Evolutionists Revolt
Tucker Island
19-09-2008, 22:59
"I am standing in front of New Hope Church of God, where just moments ago, a group of evolutionists who call themselves 'Darwin's Warriors' attacked members of this church." said a young newswoman in front of a tv camera. "This all started when President Burkley passed a bill that stated evolution and the biblical creation must be taught side by side in schools. We will keep you updated on the issue." The camera shut off. At that moment A car came speeding by and bullets came flying out the windows, the young news reported fell to the ground along with about 13 others. She layed there and slowly died. Tucker Island was seeing it's first civil war!
The Ryou Black Islands
19-09-2008, 23:12
OOC: Weren't you taken over by Greston or something?
Tucker Island
19-09-2008, 23:15
19-09-2008, 23:15
Official Falkasian Transmission
The People's Republic of Falkasia would like to request permission to send 10,000 Peacekeepers to help maintain order and peace among your country's population. We are all too familiar with the situation you are currently going through, and as such we have much sympathy for you. If there is anything else you need or, do not hesitate to contact us.
Imperial isa
19-09-2008, 23:17
ooc it's slowly dying not slowly died
19-09-2008, 23:25
The Commonwealth of Releland requests that it can send one squad of Johnson Special Forces to hunt down the leader of 'Darwin's Warriors' and kill/capture him, depending on your demands.
We request that any breakings of international law by Johnson Special Forces cannot be held responsible by Tucker Island government.
Tucker Island
19-09-2008, 23:35
Official Falkasian Transmission
The People's Republic of Falkasia would like to request permission to send 10,000 Peacekeepers to help maintain order and peace among your country's population. We are all too familiar with the situation you are currently going through, and as such we have much sympathy for you. If there is anything else you need or, do not hesitate to contact us.
That would be very nice thank you.
Tucker Island
19-09-2008, 23:36
The Republic of Releland requests that it can send one squad of Johnson Special Forces to hunt down the leader of 'Darwin's Warriors' and kill/capture him, depending on your demands.
We request that any breakings of international law by Johnson Special Forces cannot be held responsible by Tucker Island government.
That would be great we need him/her found alive, please.
19-09-2008, 23:38
That would be very nice thank you.
We will immediately deploy the 10th Brigade to your country. They are currently classified as a Rapid Deployment Force, and should begin arriving by early tommorrow morning.
19-09-2008, 23:55
Squad Alpha Six Nine have been deployed into the location of 'Darwin's Warriors'. They were aboard the Releland Military Ship (RMS) Eagle Cruiser, a ship stationed near Tucker Island. They will keep civillans calm and will track down the leader of 'Darwin's Warriors'.
The Kiravian Empire asks the people of Tucker Island:
Civil Wars have been fought over democracy, succession, religion, secession, cultural differences, and slavery. Why are you resorting to bloodshed over an educational bill?
20-09-2008, 02:56
Open Declaration to the World
The Federation of Brogavia seeks to support the group known as Darwin's Warriors" with a large cash donation and a constant supply of guns, explosives and millitary advisors until Tucker Island becomes a completely secular state.
Encrypted message to the leaders of Darwin's Warriors
We support your cause brothers. We like to keep things to the point. I'd rather not bother with formalities is this type of situation. If you need guns, cash or explosives, we can supply them covertly and at low cost. To prove our committment to the cause, we will be sending a shipment of one-hundred Ak-47s and enough rounds for twenty hours of constant firing worth of ammunition, two dozen RPG-7s and 360 projectiles, and a hundred kilograms of C-4. All of this is free of charge, and to be delivered to a location of your chosing.
Open Declaration to the World
The Federation of Brogavia seeks to support the group known as Darwin's Warriors" with a large cash donation and a constant supply of guns, explosives and millitary advisors until Tucker Island becomes a completely secular state.
Encrypted message to the leaders of Darwin's Warriors
We support your cause brothers. We like to keep things to the point. I'd rather not bother with formalities is this type of situation. If you need guns, cash or explosives, we can supply them covertly and at low cost. To prove our committment to the cause, we will be sending a shipment of one-hundred Ak-47s and enough rounds for twenty hours of constant firing worth of ammunition, two dozen RPG-7s and 360 projectiles, and a hundred kilograms of C-4. All of this is free of charge, and to be delivered to a location of your chosing.
OOC: How would they either:
A= Get out of the SURROUNDED church to get these supplies?
or you
B= Drop them off by this SURROUNDED church without being shot down?
20-09-2008, 03:04
OOC: How would they either:
A= Get out of the SURROUNDED church to get these supplies?
or you
B= Drop them off by this SURROUNDED church without being shot down?
OOC: There must be many more than the group in the church.
Official Announcement from Kir, Kharrol Chief
We of Kharrol would like to make it clear that we condemn the use of violence against the misguided, but harmless, creationists of Tucker Island. If these people do not wish to acknowledge the existence of objective reality, let them stew in their own ignorance! There are plenty of nations in this world that do not oppose the concepts of science and fact, and many of them welcome rational immigrants. For example, Kharrol would be happy to provide entry to those who do not wish to dwell in a country where a specific religion is forced upon them by the government.
Self defense, of course, would justify violence. But a philosophical disagreement does not.
-Kir, Leader of Kharrol.
OOC: They're not forced, the two things are just being taught side-by-side with the Darwin's Warriors being the first to attack.
To: The Government of Tucker Island.
From: The Ursavian Ministry of Diplomacy.
We, the people of Ursava, recognize these "Darwin's Warriors" as close-minded and violent individuals who obviously do not favor freedom of speech as a freedom to all humans of the world. As such we are willing to quell these violent protestors by aiding you with two squads of Naval Marine Commandos in order to eliminate this group if you so wish it.
20-09-2008, 10:51
TO: The Tucker Isdland Government.
FROM: The Relelander Presidency.
SUBJECT: Leader of DW.
I can gladly inform you that Darwin's Warriors' leader has been captured. However, DW is still strong, but we will 'question' him. We also ask that we have permission to bring thirty Darrenman bombers into the attacked area. We suspect that DW is strong in Southern Tucker Island.
20-09-2008, 14:36
Official Statement, Hurfdurfistani Department of State
Although we are saddened by their unnecessary use of force, the government of Hurfdurfistan supports the secularism promoted by Darwin's Warriors. Noting the misguided educational policies of Tucker Island, and from these policies concluding that theistic influences are strong in Tucker Island, we offer the members of Darwin's Warriors an opportunity to lay down their arms and leave their nation for ours. We feel that Tucker Island would benefit from the exile of these extremists, while Darwin's Warriors, obviously, would benefit by not being executed.
If the members of Darwin's Warriors choose to accept our offer, they and their families shall be granted full citizenship immediately and will from that point forward be treated as Hurfdurfistani citizens, any aggression against them being returned threefold. Several helicopters are standing by to extract them.
Darwin's Warriors, end this unnecessary bloodshed.
20-09-2008, 14:41
TO: The Tucker Isdland Government.
FROM: The Relelander Presidency.
SUBJECT: Leader of DW.
I can gladly inform you that Darwin's Warriors' leader has been captured. However, DW is still strong, but we will 'question' him. We also ask that we have permission to bring thirty Darrenman bombers into the attacked area. We suspect that DW is strong in Southern Tucker Island.
OOC: Have you never done this before or what? The leader of Darwin's Warriors is an asset of Tucker Island, so he decides whether or not he's been captured.
e: Don't get me wrong, A++ for enthusiasm. But there's a kind of... etiquette to this. Controlling other people's stuff is a faux pas (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=367578).
20-09-2008, 18:10
TO: The Tucker Isdland Government.
FROM: The Relelander Presidency.
SUBJECT: Leader of DW.
I can gladly inform you that Darwin's Warriors' leader has been captured. However, DW is still strong, but we will 'question' him. We also ask that we have permission to bring thirty Darrenman bombers into the attacked area. We suspect that DW is strong in Southern Tucker Island.
OOC: Yea, honestly. You should read the stickies on the II main page.
20-09-2008, 22:46
From:Ministry of International Affairs United People's Republics of Punckeds
Sancietific Council by the Peoples Palace of UPRP
To: Both Fighting sides and People of Tucker Island.
We recognize that however an occurrence of slow evolutionary transformations of all living kinds is happening we are a tolerant state and we aren't ruling out causative strength of higher beings if so there is a will of citizens. At the same time we are against imposing upon anybody any beliefs. Moreover we recognize the truth and the superiority of scientific evidences. Therefore we are calling both sides on for ceasing military action and tolerating views of the other side.
20-09-2008, 22:51
The Pirate empire of Pastafarianism1 supports the Darwin warriors and will be sendin some of her finest ships to destroy all biblical opposition me heartees ha ha ha
20-09-2008, 23:13
The Pirate empire of Pastafarianism1 supports the Darwin warriors and will be sendin some of her finest ships to destroy all biblical opposition me heartees ha ha ha
You haven't read the stickies on II, have you?
20-09-2008, 23:15
not a chance
21-09-2008, 00:22
OOC: Then you might want to read them. They help a lot.
OOC: Then you might want to read them. They help a lot.
Methinks he's just a puppet used by an existing player to spam.
21-09-2008, 01:27
Methinks he's just a puppet used by an existing player to spam.
OOC: And here I was trying to think of a tactful way to say "Get out"...
21-09-2008, 01:53
OOC: Yea, you actually make a good point. Never thought of that.
21-09-2008, 16:46