New Kereptica
28-09-2008, 20:05
The Kiravian EMpire hereby declares war on A for its supremacist actions over C and D!
28-09-2008, 20:38
Stoklomolvi supports the letter B! Brought to you by the number 8!
Stoklomolvi supports the letter B! Brought to you by the number 8!
We are currently holding Elmo in military custody.
New Kereptica
28-09-2008, 20:47
The Allied States of New Kereptica have announced that through a partnership with B, C, and D, they have formed the International Alliance of Vowels. An invitation is extended to Stoklomolvi and Kirav for their gracious support of fellow vowels.
Pan-Arab Barronia
28-09-2008, 20:47
We demand the release of the God-creature Elmo, lest we unleash his mighty instrument of Pi upon thee.
Aperture Science
28-09-2008, 20:49
The Incorporated State of Aperture Science has announced that it is currently engaged in high-level talks with 4677 Japanese kanji characters in an effort to work out a strategic alliance to crush the inferior alphabet systems.
New Kereptica
28-09-2008, 20:50
Should the superweapon Pi be reliesed upon the earth, we will have no choice but to retaliate with e and Phi. You have been warned.
The Ryou Black Islands
28-09-2008, 20:52
what in the name of god is this thread about?
28-09-2008, 20:52
We will be forced to derive everything while holding e^x hostage in our citadel dedicated to the letter B and the number 8.
The Commie Nations of Razorl has launched thre million nukes at A B AND C! WE SUPPORT D!
New Kereptica
28-09-2008, 20:54
You insolent fools might be stupid enough not to give up in the face of e and Phi, but surely you care enough about civillian casualties tpo caputulate under i?
Pan-Arab Barronia
28-09-2008, 20:54
Should the superweapon Pi be reliesed upon the earth, we will have no choice but to retaliate with e and Phi. You have been warned.
Your assurances of MANP (Mutually Assured Numerical Pwnage) do not phase us. Your e and Phi are easily countered with Alpha and Gamma.
Release God'Mo immediately.
Funnyness. Like I said, SPAM.
The Coalition of Rithian hereby declares war on A. While Big Bird was vacationing in Rithian, we arrested him and stole his valuable sesame seeds.
Aperture Science
28-09-2008, 20:55
Aperture Science has placed the high level talks on hold to announce the development of a weapon even more powerful than pi:
Aperture Science hereby demands fifteen trillion dollars from all the nations of the world or we will detonate the Æ.
New Kereptica
28-09-2008, 20:56
~20 will crush you all!
And so god pwned us all
New Kereptica
28-09-2008, 20:57
The Allied States of New Kereptica hereby denounces any ties with common numerals. We wage war only with higher veriables!
♫ shall be released upon you all!
28-09-2008, 20:58
Stoklomolvi has proclaimed that it has obtained a real number answer to x/0! Oshi-
Pan-Arab Barronia
28-09-2008, 20:59
Stoklomolvi has proclaimed that it has obtained a real number answer to x/0! Oshi-
z0mg! :eek2:
Barronia declares that the nation of Stoklomolvi must be obliterated by all that is irrational!
New Kereptica
28-09-2008, 21:00
x/0! Impossible! Only suicidal fools would attempt such a thing!
New Kereptica
28-09-2008, 21:01
We agree with Barronia. You will fall under our legions of negative roots!
Aperture Science
28-09-2008, 21:01
After attempting to base a weapon on the /0 principal, Aperture Science appears to have collapsed into a singularity.
28-09-2008, 21:01
Akimonad hereby fires its Esperanto missiles and wins.
u lose srry kthxbai
28-09-2008, 21:01
We have, as well, discovered the answer to ∞+1! And ∞/0! OSHI-
New Kereptica
28-09-2008, 21:03
Ready the True Zero missiles! We must destroy infinity at all costs!
28-09-2008, 21:06
☭ = ☢
Rithian has officialy fired ⌐. The Earth is now cooling to Absolute Zero. Prepare for everyone to die.
28-09-2008, 21:13
Friction is gone! Augh! Stoklomolvi has collapsed into a black hole.
New Kereptica
28-09-2008, 21:17
Damn you Rithian! You doomed us all!
We have officially harnassed Elmo for our own purposes through the use of bubblegum.
Conserative Morality
28-09-2008, 22:35
Conserative Morality has released the following equation, the one equation.. TO RULE THEM ALL!
Pan-Arab Barronia
28-09-2008, 23:01
z0mg an xkcd
z0mg an xkcd
Uz papr grameur & spelleding!
h00kd en fonix wuced 4 mi ?
28-09-2008, 23:14
Bad Spam is Bad. This belongs in Spam.
28-09-2008, 23:16
How many roads must a man walk down?
28-09-2008, 23:22
The Allied States of New Kereptica have announced that through a partnership with B, C, and D, they have formed the International Alliance of Vowels. An invitation is extended to Stoklomolvi and Kirav for their gracious support of fellow vowels.
Ermm B, C, and D are consonants, not vowels... just making a point, 'cause, well I felt like saying something!
New Kereptica
28-09-2008, 23:26
Ermm B, C, and D are consonants, not vowels... just making a point, 'cause, well I felt like saying something!
Oh dear god. I am an idiot.