30-10-2008, 01:26
(OOC: Sorry if this is in the wrong place, I couldn't think of anywhere else to put it)
To: Whomever it may concern
From: Sheryl Roy (Official A.M.A.P.P.M.I representative)
A.M.A.P.P.M.I. is interested in how other countries distribute propaganda, it is an important part of telling the public how to think, or suggesting they act/think or do something a certain way and we are interested in how it is handled outside of Fictions.
Here are some examples of the sort of thing that A.M.A.P.P.M.I does:
Of course we understand that there are many mediums that may be used, and many themes that they may represent, we look forward with interest to anything you might want to show,
(OOC: so basically, you can show off posters, slogans, videos, anything, I thought this might be a nice idea...It's not really role-play I know but still...)
To: Whomever it may concern
From: Sheryl Roy (Official A.M.A.P.P.M.I representative)
A.M.A.P.P.M.I. is interested in how other countries distribute propaganda, it is an important part of telling the public how to think, or suggesting they act/think or do something a certain way and we are interested in how it is handled outside of Fictions.
Here are some examples of the sort of thing that A.M.A.P.P.M.I does:
Of course we understand that there are many mediums that may be used, and many themes that they may represent, we look forward with interest to anything you might want to show,
(OOC: so basically, you can show off posters, slogans, videos, anything, I thought this might be a nice idea...It's not really role-play I know but still...)