persocom Databanks will store all that for study later. All parties here of course can share in it."

Skuld then turns to Saki, as the first Gaian souls begin to spread out and meet their new compatriots, while afar, the Battlecruiser is already seen producing large white and blue-light lined 'blocks'. "Tell Command to alert the resource fleet to start bringing in raw material once the Molecular Foundries are online in the next six hours."

"Roger." Saki turns and holds her own ear as she communicates. Skuld then looks to her guests, not wasting time. "We'll need to Fold in two large kits for forming the security-trade Starbase, as well as a land based Outpost Base to expand upon. The latter only needing three kilometers at most, since underground expansion will save a lot of surface footprint room. Not sure about a StarLadder to attach a future Orbital Facility, but that's for another time.

Can I acquire authority for this next step from you guys? I'll have clear that with our Council after that. That would finish up all our needs for now."

Carla thought for a moment, and said, "Well, let's see." She then took her PDA and looked up what was below them. "Well, the planet below is empty, relatively. Population centers are focused on one continent, it's mostly rural. We can give you a patch of unused space below, some space near Andrew Jackson and the appropriate military protection." She then hit a few buttons, passed the PDA to Jensen and Bundrick who made virtual signatures, and then passed it to Carla who stamped her name on it, authorizing the land transaction and the orbital step.

Singh's men, meanwhile, began coordinating with the new arrivals. Singh excused himself and began to brief his men on the new developments, to ensure they weren't totally freaked out.

As for the promise of a new class, Carla and the others blushed, Robert smiling and saying, "I'm flattered. We'd be honored to have elements of the Mao incorporated into a new design."
Gaian Ascendancy
17-11-2008, 04:55
Skuld positively beamed. "Our honor as well. Once everything gets up to speed, we'll be churning out these bad gals on a regular basis, until at least we can make our own dock space. At least when we're done, you'll be able to make your own new vessels without us as much on hand.

We'll also reserve space for a facility of your own facilities for diplomatic needs... er.. once we have the space. We pretty much filled up our own worlds darned fast in the past year as we grew and constructed everything in place. Even a good deal of underground crust is getting a tic cramped."

Skuld sighs. "The price of saving as many souls as we could. At least the orbital replicator and hydroponic stations are making food like crazy. I think we need to trade some of the surplus off soon here."

Saki heard this and rolled her eyes. "Well sorry the Synthetics can't help you eat like hog creatures."

Skuld snips back.. "The Valkyrians are sure trying though. All that fighting energy they waste."

More eye-lightning bolts traded for a second.

Skuld then looks at the PDA while Saki turns to see the first of the kit blocks beginning to close in, and a few initial struts protrude out for locational sensing and accepting vector commands. Skuld still needed to 'phone' the PDA in and waited.
New Dornalia
17-11-2008, 05:34
Skuld positively beamed. "Our honor as well. Once everything gets up to speed, we'll be churning out these bad gals on a regular basis, until at least we can make our own dock space. At least when we're done, you'll be able to make your own new vessels without us as much on hand.

At that, Carla and the party nodded, Robert especially proud since it meant a design to show to the universe at large that could go toe to toe with the best. Carla then let out a "Oh! Almost forgot." She then passed the PDA to Skuld, saying, "I suppose I should have you sign this too. Just run your finger across it like you were signing a signature on a piece of paper. Then again, you're probably familiar with touchscreens already."
Gaian Ascendancy
17-11-2008, 07:04
Skuld complied, putting not only a rather swirly-cursive signature, but also with a strange touch of a glowing finger, a decently complex Code Sigil along with. This displayed a unique Gaian ability, of being able to rewrite native computer code, into in small forms, partially in the Gaian mode, with only a mere touch.

It was one of Skuld's trumps over ever Washu, the ability to rewrite computer code at the base level, within few passing moments. This from any base native computer code, into Gaian standard. Rewriting 'any' code was capable, even if the native code was alien at the very first. It was a frightening ability to assert any control that certain Command Gaians wanted, by cutting off native users from their own control.

Skuld of course was under SEVERELY strict orders to limit such use, by the Command of a 'previous' Excellency. And since 'that' Excellency was still technically alive even now in this timeline, the Order still stood. Only a state of War would see the full use of this power.

Still, the ability also made for very secure Code to use as a basic signature. If a native user could somehow break into the tenth level dimensional code matrix, they could in turn access much of that particular Gaian's network. A fair trade for the ability, 'if' the native user affected 'could' access the said network.

Nevermind understand it.

Skuld just finished and smiled. "I think we have an accord." ..she then turns to activate her wrist Comm. "Alrighty. Better tell the blokes at home the good news." ..this as Saki asked.. "Um.. can you save me a copy of that... what was it? That Dvd?" ..not used to the ancient media terminology and all that.

Skuld eyed over and left it better alone. She'd be busy in a moment anyway.

":: I hear ya miLady. Connecting now. ::" onboard Comm-Tech responds. Skuld taps her foot, waiting, this while the first kit reaches the dockyard and really gets going, beginning with a hard contact scan of the immediate dock.

The sound of strange scanning sounds nearby however are soon eclipsed by something far more ominous.

":: Milady. I just got a return Alpha Red Code comm-signature protocol! I'm directing it to you now! ::"

Skuld blinked unexpectedly. "Huh?!" ..this Saki snapped her own head towards.
New Dornalia
18-11-2008, 03:00
":: I hear ya miLady. Connecting now. ::" onboard Comm-Tech responds. Skuld taps her foot, waiting, this while the first kit reaches the dockyard and really gets going, beginning with a hard contact scan of the immediate dock.

The sound of strange scanning sounds nearby however are soon eclipsed by something far more ominous.

":: Milady. I just got a return Alpha Red Code comm-signature protocol! I'm directing it to you now! ::"

Skuld blinked unexpectedly. "Huh?!" ..this Saki snapped her own head towards.

Carla and the others looked at one another in alarm. Something was up. Admiral Bundrick was about to call to ready the ships, when Carla stayed his hand for a moment, saying, "Hold it. Wait until things are bad, then set the ships on Alert."

Something told them that their amazement over the Code Sigil would wait for now.
Gaian Ascendancy
18-11-2008, 04:18
Skuld had good reason to beget an anxiety attack, as Washu's facade pops up. "Washu?"

":: Sorry kiddo. Kinda needed to grab this frequency before you got traced. We're in trouble. ::"

Saki was riveted as Washu explained.. ":: The Core Dockyards just got pummeled for the second time. All four Core planets have enemy Creation-Gaian troops on the surface. The dick blind is a mess, we're dead in the open. We got seven enemy Creation fleets all over our own. The Droid Fleet Groups are barely holding them back. Heck, we almost lost them to a virus even I didn't expect. Good thing the AI subroutines are more advanced than the older Gaian versions attacking us or... well... ::"

Skuld looked pale.. "Washu?" ...then suddenly threw a real FIT. "WAIT A MINUTE!" ..and suddenly ripped the holo-projection device from her wrist and tossed it to the deck floor. The unit then expanded to a more 'humanoid' sized scale ring, allowing the holo-projection to display as standard humanoid size. Enough for Skuld to just flat out.. "I thought Imaldris said he was going to stop her!"

Washu shook her head. ":: Not that easy, especially with Isarra breathing down his neck. I'm starting to wonder myself here if Belldandy knew what she was doing handing the guy the reigns.

At least the Valkyrium are having a field day, plus Imaldris's tactics and our higher level technology are keeping us alive.

But that Sar`nor. I keep forgetting just how much stuff we could pack into one of those things. Personally, I think Creation is holding her forces back. No word yet if she's attacked anyone else though. I hope she doesn't. ::"

Skuld just sighed dead and thick. "Just one enemy. Man this is bad."

":: That's why I got this frequency. If Creation hears this, you guys might be next. She's not pulling any punches either. We've lost about 20,000 souls already in all of this, and... whew... long haul this could be here.

You better stay put for now, might be the only one left of us if we don't make it. I'd bet Imladris would say the same thing, if he had the time.

That's about it kiddo. ::"

Skuld however doesn't take well to the defeatist tone Washu finished with, and screams all but heck back at the holo image in front of her! "Blast it Washu! Don't give up over there! We can get through all of this and you know it!

We are not going to die! Got it!!"

Washu blinks back amazed. She then nods. ":: Oh aye. I'll make sure everyone else hears it too. Just stay put for the moment till things 'hopefully' quiet down.

No promises on that last part though. ::"

"Yeah yeah, just remember you owe me a thousand Gaia on that last invention I beat you with a week ago."

Washu just huffs.. ":: Nothin but a nanite mousetrap that was. Oh well, have fun camping. ::"

Skuld just turns beet red for a sec as the holo-projector snaps off with Washu waving weirdly, before looking glum as heck.

Saki walks up. "Hey."

"I'm okay. I think we're stuck here for the time being though."

Saki sighs in her turn. "Still... a Gaian Civil War. I thought that was impossible."

"What isn't to a Gaian."

saki thought for a second, Skuld sounded of Belldandy at the core there.
New Dornalia
18-11-2008, 04:25
Carla and Admiral Bundrick looked at one another rather nervously now. They wondered what they had gotten into. Something nasty had befallen the Gaian Ascendancy, and it looked to hurt a lot if it came to New Dornalia. They looked at the parts coming in--so this is what this was all about, remastering and rebuilding against an enemy in a brother-against-brother war. Not that they objected, but it was somewhat gloomy to know this was affecting their friends.

Hesitantly, Carla asked, "Are you sure you don't require assistance? Things sound serious."
Gaian Ascendancy
18-11-2008, 04:38
Skuld shook her head. "No. That Sar`nor had hundreds of thousands of warships of every class we ever had... at least, prior to the Exodus. Well, the first one anyway. One Exodus into war, and another our of, to more the same...

Anyway, I think you might need to keep your resources here, at least to keep everyone settled."

Skuld then held a hand to her chin. "Something about all this doesn't seem right. Washu's right, we should have been overwhelmed outright. That Creation broad is holding back..

This doesn't make sense at all."

Saki didn't say much. Skuld and the old Council were the ones that had 'any' inkling to what this was all really and truly about. Saki just knew that this Trial in whatever form, was a bloody one already.

Skuld then looked around, wondering if... "Maybe..."

Saki stomped that mindlink thought outright. "No Advisor. The fighting came in after our arrival. Plus we came here to finish a job."

Skuld cocked an eye. "We've barely started."

"All the better to stay."

Skuld looked to their hosts however. "If we still can."


((OC- TG me sorta quick. Kinda wana ask something before I try anything here. =^^= ))
New Dornalia
18-11-2008, 04:56

((OC- TG me sorta quick. Kinda wana ask something before I try anything here. =^^= ))

OOC: TG sent.
New Dornalia
18-11-2008, 05:53
Skuld cocked an eye. "We've barely started."

"All the better to stay."

Skuld looked to their hosts however. "If we still can."

Carla immediately blurted out, "Yes." She then clasped her hand over her mouth, and Admiral Bundrick frowned. She then coughed and said, "Yes. You may stay. You brought the equipment already, and we did make an agreement to produce a vastly improved Mao Zedong. Besides, we Dornalians aren't a people to turn down a good Liberation Struggle, if that's the case."

She then paused and began pacing, "Although....there is the issue of direct intervention. As you indicated, it would be unwise for us to act directly with People's Navy forces at this time; Congress won't allow it and we're busy integrating with the Twelve Colonies. Perhaps we can put you in touch with people who can do so indirectly?"
Gaian Ascendancy
18-11-2008, 07:07
Skuld breathes a good sigh of relief. She then responds. "Yes, that will work fine. Just be sure to also warn what anyone else would be getting into, if they agree to anything.

Not if I remember that Transmission right in the first place."

Saki then remarks. "I better head back to the warship and update on our local orders."

Skuld nods and Saki touches her own wrist unit, and quickly vanishes in a stream of teleportation particles. Skuld then looks at Lady Carla, seeing someone kindred to at least latch onto for the moment, and quips. "You got a cafeteria around here? All this stress makes me famished."
New Dornalia
19-11-2008, 01:45
Skuld breathes a good sigh of relief. She then responds. "Yes, that will work fine. Just be sure to also warn what anyone else would be getting into, if they agree to anything.

Not if I remember that Transmission right in the first place."

Saki then remarks. "I better head back to the warship and update on our local orders."

Skuld nods and Saki touches her own wrist unit, and quickly vanishes in a stream of teleportation particles. Skuld then looks at Lady Carla, seeing someone kindred to at least latch onto for the moment, and quips. "You got a cafeteria around here? All this stress makes me famished."

Carla nodded, and when she turned to ask Robert, it turned out he was one step ahead of them. With a smile, he said, "Section Five. Employee Cafeteria. Today I think is mashed potatoes, peas, and turkey with gravy with choice of fountain drink and ice creams."

At that, Carla nodded and said, "Thanks, Rob." She then motioned for Skuld to follow her, leading her to the aforementioned cafeteria. It was somewhat spacious, with only a few people inside due to the lockdown. Still, the cooks were working hard, and before long, Skuld was shown to the trays, cups, and silverware to recieve her meal, as was Carla. When all was said and done, Carla found a table, and sat down, beginning to eat.

"So, Advisor, I'd like to get in touch with someone I know can help very much, considering your situation. Doctor Edelmira Tennenbaum. With your permission--and her's hopefully--we can send her to your part of the universe, to figure out solutions to your problem. She's a good troubleshooter, that one...if a bit crazy. Mind if I call her now?"
Gaian Ascendancy
19-11-2008, 02:51
Skuld was mulling her way to a good meal, though despite her stated hunger, she was a little pokey in so application to her mouth. (I.e. reasonably distracted.)

Skuld however responded readily enough to this suggestion of this Tennenbaum (apparently a character as much as any Gaian scientist,) with.. "Well, if she'll agree to enter a war zone. Probably would get to study a lot of our Tech if she can manage through our mess."
New Dornalia
19-11-2008, 03:27
Skuld was mulling her way to a good meal, though despite her stated hunger, she was a little pokey in so application to her mouth. (I.e. reasonably distracted.)

Skuld however responded readily enough to this suggestion of this Tennenbaum (apparently a character as much as any Gaian scientist,) with.. "Well, if she'll agree to enter a war zone. Probably would get to study a lot of our Tech if she can manage through our mess."

"You'll see." With that, she picked up her PDA and dialed a number.....


Buenos Aires, Argentina, Earth SSR

"No, no, no, no, no, no! I cannot believe this, I cannot tolerate this, I cannot stand this!"

Doctor Tennenbaum was an oddly frightening sight today. A blonde woman lecturing from the comfort of a segway standing in a tub of wax, one wouldn't expect her to be so scary. And yet she was now bawling out a kid in a lecture hall, in front of one hundred odd people. Her assistant Javier stood by, unmoved as he was used to it all.

"But Professor, it is but a donu-"

"Donuts are for eating! We are learning right now, Mister! I am sure the great Cervantes would appreciate you spilling processed sugar, saliva and filth onto his masterpiece. 'You are what you are not for what you've written, but for what you've read,' to quote one of my favorite authors. And clearly, sir, you have NOT read, for you have no respect for that book!"

At that, the scared student put down his donut, and then dusted the crumbs off the text. Tennenbaum smiled, and then continued--only to be interrupted by both the clock and her phone going off.

"Class, read the rest of Don Quixote for Thursday, I will quiz you on it."

At that she picked up her phone and switched from Argentine Spanish to Virginian-accented English, answering the call when it turned out to be from the government.

"Good day. Who is this?" she said, looking at the PDA's monitor.

Carla replied, "Doctor Tennenbaum, this is Carla Baileygates from the COmmissariat of Foreign Affairs. Did I interrupt you?"

"Not at all, ma'am. I just finished lecturing to a group of cro-magnon relics about the wonders of Cervantes. I have a spare hour, then I go to the physics laboratory to continue an experiment, then I have to lecture about quantum mechanics." said the woman, rattling off her speech in rapid fire order.

"Good. Because I have someone I'd like you to meet--in a more secure location, if possible."

Tennenbaum nodded, and went into her laboratory, speeding quickly to pick up her lunch and enter a chamber she sealed, ensuring only her assistant was the other person to hear. "Well, you were saying?"


Carla then passed the phone to Skuld, as Carla said, "Doctor, this is Skuld, Advisor from the Gaian Ascendancy. She needs a little assistance....if at all possible."

Tennenbaum frowned as she saw Skuld, and asked, "What sort of Assistance, Commissar? I haven't got all day."

"I'll let Skuld explain." Carla then motioned for Skuld to explain.
Gaian Ascendancy
19-11-2008, 05:27
Skuld cocked an eye in turn at Tennenbaum. "Um... okay, if you really want her to know."

*One rather exasperating explanation and description of the situation later.*

"...Just a we problem with near extinction we have at the moment. But it looked like you were busy in the first place, probably hazardous as all Heaven as well."

And as if to 'show' further enticement that was not needed whatsoever, but done so anyway, Skuld displayed 'another' surprise, when her Soul Partner started to project from her small of back, one of a look of an Angelic partner, with swirling/shimmering material from the waist down, simple pale nominal skin, if glowy hued, whit from on up, a head crowned with simple short blond hair, also glowing within of a minor sunrise, and capped with simple white puffy angelic wings. The 'slight' difference from the monikered norm, was the sight of tiny green ethereal electronic 'bus-lines' that ran through just enough of the Soul Partner's exposed skin to give a technological flair.

The deep blue eyes, cornea less, just looked semi-happily as Skuld just stood with eyes closed in those few passing seconds, a few angelic 'real' feathers floating about them, as she pegged. "Yup, probably too much worth of your imperative time. Right Nobel Scarlet?"

The Scarlet just smiled back down.


((OC- Think I might start a small scale battle in the next post, just to pass time till my main thread can show how it all started. Won't be too big, won't last too long either. ))
New Dornalia
19-11-2008, 05:42
Tennenbaum let out a simple, "Huh."

Leaning back for a moment, she began to speak in surprise. Muttering a prayer in Hebrew, she then said, with awe, "'There is a concept which corrupts and upsets all others. I refer not to Evil, whose limited realm is that of ethics; I refer to the infinite.'" Shaking her head, she said, "Sorry, Advisor. I was quoting an author who is a favorite of mine--a 'Jorge Luis Borges.' Wonderful man."

Coughing, she then asked, "Is that an angel?" Her look was genuinely curious.

Carla replied, "Doctor, focus."

"Ah, yes." She then said, in a self-assured, coquettish, proud, almost rambling voice, "Considering the magnitude of your situation, I think I have some things that I can do for you. I have tackled impossible solutions before. Reality manupulation. Faster than light fold space travel. Love....." At that last part, she paused, looked wistfully into the distance, and then shook her head. "Anyway, I find I have done things that may be useful. In particular, a device that manipulates probability on a colossal scale. Barring that, I can use my unusual approaches to make things possible."
Gaian Ascendancy
19-11-2008, 06:12
Skuld just sighed. "Pride is indeed a failing of ours, given just how far we fell. The concept of humility seems to walk hand in scarred hand with us.

But my Partner with me here represents some of the best we can do as well. An angel with me this is, as much as it is the Trust in my very Soul shown forth. At least mine is still pure enough looking. (Washu's sure isn't that anymore.)"

Skuld then turned ear on what Tennenbaum suggested and offered. "A look at what you got will do fine. Anything at all at this point."

"Milady...!!" ..suddenly comes the voice of Saki, whom teleports in almost like she was screaming in on the full run! Skuld looks in surprise.. "What now?"

Saki appears fully and just dumps outright.. "We got tracked. Don't know how, but they know! Fold signatures are incoming!"

Skuld just snapped.. "CRUD!"

Already, a few dots were ejecting from the Gaian Battlecruiser and 'expanding', as the first Palladium cruisers deploy as the first sight of bright points, three of them, begin to appear almost directly aft of the Gaian Battlecruiser.

Skuld then cursed.. "Damn that friggen Goddess."
New Dornalia
19-11-2008, 06:57
Skuld just sighed. "Pride is indeed a failing of ours, given just how far we fell. The concept of humility seems to walk hand in scarred hand with us.

But my Partner with me here represents some of the best we can do as well. An angel with me this is, as much as it is the Trust in my very Soul shown forth. At least mine is still pure enough looking. (Washu's sure isn't that anymore.)"

Skuld then turned ear on what Tennenbaum suggested and offered. "A look at what you got will do fine. Anything at all at this point."

"Milady...!!" ..suddenly comes the voice of Saki, whom teleports in almost like she was screaming in on the full run! Skuld looks in surprise.. "What now?"

Saki appears fully and just dumps outright.. "We got tracked. Don't know how, but they know! Fold signatures are incoming!"

Skuld just snapped.. "CRUD!"

Already, a few dots were ejecting from the Gaian Battlecruiser and 'expanding', as the first Palladium cruisers deploy as the first sight of bright points, three of them, begin to appear almost directly aft of the Gaian Battlecruiser.

Skuld then cursed.. "Damn that friggen Goddess."

Outside, Admiral Bundrick heard klaxons and a report from his XO.

"Comrade Admiral. Unknown contacts, reported at aft of Gaian battlecruiser. Hostile intent suspected, over."

Admiral Bundrick then replied, "Shit. Beam me aboard. Warn the Gaians!"


The Dornalian units in country, meanwhile, turned their attention to the unknown contacts, which were greeted with a stern message as the Dornalian force's weapons powered up. Onboard the Ride On, the big ship swiveled to meet the foe, turning so its D3G would face the incoming tide, thogh not charged yet. Onboard, the XO radioed:

"Attention unknown contact. You are entering a restricted area. Identify yourselves!"


Tennenbaum smiled and said, "Sounds like trouble. Huzzah! Time to go to work!" Spinning about visibly onscreen on her Segway, she then pushed buttons when she stopped, grabbing a hold of the contraption before she fell over.

As she pushed them, she said, "I am uploading, on a secure band, some equations I used in making the Infinite Improbability Device; they are the raw math equations I calculated with Dr. Roy in figuring out how to bend reality and time. They're rather raw, but given the right mechanisms they can prove devastating if used correctly in conjunction with some sort of entropy-inducing mechanism and Chaos Theory--how good are you at improvised solutions? I'd send the plans themselves, but I am not sure how secure the band is right now. If I intend to tussle with gods, then I must be sure they aren't watching, eh?"
Gaian Ascendancy
19-11-2008, 07:33
Skuld smiled. "Improvisation is a Gaian hallmark." ..but looked as the three bright points began to form into large scale warships from a Fold Jump. Saki was onboard the Battlecruiser once again quickly as she ordered. "Bring us about! ASAP!"

Afar, about 15,000 kilometers off, three relatively familiar warship types emerged. Two CIS type Trade Federation Droid Battleships, and one Republic Class Venator type.

All three ignored the threat and deployed starfighters, mecha and troop craft all too fast!

Onboard, a separate Droid General series unit just snapped. ":: By Her orders. Test them. ::" ..this as Creation-faction Omni-fighters screamed by at attack speed!

The troop craft had their own surprise incoming on them as well.
New Dornalia
20-11-2008, 04:15
Skuld smiled. "Improvisation is a Gaian hallmark." ..but looked as the three bright points began to form into large scale warships from a Fold Jump. Saki was onboard the Battlecruiser once again quickly as she ordered. "Bring us about! ASAP!"

Afar, about 15,000 kilometers off, three relatively familiar warship types emerged. Two CIS type Trade Federation Droid Battleships, and one Republic Class Venator type.

All three ignored the threat and deployed starfighters, mecha and troop craft all too fast!

Onboard, a separate Droid General series unit just snapped. ":: By Her orders. Test them. ::" ..this as Creation-faction Omni-fighters screamed by at attack speed!

The troop craft had their own surprise incoming on them as well.

Bundrick, now onboard the Ride On, spared no time in issuing orders. He leaned onto his screen and summoned all commanders in his command.

"Launch fighters, open fire on those contacts. NOW!"

At that, a wave of Komsomol III Fighter-Bombers and Marinesko II fighters raced to meet the droid fighters. Eager for battle, they began moving on intercept course in a figure-five formation (OOC: Half of a "V" shape), the Komsomols opening up on their new targets with torpedoes aplenty. Meanwhile, the flak from the ships opened on the droids as well.

Meanwhile, the ships themselves, including the guns of the Ride On, thundered, launching a wave of Demolisher Gun energy fire and railgun fire at the enemy ships.


Tennenbaum smiled and nodded, "Good. I like improvisation." Doing a "Charlie's Angels" style hair wave, she continued saying, "I find it's best to approach science and problems with a sense of whimsy, a sense of the artistic, a sense of wonder and amazement. You see, my dear Skuld, I was taught to play the violin as a child. Rather forced to by my mother, but it never left me. My father also taught me poetry and literature. It affected how I conduct my life....and how I view the world. Rather wonderfully, I should say."

Carla nodded sheepishly, and asked, "Doctor, where is this leading?"

A curt reply of, "Commissar, please, do not interrupt. I neither ramble nor rant, not like the feebleminded men that haunt the General Hospital in Buenos Aires. Let me speak!"

Carla replied, "Okay, okay...."

Doctor Tennenbaum replied, saying, "Anywho, I would like to offer my services to your faction. Your forces would never have to know I am Dornalian, and neither will your enemies. I bring an intellect that makes the term Renaissance Man seem inadequate, all I need is the right resources which I am sure you have. And, I would do so in a way that does not harm New Dornalia." The last statement seemed more pointed at Carla, but it stood as is.
Gaian Ascendancy
20-11-2008, 04:45
The Gaian Creation-faction fighters came in in tri formations, but the droid and troop landing craft came in in simple pairs. The Home-Gaian fighters were fewer but with Dornalian support came in in their own pairs and started trading crossing fire as both sides began passing each other.

The Dornalians found out quickly all that military advancement meant something to even these 'older' versions of Gaian-tech, as the smaller craft shields took a good pounding, only a bare half dozen craft being destroyed in any form of 'easily' done.

Which lent to the Creation-faction versions finding out their far more advanced cousins had even tougher shields, when not caught with their nickers down, as had happened much in the past few days as sneak attacks did more damage to Home forces than direct confrontations like this was causing.

This lent to a lot of impacting fire with few casualties in the immediate going. But there was other more startling surprises to be had.

As Dornalian fire managed to take out one troop landing craft, out from it came a eight-troop platoon of mixed gender Angel-Gods, skin tight battlesuits and held Key Staffs, they spread out in twin four by four formations, and began firing just as lethally as the starfighters were!

Worse came in squads of MS-mecha suits, their mobility over combat speed giving attack depth as they jinked and supported their own side as the battle began to spread.

Meanwhile the incoming capital ship fire towards the three Creation-faction warships met the tougher versions of Dimensional Shielding, taking and absorbing/spreading the heavy impacts well enough in the early going. They however were still closing to take out the Black Lion Battlecruiser first off. The Droid General knew if the Gaian Home warship was gone, the Dornalians would only need a 'bloody nose' for the Creation-forces to retreat back out from.

":: ~ Prepare to concentrate fire on our primary foe. ~ ::"

": ~ Roger, roger! ~ :" ..somehow the old Droid programming routine never changed. Nor their efficiency, as the raid fleet closed.


Skuld was trying to pay attention to to Tennenbaum, but was distracted for an obvious reason. She finally managed. "Great, we'll take whatever help we can get! Excuse me one!" ..and SMACKED her right hand to her ear. "Saki! tell me you are readying those nanite probes!"

":: Only if we get turned around in time mistress! They're loaded in the forward tubes only at present! ::" ..just before Skuld heard in the background feed.. ": Pulse Lasers ready! :"

":: Fire! ::"

Suddenly the group see the Gaian Battlecruiser fire it's limited aft-array of Capital Lasers, a pulsing stream of green and blue lancing out, adding what they could at the moment to the lancing Dornalian fire. The added fire sees some added impact to the Creation-faction shields.

Skuld however sees something else incoming through the initial volleys of fire. "Oh crud. We got incoming already guys." at least one C-faction troop carrier approaches fast!
New Dornalia
20-11-2008, 05:23
The Dornalians found out quickly all that military advancement meant something to even these 'older' versions of Gaian-tech, as the smaller craft shields took a good pounding, only a bare half dozen craft being destroyed in any form of 'easily' done

....As Dornalian fire managed to take out one troop landing craft, out from it came a eight-troop platoon of mixed gender Angel-Gods, skin tight battlesuits and held Key Staffs, they spread out in twin four by four formations, and began firing just as lethally as the starfighters were!

Worse came in squads of MS-mecha suits, their mobility over combat speed giving attack depth as they jinked and supported their own side as the battle began to spread.

Gracie reported the results, grimly saying, "Fighters report minimal damage to enemy fighters. Whoever they are, these aren't your Government Issue ships."

Admiral Bundrick replied with a pained, "No kidding." He was then greeted by a transmission from a fighter that went, "May day, may day--boss, we've got something....WHAT THE FUCK!?"

The man then cut out, and then Gracie focused on the signal at Bundrick's command. The Angel Gods were to be seen, moving in with the deadly grace of some sort of divinity. In time, more reports flew in--the Gaians launched their own fire, and enemy troopships and mecha were coming in.

Bundrick then ordered, "Keep firing, keep firing! Target all incoming small craft heading to the Greeting Dawn and the shipyard. Don't let the fuckers in! Mobilize Arm Slaves!"

At that, the Komsomols kept up their assault upon the enemy fighters and small craft. To compensate for the sudden appearance of the mecha and the resilience of the enemy, the Komsomols resorted to a classic strategy--the Macross Missile Massacre, pouring out a decidedly unbelievable hail of missiles per fighter bomber, as their fighter escorts flew past and fired back at the enemy fighters. Dornalian flak kept rising up to challenge the Angel Gods, the droid fighters, and the enemy craft, along with more conventional fire tossed at the three enemy command ships and the troopships in the form of Demolisher Cannon shots and railgun and torpedo volleys from the Dornalian capital vessels.

And, from the bowels of the Dornalian forces, Arbalest Arm Slaves, armed with Arm Slave-sized Bolters, AT Daggers and a variety of implements modified for space combat by the Ganoxans, began jinking and weaving too. Their smaller, wirier frames made for decidedly speedier movement, though, as teams of four began to close on the enemy MS units with Bolters and Lascannons.

One unit of Arm Slaves opted to move on the Gods. Four Arm Slaves could be seen bearing down on the enemy Angel Gods, opening up with a concentrated assault with bolter fire and Lascannon shots on the would-be deities.

And, the Ride On, with its imposing size, began moving closer to the Greeting Dawn along with elements of its fleet, as Bundrick ordered, "Charge the D3G."
Gaian Ascendancy
20-11-2008, 08:49
The Angel Gods took a good lick, as two of them in the 'platoon' died rather bloodily. "Rapa! Darliel!!"


The short exchange sees the other six Angel Gods in this group just BLAST away with their Key Staffs, upping the damage power from mere starfighter grade shots, to a small small Warship Turbolaser grade in frightening short order!

That platoon soon sees dozens more Angel God Star formations, as MS and then Wing Gundam types join in as well. Added to the billowing furball, is when some of the Droid craft perform kamikaze runs all of a sudden, their own battle chatter making the Droids emotional as well!

But the Home contingent don't hold back either..


"Let's show these antiques what evolution of war can produce!"

A red haired Valkyrian Commander just thrusts her Axe up, and a good Trinary's worth of Valkyrians shove their own Axes up. Blue shimmering atmosphere protection fields, both shield and armor as well, then encapsulate the formation, as the main docking bay streams out it's last MS and Gundams of their own. At that, they follow and pour out of the hold, while from the sides, the remaining Palladium Wing squadrons jettison and also form up.

The otherwise mere jumpsuited beings lock onto their stated target. Their ancient kindred.


Saki had to control her own battle-joy lust, as she kept eying the slow turn of the Battlecruiser. However she didn't plan on this remaining so for long.

"Program the Battle-Nav for a spot Fold!"

": Aye! :" ..another droid responded. A Persocom however, not used to the tactic... "Ma`am?"

"Don't worry. Just hold onto your lunch."

"We don't eat... well.. not of..."

"Just sit tight and ready the first volley!"


Skuld just plucked her own earring, and as the troop ship began to close for a crash landing of sorts... "If you guys can fight. Now's the time!" her earring expanded into a strange elongated hammer like weapon.

She just hoped her own Valkyrian training regimen was up to snuff of these oldies coming.


The three C-faction warships kept taking their expected pounding. The General compensated.. ":: Dynamically reangle the shield arrays for anything abnormally heavy or concentrated. ::"

An Angel God then announced.... uncertainly.. "We're in position sir."

The General nodded.. "Prepare to use low yield Foundation missiles. We'll make it quick for them."

The Angel God just gulped...

..something both sides were a lot of even in this blaring midst.
New Dornalia
21-11-2008, 00:58
The Angel Gods took a good lick, as two of them in the 'platoon' died rather bloodily. "Rapa! Darliel!!"


The short exchange sees the other six Angel Gods in this group just BLAST away with their Key Staffs, upping the damage power from mere starfighter grade shots, to a small small Warship Turbolaser grade in frightening short order!

That platoon soon sees dozens more Angel God Star formations, as MS and then Wing Gundam types join in as well. Added to the billowing furball, is when some of the Droid craft perform kamikaze runs all of a sudden, their own battle chatter making the Droids emotional as well!

But the Home contingent don't hold back either..


"Let's show these antiques what evolution of war can produce!"

A red haired Valkyrian Commander just thrusts her Axe up, and a good Trinary's worth of Valkyrians shove their own Axes up. Blue shimmering atmosphere protection fields, both shield and armor as well, then encapsulate the formation, as the main docking bay streams out it's last MS and Gundams of their own. At that, they follow and pour out of the hold, while from the sides, the remaining Palladium Wing squadrons jettison and also form up.

The otherwise mere jumpsuited beings lock onto their stated target. Their ancient kindred.

And just in time too. The group of Arm Slaves in question was hammered by the sudden assault by the Angel Gods, with many of the survivors wondering if they hadn't been the victims of some sort of RPG cliche writ into a sick joke. Several Arm Slaves fell, the rest had to scatter and threw up their pulsed temporal shields, ensuring they would survive the onslaught of fire for now, even as reinforcements arrived. The Arm Slaves regrouped, and their commander barked, "Don't fall down! FOCUS!"

With that, the Arm Slaves went for the Angel Gods, ordering their Komsomol support teams to keep at the enemy. As a result, the fighters kept hunting the enemy fighters, the Komsomols began showering all the C-faction enemies with missile spam, and the Arm Slaves joined their MS cousins in making another attack run on the enemy mecha.

The game for them was "deep operations." Making a series of massed attacks against their opposite numbers, tussling with them using Lascannons, Bolters, AT Daggers thrown at Angel God and MS units and some Krak Missiles along with space-based assets such as flak, Komsomol fire support and fighter support versus drone fighters to break the enemy mecha by finding weak points....

The three C-faction warships kept taking their expected pounding. The General compensated.. ":: Dynamically reangle the shield arrays for anything abnormally heavy or concentrated. ::"

An Angel God then announced.... uncertainly.. "We're in position sir."

The General nodded.. "Prepare to use low yield Foundation missiles. We'll make it quick for them."

The Angel God just gulped...

..something both sides were a lot of even in this blaring midst.

By this time, the Ride On's D3G was charged. Equivalent to the Huntarian Axial Laser or the classic Wave Motion Gun, the Duplex Drive Demolisher Gun was a massive cannon, capable of sundering entire vessels apart if used right. However, there was the matter of the massive scrum in front of them. If used incorrectly, the scrum would be eaten with the D3G shot.

Thus, Bundrick ordered the Ride On, by now close to the Greeting Dawn, to get slightly above the scrum and forward of the Greeting Dawn, and aim the gun at the C-Faction ships, specifically that Venator. Doing so, a warning was issued to all allies:

"Attention all allied forces. We are about to use a superweapon of immense power. Please fall back to a safe area in a coherent fashion, as the beam is quite large and has considerable range."

With that, several seconds later giving time for the Gaians and Dornalians to comply, the D3G fired, the shot flying above the massed scrum and towards the enemy....

Skuld just plucked her own earring, and as the troop ship began to close for a crash landing of sorts... "If you guys can fight. Now's the time!" her earring expanded into a strange elongated hammer like weapon.

She just hoped her own Valkyrian training regimen was up to snuff of these oldies coming.

Carla, meanwhile, called for a couple of security personnel into the area. Before long, two People's Acolytes of the Shinmei School arrived, and ignited their lightsabers, along with a squad of Marines that loaded their rifles and readied them, one man passing a railpistol to the Commissar. Even with the flak and the ordinance hitting the enemy vessels, including this one, it might still get through....
Gaian Ascendancy
21-11-2008, 23:59
Skuld was waiting for their new 'guests' when the D3G fired... "Woo.. flashy."

More than, as the ridiculous furball just saw Angel Gods and Valkyrian, Mecha on Mecha, starfighters screaming past each other, gamuts of missile projectile fire catching targets and other's finding impacted shields of C-faction mecha protecting their own troops where they could, while H-Gaian versions chased down their more replete numbered foes, the stench of war stenciling itself into local space, an echo of how horrid the DA War had been, such a microcosm that this battle represented.

The incoming superlaser type shot warning, gave little time to avoid the D3G power shot.

The Droid General unit saw the incoming, and barely reacted. ":: Interestingly played. ::"

The shot clipped between the two Droid Battleships at the Venator warship, impacted the dynamically reangled shields, which managed to hold for a few seconds before being shattered, actually throwing off glass like looking shield 'panes' for a moment, as the D3G impact then seared at the blazing white Venator hull for a few seconds, before it too failed.

The result sheared the Venator hull in half, at an elongated diagonal, taking the command bridge section with it. The 'cut' however was relatively clean, the Fold and ZPC cores just going inert instead of imploding, as their subspace fields just dumped all that energy back into the same subspace they were generated from. This was the testament to Gaian technology, that even downed vessels were so tough, even this amount of damage didn't destroy them easily. Anything referring to security concerns however lain to only one discourse.

This as a gleaming white flash from something even superlaser shots couldn't destroy, as the onboard Hikari Seed that lent just as much support and power, teleport flared away from the Venator hull, and to one of the Droid Battleships. Still, a lot of Gaians died, but others were still racing out from their defunct home vessel, and still into battle.


*Droid Battleship 28563/D-54432*

": The General has been destroyed. :"

The onboard Angel God just seethed.

"The Comptroller Core better not let another shot like that through again, or I'll annihilate it MYSELF!!"

The Blue haired agent of fury then stabbed an Open-Comm button nearby. ":: ~ Your warning was 'appreciated'. Earn ours in return scum!! ~ ::"

She then snapped her voice to the point of laryngitis!! "Fire the Missiles!!!"

Six small silvery projectiles launched at combat speed....


Skuld saw the effects of the D3G shot, as her allies formed up around her. She shook furiously, as she realized her kin were dying all around her. Gaians just 'never' harmed each other in such a lethal manner... they didn't...

...didn't............................. were.

That last thought SNAPPED her eyes focused as the C-faction landing craft. From it poured another Star of Angel Gods, ten in all this time rather than eight. Skuld just lost it for a moment as she blasted right at her former kin!!

"What do you idiots think you are DOING!??!?"

The Angel Gods were stunned to be attacked as Skuld attacked one, smacker her Hammer into the face of a second, threw that one into a third and generally kept the Angel Gods off guard completely.

Not that it stopped three more troop, and one Droid carrier from landing.
New Dornalia
22-11-2008, 00:23
Six small silvery projectiles launched at combat speed....

....The Angel Gods were stunned to be attacked as Skuld attacked one, smacker her Hammer into the face of a second, threw that one into a third and generally kept the Angel Gods off guard completely.

Not that it stopped three more troop, and one Droid carrier from landing.

OOC: Shinmei basic attacks here:


Admiral Bundrick was greeted with Gracie going, "Status indicates one enemy vessel has been severely damaged, sir. However, resistance has increased. Security detail on Andrew Jackson reports a break-in."

Bundrick gritted his teeth. Only one ship had been taken down...and it was only severely damaged. Crippled yes, and it seemed unable to fight. But who were these people!? Nevermind the sudden ordinance Gracie reported of an unknown type.

"Target all Demolisher Guns and flak on the incoming enemy ordinance. Don't let it get through."

A shower of fire from the Ride On flew at the six Foundation missiles, eager to stop them before they did God-knows-what. All this was as the Dornalian Mecha and fighters resumed their previous "Deep Operations" manuevers against the enemy mecha and assets.

The PN vessels, meanwhile, continued to strike at the remaining two enemy vessels, firing as they had before and attempting to close...


The sudden sight of Skuld going berserk was actually somewhat amusing, but the hilarity was drowned out by the sheer violence the girl now displayed. Accordingly, the Acolytes began employing their best tactics against the Angel Gods, charging at them with Lightsabers and using their hybrid Divine Essence-Force skills. One targeted an Angel God with a cry of "Raimeiken!" and unleashed a massive lightning bolt from her blade; the other shouted "Shin Raikoken!" and attacked another with the blade, the result of which was an explosion that seemed better for Hollywood than here.

Carla sighed as she heard those two. This wasn't a kung fu movie, was it!? Nonetheless, she overturned a table and joined several Marines in opening fire with their gauss rifles, shotguns and grenades at the enemy.

Similarly, Dornalian Marines and Acolytes all over began putting their skills to work against Droids and Angel Gods alike....
Gaian Ascendancy
22-11-2008, 01:46
The immediate dockyard area was just frazzled with blaster and lancing Key-Staff fire, mixed in with strange skill arts explosions, as the larger contingent of droids and their stronger Angel God support started to advance where they could. Ones cut down seemed to have more than enough others take their places as sporadic transports manage through, though more and more start to turn out as Droid carriers.

And the Gaian C-faction had every type ever made, including more lethal Manga Guard units that seemed to make an instant beeline for the lightsaber wielders.

Skuld meanwhile just finished proving all that training imposed on the Council Advisors over the past year was worth it, by mopping the floor with her foes. One Angel God just blinked... "Where did you..." ..before Skuld just throttled a bit comically, if not for her grinding tone. "We're GAIANS! Why are you doing this?!?!"

When the Angel God didn't answer, she was knocked out cold. Skuld just snapped her head up at all the fire that seemed to be zipping by her unharmed.

"This is out of hand."

The next thing she can note, is her lack of sight, as...


The fire from the Dornalians turned out to be accurate.

..which meant the Foundation missiles erupted into large glowing white balls of blinding cremation! The missiles schisimed subspace all the way down to the originating subspace fabric all others were 'formed' upon, causing all weird manner of sensor blinding, gravity warping, and just outright annihilating all matter within the event horizon. The pulse alone from the missiles just throws even the capital ships clear a good third of a kilometer, which made for some wild rides for the next few seconds.


Saki just was adjusting her vision, as the automatic flare reduction screens were fighting as hard as they ever could to keep the crew vision safe. She however just commanded out.. "Get that Short Fold going already!"

Somehow in the middle of all that receding blindness, the Gaian Battlecruiser managed it's jump. By the time anyone knew better, the vessel was behind the Droid Battleships!!


Skuld just had enough time to look away, before she hears a HUGE crash, and managed to see... "What took them?!" ..three Valkyrians just SMASH into a large formation of droids from one droid transport, and just started trashing them despite being semi-blind!
New Dornalia
22-11-2008, 07:29
The fire from the Dornalians turned out to be accurate.

..which meant the Foundation missiles erupted into large glowing white balls of blinding cremation! The missiles schisimed subspace all the way down to the originating subspace fabric all others were 'formed' upon, causing all weird manner of sensor blinding, gravity warping, and just outright annihilating all matter within the event horizon. The pulse alone from the missiles just throws even the capital ships clear a good third of a kilometer, which made for some wild rides for the next few seconds.

Whilst Bundrick was expecting to wreak havoc upon the enemy ordinance, he didn't expect it to do so much to him. He flew into the wall as the Ride On rocked from the blast, as did the sundry vessels of the People's Navy and the Andrew Jackson Shipyard.

Screams all around him could be heard.

"What the fuck!?"





And Gracie adding, "WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!!!!!????"

Dornalian vessels were tossed about like ships in a storm, and at least one or two succumbed to the blast. Were it not for the temporal shielding and generally sturdy build of the vessels in service of the Workers and Peasants, they would have all been torn apart. The Mecha and Fighters were tossed about similarly, though they fared worse being closer to the event horizon. A number of fighters died due to the backwash, as did several of the Arm Slaves working the enemy assets too.

"FUCK! Regroup, fall back, now! Get out before that damn explosion rips us to shreds, so we can fight again!"

That message was relayed to the Home Gaians that did survive the initial blast, with the stipulation, "You guys too! Just some friendly advice, if you're unsure."

As the Dornalians recovered from the initial shock, they began to rework themselves back into formation as quickly as possible, sensors returning to normal on most ships as they began readjusting to target the enemy vessels. Bundrick for one was glad he didn't slam into the Andrew Jackson Shipyard, and turned his behemoth to face the foe with a broadside.

"Damage report. All ships, report in!"

"Damage to shields mostly, structural some. Lots of people reporting fuzzy vision and some temporary blindness, sensors too report temporary blindness that's getting fixed. Only natural, considering that explosion."

Bundrick nodded, rubbing his temples and noting his own fuzzy vision. "True, true....I'll need Gracie to watch my ass from here on in, until I stop feeling like I just came home from Tijuana."


Saki just was adjusting her vision, as the automatic flare reduction screens were fighting as hard as they ever could to keep the crew vision safe. She however just commanded out.. "Get that Short Fold going already!"

Somehow in the middle of all that receding blindness, the Gaian Battlecruiser managed it's jump. By the time anyone knew better, the vessel was behind the Droid Battleships!!

Gracie replied to Bundrick, "Sir....things are a bit fuzzy, but I'm sensing movement behind the opposition." Pausing for a moment, her virtual avatar said, shocked, "It's the Greeting Dawn!"

Bundrick replied with a laugh, "Well, it's good someone has their head about them. Let's push in from the front." Stumbling to the console, he then issued an all call on the gertrude.

"All units. Close on the enemy vessels, pincers top and bottom. Assist the Battlecruiser. Watch out for any tricks they may use. Use your Bosun Jump drives if you must. Don't let them get out!"

With that, the Dornalians jumped close to the enemy ships from above and below, and unloaded volley after volley of railcannon fire, along with rather gratiuitous missile spam.

Skuld just had enough time to look away, before she hears a HUGE crash, and managed to see... "What took them?!" ..three Valkyrians just SMASH into a large formation of droids from one droid transport, and just started trashing them despite being semi-blind!

The blindness wasn't too much of an issue for the Acolytes, whose Force usage enabled them to fight blind, and they used their explosive abilities upon the Magna Droids to deliver some much-needed justice, hoping to use mass explosions to wipe out as many droids as possible whilst devoting some attention to the Angel Gods. The Marines, in the meantime, had the benefit of pressurized suits with HUDs, so even though they got blinded, their suits moderated some of the damage and made restoring sight a quicker business, since it was just a matter of overloading a display.

However, Marines had begun to fall, and the use of M1 Gauss Rifles and grenades and shotguns were looking a little short. As such, some began to raid the armories, pulling out RPG-Krak Mk II missiles and opening up with Ion Missiles aimed into the thick of the enemy, mixed with Fuel Air Rockets to cause havoc in the enemy lines, along with M8 Heavy Gauss Machine Guns set up with crude barricades of tables, equipment and chairs opening up on the droid waves. One enterprising man even tried using the Crane Arms as weapons to smack the waves....

In the midst of this, Carla was kept low by a Marine squad, and her eyesight was fuzzy. What was going on? She could hear violence, and was scared. Would she make it out alive? If the Marines moving her to another level of the complex had any say, then yes.
Gaian Ascendancy
22-11-2008, 07:59
*Droid Battleship 28563/D-54432*

The same Angel God saw enough when her vision found their primary target missing. Worse with the advancing Dornalian warships still in sight.

"Inform Sar`nor of the situation. Advise the second wave to prepare."


The Foundation effects finally waned fully, as the subspace layer used sealed itself back up, as Foundation energy was too healing in a form of property, to be erratic like other subspace weapons were. A choice that the Gaians used to effect when of need.

The furball however was still trying to reform at a lethal level, as a good number of Droid transports were obliterated in the explosions, the remainder trying to reorient, and got caught in Dornalian attack volleys more often now than before.

This left the landed C-faction troops almost cut off, as the Foundation weapons caused a separation now in the battle, a fact the few Home Gaians present took to advantage, as more Valkyrians just went 'nutz' on droids and Angel Gods, so much so that what few droid tanks that managed to emerge from the landed Transports, were scrap in seconds, as the Valkyrian Axes proved readily adept at cleaving even advanced Gaian material makes into so much scrap.

Skuld meanwhile finishes off another Angel God by knocking the fem out cold and tossing her into some Droids. She then manages to meet up with two Valkyrians.

"We need to wake these dopes up. watch my back while I do this."

"Do it." ..both Valkyrian agree, and begin deflecting anything that comes close to Skuld, this while Skuld brings out Noble Scarlet and begins to concentrate on something...

New Dornalia
22-11-2008, 19:51
The furball however was still trying to reform at a lethal level, as a good number of Droid transports were obliterated in the explosions, the remainder trying to reorient, and got caught in Dornalian attack volleys more often now than before.

"Press the advantage, men! Don't let those shits get an inch!"

The Dornalian mecha and fighters pressed their "deep operations," man to man, they closed on their opponents, ripping into the enemy with all the firepower they could muster, missile spam and railguns and Lascannons and Bolters and Monomolecular Cutters for when the Arm Slaves got in close and all their all.

The ships, meanwhile, that had warped in close kept shooting and shooting, refusing to stop unloading spam upon the C-faction vessels of all sorts. Railcannon broadsides, missile spam, and rather unpleasant brute force played a role here.

This left the landed C-faction troops almost cut off, as the Foundation weapons caused a separation now in the battle, a fact the few Home Gaians present took to advantage, as more Valkyrians just went 'nutz' on droids and Angel Gods, so much so that what few droid tanks that managed to emerge from the landed Transports, were scrap in seconds, as the Valkyrian Axes proved readily adept at cleaving even advanced Gaian material makes into so much scrap.

Skuld meanwhile finishes off another Angel God by knocking the fem out cold and tossing her into some Droids. She then manages to meet up with two Valkyrians.

"We need to wake these dopes up. watch my back while I do this."

"Do it." ..both Valkyrian agree, and begin deflecting anything that comes close to Skuld, this while Skuld brings out Noble Scarlet and begins to concentrate on something...


Carla then, by the time her eyesight recovered, looked at Skuld briefly before her head was forced down to escape a blaster bolt by a Marine who opened fire upon a group of droids. The girl was up to something, but what was it?

As for the Marines and Acolytes, they had no time for such thoughts. They were busy fighting to keep the droids from advancing beyond their initial breach points in the yards. By now, cranes and machinery had become barricades and pillboxes, and the lethal M8 Heavy Gauss Guns ripped into the lines of droids in a nonstop chattering, along with the flying fury and concussive explosions of Fuel Air Rockets and conventional gauss fire and grenades.

The commander of the Marines onboard looked at the melee, and sighed. "It ain't nearly enough. We got them boxed in from the outside, but it ain't nearly enough." The facility was being torn up, but it was better the facility torn up than the men. He then called on his comms saying, "Get me heavy artillery, we need to press the thing. No, I don't care if I can't get Kurosawas. Get me something!"

As soon as he spoke, a few heavier bolts of light flew, from the rafters at the droid tanks. Looking at the rafters briefly, the commander's heart warmed as he saw two Shilleagh Railcannons mounted on tripods appearing in the rafters aimed at the opposition. It's distinctive *ZING!* sound flew into droid tank after droid tank.

"About fucking time, sweethearts!" he yelled at them, before resuming combat.

The Acolytes, meanwhile, were now throwing plenty of exotic powers, using healing powers to keep their ranks up and their own destructive energies to throw back the heavies. If the Valkiryes saw them, they would seem to be putting on a show as well as fighting, for the sheer amount of light and sound from their attacks seemed to be something unreal.
Gaian Ascendancy
24-11-2008, 01:07
The Valkyrians were too busy fighting to notice more than where their immediate foe was, as well as the two protecting Skuld with all their literal fury. Meanwhile the few remaining tanks proved just as tough to the Dornalian Railcannons, a good couple of shots needed to puncture through the white diamond reinforced composites, the sloped armor lasting long enough to get their own shots in before a Railcannon shot or a Valkyrian got to it. The Valkyrian Axes didn't seem to regard normal physics as they were used to effect.

The fire meanwhile was starting to taper off, if only due to droid losses, though the Angel Gods kept fighting just as ferociously, The particular Valkyrian-Angel God fights just brutal, the Valkyrian finding respect as much the Angel Gods did in the cut.

Course one of the Acolyte blasts caused a two on two fight to be interrupted, which in turn caused two Valkyrians and two Angel Gods to comically shout back.. "WATCH IT!!!"

Just then the few that were able to hear 'started' to hear an ethereal, echoing voice, this as Skuld began a Spell Program nearby. The raven haired Advisor had her arms extended low, her Soul Partner in an archetypal prayer pose, as she chanted..

":: To the four Waves that bind from the originator, call upon thee does this mistress of the New Waters. Foam, froth, burst and swirl. Torrent from my hands and grip with a eroding intent! ::"


About 4,000 centuries ago, Gaian-Ascendant time scale, Washu and Skuld came upon an unexpected side effect of hosting an Angelic Soul Partner. An offshoot of Angelic souls that found merging with a willing Gaian soul preferable for their own benevolent reasons, verses more independent Angelic souls such as the Archs, or the independent infusing Angel Gods and Valkyrians.

The nanite network systems that were essentially a second 'body' over the original, for all manner of bioform enhancement, reacted to the Soul Partners to extend them into the Hikari source that at the time, was overwhelmingly permeable in Guardianship space, from citizen soul to the grand scheme. The triad link allowed the Soul Partner to 'show' the host Gaian, how to extend the nanites around their bioforms to tap the Hikari Power net in a rather unique way.

Prior, most Hikari Power users were essentially no different from Force Users, save for the better flash, and planetary relocational effects. (Depending on effective power used and more.)

Soul Partners changed that, as multi-dimensional subspace understanding expanded. It was discovered there was so many subspace types, that through tenth dimensional data processing, done through the Soul Partners primarily, the nanites becoming the extension for unique capabilities.

In the ancient and fantasy tongue, this became actual magic. The real term was trans-phase subspace energon conversion, though the coin 'Magic' was used for sentimental reasons. The application however made it very much like magic was formally discovered, even in an Age of impressive scientific understanding.


As Skuld chanted, the nanites 'drew' a glowing set of ethereal thin blue lines in an arcane like pattern, though even the pattern make up of the Spell Program Mandala was angelic in quality as well. From this was the subspace link to the appropriate Subspace layer that held the correct energon type to reformat into the wished for elemental substructure.

In this case... water.

A lot of it. Tightly controlled at that.

There 'was' a level of power that beheld some unhinted at status, where the Advisors of the Council held an impressive amount of control, and power, than their lower loyal Gaians did. even the Ascendants were impressed at the amount of control the Soul Partners gave the Advisors, as were the Valkyrians at that moment, whom ducked in time to avoid being clobbered as Skuld 'punched' out from the shimmering blue field the nanites also established, a torrent of two distinct 'snakes' of rushing water!

'Snakes' the size of a small ancient automobile at an extended point. A Droid trooper sees this occurring and shouts.. ": RUN! :" ..before it and dozens more are mowed down! One water torrent just snaps out, shoves aside two exiting droid tanks before stabbing into the authoring Transport and shearing it apart!!

By then, the battle was scattering where Skuld directed her Spell, well away from Dornalian troops of course...


...and while all 'that' was happening, Saki finally orders... "Shear those shields!! Fire the torpedoes!!"

A good dozen stream of specially fitted torpedoes lance out, at the same time as forward and adjacent angle weapon batteries lance out brilliant blue fire at both Droid Battleships!

The lasers make short work both Droid Battleships shields, shocking enough for said part, but then the torpedoes then reach and burst apart, piercing both C-faction vessels along a large spread of both hulls.

Saki just smiles. "Tell the Dornalians to level off their fire. This won't take long."


((OC- That took awhile to figure out effectively. =oo=;;; ))
New Dornalia
24-11-2008, 04:09
By then, the battle was scattering where Skuld directed her Spell, well away from Dornalian troops of course...

The Dornalians stopped firing for a moment, and witnessed the massive water attack. The Marine commander simply said to himself, "What the....." as he witnessed Skuld's assault upon enemy lines.

Murmurs and fixed stares accompany the onslaught, as the sight proves one that many Dornalians have seen only in movies and comic books. One man can be heard to say, "Damn, I gotta get me some of that!"

Carla quips, "Well. The tide has turned."

At that, the Marines around her look around at Carla skeptically, and she shrugs. "Well, it's appropriate."

Saki just smiles. "Tell the Dornalians to level off their fire. This won't take long."


((OC- That took awhile to figure out effectively. =oo=;;; ))

Admiral Bundrick got the message, and then said, "Alright boys, reduce fire gradually. The Gaians are going to take care of the rest of this."

With that, the fire began to slacken, only another volley of torps emerging before they ceased.

As for the Dornalian fighters and mecha, they went to work mopping up the enemy fighters, mecha, and Angel Gods, culminating their Deep Operations with a final attack. (OOC: Hopefully, there's still some to get....if not, I can edit.)
Gaian Ascendancy
24-11-2008, 09:18
((OC- Not quite over though. ))


Skuld sensed it as soon as it started registering on Saki's sensors, and from sight of the remaining Droids all about that started to cease moving, as well as Angel Gods that started holding their heads mysteriously. Skuld held off her Spell attack and watched as C-faction units began acting erratic.

Skuld sighed. "Probably no better than that Swit is doing to us, but the Reprogram Nanites are working as advertised."

That led to the sight of even the Droid Battleships halting action, as onboard internal lights started to flicker all over the vessel extents.

Skuld held a hand to her ear as the Valkyrian keep wary of eye. ":: The Nanites have gained primary core control, we've released another nanite swarm to the damaged Venator warship to be safe.

We have a problem though. ::"

Skuld sighed as she heard it, and repeated out loud. "Blast it. Three ISD Classes? The goddess won't give up already. Alright, get ready for...

It then happened 'rather' fast, as first, three new Fold flares emerged, and as warned, three C-faction ISDs suddenly emerge. But on top of them without warning, five Home Warships. of mixed classes, led by a Corona Class Battlestar, all but plopped on top of the C-faction. Before the C-faction reinforcements realized it, the Home fleet had fired 'it's' array of Nanite Torpedoes! Skuld was so surprised by this action, she literally jumped and squealed! "Alright! I love that tactic!"
New Dornalia
24-11-2008, 16:58
((OC- Not quite over though. ))


Skuld sensed it as soon as it started registering on Saki's sensors, and from sight of the remaining Droids all about that started to cease moving, as well as Angel Gods that started holding their heads mysteriously. Skuld held off her Spell attack and watched as C-faction units began acting erratic.

Skuld sighed. "Probably no better than that Swit is doing to us, but the Reprogram Nanites are working as advertised."

That led to the sight of even the Droid Battleships halting action, as onboard internal lights started to flicker all over the vessel extents.

Skuld held a hand to her ear as the Valkyrian keep wary of eye. ":: The Nanites have gained primary core control, we've released another nanite swarm to the damaged Venator warship to be safe.

We have a problem though. ::"

Skuld sighed as she heard it, and repeated out loud. "Blast it. Three ISD Classes? The goddess won't give up already. Alright, get ready for...

It then happened 'rather' fast, as first, three new Fold flares emerged, and as warned, three C-faction ISDs suddenly emerge. But on top of them without warning, five Home Warships. of mixed classes, led by a Corona Class Battlestar, all but plopped on top of the C-faction. Before the C-faction reinforcements realized it, the Home fleet had fired 'it's' array of Nanite Torpedoes! Skuld was so surprised by this action, she literally jumped and squealed! "Alright! I love that tactic!"

The sight of renewed hostilities made Admiral Bundrick order, "Hold steady, wait for my signal." Nonetheless, developments seemed to show that things were going to end well for the Home Gaians....although should this not end well, he was ready to issue an order to resume hostilities upon the C-faction once more.

Meanwhile, the Marines and Acolytes commenced mopping up, joining their brothers and sisters in the fighters and mecha.
Gaian Ascendancy
24-11-2008, 23:42
The battle tempo dropped to zilch, as the Nanites asserted full protocol control over the Comptrollers, too fast for even the still relatively advanced computers to compensate. Synthetics across the board went inert as their 'loyalty' code was rewritten, while Angel Gods became too confused by the 'weird' chatter to react normally, though a few tried to remain 'loyal' to their original orders. The few that did went down to Dornalian or Valkyrian attack rather fast, though Home forces deployed began covering inert 'former' C-faction forces from Dornalian fire, as over Comm chatter from the confused began asking for 'some' kind of directive.

Skuld meanwhile looked around at the carnage in lieu of this rather short yet brutal battle, and knew many many more were occurring as she thought right there, across the galaxy, as Home forces extended themselves trying to keep C-faction forces from making good on their threats of attacking other galactic civilizations. A far larger war like 'this', the Home forces did not need.

She then looked up while holding her right hand to her ear again. "I think we need a couple of Hospital Ships over here fast."

In answer to this, came through a materializing teleport beam, a familiar edgy voice, topped with red spiky hair that made Skuld go pale. "There's a couple of Medium types headed this way in a minute. Had to make sure the mess you made was cleared up first."

Skuld just started looking like she was poisoned... "Ohhhhhh noooo..."
New Dornalia
25-11-2008, 01:17
The battle tempo dropped to zilch, as the Nanites asserted full protocol control over the Comptrollers, too fast for even the still relatively advanced computers to compensate. Synthetics across the board went inert as their 'loyalty' code was rewritten, while Angel Gods became too confused by the 'weird' chatter to react normally, though a few tried to remain 'loyal' to their original orders. The few that did went down to Dornalian or Valkyrian attack rather fast, though Home forces deployed began covering inert 'former' C-faction forces from Dornalian fire, as over Comm chatter from the confused began asking for 'some' kind of directive.

Skuld meanwhile looked around at the carnage in lieu of this rather short yet brutal battle, and knew many many more were occurring as she thought right there, across the galaxy, as Home forces extended themselves trying to keep C-faction forces from making good on their threats of attacking other galactic civilizations. A far larger war like 'this', the Home forces did not need.

She then looked up while holding her right hand to her ear again. "I think we need a couple of Hospital Ships over here fast."

In answer to this, came through a materializing teleport beam, a familiar edgy voice, topped with red spiky hair that made Skuld go pale. "There's a couple of Medium types headed this way in a minute. Had to make sure the mess you made was cleared up first."

Skuld just started looking like she was poisoned... "Ohhhhhh noooo..."

Admiral Bundrick, at that point, called for a halt to hostilities from the Dornalian side, declaring simply, "Whatever mojo these Gaians are using, it worked. We're saved!"

A general cheer went up over the Marines and Navy personnel, glad to have beaten back, with some help, an enemy of some technological sophisitication. However, the sound of that voice that made Skuld get nervous caused Carla to look the way of the voice, and she saw the woman. As did Doctor Tennenbaum, oddly enough, who was still on the line watching everything.

"Can I help you?" Carla asked.
Gaian Ascendancy
25-11-2008, 03:44
The spiky red-headed genius of Gaian Science (and more than one obliterated Antara Dimension Star System,) just blinked her eyes over simply. "Oh? The honorable Dornalians. Guess our problem got dumped on ya after all.

Advisor Washu Makabi, Sphere Science Office Head, and the cutest little genius this side of the Antara Dimension." ...put in a WAY out of place tone. Skuld meanwhile just groans. "Little something."

Washu coughs lightly.. "Uhuh... and I suppose you could have dealt with those reinforcements back there."

Skuld HUFFS/STOMPS/chidishly etc. back at Washu! "You bet we could! The Dornalians kick butt as well as we do! And who's transmission was intercepted anyway!? Huh!? HUH!!?!"

Washu chuckles nervously with a hand to the back of her head. "Well, I forgot all Comm-Orbs can trace signals from any spatial point in this Universe. I mean we 'did' spread them out all over the Universe, about as bad as rabbits breed I guess.

Still.. " ..while Washu 'patted' Skuld's melon. "...guess it's worth it to save the kith of the ancient mode."

Skuld almost snaps again, but.. "KITH.. I... wait.. did you call me young or old?"

Washu just LAUGHS her annoying mode, to the moan of Skuld and all. Washu then asks.. "So, you guys still sure you want to deal with us? I mean it wasn't our intent to bring our war here. Guess that Creation broad really is making everyone else in this Galaxy a target. Can't say you won't get harder next time. (Knowing our own tech, this I know...)" ..the last said under her breath.
New Dornalia
25-11-2008, 05:14
The spiky red-headed genius of Gaian Science (and more than one obliterated Antara Dimension Star System,) just blinked her eyes over simply. "Oh? The honorable Dornalians. Guess our problem got dumped on ya after all.

Advisor Washu Makabi, Sphere Science Office Head, and the cutest little genius this side of the Antara Dimension." ...put in a WAY out of place tone. Skuld meanwhile just groans. "Little something."

Washu coughs lightly.. "Uhuh... and I suppose you could have dealt with those reinforcements back there."

Skuld HUFFS/STOMPS/chidishly etc. back at Washu! "You bet we could! The Dornalians kick butt as well as we do! And who's transmission was intercepted anyway!? Huh!? HUH!!?!"

Washu chuckles nervously with a hand to the back of her head. "Well, I forgot all Comm-Orbs can trace signals from any spatial point in this Universe. I mean we 'did' spread them out all over the Universe, about as bad as rabbits breed I guess.

Still.. " ..while Washu 'patted' Skuld's melon. "...guess it's worth it to save the kith of the ancient mode."

Skuld almost snaps again, but.. "KITH.. I... wait.. did you call me young or old?"

Washu just LAUGHS her annoying mode, to the moan of Skuld and all. Washu then asks.. "So, you guys still sure you want to deal with us? I mean it wasn't our intent to bring our war here. Guess that Creation broad really is making everyone else in this Galaxy a target. Can't say you won't get harder next time. (Knowing our own tech, this I know...)" ..the last said under her breath.

At this point, all the Dornalians simply stare at Skuld and Washu's debate. One man shouts when Skuld praises the Dornalians, "YEah! Woo!" Then, Washu's question sobered them, and then they posed thoughts to one another.

Carla stepped out and said, proudly, "Ma'am, we're Dornalians. We're survivors of an atomic apocalypse. We survived 500 Years of Stalinist Domination, with crazed cannibal mutant tribes, warlords, and crazy catgirls--no offense to those in country. We survived the Galactic Empire. We've survived the ESUS."

Tennenbaum then finished with a brazen, "We can survive gods, if we must," in a voice that seemed to make the tiny PDA quake with power. The Dornalians looked at the source of the sound, and then quaked themselves before cheering with a "URAAH! URAAH!"
Gaian Ascendancy
25-11-2008, 06:43
Skuld smiled some, though Washu was more pragmatic. When they survive the whole of Alpha Dimension's annihilation some impossible day, then they can talk. Like we barely did of our own part.

Washu just made a light cough as two fresh Folds brought two large enough looking, dedicated Hospital Ships. Blocky and streamlined off of Inner Sphere class hulls, their white and red lined superstructure said enough.

Skuld held her ear again and then quipped to Washu. "Medical Recovery Squadron 4927-H/6 is ready to start recovering casualties. The Regen units are going to busy here."

Washu adds in.. "Add in the ones on the captured ships. That'll help some." ..she then thinks and asks, not sure what the Dornalian custom for the dead was.. "Um... would you like us to recover your dead? I'm not sure we can do more than regenerate them into blank slates, without some form of identity backup for each of the individuals.

For us is somewhat common, since we hold individual memory backups for most bioforms for our civilization. Well.." ...Washu stopped, not sure how to explain something as miraculous as it is sensitive.
New Dornalia
25-11-2008, 07:00
Skuld smiled some, though Washu was more pragmatic. When they survive the whole of Alpha Dimension's annihilation some impossible day, then they can talk. Like we barely did of our own part.

Washu just made a light cough as two fresh Folds brought two large enough looking, dedicated Hospital Ships. Blocky and streamlined off of Inner Sphere class hulls, their white and red lined superstructure said enough.

Skuld held her ear again and then quipped to Washu. "Medical Recovery Squadron 4927-H/6 is ready to start recovering casualties. The Regen units are going to busy here."

Washu adds in.. "Add in the ones on the captured ships. That'll help some." ..she then thinks and asks, not sure what the Dornalian custom for the dead was.. "Um... would you like us to recover your dead? I'm not sure we can do more than regenerate them into blank slates, without some form of identity backup for each of the individuals.

For us is somewhat common, since we hold individual memory backups for most bioforms for our civilization. Well.." ...Washu stopped, not sure how to explain something as miraculous as it is sensitive.

Tennenbaum squawked, "Now wait. Did you just say you could revive the dead?" Carla walked closer and let Washu witness the presence of the blonde, eccentric woman with glasses and a segway. She frowned, adjusted her glasses, and spoke in her Southern accent, "Advisor Washu, do you mean to say that you have the power, and the glory, to raise the dead, hallelujah, bring the jubilee and all that jazz?"

The Marine commander looked about and said, "Well, Advisor, there's only about a few dead....only three or four. The rest are wounded--there's lots of those, if your ships can help with that. As for the dead raising...."

The others look at one another, and begin murmuring. Can this be true?

Tennenbaum quips, "Seems your jubilee's started quite a murmur, Advisor."

Carla then says, "Why not explain it just slightly more, so nobody's overly scared? You don't have to give away anything sensitive."
Gaian Ascendancy
25-11-2008, 09:16
Skuld and Washu just looked at each other. :: Not the first time for this. ::

:: Eh, give them all a few eons of understanding kid. Anywho... ::

:: ERGGHHH!! ::

Washu 'smiled' away from the daggers Skuld was eyeing her with, as she explained as only a very long lived scientist could.

"Well, I can understand all the ethical and religious ramifications and all such of a culture. For us however, the bioform of a sentient being comes down to three factors. The Body is a machine, the Mind is a computer, and the memories and soul, life experiences and whatnot, that we conform as Soul, are all really relatively easy to repair and... well.. reprogram. Not to say like what you just saw us do somewhat forcibly to the C-faction forces and all. Rather, under normal circumstances, we just treat regenerative functions for a body as the same as repairing Synthetics, the Mind we have mapped out in detail down to the DNA link sequencing, and the Memory in short term of death, can be recovered within... oh... 96% of previous ability, without special scanning procedures first."

Skuld jumps in to get edgewise (always competitive these two..) "We usually have a Gaian go through yearly screenings from birth, from whatever method of bioform birth, for all bodily sequencing functions, and store everything in special medical comptroller archives to use later after battles, to both regain the Gaian citizen soul, as well as their best of memory and skill sets. Battle forces get the procedure weekly per mandates."

Washu this time... (even stepping in front of..) "It's all about 'our' Core beliefs, that the original Lord Excellency Kerensky, believed dying was pointless, considering how large the universe was to expand and explore in. If you take it all and replicate it to the basic level, our 'spiritual' belief is of life over death in every measure."

Skuld again, almost stomping on Washu's right foot ("Watch it!!") even.... "So, it's just a scientific understanding of the bioform that allows us to recover the dead, and essentially make immortal all our citizens, since anyone dying would mean losing a... HEY!"

Washu ala.... "Everyone of Gaian birth has their own chosen place, and losing that is a cog we don't want lost. It all really comes down to how much time is needed to recover a soul, how long from death their bioform cells were recovered, and even how much relearning their bioform mind structure needs. I... my foot isn't a bounce pad!"

"Maybe your face. Sorry, my esteemed and ancient colleague means to say, if you want to use our services, the only requirement is time to let us get it right. I... YEEK!"

Washu just shoves Skuld back some.. "Sorry, my kith of an ASSISTANT just wanted to assure we didn't annoy any sensibilities, since we've dealt with the religious assertions of other civilizations before, this always a voluntary option for an ally to use to return anyone lost to wars we caused. I..."

"One Washu caused. Can't even..."

"I told you it was traced!"

"Rhymes with flat faced!"

Of all their uber genius and ability of both miracles and Armageddons between them, they end up just hand slapping at each other like silly. The Valkyrians near their 'quite' new Angel God allies just bemoan, one in voice of.. "And we've held their regard for Ages? Ugh..."

"Not much has changed then." An Angel God responded... warily.
New Dornalia
25-11-2008, 21:31
Skuld and Washu just looked at each other. :: Not the first time for this. ::

:: Eh, give them all a few eons of understanding kid. Anywho... ::

:: ERGGHHH!! ::

Washu 'smiled' away from the daggers Skuld was eyeing her with, as she explained as only a very long lived scientist could.

"Well, I can understand all the ethical and religious ramifications and all such of a culture. For us however, the bioform of a sentient being comes down to three factors. The Body is a machine, the Mind is a computer, and the memories and soul, life experiences and whatnot, that we conform as Soul, are all really relatively easy to repair and... well.. reprogram. Not to say like what you just saw us do somewhat forcibly to the C-faction forces and all. Rather, under normal circumstances, we just treat regenerative functions for a body as the same as repairing Synthetics, the Mind we have mapped out in detail down to the DNA link sequencing, and the Memory in short term of death, can be recovered within... oh... 96% of previous ability, without special scanning procedures first."

Skuld jumps in to get edgewise (always competitive these two..) "We usually have a Gaian go through yearly screenings from birth, from whatever method of bioform birth, for all bodily sequencing functions, and store everything in special medical comptroller archives to use later after battles, to both regain the Gaian citizen soul, as well as their best of memory and skill sets. Battle forces get the procedure weekly per mandates."

Washu this time... (even stepping in front of..) "It's all about 'our' Core beliefs, that the original Lord Excellency Kerensky, believed dying was pointless, considering how large the universe was to expand and explore in. If you take it all and replicate it to the basic level, our 'spiritual' belief is of life over death in every measure."

Skuld again, almost stomping on Washu's right foot ("Watch it!!") even.... "So, it's just a scientific understanding of the bioform that allows us to recover the dead, and essentially make immortal all our citizens, since anyone dying would mean losing a... HEY!"

Washu ala.... "Everyone of Gaian birth has their own chosen place, and losing that is a cog we don't want lost. It all really comes down to how much time is needed to recover a soul, how long from death their bioform cells were recovered, and even how much relearning their bioform mind structure needs. I... my foot isn't a bounce pad!"

"Maybe your face. Sorry, my esteemed and ancient colleague means to say, if you want to use our services, the only requirement is time to let us get it right. I... YEEK!"

Washu just shoves Skuld back some.. "Sorry, my kith of an ASSISTANT just wanted to assure we didn't annoy any sensibilities, since we've dealt with the religious assertions of other civilizations before, this always a voluntary option for an ally to use to return anyone lost to wars we caused. I..."

"One Washu caused. Can't even..."

"I told you it was traced!"

"Rhymes with flat faced!"

Of all their uber genius and ability of both miracles and Armageddons between them, they end up just hand slapping at each other like silly. The Valkyrians near their 'quite' new Angel God allies just bemoan, one in voice of.. "And we've held their regard for Ages? Ugh..."

"Not much has changed then." An Angel God responded... warily.

The Marines nod and listen to the explanation, which degenerates into a slap fight. Amused as they are, the Marine commander shrugs and laughs, going, "Okay, ladies, you made your point. We'll take the offer. Wanted a new lease on life anyway."

The others nod and shrug in acceptance. To the Gaians, it was technology. But for the Dornalians, they were in the presence of beings that may have well have been gods--and if the gods chose to raise the dead, well....better to take their generosity then.

Tennenbaum, meanwhile, chuckled, muttering, " ladies have plenty of lungpower. I look forward to meeting you two in person. Where can I do that?" She then began scribbling a few ideas. "I have a few things to discuss. And Ms. Baileygates, I'll need to see the after action reports. I need to formulate a plan."
Gaian Ascendancy
26-11-2008, 01:38
Washu and Skuld stop when the Marine Commander accepts the offer. Skuld returns all businesslike and cups her ear again. "Send a medical team to ascertain Dornalian casualties."

":: Acknowledged. ::" ..came from one of the Medical cruisers, this while Washu looks to Lady Tennenbaum's request. "Well, we're here now. Heading back to Coreworld is kinda pointless with all the fighting we keep getting with all those heavy raids."

Skuld asks quickly.. "Is it really that bad?"

"Breaking even, the nanites get us a few ships, but Creation's numbers are weighing on us. We have to send out fleets to intercept Creation's forces before they overwhelm us.

Only a few days old." ..with which Washu looks to her Dornalian equal. "If you have a place, I can at least talk."

Skuld this time agrees. "Yeah, I need to help clean up Washu's mess."

Washu looked pretty pucker faced there.
New Dornalia
26-11-2008, 01:55
Washu and Skuld stop when the Marine Commander accepts the offer. Skuld returns all businesslike and cups her ear again. "Send a medical team to ascertain Dornalian casualties."

":: Acknowledged. ::" ..came from one of the Medical cruisers, this while Washu looks to Lady Tennenbaum's request. "Well, we're here now. Heading back to Coreworld is kinda pointless with all the fighting we keep getting with all those heavy raids."

Skuld asks quickly.. "Is it really that bad?"

"Breaking even, the nanites get us a few ships, but Creation's numbers are weighing on us. We have to send out fleets to intercept Creation's forces before they overwhelm us.

Only a few days old." ..with which Washu looks to her Dornalian equal. "If you have a place, I can at least talk."

Skuld this time agrees. "Yeah, I need to help clean up Washu's mess."

Washu looked pretty pucker faced there.

Tennenbaum smiled, and then motioned to her assistant. Shouting offscreen, she spoke and said, "Javier, cancel my lectures and appointments. I'm flying to Nova Louisiana. Tell them its government business. No, I don't care if Dr. Rodriguez is going to kill me--he can try!" Turning to Washu, she replied, "I'm coming right over to Nova Louisiana. Give me half an hour."

Carla replied, "You don't know where, Doctor Tennenbaum!"

"Tell me then, missy, I would hate to jump into somewhere I am not wanted," Tennenbaum replied.

"Umm....Andrew Jackson Memorial Shipyard."

"Excellent." Tennenbaum disappeared from the screen, and Carla was left to see the Marines bring their wounded on billets for the Gaians to take care of. There were a lot of wounded men, and even good quality shield steel armor, which cut down the deaths, still left a lot of men reeling.
Gaian Ascendancy
26-11-2008, 03:07
A couple of Medical grade shuttles land all around the docking area, while droid recovery droids of several sizes, including ones that began recovering droid starcraft and Mecha suits, as well as the ones from the landing points of the dockyard battle.

So fast from battle to recovery. Skuld saw to so much of this as a pair of towering Avians walked up with three medical Persocoms. "~ Advisor. Are you well? ~"

"Quite. Tend to the Dornalian wounded and casualties as effectively as our own please."

"~ It will take time to acclimate their bio patterns for an effective recovery. ~"

Skuld turns to the Marine Commander. "Might want to hang around to help make sure we get it right."

Washu meanwhile just quips.. "Um.. some coordinates would help me at least." ..this Skuld rolls her eyes at.
New Dornalia
26-11-2008, 03:29
Then, the Marine Commander nodded--but as he did so, Admiral Bundrick called with some concern.

"Guys, this chick says she wants in..."

He then paused and replied with a hesitant, "Wait." Then, relieved, he said unsurprised, "Oh, its only Doctor Tennenbaum. Let her in."

Then the sounds of docking could be heard, and the Marines and Carla turned to look at the side loading dock filled wiht the presence of a Gagarin shuttle. Opening up, out came the woman from Carla's PDA. Proud, she definetly projected the image of "crazy." Standing in a pool of wax, riding in a segway with spider legs, proud as proud could be, she was accompanied by a suffering assistant carrying a briefcase of documents.

Sauntering up to Washu, she extended her hand.

"Doctor Edelmira Tennenbaum-Orrozco--the name's Latin style, milady, so call me Dr. Tennenbaum--is the name. Juris Doctor, Doctorate of Philosophy, and numerous Masters degrees from Universities all over Earth such as Harvard, University of Connecticut, Stamford, Oxford and the Autonomous University of Buenos Aires to which I am now based, in a number of subjects ranging from biology, to astronomy, to quantum physics--a specialty of mine--to fine literature of South America. They call me the Wunderkind From The Pampas."

She motioned to the assistant and said, "This is my assistant Javier Farrell Diaz. He covers the angles I don't."

Javier waved nervously, and smiled.

"His briefcase contains some data you may be interested in seeing," Tennenbaum said.
Gaian Ascendancy
26-11-2008, 04:10
Washu just teardrops at first. "Well, guess I didn't need to go anywhere." ..and shakes Tennenbaum's hand. "Well, since you want to show off, don't let me stop you." ..this as a simple blue glass focal lens forms from apparently Washu's right eyebrow, (more like the lower very left edge of the same,) This so Washu can data record for later examination.

Saki meanwhile teleports over and informs Skuld. "We've gained full control over all vessels. The Angel Gods and other sentients seem to have surrendered to us."

Skuld nods. "Begin repairs to the Venator warship, we need all the ships we can get." This Saki responds. "That'll take a new dock."

"Get one here, we don't have a choice."

Saki nodded and started her own communications again.

It was going to be a busy time.
New Dornalia
26-11-2008, 05:41
Washu just teardrops at first. "Well, guess I didn't need to go anywhere." ..and shakes Tennenbaum's hand. "Well, since you want to show off, don't let me stop you." ..this as a simple blue glass focal lens forms from apparently Washu's right eyebrow, (more like the lower very left edge of the same,) This so Washu can data record for later examination.

Saki meanwhile teleports over and informs Skuld. "We've gained full control over all vessels. The Angel Gods and other sentients seem to have surrendered to us."

Skuld nods. "Begin repairs to the Venator warship, we need all the ships we can get." This Saki responds. "That'll take a new dock."

"Get one here, we don't have a choice."

Saki nodded and started her own communications again.

It was going to be a busy time.

Tennenbaum then motioned for the Marine Commander to come to her side.

"You there! What's your name?!"

The Marines looked at one another oddly, then replied, "Commander Donaldson, sir."

Tennenbaum chuckled, "Well, Commander, I am hardly a man, I lack the equipment. Call me Doctor. Come along now, I've to use you for a demo." The Marine nodded and followed the group to Tennenbaum's side, where Javier unpacked the document packets and passed them to Washu and the Commander. Javier then placed a series of circular objects around them in a circle and then activated them. Javier then said, "We can now converse about private matters without fear."

Tennenbaum nodded and said, "Now, Advisor, I have a plan. I was concieving of it when I saw the combat from Madame Baileygates's PDA. Such fury...such was as if I had entered the great epics of old. However, I saw an enemy that, if we were to engage, we needed to upgrade our People's Navy Marine Corps forces in order to begin extensive combat."

She then held up the picture of the Marines at Iwo Jima.

"Now, being the student of martial culture, my memory harkened back to another great war involving the slaying of gods. On Earth, in the 20th Century, the United States sought to defeat the forces of the Japanese Empire, who believed they were fighting in the service of a divine Emperor. The Americans defeated said living god's forces, and sidelined him into a life of marine biology and figureheadship. They were slayers of gods."

She then projected a holographic image from her segway, which displayed a futuristic version of a WWII US Marine.

"Advisor, Commander. I give you...Project Godcutter (OOC: Reference to Kill Bill here, hehe). A new version that channels those men in spirit. As they took down a god, so shall we."

Commander Donaldson was clearly unimpressed, and said, "So what?"

"I'll explain in a moment..."


Robert, who reemerged from hiding, replied simply as he surveyed the damage, "Jesus. This will take weeks to repair!"

Upon hearing Skuld's orders, Robert then motioned to the staff and Marines and said, "Open the Drydock doors, and prepare to recieve a vessel for repairs! Let's go, people!"
Gaian Ascendancy
26-11-2008, 07:39
Washu listened intently, but started seeing one probable problem with the plan. However she needed to hear it all through before answering any. "I'm aware of ancient Terran history. But, go on and continue please."


Skuld just eyed this Robert and quipped. "I was going to have one of our mobile docks used instead of here. Your vessels took some damage as well I presume and all that. And it won't take weeks. Only one at best once the internal nanite systems get going. It'll take another to fully recharge the ZPC and Fold Cores, as well as get the Synthetic crew back up to speed.

Instead we need to get your docks refitted as I originally came here for, and get those new keels set and going. I think we'll need them faster than I expected."
New Dornalia
26-11-2008, 17:02
Washu listened intently, but started seeing one probable problem with the plan. However she needed to hear it all through before answering any. "I'm aware of ancient Terran history. But, go on and continue please."

"Yes, we shall."

Tennenbaum then began speaking, poking at helmet, the body armor, and the pack at the back of the holographic model.

"First--the armor. I envision a powerful personal shielding unit implanted into this vest, capable of defeating several megajoules of enemy fire. That would mean sustained fire from droids, or several shots from those Angel Gods of yours, before failure and need to recharge.

When that fails, I also envision an armor vest manufactured from several layers of protective materials--Dornalian Shield Steel first, then layers of cortosis and phrik weaves to dissipate energies and sustain protection against enemy fire. A face mask for NBC protection does come standard, and the helmet also may come with psychic protection. And, the clothing itself is a power suit that multiplies strength of the user using nanomuscle augmentations.

There are also goggles, that connect with the weapons to act as a HUD to ensure more accurate targeting."

Several weapons then appeared. One was a Browning Automatic Rifle, the other looked like a rocket launcher of some sort, and yet another and another....

"This BAR is relatively archaic. However, my Tennenbaum System has given it a new lease on life. It's a system I developed for special agents and their Walther PPKs. Basically, it replaces standard bullets and the firing mechanism with a specialized system that loads specialized explosive rounds--in this case, in .30-06--that when cycled into the chamber, are armed by the firing system and then shot out by the firing mechanism at the target. The firing system is electrically based, so it will charge the round, making the compounds inside unstable, and causing the round to become volatile as it flies out the barrel, albeit in a controlled fashion.

Upon contact with the target, the impact rocks the bullet's vibration sensitive materials, causing a massive explosion. I estimate each shot from these modified BARs to be equivalent to at least fifteen pounds of TNT, if not more. The system doesn't handle well to auto-fire, but I am modifying it as such to fire in three-round bursts.

That rocket launcher, meanwhile, is an ordinary RPG-Krak rocket launcher. However, its contents are special. I propose to merge the basic Transphasic Rocket--capable of penetrating shielding--with a 15 kiloton atomic explosive to create an atomic munition capable of ripping into the target with deadly force and denying them the area after. Also, I propose to equip these men with the usual Fuel Air Rockets, and High Explosive Bunker Busters. know how those work. Though those are to be issued to officers only, and made as bayonets. Although chainswords, Imperium of Man-style forceweapons and Thunder Hammers would work well too.

Grenades. Flashbangs, EMP, Ion, Fuel Air Grenades, Plasma Grenades, Imperium of Man-style Meltabombs (OOC: From Warhammer 40000), and such.

SMG--will be a Thompson Submachine Gun. Same as the BAR in terms of being Tennenbaumized."

Then, after fawning over the weapons, she went over the technologies.

"Each man is equipped with sophisticated technologies that will enable them to survive the battlefield. Secure communications with frequency hopping, real time battlefield updates, et cetera. There's also going to be portable teleporters as well.

Also, I am thinking about implementing a concept I thought about during my studies on Force users. Perhaps I could create a Psi-Amp, to boost the psychic potential of each Godcutter and enable them psychic communication and limited powers."

She then pulled out a bottle of water and sipped, saying, "So, any questions?"

The Marine Commander simply looked at Tennenbaum like she was crazy, then asked, " much will this cost?"

"Well, I was thinking of only equipping the best and brightest with these suits, and then deploying them on oppositions against the foe in commando raids." Tennenbaum said. "Why waste so many lives when you could have a few good men do the work of a thousand? Besides, I more than welcome any suggestions you have, gentlemen, ladies."

"Well, I'm not sure we need we?" The Marine Commander said. "They seem a bit crude..."

Skuld just eyed this Robert and quipped. "I was going to have one of our mobile docks used instead of here. Your vessels took some damage as well I presume and all that. And it won't take weeks. Only one at best once the internal nanite systems get going. It'll take another to fully recharge the ZPC and Fold Cores, as well as get the Synthetic crew back up to speed.

Instead we need to get your docks refitted as I originally came here for, and get those new keels set and going. I think we'll need them faster than I expected."

Robert then nodded and said, "Very well." He then called out to his people, "Nevermind that, just get these docks prepped for refit! Let's go!"
Gaian Ascendancy
27-11-2008, 00:26
Skuld just got busy from there.


Washu meanwhile just started her own case with an... "Ahem.." ..unto Tennenbaum. "While I'm a proponent of fewer troops for maximum benefit, it's been our standard to maximize troop capability, over the grand scale, for obvious strategic benefits. At least until recently for us.

The design, to be honest, is commonplace for us."

Washu then flipped her right hand over and 'tapped' at it. A holographic interface forms from it, essentially a sort of catalogue search engine, as Washu speed searches it for a former design that most Gaian combat suit archetypes formed from. Took a bit since the Gaian database had so danged many designs over the Ages, but Washu found something she thought the two Dornalians might find interesting.

Plus, it was a still active, if museum grade Gaian model. "Ah, this might do a tic. Maybe these two in fact."

She then turns away and steps away a few meters, and then literally 'draws' to vertical lines, about a third higher than a standard door, enough that Washu had to hop to start 'drawing'.

From there, the lines expand as two silvery white armored suits form. Two very real ones.

"Okay then. Not sure if this was what you had in mind, but these are a couple of our oldest models from the First or Second Era. I mean a really long time ago for us.

One: Elemental Battle Armor (

Two: Golem (

Washu then walks back over and produces a hologram ring like Skuld used earlier, this time creating a large holo-interface: Gaian battlesuit Classes (

"This shows the other designs we still use, though to be honest, we don't have the citizen soul power to occupy most of them. Maybe in a five year time span with some cloning Sibikos and needed training. Though our Ground and MS/Wing Mecha arms also need recruits.

But we have many other newer and advanced models that employ personal shielding and other doodads, though with the Palladiums and Valkyrian Order, suits were put secondary verses personal nanite combat suits that can enhance body strength on top of internal bioform enhancements." ..Washu then itches her melon. "Even the Gaian Knight order series suits kinda outclasses battlesuits when it came down to it.

But limiting the best to only a few limits combat potential. It's the best of duty and commitment that delineates leadership material. Besides, the more that are armed to the maximum, the quicker an unexpected enemy caves or just gets pummeled in the end. That's our way anyway. At least Lord Imaldris inherited something effective from Lord Aleaic in some manner."

Washu then made light of one more thing. "By the way, nucleonic weaponry is plain wasteful, plus we counteracted against it so long ago I just 'have' to laugh at the idea.

Ahem... heh hah hee. Um.. there, think that works."


((OC- Don't mind the BT wiki bit and all the links are based on, since I preferred BT over WH40K overall in preference for my combat tech base. ))
New Dornalia
27-11-2008, 06:51
OOC: No problem. I like BOTH Battletech and 40k personally, but then again I've always practiced a policy of not discriminating in terms of tech. :)


Tennenbaum coughed. She then winced and then smiled nervously at Washu's assessment. Outwardly, she seemed nervous. Inwardly, Tennenbaum was mustering just enough mental fortitude to keep herself from exploding at Advisor Washu. She had proposed a perfectly good idea....and Washu had proceeded to dub it elitist, ordinary, and wasteful.

Donaldson braced for a rant; Javier put his hand on Tennenbaum's machine and said, "Doctor...." in that voice that wanted her to calm down before she embarassed herself. This wasn't Noline Bebaus--this was an individual who wouldn't laugh away a rant.

Tennenbaum smiled, took the plans for the Elemental Battle Suit and the Golem and the others, and said simply, stifling further anger, "I see. Well, bear in mind, I did only give a preliminary sketch. I would need to see the after action reports to get a good assessment."

She then curtly said, making notes on the Elemental suit and the Golem right in front of Washu, eager to one-up those and the features of the Gaian Knights, et cetera, "However, I think there are a few misunderstandings you bear as you make your assessment.

Bear in mind you are dealing with a civilization that has not yet embraced your idea of such amazing, wondrous, near-divine technologies as commonplace; we have emerged not but some time after an atomic war, only some time ago becoming a major power in the stars. We have a Congress where half of them want such things, the other half need a song, dance, and another song and a whole chorus line to justify even paying for a bullet.

So, if what seems mundane to you seems extraordinary to us, so be it."

She then truly smiled and said, "Anywho, I'm flexible, and willing to change. I see what you have here, and am inspired by a few things. Besides, I neglected to mention the use of nanites, portable teleportation, and...what will look to be attachments for cloaking, flight, and perhaps....hmm....I might need to do a lot. No matter, I'm adaptable. Though, to be honest, this is a weapons system I would only trust with the best, hence my prior assessment. Maybe I could mix in some bioenhancements after all....or barring that, bring in the People's Acolytes. You can ask Skuld, she witnessed them in combat."
Gaian Ascendancy
30-11-2008, 05:21
((OOC- Ah, a weekend being stuffed alive with ham, potatoes, dumplings and pumpkin pie. Too bad typing isn't calorie enough inducing here. ))


Washu just skipped more semantics and got to the point. "You'd like to test production line models as soon as possible, rather than we just trying to prove things to each other based on pure ideals.

And to each their own perspective, on all things. This I can apologize by.

What kind of facility would you like built? Base-factory combo? A few dedicated deep Universal resource haulers and other needs to support a standard complex, once we can clear such past the battle lines. Fluid they are.

But since we both would want to start the results phase rather than talk...."

Washu then stresses... " 'show' me your ideals. Within two weeks will do to get everything in order."
New Dornalia
30-11-2008, 07:01
((OOC- Ah, a weekend being stuffed alive with ham, potatoes, dumplings and pumpkin pie. Too bad typing isn't calorie enough inducing here. ))


Washu just skipped more semantics and got to the point. "You'd like to test production line models as soon as possible, rather than we just trying to prove things to each other based on pure ideals.

And to each their own perspective, on all things. This I can apologize by.

What kind of facility would you like built? Base-factory combo? A few dedicated deep Universal resource haulers and other needs to support a standard complex, once we can clear such past the battle lines. Fluid they are.

But since we both would want to start the results phase rather than talk...."

Washu then stresses... " 'show' me your ideals. Within two weeks will do to get everything in order."

Tennenbaum then looked at Washu. It seemed that her words had been interpreted as a challenge, and one with a two-week deadline. The Argentine smiled and said, "My dear Advisor, 'Truly fine poetry must be read aloud.' I will take your challenge, and I require the Base-factory combo. Whatever production techniques the Ascendancy possesses, I am keen to adopt as part of the process of putting my money where my mouth is."

Scribbling some more on a pad of paper generously provided by Javier, she then said, "After all, I am eager to win this conflict so your people may sleep soundly, and I am admittedly results-oriented."

Donaldson asked, "So, where do the Marines and PA fit into this?"

He was met with a simple, "Commander, wire your superiors, instruct them to bring me Marine Commandos, Army Special Ops, People's Acolytes Shinmei School, and any and all veterans of all of New Dornalia and all its dependents' wars who have won distinction. I want heroes, Mr. Donaldson, men of iron, men of gold, men of legend and men of whom stories are told."

Donaldson sweatdropped and replied, "If you wish..."
Gaian Ascendancy
30-11-2008, 07:21
Washu spouted as if presuming from another Gaian doctrine. "Creating a Dornalian Sibiko Bloodline Class?" ..while she brought up the data from the meeting Skuld had before the C-faction attack.

"Ah. The agreed upon facility will do. Will need to plop an additional Molecular Foundry to meet the timeline. Oh work work work..." ..and this time plugged a Comm-frequency through a secure Hikari Net channel that even Lady Creation wasn't aware of.

"Bring Packages three, seven and eight within a day please. Get the Molecular foundries in place by tonight."

Just then an unexpected melon pops up on the Holographic display 'ring' that Washu threw a bit ago, Washu hears to a bit of uneasiness. ":: ~ Again with taking my suggestions so readily? ~ ::"

Washu turns with a sweatdrop.. "Excellency Imaldris. I... well you did say to spread our wings out."

":: ~ And I just heard about Skuld's own battle. ~ ::" ..this Imaldris's shown melon wasn't remiss on where the transmission was originating. He turns said head to the Dornalian quite readily. ":: ~ And yours with us. We are honored into your debt. ~ ::"


((OC- Check your TG again if ye would please. =^^= ))
New Dornalia
30-11-2008, 07:33
Washu spouted as if presuming from another Gaian doctrine. "Creating a Dornalian Sibiko Bloodline Class?" ..while she brought up the data from the meeting Skuld had before the C-faction attack.

"Ah. The agreed upon facility will do. Will need to plop an additional Molecular Foundry to meet the timeline. Oh work work work..." ..and this time plugged a Comm-frequency through a secure Hikari Net channel that even Lady Creation wasn't aware of.

"Bring Packages three, seven and eight within a day please. Get the Molecular foundries in place by tonight."

Just then an unexpected melon pops up on the Holographic display 'ring' that Washu threw a bit ago, Washu hears to a bit of uneasiness. ":: ~ Again with taking my suggestions so readily? ~ ::"

Washu turns with a sweatdrop.. "Excellency Imaldris. I... well you did say to spread our wings out."

":: ~ And I just heard about Skuld's own battle. ~ ::" ..this Imaldris's shown melon wasn't remiss on where the transmission was originating. He turns said head to the Dornalian quite readily. ":: ~ And yours with us. We are honored into your debt. ~ ::"

Donaldson raised his eyebrow at the mention of the word "Sibiko," and said, "Clanspeak?"

Tennenbaum replied, "Now now, Commander, the Woodians and the Red Army Armored Cavalry aren't the only factions that use Clan-style vocabulary in their speech." Turning to Washu, she replied, "To be honest, the RAAC would be out Sibiko class, if anything. They tend to stick together like syrup and pancakes, and are fast developing a MechWarrior culture of their own."

Then, Imaldris appeared, and Tennenbaum bowed and replied, "Well thank you, your excellency. I am quite charmed. We Dornalians, you'll find, are a very dependable and loyal bunch."
Gaian Ascendancy
30-11-2008, 07:59
Imaldris nodded visibly back. ":: ~ We'll need that. We just beat back a twelfth C-force assault on the System. Even honest words are helpful at this point. ~ ::"

Imladris then looked to Washu. ":: ~ Your little scrip that got to Skuld and all made a decision for me. ~ ::"

Washu of course.. "Sheesh, make one highly encoded transmission that's somehow traced because of an ancient design parameter placed in our Orbs, so long ago even I got complacent about it?"

Imladris chuckles.. ":: ~ See, humanity in that genius. Sorry to check into both yours and Skuld's Networks, but 'since' it became a strategic manner, and 'since' you so kindly took my orders so repletely, and abscond with some of our Brian Cached material, I'm transferring the whole of CAG Beta Galaxy and an Emperor Dimension unit, along with Opal Fleet Group.

Forget hiding anything at this point, since Creation knows about you all now.

Use whatever is needed, we need a Reserve Dimension operational as soon as physics allows. Bend them even if need be. At least 'something' of us must survive all this. ~ ::"

Washu teardropped. "You don't mean...."

":: ~ Not yet. But the nanite tactics and recovery apparatus along with are being stretched, on top of our main line losses. Creation's trying to wear us out before the end of the Standard Week, it would seem. Slower than the outright annihilation method that might save us the trouble and all.

At the very least, and I hate to push this on anyone else, but we need to give ourselves breathing room if we 'do' want to survive long enough to push our own tactics. Especially after what Lady Creation pulled. ~ ::"

Washu sighed. "Okay okay, just send me a good commander..."

":: ~ Commander Saki will do. her Networks being upgraded as I speak to take full Command. You both will become our foreign liaisons for anyone else that 'somehow' joins our side. Whether by their own accord or after Creation gets someone else mad.

Use what you need, and get our stuff active fast. And I mean Emergency Protocol fast. Better than being in mothball, waiting to be blown up in another attack. ~ ::"

Washu just shrugs. "Well, didn't see this coming."

":: ~ Wait till you have to run my Seat. ~ ::"

Washu shook her hands. "No way bud. That seat just gets all creepy for even me."

":: ~ Wimp. ~ ::"
New Dornalia
01-12-2008, 04:19
Tennenbaum and Donaldson looked at the scene nervously, and Donaldson asked, "If I may ask....what the blue heck is going on?" It was clear that Donaldson was mightily confused by the conversation.

Tennenbaum muttered, "Something about pocket dimensions, and the fact that their Great Enemy has locked onto them. I suppose its time to introduce the Infinite Improbability Torpedo in all of its reality warping splendor."
Gaian Ascendancy
02-12-2008, 04:52
Imladris looked at the two. ":: ~ Not our worst enemy, if rather our own mirror. I'm sending heavily armed support and defense for this new outpost. It won't be long before Creation decides to test both of us again.

I expect a full Fleet Group at a minimum, if she comes again. I'm keeping Washu and Skuld with you for the meanwhile, in case we get overwhelmed. We may yet be annihalated as it is, and not even one that is our worst enemy. ~ ::"

Washu just teardrops. "Jeez, paint us a final canvas why don't you?" ..she then turns to Tennenbaum. "Might want Lady Carla to come have a chat with us."
New Dornalia
02-12-2008, 05:21
Imladris looked at the two. ":: ~ Not our worst enemy, if rather our own mirror. I'm sending heavily armed support and defense for this new outpost. It won't be long before Creation decides to test both of us again.

I expect a full Fleet Group at a minimum, if she comes again. I'm keeping Washu and Skuld with you for the meanwhile, in case we get overwhelmed. We may yet be annihalated as it is, and not even one that is our worst enemy. ~ ::"

Washu just teardrops. "Jeez, paint us a final canvas why don't you?" ..she then turns to Tennenbaum. "Might want Lady Carla to come have a chat with us."

Tennenbaum nods, and then lowers the Cone of Silence. Motioning for Carla to come forth, the Commissar for Foreign Affairs comes in, whereupon Javier reactivates the Cone of Silence to Carla's surprise.

"Oof! Woah....Doctor....I wasn't expecting this."

"Sometimes, things aren't always what you expect," Tennenbaum said. Motioning to Washu and the holographic image of Imaldris, she said, "Commissar Baileygates, meet Advisor Washu and....Excellency Imaldris, I think it was."

Carla bowed and extended her hand, saying, "Charmed. Carla Baileygates, Commissar for Foreign Affairs. Your Civil War's put on quite a show here, Excellency. Then again, your Advisors have heard the Speeches about how we're not interested in quitting, either."
Gaian Ascendancy
02-12-2008, 05:38
Imladris nodded over the holo-comm. ":: ~ So I've been informed. That is why, within my version of wisdom, as well as for our own various needs, the previous agreement of a planetary outpost to support the construction of our new warships, is being augmented with one full Fleet Group, and a Galaxy of troops from Alpha CAG Universe Command. An Emperor Assault Command Mech and additional support staff will accompany.

I am also releasing a full copy of our entire database. ~ ::" ..this Imladris looks sternly at Washu, whom gulped a bit, reminded of the same kind Lord Aleaic used to assert.

":: ~ Of this, I am entrusting you for the safety of the database, and 'it' along with such. ~ ::"

Washu gulped. "No pressure." ..Imladris then returned to the Dornalian hosts. ":: ~ Everything brought can be studied at will by your people, whatever you wish to see fit.

Well. Almost everything. Only one thing is not allowed. Such shouldn't be a concern with several Age's worth of data to study through, as it is. It's only technology to us anyway, since there's far more important things to keep safe anyway.

A legacy at the very least. ~ ::"

Washu then yells at the holo image of her current leader. "You had better not be thinking we have no way out. This isn't our end, you better believe!"

Imaldris blinks back. ":: ~ What? And deprive the Valkyrians their fun? They haven't had this much fun since the Invasion of the Trameston SuperCluster Complex. Not that combat over a thousand galaxies at once satiated them.

Such a handful. ~ ::"

Washu teardropped. "And who pray tell created them?"

":: ~ You and Ifurita did. Thanks alot by the way. ~ ::"

Washu scritches her melon. "Ah, well...."

Imaldris then looks back to... "Commissar Baileygates, twas it? Is there an objection to all said, prior to my return to the War?"
New Dornalia
02-12-2008, 05:58
Imaldris then looks back to... "Commissar Baileygates, twas it? Is there an objection to all said, prior to my return to the War?"

Carla and Tennenbaum were stunned by the sudden access to the archives. They just stood there for several seconds, looking at one another, mouths gaping open wide like a kid on Christmas morning. Donaldson was also stunned, but didn't show it.

Eventually, Carla coughed and said, giggling nervously, "Well..that's mighty generous....thank you, Your Excellency. No objections." It was the first time in a while that the Commissar had lost her composure in a diplomatic meeting in a while. Awkward yes, but also kinda refreshing.

Tennenbaum, meanwhile, muttered in Spanish, "'The possibilities of the art of combination are not infinite, but they tend to be frightful."' She then shook her head and said, returning to English, "Yes, indeed. Your Excellency, we will put this information to good objections here, either."
Gaian Ascendancy
02-12-2008, 06:29
Imladris just 'responded' back in Spanish, though he never learned a lick of it in his life. (The diplomatic translator nanites did their jobs quite well.) ":: ~ The infinite are an art all their own. Our art is to understand it. Be it to fear or nor. ~ ::"

He then finishes in Galactic Standard. ":: ~ If we are concluded, I need to tend to our own affairs. Washu, take care of Skuld. Please. ~ ::"

Washu nods simply. "Not a problem." ..this Imaldris's transmission ends. Washu then turns and smacks her hands. "Well, talk is cheap, and so is Saslonian Whiskey. Let's get to work!"

Hard work was the full objective now.


((OC- Probably will put in a 'succeeding' days post to anchor this down with, before ending this thread. Don't really want to drag this out more than needed. Enough fight and detail threads to be had anyway. ))
New Dornalia
02-12-2008, 06:45
Imladris just 'responded' back in Spanish, though he never learned a lick of it in his life. (The diplomatic translator nanites did their jobs quite well.) ":: ~ The infinite are an art all their own. Our art is to understand it. Be it to fear or nor. ~ ::"

He then finishes in Galactic Standard. ":: ~ If we are concluded, I need to tend to our own affairs. Washu, take care of Skuld. Please. ~ ::"

Washu nods simply. "Not a problem." ..this Imaldris's transmission ends. Washu then turns and smacks her hands. "Well, talk is cheap, and so is Saslonian Whiskey. Let's get to work!"

Hard work was the full objective now.


((OC- Probably will put in a 'succeeding' days post to anchor this down with, before ending this thread. Don't really want to drag this out more than needed. Enough fight and detail threads to be had anyway. ))

OOC: gotcha.


With that, Tennenbaum nodded and said, "Agreed." With that, she disabled the Cone of Silence and then began requisitioning materials of all sorts on her little PDA, with poor Javier having to keep up. Meanwhile, Carla went to work on her end, and the engineers went to work on their end as well.

Hard work was indeed the order of the day....and the Dornalians were storming forth as Washu and Imaldris committed the Gaians to the effort.
Gaian Ascendancy
02-12-2008, 09:09
The following immediate days were a pure whirlwind. The docks were reconfigured to handle the direct feed inputs that the Molecular Foundries, large super replicators that took raw material of any kind, and reconfigured the atomic structure to whatever the need was, conforming to the Ascendancy database of materials and standards.

The first keels were laid six hours after the meeting, the planetary Starbase kits emplaced and expanded from further added Molecular Foundries planet side, as fast as Resource and cargo vessels could bring material.

Washu and Skuld devised a new cloaking barrier to try and hide their new assets from an ever increasingly aggressive Lady Creation. Opal Fleet was kept in a subspace cloaking pocket, as was landed planetary forces, everything kept as low profile as possible. And for now, it seemed Lady Creation had other targets.

By the time the base would be declared operational, the Home faction forces were at a sudden breaking point. While the nanite invasive programs were effective, the mass of 'material' ended up creating a backlog, while Home force 'original' forces were beaten at heavily, leaving the Recovery Section badly stretched.

And despite Dornalian and Ganoxian assistance in the early days, the Gaians tried very hard to keep the war from the rest of the Galaxy. Imladris sent forces to stop any C-faction attempt to attack another civilization, as Creation warned.

By the end of two weeks of the War, the future of the Gaian Ascendancy as a whole looked direly bleak.

Just as planned....