NationStates Jolt Archive

The Lyona Convention.

Dawn Islands
19-10-2008, 16:04
The Lyona Convention.

The Lyona Convention is a short agreement among the nations of the world who will agree to the demands of this convention. THis convention covers basic human rights, protection of the enviroment and other matters of varying degrees of importantance to the community of nations. All nations may join at whatever time they wish.

The Commonwealth of Dawn Islands.

Section One.

Article 1.
All member states agree that they will follow the said agreements in The Lyona Convention for at the minimum 100 years.

Article 2.
The Lyona Convetion is open to all nations to sign whenever they wish, if that be now or many years from now.

Article 3.
The Lyona Convention member nations will follow all agreements in the convention. Failure to do so will result in a multi-million fine.

Section Two.

Article 1.
The Lyona Convention accepts that basic human rights must be adopted in all member nations so as to preserve life, young and old, for ages to come.

Article 2.
In order to protect our enviroment, all member nations must start using renewable energy resources and cutting down on the usage of fossil fuels. Our future generations deserve to have a clean enviroment and a beautiful Earth like we do today.

Article 3.
All member nations must only enter wars for the protection of life, the ending of tyrannies or to bring a democratic society to said state. Any other reasons for wars will be frowned upon by The Lyona Convention and will not be tolerated by member states.

Article 4.
International piracy must be put to an end. All member states are encouraged to bring pirates to a democratic court whatever way they deem fit, as long as it does not break Article 1, 2 or 3.

Article 5.
Discrimanation is a horrible, unjustful thing which must be stopped immediately as to better our world. All member nations must/try to end discrimnation in their nation so as to support equality between all races.

Article 6.
Drugs like cocaine, herionn, ectasy, etc. must be put to an end. Many crimes, including murders, rapes and other sub-human crimes take place so as to gain illegal drugs, to sell illegal drugs, etc.

Article 6.
It is requested that all member states, regardless of current tensions or any other pacts, etc. try to ally with each other so as to forge an allied world.

((OOC: No OOC comments.))