Gente Del Agua
23-10-2008, 09:06
[OOC: Do NOT post, ever. If you want to make a comment, make a TG instead.]
Map of the Imperium
Population: 5,421,381,348~
Gross Domestic Product: 75,000,000,000,000~ (@#)
Gross Domestic Product (PPP): 127,500,000,000,000~ (USD$)
Tax Rate: 41%
Currency: Domas (@#)
D# to USD$ Ration: 1=1.7
Economic Level: Frightening
Political Freedoms: Low
Civil Freedoms: Above Average
Funding: 54,610,000,000,000~
Funding en Percentage: 41%
Funding to Navy en Percentage: 61%
Funding to Imperial Troopers en Percentage: 12%
Funding to Latican Trooper en Percentage: 15%
Funding to Latican Air Service en Percentage: 12%
Funding to Navy en USD: 33,312,100,000,000~
Funding to Imperial Troopers en USD: 6,553,200,000,000~
Funding to Latican Trooper en USD: 8,195,100,000,000~
Funding to Latican Air Service en USD: 6,553,200,000,000~
Percent of Population: >.5%~
Manpower en Military: 25,000,000~
Manpower en Imperial Troopers: 5,000,000~
Manpower en Latican Troopers: 10,000,000~
Manpower en Latican Navy: 7,000,000,000~
Manpower en Latican Air Service: 8,000,000
Percent of Manpower, Reserves: 56%
Percent of Manpower, Active: 44%
Percent of Manpower, Militia: 0%
The formation of the Latican Imperium was one of blood, but it started en Managua, Nicaragua. En the year of 1971 the Nicaragua military was the best equipped and trained en Central America, a fearsome force by those in the region, but several key events would happen en this time period. Richard Nixon died of a stroke this same year, and his Vice President and Secretary of State was also killed, three months later it was found that the assassination was planned and carried out by the United Kingdom. This initiated a war between Europe and America, one that devasted both countries almost completely, until the year of 1973 where a peace was signed after the Russians began mobilizing en the east, a fear that lead the two warring factions, America and the Europeans to a peace and faced the Red threat, but it was already too late for both their economies had been shattered by the strategic bombing of one another.
But the date of 1973 isn't as important just yet, the big deal is 1972, when en May 1st, the military Junta began en Nicaragua. Fernando Agüero, en his genius launched an aggressive campaign, launching a week attack on the capitol, which en respond, the Hondurans sent their aircraft en to take out the threat, but thanks to Russian-given equipment and Cuban training the SAM-3s took out all but one Honduran aircraft, the last of which retreated all the way to Guatemala, a coward even en comparison to Hondurans. With the major threat of the Honduran airforce all but destroyed, the Nicaraguan military fell back. The Hondurans foolishly followed, and once en the Mount Mogoton the Nicaraguan Force halted and held their ground, forcing the Hondurans to get bogged down, General Agüero then ordered his helicopters to land troops on the flanks the rear of the Honduran forces, forcing a surrender of some fourteen thousand troops. The remainder of militia and some thousand regular troops soon disbanded when the Honduran Head of State, Oswaldo Arellano, agreed to unconditional surrender on May 27th, a day after the annihilation of the Honduran military. The Nicaraguan military had some thousand casualties.
This boost en morale for the regime led to Agüero being crowned El Emperador de la Guerra. It was only a token name, but it soon grew on him and he formulated his next move. On July 16th he began labeling natural-born Hondurans by their former flag on their chest, much like the Jews were by the Nazi regime. He also began talks on July 18th with the El Salvadorian government as they were plotting to invade Guatemala and splitting the nation en two. At the same time unknown Nicaraguan military weapons genius, Hernandez R. Rámendez had made a cheaper copy of the Mi-8, labeled the NiH-08 it was condoned by the Russian government and soon the Nicaraguan Air-Ground Service became an independent branch with the ability to transport up to a thousand troops at one time with around a hundred twenty Mi-8 and NiH-08 Multi-Role Helicopters, en August 22nd.
On September 2nd Guatemala caught wind of the plans and launched a preemptive strike on El Salvador, gambling that Nicaragua would not get involved with its fearsome Air-Ground Service. That gamble, sadly, failed, and the Nicaraguan moved seven thousand troops to attack the eastern flank of the Guatemalan side of the Salvadoreño-Guatemalteco Front that had been established in the first two weeks of fighting exactly on the two country's borders. This force, however, was not the main striking force, as the Air-Ground Service once again came on the rear, and using some guns they gained the ability to provide air-cover even after they had dropped off their troops. The Guatemalan command didn't use their airforce at this crucial battle due to fear of losing it, similar to that of the Honduran airforce, but en truth the best time to use their airforce was when the helicopters were landing far-away from the units that were equipped with the SAM-3s, a tactical oversight that cost them over two thousand men's lives, and four thousand more wounded en the battle for the border before the Guatemalan forces surrendered.
With their remaining fifteen thousand troops digging trenches around Guatemala city the El Salvadorians moved their forces, along with the Nicaraguan forces up in the region, however, before any major conflict could arise the government of Guatemala had already been facing many political issues and agreed to capitulate, so long as they were not branded like the Hondurans. This was accepted and the Guatemalan Air Force, the remainder of its Navy and Ground elements also became part of the Nicaraguan Armed Forces. However, Agüero, intelligently fearing an upcoming insurgency, like the one that was already starting to flare up en Honduras, decided to rename la Republica de Nicaragua, into el Imperio Latino, a decision that to this day is seen as genius by internal affairs majors. With this single name change he was able to stop the dissidence in Guatemala, and also got El Salvador to join en December 21st of 1972.
El Imperio Latino threatened to invade Belize, and without the help of the currently warring Americans or Europeans they quickly decided on a bloodless capitulation. El Imperio turned it sights towards Costa Rica, and being without an army for almost two decades at that point that had no choice but to become a province, though both in Belize and Costa Rica this was accepted. Both were capitulated by January 29th. The over-running of some many countries worried the Americans, but they had to devote too much effort into fighting the Europeans that they had no option but to simply watch, en horror. All this going on with El Ejército Imperial growing to just over fifty thousand standing troops, it was a force that none dared attempt to overcome.
En May 17th a British full blown assault on the Panama canal, one that was defeated two weeks later, led the government of Panama to request to become a province, the first such happening El Imperio's history. They were accepted, and as such El Imperio flourished with the new trade, and this was also of good fortune for the Americans who didn't have to protect the route anymore and were still allowed all of the quirks that they were given before when they owned the canal, but even if they wanted to, at this point they couldn't devote enough of a force to take the canal back from El Imperio.
El Imperio Latino had grown to twenty-nine million, thirty-two if, which El Imperio did not count, count the natural-born Hondurans. En July 19th the genocide against the Honduran began, with a mass slaughter of some hundred thousand. If they were wearing the star they were taken to a camp, and shot, but it was unknown for several weeks where these camps went, and by that time over two million had been killed, the rest took about another year to completely kill off, or atleast none left inside El Imperio. But this was an outrage that Colombia could not take, and they sent in half their military. A percent of their population threw the forests of Panama. They marched en between La Palma and Puerto Obaldíe, a heavily forest region, and since the major ways have been completely bomb or felled with trees, the majority of the infantry moved threw the forest... without air cover.
So en August 6th, when the Colombian troops reached exactly en between La Palma and Puerto Obaldie, and were confirmed to be en the forest, a napalm run was launched, burning up the rear of the mass military unit, cutting off their retreating point. At the same time twenty thousand troops attacked from both flanks, and a further twenty-five thousand attacked straight down the middle. Despite both forces being conscript units, El Imperio Latino's forces had more willingness to defend their new identity, plus the air support to killed some fifty thousand before the shooting even began, and when the Colombian air force retaliated, the SAM-3s and the copies that were once again pioneered by Rámendez, they were shot to hell and could not chase or damage any of the Latino air craft. Over two hundred thousand Colombian troops surrendered that day, and they were given a choice, stay en El Imperio, or return back to Colombia, they chose to stay. Sadly the burning of the forest lasted for nearly a week, and killed over fifty thousand citizens, but it was a sacrifice Agüero was willing to make.
El Emperador Agüero offered the Colombians an ultimatum, capitulate to El Imperio, or continue the fruitless war en which over half your military has already been defeated. They choose to join El Imperio Latin, but it was at this juncture that the American-European war ended, often called mini-WW3, with the fear Communism again rising more than hate for those who killed their brothers and fathers, well atleast by the government, not so much the American and European citizens. It was at this point that Agüero decided on the name Latican... the Latican Imperium, it was catchy, and it maintained the dignity of his race, and the people loved it, and so it became the new name of El Imperio.
The Latican Imperium sent out requests for Peru, Argentina, Ecuador, Chile, Venezuela, Uruguay, Paraguay, Brazil, and even Suriname, French Guiana, and Guyana to become provinces en the Latican Imperium. Ecuador decided to join first, seeing their old enemy willing to join a greater cause, one Peru was willing to follow, they also joined. Fearing invasion from a much larger force Suriname and Guyana joined third and fourth. Watching the growth of the nation, and being sandwiched between enemies Paraguay joined fifth. Chile also new that a war was inevitable, but expected it to be with Argentina, and saw the Latican Imperium as more of a Latin alliance and quickly joined.
Venezuela abstained from joining due to the belief they could hold their own. Brazil abstained because they believed they were large enough and technologically advanced enough to destroy the Imperium if any threat came from the, French Guiana believed they had the support of France, sadly they failed to realize just how destroyed France was due to strategic bombing, the Central and South Americas were left to fend for themselves. Bolivia was waiting to ask to join the Imperium, it would be a boost to the morale of the troops and such not having to force their own race into the Imperium. Argentina held its own off because of they believed that the Imperium was to be another Latin attempt at unification that was just a waste of time, and would force them into a war with Brazil, something that they highly feared.
En the following year of 1974 all outside powers were effectively left out of the region, and so using their forces in Suriname and Guyana the Imperium quickly eradicated the Guianese resistance, and they were forced to join the military, though this was the first standing fighting that the Imperium had done in some two years, they had done well enough and only lost six thousand men, whilst the Guianese lost over eight thousand of their own before giving up the fighting a month later. The next month Bolivia requested membership in the Latican Imperium, and received it, bringing massive pride to the Imperium's armed forces and fear to those opposed to it.
Venezuela was still a major fear, however, using a two month long campaign the Imperium was able to move two hundred thousand troops into Suriname threw sea with the Venezuelans unknowing. On March 28th four hundred thousand Imperium troops moved into the Cordillera de Merida range, and made camp their, waiting for the full force of the Venezuelan military, which, attempted to gain air-superiority by launching their full air force, this strike took out approximately fifty thousand troops, however the Latican Air Force was quickly launched in succession to this strike, and this completed destroyed to Venezuelan Air Force while it was grounded, however around twenty aircraft were lost to SAM systems used by the Venezuelans. The aforementioned troops secretly moved threw the Venezuelan Costal Range, and attacked and captured the capitol of Venezuela, Caracas without much of a fight. This led to the ending of the Venezuelan conflict with over seventy-five thousand Imperium troops made casualties, and some thirty-thousand Venezuelan troops also made casualties. This was the first time that the Imperium had taken more casualties than dished out, however the air strike that was allowed was what brought the toll so high, and this was accepted by the Imperium's citizens and the morale toll was none too high. Argentina requested to become a province six weeks later.
A hundred forty million was the size of the Latican Imperium, and yet the hundred sixty million Brazilian neighbors still held themselves independent en 1975. Agüero, however was an intelligent man, and he began peace talks with Brazil whilst he started conscription of a full percent of the Imperium's population, over a million troops would be mobilized and moved to become an imposing figure to Mexicans. It took a year, but by this time the military had been raised and moved to Imperium's border with Mexico, relations with Brazil were flourishing, and they were even trading technology and goods, the Imperium gaining most from this. They had bought thirty F-5s from the Brazilians and moved them to the Mexican theatre, a sign of good faith.
En March 19th, 1976 the Imperium launched it offensive, the Mexican force of some two hundred thousand strong would easily be crushed by the Imperium's ground force, however the Mexican Air Force gained air-superiority in the first week of the conflict, forcing the Imperium troops into their first true retreat en its history. However, once the Mexican forces began pushing into the Yucatan peninsula the forestation proved cover for the Imperium's forces, as the Mexicans were not willing to fire bomb the forest. This proved to be the downfall as a military unit of a hundred thousand troops became surrounded by the 2. Latican Trooper Corps, a unit of over two hundred thousand troops, and brutal jungle fighting that ensued lasted a month before the Mexicans ran out of supplies and had to surrender, despite using cluster bombs to inflict a high amount of damage on the 2. Corps.
Elsewhere on the former Guatemalteco-Mexicano border the remainder of the troops fought the main force of the Latican Imperium, inflicting a 2:1 ratio on the Imperium's forces due to air-superiority, however, once the 2. Corps was able to process the captured Mexicans they hit the flank hard, losing another sixty thousand before being forced to pull back. This attack was enough to allow the 3. Corps and 1. Corps to move in close enough where air-superiority could not be given to the Mexicans, and at that point they routed and gave up. Thus the Mexican government had no choice but to capitulate.
With the new military that had proven itself strong, although losing just under two hundred thousand troops, against the some seventy thousand Mexicans lost, and the addition of another ninety million citizens, El Emperador Agüero gained the courage to move his massive force to the Latican-Brazilian border. The Brazilian capitulated as they realized that they could not train enough troops to defeat the larger force, and the large public consensuses that making a completely unified Latin America would be good for everyone. With that the population was over three hundred million, larger than America at that time.
En 1979 the Latican Imperium purchases Puerto Rico from the United States for ninety billion dollars, not a large sum for the flourishing nation that had recently hit a boom using the oil from Venezuela to fuel all the nation's economic building, steel production and manufacturing plants were popping up everywhere, by 1982 a little known car company that was started in 1979 became world renowned, Esperde Automobile Company, and also branched out into an arms company that supplied the military with copies of the best guns around the worlds, though this was kept a top secret until 1996.
En 1987 the Latican Imperium had grown to the size of some seven hundred million, a massive size that every nation en world feared, and as such they began laying claim to African nations as their space was becoming crowded. This lead to the colonization of over three African nations, alongside the genocide of millions of Africans en Africa, and the blacks, chinks and whites back on the home front, giving living space for the Mestizo race. The Native Americans were bred to the point where they became two percent of the population, and were expected to become ten percent by 2008, a goal that was far, far away at that time.
En 2008 after the genocides en Africas and back home, and the breeding of the Native Americans, which are currently eleven percent of the population, the next colonization has begun of Latican Giscardia, currently the capitol will be a Migrant (non-natural-born Hondurans, which survived the genocide because of that) home, and is expected that atleast twenty percent of the colony's full population will be Migrants. The genocidal tendencies of the Imperium may lead to another such if uncooperative natives of a different race are found.
Map of the Imperium
Population: 5,421,381,348~
Gross Domestic Product: 75,000,000,000,000~ (@#)
Gross Domestic Product (PPP): 127,500,000,000,000~ (USD$)
Tax Rate: 41%
Currency: Domas (@#)
D# to USD$ Ration: 1=1.7
Economic Level: Frightening
Political Freedoms: Low
Civil Freedoms: Above Average
Funding: 54,610,000,000,000~
Funding en Percentage: 41%
Funding to Navy en Percentage: 61%
Funding to Imperial Troopers en Percentage: 12%
Funding to Latican Trooper en Percentage: 15%
Funding to Latican Air Service en Percentage: 12%
Funding to Navy en USD: 33,312,100,000,000~
Funding to Imperial Troopers en USD: 6,553,200,000,000~
Funding to Latican Trooper en USD: 8,195,100,000,000~
Funding to Latican Air Service en USD: 6,553,200,000,000~
Percent of Population: >.5%~
Manpower en Military: 25,000,000~
Manpower en Imperial Troopers: 5,000,000~
Manpower en Latican Troopers: 10,000,000~
Manpower en Latican Navy: 7,000,000,000~
Manpower en Latican Air Service: 8,000,000
Percent of Manpower, Reserves: 56%
Percent of Manpower, Active: 44%
Percent of Manpower, Militia: 0%
The formation of the Latican Imperium was one of blood, but it started en Managua, Nicaragua. En the year of 1971 the Nicaragua military was the best equipped and trained en Central America, a fearsome force by those in the region, but several key events would happen en this time period. Richard Nixon died of a stroke this same year, and his Vice President and Secretary of State was also killed, three months later it was found that the assassination was planned and carried out by the United Kingdom. This initiated a war between Europe and America, one that devasted both countries almost completely, until the year of 1973 where a peace was signed after the Russians began mobilizing en the east, a fear that lead the two warring factions, America and the Europeans to a peace and faced the Red threat, but it was already too late for both their economies had been shattered by the strategic bombing of one another.
But the date of 1973 isn't as important just yet, the big deal is 1972, when en May 1st, the military Junta began en Nicaragua. Fernando Agüero, en his genius launched an aggressive campaign, launching a week attack on the capitol, which en respond, the Hondurans sent their aircraft en to take out the threat, but thanks to Russian-given equipment and Cuban training the SAM-3s took out all but one Honduran aircraft, the last of which retreated all the way to Guatemala, a coward even en comparison to Hondurans. With the major threat of the Honduran airforce all but destroyed, the Nicaraguan military fell back. The Hondurans foolishly followed, and once en the Mount Mogoton the Nicaraguan Force halted and held their ground, forcing the Hondurans to get bogged down, General Agüero then ordered his helicopters to land troops on the flanks the rear of the Honduran forces, forcing a surrender of some fourteen thousand troops. The remainder of militia and some thousand regular troops soon disbanded when the Honduran Head of State, Oswaldo Arellano, agreed to unconditional surrender on May 27th, a day after the annihilation of the Honduran military. The Nicaraguan military had some thousand casualties.
This boost en morale for the regime led to Agüero being crowned El Emperador de la Guerra. It was only a token name, but it soon grew on him and he formulated his next move. On July 16th he began labeling natural-born Hondurans by their former flag on their chest, much like the Jews were by the Nazi regime. He also began talks on July 18th with the El Salvadorian government as they were plotting to invade Guatemala and splitting the nation en two. At the same time unknown Nicaraguan military weapons genius, Hernandez R. Rámendez had made a cheaper copy of the Mi-8, labeled the NiH-08 it was condoned by the Russian government and soon the Nicaraguan Air-Ground Service became an independent branch with the ability to transport up to a thousand troops at one time with around a hundred twenty Mi-8 and NiH-08 Multi-Role Helicopters, en August 22nd.
On September 2nd Guatemala caught wind of the plans and launched a preemptive strike on El Salvador, gambling that Nicaragua would not get involved with its fearsome Air-Ground Service. That gamble, sadly, failed, and the Nicaraguan moved seven thousand troops to attack the eastern flank of the Guatemalan side of the Salvadoreño-Guatemalteco Front that had been established in the first two weeks of fighting exactly on the two country's borders. This force, however, was not the main striking force, as the Air-Ground Service once again came on the rear, and using some guns they gained the ability to provide air-cover even after they had dropped off their troops. The Guatemalan command didn't use their airforce at this crucial battle due to fear of losing it, similar to that of the Honduran airforce, but en truth the best time to use their airforce was when the helicopters were landing far-away from the units that were equipped with the SAM-3s, a tactical oversight that cost them over two thousand men's lives, and four thousand more wounded en the battle for the border before the Guatemalan forces surrendered.
With their remaining fifteen thousand troops digging trenches around Guatemala city the El Salvadorians moved their forces, along with the Nicaraguan forces up in the region, however, before any major conflict could arise the government of Guatemala had already been facing many political issues and agreed to capitulate, so long as they were not branded like the Hondurans. This was accepted and the Guatemalan Air Force, the remainder of its Navy and Ground elements also became part of the Nicaraguan Armed Forces. However, Agüero, intelligently fearing an upcoming insurgency, like the one that was already starting to flare up en Honduras, decided to rename la Republica de Nicaragua, into el Imperio Latino, a decision that to this day is seen as genius by internal affairs majors. With this single name change he was able to stop the dissidence in Guatemala, and also got El Salvador to join en December 21st of 1972.
El Imperio Latino threatened to invade Belize, and without the help of the currently warring Americans or Europeans they quickly decided on a bloodless capitulation. El Imperio turned it sights towards Costa Rica, and being without an army for almost two decades at that point that had no choice but to become a province, though both in Belize and Costa Rica this was accepted. Both were capitulated by January 29th. The over-running of some many countries worried the Americans, but they had to devote too much effort into fighting the Europeans that they had no option but to simply watch, en horror. All this going on with El Ejército Imperial growing to just over fifty thousand standing troops, it was a force that none dared attempt to overcome.
En May 17th a British full blown assault on the Panama canal, one that was defeated two weeks later, led the government of Panama to request to become a province, the first such happening El Imperio's history. They were accepted, and as such El Imperio flourished with the new trade, and this was also of good fortune for the Americans who didn't have to protect the route anymore and were still allowed all of the quirks that they were given before when they owned the canal, but even if they wanted to, at this point they couldn't devote enough of a force to take the canal back from El Imperio.
El Imperio Latino had grown to twenty-nine million, thirty-two if, which El Imperio did not count, count the natural-born Hondurans. En July 19th the genocide against the Honduran began, with a mass slaughter of some hundred thousand. If they were wearing the star they were taken to a camp, and shot, but it was unknown for several weeks where these camps went, and by that time over two million had been killed, the rest took about another year to completely kill off, or atleast none left inside El Imperio. But this was an outrage that Colombia could not take, and they sent in half their military. A percent of their population threw the forests of Panama. They marched en between La Palma and Puerto Obaldíe, a heavily forest region, and since the major ways have been completely bomb or felled with trees, the majority of the infantry moved threw the forest... without air cover.
So en August 6th, when the Colombian troops reached exactly en between La Palma and Puerto Obaldie, and were confirmed to be en the forest, a napalm run was launched, burning up the rear of the mass military unit, cutting off their retreating point. At the same time twenty thousand troops attacked from both flanks, and a further twenty-five thousand attacked straight down the middle. Despite both forces being conscript units, El Imperio Latino's forces had more willingness to defend their new identity, plus the air support to killed some fifty thousand before the shooting even began, and when the Colombian air force retaliated, the SAM-3s and the copies that were once again pioneered by Rámendez, they were shot to hell and could not chase or damage any of the Latino air craft. Over two hundred thousand Colombian troops surrendered that day, and they were given a choice, stay en El Imperio, or return back to Colombia, they chose to stay. Sadly the burning of the forest lasted for nearly a week, and killed over fifty thousand citizens, but it was a sacrifice Agüero was willing to make.
El Emperador Agüero offered the Colombians an ultimatum, capitulate to El Imperio, or continue the fruitless war en which over half your military has already been defeated. They choose to join El Imperio Latin, but it was at this juncture that the American-European war ended, often called mini-WW3, with the fear Communism again rising more than hate for those who killed their brothers and fathers, well atleast by the government, not so much the American and European citizens. It was at this point that Agüero decided on the name Latican... the Latican Imperium, it was catchy, and it maintained the dignity of his race, and the people loved it, and so it became the new name of El Imperio.
The Latican Imperium sent out requests for Peru, Argentina, Ecuador, Chile, Venezuela, Uruguay, Paraguay, Brazil, and even Suriname, French Guiana, and Guyana to become provinces en the Latican Imperium. Ecuador decided to join first, seeing their old enemy willing to join a greater cause, one Peru was willing to follow, they also joined. Fearing invasion from a much larger force Suriname and Guyana joined third and fourth. Watching the growth of the nation, and being sandwiched between enemies Paraguay joined fifth. Chile also new that a war was inevitable, but expected it to be with Argentina, and saw the Latican Imperium as more of a Latin alliance and quickly joined.
Venezuela abstained from joining due to the belief they could hold their own. Brazil abstained because they believed they were large enough and technologically advanced enough to destroy the Imperium if any threat came from the, French Guiana believed they had the support of France, sadly they failed to realize just how destroyed France was due to strategic bombing, the Central and South Americas were left to fend for themselves. Bolivia was waiting to ask to join the Imperium, it would be a boost to the morale of the troops and such not having to force their own race into the Imperium. Argentina held its own off because of they believed that the Imperium was to be another Latin attempt at unification that was just a waste of time, and would force them into a war with Brazil, something that they highly feared.
En the following year of 1974 all outside powers were effectively left out of the region, and so using their forces in Suriname and Guyana the Imperium quickly eradicated the Guianese resistance, and they were forced to join the military, though this was the first standing fighting that the Imperium had done in some two years, they had done well enough and only lost six thousand men, whilst the Guianese lost over eight thousand of their own before giving up the fighting a month later. The next month Bolivia requested membership in the Latican Imperium, and received it, bringing massive pride to the Imperium's armed forces and fear to those opposed to it.
Venezuela was still a major fear, however, using a two month long campaign the Imperium was able to move two hundred thousand troops into Suriname threw sea with the Venezuelans unknowing. On March 28th four hundred thousand Imperium troops moved into the Cordillera de Merida range, and made camp their, waiting for the full force of the Venezuelan military, which, attempted to gain air-superiority by launching their full air force, this strike took out approximately fifty thousand troops, however the Latican Air Force was quickly launched in succession to this strike, and this completed destroyed to Venezuelan Air Force while it was grounded, however around twenty aircraft were lost to SAM systems used by the Venezuelans. The aforementioned troops secretly moved threw the Venezuelan Costal Range, and attacked and captured the capitol of Venezuela, Caracas without much of a fight. This led to the ending of the Venezuelan conflict with over seventy-five thousand Imperium troops made casualties, and some thirty-thousand Venezuelan troops also made casualties. This was the first time that the Imperium had taken more casualties than dished out, however the air strike that was allowed was what brought the toll so high, and this was accepted by the Imperium's citizens and the morale toll was none too high. Argentina requested to become a province six weeks later.
A hundred forty million was the size of the Latican Imperium, and yet the hundred sixty million Brazilian neighbors still held themselves independent en 1975. Agüero, however was an intelligent man, and he began peace talks with Brazil whilst he started conscription of a full percent of the Imperium's population, over a million troops would be mobilized and moved to become an imposing figure to Mexicans. It took a year, but by this time the military had been raised and moved to Imperium's border with Mexico, relations with Brazil were flourishing, and they were even trading technology and goods, the Imperium gaining most from this. They had bought thirty F-5s from the Brazilians and moved them to the Mexican theatre, a sign of good faith.
En March 19th, 1976 the Imperium launched it offensive, the Mexican force of some two hundred thousand strong would easily be crushed by the Imperium's ground force, however the Mexican Air Force gained air-superiority in the first week of the conflict, forcing the Imperium troops into their first true retreat en its history. However, once the Mexican forces began pushing into the Yucatan peninsula the forestation proved cover for the Imperium's forces, as the Mexicans were not willing to fire bomb the forest. This proved to be the downfall as a military unit of a hundred thousand troops became surrounded by the 2. Latican Trooper Corps, a unit of over two hundred thousand troops, and brutal jungle fighting that ensued lasted a month before the Mexicans ran out of supplies and had to surrender, despite using cluster bombs to inflict a high amount of damage on the 2. Corps.
Elsewhere on the former Guatemalteco-Mexicano border the remainder of the troops fought the main force of the Latican Imperium, inflicting a 2:1 ratio on the Imperium's forces due to air-superiority, however, once the 2. Corps was able to process the captured Mexicans they hit the flank hard, losing another sixty thousand before being forced to pull back. This attack was enough to allow the 3. Corps and 1. Corps to move in close enough where air-superiority could not be given to the Mexicans, and at that point they routed and gave up. Thus the Mexican government had no choice but to capitulate.
With the new military that had proven itself strong, although losing just under two hundred thousand troops, against the some seventy thousand Mexicans lost, and the addition of another ninety million citizens, El Emperador Agüero gained the courage to move his massive force to the Latican-Brazilian border. The Brazilian capitulated as they realized that they could not train enough troops to defeat the larger force, and the large public consensuses that making a completely unified Latin America would be good for everyone. With that the population was over three hundred million, larger than America at that time.
En 1979 the Latican Imperium purchases Puerto Rico from the United States for ninety billion dollars, not a large sum for the flourishing nation that had recently hit a boom using the oil from Venezuela to fuel all the nation's economic building, steel production and manufacturing plants were popping up everywhere, by 1982 a little known car company that was started in 1979 became world renowned, Esperde Automobile Company, and also branched out into an arms company that supplied the military with copies of the best guns around the worlds, though this was kept a top secret until 1996.
En 1987 the Latican Imperium had grown to the size of some seven hundred million, a massive size that every nation en world feared, and as such they began laying claim to African nations as their space was becoming crowded. This lead to the colonization of over three African nations, alongside the genocide of millions of Africans en Africa, and the blacks, chinks and whites back on the home front, giving living space for the Mestizo race. The Native Americans were bred to the point where they became two percent of the population, and were expected to become ten percent by 2008, a goal that was far, far away at that time.
En 2008 after the genocides en Africas and back home, and the breeding of the Native Americans, which are currently eleven percent of the population, the next colonization has begun of Latican Giscardia, currently the capitol will be a Migrant (non-natural-born Hondurans, which survived the genocide because of that) home, and is expected that atleast twenty percent of the colony's full population will be Migrants. The genocidal tendencies of the Imperium may lead to another such if uncooperative natives of a different race are found.