NationStates Jolt Archive

The Grand Allaince of Free and Independent Nations (Sign UP)

The Ryou Black Islands
20-09-2008, 01:55
The Grand Allaince of Free and Independent Nations (GAFIN)

The Grand Allaince of Free and Independent Nations is a Diplomatic/Military/Economic Allaince made to help other nations, no matter how big or how small they are. All Nations are free to join this Allaince.

The Charter of The Grand Alliance of Free and Independent Nations

WE The Nations of The Grand Alliance of Free and Independent Nations, in order to better the world Declare our intentions to start This Grand Alliance of Free and Independent Nations for the betterment of the world in general.

Article I: All Nations are free to join this Alliance and to leave it any time they want.

Article II: Member Nations can join other Alliances if they want to.

Article III: If a Member is attacked by a enemy state, a The member can Ask for help from the other members of The Grand Alliance to stop and Defeat the enemy state or enemy alliance in any way possible.

Article IV: If a Member attacks another Member, then both are to be called to a Hearing to see what caused the conflict and find a Peaceful ending to it.

Article V: If a member attacks another nation outside the Alliance, Other members can Declare Neutrality or join the war if they want to.

Article VI: Should a member go into Economic Hard times, All other members must give Economic Aid to the one needing it.

Article VII: If a Disaster should hit a member, be it Hurricane, Tidal Wave or any other Disaster, Members must send aid.

Article VIII: All Members have the right to be free and independent.

The Ryou Black Islands.
Eastern Arab Union (Mhoudia)
Sans Semmes

Carnelian Island
The Ryou Black Islands
20-09-2008, 02:03
OOC: just a Reminder, this is MT/PMT
20-09-2008, 02:05
To: Ryou
From: President Nikolai Bellica

The Free Republic would be honored to join this alliance. Do I gain any sort of status for joining first?
20-09-2008, 02:06
OOC:And whats the point of this allaince? To get you people to protect you? Because from the few people I've talked to, and them mentioning you, I guess thats pretty much what you want from any agreement.
The Ryou Black Islands
20-09-2008, 02:08
To: Ryou
From: President Nikolai Bellica

The Free Republic would be honored to join this alliance. Do I gain any sort of status for joining first?

To President Nikolai Bellica of Chernobl
From Empress Isabella of The Ryou Black Islands

Welcome to The GAFIN and there is no status in this Allaince, all are Equal in this allaince.
20-09-2008, 02:08
[OOC: Insert IC message declaring that the Ryou are creating this alliance for their own defence. Too lazy to bring out my template and write out some fancy rhetoric.]
20-09-2008, 02:09
OOC:Hell im a warmonger, I'll protect anyone ;)
20-09-2008, 02:19
ooc: Lets not start another huge ooc clusterF*** keep things related to the alliance.
will there be an observer status possibly...?
The Ryou Black Islands
20-09-2008, 02:20
ooc: Lets not start another huge ooc clusterF*** keep things related to the alliance.
will there be an observer status possibly...?

20-09-2008, 02:31
[OOC: Insert another IC post here claiming that we demand a response.]
20-09-2008, 02:33
20-09-2008, 02:40
[OOC: You will will eventually change...I was like you when I first met Ryou. Besides, I'm going to replace those OOC things with IC posts after I finish a post in my civil war thread.]
20-09-2008, 02:40

OOC: He's making a (somewhat snarky) OOC comment and it's not your place to stop him. He's not breaking any rules so mind your own.
Imperial isa
20-09-2008, 02:48
ooc why did you make a Allaince with out making the Charter first?
20-09-2008, 02:57
ooc: hes doing nothing that contributes to the topic of the thread, at best its baiting into an argument, its annoying, childish and overall lame. Take your own advice before you try giving me any Zin.

And no I dont really support ryou's rping, I am however tired of how the same people bait arguments etc etc in his threads.
20-09-2008, 03:02
And no I dont really support ryou's rping, I am however tired of how the same people bait arguments etc etc in his threads.

OOC: Then why don't you take your own advice and just ignore the threads?
20-09-2008, 03:05
Im not baiting arguments in his threads...sorry for being a voice of reason and logical thinking...which apperently offends some people but oh well. As i said in another thread if you wish to continue this I have every form of IM program just pick one and I'll give you my SN
20-09-2008, 03:06
Is this alliance for protecting the world or yourself ?
The Ryou Black Islands
20-09-2008, 12:45
20-09-2008, 12:50
OOC: What's the population limit?
The Ryou Black Islands
20-09-2008, 12:59
OOC: What's the population limit?

There is no Population limit
20-09-2008, 13:02
OOC and the treaty will be about....?
Eastern Arab Union
20-09-2008, 13:17
mhoudia would like to join this alliance
The Ryou Black Islands
20-09-2008, 13:29
mhoudia would like to join this alliance

Welcome to The Grand Allaince.
20-09-2008, 13:38
TO: The Grand Alliance of Free and Independent Nations.
FROM: The Commonwealth of Harnland Presidency Office.
SUBJECT: The Grand Alliance of Free and Independent Nations.
The Commonwealth of Harnland would be honoured to join The Grand Alliance of Free and Independent Nations (GAFIN).
The Ryou Black Islands
21-09-2008, 01:42
Bump and welcome to The Allaince, Harnland
21-09-2008, 01:59
TRBI, why don't you have a charter yet?
The Ryou Black Islands
21-09-2008, 02:00
I am working on one.
21-09-2008, 02:01
OK. If you want me to look it over when its put up send me a PM or TG.
The Ryou Black Islands
21-09-2008, 17:26
Bump Up
The Ryou Black Islands
24-09-2008, 02:52
Carnelian Island
24-09-2008, 03:04
We of Carnelian Island find this alliance interesting, but it's lacking any data to convince us to join. We don't know if this is a mutual defense alliance, a developmental alliance, we don't know what ideology it's out to promote. At present we won't join but we will keep our eyes on this group to consider joining in the future.

Yours in Friendship,
Myaarisa Li
24-09-2008, 03:20
ooc: At most it seems to be an economic alliance since you aren't required to jump in to protect fellow members but u are required to give economic aid.

I would add stipulations requiring lowering of taxes between member states on trade goods, allow for open ports and laxer border restratints between member states again to encourage and allow trade.

There's no alliance authority, perhaps make it a majority vote, every member state gets one vote, keep things simple. Your nation keeps its soveringty and can do as it pleases so there is no real ideaology being promoted over another socialists could join capitalists, anarchists etc etc.

Im just an observer though throwing in my thoughts.
The Ryou Black Islands
24-09-2008, 03:24
OOC: Yep, Gataway is right. Also a observer can join the alliance later on.

Also If there is a war, you can join in defending if it is a member under attack or even join in a attack against a Non-member nation (Only if you want to, members can stay out of a Offensive War)
Carnelian Island
24-09-2008, 03:49
(Me again ha ha)

Well after some further deliberation, at present we will only join on as an Observer Member. We do hope to further our relations with nations and better brace our selves for nature's wrath.
24-09-2008, 07:26
Northam-York has changed its mind and has decided to stay out of the alliance.
Sans Semmes
24-09-2008, 07:28
Sans Semmes will join this alliance, but cannot enter any form of offensive combat due to political ideals.
The Ryou Black Islands
24-09-2008, 16:53
(Me again ha ha)

Well after some further deliberation, at present we will only join on as an Observer Member. We do hope to further our relations with nations and better brace our selves for nature's wrath.

24-09-2008, 17:03
Noting that The Ryou Black Islands have never acted aggressively towards Hurfdurfistan or her allies, Hurfdurfistan is willing to join them in this alliance.
The Ryou Black Islands
24-09-2008, 17:13
Welcome to the Alliance
New Greston
25-09-2008, 20:52
Official Grestonian Communique

To: The Grand Allaince of Free and Independent Nations Head, Empress Isabella
From: President and Imperial Parliamentarian The Rt. Hon. Sir Jerry Striker
Subject: Decelartion of GAFIN Alliance

Dear Mrs. Isabella,

I find this alliance, no gathering of imperialist pigs, to be more than appalling but just plain disgusting. Never in my life have I seen such a crowd of ignorant leaders, leaders that should rather do their research and read the fine print. The Ryouese Islands are in chaos, a chaos which my nation is in the hopes of repairing. The Ryouese lack a land force, destroyed by forces of the Royal Grestonian Military, and was replaced by peasants and people who have never seen a gun. Futher more, their population is much less than what they say, their population has been run down to that in the hundred millions due the numerous battles they have lost. And with all of that continued, they have a non existant economy. Joining this alliance is simply arbitrarily transferring your money into the hands of a theif.

Memberstates, do your self a favour and leave this alliance in due time.

President and Imperial Parliamentarian The Rt. Hon. Sir Jerry Striker
The Ryou Black Islands
25-09-2008, 22:19
The Imperialist Pigsof Greston are now enemies of The Alliance and calls on all Members to stop tradeing with The Grestonians till they leave all other nations The HELL ALONE!
26-09-2008, 03:06
TO: Heads of the Grand Alliance
FROM: VATO, General 'Rust'

You must realise that if you side with the Ryou Black Islands, then only destruction will follow your path. We have convinced Northam-York to stay out of this mess and we suggest you leave the alliance. If you are looking for allies, then open up embassies to the world and eventually you'll find an ally that can help you. I know that the bulk of you are afaird of the world, but things will only get worse when you joined the Ryou Black Islands Alliance. Its only focused on Ryou Black Islands getting more gains.

Bah! Ryou can say that the Alliance can't trade with Lynion, it makes no difference as we don't trade with any of the nations that take part of this alliance.
The Indonesian states
26-09-2008, 05:00
To: Members of the Grand Alliance of Free and Independent Nations
From: President Muhammad Hanka

We will make this statement as simple as can be: The Ryou Black Islands are using you. What for? They will take much of your rescources, money, and drag your nation into defending thier nation, forcing you to defend them because of your ties in an 'alliance'. Our nation was once in one of the many alliances that the Ryou Black Islands created - The Confederacy of Island Nations - and regreted it almost instantly. They were caught in a war, and asked, pleaded, then demanded that we defend him. We refused, and dropped out of the Confederacy, as most nations did. You see, this is just an example of what the Ryou Black Islands can do to you.

I highly suggest that the members of this Alliance withdraw from this Alliance and stop relations with the Ryou Black Islands - for your own good.

[The Ryou Black Islands may also ask the member nations to cease trading with my nation. However, I doubt that there will be many member nations left in your alliance - if any.]
26-09-2008, 07:11
The Federation of Hurfdurfistan regrets to inform The Ryou Black Islands that the myriad cries of the international community have forced us to reconsider our initial stance. We are withdrawing our membership in your alliance, for at this point our intelligence suggests that we would end up shouldering the brunt of the military responsibility in this agreement and moreover that our economy would only be weakened by continued membership.