25-10-2008, 13:48
November 5, 2998
KRIS Nea Michaela, slightly west of the Kjomasasopian border
Hills rolled away below as the Nea Michaela sailed in on a gentle vector above the unknown bay, squadron of cover shuttles following. Although the landscape below looked reasonably innocent, reconnaissance frigates were always the most vulnerable to any kind of fire, and the Nea's stubby-yet-formidable underside autocannons continually scanned the ground, ready to pour forty-millimetre shells into any potential threat.
Orbital scans by the recon trifecta assigned to this odd little planet yielded several signs of civilisation, and the Nea had been sent in for a brisk investigation. Two identical frigates waited above, ready to counter any really major threat, but nobody thought the little vessel would encounter any.
The big frigate banked like an old-time fighter jet to continue following the river's course, coming in on an inland sea of sorts. This seemed right, and Astrographics told the bridge staff to vector to port, which they did - the sea narrowed into a river again, and the Nea lowered until its belly was almost skimming the surface.
Finally the target destination - the river forked off and narrowed for several hundred kilometres, and the Nea's captain ordered it to a stop. Time to wait until someone came along.
KRIS Nea Michaela, slightly west of the Kjomasasopian border
Hills rolled away below as the Nea Michaela sailed in on a gentle vector above the unknown bay, squadron of cover shuttles following. Although the landscape below looked reasonably innocent, reconnaissance frigates were always the most vulnerable to any kind of fire, and the Nea's stubby-yet-formidable underside autocannons continually scanned the ground, ready to pour forty-millimetre shells into any potential threat.
Orbital scans by the recon trifecta assigned to this odd little planet yielded several signs of civilisation, and the Nea had been sent in for a brisk investigation. Two identical frigates waited above, ready to counter any really major threat, but nobody thought the little vessel would encounter any.
The big frigate banked like an old-time fighter jet to continue following the river's course, coming in on an inland sea of sorts. This seemed right, and Astrographics told the bridge staff to vector to port, which they did - the sea narrowed into a river again, and the Nea lowered until its belly was almost skimming the surface.
Finally the target destination - the river forked off and narrowed for several hundred kilometres, and the Nea's captain ordered it to a stop. Time to wait until someone came along.