Anime Movie SIGN UPS (Open, joke-ish)
The Indonesian states
30-09-2008, 05:02
"Stupid, yet brilliant. "
Kota Laut Times
"Thank the Ryou Black Islands for this once-in-a-lifetime comedy that most of us will never forget... I joined in with the audience as we all cried in laughter together after seeing the Ryou citizens beat the crap out of an extremely-fake looking 'Stoklomovi God'. -3/5"
"What do you expect from TRBI propaganda s***."
citizen of the Indonesian States
After seeing Anazaiza no Victoria in theaters, TIS producer Abang van Docke was inspired to make Anime Movie, a comedy in which a lost young girl gets to ride a flying castle to a fantasy world where she enters the mind of a Ryouese, (filled with women with fox ears and tails, and Stoklomovi monsters battling Ryouese 'heroes'), as she tries to find her parents - and discover why the hell Ryouese think the way they do. Coming soon in theatres all over the world.
Anazaina no Victoria.
Arguably the worst movie of all time, it was the inspiration for produced/director Abang van Docke to create Anime Movie. It's main parts are described above, but more details and the script will be coming soon.
Abang van Docke is looking for an star international cast to play in this cartoon/movie (like that looney toons thing with Michael Jordan) and both voice actors/actresses and actors are needed. To sign up for casting, please look at the sign-up sheet, and fill up the form. The actors and actresses that sign up for the roles shall be chosen randomly. However, it would help if a short description and/or background of the Actor/Actress to be written, and their former films, if any.
We are also needing funding and places around the world to film this movie.
Ideas are encouraged, and any suggestions will help us in the making of this movie. We hope this movie will be a big hit all over the world!
Acting roles needed
1) Queen Isabella of the Ryou Black Islands (Male or Female)
2) Nazi Man (Male)
3) 'Goku' (from Dragonball Z) (Male)
4) Citizens Various nations (Male and Female)
5) Homosexual Beatusian
6) Ryouese woman
7) Ryouese woman 2
Voice roles needed
1) Stoklomovi Tentacle Monster
2) Pokemon of Queen Isabella (Pikachu)
3) Howl from Howl's flying castle
4) Chihiro from Spirited Away
5) Asuka the Furry masseuse
[More roles will be made as time goes on. Also, if anyone wishes to create a role in the film, just ask and we will probably include it in the film and sign-ups]
The Beatus
30-09-2008, 05:39
The Beatus wishes to offer the tropical island of Dan Seals, for a shooting location. The Island, a popular spot for Beatusian movie studies, features a lush tropical beach that fades into a jungle, a small town, a rickety old hotel, a castle on a cliff overlooking the sea. A mine (Can be coal gold etc. as needed) an off-shore oil platform, miles of twisting turning roadway winding along the coast, then through mountains. The island is completely uninhabited, and everything built on it was built by former movie studios shooting other movies, making it well accessible to movie crews, and very customizable. Also, we wish to suggest a character for your movie. A teenage, homosexual Beatusian, who is quite perplexed by TRBI's complete and utter lack of men. A few twists could be that the girl falls in love with the man, without knowing he is homosexual. Another could be that all the other TRBI girls, their nation being inexplicably devoid of men, could also fall in love with the Homosexual Beatusian man, only to be ignored. We will let you think it over.
The Indonesian states
30-09-2008, 06:15
This character and the plot that follows him looks very entertaining, and we shall put him in the movie as a supporting role, as a protagonist (or was it antagonist? whatever, the good guys) in the movie. Do you have a star Beatusian actor that would be suited in the role for the movie?
We also thank you for the use of the island of Dan Seals. If we may, can the crew recreate the town to make it into a Ryouese shanty-town and create a 'flying castle' where the Ryouese queen resides?
Several Imotan actors have expressed an interest in this project:
NAME: Kiyomi Takahata
AGE: 31
GENDER: Female
DESIRED ROLE: Queen Isabella of the Ryou Black Islands
NAME: Akiko Watanabe
AGE: 27
GENDER: Female
NAME: Masaharu Terada
AGE: 36
Imota's Ministry of Education, Science, Technology, and Culture has also pledged one million USD to help cover the expenses of the production.
OOC: Sorry for submitting so many actors, but with anti-Ryou sentiments high in Imota, a lot of actors have expressed an interest in the production. I hope this project goes well. It sounds like fun.
30-09-2008, 07:59
We would like to hereby state we are pledging $200 million to this movie, with a possibility of an additional $300 million if it pleases the Imperial Family. While this is a not-insignificant portion of our budget, we believe this is a good cause.
In addition, we ask that you add a character named Asuka. She would be Queen Isabella's masseuse/love interest/mistress/dominatrix. If you wish an actor, we think we can find someone who exhibits enough of the Asian side of our nation's mixed racial ancestry to play the part.
Empress Catalia of Forensatha, of the House of Cats
Barbie Ana
30-09-2008, 08:22
As usual the citizens of Barbie Ana, known for their vanity & fierce determination, has shown a large interest for appearing in a silver screen. Unfortunately not all of them could apply since the new legislation recently passed prohibited most from applying. The application below is from one of the lucky citizens that managed to squirm her way out.
NAME:Aimee Casenas
ROLE:Ryouese woman
The Indonesian states
30-09-2008, 11:40
(OOC: More than one person can sign up for the same role. Sorry, I forgot to mention that there will be a random choosing for the roles.)
We thank Imota's Ministry of Science, Education, Techonology and Culture as well as Empress Catalia of Forensatha for their generous donations. We assure you that they will come to good use.
NAME: Mako
NATIONALITY: AHSCA islander-Aurora Island
AGE: 16
GENDER: Female
ROLE: Open to any role the director gives
Brief Resume:
Was an extra in the Kanami film The Chief (dir. Sakura Taisen) which was shot mostly in AHSCA.
Local art acting for her friends and neighbors.
Third Spanish States
30-09-2008, 18:20
Represented by Cecily Lockhelm, head of State, certified "Bad Cop", Commander Shepard and Jack Bauer's sister, protector of Western culture, castrator of bad tentacle porn, denouncer of pedophile tendencies in the East, scourge of the Weeabo, promoter of western animation traditions, Ball-cutter of Pokemans and disliker of Mudkips, the Confederacy of Third Spanish States, on behalf of the interests of irony and sarcasm, recommends the following actor to represent the Nazi Man:
NAME: Kcarrab Amabo
AGE: 26
ROLE: Nazi Man
And on behalf of the complete silliness of the project, in one of the most rare possibilities, agreeing fully with the users and fans of 4chanTV and its anonymous community, also recommends for the following character:
NAME: Desu
NATIONALITY: Internet Memeland
AGE: Old meme is old
GENDER: Female
ROLE: Deus ex Machina if possible, otherwise, Citizen of the Weeabo-ized version of Third Spanish States.
Actress Application:
NAME: Emily Sune
AGE: 22
GENDER: Female
ROLE: Asuka
Hired as a spokesperson for Kanami's division of Mozilla Firefox Internet after recently coming to Kanami as a refugee. She continues to be the model and spokesperson but is also an aspiring actress. While she hasn't stared in any features she has been in a number of short films of various generes and is passionate about helping out film students.
The Beatus
30-09-2008, 21:40
This character and the plot that follows him looks very entertaining, and we shall put him in the movie as a supporting role, as a protagonist (or was it antagonist? whatever, the good guys) in the movie. Do you have a star Beatusian actor that would be suited in the role for the movie?
We also thank you for the use of the island of Dan Seals. If we may, can the crew recreate the town to make it into a Ryouese shanty-town and create a 'flying castle' where the Ryouese queen resides?
Yes, yes, everything on the island is very customizable. We can also provide a large green tarp, that can be used as a green screen, to make the "Flying Castle" you need. As for the actor, we have one who will accept the role.
NAME: Kyle Najar
AGE: 18
ROLE: Homosexual Beatusian
Anemos Major
30-09-2008, 21:46
The THird Holy Empire of Anemos Major would like to pledge one million dollars in the name of culture to this movie. If you would like to, you could use the former artificial citadel island Rerkonin: we were planning to sink it either way so you can do whatever you like to it.
The Grand World Order
30-09-2008, 23:01
((OOC: rofl, it's kind of funny how TSS put a black guy for Nazi Man yet Nazi Man beats the crap out of black people all the time. As well as Mexican, Asians, Ryous, furries, nekoes, and everyone else who isn't a white human.))
NAME: Joe Wilderman
AGE: 32
ROLE: Nazi Man ((He does the voice for Nazi Man and was the physical model for him))
The Indonesian states
01-10-2008, 03:00
(OOC: The Nazi Man TSS put in is Arab, not err... black. But it would be funny if he got chosen for Nazi Man)
We thank all of you for your intrest in this project. We specifically thank The Holy Empire of Anemos Major for their donation of 1,000,000 dollars for this movie. The Citadel Island that you speak of can be used as well.
Once again, we will NOT let the people of the world (besides Ryouese) down.
A man from Fanrai wants the role of Goku .
Name : Hatukakukimatciyhuts
Role:ooc can I create a new role? his name will be Harold .
01-10-2008, 03:21
Montana Inc would like to invest $100,000 Universal Standard Dollars into this movie, the only stipulation was that it has to be released internationally and show Montana Inc adds in a positive light, product placement will be open but not required
The Grand World Order
01-10-2008, 03:24
NAME: Helga Thorhammer
NATIONALITY: Nordic (She also smokes about four packs a day...)
AGE: 48
GENDER: Female
ROLE: Stoklomolvi Tentacle Monster
From: The Grand World Order Internal Control Department
We would like to authorize the use of Iron Province's City of Iron, the main setting for the infamous "Nazi Man" show. This includes the normally restricted city walls.
Third Spanish States
01-10-2008, 04:55
I, Doctor Aaron Paul, close friend of the Jack Bauer's Sister Cecily Lockhelm, sarcastically cynical critical of Internet memes influenced and consequently stupid foreign relations and domestic policies, researcher of memetics, challenger of political correctness, laugher of retards, geneticist wondering where the gene pool got us, humorist over the pathetic attempts of some failures of nations to call attention, claimer that the Ryou Black Islands is a myth and not a real nation, and fearless mocker of worldwide dictators, would like to participate from the movie, as myself. with the form pointed as below:
NAME: Aaron Paul
NATIONALITY: Confederate British
AGE: 54
ROLE: Citizen of Third Spanish States
PIC: The man in the TV (
(OOC: I knew I would find a pic like this! I couldn't let it pass)
01-10-2008, 05:38
Studio 39.2 F
We think this will be the comedy sensation of the year, as an Anime production company we have talented wizards behind the pen and many anime actresses and actors to chose from.
Please let us know if you accept our production assistance.
Midori Katsumoto
Founder, CEO, Director
01-10-2008, 05:43
NAME: Charybdis
NATIONALITY: Stoklomolvi
AGE: 20
GENDER: Female
ROLE: Stoklomolvi tentacle monster
Charybdis has won several water drinking contests by absorbing all of the water into a sponge sitting in the middle of her stomach that never gets dissolved by stomach acid.
The Indonesian states
02-10-2008, 06:19
(OOC: Wow, much more replies than i thought! Anyway, I will stop sign-ups now, and start the random drawings. LOL we should have a NS movie awards or something )
We thank all of you for your generous donations and suggestions. The full script and starring roles will be released soon. We thank the Grand World Order for their sets, but we believe that we do not need it, as we have enough space on the island of Dan Seals.
The Beatus
07-10-2008, 04:26
[OOC: Anything more ever going to happen with this?]
The Indonesian states
11-10-2008, 06:17
oh yes it will (sry, just got back from a vacation)
Acting roles needed
1) Queen Isabella of the Ryou Black Islands (Male or Female) = Kiyomi Takahata (Imouta)
2) Nazi Man (Male) = Kcarab Amabo (Third Spanish States)
3) 'Goku' (from Dragonball Z) (Male) = Hatukakukimatciyhuts (Fanrai)
4) Citizens Various nations (Male and Female) = Aaron Paul (Third Spanish States)
5) Homosexual Beatusian = Kyle Najar (The Beatus)
6) Ryouese woman = Mako (AHSCA)
7) Ryouese woman 2 = Elisabeth Mahari (The Indonesian States)
Voice roles needed
1) Stoklomovi Tentacle Monster = Helga Thorhammer (Grand World Order)
2) Pokemon of Queen Isabella (Pikachu) = Mari Kitamakan (The Indonesian States)
3) Howl from Howl's flying castle = Anakh Kecil (The Indonesian States)
4) Chihiro from Spirited Away = Akiko Wanatabe (Imouta)
5) Asuka the Furry masseuse = Emily Sune (Kanami)
The Indonesian states
11-10-2008, 17:57
By the way i'm writing a summary now. I've actually got a game called The Movies where you can create movies and stuff and post them on the internet, but it'll take too long to make. Maybe, if I have time, I could have a trailer made or something :p
Anyway, be on the lookout for the other thread with the script (where you can write reviews and such!) coming soon!
Barbie Ana
12-10-2008, 13:53
Oh so I didn't make it on any role?
[NS]Dastardly Stench
12-10-2008, 18:37
NAME: Lance Spears
AGE: 25
GENDER: "Male"
ROLE: Innnnnnterethting Homethexual Beautition
[NS]Dastardly Stench
12-10-2008, 18:40
Name: Deuce Stripes
Nationality: Dominion of Dastardly Stench
Age: 27
Genter: Female
Role Desired: New character: Skunk Woman
The Beatus
14-10-2008, 06:19
Are you going to post a link to the thread here?
[NS]Dastardly Stench
15-10-2008, 19:28
Lance Spears (sings):
Throw out your handth!
Push out your tushhh!
Handth on your hipth!
Give them a push!
Don't be thurprithed, you're doing the French mithtaaaaaake!*
Agent's voice: Lance, the try-out is over. You can stop now.
Lance: But I wanna thing! Bethideth, the part ith jutht tho innnnnnterethting!
Agent: Fine, but the reading was yesterday.
Lance: But I want the part! It'th the perfect thing for me! It'th not fair! You gotta...
Agent (on cell phone): Yeah, another one...
::Sound of two men in white coats dragging Lance, still whining, off in a straight jacket::
* From the Mel Brooks Movie, "Blazing Saddles."