Members neede for liberal league
27-09-2008, 20:18
The Liberal League
It is time to put an end to the authoritarian conservative agenda in place currently in nation states, this can only be done by the coming together of likeminded politically economically and socially liberal states so as to:
(1)support liberal uprisings and political movement both financially and logistically
(2)lobby the WA to pass more liberal resouloution
To achieve this I propse the founding of a liberal league in which liberall leaning nations can push for a more liberal world and to weaken the conervative agenda now in place.
The league will consist of
(.)A governing body
which will consist of 15 nations 12 of which will be permenant placements which will be occupied by the founding members the other three placements will be monthly elected members from and by the full member councill the governing body will propose resouloutions prepare staement and will decide general direction of the liberal eague
(.)full member councill
will be the main voting body of the league all resouloutions must go through full member councill
(.)voting members will receive half a vote on all resouloutions barr financial resouloutions and cannot become members of governing body
First 12 nations to join become founding members and will be made permenant members of governig body sign up by posting nation name and leader name bellow
Permenant member
(>)Coirnin O Librilacha / President of the Federation of Patrachus
(>)Nathaniel Klein / Presiedent of the Republic of Parilisa
(>)Harold Annan / The Peoples Republic of Satureland
(>)James Yunos / Prime minister of the Immortal Lands of The Great Lord Tiger
(>)The Great Myaarisa Li / Leader of The Peoples Republic of Carneillian Island
(>)Eukrid Bach / Primeminister of Rammsteinburg
(>)Princess Anne De Varr /Monarch of the Princepality of Vaarshire
Full members
Voting members
Minister for Foreign Posts:
27-09-2008, 20:20
Parilisa would be glad to join this proposed Liberal League. We will certainly offer financial support to liberal political parties and revolutions, and look forward to a long last liberal future with fellow left-wing nations.
N. Klein, President
(The Republic Of Parilisa, President Nathaniel Klein)
OOC: Classical Liberal, or Neoliberal?
27-09-2008, 22:18
Parilisa is a Classical Liberal nation, I'm not sure about the rest.
Carnelian Island
27-09-2008, 22:19
Carnelian Island considers its self to be on the fairly liberal end of the spectrum. Perhaps we may join
The Blub Colony
27-09-2008, 22:22
Official Reply of the Blubland Government
Burn in a fire you filthy hippies. Take your gay marriage, your abortion and your anti-gun attitude and shove it up your butts.
Parilisa is a Classical Liberal nation, I'm not sure about the rest.
The Empire's a lovely stew of Social Libertarianism/Individualism/Government often doesn't-give-a-shit-ism. When it comes to social things like forced political correctness, zoning laws, and censorship.
Kiravian Empire
Permissim Astrav Subleucim
Imperial Secriat of State
Alliances Office
The Kiravian Empire embraces social Classical Liberalism, though our economic, parasocial, and abortion stances, as well as the motives behind our social libertarianism, reconcile us more so with the Conservative spectrum of the world.
We don't mind leftist nations alignign with each other a'tall. However, if this alliance aims to promote militant neoliberalism, secularism, socialism, and statism, you can expect that we shall oppose your efforts in any way possible.
Lord Sumguy
27-09-2008, 22:26
Official Reply of the Blubland Government
Burn in a fire you filthy hippies. Take your gay marriage, your abortion and your anti-gun attitude and shove it up your butts.
OOC: if you had read further, you would have noticed that he was reffering to classical liberalism, not modern amercian liberalism. They are two different things.
The last thing the world needs is MORE people who sin against God!
May Heaven forgive all of you, for you will all burn in eternal damnation.
The Government of Alborio
OOC: if you had read further, you would have noticed that he was reffering to classical liberalism, not modern amercian liberalism. They are two different things.
How I do hate my country's liberals...
The Blub Colony
27-09-2008, 22:30
OOC: if you had read further, you would have noticed that he was reffering to classical liberalism, not modern amercian liberalism. They are two different things.
OOC: Don't interrupt IC with OOC. Kthxbai~~
27-09-2008, 22:30
To: The Kiravian Empire
From: The Republic of Parilisa
You can be assured that the Republic of Parilisa will not be taking part in the expansion of liberlaism by force, as it sees it's role as a purely diplomatic and political one. If the Liberal Leauge becomes a primarily miltary union we will be resigning. We will support liberalism financaly and politicly, but only martialy when there is no toher option.
N. Klein
The Soviet System
27-09-2008, 22:30
The last thing the world needs is MORE people who sin against God!
May Heaven forgive all of you, for you will all burn in eternal damnation.
The Government of Alborio
Ok you uber religous ass hole, G-D does not exist, its a mad up story made by power hungry men, sorry to tell you the biggest farry tale in the world is false but it is
To: The Kiravian Empire
From: The Republic of Parilisa
You can be assured that the Republic of Parilisa will not be taking part in the expansion of liberlaism by force, as it sees it's role as a purely diplomatic and political one. If the Liberal Leauge becomes a primarily miltary union we will be resigning. We will support liberalism financaly and politicly, but only martialy when there is no toher option.
N. Klein
Kiravis Imperiax TelegraphiaKiravian Empire Communiqué
Just as you can be sure that we shall by no means attempt to harm the noble nation and people of Parilisa, even if we do need to respond to aggressive behaviours by other members of the Liberal League. As respected friends in the international community, Parilisa shall long enjoy our admiration.
Ok you uber religous ass hole, G-D does not exist, its a mad up story made by power hungry men, sorry to tell you the biggest farry tale in the world is false but it is
Please be civilised.
The Soviet System
27-09-2008, 22:34
Please be civilised.
Sorry, those people get under my skin, I flipped forgive me
Sorry, those people get under my skin, I flipped forgive me
Forgiven. They get under my skin, too. I don't like my faith represented in that manner.
The Grand World Order
28-09-2008, 00:18
To: Anyone whom it may concern
From: The Grand World Order Office of Foreign Affairs
The Fascist Federation cannot help but announce that the Liberal Alliance proposed is absolutely preposterous and cannot be allowed to operate. The Imperial Fascist Alliance will stand against actions by this group.
Liberalism leads to Communism and Anarchy, which are two things that can, will, and have inhibited this speck of dirt's ability to advance and ultimately inhibited our progress as a species.
28-09-2008, 00:18
To:Kiravian Empire
From:the Fedartion Of Patrachus (Founding nation of the liberal league)
We nor the liberal league intend to expand liberalism by force any liberal who wishes to do so is a hyopcrite what we do wish to do however is to encourage liberalism through political means by supporting financially and logistically peaceful liberal groups within your and many other great empires. However we do also reserve the right to support liberal factions in countrys where the political process is comprimissed. And where rebellion had taken place although this support would only be in financial and advisory form
yours sincerly
C. O Librilacha
28-09-2008, 00:23
Patrachus is classical liberal
28-09-2008, 08:51
To: Carnelian Island
From: The Republic of Parilisa
I'm sure that if you were to post the full name of your nation and the name of your leader then Patrachus would review your application.
N. Klein
28-09-2008, 09:05
After reviewing this and our own tendencies, we have decided not to pursue membership. This alliance seeks a flawed method of dealing with international politics that puts an ideology over the welfare of people as a whole. As such, we also must throw in our hope that this alliance fails to achieve its goals, as we would be forced to withdraw from the WA if it succeeded in order to protect our people from some of the damage this group might do.
Empress Catalia of Forensatha, of the House of Cats
28-09-2008, 09:43
The People's Republic of Satureland would be glad to join the Liberal League.
28-09-2008, 09:44
Leader's name: Harold Annan.
28-09-2008, 12:49
To: Pres. Nathaniel Klein of the Republic of Parilisa
From: The federation of Patrachus
We welcome you to the liberal league and look forward to your continued support in development of the league through your status as founding member and through your permenant placment in the governing body
Yours sincerly
C. O Librilach Pres. of the Federation of patrachus
28-09-2008, 12:56
To: Harold Anna of the Peoples Republic of Satureland
From: The federation of Patrachus
We welcome you to the liberal league and look forward to your continued support in the devellopment of the league through your status as founding member and and through your permenant placement in the governing body
Yours Sincerly
C. O Librilach Pres. of the Federation of Patrachus
28-09-2008, 13:11
To: The Kiravian Empire
From: The United Socialist States of Cruschev
To whom it may concern:
Te United Socialist States of Cruschev we are liberal in the sense that we allow our citizens to be free in almost every way possible except politically we believe if that we give everything that they will not need to be searching in the world of politics that way we have people doing more importants vocations such as doctors, and scientists. Though if there are protests we will do nothing to stop a revolution.
Karl Cruschev
28-09-2008, 18:33
To: The Grand World Order
From: The Republic of Parilisa
Parilisa, as a liberal republic, cannot understand how it may be proposterous for a group of liberal minded nations to start an alliance when it is apparently entirely acceptable to have Fascist alliances. We will not force our beliefs upon you, but we do not see what your problem with this group is. We also wonder how liberlaism inhibits the progress of humanity, and we remain unconcinced that fascist regimes of the past have had anything but bad effects upon the world.
N. Klein
To: Empress Catalia of Forensatha
From: President Nathaniel Klein of Parilisa
"This alliance seeks a flawed method of dealing with international politics that puts an ideology over the welfare of people as a whole."
The point is, however, that the ideology in question is dedicated to supporting and improving the welfare of the people.
N. Klein
The Grand World Order
28-09-2008, 19:08
To: The Republic of Parilisa
From: The Grand World Order Office of Foreign Affairs
Fascism is the right, natural way of society. Liberalism isn't.
Liberalism halts progress because of time spent by the people bickering about their "rights". Liberalism can and has caused Civil Wars ((American Civil War was caused by democrats)). Liberalism places the servants before the master, defying the natural flow of society. It can be compared to the food chain; At the top, you have a small amount (or one) of predators. At the bottom, you have massive amounts of plants and whatnot, followed by those who eat plants, and so forth. If the pyramid was reversed, things would die; entire species would die out. With the people in charge, the nation will "die out" (Metaphorically) and many thousands of people, nay, millions, will die.
The Nazis had a positive influence on many things. Their nation went from a depressed cesspool to a great empire, eliminating those who caused their depression. The United States was thrown out of their depression by World War Two. The Nazis were fighting for world unity, for a world under one flag. That is what the Fascist Federation seeks, to create one nation for the planet under one Fascist flag. This is the Fascist Enlightenment. This is peace. This is development, and this is the path to a world where war will be primarily obsolete; with no foreign rivalries and with a population of Fascists, why would the planet need as many military forces as it does now?
We're all Fascists. We all have a group of people we hate, even if we deny it. We all want more power. If you claim you're not, you're simply in denial.
28-09-2008, 19:22
To: The Grand World Order
From: The Republic of Parilisa
"Liberalism places the servants before the master, defying the natural flow of society."
The ideas of "servant" and "master" are created by society, therefore it is completley ridiculous to claim that they are natural. People are not born with the word "slave" stamped upon their forehead, it is the corruption and inequality of society wich forces people to believe that they are inferior. Facism only works because the government decieves it's subjects; in the words of Hermann Goring: "The people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger."
"Their nation went from a depressed cesspool to a great empire, eliminating those who caused their depression."
The depression was caused by hyperinflation. Hyperinflation was the fault of the Treaty of Versailles. Therefore we must remember that the depression was caused by Britain, France and America. As far as I can see Hitler didn't get rid of them. He simply used a scapegoat, he simply picked on the Jews, Homosexuals, the disabled and other ethnic minorities. I can't see how these people caused the depression.
28-09-2008, 20:01
To: The Grand World Order
Liberalism is the natural way of things you unfortunately do not understand that change and human imperfections in the form a revolutions are inevitable even by an outside force.
Then the Civil War was not caused by Democrats its the terrible way the Whigs and the Democrats handled it. It was caused by the human imperfection called stuborness which is inevitable to happen even in a Fascist unity.
The Nazis were fascist how many people did they kill uniting everyone under one flag where all people are not all happy there is no unity if you unite everyone with the perfect freedom and perfect rights it would be impossible.
28-09-2008, 20:23
The Government of Motokata doesn't particularly care for the nature of the alliance but feels it poses no threat to our national standards of living and won't give much fret about it. You have your rights as nations to do so.
The Grand World Order
28-09-2008, 20:26
To: Crushchev
From: The Grand World Order Office of Foreign Affairs
The CSA government was run by the Democratic Party. The CSA began the ACW. Therefore, Democrats caused the ACW.
Rebellions are simple to deal with; gendarme police forces like our Civilian Control Unit can simply nip the plot in the bud. Surveillance is key to success. In a Fascist nation, the traitorous left wing would be annihilated.
The people who must die during the Enlightenment are necessary losses, and the numbers of people who die in the Enlightenment are nothing compared to the deaths of an anarchic, liberal world.
To: Parilisa
From: The Grand World Order Office of Foreign Affairs
The Servant and the Master is seen in nature; in herds of animals, the herd is loyal to the Alphas. People are born inferior; when you see a handicapped person, they are inferior. The leftists and elements of the coloreds are inferior to the right wing elite.
The Jews were benefiting from the Treaty of Versailles, thus, they were helping with the depression. The Germans succeeded in taking over France, and a single strategic decision is the only reason why the Nazis fell. Had they invaded Great Britain instead of the USSR when they launched Operation Barbarossa, they would have defeated the United States, and later, the Soviet Union.
28-09-2008, 20:34
To: The Grand World Order Office of Foreign Affairs
From: Parilisa
"People are born inferior; when you see a handicapped person, they are inferior. The leftists and elements of the coloreds are inferior to the right wing elite."
You once again mix philosophy with nature. You see black people, liberals and the disabled as scum, I see them as actual living (and equal) people. Inferiority as you describe it is simply an opinion, not a natural fact.
"The Jews were benefiting from the Treaty of Versailles, thus, they were helping with the depression."
No, Industrialists were benefitting. Many of the factory owners were Jewish, but not all were. And likewise not all Jews were benefitng. The Americans, British, French and, to a certain extent, the Weimar Government were all reaping the benefits of the depression. The Jews were scapegoats.
"The Germans succeeded in taking over France, and a single strategic decision is the only reason why the Nazis fell. Had they invaded Great Britain instead of the USSR when they launched Operation Barbarossa..."
...They might have succeded. That is of no relevance to the discussion at hand.
28-09-2008, 20:37
To The Grand World Order: Believe what you believe Think what you would like to think we are Liberal and Socialists which means if we do anyhting else we have won our cause because we are giving you a free mind and choice I don't believe this arguement can go much more. In a liberal anarchist world where everyone is free is a wonderful thing when you have a totlatarian state/ Fascist state you are taking away what gifts everyone has gained.
Prime Minister Karl Cruschev.
Carnelian Island
28-09-2008, 20:38
To: Carnelian Island
From: The Republic of Parilisa
I'm sure that if you were to post the full name of your nation and the name of your leader then Patrachus would review your application.
N. Klein
The People's Republic of Carnelian Island
Lead by the Great Myaarisa Li
The Great Lord Tiger
28-09-2008, 20:39
The Federation of Patrachus is a tiny, socially progressive nation, notable for its barren, inhospitable landscape. Its hard-nosed, intelligent population of 6 million...
The Immortal Lands of the Great Lord Tiger points out that this is, in all likelihood, yet another attempt to cause controversy and make a name for oneself.
James Yunos
Prime Minister
The Immortal Lands of the Great Lord Tiger.
28-09-2008, 20:43
OOC:Tiger so what if he is just making contreversy this whole game is based on controversy lol
The Great Lord Tiger
28-09-2008, 22:24
[OOC] I guess I'm just getting sick of people showing up and their first post is "Embssy in Superland" and/or "Strting new alliance plz join!"
29-09-2008, 00:42
OOC: Well to tell you the truth I think I might withdraw my app if this person does not get to it soon
The Grand World Order
29-09-2008, 00:45
[OOC] I guess I'm just getting sick of people showing up and their first post is "Embssy in Superland" and/or "Strting new alliance plz join!"
((OOC: Uh, diplomatic action is how you're supposed to start. It's far better than the people who pop up and go "I DECLARE WAR ON EVRY1 LOLOLOL" or deploy their entire population to a war filled with NS superpowers.))
29-09-2008, 01:17
The United States of Kaydonia, a democratic republic nation founded on the ideals of democracy and working towards a better world would like to request entry into this wholesome institution for the purpose of helping mold and shape a better world for all sovereign and autonomos states to reside in relative peace and harmony. Our policies towards working towards this goal has been stated in our nation's Jefferson Doctrine (
Kayamone A. Sutton
Commander In Chief
United States of Kaydonia
29-09-2008, 02:29
I wish to withdraw my application to the Liberal league.
Sincerely, Karl Cruschev
29-09-2008, 19:35
If the Liberal League was not so inactive would you join? I myself am begining to become a little annoyed at this low level activity. Perhaps a different alliance should be founded, one that is more active. Would you join if I started a thread?
29-09-2008, 22:54
To:All prospective applicants former applicants and succsesfull applicants now members of the governing body
From:The Federation of Patrachus (Founding Nation of the Liberal League)
I would like to thank all of you who have suuported and encouraged the foundation of this league without you it could not have develped to what it is today. I know that many of you are becoming annoyed by the inactivity of the league which I myself am at fault for however this inactivity has now come to an end and to show this I would like to put forward a statement to be rattified by the governing body which condems the Fascist Ideology of the grand world order and the denouncement of the supremist belifs of its leaders and furthermore a commitment to support any opressed people within the grand world orders borders who bielieve in the ideals of liberty
C. O Libriliach / presiedent of the Federation of Patrachus
(Governing Body members post vote Bellow)
To: The Liberal League
From: The Desk of the Minister of Foreign Affairs
Why would such an alliance wish to forcefully impose its legislation upon the GWO? We understand that you have differences with the Right-Wing ideology, but to support possible rebellion in a free and sovereign nation? I would expect better from a nation that supports the classic-liberalism that holds dear the freedoms of the people. I do not condem this alliance and agree with them on aspects that concern a free-market economy. However, your definition of oppression may be opposite than that of the GWO's people. Please learn more about your enemy before passing legislation against them. And yes, I am an ally of the GWO and am a proud member of their Fascist Alliance as well as my own CCAD.
With the Utmost Sincerity,
Minister of Foreign Affairs,
Lao Bong
29-09-2008, 23:32
The Great Warlord Republic of Rammsteinburg wishes to join this Liberal League.
- Eukrid Bach
Prime Minister of Rammsteinburg
29-09-2008, 23:45
To whom it may concern,
Vaarshire, though a newly independent nation, wishes to join this alliance in the hopes that both our nation and your alliance can be strengthened. As a nation with ideals that are left-leaning in nature, we desire to join with like-minded nations. The government and citizens of Vaarshire hold dear the ideas of freedom and rights for all.
Princess Anne de Vaar,
57th Monarch of the Principality of Vaarshire
The Phoenix Milita
29-09-2008, 23:46
Phoenix World News Channel 69
Today The Phoenix Milita passed legislation against the newly formed "Liberal League", instituting a complete trade embargo against all of its member nations. The state department also issued a warning to the rest of the world not to associate with these dangerous, "rouge states", whether it be economically or diplomatically, lest they be corrupted. In other news...
30-09-2008, 17:18
I disagree with the proposed anti-fascist statement. Surely it is against the idea of liberalism to denounce another person's view as wrong? We should openly discus matters with other political ideologies. It would be much more liberal to make a statement regarding the opression of people within other nations, not to condemn the governments of all nations.
30-09-2008, 17:27
Kaydonia respectfully withdraws its application
30-09-2008, 19:54
To:All members of the Liberal League
From:The Fedration of Patrachus
I bielieve it is time to elect a president of the liberal league governing body. I call for this as I bielieve it will give some much needed structure to the governing body the person who is ellected presiedent of the governing body will be responsible for putting forward general statementlls and resouloutions to the leagues governing body for rewording or adjustment this person will also appoint two other members from the governing body to act as the leagues secretary and as the leagues foreign posts minister respectivly the secretry of the league will be responsible for:
(1)Announcing the end of the outgoing presidents tenure
(2)Calling for a new vote from league members to replace previous presiedent
(3)Announcing the winner of the elections
The foreign posts minister will be responsible for:
(1)Keeping the league up to date with all events happening elsewhere in the international incidents forum that warrent its concern.
(2)Answering any questions concerning the league put forward by any forign groups or country.
Each presidents tenure will last two weeks and the candidate must win two thirds of the vote to become elected
I request all league members to post there vote on this resouloution and any changes that they recomend below
C. O Libriliach
07-10-2008, 20:20
To the Liberal League,
Due to recent inactivity and disinterest from members, the Principality of Vaarshire respectfully resigns as a member of the Liberal League. We certainly hope to have the opportunity to work with your organization in the future.
With warmest regards,
Princess Anne de Vaar