Operation Opening Shackles(slavery/anti-slavery MT/PMT Open) - Page 2
Avon followed the map through the dingy alleyways. He soon came to the storefront, stepping over an immobile body that was either drunk or dead, Avon didn't really care which.
Inside the dimly lit shop, Avon could make out the figure of the shopkeeper.
"Excuse me." He said to the figure. "Alan O'Toole told me to seek you out?"
Gun Manufacturers
21-11-2008, 23:07
The Orca was safely in international waters, running silent and deep. They rose to 75 feet, so they could use their ULF radio, and notified ASoGM Naval Command that they were safe. Once that message was sent, they dove back down to 600 feet. Naval Command then recalled the bombers they had sent. Since the bombers were still relatively close to the ASoGM, they arrived back at their air base quickly.
21-11-2008, 23:24
Avon followed the map through the dingy alleyways. He soon came to the storefront, stepping over an immobile body that was either drunk or dead, Avon didn't really care which.
Inside the dimly lit shop, Avon could make out the figure of the shopkeeper.
"Excuse me." He said to the figure. "Alan O'Toole told me to seek you out?"
"SHHHHH, not outside," the man said pointing to his shop,"inside we will discuss business. The man was obviously paranoid but what with over 20 15 megaton warhead in his back room paranoia kept him alive.
21-11-2008, 23:25
Peter left the store and went for the weapons district. He then went to one of the shops and walked up to the owner. He then said "I wish to see what you have to offer".
"We have AK-47, the Galil, the Cheytac M200, Barret, flamethrower, cyanide gas, and many more depending on what you're looking for."
Osea 767
22-11-2008, 00:21
Peter replied "I will take a look at your incendiary weapons and cyanide gas along with any other chemical agents you have. I also wish to see any heavier weaponry you might have".
22-11-2008, 00:28
"Rocket launchers, Cyanogen, Vx, Antharax. Thats all I have on the heavier side"
22-11-2008, 04:23
"hmmm... Show me your prime selection under 30 if you will... I'll also be looking at older people as well, though i doubt you have so many of them." richard said, following the man into the warehouse.
"i'm looking at an even selection of teenagers and twenty somethings. Even if there's some kids, that's fine - the younger, the better workers you can make of them... Physically and mentally. Surely, though, you know that."
Osea 767
22-11-2008, 13:15
Peter again replied " I will buy your stores of flamethrowers, Cyanogen, Vx and Antharax. Also, can you recommend any stores that sell heavy military equipment and weaponry".
I summon thee through the power of the bump!
27-11-2008, 04:23
"Okay," the man said showing them his stock of teens. Most were of the age of 14-25 some were above that age."Theres about 500 of them here."
27-11-2008, 04:30
Peter again replied " I will buy your stores of flamethrowers, Cyanogen, Vx and Antharax. Also, can you recommend any stores that sell heavy military equipment and weaponry".
"Around here no not as much, I know of salesmen of the wmd kind flourish in Josuha."
Osea 767
29-11-2008, 16:50
"It has been good doing buisness with you. Take the goods to Emperor Joshua international Airport, terminal C". Peter then left and entered a vehicle that set off for Josuha.
29-11-2008, 18:05
(its called Josuha not joshua)
Osea 767
29-11-2008, 18:40
Ok, I'll change it.
29-11-2008, 18:42
(I mean I can't do much right now since you haven't arrived in Josuha yet)
Osea 767
29-11-2008, 18:55
Peter finally arrived at Josuha. He exited his vehicle and went to one of the stores. He then walked up to the shopkeeper and said "what do you sell in your store? I am looking for heavy military equipment and weaponry".
29-11-2008, 19:16
(this thread is pretty much dead)