26-10-2008, 07:11
Dynamic Revolution, the fascists, and the rest of the right wing nations, We find this amusing that you find hatred as a way of life. Any one supporting the white facist states is certianly not a friend of ours. Comrades, please cease all communications with fasicts.
Dynamic Revolution
26-10-2008, 08:10
To our Commrades abroad:
It is true that I have been in communication with the White Facist States. It is also true that we have requested an alliance with the nation. If this labels me a fascist then I accuse all of you of being IGNORANT! The enemy is not the fascist! For he is a simple farmer trying to make a living to support his family, and beloved country. The enemy is the bourgeois who have gotten FAT off of the sweat of the workers. Where many of you see enemies I see potential ALLIES! We have a common enemy! So what if we have different methods of achieving the same goal! Were Lenin's and Marx's ideology exactly the same? NO!
Now I have no love for those that hate our way of life. However I do have love for the Struggling worker who just threw off the yoke of OPPRESSION! Thus I say to YOU, I HAVE LOVE FOR THE WORKER! If that worker has a differing opinion than I, I still LOVE him!
You can scorn me and my people, you can hate us, but we will not yield to your attitude that so closely resembles the capitalists! They are prejudice based on class, political affiliation, wage, and color. I, I am not.
Your embattled Comrade
Grand Commodora Laura Cromwall Steiner
(OOC: Im not technically a Military Dictatorship with some socialist tendencies, but i like where this thread is going so ill play the part)
26-10-2008, 09:09
We cannot negotiate with these fascists. They will just betray you, Theyre all the same. Capitalism causes tyranny and starves alot of families. Fascists Think they are superior to whom they not know. The fascists are just going to try to get rid of us, which will not, nor be even thought about if we stay strong.
yours truly,
Comrade Michail Vonavich
(OOC:btw im also a military dictatorship)