Oceanic Defense Coalition Forms (MT)
30-09-2008, 00:42
Oceanic Defense Coalition (ODECON) Charter
The Parties to this Coalition reaffirm their desire to live in peace and prosperity with their neighbors and all peoples and governments of the world. They are determined to safeguard the freedom of their people, the principals of democracy, and the rule of law. In doing this, they seek to provide security and stability to their fellow members and themselves.
They are resolved to unite themselves in this common purpose and therefore agree to abide by a singular document in addition to their own Constitutions and Charters, to which the right of members to possess shall not be infringed.
Economic Articles
Article I
Members of ODECON shall not levy tariffs exceeding more than 3% against fellow member states. Whenever possible, tariffs should be abolished entirely.
Article II
This Charter shall not infringe upon the right of member states to engage in trade with non-ODECON states.
Article III
Trade between member states shall be free of quotas, regulatory legislation (except where mentioned in Sec 1, Art 1), and subsidies which seek to give certain factors of production an advantage over others.
Article IV
Member states shall have free access to market information.
Article V
Member states shall endeavor to keep sea lanes free of piracy, and merchant shipping shall not be subject to boarding or interception unless a credible threat to security exists.
Article VI
Investments made by an investor from a member state into another are granted a number of guarantees, including fair and equitable treatment, protection from expropriation, and free transfer of means.
Article VII
Investors who feel their rights have been infringed under Art I shall have their case brought before the ODECON Supreme Court rather than suing the nation in question in their own courts.
Article VIII
Laborers and professionals from an ODECON member state shall have the right to immigrate to another member state temporarily for purposes of employment. The time in question shall be decided by the individual state, but must exceed six months and cannot exceed two years.
Article IX
Unemployed or employed workers from an ODECON state have the express right to seek employment permanently in another member state free of hindrance, as long as the immigration process is legal by the state’s laws and the worker can provide a service which shall be beneficial to the state.
Administrative Articles
Article I
Each member state shall send two representatives to serve in the ODECON Regulatory Congress. The Congress has the express power to propose new legislation related to ODECON functions to be vetoed or accepted into international law by the President. All votes are by a simple majority.
Article II
The Multilateral Authority (henceforth to be known as the MA) is the ruling body of ODECON. The members each have specific administrative or political duties, and together they have the power to declare war in a 3/4 majority vote. The MA shall be made up of the following titled individuals, voted in by the Regulatory Congress:
Coalition President
Undersecretary to the President
Chief Director of ODESTAR
Supreme Judicial Authority
Head of Financial Affairs
Foreign Affairs Secretary
Supreme Military Overseer
Supreme Naval Overseer
Article III
The Regulatory Congress shall be housed in a building chosen by a majority of the Congressmen. The Multilateral Authority shall be based out of the same building, but separated in some way.
Article IV
By a simple majority vote, the RC may form new organizations within the Coalition that draw upon ODECON resources, including tax revenue from member states, in order to serve the Coalition as a whole. Any nation may opt out of these child organizations, but doing so will not affect funding for said agency.
Article V
Amendments to the Coalition Charter require the support of at least two-thirds of the Regulatory Congress in order to be enacted.
Article VI
Elections for Congressmen shall be a simple vote conducted in the member state. A majority of voters must select the two representatives before they are legally declared members of the Regulatory Congress.
Article VII
The Supreme Court of the Coalition shall be based in a location of the RC’s choosing and shall be called upon to break ties in the RC or deadlocks in the MA. It shall also be the supreme authority on war crime trials where an impartial mediator is needed by a member state. The Supreme Court is led by the Supreme Judicial Authority and consists of eight other Judges elected by the RC.
Article VIII
Any member of the RC may submit a concern regarding new legislation to the Supreme Court. Should a simple majority of Judges rule that the legislation is not in keeping with the Coalition Charter, it may not be enacted.
Article IX
Member states are expected to comply with extradition requests by fellow ODECON members. Should a dispute arise surrounding extradition, the case must be brought before the Supreme Court, where a simple majority will settle the case.
Article X
Contributions to the ODECON treasury by member nations in the form of the required 1% tax shall be stripped of all nationality upon being transferred to the Coalition.
Article XI
All funds will be allocated by the Head of Financial Affairs but must be confirmed by the RC with a simple majority vote. No agency may be allocated more than 7% of the Coalition budget without a specific mandate in the charter or by the RC to do so.
Military Articles
Article I
The primary goal of the Coalition being to protect the territorial sovereignty and freedom of her member’s citizens, ODECON member states shall maintain the ability to protect themselves from armed attack.
Article II
Any member state has the ability to call together an emergency meeting of the Multilateral Authority to decide on a course of action should they come under foreign attack or domestic insurrection.
Article III
The Multilateral Authority has the authority to declare a state of conflict should the MA decide that they present a clear and present danger to the continued security of any ODECON member state. This occurs after the process in Sec 1, Art 2 has been completed. The RC can check this power by overturning the decision in a 2/3 majority vote.
Article IV
Should a state of conflict be declared, it is the duty of every ODECON member state to comply with the order and treat the foreign threat as it was a threat against their own nation. No nation may choose to ignore the threat lest they risk expulsion from ODECON. If a nation is for any reason physically unable to come to the assistance of an ally, they may be exempt from this rule.
Article V
The ODECON defense structure is triple-tiered. National militaries maintain unilateral independence from the alliance, but may be called upon as per Article IV. For situations where total war may not be the proper course of action, ORRF (ODECON Rapid Reaction Force) will be comprised of volunteer soldiers and will be placed under the command of the Supreme Military Overseer. Finally, ODECON installations (as explained in Article VII) will be established in areas deemed by the Supreme Military Overseer to be unstable or susceptible to attack by foreign threats. This is to allow for quick alliance reaction to potential attacks on member-states.
Article VI
National militaries will gradually adopt the standard ODECON round for assault rifles. This is to ease logistical troubles inherent in separate militaries fighting together.
Article VII
A series of ODEFOR-run installations will be established in select ODECON member states. The staff will be made up of international soldiers, fighting under the ODECON flag as well as their own. This is made possible by quasi-integration of national militaries, as outlined below.
Article VIII
Militaries from ODECON member states should be comfortable with each others weaponry, organization, and customs on a basic level. It should be noted that English is the language of ODEFOR, and ODECON in general when two or more nations are concerned, as well.
Article IX
Member state's militaries will be integrated to the point where they are able to fight as one coherent force when the situation demands it. An example would be the ad-hoc 1st ODECON Army Group formed in a wartime situation, made up of, for example, the Zinairian 1st Army (made up of Zinairian divisions and corps), the Santherese 9th Army (made up of Santherese divisions and corps), and the Adenian 6th Army (made up of Adenian divisions and corps). In the face of alliance-wide total war, international Army Groups should always be a possibility should the situation call for it.
Article X
For the purposes of keeping sea lanes open to trade and free of piracy and other foreign threats, ODEFLE shall be established. ODEFLE shall consist of at least 100 ships of varying class from each member nation. The costs of repair and training shall be covered by the ODECON treasury, with all other costs being covered by respective governments. The Supreme Naval Overseer is responsible for the running of ODEFLE.
Article XI
The official ODECON brevity code will be used in wartime situations involving the alliance. Individual brevity codes may still be used in non-alliance situations, and during peacetime.
Article XII
No two nations in ODECON may engage in hostilities with each other under any circumstances. If they do, the aggressor nation shall be expelled and treated as any other foreign power would be.
Application Process
Article I
In order to be considered for ODECON membership, a nation must first undergo a screening process, ensuring that they have shown a determination to safeguard freedom and democracy, protect the weak, and live in peace with their neighbors.
Article II
A population of 150 million is required for ODECON membership.
Article III
The ability to pay a flat tax in the order of one percent of the nation's GDP to the ODECON treasury is required. Nations must prove that they are able and willing to defend their fellow member states.
Article IV
Prospective members shall have their applications reviewed by the Regulatory Congress and a simple majority shall be used to decide on application. A tie always goes to the negative in the application process.
ODECON Forums (http://z10.invisionfree.com/ODECON_Boards/index.php?act=idx)
Member States:
-The Federal Republic of Leistung
-The Federated Empire of Akimonad
-The Kiravian Empire
-The Holy Empire of Stevid
-The United States of Independent Hitmen
-The Commonwealth of Brittanican Adenia
-The Imperial Republic of Greal
-The United States of Sur Abruzzi
-The Holy Empire of Lord Sumguy
-The Empire of Crimmond
-The Republic of Zinaire
-The Allied States of New Kereptica
-The Most Serene Noble Republic of Santheres
-The Armed Republic of Salzland
-The Holy Empire of Anemos Major
-The Commonwealth of Whiskeasy
-The Commonwealth of Zoingo
-The Republic of Parilisa
-The Principality of Vaarshire
-The Sovereign Republic of Stabistan
-The Metropolitan-Regional Council of Hydrosteria
Activity on the ODECON Forums (http://z10.invisionfree.com/ODECON_Boards/index.php?act=idx) is ESSENTIAL to the alliance.
From: The MoFA of the BSO
MSG: I would like to become the Diplomat from the BSO to your alliance.
OOC: Man, my country's having a bad time, my Master just got killed. Heh, always nice to have good allies like you.
Official Telegram: Federation of Prycuse
The federation of Prycuse is interested in joining ODECON as soon as possible.
Thank you,
Aaron Celveal
President of The Federation of Prycuse
30-09-2008, 02:05
From: The MoFA of the BSO
MSG: I would like to become the Diplomat from the BSO to your alliance.
Official Communiqué
Republic of Leistung
To: The MoFA of the BSO
From: Office of the President
Subj: Acceptance
Before we accept your offer we would like to inquire as to the nature of the "BSO." If deemed satisfactory, Rithian will gain Observer status, able to join at any time in the future but not covered by any Articles of the Charter until then.
Evan Bachmeier
Acting President of the Oceanic Defense Coalition
Official Telegram: Federation of Prycuse
The federation of Prycuse is interested in joining ODECON as soon as possible.
Thank you,
Aaron Celveal
President of The Federation of Prycuse
Official Communiqué
Republic of Leistung
To: Aaron Celveal
From: Office of the President
Subj: Acceptance
Your application has been accepted.
Evan Bachmeier
Acting President of the Oceanic Defense Coalition
OOC: In the future, let's try to stretch out those applications a bit.
New Greston
30-09-2008, 02:20
Official Grestonian Communiqué
To: President Evan Bachmeier
From: President and Imperial Parliamentarian The Rt. Hon. Sir Jerry Striker
Subject: Oceanic Defense Coalition Membership
Dear President Evan Bachmeier,
Upon hearing confirmation of an alliance made by the Federal Republic, a true ally of Greston, I aroused time to be made so that I may write this, by hand, and deliver it to you. I have seen many great triumphs, and to the same extent, the failures of many. But never in my days, even with such horrible sights under my belt, have I seen such an alliance that can trump others within minutes of its developement. As a near and dear ally of Leistung, I wish to propose that the Imperial Republic of Greston and Her Crown Colonies join this formation.
I wait with baited breath for your reply.
President and Imperial Parliamentarian The Rt. Hon. Sir Jerry Striker
From: The MoFA of the BSO
Subj: Description
MSG: The BSO is a tight-knit group of individuals who exchange protection and money. We band together to make a safe haven for small nations, who can contribute to our coffers and such. Along with the MoFA and the General together ruling the nation, there are two special groups. Everyone is in one or the other. These are the Protectors and the Protectorates. The names give away the basic meaning, so I shouldn't really have to go into too much detail. The Protectors are the main bulk of the military, in exchange for having the words, "Go away or I'll call a dang Black Sun on you, and turn you into plate glass." behind them, they have to protect the protectorates who add to the economy by working on ideas and such. However, the General and the MoFA have full control to veto, even though most major decisions are made on polls. We now have an open registration policy, which states that if you sign up on the forums, you are a member or diplomat. Forums located here: Black Sun Forums (http://z10.invisionfree.com/BlackSun/index.php?act=idx).
OOC: I just copy-pasted that.
30-09-2008, 02:30
Stoklomolvi Commissariat of State
7656 Hegemony Drive, Administrative Compound, Office Complex 7C, Hallway 52L, Room 89
Vladistov, Stoklomolvi
Encryption Level 5, Maximum Encryption
Office of the President
Oceanic Defence Coalition
To: Evan Bachmeier
Subject: ODECON
Stoklomolvi would like to serve as the official ambassador of the Communist International to the Oceanic Defence Coalition. We hope to reinforce ties between the ODECON and the Comintern while bridging the gap between a more capitalistic society and the communists.
Grigor Aleksandrovich Stuyonovich
Civilian Management
Commissar of Foreign Affairs
Alexei Aleksandrovich Stuyonovich
The Commissar of Stoklomolvi
30-09-2008, 02:33
Official Communique
From: Lauren R. Smith, Secretary of State, United States of Kaydonia
In behalf of the President of the United States of Kaydonia, President Kayamone Sutton, Kaydonia formally requests admittance into the Oceanic Defense Coalition. Our foreign policies align with those of this alliance (OOC: Policies can be viewed if you click on my foreign policy link in my signature) and believes that joining this alliance will help Kaydonia further its goals of safeguarding freedom and democracy throughout the world.
Lauren R. Smith
Secretary of State
United States of Kaydonia
30-09-2008, 02:47
Official Grestonian Communiqué
To: President Evan Bachmeier
From: President and Imperial Parliamentarian The Rt. Hon. Sir Jerry Striker
Subject: Oceanic Defense Coalition Membership
Dear President Evan Bachmeier,
Upon hearing confirmation of an alliance made by the Federal Republic, a true ally of Greston, I aroused time to be made so that I may write this, by hand, and deliver it to you. I have seen many great triumphs, and to the same extent, the failures of many. But never in my days, even with such horrible sights under my belt, have I seen such an alliance that can trump others within minutes of its developement. As a near and dear ally of Leistung, I wish to propose that the Imperial Republic of Greston and Her Crown Colonies join this formation.
I wait with baited breath for your reply.
President and Imperial Parliamentarian The Rt. Hon. Sir Jerry Striker
Official Communiqué
Republic of Leistung
To: President and Imperial Parliamentarian The Rt. Hon. Sir Jerry Striker
From: Office of the President
Subj: Acceptance
As close allies of the Imperial Republic, we gladly accept your application to join ODECON.
Evan Bachmeier
Acting President of the Oceanic Defense Coalition
From: The MoFA of the BSO
Subj: Description
MSG: The BSO is a tight-knit group of individuals who exchange protection and money. We band together to make a safe haven for small nations, who can contribute to our coffers and such. Along with the MoFA and the General together ruling the nation, there are two special groups. Everyone is in one or the other. These are the Protectors and the Protectorates. The names give away the basic meaning, so I shouldn't really have to go into too much detail. The Protectors are the main bulk of the military, in exchange for having the words, "Go away or I'll call a dang Black Sun on you, and turn you into plate glass." behind them, they have to protect the protectorates who add to the economy by working on ideas and such. However, the General and the MoFA have full control to veto, even though most major decisions are made on polls. We now have an open registration policy, which states that if you sign up on the forums, you are a member or diplomat. Forums located here: Black Sun Forums (http://z10.invisionfree.com/BlackSun/index.php?act=idx).
OOC: I just copy-pasted that.
Official Communiqué
Republic of Leistung
To: The MoFA of the BSO
From: Office of the President
Subj: Acceptance
We have deemed the purposes of the BSO to be in line with the basic democratic policies of ODECON and would be pleased to accept Rithian as a diplomat from your organization.
Evan Bachmeier
Acting President of the Oceanic Defense Coalition
Stoklomolvi Commissariat of State
7656 Hegemony Drive, Administrative Compound, Office Complex 7C, Hallway 52L, Room 89
Vladistov, Stoklomolvi
Encryption Level 5, Maximum Encryption
Office of the President
Oceanic Defence Coalition
To: Evan Bachmeier
Subject: ODECON
Stoklomolvi would like to serve as the official ambassador of the Communist International to the Oceanic Defence Coalition. We hope to reinforce ties between the ODECON and the Comintern while bridging the gap between a more capitalistic society and the communists.
Grigor Aleksandrovich Stuyonovich
Civilian Management
Commissar of Foreign Affairs
Alexei Aleksandrovich Stuyonovich
The Commissar of Stoklomolvi
Official Communiqué
Republic of Leistung
To: Stoklomolvi
From: Office of the President
Subj: Acceptance
In the interests of bridging the gap between communists and capitalists, we accept your offer. We look forward to working with your organization in the future, but please bear in mind that any actions taken by your organization which are deemed undemocratic and fundamentally against the principles of ODECON shall be grounds for severing the tie.
Evan Bachmeier
Acting President of the Oceanic Defense Coalition
Official Communique
From: Lauren R. Smith, Secretary of State, United States of Kaydonia
In behalf of the President of the United States of Kaydonia, President Kayamone Sutton, Kaydonia formally requests admittance into the Oceanic Defense Coalition. Our foreign policies align with those of this alliance (OOC: Policies can be viewed if you click on my foreign policy link in my signature) and believes that joining this alliance will help Kaydonia further its goals of safeguarding freedom and democracy throughout the world.
Lauren R. Smith
Secretary of State
United States of Kaydonia
Official Communiqué
Republic of Leistung
To: Lauren Smith
From: Office of the President
Subj: Acceptance
Your application is on hold for the moment as we try to make sense of the large amount of applications our organization has received. Rest assured that you should have an answer within the hour.
(lolz, only allowed to have 11 IMG tags...}
Evan Bachmeier
Acting President of the Oceanic Defense Coalition
Lord Sumguy
30-09-2008, 02:59
OOC: reserved for an application once certain other events transpire.
Official Greal Statement
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
To: Evan Bachmeier, Acting President of the Oceanic Defense Coalition
Encryption Level: Maximum
Subject: RE: ODECON
On the behalf of the people of the Imperial Republic of Greal, Greal formally requests admittance into the Oceanic Defense Coalition. Greal fully supports ODECON's ideals of freedom and democracy and will offer our fullest support to the Coalition.
Martin Watson
President of Greal
Imperial Republic of Greal
Soviet Aissur
30-09-2008, 04:17
Official Message from the Aissurian Department of Foreign Affairs.
To:Evan Bachmeier, Acting President of the Oceanic Defense Coalition
From:The Aissurian Department
The Provinces of Aissur wishes to formally announce that it wishes to join the Oceanic Defense Coalition. We are willing to defend any member, defend the treaty, and uphold the ideas of democracy and freedom.
(message end.)
30-09-2008, 04:26
Official Communique
From: Lauren R. Smith, Secretary of State, United States of Kaydonia
In behalf of the President of the United States of Kaydonia, President Kayamone Sutton, Kaydonia formally requests admittance into the Oceanic Defense Coalition. Our foreign policies align with those of this alliance (OOC: Policies can be viewed if you click on my foreign policy link in my signature) and believes that joining this alliance will help Kaydonia further its goals of safeguarding freedom and democracy throughout the world.
Lauren R. Smith
Secretary of State
United States of Kaydonia
Official Communiqué
Republic of Leistung
To: Lauren Smith
From: Office of the President
Subj: Acceptance
We apologize for any delays in the acceptance process. We are happy to accept Kaydonia into ODECON and hope for many years of fruitful relations.
Evan Bachmeier
Acting President of the Oceanic Defense Coalition
OOC: I was just doing an RP quality check, and you scored excellently :D
30-09-2008, 12:11
[OOC: Lulwut, LION mk III + Greal amirite?]
30-09-2008, 15:27
Official Message from the Aissurian Department of Foreign Affairs.
To:Evan Bachmeier, Acting President of the Oceanic Defense Coalition
From:The Aissurian Department
The Provinces of Aissur wishes to formally announce that it wishes to join the Oceanic Defense Coalition. We are willing to defend any member, defend the treaty, and uphold the ideas of democracy and freedom.
(message end.)
Official Communiqué
Republic of Leistung
To: The Aissurian Department
From: Office of the President
Subj: Acceptance
We apologize, but Soviet Aissur has not passed the preliminary screening process. Feel free to apply again in the future.
Evan Bachmeier
Acting President of the Oceanic Defense Coalition
Official Greal Statement
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
To: Evan Bachmeier, Acting President of the Oceanic Defense Coalition
Encryption Level: Maximum
Subject: RE: ODECON
On the behalf of the people of the Imperial Republic of Greal, Greal formally requests admittance into the Oceanic Defense Coalition. Greal fully supports ODECON's ideals of freedom and democracy and will offer our fullest support to the Coalition.
Martin Watson
President of Greal
Imperial Republic of Greal
Official Communiqué
Republic of Leistung
To: Lauren Smith
From: Office of the President
Subj: Acceptance
Your application has been delayed pending further deliberation. You must understand that as a member of the Hegemony, your relationship with Greston is still one of war, albeit delayed war, which is in violation of Section I, Article X of the Military Agreement clause.
Evan Bachmeier
Acting President of the Oceanic Defense Coalition
New Greston
30-09-2008, 15:46
[OOC: Lulwut, LION mk III + Greal amirite?]
OOC: lulwut, annoying pompous bum mock III, amirite.
30-09-2008, 16:21
of the
To: Evan Bachmeier, Acting President of the Oceanic Defense Coalition
The United Socialist States of Burtilana wishes to become part of this Coalition. We have long been looking for a new alliance with which to dedicate ourselves, it will bring more protection, and great prosperioty to our nation, and we can become more succesful and effiecient at protecting the weak.
We will fully support the ODECON military with the 100,000 troops + armour and hope for strong relations with all ODECON members.
Voting has taken place during the last week, and 83% of the population are in favour of the coalition. This shows that Burtilana as a whole supports ODECON.
I await your response.
Vladimir Burte
Kiravian Empire
Permissim Astrav Subleucim
Imperial Secriat of State
Alliance Office
The Kiravian Empire is most interested in joining the Oceanic Defence Coalition.
From: The Holy Empire of Stevid Ministry of Defence and the Admiralty of His Majesty's Royal Navy
Subject: Acceptance
Greetings sirs,
The Holy Empire of Stevid, being an oceanfaring nation rich with naval history and sure to have a rich naval future, wishes to joined this promising alliance of nations and navies. The Empire was once a member of the OMP before is fell into political ruin and hypocrisy, this alliance seems to have a more steady course and much more well defined charter.
Stevid has one of the biggest and certainly one of the most experianced navy's in the world and is also the lead in certain hull production and increased electronic countermeasure technologies and we feel that Stevid will prove to be a great asset to this young alliance. We have a mass of military resources to pool into this charter, an exceptionally powerful economy and a solid political structure to keep the cogs of running the country moving in the right direction. The Holy Empire believes in diplomacy first but is now very well known for its military acumen and ruthlessness.
However the Holy Empire has a large mistrust for alliances, the country will be suppliying money to help fund it, military units to uphold its principles and political civil servants and government ministers to attend alliance meetings and we fell that that the alliance should serve us as much as we it. The Holy Empire of Stevid is a huge nation with a navy that can rivial any other in the world and has on occasions taken on and defeat several nations at once on the high seas- such a history and reputation, we feel, should be honoured and fully recognised. Also it must be noted that the Holy Empire is international known for its detest for pirates and the way it ruthlessly tracks down and eliminates pirate cartels.
Thus we ask that the Holy Empire holds a very important role of office within the alliance (ie: like the way certain nations are in the UN security council or hold important roles within NATO). Unless we can possibly be granted this small request then we will withdraw our application- but we will still fully support the principles this alliance upholds.
Thank you.
30-09-2008, 18:38
Kiravian Empire
Permissim Astrav Subleucim
Imperial Secriat of State
Alliance Office
The Kiravian Empire is most interested in joining the Oceanic Defence Coalition.
Official Communiqué
Republic of Leistung
To: Alliance Office
From: Office of the President
Subj: Acceptance
We are pleased to announce that the Kiravian Empire has been accepted into ODECON.
Evan Bachmeier
Acting President of the Oceanic Defense Coalition
OOC: That's seriously all you could muster for an application? :rolleyes:
From: The Holy Empire of Stevid Ministry of Defence and the Admiralty of His Majesty's Royal Navy
Subject: Acceptance
Greetings sirs,
The Holy Empire of Stevid, being an oceanfaring nation rich with naval history and sure to have a rich naval future, wishes to joined this promising alliance of nations and navies. The Empire was once a member of the OMP before is fell into political ruin and hypocrisy, this alliance seems to have a more steady course and much more well defined charter.
Stevid has one of the biggest and certainly one of the most experianced navy's in the world and is also the lead in certain hull production and increased electronic countermeasure technologies and we feel that Stevid will prove to be a great asset to this young alliance. We have a mass of military resources to pool into this charter, an exceptionally powerful economy and a solid political structure to keep the cogs of running the country moving in the right direction. The Holy Empire believes in diplomacy first but is now very well known for its military acumen and ruthlessness.
However the Holy Empire has a large mistrust for alliances, the country will be suppliying money to help fund it, military units to uphold its principles and political civil servants and government ministers to attend alliance meetings and we fell that that the alliance should serve us as much as we it. The Holy Empire of Stevid is a huge nation with a navy that can rivial any other in the world and has on occasions taken on and defeat several nations at once on the high seas- such a history and reputation, we feel, should be honoured and fully recognised. Also it must be noted that the Holy Empire is international known for its detest for pirates and the way it ruthlessly tracks down and eliminates pirate cartels.
Thus we ask that the Holy Empire holds a very important role of office within the alliance (ie: like the way certain nations are in the UN security council or hold important roles within NATO). Unless we can possibly be granted this small request then we will withdraw our application- but we will still fully support the principles this alliance upholds.
Thank you.
Official Communiqué
Republic of Leistung
To: The Holy Empire of Stevid Ministry of Defence and the Admiralty of His Majesty's Royal Navy
From: Office of the President
Subj: Acceptance
Our organization prizes democracy and equality above all, and no nation, not even Leistung, is considered officially higher than any other. However, should you choose to run for office in the Multilateral Authority (OOC: almost exactly the same as the UNSC veto nations), Stevid would have a great deal of responsibility in the running of ODECON, especially considering how easy it would be for your representative to get elected.
We would also like to point out that the Holy Empire, being as influential as it is in international affairs, will most likely take on one of the premier roles in the alliance regardless of its official status. ODECON would benefit greatly from Stevid's membership and if our proposal is in some way unacceptable, we would be willing to go back to the drawing board.
Evan Bachmeier
Acting President of the Oceanic Defense Coalition
30-09-2008, 18:39
OOC: Hey Stevid, remember me? (Former Credonia)
30-09-2008, 18:45
Oceanic Defense Coalition (ODECON) Political Process
In order to further the ideals of democracy and freedom via ODECON, the signatories of the ODECON charter also agree to comply with the organization’s laws, passed by a democratic process in the Regulatory Congress and Multilateral Authority. The method for proposing, passing, accepting, and putting said laws into effect is detailed below.
Regulatory Congress
The Regulatory Congress, oftentimes referred to as the “RC” for short, is the primary legislative body of ODECON. It is made up of a number of representatives equal to the number of member states times two, each member state electing two men or women to serve on the Congress.
Any one of these representatives has the power to suggest new legislation to be passed in the form of an official proposal (OOC: in the RC section of the forums). These proposals may take the form of admissions, military, civil, political, economic, or administrative reform, and are proposed to the entirety of the Congress to decide upon. A simple majority of representatives must agree on the proposal (OOC: via poll) for it to be taken to the next step—the veto process.
Multilateral Authority
The Multilateral Authority is the highest branch of ODECON management, consisting of seven men and women, all elected by the Regulatory Congress (OOC: put electoral tickets in the RC section of the forums). If a candidate runs unopposed, he/she is sworn in, providing that he/she is supported by a majority of representatives (OOC: it's assumed that you support them if you don't run against them). If a candidate is opposed, he/she runs in a head-to-head election against the opposer, and a simple majority is used to decide the victor.
Once all seven members of the MA are elected, the voting stops, to be resumed again in 3 (OOC: RL) months. The men on the council each have individual duties related to the day-to-day operations of ODECON, which are outlined elsewhere (OOC: On the forums. The MA has been established as a way for the respective heads of each particular section of government to come together and decide upon a general course of action for the Coalition, and they hold no powers to regulate the Congress (besides being called in to break ties) or veto proposals, that power being held solely by the President of the Coalition.
President of the Coalition
The President of the Coalition is a member of the MA and is the only MA member capable of vetoing actions passed by the RC. He is the spokesman for the Coalition, and can order ODEFOR to a region to restore order, restore a previous government, or avert a genocide, though the consent of the Supreme Military Overseer is still required.
Outside of a defensive war, he is the only man able to propose a war for offensive purposes, though this must be accepted by 3/4 of the MA (OOC: It's a defensive alliance). He routinely meets with foreign leaders alongside the Foreign Affairs Secretary, and can veto any proposal made by the RC.
30-09-2008, 18:46
Official Communiqué
Republic of Leistung
To: Lauren Smith
From: Office of the President
Subj: Acceptance
We apologize for any delays in the acceptance process. We are happy to accept Kaydonia into ODECON and hope for many years of fruitful relations.
Evan Bachmeier
Acting President of the Oceanic Defense Coalition
OOC: I was just doing an RP quality check, and you scored excellently :D
Official Communique
From: Lauren R. Smith, Secretary of State, United States of Kaydonia
To: Evan Bachmeier, cting President, Oceanic Defense Coalition
Kaydonia thanks you for admitting us into ODECON. We look forward to fruitful relations with the members of this coalitiion in hopes of spreading peace, tranquility, prosperity, and democracy throughout the world.
Lauren R. Smith
Secretary of State
United States of Kaydonia
30-09-2008, 18:48
OOC: Is a forum going to be created for ODECON?
30-09-2008, 18:50
OOC: Is a forum going to be created for ODECON?
OOC: lol, check the bottom of the OP. Also, your signature is like 15 lines...just telling you before the mods do.
30-09-2008, 20:43
of the
To: Evan Bachmeier, Acting President of the Oceanic Defense Coalition
The United Socialist States of Burtilana wishes to become part of this Coalition. We have long been looking for a new alliance with which to dedicate ourselves, it will bring more protection, and great prosperioty to our nation, and we can become more succesful and effiecient at protecting the weak.
We will fully support the ODECON military with the 100,000 troops + armour and hope for strong relations with all ODECON members.
Voting has taken place during the last week, and 83% of the population are in favour of the coalition. This shows that Burtilana as a whole supports ODECON.
I await your response.
Vladimir Burte
Official Communiqué
Republic of Leistung
To: Vladimir Burte
From: Office of the President
Subj: Acceptance
We apologize deeply to President Burte and the USSB, but your application to join ODECON as a full member has been denied.
Evan Bachmeier
Acting President of the Oceanic Defense Coalition
30-09-2008, 20:45
of the
Re: rejection
To: Evan Bachmeier, Acting President of the Oceanic Defense Coalition
May I inquire into why our nation failed? and if there is any chances in the future.
Anemos Major
30-09-2008, 21:08
TO: The Oceanic Defence Coalition Supreme Authority
From: The Third Holy Empire of Anemos Major
To: Evan Bachmeier
From: First Marshal Yidren Sailis, Commander in Chief of the Imperial Fleet of Anemos Major
We would like to apply to join the Oceanic Defence Coalition as an observing member: our decision to join or not will come based on the decisions you make.
30-09-2008, 21:31
of the
Re: rejection
To: Evan Bachmeier, Acting President of the Oceanic Defense Coalition
May I inquire into why our nation failed? and if there is any chances in the future.
Official Communiqué
Republic of Leistung
To: Vladimir Burte
From: Office of the President
Subj: Rejection
Unfortunately our admissions process is kept under wraps. Of course you may attempt to reapply in the future, so long as you realize that the organization is by nature anti-socialist.
Evan Bachmeier
Acting President of the Oceanic Defense Coalition
TO: The Oceanic Defence Coalition Supreme Authority
From: The Third Holy Empire of Anemos Major
To: Evan Bachmeier
From: First Marshal Yidren Sailis, Commander in Chief of the Imperial Fleet of Anemos Major
We would like to apply to join the Oceanic Defence Coalition as an observing member: our decision to join or not will come based on the decisions you make.
Official Communiqué
Republic of Leistung
To: Anemos Major
From: Office of the President
Subj: Rejection
There are no provisions in place to become an observing member--the process is on a case-by-case basis. In just about every case I would suggest you not even bother with the observing member status, seeing as it would give you none of the rights members have. You would be much better off putting off application until you are sure that the organization meets with your nation's approval.
Evan Bachmeier
Acting President of the Oceanic Defense Coalition
Anemos Major
30-09-2008, 21:34
FROM: The Third Holy Empire of Anemos Major
We will join the Coalition, but please be aware that we reserve the right to pull out when it is necesarry.
Brittanican Adenia
30-09-2008, 21:50
Dear Mr Bachmeier,
It is with great pleasure that I am bequeathed the authority to make a formal application on behalf of Her Majesty's Government of Brittanican Adenia, and by extension the electorate of The Commonwealth of Brittanican Adenia, to join the Oceanic Defence Coalition.
Whilst the Nautical Service of Her Majesty's Armed Services is amongst the smallest in the known world at under 10,000 combat personnel, her skill, bravery, and ferociousness in combat has not been forgotten by those who have dared to face her. Her Majesty's Royal Marines and Special Boat Service are among the pride of Brittaniate light infantry, and are, quite frankly, worthy of being ranked amongst the finest infantry in the world.
Whatever the decision of the administration, we wish to make clear that any ship travelling under the flag of any nation of the ODECON will be fully protected by Adenian Nautical Service vessels, and when abroad, East Orient Trading Company vessels of both civilian and combat nature (through Brittanican Security Solutions) will always come to the aid of an ODECON vessel if required.
We look forward to seeing many new ensigns on the horizon.
May God smile favourably upon your decks, and breath heartily into your sails.
Yours, with Kindest Regards,
Sir Allan Street
Honourable Secretary of the Foreign Office
Her Majesty's Government of Brittanican Adenia
30-09-2008, 22:05
OOC: I actually made a comment that RS nations were free to join regardless of population. It's more so that 5-minute old nations don't come knocking on our door begging for membership.
Brittanican Adenia
30-09-2008, 22:07
OOC: I actually made a comment that RS nations were free to join regardless of population. It's more so that 5-minute old nations don't come knocking on our door begging for membership.
OOC: My reading of OOC: is fail. I read the entire IC bit then missed the last. Edit comin' your way, may as well bring some class to this alliance ;)
Official Communiqué
Republic of Leistung
To: The Holy Empire of Stevid Ministry of Defence and the Admiralty of His Majesty's Royal Navy
From: Office of the President
Subj: Acceptance
Our organization prizes democracy and equality above all, and no nation, not even Leistung, is considered officially higher than any other. However, should you choose to run for office in the Multilateral Authority (OOC: almost exactly the same as the UNSC veto nations), Stevid would have a great deal of responsibility in the running of ODECON, especially considering how easy it would be for your representative to get elected.
We would also like to point out that the Holy Empire, being as influential as it is in international affairs, will most likely take on one of the premier roles in the alliance regardless of its official status. ODECON would benefit greatly from Stevid's membership and if our proposal is in some way unacceptable, we would be willing to go back to the drawing board.
Evan Bachmeier
Acting President of the Oceanic Defense Coalition[/QUOTE]
We never wished to impress the suggestion that we wouuld be of higher status than any other member of the alliance and we apolagise if that is how our message came across initially but thank you for interpretting it correctly.
Thank you for looking to the future and the use of the Holy Empire's resources in this alliance. We like to feel needed and used responsibly by any alliance we are in and likewise for any other member states of this alliance (or any other).
We are fully content with the terms and we hope that you accept our application into the Oceanis Defense Coalition.
30-09-2008, 22:27
Dear Mr Bachmeier,
It is with great pleasure that I am bequeathed the authority to make a formal application on behalf of Her Majesty's Government of Brittanican Adenia, and by extension the electorate of The Commonwealth of Brittanican Adenia, to join the Oceanic Defence Coalition.
Whilst the Nautical Service of Her Majesty's Armed Services is amongst the smallest in the known world at under 10,000 combat personnel, her skill, bravery, and ferociousness in combat has not been forgotten by those who have dared to face her. Her Majesty's Royal Marines and Special Boat Service are among the pride of Brittaniate light infantry, and are, quite frankly, worthy of being ranked amongst the finest infantry in the world.
Whatever the decision of the administration, we wish to make clear that any ship travelling under the flag of any nation of the ODECON will be fully protected by Adenian Nautical Service vessels, and when abroad, East Orient Trading Company vessels of both civilian and combat nature (through Brittanican Security Solutions) will always come to the aid of an ODECON vessel if required.
We look forward to seeing many new ensigns on the horizon.
May God smile favourably upon your decks, and breath heartily into your sails.
Yours, with Kindest Regards,
Sir Allan Street
Honourable Secretary of the Foreign Office
Her Majesty's Government of Brittanican Adenia
Official Communiqué
Republic of Leistung
To: Sir Allan Street
From: Office of the President
Subj: Acceptance
It brings me great pleasure to welcome Brittanican Adenia into ODECON. Rest assured that the Coalition will benefit greatly from the addition of your nation to our ranks.
Evan Bachmeier
Acting President of the Oceanic Defense Coalition
We never wished to impress the suggestion that we wouuld be of higher status than any other member of the alliance and we apolagise if that is how our message came across initially but thank you for interpretting it correctly.
Thank you for looking to the future and the use of the Holy Empire's resources in this alliance. We like to feel needed and used responsibly by any alliance we are in and likewise for any other member states of this alliance (or any other).
We are fully content with the terms and we hope that you accept our application into the Oceanis Defense Coalition.
Official Communiqué
Republic of Leistung
To: Holy Empire of Stevid
From: Office of the President
Subj: Acceptance
We assure you that your request came across as nothing of the sort. I am pleased to announce that the Holy Empire of Stevid has been accepted into ODECON, and we look forward to many years of fruitful relations.
Evan Bachmeier
Acting President of the Oceanic Defense Coalition
OOC: Nice one, also I've registered on the forums and I can promise i'll feature on there a fair bit too.
30-09-2008, 22:35
OOC: Yeah, elections for political positions are ongoing right now, but once they're donE we can get into actual business. I verified your e-mail, btw.
Official Communiqué
Republic of Leistung
To: Lauren Smith
From: Office of the President
Subj: Acceptance
Your application has been delayed pending further deliberation. You must understand that as a member of the Hegemony, your relationship with Greston is still one of war, albeit delayed war, which is in violation of Section I, Article X of the Military Agreement clause.
Evan Bachmeier
Acting President of the Oceanic Defense Coalition
OOC: Do you mind explaining this to me in english? And I'm not at war with Greston, anymore.
30-09-2008, 23:20
OOC: Do you mind explaining this to me in english? And I'm not at war with Greston, anymore.
OOC: Technically Greston never signed the treaty, only a ceasefire. Don't worry about it, I've discussed Heg guys coming in with both LS and Greston and it's all good. I was about to write your acceptance when I saw this, actually.
Official Communiqué
Republic of Leistung
To: Greal
From: Office of the President
Subj: Acceptance
We apologize for any delays in the admissions process, but issues pertaining to your acceptance have been ironed out and it's safe to say that your acceptance is now finalized. Welcome to ODECON.
Evan Bachmeier
Acting President of the Oceanic Defense Coalition
OOC: I'm sorry if I sounded a bit forward, Anyway I registered on the forums. :D
30-09-2008, 23:28
OOC: I'm sorry if I sounded a bit forward, Anyway I registered on the forums. :D
OOC: Not at all. It's funny, but everyone's so apologetic on these forums about the littlest things :D...anyways, validated.
01-10-2008, 00:27
OOC: lulwut, annoying pompous bum mock III, amirite.
I'm not pompous, I'm just better than you.
Soviet Aissur
01-10-2008, 01:39
[OOC:First off, why was I not allowed? I would've felt better about my second issue if you had said why. Second, I have not been soviet in months. My sig says so, you must have noticed me telling other people, and my IC specifically says The Provinces of Aissur. Don't expect me to think highly of you when you can't even get my nation name right.]
New Greston
01-10-2008, 01:51
OOC: How can we (I, but I feel most of ODECON probably thinks the same) think highly of someone who starts going off because their name was spelled wrong?
Take me for instance. My nation is, of course, Greston, but I encountered a problem and go by New Greston now. Despite the numerous links to pages and wikis which specifically say Greston, the bolded message in my sig, and how I go out of my way to use large fonts and bold my nations name, I still get called New Greston. When ever this happens to me I tell them that they are in correct and I leave it at that, unless they are perticurlarly stubbourn.
01-10-2008, 01:54
[OOC: NEW Greston, the main difference between your and his situation is that his name already reflects a "communist" ideology. Yours does not. I could call you NEW Greston, and it would not really affect much other than me getting your name wrong. I can call Aissur SOVIET Aissur, and this would imply that he's a commie and a commie satellite at that. Big difference there.]
01-10-2008, 01:56
OOC: To be fair, I believe the default setting for these boards is to not display signatures. I, for one, took several weeks before I was finally able to find the setting enabling signature view. Not necessarily a valid excuse for anyone but a new nation, but it is entirely possible for people on slower internet connections to disable them.
Probably not relevant at all, but my two cents.
New Greston
01-10-2008, 01:58
[OOC: NEW Greston, the main difference between your and his situation is that his name already reflects a "communist" ideology. Yours does not. I could call you NEW Greston, and it would not really affect much other than me getting your name wrong. I can call Aissur SOVIET Aissur, and this would imply that he's a commie and a commie satellite at that. Big difference there.]
OOC: It is relatively same because all it does is piss off the person whose name is wrong. Even if it implys something else.
The thing with mine is that it implys I am someones puppet or that I am some stupid noob who thought it would be cool to throw a 'new' into their. Any way, stop cluttering this thread with OOC rubbish.
01-10-2008, 02:04
[OOC: NEW Greston, I could call my nation NEW Stoklomolvi and it would not really make much difference now, would it? You're still Greston, that warmongering, imperialistic bastard nation with the intelligent aubergine as a leader, right? And I'm still Stoklomolvi, that stupid poor-ass commie nation with a maniac as a leader, right? Being a puppet and being a commie or capitalist nation are very different, and you should know that. Sigh, if only this was all in IC. I could have had some fun bashing you a bit :p ]
01-10-2008, 02:07
i am the president of the united states of cleireach and would like to sign on to the charter and become a member president of the usc
New Greston
01-10-2008, 02:12
[OOC: NEW Greston, I could call my nation NEW Stoklomolvi and it would not really make much difference now, would it? You're still Greston, that warmongering, imperialistic bastard nation with the intelligent aubergine as a leader, right? And I'm still Stoklomolvi, that stupid poor-ass commie nation with a maniac as a leader, right? Being a puppet and being a commie or capitalist nation are very different, and you should know that. Sigh, if only this was all in IC. I could have had some fun bashing you a bit :p ]
OOC: This is all true. I should be offended but sometimes you can't hide the truth.
01-10-2008, 02:13
OOC: Aissur, I have a policy of not telling people why I thought they were unfit for membership. Regardless, I apologize for spelling your name wrong, though trust me when I say it had nothing to do with your denial.
Cleireach, work on your RPing--check the stickied international incident threads and come back when you have a little experience.
01-10-2008, 02:14
[OOC: "You can't handle da troothiness!" I wasn't aiming for offence, just references to those oh so productive "conversations" our leaders had in the past. Remember the aubergine? :p ]
New Greston
01-10-2008, 02:17
OOC: Ah yes, the aubergine. Even more importantly is that my leader didn't understand what an aubergine was until an aid informed him.
Soviet Aissur
01-10-2008, 02:19
[OOC: NEW Greston, I could call my nation NEW Stoklomolvi and it would not really make much difference now, would it? You're still Greston, that warmongering, imperialistic bastard nation with the intelligent aubergine as a leader, right? And I'm still Stoklomolvi, that stupid poor-ass commie nation with a maniac as a leader, right? Being a puppet and being a commie or capitalist nation are very different, and you should know that. Sigh, if only this was all in IC. I could have had some fun bashing you a bit :p ][OOC:Sig for you! Funny funny!]
01-10-2008, 02:19
[OOC: Heh, you thought I hated you OOC. 'Twas good times. Ah, when IC bashing was all in good fun, not hatred cough Ryou cough Roef cough. I'm going to slink back into the Comintern now...]
From the Desk of His Crownship, His Royal Majesty King The Rt. Hon. Sir William Bonour
Canabury Crown Regency Government
Royal Telegraphics Department
Dear His Excellency President Evan Bachmier,
The Kingdom of Canbany politely requests that the powerful Coalition revels and possibly accepts our request for admitance into this organization. The Canban nation and monarch has seen enough to effectively say that we can be a good member. I myself have this nation fall into a massive recesion and economic crisis but despite these falters I was able to pull the Crown Government out of its troubles and back to where it was and futher. May God help you and this glorious alliance make a good decision and guide this coalition to a greater purpose.
Beneficium Inferus God Inferus Corona!
HRM King William Bonour
Heir to the Throne of Canbany
Crownship of the Kingdom
01-10-2008, 03:06
To: Oceanic Defense Coalition (ODECON)
From: The Following Ministry’s of The Kingdom Of Imbrinium,
Prime Minister: Sir Konstantinos Stephanos
Minister of Defense: Demi Efthalia
Minister of Foreign Affairs: Tertius Claudius
Minister of National Security: Vlassis Kyriakos
It is with great pleasure that The Kingdom of Imbrinium would like to join ODECON. Our Kingdom is an island nation and our Naval forces and economy shows. Our naval forces are some of the most professional in the world. While the Royal Imbrinium Navy has just came out of a complete overhaul of operational, tactics, goals , and equipment, we feel that the navy is the best as its ever been. The Kingdom believes that we can and would be a great addition and asset to the ODECON. We would hope you will accept our application.
Prime Minister Sir Konstantinos Stephanos
OOC:If needed i can provide what changes i've came up with for the RIN operational changes in tactices and equipment.
Sur Abruzzi
01-10-2008, 03:34
President Evan Bachmier,
After careful deliberation within the Congress of the United States of Sur Abruzzi, I have been authorized to submit an application for consideration into the Oceanic Defense Coalition.
Our nation depends on it's Naval Forces immensely, as we are bordered by water on three sides. The commitment of forces to the defense of the Coalition will be no problem for our nation. We eagerly await your ruling on our application.
With regards,
Talon Abruzzo
Prime Minister of Sur Abruzzi
Secret Transmission to the Leistungi Government
From the Desk of the Abruzzian Prime Minister
Your Excellency,
Our Department of Intelligence operatives have been monitoring the situation in Nobalia, and have passed all information on to our Department of Defense. The Joint Chiefs have advised me that the declining situation may in fact fall under the terms of our Mutual Protection Pact.
As of now, our Strategic Bomber Strike Force has been put on high alert. Over 150 Da-34 "Constellation" bombers in our strategic bases around the world sit ready to strike at any forces threatening your nation. If requested, I will give the order for these air assets to launch offensive operations against the forces opposing you.
I await your response.
With regards,
Talon Abruzzo
***If intercepted by enemy hands, the government of Sur Abruzzi will disavow all knowledge of the existence of this message***
Lord Sumguy
01-10-2008, 19:39
To: Evan Bachmeier, Acting President of the Oceanic Defense Coalition
From: The Holy Empire of Lord Sumguy, Foreign Ministry
On behalf of the Holy Empire of Lord Sumguy, I do hereby apply for membership in the Oceanic Defense Coalition. The ideals of liberty and democracy have been at the core of our nation since it's founding, and it is wih great eagerness that we now seek to spread such noble principles as a member nation of ODECON. I await your reply with great anticipation.
Mary Basset
Interim Hegemon
Empress of the Holy Empire of Lord Sumguy*
*OOC: under sumguaian law, the emperor (elected head of state) may choose a member of the executive branch to replace him/her should the emperor die before his/her term is finished. LS chose Mary Basset.
02-10-2008, 01:19
From the Desk of His Crownship, His Royal Majesty King The Rt. Hon. Sir William Bonour
Canabury Crown Regency Government
Royal Telegraphics Department
Dear His Excellency President Evan Bachmier,
The Kingdom of Canbany politely requests that the powerful Coalition revels and possibly accepts our request for admitance into this organization. The Canban nation and monarch has seen enough to effectively say that we can be a good member. I myself have this nation fall into a massive recesion and economic crisis but despite these falters I was able to pull the Crown Government out of its troubles and back to where it was and futher. May God help you and this glorious alliance make a good decision and guide this coalition to a greater purpose.
Beneficium Inferus God Inferus Corona!
HRM King William Bonour
Heir to the Throne of Canbany
Crownship of the Kingdom
Official Communiqué
Republic of Leistung
To: King William Bonour
From: Office of the President
Subj: Acceptance
Your application has been reviewed, and after careful deliberation, your nation has been accepted into the ranks of ODECON.
Evan Bachmeier
Acting President of the Oceanic Defense Coalition
OOC: You write excellently--are you recent or is this not your first nation?
President Evan Bachmier,
After careful deliberation within the Congress of the United States of Sur Abruzzi, I have been authorized to submit an application for consideration into the Oceanic Defense Coalition.
Our nation depends on it's Naval Forces immensely, as we are bordered by water on three sides. The commitment of forces to the defense of the Coalition will be no problem for our nation. We eagerly await your ruling on our application.
With regards,
Talon Abruzzo
Prime Minister of Sur Abruzzi
Official Communiqué
Republic of Leistung
To: Talon Abruzzo
From: Office of the President
Subj: Acceptance
We are honored to accept Sur Abruzzi into our organization. Your presence will be a welcome addition to ODECON. Concerning our conflict with Red Tide, negotiations are beginning to facilitate an end to the war, and though we appreciate the offer for aid, we feel as though it would only further escalate the conflict.
Evan Bachmeier
Acting President of the Oceanic Defense Coalition
To: Evan Bachmeier, Acting President of the Oceanic Defense Coalition
From: The Holy Empire of Lord Sumguy, Foreign Ministry
On behalf of the Holy Empire of Lord Sumguy, I do hereby apply for membership in the Oceanic Defense Coalition. The ideals of liberty and democracy have been at the core of our nation since it's founding, and it is wih great eagerness that we now seek to spread such noble principles as a member nation of ODECON. I await your reply with great anticipation.
Mary Basset
Interim Hegemon
Empress of the Holy Empire of Lord Sumguy
Official Communiqué
Republic of Leistung
To: Mary Basset
From: Office of the President
Subj: Acceptance
Let us be the first to offer our condolences on the passing of Lord Sumguy. He was indeed a man fit for such a title as Hegemon. I was at the conference when he was cowardly struck down and would like to reassure you that he did not suffer any pain.
Concerning your application, we would be honored to accept the Holy Empire into ODECON, and hope that your joining the ranks of Greston and myself will help to bridge the divide created in the last few months of conflict.
Evan Bachmeier
Acting President of the Oceanic Defense Coalition
To: Oceanic Defense Coalition (ODECON)
From: The Following Ministry’s of The Kingdom Of Imbrinium,
Prime Minister: Sir Konstantinos Stephanos
Minister of Defense: Demi Efthalia
Minister of Foreign Affairs: Tertius Claudius
Minister of National Security: Vlassis Kyriakos
It is with great pleasure that The Kingdom of Imbrinium would like to join ODECON. Our Kingdom is an island nation and our Naval forces and economy shows. Our naval forces are some of the most professional in the world. While the Royal Imbrinium Navy has just came out of a complete overhaul of operational, tactics, goals , and equipment, we feel that the navy is the best as its ever been. The Kingdom believes that we can and would be a great addition and asset to the ODECON. We would hope you will accept our application.
Prime Minister Sir Konstantinos Stephanos
Official Communiqué
Republic of Leistung
To: Sir Konstantinos Stephanos
From: Office of the President
Subj: Acceptance
We apologize, but your application has been put on hold temporarily. The application process is taking longer than expected for your nation, but rest assured that you should receive a definitive answer within the next few days.
Evan Bachmeier
Acting President of the Oceanic Defense Coalition
02-10-2008, 01:26
[OOC: Leistung, I have reason to believe that this Canbany is Greston. Same font, same format, probably Greston. It's just a guess, though.]
Sur Abruzzi
02-10-2008, 02:27
Official Communiqué
Republic of Leistung
To: Talon Abruzzo
From: Office of the President
Subj: Acceptance
We are honored to accept Sur Abruzzi into our organization. Your presence will be a welcome addition to ODECON. Concerning our conflict with Red Tide, negotiations are beginning to facilitate an end to the war, and though we appreciate the offer for aid, we feel as though it would only further escalate the conflict.
Evan Bachmeier
Acting President of the Oceanic Defense Coalition
Your Excellency,
We thank you for honoring our nation, and will begin the steps necessary to come into compliance of the terms of the Coalition Charter.
With regards,
Talon Abruzzo
Prime Minister of Sur Abruzzi
OOC: I applied for registration on the Forum already.
The Crimm
02-10-2008, 03:45
Despite the fact that this alliance has apparently shut down applications for the time being, the Empire of Crimmond feels that this alliance is a well formed and I formally request admission despite the application freeze.
The Empire of Crimmond has a long history of maritime trade and, with the Empire controlling the key Suez Canal, along with the Rock of Gibraltar and North Africa, I feel that we can be a great economic asset to the Coalition. The Empire also has an extremely long history of being a top military power that has taken on some of the most powerful militaries on Earth for generations and has only faced three defeats in several hundred years.
In addition to these facts, Crimmond has served as a NATO minister for quite some time, before the alliance became inactive.
Sonya Volsung
Empress of Crimmond
Gholgothic Lord
02-10-2008, 20:18
OOC: Crimm, I can give you an assurance that you're in when applications open again the 4th, but because of elections, apps have been delayed. Sorry about that one.
The Crimm
03-10-2008, 02:53
[OOC: I figured as much. I just put it in now, so I wouldn't forget]
04-10-2008, 16:16
Despite the fact that this alliance has apparently shut down applications for the time being, the Empire of Crimmond feels that this alliance is a well formed and I formally request admission despite the application freeze.
The Empire of Crimmond has a long history of maritime trade and, with the Empire controlling the key Suez Canal, along with the Rock of Gibraltar and North Africa, I feel that we can be a great economic asset to the Coalition. The Empire also has an extremely long history of being a top military power that has taken on some of the most powerful militaries on Earth for generations and has only faced three defeats in several hundred years.
In addition to these facts, Crimmond has served as a NATO minister for quite some time, before the alliance became inactive.
Sonya Volsung
Empress of Crimmond
Gholgothic Lord
Official Communiqué
Federal Republic of Leistung
To: Crimmond
From: Office of the President
Subj: Acceptance
Your application has been accepted--welcome to ODECON.
Evan Bachmeier
Acting President of the Oceanic Defense Coalition
Independent Hitmen
08-10-2008, 10:55
To: ODECON Application Board
From: The Office of the President of the United States of Independent Hitmen
Via: Stevidian ODECON Embassy
With the ever changing world situation and the status of the Independent Hitmen within that world, it is important for us to foster friendships with like minded peoples. The Hitmen have always stood for democracy, freedom and mutually beneficial trade throughout the world. Our continued alliance with the Holy Empire of Stevid has provided many of these factors to oppressed peoples throughout the world and has ensured that many who enjoyed those qualities and were threatened have been protected.
The United States of Independent Hitmen formally applies for membership of ODECON to enable her to continue to safeguard these precious liberties throughout the world. We hope that our long standing relationship with the Holy Empire of Stevid will provide the necessary vetting needed for application, however we will submit to further questioning or investigation if it is deemed necessary.
The laws and charters of this organisation have been read and agreed to, with some small caveats on miliary issues, specifically relating to the equipment used by USIH forces being paid for by the Defence Department and being in line with existing USIH force equipment and requirements. This is to facilitate a rotating command that would be attached to ODECON if/when membership application is successful. The details are minor and we agree in principle to provide a force of no less than 100,000 troops and 100 naval vessels to the ODECON military reaction force.
President James W. Anderson
President of the United States of Independent Hitmen
Lord Chancellor of The College of Souls, J City.
The Democratic Republic of Cazatania
~Official Communique~
With the untimely and tragic death of Lord Sumguy, the Cazatanian government no longer has the strength to defend it's interests around the globe. With two of our greatest allies already in the Oceanic Defense Coalition, we seek admission into this noble alliance. We have always stood for the ideals of liberty, democracy and honor, and not many alliances in these dark times have shown these traits. Please consider our application.
Ingram Hasley
~President of Cazatania
(OOC: Not my best post, but I'm using a computer at school, and it sucks.)
08-10-2008, 20:48
OOC: Your applicatons have been put to vote. BTW Caz, you realize Greston's in this alliance, right? You two aren't exactly friendly ICly...
Lord Sumguy
09-10-2008, 00:13
OOC: Your applicatons have been put to vote. BTW Caz, you realize Greston's in this alliance, right? You two aren't exactly friendly ICly...
OOC: well greston and i havent been too ICly friendly in the near past either (we were for a time when he was a Hegemony member, but unfortunately grew to become enemies since then).
New Greston
09-10-2008, 00:36
OOC: But, LS, I was able to ICly stick up with it because OOCly I like you quite a bit. I can't say I have this connection with Caz and I also can't say say that my government would get over our troubles with Caz either.
The PeoplesFreedom
09-10-2008, 01:44
OOC: I could be diplomat for the Feldala Accords.
09-10-2008, 01:47
OOC: I could be diplomat for the Feldala Accords.
OOC: Sure. Diplomats don't really have to be put to vote, so you're in.
From: The Empire of Avarahn
On behalf of my Emperor and nation, I would like to apply for a membership of our nation into the ODECON alliance. We strongly believe in the preservation of peace especially with friendly and peaceful nations. I hope that this appllication would be aprroved for the strengthening of our ties in the international arena.
Thank you.
Sincerely and with kind regards,
Hazarin Ishmael Robert Gallagher,
Duke Deep Springs,
Foreign Minister,
Empire of Avarahn.
" Aut viam inveniam aut faciam "
12-10-2008, 16:42
Official Communiqué
Republic of Leistung
To: [Applicants]
From: Office of the President
Subj: Acceptance
Before I begin, I must first apoligize on behalf of the entire alliance for the long delays in the application process. On the subject of Imbrinium, we must respectfully decline your application. On the subject of IH, your application has been accepted. On Cazelia, your application is taking much longer than expected, mainly because of the LION-Heg rivalry which still wracks the alliance. Expect an answer within the next week. On the subject of Avarahn, your application process is still ongoing.
I thank each applicant and suggest that those who have not been accepted seek application at some point in the future.
Evan Bachmeier
Acting President of the Oceanic Defense Coalition
OOC: Sorry for the gravedig....
Considering that many of our allies or states which which we have friendly relations are already members of ODECON, we find it necessary, at this point, to join. We hope that our application will be accepted and we hope that our membership in and cooperation with ODECON for years to come will bring prosperity, security and stability to all involved.
Gregory Bishop
Chief Executive of Zinaire
Official Koharian Communique
To Mr. Evan Backmeier
The Holy Empire of Koharia would like to request application into ODECON. Our nation has many resources at your disposal and would like to donate our finances and manpower to ODECON and it subsidiaries. Thank you.
Jonathan DaTuin
Minister of Defnse
21-10-2008, 01:18
OOC: Because of what appears to be online filibustering, Caz's application has been denied--half the alliance abstained, and the final vote was 2-3 out. Apologies, Caz.
Official Communiqué
Republic of Leistung
To: [Applicants]
From: Office of the President
Subj: Acceptance
To Avarahn, your application has been denied. We would like to extend our condolences and invite you to try again in the future. To Zinaire, while I generally do not share the results of voting, I feel that this is a special occasion--you have been voted into the alliance by a vote of 10-0, the first unanimous vote in ODECON history.
To the nation of Koharia, we regret to inform you that your application has been denied.
Evan Bachmeier
Acting President of the Oceanic Defense Coalition
31-10-2008, 03:14
To: Evan Bachmeier
Acting President of the Oceanic Defense Coalition
From: Sir Konstantinos Stephanos
Prime Minister, The Kingdom of Imbrinium
The king of Imbrinium has requested that I Sir Stephanos make another formal request to join ODECON. We feel that the Kingdom of Imbrinium fine addition to ODECON and its cause. Our nation has waited for just an alliance that shared our nation’s belief in protects freedom of movement and freedom on the seas. Our nation roots started from the sea and have never stopped growing from that point in time. We have always had blue water navy to be proud of and it has not stopped. Our crown jewel is our large ports and fishing villages. Our nation has some of the strictest laws in the world to safe guard the oceans for not only our nation but also all nations in the world. Our nation is ready to do its part in ODECON to make the oceans safe for years to come. Our nations R&D programs have help turn the tide on the red algae from dumping into our oceans and has lead the way in tidal power generator. Our nation has always lived by the sea, and died by the sea, it is a way of life in Imbrinium. We hopefully have let you the nations of ODECON see what the oceans and freedom means to us. Thank you
Sir Konstantinos Stephanos
Prime Minister
To: Mr. Bachmeier, Acting President of ODECON
We here at the Mercenary Camp of Avoya recognize that most people believe that mercenaries are barbaric people, who will never honor a treaty, and do not deserve to be a nation.
However, we at Avoya are trying to change that sad state of mind. We got together over 75 years ago, and only send mercenaries (we call them Marines) to nations that are both credible, and will not use the marines for global terrorism.
Also Recognizing that we are a new nation, we are trying to become more knowledgable about the world, and join an organization that will both help us, and allow us to learn more about the game. ODECON will additionally benefit from both an active country, and a sustantial armed forces.
We understand that we are not likely to be allowed to join ODECON, but hope that you will here us, and help us. In any case, we will reaply, if we are still to young (noobish) to join.
Thank you,
President Paul Newman
The Ryou Black Islands
19-11-2008, 13:23
I have decided not to play your little mind games any more. You are taking it beyond IC with is whole thing between me and you, even forcing other RPers to fallow you to tr ruining me.
what I do will be justified
You are all Ignored.
Lord Sumguy
19-11-2008, 20:26
OOC: Ryou, since when does persuading someone that a certain action is the best option "forcing" them to help? What sort of mind games are you referring to? How have I violated any of the rules, guidelines, or etiquette of II RPing that would justify you ignoring me?
Please, I do hope to be enlightened, as until such a time as you may show any way in which "what you do will be justified" I am forced to lose what respect I had for you as an RPer and as anything resembling a good sport.
I had hope for you as an RP'er with which i could cooperate, as you showed promise in the "truth shall set you free" thread. It would seem that I was mistaken.
Brittanican Adenia
19-11-2008, 20:33
even forcing other RPers to fallow you to tr ruining me.
OOC: Echoing LS's statement, and adding to it:
I'm pretty sure that I could get a statement from Ixania within the next 4 hours to say that he was in no way forced to take part in that RP.
Really, drop the persecution complex.
19-11-2008, 21:36
I have decided not to play your little mind games any more. You are taking it beyond IC with is whole thing between me and you, even forcing other RPers to fallow you to tr ruining me.
what I do will be justified
You are all Ignored.
OOC: Huh? Number one, we've been nothing but courteous to you, and we're all really excited to get this RP going--it promises to be quite fun. What I'd like to know is why you've changed you mind when over the last 10 days you and I have been planning this thing out.
If you're talking about Ixania, none of us forced him to do anything. He must have realized that he didn't want to break his neutrality and just decided to call off the protectorate idea.
New Greston
19-11-2008, 22:00
I have decided not to play your little mind games any more. You are taking it beyond IC with is whole thing between me and you, even forcing other RPers to fallow you to tr ruining me.
[[OOC: lulz.
Mind games? Seriously, Ryou, I thought you had gotten better, in fact I thought that you had gotten extremely better since our last thread. I had enjoyed my part in the Tea War and you had RPed amazingly up to there. Now perhaps you have started to notice you didn't have much of a chance to win you quit.
I feel I no longer can have respect for you and if it has gotten to me losing respect for you, I doubt if any one else can.
Do you understand how immature your being? Oh wait everybody, wait for this! Ryou said that he got sick because of what I said and had to go to the hospital! Isn't that amazing!?!
Any way, perhaps you can get back the little amount of brain cells you had and understand how stupid it is to ignore this and us.]]
19-11-2008, 23:01
OOC: Since I've been brought up here by several players, I'd like to make my own thoughts known; especially concerning the whole idea of the establishment of an Ixanian protectorate over the Ryou Black Islands. For one, I am willing to establish a protectorate over the Ryou Black Islands in the style of a Commonwealth nation under the British with some modifications such as making Ryou have independence over everything but foreign policy and defense which would be under the Ixanian Protectorate Government's jurisdiction. The Ixanian Protectorate Government would have it so that Anastasia II, my Empress, is legally established as the Co-Empress of Ryou, as Ryou did say he consented to, and that she would be Isabella's superior in terms of rank. If Ryou is still willing, Anastasia would be full Empress (if Isabella is deposed; Ryou did tell me of the high possibility of this) of his nation under a modified Protectorate Charter that would make it so that Ryou is independent in most aspects except for foreign policy and defense which the Protectorate will retain control over whether or not Anastasia becomes the full Empress. The Ixanian Protectorate Government will co-operate with ODECON in the division of Ryou if need be and in the establishment of a secure and stable authority over his nation. The question of Isabella and her entourage undergoing trial would be settled in that the Ixanians would be willing to hand her over but, indeed, they would ask that human rights and the maxim of innocent before proven guilty be relied upon even if evidence damning her to guilty status does exist. The Ixanian Empire would be willing to have her in an Ixanian prison with ODECON's consent and any breakout attempts, etc would need to be discussed with me before they are attempted or, indeed, I would use ignores for the first time for that.
Please do not get the impression that I am on either the side of ODECON or that of Ryou for I strive to be neutral on both the IC and OOC levels. I was NOT forced into the RP but rather I consented to participation. Indeed, the original idea was for my Empress to be visiting Ryou as part of a vacation while Leistung's leaders did their own thing and there was no malevolence behind it. This whole post is meant to discuss what I think could happen, with ODECON and Ryou's consent, concerning the establishment of an Ixanian protectorate. In fact, I've already got most of it recorded for RPing in the notes I dutifully rely upon when I roleplay here and, no, I will not be ignoring Ryou or any ODECON nation. As I said, I am not on anyone's side. I am simply trying to enjoy NationStates for what it ought to be: a pleasurable experience.
20-11-2008, 00:29
[OOC: I'll probably just declare war on Ryou and do nothing after that. Casus belli: violation of diplomatic immunity and execution of Stoklomolvi nationals after they used their right to self-defence.]
FROM: Vamperial Kingdom of Lynion, High King Vamp
I have discussed an issue over a possible alliance and be part of one with the League of Wolves and the Vamperial Order. Even though some wish to stay away from alliances, the bulk of the Headmaster, Knights, Masters and Guardians have shown a great interest in becoming part of the ODECON.
However, most of the Order and the League have something they wish to express. In recent times, we notice and heard that The Ryou Black Islands (TRBI) wishes to become a state of Neo-Ixania. We don't mind going to war against TRBI however, we are in no state to go to war against Neo-Ixania due to the fact we're allies nor will we go to war against them. Should ODECON go to war against Neo-Ixania, we will not commit troops to the conflict.
I hope this doesn't affect our application but we only wanted to express ourselves to the alliance and I hope we can work something out.
OOC: I would like to say that the Civil War i had a while back didn't happen because no-one seemed to be taking part in it. the Civil War therefore never happened.
Waldenburg 2
20-11-2008, 03:02
[[OOC: lulz.
Mind games? Seriously, Ryou, I thought you had gotten better, in fact I thought that you had gotten extremely better since our last thread. I had enjoyed my part in the Tea War and you had RPed amazingly up to there. Now perhaps you have started to notice you didn't have much of a chance to win you quit.
I feel I no longer can have respect for you and if it has gotten to me losing respect for you, I doubt if any one else can.
Do you understand how immature your being? Oh wait everybody, wait for this! Ryou said that he got sick because of what I said and had to go to the hospital! Isn't that amazing!?!
Any way, perhaps you can get back the little amount of brain cells you had and understand how stupid it is to ignore this and us.]]
So, by in large society progresses and we find that where once there was minority there is majority and in our greatest injuries we now take solace... I hope the irony is not lost in the situation.
The Blub Colony
26-11-2008, 01:49
Official Reply of Blubland
Dear ODORCORN, we do not like you. We find it highly amusing that you run around in a rat pack attacking nations under a flag of justification. If you were truely justified and in the right, your ideals and popular support would win out.
In recent weeks debate has been ongoing in the Colonial Parliment as to the legality of your organization. In a final vote of 173 to 77 it has been declared that your organization is a terrorist organization and illegal under international law.
Any further aggression towards another nation or organization will result in a declaration of total war against you all.
Prime Minister Bribbit
26-11-2008, 02:24
Official Communiqué
Federal Republic of Leistung
To: Minister Bribbit
From: Office of the President
Subj: Dear Blubs
Speaking frankly here, Minister Bribbit, the act of declaring an organization to be one of "terrorists" is not one to be taken lightly. Besides demanding the trials of war criminals and the dedication we have shown to overthrowing a corrupt and evil government (both of which are clearly acts of terrorism), what acts are you referring to?
On a separate note, we find it troubling that your nation should feel so insignificant on the world stage that you feel that it is necessary to come up with mind-numbing puns on our organization's acronym of all things simply to garner the world's attention.
For that reason, please accept the enclosed gift of (1) jumbo-sized piece of Tupperware. Hopefully it is large enough to fit your massive ego--we couldn't find a cargo ship at this time of night, unfortunately.
Evan Bachmeier
President of the Oceanic Defense Coalition
Lord Sumguy
26-11-2008, 02:25
Official Reply of Blubland
Dear ODORCORN, we do not like you. We find it highly amusing that you run around in a rat pack attacking nations under a flag of justification. If you were truely justified and in the right, your ideals and popular support would win out.
In recent weeks debate has been ongoing in the Colonial Parliment as to the legality of your organization. In a final vote of 173 to 77 it has been declared that your organization is a terrorist organization and illegal under international law.
Any further aggression towards another nation or organization will result in a declaration of total war against you all.
Prime Minister Bribbit
OOC: rather a hypocritical post for someone who was just complaining about an RP not being realistic enough, no? Do you think perhaps you should re-word that declaration so that it appears to actually be something close to what a real government would write?
also, reply to what?
The Blub Colony
26-11-2008, 02:28
OOC: rather a hypocritical post for someone who was just complaining about an RP not being realistic enough, no? Do you think perhaps you should re-word that declaration so that it appears to actually be something close to what a real government would write?
also, reply to what?
OOC: I realize it's hard for someone dumb to understand so.. IC please.
OOC: I realize it's hard for someone dumb to understand so.. IC please.
OOC: Could you please clarify for me, is your nation made up of tentacled green blobs or is it not?
The Blub Colony
26-11-2008, 02:38
OOC: Could you please clarify for me, is your nation made up of tentacled green blobs or is it not?
IC: Indeed. However, that does not pertain to the use of modern technology in realistic ways. Someday, when you've been around long enough you'll understand. Now lets try to keep this IC. If you want to chatter, make an OOC thread.
IC: Indeed. However, that does not pertain to the use of modern technology in realistic ways. Someday, when you've been around long enough you'll understand. Now lets try to keep this IC. If you want to chatter, make an OOC thread.
OOC: Maybe if you got off your high horse, you'd realize that just sticking "IC:" in front of some text doesn't actually make it that way. Now, I'm sure you'll piss and moan about this and accuse me of being afraid or something, but I, for one, don't RP with non-human nations, no mater how realistic their use of modern technology.
The Blub Colony
26-11-2008, 02:45
OOC: Maybe if you got off your high horse, you'd realize that just sticking "IC:" in front of some text doesn't actually make it that way. Now, I'm sure you'll piss and moan about this and accuse me of being afraid or something, but I, for one, don't RP with non-human nations, no mater how realistic their use of modern technology.
ooc: I don't care if you do or not. Since you don't, then stop posting about it and let the people who want to RP do so. Making a post saying you're not going to RP is stupid, and you should feel bad about yourself. Now shhhh.
26-11-2008, 02:45
IC: Indeed. However, that does not pertain to the use of modern technology in realistic ways. Someday, when you've been around long enough you'll understand. Now lets try to keep this IC. If you want to chatter, make an OOC thread.
OOC: Then why don't you actually make an IC response to mine?
ooc: I don't care if you do or not. Since you don't, then stop posting about it and let the people who want to RP do so. Making a post saying you're not going to RP is stupid, and you should feel bad about yourself. Now shhhh.
OOC: I'm horribly sorry, in the future I'll just act based on assumptions without asking for clarification first. And although I'm horribly sorry that I disturbed your grace with my pitiful little bits of information, it seemed prudent to inform you that I, an otherwise involved party, would not be participating. While I'm sure you would argue incessantly otherwise, there is simply no possible way to RP six-tentacled blobs realistically, therefore I would advise all members of ODECON to ignore this fellow.
The Blub Colony
26-11-2008, 03:02
Official Communiqué
Federal Republic of Leistung
To: Minister Bribbit
From: Office of the President
Subj: Dear Blubs
Speaking frankly here, Minister Bribbit, the act of declaring an organization to be one of "terrorists" is not one to be taken lightly. Besides demanding the trials of war criminals and the dedication we have shown to overthrowing a corrupt and evil government (both of which are clearly acts of terrorism), what acts are you referring to?
On a separate note, we find it troubling that your nation should feel so insignificant on the world stage that you feel that it is necessary to come up with mind-numbing puns on our organization's acronym of all things simply to garner the world's attention.
For that reason, please accept the enclosed gift of (1) jumbo-sized piece of Tupperware. Hopefully it is large enough to fit your massive ego--we couldn't find a cargo ship at this time of night, unfortunately.
Evan Bachmeier
President of the Oceanic Defense Coalition
Official Reply
You liked the pun? Great, we hoped it'd get your attention. On to business. Your persuit of war enmass against other nations is a troubling trend. It would seem your organization was founded only to make war upon others whenever it sees fit. We ourselves have recently had a run-in with arms smugglers and at no point did your organization offer to step in and assist. We assume it is because there was no profit to be had.
Your witch hunt against the Ryouese is further evidence of ratpack tactics in today's politics. This was no 'Coalition of the Willing', but rather a gang of thugs. Granted, the Ryouese government is less than stellar and does support some shady activities, but what government hasn't done contraversial things during their stay in office?
To our view your organization exists to terrorize, threaten, bully and intimidate other nations by the threat of mass force. If any of your organization had honor, they would have stepped in and pointed out that your actions are deplorable.
- PM Bribbit
Lord Sumguy
26-11-2008, 03:15
OOC: I realize it's hard for someone dumb to understand so.. IC please.
OOC: Insulting me now? Oh dear. Unfortunately it would seem that only one of us has progressed much as an RPer since Hat's erasure, at least in the realm of ability to cooperate with and be polite to others. and as for an IC response, I will of course honor your request.
From the Desk of the Hegemon:
I am somewhat concerned about the recent statement issued by the government of Blubland. The nature of said message was such that I do fervently hope it to have been some sort of odd prank or hoax, and not a legitimate governmental statement, for if it were not such a farce this message would be the cause of great concern regarding the maturity and capability of the Blubland officials responsible for the issuing of such a statement. The Holy Empire has chosen to give the government of Blubland the "benefit of the doubt" upon this matter, and shall regard the aforementioned mesage as being illegitimate unless corrected.
Mary Basset
Foreign Secretary of ODECON
Office of the Hegemon, Sumguaia:
Mary Basset leaned back in her chair, conflicting feelings of amusement and worry battleing inside her mind. She looked at the Blubland statement again. Surely that has to be a joke...
FROM: Vamperial Kingdom of Lynion, High King Vamp
RE: Withdrawn Application
We have withdrawn our application for a position in the alliance. This is because we have had no reply to the application form and also, we feel that we're not ready to be part of an alliance right now. This has being expressed by a number of officals and I can not decline what has being said. Therefore: we have withdrawn our application. I hope this doesn't affect our relations and we hope to work alongside your organisation in the future.
The Blub Colony
26-11-2008, 03:19
OOC: Insulting me now? Oh dear. Unfortunately it would seem that only one of us has progressed much as an RPer since Hat's erasure, at least in the realm of ability to cooperate with and be polite to others. and as for an IC response, I will of course honor your request.
ooc: Meh. I shouldn't have said that. I've been really snappy all day, I didn't mean it and I am sorry. Lets just keep things IC? *offers tentacle handshake*
26-11-2008, 03:20
Official Reply
You liked the pun? Great, we hoped it'd get your attention. On to business. Your persuit of war enmass against other nations is a troubling trend. It would seem your organization was founded only to make war upon others whenever it sees fit. We ourselves have recently had a run-in with arms smugglers and at no point did your organization offer to step in and assist. We assume it is because there was no profit to be had.
Your witch hunt against the Ryouese is further evidence of ratpack tactics in today's politics. This was no 'Coalition of the Willing', but rather a gang of thugs. Granted, the Ryouese government is less than stellar and does support some shady activities, but what government hasn't done contraversial things during their stay in office?
To our view your organization exists to terrorize, threaten, bully and intimidate other nations by the threat of mass force. If any of your organization had honor, they would have stepped in and pointed out that your actions are deplorable.
- PM Bribbit
Official Communiqué
Federal Republic of Leistung
To: Minister Bribbit
From: Office of the President
Subj: Dear Blubs
Ignoring the fact that you are speaking mainly in non sequiturs, I will humor you and respond to your hollow threats. Firstly, I have no idea what "trend" it is that you are referring to, seeing as the only nation we have ascertained to be dangerous enough to warrant intervention is the Ryou Black Islands. You called the Ryouese government "shady." You don't know the half of it. Under the rule of Empress Isabella, the Ryou Black Islands has, only recently mind you, invaded three sovereign nations without provocation, harbored within its borders pirate sects, and supported the furtherance of international piracy. As the main goal of our organization is to further maritime security with respect to trade, we could not stand by idly while piracy was openly supported, and peace was threatened by a frankly unstable government.
To your final point, you may actually be correct. ODECON does exist to bully, threaten, and intimidate any nation who threatens world peace by supporting piracy and criminal activities openly. We do not, however, ever seek to threaten innocent nations, and if you wish to accuse us of something, kindly back up your accusations with fact.
Evan Bachmeier
President of the Oceanic Defense Coalition
Lord Sumguy
26-11-2008, 03:26
ooc: Meh. I shouldn't have said that. I've been really snappy all day, I didn't mean it and I am sorry. Lets just keep things IC? *offers tentacle handshake*
OOC: apology accepted. I in turn apologize for accusing you of being unable to act politely.
The Blub Colony
26-11-2008, 03:30
OOC: apology accepted. I in turn apologize for accusing you of being unable to act politely.
ooc: In that case, you were entirely right. I've been a mean asshole all day. I get like that sometimes. :hail: Again, sorry. And to you too, Zinaire.
ooc: In that case, you were entirely right. I've been a mean asshole all day. I get like that sometimes. :hail: Again, sorry. And to you too, Zinaire.
OOC: Thank you, apology accepted. I apologize for snapping back at you.
The Blub Colony
26-11-2008, 03:35
Official Communiqué
Federal Republic of Leistung
To: Minister Bribbit
From: Office of the President
Subj: Dear Blubs
Ignoring the fact that you are speaking mainly in non sequiturs, I will humor you and respond to your hollow threats. Firstly, I have no idea what "trend" it is that you are referring to, seeing as the only nation we have ascertained to be dangerous enough to warrant intervention is the Ryou Black Islands. You called the Ryouese government "shady." You don't know the half of it. Under the rule of Empress Isabella, the Ryou Black Islands has, only recently mind you, invaded three sovereign nations without provocation, harbored within its borders pirate sects, and supported the furtherance of international piracy. As the main goal of our organization is to further maritime security with respect to trade, we could not stand by idly while piracy was openly supported, and peace was threatened by a frankly unstable government.
To your final point, you may actually be correct. ODECON does exist to bully, threaten, and intimidate any nation who threatens world peace by supporting piracy and criminal activities openly. We do not, however, ever seek to threaten innocent nations, and if you wish to accuse us of something, kindly back up your accusations with fact.
Evan Bachmeier
President of the Oceanic Defense Coalition
Official Reply of Blubland
We have been around long enough to read the signs when we see them. These organizations tend to become bigger and more aggressive. Eventually with so many members, such an organization can't help but to avoid fights as their members are involved in so many diplomatic situations. We have seen these alliances make war for the most petty of reasons.
We will not see your organization become like the others. The Mighty Blub Colony was responsible for the destruction of the Dominion Commonwealth alliance when it too began to get aggressive towards others and we have no qualms about putting an end to this.
We formally request that your organization back off of the Ryou Islands. Today it is Ryou, tommorow it could be another small nation who stepped on the wrong toes.
The Blub Colony
26-11-2008, 03:36
OOC: Thank you, apology accepted. I apologize for snapping back at you.
ooc: Entirely my fault. Entirely.
OOC: Has any of the ODECON Nations/Leaders seen my current telegram?
OOC: Lynion, I would like to apologize on the behalf of ODECON. We were focusing on Ryou when your application was posted.
OOC: That's nice to hear. Yeah, very nice to hear. Anyhow, how about you do what you do best? How about ODECON does what it stands for and stops the war between EC and Ryou?
OOC: What is this an arse kissing thread? We're all respectable people here and we all get on rather well- let's see that there's no hard feelings. The real enemies are on another thread.
Brittanican Adenia
26-11-2008, 20:31
OOC: What is this an arse kissing thread? We're all respectable people here and we all get on rather well- let's see that there's no hard feelings. The real enemies are on another thread.
OOC: Dude, don't bring baaaaaaad vibes into the love-in, man.
The Blubs have always found themselves well-respected in Brittaniate politics and culture, their dedication to that which they perceive "their cause" and to that end, their perception that world is but a free buffet, the light-hearted approach to which we have come to both admire and appreciate.
However, all this is potentially felled in a single sweep of the axe that is the words of Prime Minister Bribble. Just where do your accusations come from, sir? What proof, pray tell, do you have? Adenia is but a young nation, and wise though you may once have appeared, you find yourselves in danger of becoming a dangerous ideal.
Adenia has always prided itself on conduct befitting a nation born of the Empire. We still hold a customary ceasefire in all conflicts on Christmas Day, and the Queen's Birthday is celebrated with such gusto as one would think it was the national day. Armistice Day, a day of remembrance and sobriety, is adorned with the red and black of poppies, and across the nations, bells and gun salutes can be heard echoing.
Our conduct extends beyond our own borders. We have always pushed for transparency in our dealings with others, and as an ODECON nation, we hold ensuring that our dealings with them and, through them, with other nations to be of the highest importance. It was we who signified that we would push to allow foreign observers to a trial of Isabella and Kanna, and it was we who would wholeheartedly have recommended the Blub peoples to act as that multinational group ensuring a fair trial.
I must respectfully request that your designation of ODECON as a terrorist group be overturned. Such an inflammatory gesture serves no purpose in international politics, especially when so baseless and unfounded.
With Regards,
The Right Honourable Sir Allen Street
Secretary of State, The Foreign Office
Brittanican Adenia
26-11-2008, 20:33
OOC: Has any of the ODECON Nations/Leaders seen my current telegram?
OOC: If I had been sent it, I would have replied >.>
The Blub Colony
26-11-2008, 20:55
Official Reply
We hereby withdraw our comments.
26-11-2008, 23:20
OOC: That's nice to hear. Yeah, very nice to hear. Anyhow, how about you do what you do best? How about ODECON does what it stands for and stops the war between EC and Ryou?
OOC: That war is over. Please get your facts straight before insulting our purpose.
27-11-2008, 06:06
Most Serene Noble Republic of Santheres
TO: ODECON, et al
FROM: Santherese Diplomatic Corps
After witnessing the noble action of ODECON's leaders if not all of its individual members following the capitulation of the Ryouese Empire, popular opinion in Santheres has risen to level acceptable enough for our government to request membership in this alliance. We recognize the potential risk in opinion of others in our desire to join, noting that a summit must have resulted from several negative views of the alliance. Our people's approval of this organization obliges us to follow their hearts and minds and make any efforts possible to become a part.
We as the governing bodies of Santheres in no way support piracy in any form and hold dear national sovereignty, republican ideals, and noble action and seek to make a better world for all those who know us and are willing to act in concert with us. We feel that ODECON is a firm organization with the power and willingness to do what we feel is necessary in much of the world.
Our navy is currently undergoing reforms that are leaving us with less of an idea of how many ships are under the direct command of the Ministry of Defense and how many are a part of the House-provided fleets, so it may take several days before we know the makeup of the ships to be sent to join ODEFLE. We are, however, ready and willing to produce nine full divisions of troops (108,000 soldiers) for ODEFOR operations. Our soldiers are highly trained and well-educated in addition to being well-versed in nonlethal methods and civil policing duties, as is their main use in Santheres due to our general lack of aggressive stance.
Too, we are capable of immediately offering the three plus three-fiftieths trillion lira (L$3.06 trillion) tax, one percent of our GDP, from our general savings fund, with aid from the private funds of each of our noble families.
Thank you for taking your time with our application. We hope to see you in ODECON.
Pax tibi,
Regnant Marco de Rossi
Santherese Diplomatic Corps
27-11-2008, 16:03
OOC: Santheres, just posting to say that the poll for your application is up. Except an answer in 2-3 days or less.
The United Government
27-11-2008, 16:06
OOC: don't want to cluter things up but what would this coalilition do if I declared on war on it? just my self?
27-11-2008, 16:14
OOC: I can't speak for Sur Abruzzi and Zinaire as to their thoughts on your blanket ignore, but I myself refuse to even acknowledge your existence after the stunts you pulled in our war and subsequent special ops actions. So...nothing at all. We would just ignore you.
27-11-2008, 16:40
The People's Republic of Mussleburgh
To: President Evan Bachmeier
From: Jack Ho'kainson, President of The Foreign Commission
Subject: Oceanic Defense Coalition Membership
On behalf of the President of the People's Republic of Mussleburgh, President Andrwa McKay, Mussleburgh requests admittance into the Oceanic Defense Coalition. Our foreign policies and views on the world stage are similar with those of this alliance and believes that joining this alliance will help Mussleburgh further its goals of achieving economic prosperity and smashing the do-ers of evil and the Bourgeoisie kerb stompers. We wish every citizen to be equally wealthy and treated fairly. We truly wish to commit, as a nation, to this alliance.
Jack Ho'kainson
President of The Foreign Commission
People's republic of Mussleburgh
EDIT: OCC: Have taken part in many worlds but my experience with the NS world is not so good.
EDIT2: OCC: Crap! I posted with my second nation by mistake. My first, real nation is called Mussleburgh. Sorry about this. I feel like a fool now.
Lord Sumguy
27-11-2008, 17:00
The People's Republic of Mussleburgh
To: President Evan Bachmeier
From: Jack Ho'kainson, President of The Foreign Commission
Subject: Oceanic Defense Coalition Membership
On behalf of the President of the People's Republic of Mussleburgh, President Andrwa McKay, Mussleburgh requests admittance into the Oceanic Defense Coalition. Our foreign policies and views on the world stage are similar with those of this alliance and believes that joining this alliance will help Mussleburgh further its goals of achieving economic prosperity and smashing the do-ers of evil and the Bourgeoisie kerb stompers. We wish every citizen to be equally wealthy and treated fairly. We truly wish to commit, as a nation, to this alliance.
Jack Ho'kainson
President of The Foreign Commission
People's republic of Mussleburgh
EDIT: OCC: Have taken part in many worlds but my experience with the NS world is not so good.
EDIT2: OCC: Crap! I posted with my second nation by mistake. My first, real nation is called Mussleburgh. Sorry about this. I feel like a fool now.
OOC: you do realize that ODECON is about as capitalist as it gets, dont you?
OOC: did you guys miss my post? it was just before the Ryou Black Island issue. thanks!
OOC: did you guys miss my post? it was just before the Ryou Black Island issue. thanks!
OOC: We debate admitances on our forums with natins whom are already members and then vote whether or not to let you guys in. If not we always give a reason. Your application is currently under reveiw... I think. But don't worry, we always get back to applicants.
27-11-2008, 18:42
OOC: you do realize that ODECON is about as capitalist as it gets, dont you?
OCC.My nation IS capitalist. Its a history thing. I had a massive civil war and the Socialists and Capitalists came to a deal and united against the fascists(who fled to East Lothian). Then quite a few of the socialists 'disappeared'. The capitalists took control, however the population is still vaguely socialist. So...yeah. Sorry if thats not clear enough.
27-11-2008, 18:58
OOC: did you guys miss my post? it was just before the Ryou Black Island issue. thanks!
OOC: I apologize--the RBI thing really diverted our attention. You'll have an answer within the next day or so.
27-11-2008, 20:31
Official Message from the Office of the Chief Governor
To: Oceanic Defense Coalition
From: The United Republic of Anagonia, Chief Governor Johnny Standford
It is my highest honor to be sending an official message of goodwill to ODECON. The People of Anagonia have recently gone through a troubling time finding out that one of their most trusted allies, and greatest tourist locations, backstabbed their interests in favor of a lesser...erm...cause. Either way this situation has troubled us, but for some reason your name comes up more often than not. So on behalf of the Will of the People, and of the Grand Senate to decide the fate of our current alliances, we extend an open offer to allow our ports and military bases to be open to your military units. This has been an executive order made by me as Chief Governor, approved by the Senate, and thusly voted for by the People.
This decision has made your military assets, including the independent military assets of your member-nations, open to our ports in times of war and peace, and whenever your military units need supplies or repairs. Also this includes shore leave, or any other leave for that matter!
We do so hope this decision comes as a blessing to your alliance, and we pray for your continued success in all your missions and endeavours.
Thank you,
Johnny Standford
Chief Governor of the United Republic of Anagonia
Map of Anagonia for reference (http://hawk.proboards1.com/index.cgi?board=Diplomacy&action=display&thread=77&page=1#336)
28-11-2008, 21:20
To: [Applicants]
From: Office of the President
Subj: Application
As always, the Oceanic Defense Coalition appreciates applications for membership. To the individual applicants, we are sorry to report that both Avoya's and Mussleburgh's applications have been respectfully declined.
We would however like to welcome the Most Serene Noble Republic of Santheres to the Coalition as our newest member-state.
Evan Bachmeier
President of the Oceanic Defense Coalition
To: Chief Governor Johnny Standford
From: Office of the President
Subj: Opening of military establishments
Your gesture, made in genuine goodwill, will not be soon forgotten. Consider the United Republic of Anagonia an unofficial member of the Coalition, and remember that our services are always open to you.
Evan Bachmeier
President of the Oceanic Defense Coalition
28-11-2008, 21:49
Official Reply
TO: Office of the President, Evan Bachmeier
FROM: Office of the Commandant, United Republic Marine Corps
Unfortunatley no one of a higher authority is currently in office due to the celebrations, having only my department and most of the Marine Corps to run and defend the country until the festivities are over. Sounds crazy, I fully understand, but we get a lot of work done that the politicans don't.
Anyway, concerning your reply and upon reading the Chief Governor's Executive Order, and realizing I'm the only person able to respond to it, I thank you for your generous show of support and open acceptance of our Commander in Chief's support of your alliance. It is with this in mind that I would like to personally thank your alliance, and yourself Mr. Bachmeier, for understanding the value of supporting a democratic society. And personally, I'm just glad your supporting us. Leaves one less thing to worry about.
Thank you again. I'm sure once the Chief Governor and his Staff get around to viewing your reply he'll be able to thank you in a more effective manner of wording and deeds. Until we speak again, Mr. Bachmeier, whether in person or in another circumstance such as this holiday has brought, I wish you many thanksgivings and many good fortunes.
Yours in respect,
Commandant Travis Yamato
United Republic Marine Corps
28-11-2008, 22:04
To: ODECON, et al
Thank you for accepting our application so quickly after submission. We hope to do great things in the future with the rest of ODECON. The tax payment should be wired soon, and the divisions are being prepared to undergo their shift in command structure. Our fleet status is still unknown at this juncture.
(OOC: I swear the first sentence isn't sarcastic.)
we are saddened by your refusal of our application. However, like the United Republic of Anagonia, we would like to open our ports to you, and any of your member states. If you ever have need of any assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Thank you,
President Paul Newman
30-11-2008, 14:55
[OOC: I request to be listed as diplomat from the Kingston Pact.]
30-11-2008, 16:06
OOC: Done. You'll only have partial access to the boards, though. i.e., no sensitive war info, etc.
30-11-2008, 16:18
OOC: D: ;_;
Just kidding. Though if you need strategical assistance in any future stuff I'll be around. ;3
30-11-2008, 16:19
OOC: We might have to take you up on that one fairly soon...the IFA seems to be out for ODECON blood for some reason.
30-11-2008, 16:21
OOC: >_> That doesn't sound hard.
30-11-2008, 21:44
On Behalf of the People of the United Republic of Anagonia, I hereby proclaim as Chief Governor the ALLIANCE of Anagonia and Leistung, that therefore this ALLIANCE is in effect, that thereby this ALLIANCE shall not end until such a point as both parties end it, that thereby the PEOPLE of the United Republic of Anagonia have VOTED upon and APPROVED this ARTICLE OF ALLIANCE as beneficial to their continued prosperity and independence.
So shall it be that on this day that the People of Leistung and the People of Anagonia are hereby Comrade Brethren, Brothers and Sisters in Arms, and thereby with due respect to the SOVEREIGNTY of both Peoples and Nations, One People.
Thank You,
Johnny Standford
Chief Governor of the United Republic of Anagonia
Hereby stated below is the ARTICLE OF ALLIANCE:
The United Republic of Anagonia and the Federal Republic of Leistung
In the interest of International Unity it is hereby declared that an ALLIANCE now exists between the nations of the United Republic of Anagonia and the Federal Republic of Leistung, that such ALLIANCE hereby declares that all relations between Leistung and Anagonia be clearly defined as ALLIED or FRIENDLY, that such ALLIANCE permits DIPLOMACY, JOINT MILITARY COMMAND, and encourages TOURISM of the PEOPLE.
This alliance shall be therein that of mutual protection and relations, and thereby be encouraged to forge a new future in relations and economic prosperity between the Federal Republic and the United Republic, that thereby the Peoples of Anagonia and Leistung be encouraged to meet and commune in acts of PEACE and HARMONY, that thereby the MILITARY FORCES of the Federal Republic and United Republic meet and commune in PEACE and HARMONY, that thereby the Economic Values of Anagonia and Leistung are encouraged to be competitive and successful, that henceforth NO HOSTILE ACTION be taken by either Anagonia or Leistung between themselves in an ACTION OF WAR or HOSTILITIES, or thereby against their ALLIES, or against OTHER NATIONS that have been requests OMITTED from MILITARY AFFAIRS in JOINT COUNCIL between Anagonia and Leistung.
Henceforth it is declared that the United Republic of Anagonia hereby allows a JOINT COMMAND between its Armed Forces and the Armed Forces of Leistung, that therein TWO DIVISIONS be permitted use by the Leistung Armed Forces for their personal and public MILITARY AFFAIRS, that therefore they may be allowed to be used with any AFFAIR so long as said affair does not conflict with ARTICLE ONE - THE ALLIANCE of this ARTICLE OF ALLIANCE, that therefore a portion of NAVY and AIR FORCE power be permitted use by the Leistung Armed Forces in case of NEED.
Henceforth the Federal Republic of Leistung and the United Republic of Anagonia be hereby sworn ALLIES in defense of one anothers interests, people, and economic superiority, that therefore no action be permitted that shall interfere with this ARTICLE OF ALLIANCE, that therefore in case of WAR that both nations shall act as one in MUTUAL PROTECTION, that henceforth in MUTUAL PROTECTION all MILITARY FORCES shall combine into a JOINT COMMAND to defend the LAND, PEOPLE, AND NATIONS of Leistung and Anagonia.
30-11-2008, 21:56
http://img111.imageshack.us/img111/8746/seal2jx0.gifOfficial Communiqué
Federal Republic of Leistung
To: Johnny Standford
From: Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Subj: Treaty
On behalf of the people of the Federal Republic of Leistung and the Office of the Chancellor, allow me to send my humblest thanks in regards to your offer of alliance. The form you have enclosed has hereby been ratified by the Bundestag and a state of alliance is now formalized between our two great nations.
Hans Kirsch
Minister of Foreign Affairs for the Federal Republic of Leistung
01-12-2008, 03:07
Offical Comminique
Chernobl Exterior Affairs Ministry
1904 Schelnu Parkway, Berenkaun
The Free Federation is interested in membership.
From: Lazar Comen, Exterior Minister
01-12-2008, 23:43
Official Communique
Office of the Minister for Foreign Relations
The Armed Republic of Salzland
To: Oceanic Defense Coalition Regulatory Congress
Subject: Salzland Application for ODECON Membership Status
Dear Sirs and Madams,
Having been duly authorized and empowered by both the Salzland House of Representatives and Council, on behalf of the Armed Republic I wish to formally pettition for membership in your alliance. My government, and through their duly-elected representatives my people, feel that your Coalition represents the values that Salzland itself stands for. We would be honored to consider ourselves a part of this Coalition.
J. Marcus Davis
Minister for Foreign Relations
(OOC: If this is a little sub-par, my apologies. Rather ill at the moment)
03-12-2008, 22:44
To: [Applicants]
From: Office of the President
Subj: Application
As always, the Oceanic Defense Coalition appreciates applications for membership. To the individual applicants, we are pleased to report that both the Armed Republic of Salzland and the Free Federation of Chernobl have been accepted into ODECON.
Evan Bachmeier
President of the Oceanic Defense Coalition
OOC: Elooooongate those applications, people.
04-12-2008, 17:11
Diplomatic Communique
To Evan Bachmeier, President of the Oceanic Defense Coalition
From Edward Scissenfeld, Secretary for Foreign Affairs, The Commonwealth of Whiskeasy.
Dear Mr Bachmeier,
The Commonwealth of Whiskeasy has been looking to join an alliance such as ODECON fo sometime. Only recently however has Parliament given it's agreement in the attempt to join ODECON. The Commonwealth of Whiskeasy has been harrassed by other nations some under the banners such as the "IFA". These nations claim to protect others but were unnecessarily aggressive to the point of near invasion. Without provocation we were forced to prove our innocence again and again. For this amongst other reasons we turn to other like minded nations such as the members of ODECON for collective security. As well as the advancement of trade we would like to help the world become a better place through our actions in ODECON.
Awaiting your reply,
Edward Scissenfeld
Signed by,
Prime Minister Jack Daniels
Official Communique
To: ODECON Leaders
Subject: Application
It has been a great deal of time since the Commonwealth has joined any new alliances. Ever since the Hegemony went by the wayside, we have been longing for the joining of another alliance. ODECON shows great promise, as it brings together some of the best and brightest military, diplomatic and trading nations there are into this alliance. Because of this, Zoingo would like to join ODECON and furthur the principles of a government of the people, human rights, and international peace. As a sign of goodwill, we would like to contribute 10 Billion USD to ODECON.
Also, we would like to know if Zoingo could also represent the region of Corrosia and act as its formal diplomat.
Martin Dalons-Prime Minister of Zoingo
Approved by King Ragnald IV
05-12-2008, 03:55
OOC: Both your votes are up. Expect answers in 2-3 days.
05-12-2008, 13:06
OOC: Aww.... Tell me when.
Lord Sumguy
05-12-2008, 20:24
Ever since the Hegemony went by the wayside
OOC: the Hegemony is still around and healthy, we just havent done a whole lot lately (as the war against the IFA fizzled out). The lull in activity will be gone within the next two days however.
06-12-2008, 00:21
To: [Applicants]
From: Office of the President
Subj: Application
As always, the Oceanic Defense Coalition appreciates applications for membership. To the individual applicants, we are pleased to report that both the Commonwealth of Zoingo and the Commonwealth of Whiskeasy have been accepted into ODECON.
On behalf of ODECON as a whole, I would also like to thank the Commonwealth of Zoingo for their generous gift of $10 billion USD.
Evan Bachmeier
President of the Oceanic Defense Coalition
OOC: the Hegemony is still around and healthy, we just havent done a whole lot lately (as the war against the IFA fizzled out). The lull in activity will be gone within the next two days however.
ooc: Thats what I ment, the inactivity started to bother myself, I thought that ever since the LION conflict that the Hegemony just started to break apart.
To: [Applicants]
From: Office of the President
Subj: Application
As always, the Oceanic Defense Coalition appreciates applications for membership. To the individual applicants, we are pleased to report that both the Commonwealth of Zoingo and the Commonwealth of Whiskeasy have been accepted into ODECON.
On behalf of ODECON as a whole, I would also like to thank the Commonwealth of Zoingo for their generous gift of $10 billion USD.
Evan Bachmeier
President of the Oceanic Defense Coalition
Quick Reply:
Thank You, and you are welcome for the gift.
From: The Imperium of Telros
Re: Application
Greetings to the ODECON alliance. I am Emperor Alexis Darsin the Fourth of the Imperium of Telros. I have come to express our interest in joining this alliance. However, before I do put the proposal in front of the Imperial Congress, I need to have some questions answered first.
I have watched the actions of the ODECON in the past and some of it was not favorable. Several times there have been instances where the ODECON has violated national sovereignty when there was no need and a couple times there was a quick rush to war. I speak of the reactions of some in the dispute involving the change of government in Ralkovia and other such actions. These do not reflect the ODECON as a whole but I must ask if these problems have been addressed, for we have the utmost respect for national sovereignty and the diplomatic process. We understand in cases such as genocide or falling under attack, then the right of sovereignty has been forfeited. However, I want to know that if I join, that national sovereignty of nations will be protected and that every method of diplomacy will be tried before we go to war.
15-12-2008, 03:04
OOC: It'll be hard to justify our actions if you don't specify which ones you're speaking of...trust me, you're in, but but I'd like to answer your questions as best I can.
OOC: Edited in the mentioning. Mostly, I recall some bits where some of you may have been a bit overzealous ICly, violating the sovereignty of some nations and my nation doesn't like it. It wants reassurance that ODECON will try to ensure that doesn't happen.
15-12-2008, 03:09
OOC: Alright, got it. Just for the record though, the IFA war was retconned, since East Congaree said some...erm...bad stuff. Really bad. Trust me, once you get onto the forums, you'll get why it was bad enough to warrant calling off an RP.
OOC: I know about it and I didn't know it was retconned. My bad. Just assume some vague incidents happened and go from there. Also Fighter, leave it be. I can handle myself here.
15-12-2008, 03:12
OOC: @Fighter - Wha...? It was retconned, so how am I supposed to explain that ICly?
OOC: Ignore him, I take it he doesn't like the alliance. Just assume some small incidents happened, be they real or not, and go with that. Or just say you didn't do it and say some stuff to reassure them. I'm just asking what my nation WOULD ask.
15-12-2008, 03:28
To: The Imperium of Telros
From: Office of the President
Subj: Application
In general, ODECON makes a point of not violating national sovereignty--certainly we do not declare war for trivial reasons. On occasion, however, circumstances arise where diplomacy has failed time and time again, and war remains as the only option (the Ryouese war, for example, where ODECON moved against a known haven of pirates, and several attempts were made by ODECON and her allies to avoid conflict).
In the Oceanic Defense Coalition, a war must be approved, re-approved, and re-re-approved. We have declared war as an alliance only once, and said war ended diplomatically after only four (IC) days. Primarily, ODECON is a defensive alliance, tasking itself with defending its member-states, their trade, and the general safety of the seas, and national sovereignty is prized above all else. One only needs to look at the nations of Kirav or Crimmond who remain relatively inactive in alliance matters to see that ODECON does not, under any circumstances, force its members into any situations they would not normally be involved in without just cause.
I applaud your nation's desire to join our organization, and will submit your application at the next meeting of the Regulatory Congress (OOC: 1-2 days total for voting).
Evan Bachmeier
President of the Oceanic Defense Coalition
OOC: I understand. Thank you.
Anemos Major
15-12-2008, 05:21
The Holy Empire of Anemos Major
The Holy Office of the High Lord of Anemos Major, His Imperial Majesty Ilfir Erenthi the Third, Monarch of Anemos Major and the Chair of the Imperial Council
From: High Lord Ilfir Erenthi III, representing both Anemos Major and the Anemonian Alliance (comprised of the nations of Anemos Major, The Inquisitorius and Mayaqoo)
To: The Oceanic Defense Coalition
Greetings from the Holy Empire of Anemos Major. I believe that earlier this year the Holy Empire of Anemos Major submitted an application to join the ODECON as observers, and although we were rejected we would like to explain why we asked for this observer status.
For quite a long time the Holy Empire of Anemos Major has been attempting to form an alliance with the nations that once formed the Great Anemonian Empire, and although we would have been quite happy to join your alliance, we were not prepared to spend military resources abroad when they could be used to defend Anemos Major. However, with the formation of the Anemonian Alliance, most of our borders have been strengthened by the arrival of friendly troops; an example of this is the Anemonian North Sea, which we patrolled simply out of necessity. Now, The Inquisitorius has begun sending their relatively small navy to patrol the area and as a result our Navy, although they still maintain a small presence in the North Sea and of course, a sizeable one in the South Anemonian Sea and Island Chains, quite a lot of our Navy has been freed from former responsibilities. A meeting of the Imperial Council earlier this year was held to determine exactly what the idle portions of the Navy would be used for and although some members suggested deactivating them in order to conserve funds, it must be said that without many major purchases planned in the near future the Holy Empire of Anemos Major's Holy Office of War has no shortage of funding. Therefore, the Holy Offices of Foreign Affairs and War suggested joining an alliance in order to prove our goodwill to the international community, and some polls taken in various military acadmies through Anemos Major suggests that our troops think likewise.
Because Anemos Major has traditionally relied on a strong navy to keep away invaders (and an army to defeat them), the navy, although weaker than the army in terms of manpower, is very well equipped and has a significantly stronger active force. The Anemonian Navy relies heavily on carrier support to win the day, although the various Naval Security detachments found all over the Navy can be called upon to execute a number of missions, including boarding and sabotage. The recently created Naval Marine Detachments are normally attached to carrier taskforces as MD(AA, SOC)s (Marine Detachment, Amphibious Assault and Special Operations Capable), and can act as a quick response force if necesarry, interdicting potential enemy forces by invading their territory swiftly.
On the other hand, the Navy is not all about war. The Naval Security Detachments are trained to be proficient in various languages, and because of their position as a Special Operations Capable security unit, they are accustomed to doing anything from dealing with piracy on the high seas, to destroying intercontinental drug smuggling operations. The Marines, although not as flexible, are trained to deal with basic pirate threats, such as hijackings and the consequent hostage-taking.
The Holy Empire of Anemos Major would be happy to help such a noble alliance, and possibly in future the entire Anemonian Alliance will be behind you too. We strongly urge you to consider our offer, and wish ODECON the best of luck in their noble endeavours.
Yours sincerely,
High Lord Ilfir Erenthi III of Anemos Major
15-12-2008, 23:15
The Federation of Cukarica
Ministry of Foreign affairs
Subject:Applicaton to Oceanic Defence Coalition (ODECON)
Warm greetings to all Oceanic Defence Coalition members.
As our country observed your Defence Coalition and as our goverment and Parliament debated on your charters.Federational Senate has found all acts on your charter that they comply with the Federational Constitutions acts.
Our people have also accepted a referenda on this issue and it has passed on 87% of the population(only the muslim minority didnt accept our referenda on joining ODECON because they would rather like that the Federation joins some muslim Alliance).So the Federation issues a public request to join ODECON for beter economic and defensive gains for both the Defence Coalition and The Federation of Cukarica.
Gratefully and honestly yours,
Srecko Ilic
16-12-2008, 02:21
To: [Applicants]
From: Office of the President
Subj: Application
As always, the Oceanic Defense Coalition appreciates applications for membership. To the individual applicants, we are pleased to report that both the Imperium of Telros and the Holy Empire of Anemos Major have been accepted into ODECON.
The application from the Federation of Cukarica is currently pending approval. We apologize for the delay.
Evan Bachmeier
President of the Oceanic Defense Coalition
Osea 767
16-12-2008, 13:18
From: The Holy Empire of Osea
Osea wishes to serve as the official ambassador of the Commonwealth of Independant States to the Oceanic Defense Coalition. We also ask that ODECON does the same and sends an ambassador to the CIS.
18-12-2008, 01:04
Ralkovia as a new fledgling democracy has seen that joining ODECON would be the best course of action. In fact joining ODECON would be very benefitial to the New Ralkovian Republic. Ralkovia would hereby establish its interest and application to the Oceanic Defense Coalition.
Thomas Washington
21-12-2008, 01:32
To: [Applicants]
From: Office of the President
Subj: Application
As always, the Oceanic Defense Coalition appreciates applications for membership. To the individual applicants, we are pleased to report that the New Ralkovian Republic has been granted ODECON membership.
The application from the Federation of Cukarica has regretfully been denied.
To Osea, we would welcome your nation as an ambassador to the CIS, and ask that you recognize our Foreign Affairs Minister, Ms. Mary Basset of Sumguia, as the de facto ambassador to all foreign entities, and in turn, the CIS.
Evan Bachmeier
President of the Oceanic Defense Coalition
21-12-2008, 01:52
Official Message From Kaiser Harlin Delvius III
By the urging of the governor's council I herby officially announce that the Divine Reich seek admittance into ODECON.
22-12-2008, 21:04
The Federation of Cukarica
Official diplomatic comunique
To:Leistung goverment and all other ODECON members
We thank you for fast and honest response,and wish you good luck in the future.
Gratefully yours,
President Srecko Ilic
The Federation of Cukarica
Official Communique of the Confederacy of Kenavt
Addressed to: All neccessary personnel within the Oceanic Defense Coalition:
Seeing that the Oceanic Defense Coalition is rapidly becoming an emerging power in the international community, and observing that several associates of the Confederacy are in the Coalition;
The Confederacy of Kenavt would like to officially announce their formal application to become an Observer onto the activities of the Oceanic Defense Coalition.
Concerning the recent spreading of the Coalition toward this point, where it has become a household name, we wish to become an Observer of this mighty "ODECON" until we see fit to join.
Your most humble servant,
Ashton Butler
Prime Minister of the Confederacy of Kenavt
22-12-2008, 21:50
[OOC: Forums are down across the board, it seems.]
New Kereptica
22-12-2008, 21:51
OOC: Yep. All of Invisionfree is down.
22-12-2008, 22:24
OOC: This would be a good time for me to point out that an unofficial ODECON IRC channel is available on irc.esper.net. Channel is #odecon.
22-12-2008, 22:31
Teh intarnet iz failin run
Osea 767
22-12-2008, 23:02
From: The Holy Empire of Osea
We will, of course, recognize your Foreign Affairs Minister, Ms. Mary Basset of Sumguia, as the de facto ambassador to all foreign entities, including the CIS.
22-12-2008, 23:13
Anyone know where lei is?
Royal British States
28-12-2008, 03:21
To: Evan Bachmeier, Acting President of the Oceanic Defense Coalition
From: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, RBS
Dear Sir,
As the Royal British States has close allies and friends like Leistung in ODECON, we hereby seek admittance into ODECON.
Thank you,
Sir Thomas Rouge
Diplomatic Relations Department
Minister of Foreign Affairs
28-12-2008, 04:00
OOC: Application threads up. Unker, unfortunately you've been denied--I'll tell you ICly in bulk.
28-12-2008, 04:17
Office 1
1217 Government Way
Balkan City, 85546
Balkan City S.A.R., United Democratic Empire of Asgarnieu
To: ODECON Leadership
From: Office of the President of the United Democratic Empire of Asgarnieu
Subject: Request
As a member nation of LION, we feel it is imperative to join the ODECON. However, we are not able to fully commit to every outlined article in the charter of ODECON due to certain laws enacted many decades ago.
We are humbly requesting permission to have status as an Observer of ODECON, implementing as many rules and regulations as possible until which time we can fully implement all regulations under the current charter of ODECON.
More specifically, we are not able to comply with Section I, Article I and the entirety of Section III.
While it may take an unspecified amount of time to pass laws permitting Asgarnieu to legally integrate into ODECON, we are able to comply with all other charter rules, and we can provide more than 100 ships to the ODECON fleet.
We humbly thank you for considering our request.
Justin Alexander Herbert
President of the United Democratic Empire of Asgarnieu
Alliance Star
28-12-2008, 04:24
To:Office of the President, Oceanic Defense Coalition
Ref: Request for admittance into ODECON
With a formal decree and request by not only our Executive branch, but an overwhelming majority of our legislative branch within the Alliance Star Confederation; we hereby submit our intent and formal request to join the Oceanic Defense Coalition. With similar ideas, resolve, and purpose as those established by the founders of ODECON and the various members and parties therein. We do hope for a positive outcome for our application, and for future improvements between our nation, and the actions of ODECON as it continues to aid in establishing freedom, hope, and prosperity throughout the world.
We thank you for your time, and consideration.
Jason C. Ryan
Secretary of State
Alliance star Confederation
Royal British States
28-12-2008, 04:28
To: Evan Bachmeier, Acting President of the Oceanic Defense Coalition
From: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, RBS
Dear Sir,
As the Royal British States has close allies and friends like Leistung in ODECON, we hereby seek admittance into ODECON.
Thank you,
Sir Thomas Rouge
Diplomatic Relations Department
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Please reply?
28-12-2008, 04:30
OOC: BRS, At least 8 members need to review your application, your on 3. Wait about 12 hours and you should get a yes or no answer.
Royal British States
28-12-2008, 04:35
OOC: Sorry, but at least inform me, lol. Anyway its RBS*
28-12-2008, 04:36
OOC Sorry about that, 03:35 and all!
29-12-2008, 00:03
To: [Applicants]
From: Office of the President
Subj: Application
As always, the Oceanic Defense Coalition appreciates applications for membership. To the individual applicants, we are pleased to report that the Alliance Star Confederation has been accepted into ODECON as a full member. The Confederacy of Kenavt has been accepted as an Observer.
To the United Democratic Empire of Asgarnieu, we would be happy to make a concession in light of the circumstances, and will allow you flexibility in your adherence to the charter.
Evan Bachmeier
President of the Oceanic Defense Coalition
The Kingdom of Mayaqoo is very interested in joining ODECON.
Yours Sincerely,
Queen Antoinette of the Kingdom of Mayaqoo.
http://img389.imageshack.us/img389/641/rith3tl6.jpg (http://img389.imageshack.us/my.php?image=rith3tl6.jpg)
With the fall of the BSO, we were looking into joining, however, we must beg the question. Why has this alliance been lured into the GWO-Stoklomolvi war. I could understand joining the war on GWO's side due to defending a nation's sovereignty, but, as I see it, the alliance has joined Stoklomolvi. Why have you taken an aggressive turn? I am, quite frankly, curious.
Kort Johnston, Rithic Master
02-01-2009, 02:15
I am SICK and TIRED of being accused the AGGRESSOR when I CLEARLY stated SEVERAL times that I was DEFENDING Afullia, who was BLOCKADED by GWO.]
Lord Sumguy
02-01-2009, 04:05
To: Kort Johnston, Rithic Master
From: Mary Basset, ODECON Foreign Affairs Secretary
Mr. Johnston,
I am glad that you have chosen to seek clarification from ODECON over the matter of the current conflict, and shall endeavor as best I can to answer your concerns. The Oceanic Defense Coalition did not "join" the nation of Stoklomolvi, but rather declared war upon the "Grand World Order" independantly of Comintern. This declaration on the part of ODECON was due to the revalation that a certain terrorist group that is responsible for the deaths of countless innocent men, women, and children of the nation of Leistung has been funded by the "Grand World Order". This information could not be overlooked, and we could not tolerate such actions from the government of the "Grand World Order".
I do hope this has answered your question, and ask that you please inform me if there is any way in which I may be of further assistance.
Mary Basset
ODECON Secretary of Foreign Affairs
Empress of the Holy Empire of Lord Sumguy
31-01-2009, 22:38
*bump for interest
Anemos Major
31-01-2009, 23:38
OOC: It's worth it!
New Kereptica
01-02-2009, 03:13
OOC: I'll say. <3 ODECON!
Official Anghele Government Letter
To: President Evan Bachmeier
From: Anghele Government Cabinet
Subject: Oceanic Defense Coalition Membership
We wish to propose that Anghele joins the Oceanic Defense Coalition.
02-02-2009, 21:25
To: [Applicants]
From: Office of the President
Subj: Application
As always, the Oceanic Defense Coalition appreciates applications for membership. To the individual applicants, we are sorry to report that Anghele has been denied in its bid for ODECON membership.
Evan Bachmeier
President of the Oceanic Defense Coalition
03-02-2009, 21:31
To: President the Right Honorable Sir Jerry Striker, Greston
From: Office of the President
Subj: Ejection
As per Proposal E-01, the Imperial Republic of Greston has been officially ejected from the Oceanic Defense Coalition.
Evan Bachmeier
President of the Oceanic Defense Coalition
Alliance Star
03-02-2009, 21:38
ODECON = Freedom, Liberty, and Hope.
Bringing through miniaturized JDAMs.
AMNAT: Fail+Copycat=Copycat Fail. :D
03-02-2009, 22:07
ODECON = Freedom, Liberty, and Hope.
Bringing through miniaturized JDAMs.
AMNAT: Fail+Copycat=Copycat Fail. :D
Hey man, what's up? *IRC last night*
Don't think I'm only calling you out, Leistung and others have made the same comment. The two alliances have similarities in the fact that they limit tariffs on each other, no engagements against other members, etc, etc. If you consider to be "copying" in anyway whatsoever, then you are claiming that ODECON is a copy off LION, and for that matter, any other mutual defense alliance, which has the same basic principles. So no, there is no "copying" going on.
03-02-2009, 22:08
Oh hell I can't hate on ODECON. I wove'em too much...
03-02-2009, 22:09
OOC: Mal...come on. Have you read our charter recently? It's the same bloody thing.
03-02-2009, 22:11
OOC: Mal...come on. Have you read our charter recently? It's the same bloody thing.
OOC: I just analyzed the three charters. My opinion has not changed.
03-02-2009, 22:13
OOC: Mal...come on. Have you read our charter recently? It's the same bloody thing.
Mind getting on MSN for a bit? I wanna talk about somethin wit ya.
03-02-2009, 22:37
ODECON = Freedom, Liberty, and Hope.
Bringing through miniaturized JDAMs.
AMNAT: Fail+Copycat=Copycat Fail. :D
Give Greston some credit, copying could had been even worse, for example original Medditerranican Union: MU (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=533618)
And Greston's Allied Independent Mediterranican Nations: AIMN (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=581509)
03-02-2009, 22:42
OOC: I don't care that Greston copied my charter. I do, however, care very much that I wasn't so much as mentioned, and that you two are taking credit for it.
Alliance Star
03-02-2009, 22:43
Hey man, what's up? *IRC last night*
Don't think I'm only calling you out, Leistung and others have made the same comment. The two alliances have similarities in the fact that they limit tariffs on each other, no engagements against other members, etc, etc. If you consider to be "copying" in anyway whatsoever, then you are claiming that ODECON is a copy off LION, and for that matter, any other mutual defense alliance, which has the same basic principles. So no, there is no "copying" going on.
OoC: I would reply, but I'm being censored. D=
ODECON is Tyranny ATM. Working to fix that.
03-02-2009, 22:43
Flag of the United Republic of Anagonia
FROM: Acting Chief Governor - United Republic of Anagonia
I believe this has been long in coming. Since we've pranced around the world and basically formed every possible relation with ODECON expect formally joining, I decided it was time to tie the knot. Henceforth, down on my knees, I formally purpose that the United Republic of Anagonia should join with ODECON in Holy Matrimony...er...Union. For by this Declaration, we support our beloved allies in Leistung and the welcoming embrace ODECON has shared with the People of Anagonia for so long.
Thank you,
Caster Oblivion
Acting Chief Governor of the United Republic of Anagonia
Rings are optional.
Hey man, what's up? *IRC last night*
Don't think I'm only calling you out, Leistung and others have made the same comment. The two alliances have similarities in the fact that they limit tariffs on each other, no engagements against other members, etc, etc. If you consider to be "copying" in anyway whatsoever, then you are claiming that ODECON is a copy off LION, and for that matter, any other mutual defense alliance, which has the same basic principles. So no, there is no "copying" going on.
OOC: The primary difference is that ODECON was formed post-LION while AMNAT was formed with ODECON was still alive and kicking. It's not a successor– it's a duplicate.
New Kereptica
04-02-2009, 01:24
Rings are optional.
OOC: Pants are optional >.>
04-02-2009, 01:55
OOC: Pants are optional >.>
I know...
New Kereptica
04-02-2009, 02:27
I know...
ooc: ;)
05-02-2009, 18:26
Dear Sir/Madam,
It is my honour as President of the Republic of Parilisa to write to you with a request to join ODECON. We have decided, for the sake of our progress as a nation and for our citizens, to take this step in the hope of a peaceful future, in which democracy will take its rightful place in every nation. An almost unanimous vote of the Parliament has legitimised my hope of joining you and it now remains for you to decide for yourselves whether or not the freedom loving nation of Parilisa may unite with the rest of the free world.
I await your reply in hope,
Yours Sincerely,
President Nathaniel Klein
11-02-2009, 22:22
To: [Applicants]
From: Office of the President
Subj: Application
As always, the Oceanic Defense Coalition appreciates applications for membership. To the individual applicant, we are pleased to report that Parilisa has been accepted in its bid for ODECON membership.
Evan Bachmeier
President of the Oceanic Defense Coalition
EDIT: OOC: Par, you really need to join the forums, or at least acknowledge this, or I'll have no choice but to drop you.
16-02-2009, 18:06
To the high offices of the Oceanic Defence Coalition,
The Greater Democratic Republic of the Pataari People has it's interest piqued joining your coalition. Being mostly surrounded by water leads to having a focus on trade through ocean waters. There have been some incidents recently that has made the Council of Pataari Trade masters wish to have a larger military presence on the high seas, or ally with others. We have been under consideration for a while, and have finally decided to join this 'ODECON'. We will be glad in knowing that our seas are better protected.
-Pataari Trade Master 1
17-02-2009, 22:22
Dear Mr Bachmeir,
I am glad to receive your letter confirming Parilisa’s membership of ODECON. You can be assured that we will be a dedicated and long lasting member, and we look forward to a future strength and prosperity in allegiance with the alliance.
Yours Sincerely,
President Nathaniel Klein
OOC: Sorry my reply is late, I haven’t checked this thread since a week ago! I’ll sign up on the forums now.
New Kereptica
19-02-2009, 01:57
OOC: Your seal seems strangely off-kilter for some reason. This irks me.
Free United States
03-03-2009, 19:17
Commonwealth of Free United States
Dear sir,
The Commonwealth of Free United States formally request to join ODECON. Current situations with mutual allies has led to the conclusion that joining ODECON would be in the best benefits of the Commonwealth and her people. The vote within the Supreme Soviet to join has been passed, and acting as President of the Supreme Soviet, it is my extreme pleasure to send to you this request for membership.
Steven Vincent Galindo III
President of the Supreme Soviet
12-03-2009, 20:15
OOC: Sorry to bug the esteemed leaders of ODECON....but why isn't my name in the list on the first post? :(
12-03-2009, 20:32
OOC: Probably because Leis forgot, since he's been hooked on Empire: Total War. Don't feel bad, it's nothing personal. When I tried to buy some ships from Leis' storefront, I had to hound him for like a month before he confirmed the order :p
13-03-2009, 23:06
OOC: Oh, what, just because I'm gone for a few days it must be because I got Empire: Total War on a computer with DirectX 10, an NVIDIA 9600 GS graphics card, and 8 gigs of ram with a quad core processor?
But yeah Parilisa, don't take it personally. Salzland wasn't up there for months...
New Kereptica
13-03-2009, 23:39
OOC: The specs of your computer arouse me somewhat.
13-03-2009, 23:40
OOC: If you keep bragging about your tricked-out PC, I'm going to Falcon Punch you :p
Edit: And God help you when E:TW's multiplayer goes live...
29-03-2009, 02:30
OOC: Why I have not taken the time to post this is really beyond me. I'm very sorry it took so long, but restructuring and whatnot has really taken up a lot of my time. For future applicants, expect a 2-3 day voting period.
To: [Applicants]
From: Office of the President
Subj: Application
As always, the Oceanic Defense Coalition appreciates applications for membership. To the individual applicants, we regret to say that both the Commonwealth of Free United States and Greater Democratic Republic of the Pataari People have been denied in their bid for ODECON membership.
Evan Bachmeier
President of the Oceanic Defense Coalition
OOC: Er, I restored my computer, no letterhead atm.
Communique: Rithian
To: The Esteemed Leaders of ODECON.
Subject: Membership.
Body: We feel that it is time for us to submit an application to the mighty alliance of ODECON. We have fought alongside you twice now, and feel that we would like to continue our ventures with your highly esteemed countries by joining the alliance.
The Wolf Hold
02-04-2009, 17:03
Telegram From Central Command Of The Armed Republic Of The Wolf Hold
Dear Evan Bachmeier, President of the Oceanic Defense Coalition
After we had one of our generals apointed to be the defence delegate of the CIS and one of his policies was increased co-operation with other allainces. To help him in recognising this goal, Central Command has chosen to apply for ODECON membership, however this is not the only reason we wish to apply. Recently our outer islands came under increasingly heavy pirate attack, after a swift and brutal response by the Colonial Fleet, we have decided to increase our anti-pirate and smuggling activities to an international level, we have heard that ODECON has a vested interest in reducing piracy. So in finishing we wish to join ODECON to help liase between the CIS and ODECON and to help reduce piracy in the world.
1st Wolf's Marshall Cain
CinC of The Armed Republic Of The Wolf Hold
02-04-2009, 19:39
OOC: Salzland you have a TG
02-04-2009, 19:45
OOC: I feel so special :)
Reply is on the way
06-04-2009, 02:49
To: President Evan Bachmeier, ODECON
The Principality of Vaarshire is a nation with a strong desire for the growth and protection of democracy, as well as a growing military- especially naval- presence. It is my aim as Prince of Vaarshire, after a certain unstable time in my nation, to make sure that Vaarshire is safe from threats both internal and external, and to ensure that with Vaarshire's help, the world can too be safe. As the oceans are vital to trade and transportation, ODECON has a vital and important part to play in making these things happen.
Therefore, I am honored to request for Vaarshire's membership in ODECON.
Warmest regards,
Johannes de Vaar
Prince of Vaarshire
06-04-2009, 05:40
From: The Federation of the Serbian Soviet Union
We wish to join the ODECON as fully fledge members of the defense coalition and we wish to open all trade routes with all the full members of this defense coalition and to ensure the safety and the security of my nation and the safety of all my citizens in the Federation of the Serbian Soviet Union, by joining this defense coalition, the safety of the Federation of the Serbian Soviet Union will be ensured.
The President
Vojislav Ljubicic
Prime Minister
Miroslav Perovic
Foreign Minister
Mark Luburic
Defense Minister
Gojko Susak
07-04-2009, 02:26
To: [Applicants]
From: Office of the President
Subj: Application
As always, the Oceanic Defense Coalition appreciates applications for membership. To the individual applicants, we regret to say that the Armed Republic of The Wolf Hold has been denied in its bid for ODECON membership, though we would welcome it as an ambassador for the CIS to ODECON. Realize, however, that this does not grant the Armed Republic any of the rights normally granted to ODECON members.
To the Principality of Vaarshire we are pleased to report that your bid for membership has been accepted into ODECON. The Federation of the Serbian Soviet Union has been denied in its bid.
Evan Bachmeier
President of the Oceanic Defense Coalition
07-04-2009, 11:58
To: Oceanic Defense Coalition
From: President of the Federation of the Serbian Soviet Union
Subject: Denied membership
We are disapointed to see that our application for the membership of this defense coalition has been rejected as the nation of FSSU has been been looking forward in joining this alliance as to increase the security of my nation and to open new doors for trade routes within the international community.
We would like to know why the application was rejected and if there are any requirements which we missed or did not meet that got our application rejected. We request to join the alliance on a ambassador level for the CIS to ODECON and work our way in becomming full members of the alliance.
The President
Vojislav Ljubicic
07-04-2009, 13:31
To: Oceanic Defense Coalition
From: President of the Federation of the Serbian Soviet Union
Subject: Denied membership
We are disapointed to see that our application for the membership of this defense coalition has been rejected as the nation of FSSU has been been looking forward in joining this alliance as to increase the security of my nation and to open new doors for trade routes within the international community.
We would like to know why the application was rejected and if there are any requirements which we missed or did not meet that got our application rejected. We request to join the alliance on a ambassador level for the CIS to ODECON and work our way in becomming full members of the alliance.
The President
Vojislav Ljubicic
[OOC]FSSU youre not a member of CIS.
07-04-2009, 14:04
OOC: I meant to say for the FSSU to join as a member of CIS and to join ODECON as a ambassador level or with an observer status.
07-04-2009, 15:22
The Metropolitan-Regional Council Of Hydrosteria
"We All Move The Great Chain Of Industry, And It In Turn Moves Us"
To The Oceanic Defense Coalition (ODECON) Headquarters,
From Winston Everd, Chancellor Of The Metropolitan-Regional Council,
To the Oceanic Defense Coalition, after much observation of your organisation, a careful study of your charter by all our M.P's followed by a comprehensive debate withen the M.R Council finished off with a public vote on the matter we have decided to apply for membership to the ODECON.
Our Ministers agree with the preamble set forth in your document and have come to agree upon the Articles you set out in your Charter which we are prepared to accept upon our entry into the ODECON. Our nations current laws are perfectly compatible with the Economic Articles of your charter and thus will cause no trouble in the incorporation of them into our economic system, with regard your Administrative Articles we are again perfectly happy upon the manner of the ODECON's democratic functioning and thus are ready to follow it's protocols.
With regard to your Military Articles, currently there is a certain amount of debate regarding articles V, VI, and VII; at the current time however it has a majority vote in favour of the charter and thus does not impede our ability to conform to them. Currently there is not a desire amongst our government to debate upon the subject matter of these articles and so you may consider their mentionings in our application null and void. With regard to the rest of the Military Article we are in support of it and are willing to pledge our naval forces to the causes laid out in article VIII.
With regard to Hydrosteria itself we are a democratic nation employing numerous public votes on matters of the state regarding their personal freedoms; thus our citizens have a great range of freedoms. Their freedoms extend not just from political and civil liberties but also to economic trade; we pride ourselves in having an open mostly legislation free economic system based upon semi-pure laissez faire capitalism. In terms of political inclinations on a public and administrative level various polls have found our citizenry to be inclined towards the philosphical views of Ayn Rand and Objectivism. Hydrosteria is a Northern hemisphere nation located to the extreme edges of the polar regions with two thirds of the Northern island making up Hydrosteria subject to a coverign of glacial ice; blizzards are a permanent feature of our landscape. Our population currently stands at 1.841 billion.
Hoping that you will take us into consideration so that we may forge greater relations with other secure freedom minded nations of the world,
Chancellor Winston Everd.
OOC Note: If you want to check up on my RP abilities i'm also known as A Utopian Soviet Union, just wanted to create a new account. I'm trying to use the AUSU account for my statistics whilst I sort through the isues i'm presented with to get my nation into order.
Also, because i'm presumign that in your investigation (yes I read through the charter, twice, and am able to participate on the forums (gladly)) when you come across the various endeavours by a character going by the name of The Director (Salzland would have had brief recent experience with the Geological Nuclear Waste Disposal Corp.) I'd like you to know that it is related to Hydrosteria only in the matter of it operating withen my borders but is not connected to Hydrosterias role play. So in short I don't see why this should affect my nations application. Anticipating your response greatly!)
07-04-2009, 21:15
(OOC: Inquiring bump)
OOC: I meant to say for the FSSU to join as a member of CIS and to join ODECON as a ambassador level or with an observer status.
OOC: So...you'd join CIS just so you could join ODECON?
Hydrosteria, no need to bump, we're processing your application.
07-04-2009, 21:19
(OOC: Inquiring bump)
OOC: No application is passed without it reaching a majority vote from all ODECON members. This voting stage usualy last a few days and some applicants have had to wait a long time in the past.
07-04-2009, 21:19
OOC: Don't worry, we've got it. There's just a voting period for all new members - should be concluded in a day or so. Good luck to you, you certainly have my vote :D
EDIT: Wow, that was quick. Yeah, what they said, except that it should only take a day or so now that our members out of their - ahem - creative slump.
07-04-2009, 21:20
OOC: *Bows* I thank you
08-04-2009, 03:30
To: President Evan Bachmeier, ODECON
I am delighted to hear of Vaarshire's acceptance into ODECON. You have my assurance that Vaarshire will be a stalwart ally and a poweful asset in this alliance, and we will be firmly dedicated to the goals of this coalition.
Johannes de Vaar
Prince of Vaarshire
09-04-2009, 10:23
TO: President Evan Bachmeier, ODECON
FROM: President William Cullin
SUBJ: Application to ODECON
President Bachmeier,
It is with a sense of camaraderie I write this, and formally request the admittance of Stabistan into ODECON.
Stabistan, as you possibly may have heard, is a nation which has a very firm view of right and wrong,
and we try to influence the world for the better. In the past, Stabistan has participated in a number of (sadly temporary)
alliances and peacekeeping operations, the most recent of which have been the multinational strike team which toppled
the dictatorship of Cold Light (With Alfegos and Falkasia) and the Gieluni Intervention.
Economically, there is nothing that would contradict any of your articles, and the same is true for the military aspect.
There is a section of Parliament which disagrees with the latter's requirements, but the majority is in favour.
To reach my point, Stabistan is interested in joining a permanent alliance, both to stimulate trade and help maintain the rights
of the world's populace. I admit this missive is somewhat stereotypical, but it is entirely true.
Eagerly awaiting your reply,
President of Stabistan
09-04-2009, 12:32
OOC: I would like to know why was FSSU's application declined?
09-04-2009, 12:41
OOC: Applications are put to a vote by all members od ODECON. If you failed you must not have got a sufficient ammount of votes. Simple as that, I'm afraid.
10-04-2009, 23:36
To: [Applicants]
From: Office of the President
Subj: Application
As always, the Oceanic Defense Coalition appreciates applications for membership. To the individual applicants, we are pleased to announce that both the Sovereign Republic of Stabistan and the [sorryIhavenoidea] of Hydrosteria have been accepted in their bids for ODECON membership
Evan Bachmeier
President of the Oceanic Defense Coalition
OOC: Applications temporarily closed. TG me if you're really interested.
11-04-2009, 04:27
Evan Bachmeier
President of the Oceanic Defense Coalition
Stabistan would like to formally thank ODECON and it will shortly send a delegate to your congress after they are elected.
[Read: Going to register on your forums tomorrow.]
11-04-2009, 12:47
Government Communique From The M.R.C Of Hydrosteria
To: Evan Bachmeier President of the Oceanic Defense Coalition
From: Chancellor Winston Everd Of The M.R.C Of Hydrosteria
Dear sir, the Metropolitan-Regional Council Of Hydrosteria wishes to extend its gratitude and thanks to the Oceanic Defense Coalition ad it's current members who have granted us membership to this outstanding example of a just and decent international organisation.
(OOC: Does Metropolitan-Regional Council translate into sorryIhaveNoIdea in Leistungi :P
New Chalcedon
16-05-2009, 18:06
From: Her Imperial and Serene Majesty, Eirena IV of the Empire of New Chalcedon.
To: Evan Bachmeier, President, Oceanic Defence Coalition.
Re: Membership.
Your Excellency,
After much thought, We have determined that the Empire is best-served by leaving the Commonwealth of Independant Nations and joining ODECON. We have discussed this possibility with representatives of Lord Sumguy, Parilisa, Brittanican Adenia and Leistung at a conference which brought all of our nations together, all of whom have encouraged Us in this significant step. Further, the Imperial Senate, for the duration of our civil conflict, has vested all necessary treaty-signing powers into the Crown.
The Empire is typically a stable, robust multiparty democracy, with a strong Constitutional Monarchy. Our military forces are significant, and biased heavily in favour of the Imperial Navy and Air Force. Further, We are prepared, when involved in a conflict, to see it out at the sides of Our allies. Quite frankly, we are looking for a defensive alliance that can maintain a degree of cohesiveness amongst its members.
Please respond at your convenience.
Eirena Sofiana Doukaina-Palaiologina
Empress and Lady of New Chalcedon.
18-05-2009, 03:21
To: [Applicants]
From: Office of the President
Subj: Application
As always, the Oceanic Defense Coalition appreciates applications for membership. To the applicant, we are pleased to announce that the Empire of New Chalcedon has been accepted in its bid for ODECON membership.
Evan Bachmeier
President of the Oceanic Defense Coalition
OOC: Charter changes to reflect internal change.
18-05-2009, 03:44
OOC: Official alliance ejection warning to the following people due to inactivity:
-The Empire of Crimmond
-The Holy Empire of Anemos Major
-The Commonwealth of Zoingo
-The Principality of Vaarshire
-The Metropolitan-Regional Council of Hydrosteria
Come on guys, we need to at least know you're alive, or we're going to have to remove you from the list.
New Chalcedon
18-05-2009, 15:18
OOC: Have registered for the forums. Now I just need to wait, and think a bit.