Daranen/Islamic Arabian Union.
Daranen Broadcasting Network News.
A young woman was sitting down in an ultra modern studio in Cameroon City, Daranen, preparing to read out the latest news.
Of war.
"The Islamic Arabian Union has declared war on Daranen," she started. "Over claims that 'Daranen are enemies of Islam'. This comes to response of the last twenty years of extremly tense diplomatic relations betwen ISU and Daranen."
The camera changes to a Arabic city, in which men and woman, presumbly from the embassy, are being rounded and shot. The image is blurry, like a cell phone camera.
"The staff at the Daranen embassy have been rounded up and killed by soldiers as the ISU prepares for war with Daranen. The Daranen Defense Force are stationed on war alert and all units are 'on standby', states Supreme Commander Daniel Bride.
The camera changes to a press conference with Daniel Bride, a 50 year old commander, stating that the DDF 'is ready for war'.
"Here at DBN News, we will keep you updated on all the latest in this war and beyond." she ends.
To: The Community of Nations.
From: Daranen Defense Force.
Item: Daranen/Islamic Arabian Union.
It is my unfortunate duty to inform you all of the Islamic Arabian Union declaring war on the Republic of Daranen.
First, I will inform you of the history which led to this.
The Islamic Kingdom of United Arabia (former ISU) was founded in 1840. During the Islamic United War in 1945, between democratic rebels and the royal family, Daranen entered as peacekeepers. The result was a massive, bloody war which was a footnote in Daranener history, but still forms the foundation of the strict neutral policy in the DDF.
As Daranen assisted in rebuilding after the War in 1950, we regularly came under suspect as of 'enemies of Islam' by government officals. We were also on very tight relations with our diplomats to ISU having it tough, but keeping a war at bay.
The ISU also is illegaly occupying it's neighbouring nations (Arabistani Kingdom, United Holy Republic, South Arabia, East Arabia).
However, it looks like this barricade has broke with the election of the Islamic Union Party, with leader Asif Fasif, a Islamist, declaring war on our nation.
We call upon all nations which stand for freedom to assist us in this. We have tried diplomacy with the ISU, but our diplomats were killed by ISU Military. We have tried to stop the inevitible, and we have failed.
We call upon all nations to help us.
Stand for freedom for the people occupied.
Stand for justice.
Stand for life.
Yours in Hope,
Com. Daniel Bride.
TO: Commander Daniel Bride, Daranen Defense Force
FROM: Vamperial Kingdom of Lynion, Vamperial Headmaster Jian
We cannot dispatch troops of any kind at the moment as we just came out of a war. However, we won't let this stand by and will dispatch Spec Ops as soon as they become ready for this war. In the mean time, we'll be dispatching weapons and other warfare equipment (No WMD's) to help you win this war. We cannot send our own planes but we can send assault rifles, tanks, artillery batteries and other equipment that you may like.
Please reply back if you require the weapons or not.
The Keepers of Integrity, our International Freedom Fighter militia, may dispatch 20,000 Troops to aid the government of Daranen, and will leave once you give the order.
To: Lynion.
From: Daranen Defense Force.
Item: Lynion Assistance.
We re grateful for your voluntary assistance in this war. We are currently preparing the Navy to launch an assault on Al-Abbua Sab, a military port in ISU which brings 65% of ISU military supplies. The Ground Forces are currently preparing for deployment and half of them are being stationed in Daranen.
We are grateful for your assistance.
Yours in Friendship,
Com. Daniel Bride.
To: Zanski.
From: Daranen.
Item: Zanski Assistance.
We are thankful for your offer and accept it. We are willing to put political differences aside for the good of Daranen and the occupied nations.
You have permission to deploy as many soldiers as you please into ISU.
Yours in Friendship,
Com.Daniel Bride.
To: The Community of Nations.
From: Daranen Defense Force.
Item: ISU Attack.
ISU Pirates have attacked a Daranen ship (#5576754436) which was carrying weapons like DMR-08s, DMP-5s aboard the ship. They have seized it and we currently believe it will fund the ISU's war effort.
This War has Begun.
Yours in Hope,
Com.Daniel Bride.
Operation: Limecart.
11:06pm UAMT.
Somewhere in The United Arabian Ocean.
It was dark in The United Arabian Ocean. Perfect for the Daranen Special Air Service's operations. After the seizing of a weapons carrier owned by their government, they had been dispatched in lightening speed from the ship they were aboard after Opertion Life Cold, the DSM Artic Pillow.
They were hovering just above the ship.
"Go go go!" shouted Captain Thomas Price.
The squad went down the rope, one by one. They instantly pulled out their DMR-08s and began Limecart.
And a War.
05-10-2008, 17:43
(i do my best to get a good reply and the first is in flemish (the spoken part) (official langue of my country)the second is the translation)
a general comes into the goverment where the politicans and also the dictator they are talking about an new issue
"almachtige dictator der is oorlog uitgebroken tussen The Islamic Arabian Union en Daranen me alle respect ma zouden we gen hulp sture" the general bows at the dictator
the dictator (me) his answer :"inderdaad we zoude troepen moete sturen al wie voor is steek uw hand op"
everybody raises his/her hand
the actual millitary support
10.000 infantery whit SMLE No4 Mk1 whit a prusian bayonet
500 abrahams
50tons of all ammo
now the translation
a general comes into the goverment where the politicans and also the dictator they are talking about an new issue
"almity dictator n The Islamic Arabian Union declares war onDaranen we must send troops " the general bows at the dictator
the dictator (me) his answer :"indeed we must send troops all wie think the same as me rais your hand"
everybody raises his/her hand
(i support the islamic arabian unoin)
Daranen Defense Force Headquarters.
Commander's Office.
Commander Bride was new to DDF Commander. There had never been a crisis involving Daranen since 1945, which was with the same country as the present crisis. He was giving orders to General Jacon Keynes whenever Deputy Commander Darren Smithson walked into his office, with a stack of papers in his hand.
"Sir, we have good news and bad news," started Smithson. "Which do you want to hear first?"
"Bad news." replied Bride.
"The Dictatorship of 'Zot109land' has allied with the ISU.." explained Smithson, before being interrupted by Bride.
"Oh, fuck them. Send a telegram and ask them why they support the ISU." stated Bride.
"Yes sir." saluted Smithson.
"Can you bring me more coffee?" asked Bride. "It's going to be a long war."
"Yesr sir."
Smithson handed Bride the papers, before walking out of the office.
To: The Dictatorship of Zot109land.
From: Daranen Defense Force.
Item: Zot109land/ISU.
It has come to our attention that Zot109land supports the Islamic Arabian Union.
We ask why Zot109land has choosen to identify themselves with the ISU in this war, what Zot109land wishes to achieve and why they wish to achieve this.
((OOC: By the way, the ISU doesn't exisit. I created an ISU, dedicided against it so I control, in this RP, ISU.))
Daranen Broadcasting Network News.
The same young woman who had read the news out at 4:00pm was here again, preparing to read out the latest news.
"The Islamic Arabian Union or, in their former language, ISU, has now illlegally attacked the Allied Republic of Islamic Arabia, a isle near the ISU." she started.
"The Isle was regularly involved with Daranen and on good terms, with a new trade deal about to be striked," she explained. "The ISU crushed the small isle, which has been quite sleepy in the last few years, and has rounded up non-Muslims and shot them. This means that Islamic Arabia is now being illegaly occupied by the ISU, along with five other nations.
The camera switches to a press conference, with Com. Bride stating 'we have declared war on the ISU'.
The ISU has a small army, but it can still overpower it's neighbouirs easily thanks to their neighbouring states having even smaller populations. The DDF has the army on high alert and Operation: Freedoma' has begin to liberate the occupied lands."
"Here at DBN, we support Daranen's effort and her allies to free the occupied states from the ISU, and we keep you posted on these details."
Red Tide2
05-10-2008, 20:47
OOC: Hope your okay with the following.
The Totalitarian State of Red Tide had long had an interesting relationship with the Islamic Arabian Union (from here on referred to as the IAU). Despite one being an athiest police state and the other being a theorcratic police state, the two had a very close relationship. The IAU sold Red Tide oil that the Red Tidean economy needed to function. The IAU, in its turn, used some of its oil wealth to buy Red Tidean military 'aid' in the form of Red Tidean weaponry and advisers.
Now they were buying something else from the TSRT: intelligence. Red Tidean intelligence sattelites were keeping track of Daranen fleet movements and listening in on their wireless communications. The gathered intelligence was then copied and sent, for a fee, to their counterparts in the ISU's intelligence services.
There had also been prelimenary talks between Red Tidean officials and the IAU for the sale of TSRT nuclear reactors to the IAU. With the decleration from Daranen, these talks shifted to the possability of Red Tide intervening on the side of the IAU. But for now, Red Tide was content to simply provide the IAU with arms, supplies, advisers, and intelligence and doing no more.
OOC2: If this is all okay, I'll send you a TG with info on my weapons.
OOC: I feel I should tell you all about the military situation.
Well, since the ISU (in the native language of the nation, Deloan it is ISU, but it now uses Arabic as offical language) had it's United Islamic War in 1945-1950, it has been ruled by a corrupt democracy.
During the War, Daranen entered (between the Monarch and the Democrats Revolutionarys) as a peacekeeping force. Whenever the Democrats won, suspicsion was forced upon Daranen as being 'enemies of Islam', and diplomatic relations have been frightening ever since.
Thanks to the diplomatic tensions, many Daranen Navy and Marine ships are stationed in the area, ready for war.
OOC: Be welcome Red Tide. Do whatever you want, though WMDs are outlkaws (in IAU or ISU, they claim WMDs destroy the work of Allah, rightfully so. My nation is currenyly building them, part of the reasons for tensions).
Red Tide2
05-10-2008, 21:20
OOC: TG sent...
The Battlehawk
06-10-2008, 11:52
TO: Commander Daniel Bride, Daranen Defense Force
FROM: General William Korg, Commanding Officer, Battlehawk Expeditianry Force
Commander, the 1st BEF Division is waiting just outside your borders awaiting permission to ender and instructions on where you need us. The BEF is 10,000 Battlehawk Marrines with APC's Tanks and F28 Talons, that do need to land or return home. Please respond ASAP.
General Korg
To: Battlehawk Expeditianry Force.
From: Daranen Defense Force.
Item: ISU/Daranen: Battlehawk Assistance.
We give permission to the BEF Marine Division to assist us in this conflict. We wish that you attack the port town of Telka. This is where most foreign ships dock, and destroying this small town will virtually destroy foreign weapons being transferred. No current foreign vessels are docked and DMMC (Daranen Military Marine Corps) will assist you, along with DMN (DaranenMilitary Navy), Daranen Military Airforce (DMAF) and Daranen Military Special Forces (DMSF).
We are certain the assault will go well with Battlehawkian Marines assisting our soldiers.
Yours in Friendship,
Com. Daniel Bride.