Vaar-Ixanian Diplomatic Conference (Closed, ATTN Neo-Ixania)
30-09-2008, 20:47
Though the North Sea isn't exactly a warm, tropical vacation destination, it was a most beautiful autumn day as could be. On a high cliff on the coast, the highest point in the capital city of Ten Eyck, stood the Hall of Legislature, home to the Vaar Parliament, known colloquially as "Vaarliament". The tricolor flag of Vaarshire- orange, white and red- rippled in the fall breeze. Minister of Diplomacy Henrietta Van der Pohl and Princess Anne de Vaar stood beneath the flagpole.
Minister Van der Pohl was a short, somewhat stocky woman with short, curly brown hair and a bright smile. She wore a simple, dark red pantsuit. In comparison, Princess de Vaar was dressed rather extravagantly. She was a rather tall woman, in her mid-50's, though she looked about 40 thanks to the Royal Plastic Surgeon. Her dress was a pale orange, with floral designs of all types embroidered into it. She wore a silk scarf, which was rippling in the breeze like the flag above it. She wore a tiara in her blonde hair, a circlet made of platinum decorated with rubies, diamonds, and thanks to the miracles of modern gemology, orange sapphires.
"Beautiful day for a meeting, don't you think, Your Highness?" Asked Minister Van der Pohl.
Princess de Vaar nodded, facing towards the airport. "Most certainly, though I hope our meeting place in the Hall will be less... windy." The Princess gazed at the clock on the tallest tower of the Hall of Legislature. "The Ixanian delegation should be arriving soon."
01-10-2008, 23:32
02-10-2008, 00:12
Ivan Rucinsky was accustomed to traveling throughout the world to meet the political elites of the nations that his nation wanted to establish friendships and concord with. He knew that Vaarshire was no exception to this custom and knew it would really just be a typical meeting although it would satisfy that childhood dream he had of experiencing the world through travel. That motivated him to become a diplomat and eventually the Foreign Minister of Ixania. From a dream he had grown into a master politician. He was reading a magazine while occassionally looking out the window to see that the plane was steadily making its way towards Vaarshire. He was pleased with the progress of the campaign to make Vaarshire into a friend of the Empire as he was developments back at home with the economy being declared as being in stable during the last months. Once all was said and done, he thought, he would go into a period of rest since he wanted to go traveling within Ixania with his wife and children who were, in his mind, as important as Ixania was. They were his lifelines to pleasure as he called them. The plane eventually did land on the runway of the airport in Vaarshire's capital and Ivan, dressed in his suit and a jacket, walked out with a briefcase in his hand while his other hand was holding a family portrait which he usually looked at during his work. He rushed immediately to his counterparts and bowed before the Princess with a smile.
"....It is a pleasurable honor to be meeting two lovely ladies here in Vaarshire on this cool autumn day; I am Ivan Rucinsky, the Foreign Minister of the Ixanian Empire. I hope that our meeting will be productive and that we leave each other as friends."
02-10-2008, 01:07
"Good afternoon," said the Minister. "My name is Henrietta Van der Pohl, I'm the Minister of Diplomacy. I'm honored to meet you."
The princess smiled and returned the bow. "I am Princess Anne de Vaar, 57th Monarch of the Principality of Vaarshire," she said. "I also hope that our meeting today will be as productive as possible. I'm sure both of our nations can benefit from our budding friendship. And now, I welcome you wholeheartedly to Vaarshire. As beautiful a day as it is, perhaps we should go inside? Minister Van der Pohl's office in the Hall is where we will be talking," said the Princess, gesturing to the building behind her.
03-10-2008, 20:32
"Good afternoon," said the Minister. "My name is Henrietta Van der Pohl, I'm the Minister of Diplomacy. I'm honored to meet you."
"....A pleasure to meet you, Miss Van der Pohl. I must say that it's a pleasure to meet you and to be here in Vaarshire. Her Majesty's Government is very hopeful that our two nations can be close friends."
The princess smiled and returned the bow. "I am Princess Anne de Vaar, 57th Monarch of the Principality of Vaarshire," she said. "I also hope that our meeting today will be as productive as possible. I'm sure both of our nations can benefit from our budding friendship. And now, I welcome you wholeheartedly to Vaarshire. As beautiful a day as it is, perhaps we should go inside? Minister Van der Pohl's office in the Hall is where we will be talking," said the Princess, gesturing to the building behind her.
".....Your Majesty, I must say that it is indeed an honor to be meeting you and I must say that you look lovely on this occassion as does Miss Van der Pohl. Yes, we should proceed with the meeting."
Ivan began to follow the two ladies into the Hall with a smile upon his face. "....Miss Van der Pohl, could you tell me what your nation seeks from Ixania?"
03-10-2008, 20:49
The Princess smiled. "Thank you. You look quite dashing."
Minister Van der Pohl thought for a moment, then replied with "Well, we are a small and newly independent nation, and it can be... difficult to get by without assistance. Vaarshire is need of an ally, someone to help us along the way as we enter the diplomatic scene. Here we are."
She paused and opened the door to her office. "Please, take a seat," she said, gesturing to a table surrounded by chairs. "Vaarshire needs... a helping hand," the Minister continued, trying to find the correct idiom. She smiled. "A nation such as yours certainly fits the bill."
"And, of course," said Princess de Vaar, "We are also here to help you."
03-10-2008, 23:26
The Princess smiled. "Thank you. You look quite dashing."
"....My wife does tell me that a lot!" Ivan said with a light chuckle.
Minister Van der Pohl thought for a moment, then replied with "Well, we are a small and newly independent nation, and it can be... difficult to get by without assistance. Vaarshire is need of an ally, someone to help us along the way as we enter the diplomatic scene. Here we are."
"....All nations have problems regardless of size and might and I am sure it would not be a problem for Her Majesty's Government to support the Principality of Vaarshire as it enters the diplomatic scene."
She paused and opened the door to her office. "Please, take a seat," she said, gesturing to a table surrounded by chairs. "Vaarshire needs... a helping hand," the Minister continued, trying to find the correct idiom. She smiled. "A nation such as yours certainly fits the bill."
"....I don't think Her Majesty would find herself to be in opposition to help you in the future, Miss Van der Pohl. In fact, if you would like, both of you may even visit Ixania."
"And, of course," said Princess de Vaar, "We are also here to help you."
"....How so?"
04-10-2008, 02:47
The Princess sat down in one of the chairs. "Well, friendships are mutual, whether you're talking about people or nations, so we wouldn't take all of your generous assistance without giving you some in return. Vaarshire can offer you markets which your goods have never been able to access, as well as goods which your market has never had. With a passport-free travel agreement, you would have tourists rushing in with pockets full of money and plenty of room in their suitcases for souvenirs. And think of the cultural exchange that could happen. Fun times can be had by all," she said, smiling.
The Minister smiled at Rucinsky. "I tell you what, Mr. Rucinsky, I think I just might have to take you up on that offer some day. In all my time as Minister of Diplomacy, I've never even left the country! Sure, the office has only existed for a few days..." She paused then continued. "Well, anyway, rest assured that Vaarshire will gladly reciprocate all the good you do for us."
OOC: Am I the only one who thinks that the Princess seems to sound like some kind of rabid super-capitalist trying to haggle for some kind of treaty? I don't mean for her to.
05-10-2008, 22:42
10-10-2008, 20:27
The Princess sat down in one of the chairs. "Well, friendships are mutual, whether you're talking about people or nations, so we wouldn't take all of your generous assistance without giving you some in return. Vaarshire can offer you markets which your goods have never been able to access, as well as goods which your market has never had. With a passport-free travel agreement, you would have tourists rushing in with pockets full of money and plenty of room in their suitcases for souvenirs. And think of the cultural exchange that could happen. Fun times can be had by all," she said, smiling.
Ivan smiled. ".....Likewise, the Ixanian Empire can offer you goods which the honorable people of Vaarshire may not have access to and, as well, we can offer your nation's tourists all sorts of fun filled adventures in the Ixanian Empire. I believe all of what you said can be fully arranged with the support of Her Majesty's Government and that you, indeed, should visit Ixania in the future and that Miss Van Der Pohl is also welcome to visit. Perhaps both of you can. Just make sure you don't get into the view of the paparazzi and the men who, I'm sure, will try their best to court you."
OOC: Don't worry about Ivan. He's just trying to have fun and to compliment his hosts.
The Minister smiled at Rucinsky. "I tell you what, Mr. Rucinsky, I think I just might have to take you up on that offer some day. In all my time as Minister of Diplomacy, I've never even left the country! Sure, the office has only existed for a few days..." She paused then continued. "Well, anyway, rest assured that Vaarshire will gladly reciprocate all the good you do for us."
".....Mutual reciprocation of good deeds and good will is what both our nations should seek and I'm pretty sure you'd have a good time in Ixania, Miss Van Der Pohl. It's a lovely nation. I've been all around the world myself, you know, and I've been the Foreign Minister for many years. If you'd like, you can both visit Ixania next week or so, that is, depending on when the best time is."
OOC: Am I the only one who thinks that the Princess seems to sound like some kind of rabid super-capitalist trying to haggle for some kind of treaty? I don't mean for her to.
OOC: Don't worry; it's good.
10-10-2008, 20:47
The Princess laughed. "Paparazzi, you say? I must remember to bring an especially intimidating security force," she said. "And as for the men... I'll bring my husband. And we would be honored to visit your country. Normally, it would take a while for all the paperwork and red tape to clear to schedule a visit, but luckily the woman I would need to speak to about it is right next to me."
Minister Van der Pohl smiled. "I will get right on it, Your Majesty. A visit to Ixania next week is very doable." She turned to Ivan. "I will, as they say, have my people call your people."
10-10-2008, 20:53
The Princess laughed. "Paparazzi, you say? I must remember to bring an especially intimidating security force," she said. "And as for the men... I'll bring my husband. And we would be honored to visit your country. Normally, it would take a while for all the paperwork and red tape to clear to schedule a visit, but luckily the woman I would need to speak to about it is right next to me."
Ivan smirked. ".....Your husband is a very lucky man, then, if he is married to you, Your Highness, and he is more than welcome to accompany you on your visit to Ixania. Do not worry about the paparazzi or whatever for our security, working in collaboration with your own, can protect us all from their pesky and irritating acts."
Minister Van der Pohl smiled. "I will get right on it, Your Majesty. A visit to Ixania next week is very doable." She turned to Ivan. "I will, as they say, have my people call your people."
"That's all good with me, Miss Van der Pohl. If you are married, by the way, please don't hesitate to correct me on using Mrs. instead of Miss. I'd like to make sure of things, you know. I'm married myself and my wife is a very supportive woman. If you don't have a spouse, Miss Van der Pohl, you might just get you are, indeed, a pretty lovely woman."
Ivan smiled. ".....Let's not focus on marital matters though as I don't think any of us came together to discuss such things. I think that we should discuss trade next. An embassy exchange, I believe, needs little discussion. We both seem pleased with each other's nations, after all. Who shall be your nation's ambassador to Ixania? Also, an embassy is already built for your use. You both may visit it if you wish."
10-10-2008, 20:57
Minister Van der Pohl blushed, then replied "Actually, if I'm not mistaken, I lodged a request with your foreign ministry for an embassy... I don't know how long it would take to reach you. (OOC: Just before I read this I posted in your embassy thread.) I believe Helen van Eyck is the appointed Ambassador to Ixania."
24-10-2008, 00:00
Minister Van der Pohl blushed, then replied "Actually, if I'm not mistaken, I lodged a request with your foreign ministry for an embassy... I don't know how long it would take to reach you. (OOC: Just before I read this I posted in your embassy thread.) I believe Helen van Eyck is the appointed Ambassador to Ixania."
"....We shall make sure that an Ixanian Ambassador to Vaarshire is present in your nation soon. Do you wish to sign a treaty now or later? I am but making sure, minister."
24-10-2008, 00:33
"No time like the present, as they say," said the Princess. "Do you agree, Madam Minister?"
"Yes, Your Majesty," she said, smiling. "Any specifics you would prefer the treaty contain?"