Oil is found
Diggers in the northeastern county of tribia have struck oil much more than is needed for Razafas. So the government is selling the barrels for very low costs. They are selling oil for $1.20 a gallon and $40 a barrel. Razafas has a oil field with over 250 billion barrels of oil in it so purchases can be many.
22-09-2008, 01:26
(Oh griffincrest is going to butcher you real soon)
OOC: I would advise you put troops to guard those ares. Griffincrest will go after you.
22-09-2008, 01:33
Ralkovian Minister of foreign military involvement for oil, Lisa Whitman grew quiet as she heard that another small country had just discovered oil. She quickly telephoned the Emperor who simply smiled as he heard the news. It would be like taking candy from a baby. Of course ralkovian ships in the region immediately turned towards the small country including 3 aircraft carriers and their details. It would be only a little while until the ralkovians secured the foreign oil asset.
22-09-2008, 01:34
(Or I will, You snooze you lose)
(Whats grifincest? and thanks greal)
Razafas president neill strongman ordered 40,000 troops to guard the oil fields in northeastern tribia. The men had anti-aircraft and anti-tank guns and guarded the oil filed with theirs lives.
OOC: Griffincrest is a oil corporation that takes oil from smaller nations.
The Soviet System
22-09-2008, 01:39
OOC: This is before my old leader died
Telegram from Ziggard Vosk
I have got reports of movement against your nation, I would like to send men to help you
New Kereptica
22-09-2008, 01:41
OOC: 6 billion barrels? Thats nothing. The Saudi Arabian oil fields total over 250 billion of crude oil, and exports nearly 3.4 billion barrels in 2006 alone.
(how does griffincrest do that if they are a company)
22-09-2008, 01:43
OOC: Wonder if Griffencrest will find this...
The Soviet System
22-09-2008, 01:43
(1. answer my telegram, 2. New Kereptica shut up dont pour on someones parade ok,)
22-09-2008, 01:44
(how does griffincrest do that if they are a company)
OOC: If I'm not mistaken, they have a PMC force several million strong with some of the best equipment available. It's generally best to avoid them if possible.
22-09-2008, 01:46
Ralkovian satellite assets reported the razafasian troops to the commanders of the information. Ships from the 12th Fleet were immediately alerted and 12 aircraft carriers and their details at the homebase of Blackwell city were sent out. They would join up with the other 3 aircraft carriers that were already near this foreign oil asset.
The ralkovians immediately launched 30 S1 Dashs to begin light bombardment of the surrounding region.
The ralkovians had hoped that they would be able to take this over before griffincrest found out. If they did however the ralkovians would just say that they were weakening the main force for the griffincrest forces to take over, after all they were allies, supposedly.
The Soviet System
22-09-2008, 01:49
Soviet System forces got reports of the attackers
Telegram to the Ralkovian leadership
I am Ziggard Vosk, I do not want war, please withdraw your forces, or we will get in this as well, to save the people from imperialism
Imperial isa
22-09-2008, 01:50
OOC: 6 billion barrels? Thats nothing. The Saudi Arabian oil fields total over 250 billion of crude oil, and exports nearly 3.4 billion barrels in 2006 alone.
ooc this is NS that mean jack when there nations here that have more oil them
The razafas troops saw the Dashues and fired on them withn there anti-aircrafts guns and missioles to desteroys them. The men cheared as they fitied each missile at thne dahses
22-09-2008, 01:59
(wow at the mention of oil 12 people look at the thread, I write out a great thread and nada)
The ralkovian S1 Dashes easily dodged the missiles and the flak(anti air craft guns fire flak I believe) did little or no damage on the hulls of the S1s. Though there was an indirect destruction of 2 S1s as one dodged the missile and smashed into the other one.
Finally the aircraft arrived over the oil fields and began bombing the nonflammable structures in the region. Meanwhile ralkovian troop carrier planes began their long journey to the region. It would take some time before the 5000 troops arrived.
The Soviet System
22-09-2008, 01:59
Telegram to the Razafas leadership
This is the last chance for help from us, do you want it
The Soviet System
22-09-2008, 02:01
Ziggard Vosk was furious and took his phone and tried to call the Ralkovian leadership by phone
OOC: I would advise you put troops to guard those ares. Griffincrest will go after you.
OOC: Hell, if Griffincrest wants to divert fleets from defense of their national headquarters at this difficult time, I'd be only happy to see them do this... :D
Telegram to the Soviet System leadership
Yes please griffincrest is attacking us
22-09-2008, 02:03
OOC: I'm not griffincrest, I'm RALKOVIA
22-09-2008, 02:04
OOC: I'm gonna pounce on this to protect you from Griffencreast.
To: Razafas
From: Falkasia
The People's Republic of Falkasia would like to knew whether you'd be willing to sell this oil field to us. Not only would this be a wise economic move on your part, but would also protect your developing nation from the tyrannical powers of Griffencreast corporation. Please, if you are interested in selling the field at all, name your price and the money will arrive shortly there after.
The Soviet System
22-09-2008, 02:04
at the word, 6 Carriers and 150 landing ships, (Each with 50 men) Left for the small nation of Razafas, under the command of General Ernesto Cheark
Telegram to the Soviet System leadership
The ralkovians are attacking us please helop us
The Soviet System
22-09-2008, 02:06
Telegram to Razafas
We are sending men, we will help you keep the oil fields, we will protect you
22-09-2008, 02:10
ooc: Uh could you tell me what I destroyed razafas?
The Soviet System
22-09-2008, 02:11
OOC: Well could ya answer my nation's leaders calls lol
To: Falksia
From: Razafas
We have no interesr seling the oul feilds just yet but if you pritect us from the ralkovian who're attacking us we will give you some oil for free
22-09-2008, 02:15
OOC: Griffencrest probably wont be dropping in, what with the corporation under attack and all.
22-09-2008, 02:17
The razafas troops saw the Dashues and fired on them withn there anti-aircrafts guns and missioles to desteroys them. The men cheared as they fitied each missile at thne dahsesOOC: Dude learn to spell.
22-09-2008, 02:17
To: Razafas
From: Falkasia
Regarding: Oil and Warfare
We have no intentions of protecting you from, Ralkovia, as doing so would not only jeopardize our relatively good relations, but also likely cause a power struggle among the international community. However, we might be willing to "interviene" and negotiate a peaceful agreement if the price is right.
The Soviet System
22-09-2008, 02:19
OOC: Dude learn to spell.
Dude, he is a newbie, ok, dont expect perfect grammer
To: Falkasia
From: Razafas
How about 1 billion barrels of oil if you get the ralkovians to stop?
The ralkovians did little damage to the pil fiedl or the men guarding them seeing as they were underground.
(I already answered your leader soviet)
Dude, he is a newbie, ok, dont expect perfect grammer
OOC: Being new to this site is no excuse for poor grammer. Now if English isn't his first language that's a different story.
The Soviet System
22-09-2008, 02:25
(I ment that to Ralkovia lol, a good friend on here of mine)
The Soviet System
22-09-2008, 02:26
OOC: Being new to this site is no excuse for poor grammer. Now if English isn't his first language that's a different story.
True i see ur point, but what if he is a little kid
22-09-2008, 02:26
OOC: Razafas at least take some damage, after all I dropped bombs on an oil field!!!!
The S1s turned around and dropped some bunker busters right on the place the men were hiding in.
22-09-2008, 02:28
To: Falkasia
From: Razafas
How about 1 billion barrels of oil if you get the ralkovians to stop?
The ralkovians did little damage to the pil fiedl or the men guarding them seeing as they were underground.
(I already answered your leader soviet)
How about 1 Billion Barrels every production cycle?
The Soviet System
22-09-2008, 02:28
the SS carriers were in range, about 30 modified F-22's launched of each one, and headed for the Ralkovian ships
22-09-2008, 02:30
OOC: If he is a little kid he should NOT be on this site.
22-09-2008, 02:30
(Dude if you don't rp some damage I will do it for you and I know I can read what he is saying, also razafas if you have the same setup as me there is a spell check in the middle of the toolbar that you can use if you have trouble spelling)
The Soviet System
22-09-2008, 02:32
(Well Ralkovia as he gets used to RPing on a forum battle my forces lol)
True i see ur point, but what if he is a little kid
OOC: Then a certain amount of understanding is appropriate, but he should still be encouraged to improve. As should you.
OOC: If he is a little kid he should NOT be on this site.
OOC: Beat me to it.
22-09-2008, 02:36
The F-22s were met with gatling guns and a whole crap load of missiles.
Telegram to soviet
WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. You have 10 Satellites with 20 250 megaton nukes aimed over your homeland give up or you will have these dropped right over you land you have 10 seconds to respond
OOC: I'm not a kid I am 15 for your information. Its just that English isn't my first language and I'm tired as hell.
The Soviet System
22-09-2008, 02:39
the landing craft landed, unloading some 3,000 men who ran to the oil fields
Telegram to Ralkovia,
I will leave this alone if you do to, maybe we should have a meeting to talk this out, use diplomacy before force
(If u nuke me, it will blow up the how time lineish thing our nations have lol)
The Soviet System
22-09-2008, 02:40
OOC: I'm not a kid I am 15 for your information. Its just that English isn't my first language and I'm tired as hell.
OOC: Hey i was just trying to help ya newbie
22-09-2008, 02:44
OOC: I know its more of a threat then an action....BLAHHHHHH Also Razafas I don't care if your a 15 year old female orangutan with a small red hat and whose name is Bo-bo just rp some losses please.
The S1s returned back to the carriers.
OOC: I'm not a kid I am 15 for your information. Its just that English isn't my first language and I'm tired as hell.
That's a valid excuse, then. English is rather a crazy language.
The Soviet System
22-09-2008, 02:46
The SS men setup around the field as they waited for the tanks to arrive
22-09-2008, 02:46
OOC:What is your first language?
ooc: I actually speak hebrew, I moved to America about 2 month ago from Israel. My English is not perfect though. I am trying to improve.
The Soviet System
22-09-2008, 02:51
OOC: Ok, now RP some loses before Ralkovia gets mad and takes u off the map with nukes, cause u dont need to RP nuke loses, cause everyone dies lol
22-09-2008, 02:52
Ooc: Great now I feel bad for invading one of my own. Your Jewish right Razafas?
22-09-2008, 02:52
OOC:Welcome to America. Sorry about insulting you.
The Soviet System
22-09-2008, 02:55
Telegram to Ralkovia
Please let us settle this with diplomacy, should we meet on a carrier of yours?
22-09-2008, 02:55
ooc: איפה בישראל אותך מ
22-09-2008, 02:56
OOC: Yes, welcome. I used to live in Germany for about 7 years in Ramstein. Then I come back home to America and felt out of place, lol.
Ooc: Your hebrew is worse than my English Ralkovia
22-09-2008, 02:57
Telegram to Soviet
We shall meet at the oil fields of razafas. When my army has conquered theres
OOC: Nothing personal Razafas
The Soviet System
22-09-2008, 03:01
The tanks had landed, 700 tanks and 3,000 men got ready to defend the place
22-09-2008, 03:04
Ralkovian air assets began to bombard the oil field again and again.
(Okay lets use english, I am not good with hebrew I haven't used it since my trip to israel almost 5 years ago, but the west banks are dangerous aren't they?)
The Soviet System
22-09-2008, 03:07
the ss men took cover, the F-22's hat survived, (Only 20 in all) Came to take out the ralkovian planes
22-09-2008, 03:18
The incoming S1 came behind the F22s and began to engage them with Spray missiles.
The Soviet System
22-09-2008, 03:24
The F-22's dodged the missiles and maneuvered behind the S1's and fire there missiles
(OKay I'm back an we pplay)
22-09-2008, 23:13
The F-22s were now facing 2 threats, the S1s and the S5s that were taking off the carriers. The F-22s were also being surrounded by F-22s launched from the carriers. They were going to be in a world of trouble soon.
The Soviet System
22-09-2008, 23:19
The F-22's flew away, heading back to the SS, as the men took shelter
22-09-2008, 23:23
I used to live in Germany for about 7 years in Ramstein
OOC:Sie lebte in Deutschland?