NationStates Jolt Archive

Stand Alone (Heroes Related)

24-10-2008, 14:30
OOC: I felt like doing something that is related to the Heroes Rp that Alversia is hosting. This is like a Stand Alone episode such as the webisodes between Seasons 2 and 3 of Heroes.


The window was fogged up from her hot breath. It blotted out the view of the street. A girl by the name of Ashira Dryden, a young woman at the age of thirteen with medium black hair and steely grayish blue eyes used a sleeve to wipe it away and pressed her face back against the window. The cold radiated through the window and into the tip of her nose. Dots of white began to lazily cascade down from the sky. It was a boring day, like many days in fact. The streets were almost deserted. During this day, the whole country worked, all the kids went to school save this one.

She rested her chin onto the crook of her right hand and sighed. For the past three days she'd been abscent from school. It all started with a terrible fever that felt like a burning fire that spred throughout her body. Her parents were concerned and a visit to the doctor yielded no rest for their wearied minds. The doctor scratched his head, trying to put a finger on the ailment. High fever, dizziness, headaches; extreme headaches. The girl must've taken enough asprin to kill an elephant. Of course, the doctor searched for a quick answer and wrote it off as a flu.

The parents convinced themselves that their doctor's diagnosis was acceptable and they took a perscription for some flu drug and thanked him for his service. Ashira knew he was full of it. These headaches were enough to cause a split in the Earth's crust. Her mother, Agatha, decided to keep her at home for a few days, perhaps it would pass.

Ashira pulled away from the window and skirted off to the bathroom to retrieve a bottle asprin. A wince of pain and two pills down the throat and she was back in her room. The walls were covered with music posters. Alot of Scandinavian bands, heavy metal as well as Nightwish and other groups affiliated with that genre. There was nothing on the tv, she'd listened to all her songs five times over in past three days and each day passing fueled her irritation with the whole situation. dspite their good intentions, the parents didn't understand what was happening to her. She hardly had a grasp on what she was feeling. They probably wrote it off to the latter stages of puberty. She even admitted that it was a descent enough umbrella cause for all these things. But damn, the headaches were unimagineable in their pain and duration.

Throughout the rest of the afternoon her activities consisted of running up the phone bill, creating in her mind the largest rubberband ball, and downing a whole bottle of asprin. The boredom eroded her mental state down to enjoying watching a man srcape ice off of his windshield. The pinnicle being when he threw the thing to the ground in frustration due to him being unable to scrape fully through the thick layer. She watched on, hopeful that he'd go on a rampage with the ice scrapper, wielding it wildly in the air, tearing down the street as the masses ran in horror. Sadly, he merely adjusted his glasses and picked it up after cursing a few times.

This was a serious downer to an already down day. Her friend Anya had dropped off her missed assignments yesterday for Science. They had to write an essay on The Theory of Evolution, it's impact, and its' future. it was a mountainous assignment. She worked on it piece meal during the three days but made little headway. having given up all other avenues of enterainment, she bit the bullet and sat down at her desk to complete the essay. Stacks of books and papers rose like a mountain range. She set aside the papers and dug out a book she got from the library.

It was entitled, Activating Evolution, by some Indian doctor. It was an interesting enough read. This covered the future of evolution. In the book, the doctor described the human mind's untapped possibilities. Cellular regeneration, telekenesis, and human flight? These were just to name a few. It seemed hard to believe, people walking around with the ability to cut their arm off and grow another, or to fly from one city to another. In her mind it was...impossible to put it simply. Anya thought of it as exciting.

"It's like we can all be superheroes!" Anya's expression brightened during a study group one day, "I mean-wouldn't it be cool to fly?!"

"Yeah, we've all thought about it but that's impossible. None of us are Superman or Wonderwoman, get a grip" Ashira retorted, "It's just silly"

Anya was probably her only 'real' friend. a bright spirited and opptomistic girl who is the almost opposite of Ashira. They grew up together and stuck to each other like glue. Hecklers and the popular crowd who regularily pray on the lower pegged members of the social ladder often scrawled on bathroom walls that they were lesbians. It was untrue and a cruel joke. Ashira was different but who isn't? She didn't fall in with the popular kids and was a social outcast for the most part.

As she jotted down notes from the book and slowly pieced together an introduction, another episode grappled her head. A sharp pain sezied her and spiraled up the spine and encumbaced her skull, almost cruching her brain in blinding agony. She'd had enough of this, enough of bullshit excuses, enough of everything! Her cellphone which sat on the window seal buzzed loudly. She spun around in her chair and shouted "Stop it!"

Suddenly, the cellphone propelled off the window seal and smashed against the wall, scattering in numerous pieces violently. Everything came to a halt, the blinding pain disipated and cleared, like a cloud lifting. Her mouth dropped as she saw the pieces on the floor.

"Uhhh..." she uttered, "No...Way!"
24-10-2008, 14:56
Later that day...

Agatha Dryden popped through the doorway, stamping her feet against the mat to loosen away the snow. She closed the door quickly behind her and set down her bag full of term papers from the school. She worked as a teacher at another school district.

"Ashira, honey; where are you?" she blurted out, taking off the coat and hanging it up on the hanger.

There was no reply

"Ashira?!" She called again.

Ashira gathered up the pieces of her phone and deposited them in a drawer. Everything moved way too fast. This was bad, the cellphone being broke was a bigger concern than it magically throwing itself against the wall. They couldn't know or else they'd flip a lid that she broke it. She played it out in her mind 'My phone broke, Mom' and naturally she'd ask how it happened, 'Oh, I dunno, it just threw itself against the wall, that's all'

She appeared at the top of the stairs and greeted her mother.

"How was your day, dear?" Agatha inquired, making her way up the stairs.

"Oh-nothing exciting. Just another boring day, you know how it is" She laughed it off like nothing happened.

"That's good" she cheerfully replied, "Not much is new in my world, just grading these damn papers is all"

"Cool, I'm going back to my room" Ashira disappeared before her mom could get another word out. She closed the door and locked it, trying to keep the outside world away from this whole mess. What happened? There's got to be a reasonable explination for this. I mean, phones don't go flying for no reason, right?

After some time, it became obviosu that no other solution could be reached. Though, she continued to disbelief that she used her mind to propell the cellphone.
24-10-2008, 19:17
In the room alone, Ashira contemplated what to do next. All of a sudden that Activating Evolution seemed more pertinant than just a homework assignment. If Anya were here she'd never hear the end of it. It still seemed too impossible to believe. She looked at a photo frame of her family sitting on the dresser. It was taken last year when they went on vacation. Her gaze fixated on it and nothing happened. She refocused and concentrated again.


Ashira sat down in her chair and sighed, maybe it was just some freak occurance that can be written off as happenstance. As Ashira settled down and calmed, she suddenly became disappointed. There was a fleeting hope that she was special, different from the other kids in a positive way. They mocked her, the clothes she wore, the music she listened to.

As her mind ran through these realities, her eyes looked up at the frame once more and it began to levitate off the dresser.

"Oh my God!" She exclaimed and the frame eased back down onto the dresser. Maybe that's the way. She refocused again on the frame and watched weakily wobble and finally lift from the top. It levitated approximately a foot off the dresser. She moved her head and the frame followed with the movement. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door and the frame fell onto the ground, the glass panel holding in the picture shattered loudly and her mother bursted in.

"Ashira, are you alright?! What happened?" Agatha asked, deeply concerned, parental instincts kicking in.

"Uh-I'm sorry, Mom" Ashira apologized, excuses came quickly, much of the time. She had a nack for selling an emotion or excuse like that, making it believeable. It was a gift that got her out of a lot of trouble and prevented other things from being known. Things not too many people would approve of.

"I dropped the photo, I'm sorry" Ashira's voice faltered with fake apologetic tones.

"It's okay, sweetie" Agatha soothed her tone, "I'll get the dust pan and a broom, be careful" and she walked back out of the room.

Ashira stared at the shattered frame. It tore a piece through her face on the picture. She picked up the photo, sliding glass off and examining the photo. It was a mask, all of it a mask. The happiness in the photo was just a mask she wore. There were many masks for different people. This was her deepest secret, or so she thought. The only person in the world who even came close to understanding her was Anya. Even then she kept at a certain distance, closer than others though. That's probably another reason why the other kids shunned her, maybe they picked up on the truth?

Her mother reappeared and swept up the glass and asked once again if she was hurt to which Ashira simply shook her head. It would be an hour before her father came home and brother from hockey practice. Her brother Adrian wouldn't understand, he was a few years older and more of a jock-type, though nice enough. She closed the door and sat on her bed.

She pointed a finger at a locket box on her dresser and it levitated upwards. She moved it over the the bedstand and set it down. A smirk broadened...
24-10-2008, 19:31
The Next Day at School...
The night before at dinner Ashira convinced her mother that whatever ailment afflicted her prior, it had cleared and she was back to normal. Agatha gave her a concerned look but her father was assured that his daughter was tough like him. So, Ashira found herself back at school, with a new trick up her sleeve.

"People thought you were dead or something" Anya told her outside the entrance. Other students funneled in lazily, groaning about exams and book reports.

"I'm sorry to disappoint them" Ashira replied. She debated on wether or not to mention this discovery to Anya. For now, she'd hold onto it provately for the time being. Anya told her of the latest gossip, who's dating who, and what assignments she missed. It all was boring and distasteful to her ears.

As they walked up the stairs, a group of girls walked opposit them and one extended her hand out and with one quick swep, knocked the books from Ashira's hands and the spilled onto the stairs. Several amoungst the group began to cackle and keep walking. Ashira just stood there and adjusted her black framed glasses. Anya stood mouth agape.

"What a bitch" Anya hissed. She referred to Veronika Drenov. She was everything Ashira was not and in the same breath rarely cared to be. Ashira simply turned her head just in time to catch Veronika giving her a smug smile and flicking back her blonde hair.

"Whatever makes her feel better" Ashira played it off casually, like it was no big concern. She simply knelt down and gathered up the dropped notebook and book.

"You don't seem that upset, Ashira" Anya noted.

"Whatever makes her feel better" Ashira repeated.

They continued their way into the school. Ashira fumed on the inside, boiling with pent up rage that she couldn't stand anymore. The cool expression on her face hid the truth beneath.
24-10-2008, 20:19
OOC:it cool if I hop in at some point?
24-10-2008, 21:04
OOC: Sure, this takes place thirteen years before Alversia's thread starts. It's mainly a backstory for Ashira, but you can jump in if you can make it work.
24-10-2008, 21:12
ooc:awesome . . .gotta admit I'm just enjoying the story for now but if I see and opening I will
26-10-2008, 13:50
The days studies went on with timeful droll. The bell commanded the masses without question. Like an omnipresent instructor with one resounding ring, you would execute your directive, like a good little drone. This was her attitude towards that damn bell, shrilling in her ear at the beginning and end of every period. The classes were easy enough. She'd sit there, jot down notes, answer the occasional question, and breeze by without making too much of a splash. Under the radar was a well worn technique of hers. At lunch, she would escape to a little used hallway that led to one of the computer labs. Only two classes were held there a day and foot traffic was minimal. There, she'd lean up against the wall and slide down and open her brown paper bag and eat in peace and quiet. This year, her and Anya didn't have the same lunch period together which sucked but in truth she didn't mind the away time from the rest of the students. They would cluster in their clicks and gossip, cackling loudly at the expense of someone who was not there to defend their name.

She chewed away at a sandwich and for a little snicker, didn't feel like setting it down to get her drink. This new found ability did have its' practical uses after all as her soda levitated out of the bag and she took a sip and it set back down on its' own. It opened up a new window of opportunities and questions. What else can I do with this? How can it benefit me? What now? Telling her parents were out of the question. If watching shows like The Hulk taught her anything it was that if you have something special, the government will stop at nothing to get what you have. The last thing she wanted was to be in some secret research facility, lying on a metallic table, disected and examined. Plus, it would probably kill the both of them to know their daughter was a freak. The other kids would revel in the idea. Ashira couldn't bear the idea of them having the satisfaction of being right all these years.

She crumpled up the bag and eyed a trash can at the end of the hallway. Time to work on my aim. She concentrated an the bag flew itself into the trash can. Nice. It was quite amusing actually. It only raised more questions. How did this happen? She wasn't exposed to Gamma Radiation, there was no freak chemical accident, and last she noticed, her parents were painfully normal in every way imagineable. Maybe she was the "Next step in evolution" or something crazy like that. Of course, using your mind to throw a brown paper bag twenty feet into a trash can is just as plausable as the next step in evolution. She decided that once she got home, Activating Evolution deserved more attention. That Dr.Saresh was onto something...
26-10-2008, 19:25
As lunch period drew to a close she decided it was best to begin gathering up her stuff and head to her locker. But before she could stand up, three figures loomed at the hall entrance. Veronika and two of her cronies stood there, arms crossed and faces set to condensend.

"What are you doing here?" Veronika's eyes narrowed.

Ashira met her stare, "Eating my lunch"

"Class is about to start so get out of our way" Veronika said, closing the distance. Ashira remained sitting on the ground sne decided to make herself comfortable and stretched her legs out, sighing lazily. She'd had enough of being a submissive victim and this little act of defiance was a big step.

"Oh, excuse me" Veronika feined an apologetic tone. Her two friends snickered. Ashira missed the pun in Veronika's words, "I'm sorry for getting in your way" her tone became more resentful.

Ashira said nothing and just stared at the opposite wall. She'd had her full of these little encounters. They grew more frequent and confrontational as the year progressed. At first it was just gossip and the occasional stare in the hallway. Now it was blunt bullying and taunting. Ashira could never figure out what it was. Maybe Veronika was less an interesting person than Ashira and she knew it. Maybe she was prettier than Veronika. The answer remained unclear.

"What is your problem?" Ashira finally asked, brimming.

"You" Veronika shot back instantly, "Everything about you. You give me the creeps, you fuckin' freak. Simply everything about you freaks me out!"

"People are afraid of what they don't understand" Ashira replied.

"Fuck you!" Veronika snapped and punted Ashira's notebook and folder down the hallway, papers flying out in different directions. Her friends joyfully watched on and laughed, pointing at Ashira. Veronika stepped over Ashira's feet. It took alot of restraint from kicking that bitch. But, she let them pass and leave from sight. She sat there, allowing herself to be submerge in her anger, fueling itself.

Ashira finally decided that this was enough. The taunting, gossip, and rumors were enough. Everything she put up with for years, this was it. Those headaches returned and panged away repeatedly. She looked at her hand and closed it into a fist. There was a crinkling sound. She looked up to see the soda can had crumpled and collapsed into itself, crushed completely.

Ashira simply smiled...
African-Akhad Union
26-10-2008, 20:08
Ooc: Dun-dun-dun!!!!!