Operation Maruader (CLOSED Roef ONLY)
roef, i know you told me to wait untill after your oil war, but i cant be buggered waiting so im starting it now, theres a thing called fluid time. in this RP im assuming that you had ended your little war come home with or without your oil. and havnt been invaded since. so yes. think of this RP as a few years after your Oil war Kpls thx.(if you ignore this fine, but thats just showing the NS community you cant handle a good RP (not intended to be Flamebaiting)).
A eager young seaman skidded to a halt outside a steel door on a freighter near Roef'ian waters, a with a broad smile he opened the door to the captains room and began to annouce
"We ha---"
"Shut up, were in Roef'ian waters i know, unfurl the Lynion flag and hoist it up, show the lynion colors for all intents and purposes we are lynion? got it? good."
the Seamans smile was wiped of his face, as he dejectadly complied with the orders the captain, stil hunched over his desk began to finish assembling his model boat.
Edge of Roef Waters.
The lone cargo freight slid into roef waters, not long after bearing lynion colors it was going to see if the Roef was willing to back up there words, when they threataned to capture and take any lynion vessel within there waters.
Cargo Containers lined the deck, and men walked about in lynion uniforms.
"Phase one is a go" said the captain into the radio as they began to journey into Roef waters, looking for a military vessel.
ooc; Roef, this means that boat looks like Lynions which you said you would board take and or destroy, so go ahead and board my boat( dont worr Lynion wont jump in i discussed it with him earlier) This also means. you dont know its my ship, and in no way can you tell its mine. end of ooc comment.
OOC: Yea i get that :).
"As you all know, our economy is dying." Said President Algo to the Goverment.
"And i know, that many troops found death at the oil war for Great Hanika. But they know the danger. We do, all we can to make sure our forces survive. But the oil is needed in Roef, that coud make our economy rise. And than we will be powerful again!"
the goverment was silency talking to each other.
"I know how to do thi..."
"President!" a massanger yelled as he run into the door "Our satelites show us, that a lynion ship is nearing our waters! They are coming, with high speed, and are sure here, to scout, before the invsion!" He said.
"But, there will be no invasion! I thought we are in peace-times!" The president screamed.
"Not enymore... What to do?!"
"Send the Iron fist fleet! Let them go to the lynion ship, enter it, kill everybody and capture the ship!" Yelled the president to the massager.
The man runned out of the door, heading to the navy base.
After an hour or so, 4 battleships headed toward the lynion ship, that had just entert Roef-ian waters. The Padama, The Towna, The Ralka and the Yniko where the iron fist fleet, and where filled with 2000 marines each.
ooc: roef, also i'll give you a chance to change your battleships to something smaller, because with what i got planed you shouldnt lose something that big ok? im looking out for you.
The freighter continued on its course, appearing to not take notice of its impending doom, even if they could spot the Roef ships from far away they continued on there course.
In the cargo hold
"Will these be ready for quick deployment?"
"sure, pop the hatch and let it fly it will all be good"
"it better."
occasionally thorughout the ship, the odd crew member or so slid a mag into thererifle and cocked it, else where on the ship it was being done also.
OOC: Change to smaller? But now, i am sure to conquer that ship.
The Iron Fist fleet was nearing the Lynion ship. As one of them said: "Enemy on Radar!"
The fleet was two miles from the Lynion ship, and was ready to fight for Roef.
"Atention all marines in the iron fist fleet:" a machine said, and everybody coud hear "There is an Lynion ship 2 miles away. Load all the harpoon shooters, artillery and your own weapons." The marines where loadingas fast as they coud, until only 500 meters from te Lynion ship.
"Fire a harpoon!" A commander yelled.
The ships each fired 1 harpoon, all headed toward the Lynion ship.
ooc: I warned you, now dont go all angry and such or call names ok? coz i did warn you im trying to play nice and keep this moving smoothly even if it means revealing my plans.
The "Lynion" ship waited, the Harpoons peirced the deck, and inresponse the cred on the deck bolted into the cargo contains in fear, screaming
"OMG WERE GONNA DIE OH NO" a pretty convincing act.
The ship slowed to a halt.
"LAUNCH!" screamed someone from inside the ship, underwater whole sections of the boat droped off the hull, the frighter sunk into the water by a few good meters, the battleships only 50 odd meters away now, the the cargo containers split open, revealing four Navel guns and a single odd looking missle launcher.
the four turrets each of 5'' calibur, pivoted and opened fire right into the destroyer that was closest, while the single RGM-84 launcher pivoted and fired into the second closest battleship.
ooc: i warned you, now there is no way possible that i am going to miss, but sad thing is im probably going to be sunk too :( aww. poop. but yes. one frieghter for a battleship fair go. and i did warn you Mr Roef. never. ever think my stuff is what it looks like. ever.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RGM-84_Harpoon thats four of them rockets right at one of your battleships.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/5%22/54_caliber_Mark_45_gun thats the 4'' which is 4 of them shooting at one battleship.
OOC: Nice, but i want to give 1 battleship for the Roef-ian safety.
"Fire back!" Yelled a commander, as his battleship got hit.
The other battleship, the Towna, sunk into the bottom of the sea...
The ships fired, and the enemy ship got hit by a lot of harpoons and turrets on the battleships.
"Hold your fire! It is going down!" Yelled the commander after 20 seconds.
The Lynion ship sunk, and some of the crew people jumped off.
One of the battleships, let out a boat to take the crew as prisoners.
After a few minutes, 4 man where captured and brought on the ship deck.
"Are you from lynion, and who is your commander?!" Yelled a luitanant.
"I will not tell you!" Said one of the prisoners.
"Very well..." The luitanant called the commander and said:
"He is not talking, what now?"
"I will finish him off." Said the commander as he pulled a 12mm gun.
He raised it, and said: "Answer, or i will do it."
"Three!"..."Two!"..."One!" BOOM! The commader shot the man in his face and the man fell down, dead as hell...
"Anybody else for a one-time trip to dead people land?"
ooc: roef, theres something wrong with your post, you noticed when i shot you i didnt say it hit? i said oocly, at this arange it cant miss. so in future, when you shoot at me or something please extend them the right by saying
"I shoot at you" instead of "I shoot at you and hit, this many surviour" because the last one is agaisnt the rules, and many people do not like that. it is bad do you under stand?
no lemme fix this. it would be more like.
The Roefian weapons fired at the Lynion ship.
and i would be like.
The ship was hit, as rounds penetrated the hull.
Im the one who says whats hit because it is MY ship. not yours.
also please try not to use many curse words thank you.
The Lynion ship appeared to have sunk, and with it, a single Roefian Battleship( i assume at least one was suck with all the missles you did say they hit?).
The three remaining crewmen, who were captured each looked at each other quickly, before the jumped backwards of the back of the ship and sunk into the ocean, under the sea the deep blue seen, the four "ejected" parts of the ship came to life, infact they were each min submerines the men who dived down clined to the underside and released the oxygen maskes on tat particular modle, and hand on for there lives, The four subs, pivoted and each fired there four missles ( 4 x 4) of torpedos and one of the battleship before running away at top speed.
ooc: i have my surviours your got your two battleships left, or 2 battleships and 1 really badly hurt one which cant move, so it can be like a plot device.
OOC: No, one is sunk, 1 is hit, 1 is 100% good, and 1 is very, very hurt and is returning to Roef.
And, if you say you are 50 meter from my ship, thats 1 street, my harpoons will hit, thats just true.
O, and these crewman's where caputed, with rope to a chair... But, anyway...
"Ah, well. Atleast Roef is safe. Send out the small ships, to find any survivers." Said commander Hogrot, the commander of the fleet.
The hurt ship, started to return home. The other tow, coud go on full speed, but the 100% good one, stayed with the hurted one. The goverment of Roef desided it wasnt good like this, and wanted to take away these attacks. For this, the navy started to use the budget, in reparing the hurted ship, and building new ones.
12 F-35 planes took off, as mission to scout around the places of sea, where more Lynion ships where coming, to invade Roef. They got premission, to bomb all lynion ship heading near Roef or Roef waters.
ooc: before i post again roef out of four battle ships please tell me there status i got confused.
BS 1 is hurt
BS2 is not hurt at all.
BS3 i dont know
BS4 i think is sunk?
1: Sunk
2: Not hurt at all.
3: Hurt a bit
4: hurt badly, and is now on the way to Roef.
"Here F-35 BTH 47. I see a Lynion ship nearing Roef waters... Over."
"Here Airforce base. Hold your fire, if it enters Roef waters, we wil see with the satelite. Return home. Over."
ooc: Thanks roef, if i didnt post in a bit it is because i lost the thread ...
Not so close towards Roef waters(ooc: meaning not near you yet.) A semi-large fleet of Kewenwarships had finish there transformation. the hull's had been painted over in grey, and anything that could reveal there true origin.
"Sir, we have recovered the micro subs" an Officer said as he strolled onto the bridge, wiping a spec off of his plain grey uniform
"Very good, whats the report" asked the captain apprehensivly, as he sipped from his cup of coffee.
"The Volo is lost with all hands, except the few who made it on the subs, one Roef Battleship sunk, Two damaged, there navel capacity has been diminished reccomended course of action is to go ahread with phase two?"
"Aye, sounds like a plan all ships ahead full breech the Roef boundaries in four hours."
So the fleet headed to roef.
In space, a kewen "commercial" satalite stopped broadcasting its usual propagandand changed course and orbit to allign itself with roef.
1 "tanker"
4 End all Battleships
12 Battle Axe Crusiers
18 Piji Class Aresenal shippies.
24 Hopper class mini subs.
3 landing craft.
200,000 Troops
400 Tanks
200 of varying Artillery
4 UAV's.
OOC: Orbit to allign istself with Roef? Means you tell who you are?
And, all my troops are fighting in a real, real war, so i got about 4000 for me now.
"The Lynion army's are going to invade! There is no change they wont, they attacked, and i suggest sending a large army, to guard roef and such. Our forces are at Greak Hanika, and i dont even think of taking them back. Only, if we need them hard." Spoke General Hairleg. "We will send the navy, and make them dont even to try to come to Roef." He said as nobody spoke.
The new ruler of the nation, King Remijnse, spoke to them: "I, suggest, that we send some subs to. And a lot of planes, to make sure any invasion will stop.
As you know, President Algo didnt do well. He ruined our economy, and failed our nation. I, shall change this. " He said as he stood up.
One hour later:
The full Roef-ian navy was on the move. All of them, where send to defend, from whatever coud happen.
4 aircraft carriers
12 battleships
7500 troops
47 MBT-11 tanks
70 Thunder-2 artillery
23 subs
ooc: no, my satalites go everywhere there "commercial" also, caan you be clearer by what you mean with your troops, and ships as in where are you putting them? but thats later. ALso, using the two battleships i damaged is suicidal never send hurt things into bttle it will just end up getiing blammoed.(destroyed). also why do you have troops and stufff in your navy, it should be home in your country/land.
The Kewen Satalite, achived orbit around Roef not long later that day, it also began its usuaal commercial propaganda, but it was also spying on the Roef'ians, and transmitting data to the disguised kewen fleet.
"Sir, EIS 012 has reported that Roef has mobilised its fleet, what are our orders?"
"leave the Piji classes here, tell em to keep the tubes ready, i want crusiers on point, mini subs active, i have a feeling they might have a few underwater surprises, other then that, change course see if we can go around them and straight to the Roef mainland.
As the fleet of Roef still didnt noticed something in this time, they feared an invasion was plaaned, or already operated. For this, the Navy sended some extra ships and subs.
Lat post, i sad full navy, well its not fully, only a piece.
With Careful manovering, and stealthly avoidance of the RoefianNavy Phase three was ready for the green light.
"Command, this is Hammer, phase three is a go mobalising now"
The small uncolored fleet amde full speed for the Roefian mainland which was just in sight, a beach had been selected for its remote ness and general eazyness to land in.
The Piji class brought up the rear.
It wouldnt be long, before the navy made landfall, and the invasion would truley begin.
ooc: hope you dont mind roef, im just wanting a ground battle as well.
The base alarm got off, at the Roef-ian military bases.
The fleet was spotted by military satelites, with beter camera's and such.
The full navy was set in, just as the airforce.
All jets, like the F-35's, took off with a simple goal: Sink all enemy ships and secure the mainland. As the invasion woud begin soon, the Roef president was taken in a helicopter, to a colony of Roef. The loyal sergeant, John Hollister, woud lead the defence of Roef, and lead the nation until the President got back.
As all ships gone away, filled with marine and infantery, and all planes went to the fleet, filed with bombs, Roef was sure they where safe.
OOC: Well, i dont mind, just a small bit... I more like ground fights, i like airforces to... But, no problem.
O, and this was a kind of training war right? Or, first you said it was, well, what if i lose?
Do's that mean, i am a colony or will i be free anyway? Just wanted to know...
ooc: Its a Training war, but if you lose, basically ima setup shop in your nation, make sure you dont get into any fights fix ur militarywith my 12 trillion $ defense budget but yes, you'll be free, but ill be looking over your shoulder to make sure you get into no fights. if i win.
As the fleet drew nearer to the beach, the troop landing craft beached themselves and hundreds of Infantry and tanks poured out of the craft, it wasnt long before the Tanker beached part of itself too, the front part of it swung down and Tanks by the dozens streamed out in neat lines followed by Various Anti Aircraft vechiles.
"Sir, shall we commence phase 4?"
"Wait a bit, we need to deal with the Roef Airforce, whats the status on there leader"
"all reports show, he has fled his country like the coward he is"
"Good,good, launch four EuroFighters, tell me to destroy any outbound airtransports"
The Four Eurofighters, launched from the tanker without a problem and immeidatly spedup to a spped of about Mach 1.5 as they rocketed from there intended target, it wasnt long beforea handful of F-35's launched from the Tanker/carrier too, the AA system was primed on the ships.
As almost four to twenty linebacker tanks came out(these are big mean and Nasty AA tanks.)
ooc: can you please tell me exactly what your sending when you send it in the post. i.e roef full fleet went to attack the invaders, they had a battleship etc..
OOC: I dont fully know, but i think around 55 battleships, and for the airforce, the biggest military in Roef, around 200 jets or something.
And you cant know my leader fled, he moved to a colony but you coudnt know.
And my people finaly discovert it was you.
As the F-35 army arrived, they heard fire from artillery and other jets.
All of them started to drop some bombs on these ships, and to fire at all enemys.
On the MainLand:
As the fleet of Kewen sjips neared Roef, the new president, President Hollister, ordert an defencive line up on the beach. All Roef troops where brought there, and to defend the beaches, they digged holes to shoot from, with a good cover, and they set up other defenives, like mines and such.
ooc: im already on the beach, read my posts carefully roef, Im on the beach, ands its pretty easy for me to know your leader fled, since my sat is above you and i would be able to see a single out bound chopper with NO ESCORST too late now. i think hes dead :( i will weep for him, and before you doubt weather a satalite can see a helo the CIA can see the date a coin was made, if it was the rigth way up (by looking down from space). Also , im going to pretend you setup your defense futher up the beach.
you cant hear fire from my artillery, because they are not shooting. and my jets arnt shooting either, so i dont know what your looking at Roef read peoples posts closely please.
ALso, roef when dropping bombs on something specify a target, and also say what type of bombs i.e f-35 drops bomb on ship. could mean the f-35 droped a grenade onto a toy boat. or The F-35 dropped its LGM-40(made up i think) onto the Battleship, means you cant possible get that mixed up
also say how high you dropped them from.
The Bombs dropped by the F-35's out of them, a few dozen or so were intercepted by Hard Kill systems , and some of them just missed, not being guided munitions of any kind.
The Grey f-35's pulled a hard right and began to climb high into the skye, for no reason apparently, thats when the AA batteries on the ground opened up, mount on ships tanks and hand held a total of 323 FIm-92 American Stinger Missles zipped up towards the large group of f-35's
(next time tell people what formation they are flying in 1. makes em hard to hit 2. allows the other guy to know what and where they are kinda and 3. its also so you can say "well they were in a box so yea you couldnt hit them then another post they were spread out tht bomb wouldnt work!)
On the ground on the beach, the enemy was seen ahead, such as men in the open, and men half digging holes perfect for an attack, the tanks rolled forward a bit while the infantry filled behind and too the sides of them, thats when the "big" guns came out, almost 20 Barrager Artillery Units, mounted onto the frame of an Enlarged Pzh2000, equiped with two 155mm cannons and various targeting system, some people called it genious others callled it a cheap way of feilding two Pzh2000's but the kewen called it fun.
A Almost comical looking general popped up from the top of a tank pointed at the enemy troops that were in front of them, planting mines and digging forts, he snorted
"These fools are building defenses RIGHT WERE WE CAN SEE THEM!"
his words were drowned out as the Barragers opened fire, 20 tanks firing each two rounds the first rounf then the second round moments later, and by that time another one had loaded allowing for a total of 160 Artillery shells in a matter of five minutes to land amongst the enemy troops.
The three Eurofighters, which had managed to sneak away activated there after burners and with guidance from the Satalies homed in on the transport carrying the presisdent.
Meanwhile in space...
The kewen commercial satalites had been edging closer and closer to there roefian counter parts, then suddenly they began to frantically collide with the roef ones, kewen had satalites by the bucket load, but command thought roef didnt so this was deemed acceptable, stalites began streaming from everywhich way on suicide runs.
ooc: roef, you started building defenses in plain view, thats a bad idea, also you didnt bring along artillery worse idea, now if you troops are plant
OOC: I did brought artilley... A well.
As the enemy tanks started to fire there rounds, and the artillery started to rumble, the Roef-ian troops tryd to cover themself, and just hope to survive.
An commander of a division gave order to fire the artillery back, and to let all the MBT-11's fire too. And moments after this, an artillery weapon, missile or bomb, hit the commander, and he was dead before the smoke was gone...
After they lost on of there commanders, there artillery and tanks started to fire, explosions in the side of the enemy, and also on there own side.
A general runned toward the beach, and gave his 2 divisions the order to pull back, to the more hidden, stronger and secret defencive lines. With these divisions, some artillery moved out to...
Also how many planes did i kill? also, the fact is i shot upwards of 100 artillery shells at your troops and i only killed one commander? also if your running that means your in the open again so that means you would be flattened by artillery read my post i was using ARTILLERY not tanks.
With the Roef'ians retreating back towards there lines, the Kewen troopers followed yellling random things in rroaf at the enemy like coward, and your mother was a bad shot they followed up the hill, when they came to the area with the land mines, which was mostly unfinished they marked it our for excavation, they alos threw all the remaining landmiens which were just lying around into a pile to be taken away and reused, the tanks leading the change Then began to fire at the retreating enemy Tanks, Artillery and troopers.
about fourty men in totaldied from the roef return fire, The Artillery units, reloaded and prepared to fire another salvo while the tanks lined up a shot and used there main cannons a pair of 125mm ETC tank guns on the retreating enemy Artillery, which owuld be slow and ponderous to move.
While theKewen Infantry began to shoot at the exposed Roef forces running away.
(roef most modern artillersy dont run anywhere fast so unless you put them on trucks which you didnt you either left them there or they are going to die really soon)
I didnt tell howmany people died, because, how coud i know acacly?! How many planes DIED?! First,they crash, dont die... And i think just about 15%, because all airforce was set in.
And howm any of YOUR ships sunk, as i sended my FULL airforce with bombs?
With a lot of troops dead, some artillery destroyed and some tanks destroyed, the Roef-ian forces pulled back to the better, bigger and more secret defences, in the woods behind the beach (OOC: That means, a beach, and than a forest).
The Airforces that tryd to bomb the enemy ships, but now a bit smaller as some where shot down by kewen ships, started to return to Roef, and as they found enemy's attacking the beach, they dropped as much bombs they coud and than flew away again...
One of the battleships, having taken the brunt of the enemy bombing run finaly broke under the pressure, lucky for it it was in shallow water and when it sunk more then half of it remained above water, but it would never leave Roefian Shores again.
Anther cruiser had sustained minor damage, its deck set alight the crew began to furiously battle the flames.
The Kewen troops rathere then purse the Roef troops futher up the mountain, they began to roll out various types of equipment namely prefrabricated bunkers which were just large steel domes.
A single kewen soilder in camo uniform snuck forward towards the roefian lines, he carried only a single gun and on his back a backpack sized transponder.
As the Roef-ian troops arrived at there better and stronger defences, they saw a new thing:
A new kind of war-vehicle, just a armed car, with a large gun mounted on it...
Thousands of Troops stood there, and on the ground where some coverd troops, to make sure no enemy spy could check out.
As lines and lines of MBT-11's and lines of artillery stood there, in the open spot in the middle of the forest, the Kewen soldiers and tanks had no change of getting further.
And as the navy finaly arrived at the beach, they only saw a lot of enemy ships but; no troops of Roef... They feared for the worst, but they where smart enough, just to open fire upon the Kewen ships. Around 100 battleships fired there artillery and cannons, the mai nguns and the harpoond, all heading toward the Kewen ships on the beach...
The kewen troops where circled, navy behind them, artillery and tanks before them and, soon enough, even the airforce was sure to return with more bombs and missiles...
ooc: roef, just no. im serious i am lenient but there is bloody way you can come close, EVER to affording 100 battleships, our defense bugest is amost a million i think or more than im not sure, my four battleships cost me. lets see give or take ONE HUNDRED MILLION so , if i decided to say your battleships were each 1 million it would cost you one hundred million for your battle ship fleet, then theres the ammo crew training fuel, supplies, etc it adds up.
Roef please be reasonable tune down your numbers of ships please, i mean before you said you had 50 now its 100? make up your mind. also if you have 100 battleships they would be very very lame. maybe Pre ww 1 era, as you dont have enougbh money to feild them no offense roef, but people have warned you. I can afford 100 Battleships because my budget is in the trillions(12+ to be exact) i dont think you can. so please change it.
gah never midn above statemnet, what im getting at is with 217 billion dollars in defense budget, you cant afford to have 100 battleships not to mention cruiers subermians and all that then there is your airforce each f-35 is a billion in itsself almost probably more and your tanks artillery and land base please roef be reasonable.
OOC: I see, you say, you can sent, lets say, 400 battleships, the best of the best, 1000 tanks, 7000 artillery's and 450.000 troops? And there i am, with my 50 battleships, 100 tanks and 100.000 troops? No, dont think so.
I would even more likely go for a russian-style. Now, as my battleships shot on yours, you need to tell me the damage. And a F-35's would cost 1 billion, if you BUY it, i MAKE them, then they are cheaper, and the same go's for these battleships!
I would never win than! If you come with an army of 700.000 things, i cant win from them with 200.000!
As the battleships fired from behind, and the troops forward, the Airforce sended all jets, all F-35's, all F-22's and EVERYTHING, to bomb these guys away.
The troops forward, where still changing the defences, to make sure they where coverd, and to place an machine gun on everything.
oc: roef, did i say i have fuve hundred, roef simply put you cant have these battleships this is wshat you call in a RP wank. now like most people this Rp isnt going anywhere till we come till a agreement.
Roef, remember what i said when i talked to you about setting up this thread
"I will not bring more then TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND TROOPS which is 200,000 people.
Im not invading you in the literal sense, this RP is as much a training war then a real one, now let me explain IF i win, i wouldnt DO anything, IF i lose nothing would happen. This war is just for fun. for nothing. its just to show NS you can RP normally.
just taje it easy, im not going to invade and crush you. im your friend remember? im here to help you. remember what we agreed on thourhgh Telegrams you acting as if i would go back on my wordd. im not.
The troops on the beach, sat tight not wanting to get killed they hid behind anything they could possibly find, in the end only about twelve were killed from the enemy troop attacks.
The Artilllery opened fire again, with another 160 round strike in the space of a few minutes. The scout stood still and waiting for the strike and when it began to hit, he jumped forward threw the backpack into the enemy camp and ran away really fast.
Again the Air Defense System was on, if a plane came NEAR the fleet, it would be shot down.
( that means you cant fly above me and say you drop bombs in one post, it means if you try and get near me i will shot your planes down.)
On the Navel side, one battleship was heavily damaged, and again "half" sunk down onto the beach, the lighter crusiers were smart enough to get the hell out of there.
Under the water several dozen small mini subs stealthly made there way towards the battleships
(Roef, you CANNOT SEE THE SUBS one. battleships dont have the right equipment 2. there buzy atm. and yea you just cant see them.)
The ships returned fire with various types of shells and few rockets.
It was time for the Piji class to shine, rechiving targeting data from the rest of the ships, the three Piji class ships firing fifty Tomahawk Criuse missles each, and then began to prepare and reload, the one hundred and fifty criuse missles streaked to the air and to the roef fleet.
(tomahaawks cant be intercepted and usually hit FYI and if you dont belive me google it.)
As enemy artillery began to fire, bombs and missiles dropped into the camp of the Roef-ian soldiers. After a few minutes, they decided that, if they stayed, they woud die.
All the tanks where ready to role, and where set out to attack the attacking troops.
Every soldier, whas to pick up his gun, ammo and machine gun.
They run toward the beach, and soon all Roefian artillery fired toward enemy grounds.
The President got a massage, telling they where attacking again.
He decided, that if they needed to, they woud blow up the beach for good, killing all soldiers, even Roef-ian soldiers... But the Roef troops where still attacking, and shooting all the rounds an bullets they got...
ooc: roef, again you havnt told me about anyone that has died, neither have you mentioned my cruise missle strike on your navy in your own words
And howm any of YOUR ships sunk, as i sended my FULL airforce with bombs?
but for me more like
And howm any of YOUR ships sunk, as a large amount of missles at them.
ALso, how many artillery tanks did i kill, as i said if they were at your holes they wouldnt be able to run that fast, and if you have more at your second line say how more, i cant givey ou damage if you say " i shoot you" you need to tell me how much you are shooting at me.
OOC: Everybody is shooting, its war... Ships sunk by bombs:
2 battleships
Ships sunk by missiles: 4
I dont got artillery tanks, only tanks and artillery. But you blew up some yes.
Roef ian forces runned forward, as enemy artillery was still shooting,they set in all military they got on this place. The cars with guns mounted on it, drived forward... Guns shooting, bullets flying everywhere, and people fell down dead. The Roef troops died from enemy's, but a lot of bullets where fired toward Kewen soldiers.
President Hollister, was meating his goverment.
"Our forces are getting killed, and we need more powers. I suggest, making a cut on other things, like religion, until the end of the war. Than we have a bigger change to win, we could send a new army of tanks, of cars and artillery. We must, we cant lose Roef on this, and there isnt even a good reason for it. I want to know, what they want. If they, just want money, we can give it, if they want much money, we gotta fight." Said James Volgarania, minister of defence.
"Yes, but i think, that we cant cut to much... We could, order all people in Roef, to bring there cars to military bases, we will set a machine gun on each one, and we can role with a new power." Said the minister of administration.
"Agree. I will order all people, to come with there cars and we will take them to war, and maybe w could even make some man join the army. We will say, that if they fight, and survive, we will pay the costs of there cars, plus a bit more cash..." Said President Hollister.
After about an hour, already 25 cars with guns on it, where roling toward the beach, to defend from enemy attacks. More would follow...
OOC: Sending a posts, afraid you lost it...
ooc: Dang, soory roef, i thought i posted i think jolt ate my post never fear! i shall post quite soon.
OOC: Sure, it only means my military can grow :P And, my defence budget is now about 3 times as high as first!
The kewen soilders, for the most part were unharmed by the roef attacks, the Roefians had nothing to stop the tanks 50cal bullets and gun trucks would never stop almost two hundred tonnes of tanky goodness, and they didnt with the infantry hiding behind the wall of fury, the tanks continued to fire at the oncoming trucks, not moving letting the weak civillian/military vechils rush them.
The troops who couldnt hide, died, some ran back into the ships but most stayed and waited for the enemy to get a little bit closer.
Again the Pijiclass Arsenal ships fired about one hundred and fourty cruise missles at the roefian navel group, but the kewen were lucky this time losing only a little to return fire. one of the crusiers, having run aground on the beach not wanting to be sunk and taking shelter behind a leaning battleship, directed its navel guns to the shore, usually they wouldo f aims instead they pointed it at the enemy troops and began letting loose hordes of bullets and missles.
the kewen f-35's were all shot down and one point, the last of them exploding into a big fireball.
the three Eurofighter 2000's neared towards Algos transport, locking onto it they fired at it with there machine guns and rockets.
The Roefian navy fired a lot of harpoons to the beach, attacking the enemy troops of Kewen. As the small, weak cars with guns on it, moved toward the beach, firing as much before getting destroyed by enemy troops. The Roef infantery started to fire all the artillery toward the enemy troops and ships. After not to much time, the Roef beach was full of holes from artillery, dead body's, sunken ships on the beach, and more agressive people. As the situation was getting worse, and the defence budget is getting higer, the military sended new recruits, a bit trained, and a lot of new tanks. With this new army, the Kewen troops had less change to win. The kewen navy fired 140 missiles, and they hit the Roef navy hard. 2 most damaged battleships sunk, never to leave this area, now named: "Battlefield harbor", and the marines swimed toward the other navy ships, or toward the beach, in hope to steal a kewen gun, and shoot a lot of other troops before getting killed...
ooc: roef, you cant train and send new troops with your bugedt during a war, you dont do that its Bad RPing and most people dont like it, i know i dont. so please dont do it.
OOC: Well, i can now, my budget is 3 times higer, so i can train some new... Even if you dont like it, if during a war, my budget is 3 times as high as first, i can buy more weapons, that means more troops.
OOC: Please respond Kewen. Just saying, might had lost the thread...
ooc: roef, lemme put it plain and simple. YOU CANT TRAIN AND BUY MORE TROOPS. not with an "incrsed budget" in the RP this is IN ONE DAY, and your budget has not increased, in the RP your defense budget is as high as it was when we started, no more no less, give or take i'd say in IC terms this has been going on for almost four to five hours our little war, and in that time your defense budget will not increase and you wouldnt have time to train a new group of soilders.
Inside the bridge of the tanker
"Admiral, we are getting hit hard, we still are fighting at near enough full capacity, the Roefians dont have the firepower large enough to penetrate our tanks, and our troops are safe, but for how long I dont know"
"Give prject freebird a go" the admiral replied, standing oer a map
"are you sure?"
"Yes, give the authorisation, and make sure it happens fast"
Somewhere inside the ship, someone was laughing..
With most roefian tanks gone, and none in sight, except the gun trucks and infantry, the tanks eld a counter charge, there was still three hundred of them less, each near one hundred and fifty tonnes of Armoured fury, and machine gun rounds were not going to stop them.
A tank command popped up from his hatch, pointed at the enemy with a lazer designator and bellowed "BRING ME CLOSER! I WANT TO USE MY SWORD!" as his tank, shortly followed by the other three hundred began to drive towards the roefian troops like the fist of a god, to a blashphemer.
"Damit" cried someone before more explosions rocked the lines, the roefian artillery was doing a number with more and more troops dying giving a estimate, only a hundred mayhbe a thousand or two troops were left on the beach.
The Piji class changed target, using the targeting from the laser designator, they sent a small barrage of fifty missles directly at the roefian Tanks.
The only Battleship still floating, and the few crusiers it still had with itturned about nd charged at the roefian navy.
50 missiles flew toward the Roefian tanks, and most hit. After the attack, only 8 tanks where left on teh beach. A few where at the second defence place, and the artillery where there to, still shooting a few rounds. The Roef-ian troops, only about 3000 troops, started to run and attack Kewens side of the beach. Now, the 8 tanks left started to fire a lot of rounds. The navy of Roef, 3 battleships and 6 cruisers, started to fire on the battleship and cruisers of Kewen. The attack cars drived on the sand, and after a few seconds, they started to fire more rounds on the enemys. Even a few more cars where driving toward the beach. Unharmed, they where a way to win this war. With a few thousand troops, 8 tanks, 20 cars, 3 battleships and 6 cruisers, they could lose or win. They knew, the Kewen attack was almsot over, and the troops where almost dead too... But they coudnt know, that there where coming more adventures in this war...
Buddha C
09-10-2008, 16:49
[OOC: Ah yes, but as you stated it's fluid time. Which would mean that he'd have time to start training them during the battle, and in about a month of fluid time (which could, theoretically, be one RL day) he would have new divisions of troops with guns that may or may not be new.]
OOC: CANT YOU READ?! OOC comments GO AWAY! You are the first one, to dont lissen to these clear orders!
Buddha C
09-10-2008, 17:02
[OOC: True, and yet I'm going to keep leaving messages to just annoy you. :D <3 u! PARA VIDA!!!!]
OOC: Sure, i will just report you or something. Post comment on BOTHERING ROEF 2.
Buddha C
09-10-2008, 17:03
[OOC: Nahhh, that's less fun, dude. Haha, so how was your day? :D]
OOC: Good, now please, only post on other thread, with OOC. Not here. Thanks.
Buddha C
09-10-2008, 17:11
[OOC: Of course I'll stop posting here, buddy. :D]
Buddha C
09-10-2008, 17:15
[OOC: No problem, dude.]
ooc: Tally ho! a thread Hijacker, bring the main cannons to bear, load the Bean bags! prepare for broadside! *broadsides you out of this thread*
Roef, it would really help if you told me exactly what you are shooting at.
In the Navel engagemnt, the kewen ships were losing and it was obvious, but they were happy for they knew what they had to do, and do it they did, Torpedos were fire at the enemy ships, and a crusier began to well and truely sink from the roefian incoming fire, but for the most part the kewen ships did not shoot, instead each ship broke off and singled out a single Roefian ship, there intent was to ram and suicide.
ooc: roef, i am assuming your attack cars and everything is now directly infront of me? since your on the sand so that means you are more or less driectly in the open.
Surprised by the roef attack, a few hundred soilders were wounded, some died but mostly it was light wounds and bullet wounds, with the enemy in clear sight, the tanks accelerated to max speed, ignoring the Roefian guntrucks they headed straight for the Roefian infantry, intent to run over and mow them down with machine guns.
Kewen troops with rockets, aimed at the guntrucks and tanks and fired missles at them, ranging from the cheap RPG-7 to the american Javalin missle system.
(the rocket from cod4 which goes up into the sky and down upon a tank)
meanwhile, on another part of roef, a small fleet of attack helicopters and transport planes, launched from another kewen transport before leaving the area drew closer to Roef soil, the assult force which already landed was only to secure a beach head, so that was only a quater of the invasion force, the beach force had only about a few thousand troops out of the alloted two hudnred thousand personall, while the air assult force had near enough the same amount, but minus the ground support they only had light vechiles APC's and HUmmvees.
The three EF-2000's came back around and shot more at Presidient Algos transport.
OOC: Not in open, in a few holes, and at the last side of the beach, about 50 meters from yours.
'Incoming tanks!' cried a soldier as kewen tanks headed toward the Roef troops.
All 8 tanks stoped fire to the beach, and pointed on the coming in tanks. At a moment, all tanks stared to shoot, all on the same time. The cannons fired more and more missiles, and the troops took up a few bazooka's and fired toward the tanks and enemy troops.
At president algo's transpoirt:
'Incoming attacks!' yelled the pilot.
There was a bang, and the transport exploded, killing all people inside, that means: President algo was dead. Roef was weaker than ever. No leader, nobody to take orders from, everybody, was about to lose there minds...
Before the president died, he sended a massage to the Ministry of Roef by phone. General Hertank, a half-brother of Simon algo, the dead president, telling that Hertank will lead the military for a while. There was no president, and choosing a new one would take weeks, months maybe... This was a very large, strong blow...
To: Kewen President
From: General Hertank
You killed your president. MY brother. I want one thinmg from you all: A lot of money, and we will not crush your armys attacking now, we will not place a 12mm on your presidents head, we will not fire that gun, just as everybody watches. Give up now, and give us a lot of money, to rebuild the military, the navy, the infantery, the cavelary, and everything. You dont understand, do you? You killed, thousands of people. If you win, your troops will kill a lot of civilians, without you knowing. You cant handle this force. And i ask you to leave. Thank you.
OOC: I dont like the fact, that only NOW not before, you said you land more people. My military is down, and i cant handle more attacks. Well, you will win than...
41 of Roefs best bombers headed to the place where the more troops where landing. More weapons where sended to civilians, who where sended there to defend. On the side Kewen troops landed, there where a lot of mountains. Hills, and a lot of defences. The place where they could land, was weak and defence less. Clear, you could fire on it without even tring hard. This could defend for a while...
A few cars with guns finaly came on the hills. They took out there guns, out of the car, and placed them on a clear sight of the hills. They where able to kill most troops as they landed, or they thought atleast...
ooc: i said i would use only 200,000 troops and so far,'ve only landed 6,000 troops + 1-3,000 i n support and logistics then theres the navy so it tallys up to about a nice round number of 20,000 >.> :D
also, roef, please tell me what type of tanks your using and rockets please.
To: General Hertank
From: Legion.
We are legion, Nawh just kidding, but seriously, your threatning us? asking for money to rebuild YOUR military, you must be high on something and I want in, if you and your country men want to live, then you will surrender now.
Other wise, we will kill every single Roefian that resists us.
On the second landing point.
The infantry, who were yet to get off of the transports were relive when the roefian bullets peppered there hull.
"This is Tranport One ninner, requestion close air support over"
"TOne Ninner, this is bravo escort, roger enganging now" A Helo pilot replied, as he steered his apache towards the enemy troops, peppering them with High velocity machine gun fire, and unguided rockets.
giving cover for the copters who moved deeper into the country, trying to find a new place.
At the Beach Landing point.
Three Kewen tanks exploded in a big ball of fire, as roefian fire hit a weakspot,but the rest continued, out of the three hundred the ten closest to the roefian tanks began to shoot at them while the rest trampled over the roefian soilders, running them over here and there, and sending bunchs of 50 calibur bulletsthrough there body.
The Kewen infantry cheered, and stayed in there holes still more dying by the guns of them damm trucks.
OOC: Trampled roef-ian soldiers? You where not near me as first, a lot of cars where defending, a lot of tsnks shootet at yours, and the troops fired bazooka's, if they hit mine, your troops shoud already be dead! And as last, my military exists of about 150.000 troops right? I amde a mistake than, i thought, after this one battle, war is over. And i dont think, that your 6000 could kill my 150.000, so lets see it like your troops killed about 10,000 on the beach, and the other 140,000 artent used jet. IC:
More troops died as more enemy troops fired at them. Scared, most fell down, in hope they woudnt find them. As already bout 10,000 died at the beach, only 500 survived at this beach. Some runned to the woods behind them, but before they reached it, they where shot in the back and dead.
The Roef ian infantery, had lost the brach... OOC: That means, only the beach, and your remaining 194,000 troops, will fight my 140,000 troops. Deal?
As the beach was lost, General Hertank knew that Kewen was going to win. The war was lost, Kewen had won, or would. But he came up with a new plan: Sending the remaining 140,000 would not be smart, because the oher parts where defence-less than. For that, he sended another 10,000 to the woods at the beach, defending from Kewen, and using tanks that would come with them. A line of artillery was still in place at the second defence spot, and most where active. Some where destroyed, but most survived this first battle. The second defence line, a strong fort, filled with troops, food, artillery, tanks, ammo and machine guns. The enemy had no change taking this one.
ooc: if you read my posts my tanks were CHARGING AT YOU, and this post, you shot rockets and kill three congrtas, now try it with the other 297. Your guntrucks and tanks, wont hurt mine. becuase you havnt told me what type of tanks, as for your guntrucks a 50 cal machine gun will nothing agaisnt tank armour.
With Roefian troops running from the beach, the kewen rejoiced, but still kept there mind on the task, firstly was the neutralisation of the enemy artillery, it was allowed to live. The Tanks rumbled forward to go and knock out the artillery.
The troops on the beach began to secure the area, draging the dead roefian soilders off the beach, and killing the ones that lived.
"Sir, a beachhead has been secured, shall i call in the rest of the force?" A officer said, as he strolled onto the bridge, smiling as he delivered the report.
"Yes, call em in" a Voice crackled over the radio, "Secure the area, take the country,anyone who resists kill them."
"And the ones that dont?" The officer said sinisterly
"Treat them as if they were our citizens no more no less"
"Are you questioning my orders?"
"No sir, the invasion will go ahead as planned"
"Very good."
The Radio died down seconds later, and someone in waters nearby more ships turned towards roef a light escort guarding them, as the dozen or so landing craft and cargo ships made there way to the beach head.
The Air transports touched down, behind the enemy, swinging around the helicopters departed, leaving a few thousand infantry and there light Vechiles, plus a helpful supply of ordance in the form of a few thousand sholder fired missles.
After assembling into ranks, they began to march to the nearest city with Hummves and light vechiles following and leading the group.
With enemy forces coming in, Roef understood: It was time to act, a last attack to fight them down.
The full airforce took off. 150 jets, all armed with a lot of 250kg bombs, a lot of guns, and a lot of ammo. They headed toward the incoming ships from kewen. They also sended some aircraft carriers, a few battleships and some cruisers. Roef came up with a second plan: If Kewen would win, The Roef-ian military would, maybe, drop a nuclear bomb on the place where the invasion would begin. Roef would be safe, even if it took thousands of civilian lives.
To: Kewen
From: Roef-ian new president, ryan McLarger
We aressted General Hertank. The war is over. We said our soldiers to return home. We told TV to tell everybody, NOT to resist. It is over. You have won. All civilians are going to live, even if you invade us. I hope you will not kill them all, and all troops will come together to the capital. We will build large fort of it, and than we can try to find a peaceful way. If we found one, the fort will stay, and there will be peace in Roef again. Thank you for your time.
The 150 jets returned home. The bombs werent used, not a single one, the navy returned home to. They would go back to the largest military base, one just of the water, the ships would stay there, and there was a airfield to. All infantery was sended to the capital, with all tanks, and all artillery. The civilians that saw some troops walk past there houses to trains, to go to the capital, and the civilians knew why they where so sad. There leader, President Algo was dead, General Hertank was dead to by now, the artillery was returning home, witch ment they where to defend the last great stand. Almost every tank was destroyed to, and 10,000 soldiers had found death these hours. The war was lost. Kewen had won, and Roef, would change forever...
ooc: roef, why are you building a fort? especially in the middle of a city.
To: Roef-ian new president, ryan McLarger
From: Acting Kewen President : Mark corrick.
You are very wise, and have spared your people and your country much bloodshed, This is a very good move, as we speak, our troops are moving through your country we will secure any and every city and town, if we find any resistance they will be killed.
true to his words, as he spoke the original troops on the beach went about securing the area, while more followed up from the landing craft, weapons and things left behind by the Roefian troops were secured and taken back to a secure location, while the Kewen ships followed the Roefian ones, making sure they didnt try anything, After a sizeable amount of troops had landed, mission objectives were given out.
Secure every and any military base, eliminate any resistance and refusal to cooperate.
Secure Airfeilds and ports next, for the tansportation of supplies and personel
Secure cities.
To: Mark Corrick
From: Ryan McLarger
These goals will be accepted. But dont kill any civilians if it is not needed. Dont, please dont, kill all troops that return to Roef. Thank you...
If you kill any resisters, i will agree to it. But than you murder a man/woman or child, jsut for nothing. Well...
I am building a fort AROUND the city. Around the capital, and i hoped to resist if there was an attack.
Imperial isa
11-10-2008, 17:46
ooc Roef you don't build a fort around a city you build a wall
ooc Roef you don't build a fort around a city you build a wall
As first, this is untrue, as second, dont post here.
If you build a wall around a city it becomes a fort right? It became a fort, with gates and walls...
Imperial isa
11-10-2008, 19:13
As first, this is untrue, as second, dont post here.
If you build a wall around a city it becomes a fort right? It became a fort, with gates and walls...
ooc no your not the OP who can't miss that i'am trying to help
Secondly read what you said in your own words
I am building a fort AROUND the city. Around the capital, and i hoped to resist if there was an attack.
an here read this link
OOC: Dont post here! Come on! Post on bothering Roef 2!
ooc: ImpIsa, theres a whole thread devoted to proving Roef wrong, USE IT instead of the IC ones. also, i will post soon roef need to finish some jobs around the house
Kewen troops, were literally flooding across roef, slowly but surely the tide of kewen soilders neared the capital, all the ports had been secured, and anyone who resisted was made as an example. A dead good example.
Same things were happening at military bases, except it was a bit different, any roefian soilders found had exactly tenseconds to throw there guns on the ground or die, same thing happened at the Airports when kewen troops got to them.
The first few units of kewen troops arrived at the capital city, just to see the Roef'ians building a wall around it / turning it into something defendable.
Thats when the lead tank, popped open itss top hatch and the commaders head popped out with a microphone
"Attention all Roef'ian military personel, if you dont not leave the city and surrender within one day, we will turn this city into dust, and wipe you off the face of the map. You have twnety four hours."
After the soldiers heard this, they came out of the fort, hands up. They surrendert. The same happend at all other military bases.
OOC: I suppose that we can make this thread die? I dont think we need more "stuff" or wars or something. I think its peace isnt it?
ooc: it was dead roef, ill have my idea up by tomorrow sorry for delay school came back and more pressing issues arrose.