NationStates Jolt Archive

The Rebirth of a Nation (MT, open)

The Beatus
03-11-2008, 02:01
It started not that long ago, when word leaked out, that Emperor Jonas Listless secretly sent Beatusian troops to support the communist in the Stoklomolvi civil war. There were riots, and demonstrations. The Emperor though it prudent to, attempt to resolve the issue, himself. While appearing at a pro-capitalist demonstration, he was shot. The shooter was never identified. Seconds after the shot rang out, and Emperor Listless fell to the ground, clearly dead as the .500 S&W Magnum round impacted his forehead. Immediately the crowd turned on itself, as those that were still somewhat loyal to the Emperor turned on the others. The entire event was broadcast live, and the situation rapidly deteriorated. The military was called in, to attempt to keep the peace, but it was no use. Fighting dragged on for weeks. As more and more died, groups began recruiting younger and younger, at first it was anyone 18 or older, than 17, then 16. As the dead began piling up, their bodies were burned in the streets.

Very little of what was going on, was clear to the outside world. The assassination of the Emperor was broadcast internationally live, but soon after that, international broadcasts stopped, as everyone was forced to join a side, or shot for being a coward. The Embassy district was sheltered from this, as it was located far from residential areas, and people really had no reason to venture into that part of the City of the Blessed. Fringe groups that had been preparing for such a war took rapid action that was planned far in advance striking at communication centers, military airfields, naval yards, important roads, bridges and highways. Many aircraft were destroyed sitting on the ground by this rapid militia attacks. In some places, these fringe groups met, and started small engagements against each other. Bombs were planted on dams, to create further chaos for other groups, flooding valleys and villages. Anything that gave on group, a perceived advantage over any of the others, was targeted, with few acceptations. The capital was largely abandoned, as it was deemed to target rich to defend, leaving it mostly intact. On the first day, when air traffic controllers failed to punch in for work, the computer system noticed, and an automated message was broadcast on a loop, on the regular frequencies, that would alert all incoming aircraft, that due to technical difficulties, they would need to divert around the Beatus. In less than a month, the Beatus’ population was more than halved. Any foreigners in the nation would have suddenly found themselves in a war zone, with no cell phones, no internet, no telephone, and nowhere to turn. Those that were smart would have found a safe basement to hideout in, until things settled down. Many of the larger hotels had bomb shelters with enough supplies to last months.

When the dust of the fighting settled, the Beatus was in ruins. Whole towns had been leveled, their populations killed. 99.9% of Men and women age 18-50 were dead. Basic utilities such as electricity, phone service, and running water were unavailable. There was no gas to be found, as the refineries, and oil derricks had shutdown at the onset of the war, and many had been destroyed along with the pipelines in the fighting. It had been a little over two months, and the nation had changed dramatically. Many children and teens 15 and under had been taken by elders to caves and such places to protect them from the ongoing violence. When they emerged, they found a world much different than they had left. Their MP3 players, cell phones, laptops, no longer worked without power, and cell service. The few men, who remained, set up a government in the town of Kenyon. One of their first decrees, was the implementation of forced labor for those under the age of 18, so that the nation may be rebuilt to its former glory. Such action caused great anger among the children. These men had destroyed their nation, and now wanted to force the next generation to rebuild it. They had the men greatly out numbered, and in an organized effort, overthrew the new government. At this point, the only really people in the Beatus, were 15 years old, or younger, with the exception of a few old people, though the events of late, and lack of medical care, did not favor them, and many of them were dying. This left the children, alone, without a government. Without anything familiar, they reverted to their ways before the war. They separated into cliques. Then a hierarchy began to develop. The popular kids, the Jocks, the Preppies, and the Surfer Dudes, assumed roles of leadership, because, well they were popular. Below them, were the class clowns, the funny guys, who provided entertainment for the Popular kids. Below them, were the bullies, who were the enforcers, making sure that what the popular kids said, happened. Then there were teachers pets, the suck-ups, who, with no adults to suck-up to, found the next best authority figures, the popular kids. They served as the whistle blowers, always willing to tattle on those who failed to follow the rules. Then came the nerds, geeks, and computer whizzes, who advised the popular kids on things relating to science and technology. Below them, were the rest of the kids, who would be the ones that would do a majority of the real work. As this hierarchy developed, the groups began to move closer, and become more organized, and within each level or class, new hierarchies were formed. Leaders began to emerge for each class, and a type of government was taking shape.

After about a week, a majority of the population had centered itself around the City of the Blessed, as it was one of the few places with little or no damage. The Geeks and Nerds found much of the infrastructure to be in working order, and had little difficulty operating it. Armories and gun shops were found. These places were “secured” by the bullies, to ensure that the weapons remained in the proper hands. Those children that had grown up on farms, had been sent out to work the ones around the area, and the others remained in the city, while the new government formulated what to do. With the international community in the dark, it was decided that the new government should make a statement of some kind. The geeks were ordered to set up some television equipment, and to prepare a live broadcast to the world. The popular kids then went to chose a leader, someone who would talk on camera. They selected Devin Fogarty, a 15 year old, who before the war, had been the star of his schools baseball team. One of the geeks stood next to the camera, counting down the time to the live broadcast. The feed went out live on Beatusian channels that had been blank since the war began. Devin looked at the teleprompter next to the camera, and began reading. “Hel-lo, lead-ers, of da, world,” his face was in deep concentration as he sounded each word out. “I da like to,” he paused for a minute, then deciding that reading was to difficult, decided to make up his address as he went. “Wut-up world. I’m Devin Fogarty, but you can call me Da Presadent. Thangs hur in da Beatus have ben really messed-up, now things is better. Da old folks messed things up bad. But they all dead now, and we is in charge. We gona do things different. We ain’t goin to make the same mistakes our parents did. We gona do things gooder, and make the Beatus a gooder place for person to be. Dats all I gots to say now.” He looked at one of the nearby geeks and they quickly cut the transmission.,1158465479,3.jpg
(Devin Fogarty)

[ooc: feel free to RP your nations response, what's been happening at your embassy over that past few months, or what's happening there now, or a citizen who found shelter in a hotel basement bomb shelter, emerging for it, or anything else really. However, I would really prefer no invasions right now, if that is at all possible.]
New Kereptica
03-11-2008, 03:01
OOC: Very interesting, very original. Also, ACH! WALL OF TEXT!
The Beatus
03-11-2008, 05:10
[OOC: yea, sometimes I just start typing, and it grows and grows.]
New Kereptica
03-11-2008, 05:12
OOC: I know where you're coming from. Really great backstory by the way.
03-11-2008, 06:03
OOC: interesting and funny :-p props

But one question... wouldn't a 15 year old with what, I assume, would be a pretty good upbringing, be able to speak a little better? "Gooder" and stuff lol Anyway, tag.
The Beatus
03-11-2008, 06:10
OOC: interesting and funny :-p props

But one question... wouldn't a 15 year old with what, I assume, would be a pretty good upbringing, be able to speak a little better? "Gooder" and stuff lol Anyway, tag.

[OOC: working the "Dumb Jock" angle, that he's good at sports, so the teachers overlook his intellectual short comings. Also, if you didn't notice, he's pretty illiterate.]
03-11-2008, 06:11
OOC: lol ya I noticed, just checkin. the 'dumb jock' thing works well here lol
03-11-2008, 08:08
Good Story and I will certainly buy into it. One small thing worries me, if 99.9% of the adults between 18 and 50 were dead, it would be impossible to repopulate your country purely by birth rate. I guess you will need an invasion of people, people who need to have a huge desire to live in a country ravaged by virtual civil war. A country that is now Governed by geeks and bullies, along with surfies and misfits; damn that sounds like my type of country.

Ambassador Max Schelling looked around the back area of the Embassy complex. It was covered in militarty tents and Rechburgian refugees, people that lived in Beatus but fled the violence of the country for the safety of the Embassy complex.
There had been many more but they had been flown out by helicopter to Naval transports off the coast.
They returned with food and supplies, in fact they were now so well provisioned that some supplies were being given to the very young and elderly Beatus that did make there way into the Embassy area.

It was clear to Max Schelling that he needed to reach whatever form of Government existed at the moment. He had seen the TV broadcast, but was not reassured that a country of young with no life or work experience could knit a society together, at least not as a democracy; and that was what Ambassador Schelling needed to know. Just what was the type and policies of this bunch of kids.

He turned to his security Chief,

"Dan, I want you to make an appointment for me with "Da President", I will want a security detail to go with me".
03-11-2008, 08:55
OOC: Greal will get involved.
The Beatus
07-11-2008, 05:59
Good Story and I will certainly buy into it. One small thing worries me, if 99.9% of the adults between 18 and 50 were dead, it would be impossible to repopulate your country purely by birth rate. I guess you will need an invasion of people, people who need to have a huge desire to live in a country ravaged by virtual civil war. A country that is now Governed by geeks and bullies, along with surfies and misfits; damn that sounds like my type of country.

Ambassador Max Schelling looked around the back area of the Embassy complex. It was covered in militarty tents and Rechburgian refugees, people that lived in Beatus but fled the violence of the country for the safety of the Embassy complex.
There had been many more but they had been flown out by helicopter to Naval transports off the coast.
They returned with food and supplies, in fact they were now so well provisioned that some supplies were being given to the very young and elderly Beatus that did make there way into the Embassy area.

It was clear to Max Schelling that he needed to reach whatever form of Government existed at the moment. He had seen the TV broadcast, but was not reassured that a country of young with no life or work experience could knit a society together, at least not as a democracy; and that was what Ambassador Schelling needed to know. Just what was the type and policies of this bunch of kids.

He turned to his security Chief,

"Dan, I want you to make an appointment for me with "Da President", I will want a security detail to go with me".

[OOC: the repopulation thing will be no problem, let's just say that the civil war has left a great lack of birth control, very soon, there will be many many children.]

Official Message

To Max Schelling,

We welcome you to a meeting with President Fogarty. He will meet with you, tomorrow, at the Presidential apartments, at noon. Please do not be late.

Nevil Timberwood
Presidential Vizier
The Beatus
08-11-2008, 06:37
City of the Blessed

Massive crowds gathered in the Blessed Plaza, before what was once the Great Temple, residence of His Holiness Edwardo Listless, and following that, a museum of his life. Gordon Andrews, a charismatic, smooth talking, 15 year old, stood on the very same balcony, from which Edwardo Listless used to make addresses to nation. The international press had been invited to the event, though not told what it was about. They were seated in chairs on a nearby rooftop. The new "Security Forces" could be seen all over the plaza, brandishing M3 SMGs. They did not yet have an actually uniform, but had been given army green armbands, to distinguish themselves from everyone else. Many speakers were placed around the plaza, that would ensure all heard Gordon's words. Gordon held in his hands, a notebook. At 11:15 AM, local time, he cleared his through, raised the notebook before him, and began to speak, into the many microphones that were arrayed before him.

The Great and Mighty President Devin Jameson Fogarty, in his infinite wisdom, and knowledge, has issued the following decrees, which henceforth, are law. First, we have seen the destruction, and devastation created by the war, the many dead, our families and friends. We cannot tolerate, and will not allow such actions to happen again, therefore, Beatusian born more than 16 years before this date, are guilty of genocide, for their participation in the deaths of more than a billion Beatusians, and as such, are to be turned into the new security force, for trial and punishment. Secondly, all international treaties, and agreements made by the previous regimes, shall be honored by the current one, however, it is not recommended that foreigners visit the Beatus at this time, as the situation is still unstable, and their safety cannot be guaranteed. Thirdly, due to the rapid depopulation of the nation, and the need for rapid repopulation, monogamous relationships are to be frowned upon, as unpatriotic, and polygamy is to be encouraged. Also, along those lines, abortions, and birth control, are going to be temporarily illegal, based also on the fact that birth control supplies are extremely low, and that proper doctors to preform abortions are in short supply. Fourthly, as the old saying goes, it takes a whole village to raise a child, and with the need for longer working hours, coupled with an increase in children, we feel that it is best, if each village, area, has a child developement center, where all the children from said villages, areas, are raised, by people from the village, area, working on predetermined shifts. With the fact that children's parents will not be staying together in a monogamous relationship, we feel this is the best way. Fifthly, President Fogarty, is at this time leaded a team of security forces, in the north, in an area where it is rumored, that some faction from the war had, a hardened bunker, where there may, or may not still be some forces hiding, laying in wait, to strike, and plunge the nation back into chaos. He wishes you all to know, that he is thinking of you, and that the above decrees are only temporary, and that individually, when the time is right, they will be lifted. That is all, thank you

Gorden then closed the notebook, and stepped back from the microphones. He did not turn away from the crowd, but remained facing them, standing on the balcony, as they dispersed. Those that did not, were "assisted" by the security forces.
The Beatus
11-11-2008, 08:31
City of the Blessed
Four Days Later

Once again, massive crowds gathered in the Blessed Plaza. Gordon Andrews stood on the same balcony. The international press had been seated in chairs on a different nearby rooftop. Gordon held the same notebook as before. At 11:15 AM, local time, on the dot, he raised the notebook before him, and began to speak, as he did, his voice boomed through out the plaza, and it could be heard blocks away,

I bring good news, His Excellency, the Great and Mighty, President Devin Jamison Fogarty, has defeated a band of roving, pillaging warmongers. We have just received word of his heroic and honorable actions. He single handedly, kill 34 men who had vilely, and villainously, kidnapped, tortured, and killed many young children for sport. Medical personnel on the scene, have determined, from the bodies, that they first beat the children severally. Then broke their ankles, and released them, to try and run. They then hunted them like deer. I apologize, if what they have done was to disturbing for you, but we feel that you needed to know of President Fogarty's bravery. When they arrived on the scene, the men were just about to beat another boy. President Fogarty had only 5 soldiers with him, and instead of waiting for reenforcement, he heroically charged the men's camp. Reports are that he got 6 men with his M14, before it jammed, but that didn't stop him. He continued to run towards the camp, dodging enemy fire, to save that poor little boys life. When he reached the camp, he engaged the men. He killed 12 with the stock of his M14, and another 14 with his combat knife. The remaining 4 surrendered. They were quickly restrained, and a trial was preformed on the site, in which President Fogarty found them guilty of Genocide. He then executed them. During his charge, President Fogarty did suffer some injuries. He took a bullet in the shoulder, and received a deep knife wound in his right thigh. He refused to seek medical treatment, until after the men had been tried, and justice served.

Another boy approached Gordon from behind, and said something that was not audible, while handing a slip of paper to Gordon. Gordon read it over and continued,

I have just received an update from the hospital at which President Fogarty has been admitted. It appears that aside from his other injuries, he also sustained a few broken ribs, and broke his leg in the struggle. Though the doctors are confident that he would pull through. I think we are all glad to here that he will be okay. This is all I have to say at this time, thank you, and may your prayers be with the President.

Gordon then stepped back from the microphones, and the security forces already had their clubs out, "assisting" people, with their exiting of the plaza.

Tape Leaked to International Press

A tape was leaked to international press, by an unknown source, that showed the scene where the President was. There were many dead body scattered around what appeared to be a small village, most of them were older men, some had canes, none of them had guns, or weapons of any kind, and the way they lay, it appeared as if they had been running from someone. The video also overheard a conversation between two of the Security Forces, discussing how the discussing how the President received his injuries. "Man, that dude was stupid. He tells us to gun down these geezers, then he goes running in front of us, he's lucky he only got shot once. Then he goes and falls into a well, I mean, how stupid can a guy be. He's one lucky guy though, coming out with only a few broke bones. If we were ever in a real battle, I wouldn't want to be anywhere near that guy." The video was short, though it did show a well, with blood around it, and many dead old men, with no signs of any resistance. There was little to indicate where the video had been shot, and the two men talking never said any names or anything. However the description of the injuries, matched those of the President, who was currently residing in a hospital because of them.
18-11-2008, 19:47
Alfegos Airway Patrol 17

A lone convoy cut above the silent seascape that lay below them. Five white birds, hovering almost effortlessly in the sky at an altitude of twelve hundred metres, slowly dropping as they moved towards land. During the time of civil unrest, the air route NVBT-01 had remained on the giant network of airshipping lanes as a red line: all traffic barred from using the lane that crossed over Beatus and to the nations deeper in, traffic being diverted around by a few hundred kilometres. The lone mesolite that hovered sixty kilometres above the nation had been shut down in the latter stages of the bloody conflict, the only services now being provided being relay, since the nation had not paid the rental charges. A lone camera stared down from the craft over a barren landscape, observed by silent men in the Intelligence Office, War Ministry. The fighting that had gone on here had left a land completely closed. Whilst the official story that had been spread by Alfegos to their nation and onto the internet was that the entire country was under quarantine following a deadly outbreak of an unidentified disease, the government knew what had happened.

The patrol consisted of craft selected for the task about to be carried out. Their primary objective was to check if the skyway was not covered by anti-air fire, so it could be opened again. Their secondary objectives were to seek direct contact with the new national 'leaders' of this country, and to recover the hard drives from the now-deserted embassy.
These objectives were well in the mind of Taskforce Commander Yul'os, as he looked from the bridge of the foremost craft: a small Stormbringer-class Aerodropcraft. Such a craft was normally designed for taking a company of aeromarines, along with heavy equipment and supplies, and dropping them off in the enemy positions, the onboard weapons systems making short work of any resistance on the ground. As it was, the airship contained a platoon-sized detachment of men: the extra space was taken up with supplies pallets for setting up a small operating post in the nation once landed, to try and act as a communication point with the inhabitants and to act as a deterrent to any nation that should try and take Beatus in its compromised state.

Behind the airship, four other craft accompanied it: two M-class Aerofrigates, with the role of taking out any threat within 1000 kilometres and hunting submarines, and two I-class Aeropatrolcraft, to provide closer area observation qualities. The first craft crossed over onto land, as it began broadcasting a message on all short-medium range radio channels.

Greetings. This is Alfegos Airway Patrol 17, now passing over the landmass of the nation known as The Beatus. We wish to inform all listeners that we are here to provide aid: we will be landing a craft in the old Capital at the international airport, and setting up an aid post there. We wish you no harm, and hope you wish us no harm.
However, we wish to warn you listening that we are heavily armed: if we are attacked, then we will retaliate with appropriate force. If we find any civilian convoys following have been threatened or attacked, we will retaliate with appropriate force relative to the incident.
Contact us on FM Frequency 61.5MHz.
The Beatus
22-11-2008, 07:50
Radio Message

"Patrol 17, Patrol 17, this is City of the Blessed Center. We have you on radar, please adjust your heading to 135, and continue on that course until further instructions, while we prepare a landing pattern for Edwardo Listless International Airport."
24-11-2008, 21:33
(OOC: I was just brought over from the Family Vacation thread ... I totally would have been all over the genocide. The only issue is that you asked for no invasions, and well, my nation would invade for such a thing because there is no legitimate authority for them to speak to. I didn't bother making a statement in response or anything because that would inevitably lead to sending troops to bash some sense into the kids' skulls and policing the entire country, getting all older folk out of the country for their safety, etc. So, yeah... >_>

You can only get away with it because you politely asked to =P )
24-11-2008, 22:19
The commander listened to the simplistic reply on the radio channel, before replying.
"We confirm your orders. Adjusting course to 135, and reducing altitude to eight hundred metres in accordance to standard landing procedures."
Not that these heathens would likely know what an airship was: if there was any form of authority in the land still that could control high technology such as this, it would doubtlessly be children. Adolescents unaccustomed to the technology around them, guessing at workings. Any attack, and this nation would likely be wiped clean off the map.

"Aerodropcraft, reduce altitude to eight hundred metres and keep course. All other ships are to remain at a distance of three kilometres in crescent formation, to cover us should anything go wrong. All ships to amber alert, and prepare weaponry for designation."
Ahead, an urban area crept up, as the airship's engines slowed to a dull roar in the distance, allowing it to glide the rest of the way in. The three autocannons it had as primary weapons rotated on their mounts as gunners scanned the area, ready to intercept any units that engaged them.