A New Forest (FT Intro)
Noamuth Vesdrac
22-09-2008, 23:59
In the eternal twilight of Oirna, a system which twin suns cast the planets into a permanent, eerie blue light, a bright white light flared from one of the planets, specifically the planet Zho'aminus. It was like a meteor in reserve, the great ball of fire shooting up from the surface at breakneck speed, before smashing out of the atmosphere and suddenly cooling. The disappearance of the fire revealed a huge craft (http://www.flatrock.org.nz/wolf/images/X2_Pix/D_WeeWillie1.jpg), the very first of it's kind.
"Sir, all systems are functioning correctly. We are clear of the atmosphere. We've left orbit sir!" The crew of the ship cheered as one, even Admiral Aelkash (http://i472.photobucket.com/albums/rr90/Vesdrac/VesdracSpiritPriest.jpg) cracked a smile.
"Excellent! Excellent! Fellows, we have achieved what our race has always dreamed of. We have reached the Greatest Forest there is. Imagine, we shall be the first of our race to encounter other people, people not of the eternal tree!" He laughed for a while, before sobering up and turning to the Navigator of the ship. "Open a hyperspace window. I don't care where to, just jump."
"Yes sir. With pleasure." A azure beam shot out from the prow of the ship, impacting off some invisible wall and opening a round portal. The ship moved through, being pulled through by some force, the window closing behind them.
They reappeared near a planet, the few ineffective guns they had powered down in a display of peace to anyone within range.
"Anyone on the radar, ensign?"
"This is Captain Thi Gor of the Empire of Charzak. Power down all systems or face destruction. We are sending out a boarding party."
Captain Regan Shol of the Setulanite Republican Vessel Mortef was sitting at ease in his bridge chair when the call that contact had been made. He sat up.
The Setulanite Republic had recently sent out a wave of ships (seven, to be precise) to find life amongst the stars. Not all had met with success, and a few-no one was sure how many-had probably been destroyed or lost in some other fashion...but that wasn't the worst.
No, the worst thing for the crew of the Mortef was that Setulan was on the verge of an interstellar war, and instead of cruising into battle with the rest of the Task Force, they were stuck in some gods-foresaken system exploring life. But when a good spacer is given an order, he says "aye aye, sir" and does it to the best of his ability.
Which meant not blowing this contact out of space because Shol was frustrated.
"What do we have?"
"Unidentified contact on metallurgical and sensor scans, sir. No large energy signatures...I'm assuming powered down weapons, no shields visible." Shol smiled.
"Alright, alright. We've hit paydirt. Vox! Get me a link! Send out signals on all bands, galactic common." A message was sent to the ship that had just arrived.
Greetings. This is Captain Shol of the Setulanite Republican Vessel Mortef, sent out on a mission of peace and exploration several months ago. We are peaceful, I repeat, peaceful, and are approaching with weapons powered down.
"Alright...max power to shields, power down weapons. All ahead full to the new contact!"
"Aye aye, sir!"
"This is Captain Thi Gor if you approach us or this ship we will fire upon you." With that the Captain launched all fighters and sent out an assault shuttle to the powered down vessel.
23-09-2008, 01:23
A Greywatch Exploration vessel sat quietly above a pale blue gas giant. One of three planets in the system. The captain slouched in her chair, "So, we done with searching?" The tactical officer looked up, "Now we are. Exploration squads report nothing too interesting, perhaps some resources. None of the planets look all the great for colonies. At least, not what we're looking for right now." The captain shrugged, "Place a beacon here for future reference and record all data of this system. When you're done with that, take us into PSR, I don't care where you bloody well take us, just so long as we're not inside anything unpleasant."
The ship readied itself for PSR travel, raising shields and activating the Rift generator. In a moment a massive rend in space was torn open and the 1.5Km Explorer went through. When it exited, it would omit a gravatational disturbance similar to that of a black hole, certainly not something to get close to. When the ship was finished pulling out it would begin scanning the area. The tactical officer smiled, "Contacts, ma'am." The captain brightened, "Excellent..." Perhaps today wouldn't be boring after all.
"Well, that isn't very friendly," Shol said softly. It looked like he might be able to relieve some of his frustration after all.
"Sir, new contact!"
"Give me a link."
WARNING-DANGER ZONE. This is Captain Shol, Setulanite Republican Vessel Mortef. We are friendly, but be warned there is a hostile alien presence in the system. We are preparing to engage. I'd love to chat after we stamp down this arrogant punk. Shol Out.
Shol climbed back to his command chair.
"Max power to weapons, all ahead flank! Close to long range with the main guns. Hit them with a full scan sweep. Get me a link to the first ship!"
Unidentified vessel, this is Captain Shol again. We are preparing to engage the ship that has threatened you. Feel free to join us. Shol Out.
"Sir, scans going out now, we'll have readings on this ship soon."
The powerful sensors in the ship blasted out energy waves, clearly highlighting the alien ship in the sensor screens*. Anybody on board that ship would know they had just been locked up.
"One more transmission to the aggressive aliens."
Unidentified craft, this is your first and last warning. Power down weapons and we can talk this out. Otherwise, you can prepare to reap the whirlwind.
ooc:I'm gonna wait for the OP to respond before I post anything else.
Greywatch, TG.
*Charzak, please post ship stats if you really wanna do this. :wink: Mine can be found in my factbook (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=556300) under Storm-Class frigate.
ooc: stats can be found at that flagship tournament because this is Admiral Hekan Deltev's right hand man he also has a Charzakian Super Dreadnaught
"Captain, hostile ship turning to engage us"
"Order the assault shuttle back and prepare to fire the super laser. It's a good thing we charged it before battle. Power up all shields to max power. Fire the long range turbolasers. This will teach them to mess with the Empire of Charzak!"
ooc:wait wait wait...you brought a superbattleship with hostile intentions to an intro thread? Doesn't that defeat the purpose?
Communistic Govts
23-09-2008, 02:14
The GAS Belldandy, which was drifting steadily through space, finished its mission with the Kilrany in restoring one of its protectorates from one nasty attack. It continued its exploration mission in hopes of finding new lifeforms for the Ganoxian Alliance to conduct peaceful diplomacy. Captain Lingun, was just about to get some well deserved rest, after supervising the restorative efforts, when suddenly an alert rang on his bedside communicator. He grunted heavily.
"Sir, we are getting something about two lightyears away." Commander Jilneas reported, who is manning the command.
Lingun entered the bridge, still buttoning up his tunic, "Intel."
"We are getting mass communication readings coming from this sector."
"Hmm. Plot a microjump to that sector, one AU away from the origin."
"Yes sir," the nav officer acknowledged.
The Belldandy settled just about where they intended to be, trying to figure what is going on in this system.
"Sir we are getting massive energy readings, looks like weapons."
"Of course, a war perhaps..?"
"Orders?" Jilneas asked.
"Stations to Blue Alert, all units on standby, we'll stay here and observe, but be prepared to get us the hell out of here."
"Yes sir."
The Beldandy started to be encompassed by its temporal shields as it hangs in observation of the battle to come.
OOC: Ok wait a superlaser, thats just well wank...
23-09-2008, 03:19
The first thing the Greywatch ship recieved was the warning message. This prompted the captain to bring up weapons to 50% and keep shields raised. Perfect, her interesting day was now an unintentional wandering into a posible warzone. "Open SCN to Prime and make them aware of the situation. As much as I'd like to make some first contact today, we may need to pull back..." Things here looked like they were about to become very, very ugly.
Noamuth Vesdrac
23-09-2008, 16:23
OOC: *sigh* I do have another nation (I just had a new race in mind so new nation too) and I can just bring it in to deal with Charzak if he gets too annoying, so no worries.
IC: "Sir, many new contacts! Most friendly, one hostile and demanding we stand down." The ensign thought for a second. "Stand down? How much more can we stand down?" He shrugged, then continued. "At any rate, it doesn't seem to be popular."
"Excellent!" The Admiral beamed. "Answer all friendlies, I must think about the hostile one as of yet."
To all alien races, we thank for your peaceful actions. I am Admiral Aelkash of the Realm of Noamuth Vesdrac. I was tasked with seeking out other intelligent life, and it does appear I have been successful. I would request, in the name of future association and friendship, that you send an envoy to our craft. (Here the admiral paused.) Although, with the threat of that hostile ship looming, perhaps it would be wiser if we came aboard your crafts. I ask you to make your decisions for yourselves.
23-09-2008, 18:20
"Captain," began the comms officer, "We're getting a message." The captain nodded, "Patch it through." She listened intently, at least this race was able to keep its cool, especially with that other warship sitting there. "Open a channel."
Encrypted response:
This is Greywatch Exploration vessel 449, the decision is up to you. We came in a little late and we're not too sure what that warship may be up to. Our doors will be open if you choose to come over.
The captain looked to the holoscreen in front of her. "Run that warship through databanks, please." The tactical officer nodded and went to work.
Noamuth Vesdrac
23-09-2008, 19:53
This is Greywatch Exploration vessel 449, the decision is up to you. We came in a little late and we're not too sure what that warship may be up to. Our doors will be open if you choose to come over.
"Well... What do you think we should do?"
"That enemy craft would have to be to stupid to be able to build the thing if they fired. I believe it is safe to have the delegates on our craft."
The hostile craft will not fire, especially not if more races than mine are onboard the vessel, unless they are completely mad. You are welcome to land aboard our ship should you wish to.
The Fedral Union
23-09-2008, 20:15
(tag for post)
"This was not our intention."said Admiral Deltev." Send out a peace transmission."
To all craft curreently in the area. We do not wish to fight a battle but our intentions were to board this new craft and greet the people of this nation with open arms. We are sorry for any trouble and are preparing to depart immidently unless of course you wish to open negotiations with us. We fealt threatened and were only powering up our weapons in defense."
"Call all fighters back and prepare to jump to Home 1 above Charzak"
Shol breathed a sigh of relief as the supership sent out its transmission. He was more than willing to die for the Republic...but he would, all things considered, rather not.
He read the message from the...bastards...who had threatened his ship with destruction.
"My ass," he breathed.
"Don't bother responding." He shook his head. "Some people just aren't worth it. Give me a link to the friendlies!"
Admiral, we would be honored to send an envoy to your ship. Our man will be en route momentarily.
"Keep shields and guns at max power. I still don't trust them. XO!" he called out. The man came running.
"You just got volunteered. Rustle up some guardsmen and get going." The man saluted.
"You got it, Captain."
A minute later, a bentnose transport rocketed out of the Motef and towards the alien vessel. It sent out a radio message.
"This is the Setulanite delegate. Please tell us where to go, over."
The Fedral Union
23-09-2008, 22:11
The Darkness of space ripped open over the various ships in the area, the crackling portals spewing out three ships, one heavy cruiser and two destroyers the cruiser loomed over the destroyers its massive body ominously making it self known as it came to a stop in the middle of the system. The smaller destroyers flanked the massive beast. The light from the star striking their smooth Gray and purple hulls.
Commander Ricard Hague was in charge of this patrol group Originally assigned to patrol Terran borders several light years away, he had ordered the task force to intercept what was going on here due to sensor returns he was curious about..
The middle aged man stood in the center of the command, his arms crossed against him as he peered out in to the darkness of space towards the other ships through a holoport. His salt and pepper hair was emphasized by soft blue and white lights clustered around the celling of the bridge. An avatar suddenly flashed behind him braking the moment of silence and inaction. He looked back quickly as it began to speak in a soft and high pitched voice.
“Commander we are detecting several ships in the area, multiple shield and weapons signatures and communications between them..”
The commander quickly started to respond not even giving the avatar time to continue with the analysis.
“All-right, raise shields, and open communications frequency with all the ships in the area.”
“Yes sir” the avatar responded with a sudden blip com line were open, mean while the groups shielding came on line promptly as a precaution.
The commander started to speak pacing back and forth his hands folded behind him. His voice was diplomatic polite yet stern.
“This Is The United Terran Ship Prince of Whales representing the United Terran Federation, we would like to know what we have stumbled in to, we merely came here to investigate some sensor oddities we detected from extreme range.”
The Prince of Whales was a brand new Aries class cruiser, one of many in production, it replaced the UTS Orion of the previous class, and was more powerful a little larger, and well suited to hold its own against ships even three times it size, it was heavily armed, armored, shielded, and carried some of the best technology in the union. Its body rumbled over smaller ships in the area dwarfing them with its portentous and massive sleek form... The engines radiating streams of charged blue and white particles that wisped in to the utter darkness of space .
Indeed this ship and its two companions were forces to be reckoned with, Hague him self was a veteran officer his father was recently awarded military man of the year, and a command of a new fleet, his family was known to be hard nosed and tough, yet fair a the same time...
( The Prince of Whales: http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d110/USFU/Ariesrangerrefitnetex.jpg )
(Destroyers : http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d110/USFU/RepublicClassLightcruiser.png)
Communistic Govts
23-09-2008, 23:01
As 300 meter long destroyer, the Belldandy wasn't really suited for ship-to-ship combat, as Lingun had already experienced about four years ago. He sat back in his command chair waiting for the situation to unfold. Upon receiving the message from the friendly and seemingly hostile forces Captain Lingun decided it would be best send an envoy to the friendly vessel, himself. Of course he would be under guard by First Squad, giving the situation Jilneas probably would have insisted that her Captain take the escorts.
"Send a message that I will be the delegate to their ship."
"I know, I know. I'll take some people with me."
"Frankly sir, why can't you be like a normal captain and send someone else."
"Well that isn't really that much interesting now isn't it. In the meantime you have the comm."
Jilneas sighed heavily,"Yes sir..."
Jim was steadily walking towards the shuttle as he looked back to see Lewis carrying the heavy bags while Halenska was carrying the light equipment. "Hey why doesn't she carry some heavy ones too?"
"Because I am a lady."
"As if."
"What you say?" raising a fist at him, causing Lewis to flinch.
Jim shook his head and looked over at Seli who was saying his goodbyes to his girl Nisa.
"You really don't have to worry about me."
"I'm sorry, I just can't help it. Please come back safe."
"I will," he hugged her.
Captain Lingun walked into the hangar, "Are you ready?"
"Yes sir, ship is prepped and ready to go."
"Alright, lets get this show started."
A few moments later, after getting clearance, the shuttle departed from the Belldandy. Seli looked out the viewport, as Lingun turned to Jim, "I bet he misses Miss Olgander."
"I bet, but hes got to focus on whats ahead," he jabbed Seli.
"Alright, alright."
Jilneas sat in the command chair and saw the shuttle depart on the TacDis, she sighed heavily once more. Really that man. She looked over to communications, "Send the message that the Captain previously recorded."
"This is Captain Lingun of the GAS Belldandy, representing the Ganoxian Alliance. I will be attending the diplomatic event personally along with an escort of four. My shuttle will be arriving momentarily to your ship within a few minutes and will request permission to bark. We hope that this meeting will be fruitful to both our nations and that we may endure an everlasting peace."
"Captain, Captain icoming transmission from Home 1"
To all Charzakian vessels. Home 1 has detected hostile readings in the area. Ships appear to be just scouts though. However we feel the need for extra defenses. Please respond."
"Blast"said captain Thi Gor."Get the Admiral back here now and prepare to jump to Charzak!"
24-09-2008, 14:13
There was a bright green flash in the darkness of space and a patrole of sca'uh destroyers entered the system from transwarp.
"Looks like a flegling encounter sir."
"Ah, that explains why we got so many alien signatures. Any evidance to sugest who it is?"
"We're detecting a greywatch ship, aswell as three ships from The Federal Union. the rest are unknown"
"Sent out a general hail, all frequencys"
"Aye sir"
This is patrole groupe Omega 6 of the Dragona empire responding to energy build up in this system consistent with energy weapons and are here to investigate the cause. Might we ask what YOU are all doing here?
24-09-2008, 18:04
In that case, we are deploying a shuttle now.
A small shuttle left the hanger of the Explorer and made its way to the alien ship.
"Warning incoming craft unable to jump to Home 1!"
"No!"said the captain. "Send out a transmission!"
All ships please move out of our exit vector. Our home is under hostile threat and we must get back to it! Exiting vector 21809 jump to slipstream in 5 minutes. Please move out of range or the jump will fry your ships systems.
Noamuth Vesdrac
24-09-2008, 21:43
There was a series of red blips along either side of the ship, leading to 4 hatches on both the left and right. As the Setulanite shuttle approached, all four of the left side hatches slid open with a hiss of hydraulics and depressurization, before the airlock-shield kicked in. The hangar bays within opened up in anticipation of the shuttles.
To the newly arrived craft, we are the first craft of our kind to enter deep space. I am Admiral Aelkash, representing the Realm of Noamuth Vesrac. We were sent to explore and find new, intelligent life.
Communistic Govts
24-09-2008, 22:35
The shuttle landed as the four escorts exit the craft first then Captain Lingun last. Even though this was a diplomatic mission, Jim was keeping his guard up at all times, after all being in a foreign ship not knowing his surroundings, who wouldn't blame him. Although Lewis and Halenska were up to their usual antics, while Seli was chatting with Lingun. Jim sighed heavily for their lack of focus and continued to keep watch for anything.
Commander Jilneas continued to watch the TacDis, as new ships have arrived into the system. Suddenly communications relayed a message to her. She switched the comms to an open frequency to the new arrival.
"This is Commander Jilneas of the GAS Belldandy, we are on a diplomatic mission with these other beings on behalf of the Ganoxian Alliance." Jilneas looked at the screen to her left and read the message from the Charzak. "Excuse me for a moment," she switched off the comms and looked at navigation.
"Full power to engines!"
"Yes ma'am."
The Belldandy immediately sped off from the projected trajectory of the craft powering up for its FTL jump, in order to avoid unnecessary discrepancies.
The transport entered the docking bay and landed with a hiss of hydraulics. The XO sat in the back with a ten man escort of Republican Guardsmen. He stood up and went to the hatch, waiting for atmosphere to be returned to the hanger bay.
Shol looked at the sensor screen over his crewman's shoulder.
"Jeez, sure is gettin busy around here, sir."
"Got that right. Looks like we stirred up an anthill."
24-09-2008, 23:06
The shuttle picked an empty hanger and softly set itself down inside. Inside were an Elden and a Drone. An odd group to send, neither one was a diplomat. The Elden was just interested in meeting a new race, the Drone was one of the few that had some emotion and, for whatever reason, decided to tag along for no apparent reason.
The Elden did not wear a uniform, but instead was dressed in something a little more casual. It was wearing some khaki pants and blue button-up shirt, as well as a pair of sneakers. The Drone was dressed in all black, like every other Drone.
The Elden looked to the Drone, "So, think this'll be interesting?" The Drone nodded, "Well, it is a new race.... typically that's consiidered interesting." The Drone ran its hand through its jet black hair. The Elden looked at the Drones face; its skin was pale while its hair, teeth, eyes, and lips were all black. "You may wanna invest in using that disguise bracelet... our hosts may find you a little unnerving." The Drone shrugged, "I'll be sure to ask them when we get in. Who knows, maybe if I wait and they say yes... we may get to show off a little technology. That may pave the way for futrue trade." The Elden laughed, "Already thinking about trade? You really are different from the other Drones..."
As soon as scans showed the hanger to be safe, the two would disembark. They were both eager to meet their hosts.
Noamuth Vesdrac
24-09-2008, 23:21
The shuttle landed as the four escorts exit the craft first then Captain Lingun last. Even though this was a diplomatic mission, Jim was keeping his guard up at all times, after all being in a foreign ship not knowing his surroundings, who wouldn't blame him. Although Lewis and Halenska were up to their usual antics, while Seli was chatting with Lingun. Jim sighed heavily for their lack of focus and continued to keep watch for anything.
The door at the far end of the room hissed open, with Aelkash and two troopers (http://i472.photobucket.com/albums/rr90/Vesdrac/VesdracCaptain-1.jpg) accompanying him. Upon seeing the arrivals, Aelkash smiled and clapped, the effect of this being a echoing scrape of metal.
"Hello, Captain Lingun. An honor to meet you face to face." He held out his hand to him.
The transport entered the docking bay and landed with a hiss of hydraulics. The XO sat in the back with a ten man escort of Republican Guardsmen. He stood up and went to the hatch, waiting for atmosphere to be returned to the hanger bay.
The atmosphere was pressurized to normal once more as the airlock-shield switched back on. Two troopers, one in full armor and the other helmetless, showing dark green skin and luminescent silver tribal markings, arrived through the door.
"It is perfectly safe to exit your craft now, the airlock has been closed off again."
As soon as scans showed the hanger to be safe, the two would disembark. They were both eager to meet their hosts.
Once more there blue airlock shield switched on, sealing the airlock from the void of space. After a moment, the ship's tannoy sounded a beep and 2 troopers stepped through, again one armored and one helmetless, this time with a jet black skin and dull red markings on his face. They stood to attention, awaiting the exit of their guests.
Communistic Govts
24-09-2008, 23:44
Jim stepped aside as he continued to eye the two troopers coming behind the delegate. Lingun stepped forward to greet the delegate, immediately shaking his hand.
"It is a pleasure to meet you as well." Lingun said.
Noamuth Vesdrac
24-09-2008, 23:57
Jim stepped aside as he continued to eye the two troopers coming behind the delegate. Lingun stepped forward to greet the delegate, immediately shaking his hand.
"It is a pleasure to meet you as well." Lingun said.
His nodded to his guards, who left the hangar, going back to the bridge, before turning back to the captain.
"Well, best not to stand here all day. If you will follow me-" He moved over to the doors at the end of the hangar bay. "We shall go to the Recreational Deck. It's far more pleasant to talk in than here."
The Fedral Union
25-09-2008, 00:03
Hague sat back on his chair folding his hands on his lap, he thought for a moment, he looked up to the avatar that was standing in front of him and said idly shifting in his seat.
“Send a reply to those ships...”
The avatar nodded, and with a sudden blip the comm channel was open.
The first message was sent out in Ernest to the exploration ship:
We come in peace, and are happy to see new races and factions appear in this galaxy, we notice you have people from multiple ships moving to our vessel is there a conference or some thing going on?
The second message was sent to the Dragonans:
We do not know what was going on here, as we have just arrived ourselves, we represent the Terran federation.
yet a third message was sent to the Ganoxian ships
Greetings from the United Terran Federation, we come in peace and have not seen your ships or people before
Mean while the small group of federation ships were no place near the formerly hostile super ship, the group of federation vessels hovered menacingly over the ships in the area , their forms glinting in the light of the system, their engines radiating soft blue and white streams of particles as they moved forward closing the distance between them and the other ships in the area. The ships priced the void of space with their colossal grandiloquent forms.
Hague sat back waiting for replies. His hands folded again on his lap as he peered around the massive command center, holographic panels and immersive stations lining the walls all around, soft blue and white light emphasizing the chrome adroit metal, and satiny construction of the inside of the ship.
Terrans were natural peaceful, yet they had a cautious like all races, past events have gotten them to be a bit more subtle and observant of events rather than go in head first, the crew was elated, they had just gotten off of shore leave on a Federation resort planet called Dehlni IV , some would token it a eudaemonic paradise of a planet. The ship was at top efficacy, Federation officers worked in conjunction with avatars and bio-droids to run the ship at full power and strength.
So if any thing did happen in this system the crew would be ready to respond at full force at full strength and at top potency.
25-09-2008, 00:10
The two left the shuttle and looked at the troopers, not the friendliest looking things in existance but, then again, neither was a Drone. The Drone gave a slight smile, exposing its black, dagderlike teeth, "Well hello there." The Elden bowed, his yellow eyes fixed on the two troopers. "Greetings."
The XO took a deep breath.
"Well, here goes nothing..." The hatch on the side of the bomber opened, and a ladder was let down. The XO climbed down with two of his Guardsmen in attendence. He walked over to the strange looking creatures that were waiting for them. He nodded, but did not salute.
"Gentleman, I am Commander Lewis of the SRV Motef. It is an honor to be aboard."
Communistic Govts
25-09-2008, 06:52
Lingun and his escorts followed Aelkash to the Recreation Deck. To him it was a pleasant environment, very soothing and comfortable. He looked over at Jim who was looking around intently, as Lewis took a chance to rest on one of the benches, while Halenska was about to kick Lewis' ass to get up telling him that hes still on the job. Meanwhile Seli was looking out the viewport taking in the scenery. He saw a table and guessed that's where they were supposed to be seated and took a chair, he signaled the escorts to take a seat as well.
"I am Captain James Lingun, to my right here is Jim Torrison, Sarah Halenksa, Lewis Lewis, and Seli Grostin."
Jilneas was having a busy day replying to a series of messages that came at the Belldandy, now another one has appeared on her TacDis. Jilneas pressed the icon on the holo-display and the message rang in.
Greetings from the United Terran Federation, we come in peace and have not seen your ships or people before
"I am Commander Silva Jilneas of the Ganoxian Alliance Destroyer Belldandy. Our Captain is currently onboard the rather large vessel, s I'll will be speaking on his behalf."
25-09-2008, 14:24
To the newly arrived craft, we are the first craft of our kind to enter deep space. I am Admiral Aelkash, representing the Realm of Noamuth Vesrac. We were sent to explore and find new, intelligent life.
"Well it seems you have found rather alot of it. May we meet in person, I find diplomacy over a comunicater so... boring"
We do not know what was going on here, as we have just arrived ourselves, we represent the Terran federation.
"Then you shall live and maybe we will find out together, from what we gather its a first contact situation." The lead Sca'uh replyed as its groupe too moved for the large vessle.
25-09-2008, 16:21
"Captain, Captain icoming transmission from Home 1"
"Blast"said captain Thi Gor."Get the Admiral back here now and prepare to jump to Charzak!"
ooc: I humbly submit that you sir, are thread jacking... not to mention being in posesion of something you really shouldn't have considering your population.
Noamuth Vesdrac
25-09-2008, 22:37
"Well it seems you have found rather alot of it. May we meet in person, I find diplomacy over a comunicater so... boring"
"A hangar has been cleared for you. Land whenever you wish."
"I am Captain James Lingun, to my right here is Jim Torrison, Sarah Halenksa, Lewis Lewis, and Seli Grostin.
The admiral bowed to each one as he said their names.
"A pleasure to meet you all. So, captain!" He sat down, grinning under the mask. "Tell me about your people."
The two left the shuttle and looked at the troopers, not the friendliest looking things in existance but, then again, neither was a Drone. The Drone gave a slight smile, exposing its black, dagderlike teeth, "Well hello there." The Elden bowed, his yellow eyes fixed on the two troopers. "Greetings."
The troopers originally recoiled at the sight of the drone, who bore an uncanny resemblance to the Vesdrac God of War, before recovering and smiling, albeit somewhat shakily.
"Ah, you are the Greywatch delegates correct? I apologize for my colleagues and I's behavior just then. Another delegate has already arrived, if you wish to join their conversations in the Rec Deck."
"Gentleman, I am Commander Lewis of the SRV Motef. It is an honor to be aboard."
The helmetless trooper bowed.
"Ensign Lymal. If you would follow me to the recreational deck, the other delegates and the Admiral are awaiting your arrival."
"Ensign," Lewis said, nodding. "Lead on." He followed the ensign to the conference room, mentally preparing his introduction to the admiral.
Communistic Govts
25-09-2008, 23:02
Lingun chuckled a bit, "I must apologize I am so use to referring to myself as Captain I forgot my real rank, I am Rear Admiral James Lingun (http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a287/GeneralZhukov3333/CaptainLingun.jpg), commander of the 117th Exploration Fleet. Now where was I, ah yes. Our people are mostly human with a few being other types of humanoids, such as Zentradi or catfolk. Not some thirty years ago we were in our post industrial age, when we were invaded by a off world race called the Cyverons. After our struggle against them, with the help of a few other off world nations that decided to intervene, we started to reverse engineer their technology and twenty years later flew into the stars. Now after a few years of diplomacy and trade, we were able to obtain and create our own advanced technologies and meet with you now."
Noamuth Vesdrac
25-09-2008, 23:55
"Ensign," Lewis said, nodding. "Lead on." He followed the ensign to the conference room, mentally preparing his introduction to the admiral.
The ensign nodded and walked through the stark white corridors into the recreation deck.
The interesting thing about the recreation deck was that it was not just one set room. It was controlled from the bridge, and could be changed to whatever the commanders wanted. It was a form of Holoprojection, but a relatively advanced one with astral solidification technology. In short, it was the most advanced thing on that ship. The admiral stood as the delegates entered.
"Ah, the Setulan envoys. Please, be seated."
Lingun chuckled a bit, "I must apologize I am so use to referring to myself as Captain I forgot my real rank, I am Rear Admiral James Lingun, commander of the 117th Exploration Fleet. Now where was I, ah yes. Our people are mostly human with a few being other types of humanoids, such as Zentradi or catfolk. Not some thirty years ago we were in our post industrial age, when we were invaded by a off world race called the Cyverons. After our struggle against them, with the help of a few other off world nations that decided to intervene, we started to reverse engineer their technology and twenty years later flew into the stars. Now after a few years of diplomacy and trade, we were able to obtain and create our own advanced technologies and meet with you now."
"We have a few of those catfolk, as you say, but are unfamiliar with the Zentradi. Still, that is to be expected." He cocked his head at the mention of the offworlder invasion. "That is amazing. It took you but 20 years to build a sufficient enough craft to explore the reaches of space. We could learn from you." A waiter came around, placing glasses of a deep blue wine-like drink in front of the delegates. "That is Eayer wine. It's made from a rather unique berry native to the forests of our planet. It calms the nerves and quickens the mind, very handy in diplomatic meetings."
Communistic Govts
26-09-2008, 01:43
Lingun took a swig of the blue wine and later on noticed the effects, "I see, this sort of reminds me of the Severailian Wine, its sort of like this but has more alcohol. Some would say that Ganoxians have a high tolerance in the bar, especially the Severailians who are famous for their concoctions, at least on our world."
26-09-2008, 02:51
The Drone shook its head, "No need to apologise. It's a common response to my kind." The Elden nodded, "Well then, both of us are looking forward to meeting the others. Please, lead the way."
The Fedral Union
26-09-2008, 04:37
ooc: Thread op you forgot to answer my ermm people :P no biggy though I just cant move any place with out an answer)
Noamuth Vesdrac
26-09-2008, 15:05
ooc: Thread op you forgot to answer my ermm people :P no biggy though I just cant move any place with out an answer)
OOC: Oh bugger I did! Sorry, heh.
We come in peace, and are happy to see new races and factions appear in this galaxy, we notice you have people from multiple ships moving to our vessel is there a conference or some thing going on?
"Yes, we are hosting a meeting on our craft. If you wish, you may send a delegate to attend."
OOC: I made a draft yesterday as I was part way through posting when my internet decided to take a break, and I must not Copy+Pasted your quote.
26-09-2008, 17:18
"A hangar has been cleared for you. Land whenever you wish."
A bule dart shaped craft shot from the forward of the lead sca'uh and headed straight towards the Vesdrac ship
Communistic Govts
06-10-2008, 19:14
OOC: Is this dead?
07-10-2008, 10:10
OOC: Dunno, NV is being a lazy basterd when it comes to threads iv joined lately... hope not..