NationStates Jolt Archive

Every Silver Lining has a Dark Cloud-Including the Good Doc

20-10-2008, 06:29
This is a Secret IC - so in the introduction, no one outside a few government officials know about anything going on at this time. It is setting up for a RP, and you'll know when the RP begins. It'll be 2-3 posts out, but very clear when it begins.

Every Silver Lining has a Dark Cloud - Including the Good Doctor

Deep down below the bustling city of Marbus, heart and capital of the Republic of Honya, a man and his assistants are hard at work. The "Good Doctor" as he's come to be known as is working on a new biological agent for 'medical' uses.

His name is really Corden Biaz, a 53 year old man who's perminate residence is in a cold concrete-and-metal room next to his laboratory. Graduating fifteen years ago from the University of Marbus-Honya, he recieved a Higher Doctorate with a Sc.D, or Doctor of Sciences, the highest level of doctorate one can recieve, said to be even higher than a Ph.D.

His laboratory was one of science fiction, one you may only hear about in horror stories. Originally built about two thousand years ago as the Court of Royalty, the underground building of which housed the government, it has long since crumbled. Only a small area has been rebuilt, unknown to the general public and much of the current government.

This small area, while retaining a certain beauty of it, now is much more dungeon than it is a court. Every day, blood is cleaned from the walls and the floors and the examination tables. The result of experiments on humans and other various animals.

Screams are a common thing in the harrowing halls of this laboratory. The human specimens held in cages, tied to examination tables, and leashed to walls, some dead, some alive, all in agony until their final breath. Their only wishes at this point: Let them die before they're halled off to the central lab - only few lucky enough to get their wishes.

And for the majority that dont? That is a question that cannot be answered at this point. What can be answered is this.

The Good Doctor and his four assistants, hard at work, are working on experiments, creating biological agents that will eventually change the course of human history. And the only witnesses are those who are seeing and feeling it first hand.

They simply do not get to tell the story about it. Those above, however, might have the chance one day of telling the tales of The Good Doctor - if they survive his human experiments.
20-10-2008, 06:48
National Network of News
Abductions on the Rise
People Continue to go Missing

In and around the city of Marbus, people of all ages, sizes, and gender continue to go missing. And while most are citizens of Honya, in the past month, two travellers from outside the country have gone missing.

The two travellers are from seperate countries and appear to have no connect to one another. Three weeks ago, 85 year old Joshua Winson went missing, and just four days ago a 36 year old high school history teacher, one of three chaperones on a school trip to Marbus, went missing.

However, the most recent abductee was also one of the youngest. Sixteen year old William Triss of West Mouk, a suburn to the east of Marbus, was reported missing when he did not return from a night out with his friends. His friends all say he had left around 3 AM from his best friends house, and was only three miles from his home.

His car was found that morning, having crashed off the side of Route 16, a small remote road ten miles north of Marbus. It is reported that no one was with him when he left for home.

It is not known if this is linked to the rise of nearly 150 unsolved missing over the past three years. The oldest was 92 year old Andre Wilson of Marbus nine months ago. The youngest was 8 year old Tosha Comus of Juide, Honya, a small and well-off suburn to the south of Marbus.

Missing people is something that was very rare in Honya until three years ago. Only about 10 people were reported missing on average per year, and the majority were solved, very few returning in body bags. This has officials around Marbus confused and worried as fears of disappearing people have exploded from 10 annually to nearly 60 annually in the past three years.

While this is not the begining of the RP - its still part of the introduction/story building - I ask that anyone interested claim one of the two travellers as a citizen of your country, and feel free to give a little backstory, possibly in your own news article, on the person and their trip. First come, first serve on claiming the two people.
22-10-2008, 02:47
OOC: I'll take responsibility of the teacher that went missing. IC post will follow later.