"Immer Rein" - Hit Documentary released
19-09-2008, 09:56
The hit documentary dubbed "Immer Rein" was released in theaters Reich-wide yesterday. The highly-anticipated explores the racial origins and purity of the Reich, as well as the Tocrowkian culture which highly emphasizes the purity of the "Nordic Bloodlines" and has passed several strict laws preventing the mongrel-ization of the Tocrowkian people. Included in the two hour films are segments detailing:
The indoctrination of children into "Reich Youth Purity League", exploring the process of teaching children as young as four to be proud of the purity of their blood and to despise inferior races
The emphasis on purity on every level of Tocrowkian society. From government-approved pamphlets to daytime soap operas, from speeches from the Nordic Purity League to adds in sporting events
Exploring the origins of the Tocrowkian people, with some theories connecting them to the ancient race that built Atlantis
The high level of what some may consider Pagan Rituals at some levels in the Tocrowkian Government and Military, including the worship of Norse Gods.
Interviews with several Tocrowkian government officials, urging other nations to take similar stances regarding the purity of their peoples.
A peek into what happens to "impure" peoples in the Reich. Though most live as second-class citizens a recent and highly dangerous treatment has been developed. allowing them to bleach their skin. Also detailed are plans to make this compulsory.
The film has been praised as an in-depth look at Tocrowkian culture and a great way to let foreigners know what strict limitations we set upon ourselves to maintain our way of life, our culture and our race. The Reich encourages film industries in other countries to reproduce the film and show it in their own nation, and is offering an annual reward for doing so.
19-09-2008, 15:44
Varbola Times
Inferior purity
Article by: Juha Poro
Few days ago I saw a Tocrowkian documentary "Immer Rein". The film has strong support of the Tocrowkian Reich’s government, and has been praised as an “in-depth look at Tocrowkian culture”. So lets have a short look what that documentary reveals.
Tocrowkia has this so-called "Reich Youth Purity League". Seems that we are dealing with a massive state ran propaganda organization, which is busy brainwashing children from age four. That is quite an investment, obviously it must be funded by taxpayers money. I can only guess that the Tocrowkian parents are too incompetent for raising their own children properly, so state must step in. That is also common problem in other less developed nations, especially communist cesspools.
The “Purity” seems to be most important goal of whole Tocrowkian society, even soap operas are full of it. Well, soap operas are waste of time anyway, so I guess that is not really a loss. In attempts to make their race more glorious, Tocrowkians have joined n+1 developing world nations which claim to be related to the Atlantis somehow. From the fact that they need to rely on myths and fairy tales, we can only conclude that real Tocrowkian history is not so glorious at all. Seems like we are dealing with a serious inferiority complex here.
As appropriate for nations with low levels of real education, religion plays very important role in state level. While their norse paganism is probably quite understandable for most of my Olmedrecan readers, lets make no mistakes, state level religious fanaticism is clear sign of a low development level.
Most funny is that while Tocrowkians are obsessed with purity, they still have buttload of “impure” people. I can only assume that they forgot to shut down immigration in the right time. Situation has reached total absurdity, like bleaching the skin. Someone needs to inform primitive Tocrowkians, that white skin color does not turn a negro into a proper white man. Hiding the problem does not remove it. It is again one of those actions, which demonstrates that Tocrowkia is simply desperately trying to compensate and hide its cultural inferiority.
As I said this documentary about “progressive policies of Tocrowkia”, is state supported. Rather surprising as usually governments try to hide or downplay such activities. So while primitive, Tocrowkia earns extra points for being relatively honest about their retarded state policies. Still I have no plans to ever visit “glorious” and “pure” Tocrowkian Reich, and suggest same to my readers.
[OOC: As usual, this newspaper article does not represent official view of Olmedrecan state.]
Brittanican Adenia
19-09-2008, 19:26
Adenian Board of Film Classificators
Part of the Adenian Censor's Office
Official Statement
This film/feature has been classified
for use in Educational Facilities primarily. This film/feature is recommended for use in Political lessons, Critical Thinking, and History, esp. that of the Tocrowkian nation or of the right wing of politics.
This film/feature is cleared to be shown at all picture theatres and houses for the purposes of entertainment.
This film/feature may not be used for political/politically motivated purposes outside of the education establishment.
Certificate Issued 19/09/2008 UCD
L. G. A. Gerrard-Howes
Chief Feature Classifier
Adenian Board of Film Classificators
Third Spanish States
19-09-2008, 19:48
"Immer Moonwalk" satire becomes a hit in ElTubo. Tocrowkia's propaganda film becomes a joke fad.
Following with the launch of the fascist propaganda movie Immer Rein, someone in Third Spanish States was quick to satirize over the idea of "bleaching skin" with a bizarre montage that in a very humorous manner, both in highbrow and lowbrow(penis jokes to be more specific), use the individual of the following picture as the Tocrowkian standard of "racial superiority":
As for the original movie, a insignificant minority of teenagers who think that being Nazi is cool have acquired a cult following over it, although even them considered laughable some of the ideas proposed, for they saw no reason to not go all the way to make the ethnic cleansing to the genetic level rather than through appearance only, for such "bleached" nigras would still have black children, and could according to their deranged ideas "corrupt racial purity based on the most blatant ignorance of genetics ever seen in a National-socialist Reich", no matter how ironic the mention on ignorance of genetics is.
No rating exists in the Confederacy, to the point that it's not uncommon to see 6 years olds watching old polemic gorns like Cannibal Holocaust, and the movie is being freely distributed, for absolute freedom of speech is absolute. Although it's commonly finding its place inside bonfires rather than inside DVD players, burnt together with People's Republic of Spain, Doomingsland, Nazist, Stoklomolvi and former Soviet Union flags, and in certain places together with the corpses of rapists, serial killers and murderers in a major demonstration of the highly efficient and hierarchy-less democratic justice.
On the other hand, the uploaded and deservingly pirated original movie got millions of views from the Confederacy, probably due to curiousity, or because according to some people comments, "the original is more laughable than the satire."
19-09-2008, 20:43
((OOC: M-M-Michael Jackson?!?! :eek: Oh, and dude Olmedreca my nation is probably lots more developed than you, no offense.))
19-09-2008, 21:04
The Empire Times
The Film Immer Rein is, as a Secondary Knight of the Empire Redima had said, a view of arrogance clearly showing that Tybra is the most advanced nation. The idea of purity is an inefficient idea wich is against the teachings of the Emperor, wich clearly states all man and woman are equal by law except for the Emperor who stands above all. The movie is prohibited by the the Imperial guardians anyone promoting these ideas of purity will be publicly executed.
19-09-2008, 23:37
[OOC: heh not offended, although considering that I dont rp that nation as some undeveloped hellhole or use ineffective commieeconomics, i find it highly unlikely that you would be far above me in development level. That said, actual development level is irrelevant anyway, as I have nowhere claimed that article is accurate, on the contrary, im pretty sure it isn't. I have used that same author also to call Questarian PM a lunatic, made lots of biased fun on UFAN, etc.]
20-09-2008, 00:11
Weccanfeldisce Cynnfierst
(English Edition)
Considering that the states of the Tocrowkian and Weccanfeldian nations are similar in more ways than mere skin colours, it is no wonder that the recent production "Immer Rein" has found reasonable success in the Cinemas of the Weccanfeldian nation, most specifically the northern state of New North Mercia where National Socialism has it's base on the island.
The film details the methods which are used by the Tocrowkian government in preventing Mongleisation - many of which bear much similarity to methods used by the National Administion, esspecially in former decades.
All in all, the film is a good documentary, and testifies that the world is not full of the tree hugging liberals who appear to put popularity before ability - there are other states that follow nationalism beyond Weccanfeld.
Aiken Hǣring
20-09-2008, 00:32
Tybra;14023327']The Empire Times
The Film Immer Rein is, as a Secondary Knight of the Empire Redima had said, a view of arrogance clearly showing that Tybra is the most advanced nation. The idea of purity is an inefficient idea wich is against the teachings of the Emperor, wich clearly states all man and woman are equal by law except for the Emperor who stands above all. The movie is prohibited by the the Imperial guardians anyone promoting these ideas of purity will be publicly executed.
How can Tybra be the most advanced nation when it's people idolize their Emperor as some form of God? Idolatry is one of the most primitive concepts of all.
-Reich Foreign Ministry-
[OOC: heh not offended, although considering that I dont rp that nation as some undeveloped hellhole or use ineffective commieeconomics, i find it highly unlikely that you would be far above me in development level. That said, actual development level is irrelevant anyway, as I have nowhere claimed that article is accurate, on the contrary, im pretty sure it isn't. I have used that same author also to call Questarian PM a lunatic, made lots of biased fun on UFAN, etc.]
((OOC: I understand, just making sure. Also, despite the clear Nationalist Socialist themes of my nation we operate (Like most NS nations it seems) a very liberal capitalist economy))
Weccanfeldisce Cynnfierst
(English Edition)
Considering that the states of the Tocrowkian and Weccanfeldian nations are similar in more ways than mere skin colours, it is no wonder that the recent production "Immer Rein" has found reasonable success in the Cinemas of the Weccanfeldian nation, most specifically the northern state of New North Mercia where National Socialism has it's base on the island.
The film details the methods which are used by the Tocrowkian government in preventing Mongleisation - many of which bear much similarity to methods used by the National Administion, esspecially in former decades.
All in all, the film is a good documentary, and testifies that the world is not full of the tree hugging liberals who appear to put popularity before ability - there are other states that follow nationalism beyond Weccanfeld.
Aiken Hǣring
The Tocrowkian Reich thanks the nation of Weccanfield for not only their peoples interest in the documentary but also their understanding of our position on these issues. It's good to know the world isn't full of far-left morons, after all.
-Reich Foreign Ministry-
Red Tide2
20-09-2008, 02:22
There was no official statement from the Totaliatarian State when it banned Immer Rein, there was never an official statement from the Totalitarian State when it banned anything. The film was simply added to a (very, very extensive and thorough) 'ban list' on the official international Red Tidean webpage. It would never see the light-of-day in the TSRT.
The reason the film was banned was quite simple: 75%+ of Red Tides population was Russian. The film Immer Rein preached the superiority of nordic ethnicities. This was unnacceptable to a State which preached 'the equality of all people through free-market economics combined with a strong central government' while being, in practice, a brutal oligarchy.