Stoklomolvi Civil War [Semi-Open,IC,MT] - Page 2
13-10-2008, 19:35
Southern Iran
The imperialists had landed in fascist territory. Naturally, the fascists were greatly agitated, and started to use thermonuclear weapons on imperialist land. Tehran was targeted by three Topol M missiles, carrying strategic warheads. Seven more missiles were launched into the countryside, targeting former fascist bases that had been conquered by the imperialists. The imperialists retaliated with the barrage of nine missiles, targeted at Kabul and various military bases that were once imperialist. The communists watched.
Meanwhile, the fascists struck hard at the communist trenches near the Afghan-Pakistani Border. They poured their green infantry over the top, only to have them mowed down by LVHMG-2s. Their fruitless charge resulted only in a major strategic defeat, and this tactical error would allow for the communists to advance over to the fascist trenches and begin close combat. The GWO troops were still stuck fighting the Type 5 MBTs, their artillery weapons increasingly ineffective as the snow dissipated any chemicals and struck any flechette off course.
The unnamed town in the middle of nowhere
The men from Southern Hexagon ran away, though several civilians, noting that they had killed the bodyguards of the local pastor, pulled out their K98 rifles and such and started firing at them as they fled. When they were out of sight, one man who owned a Humvee drove out, three men armed with AK47s with him as they headed for the helicopter. When they spotted it, the men started to fire, and the driver quickly took his on AK47 and started firing as well.
The moment the siege was lifted the liberals surged outwards, only to be killed off by the remaining communists. The Greali troops, however, were unable to leave, as they were stuck in the small port city in Narva, the closest port to Minsk that was still accessible. The traffic was horrendously bad, and the Stoklomolvi Naval Authority would not let them leave without a reason. Soon, though, the reason came, and the some million KGB officers in the city opened fire on the Greali men with everything they had. LVHMG-2s mounted in office buildings, RPG-29s, and even S1A1 flak tanks pounded the Greali troops.
Stoklomolvi Commissariat of State
7656 Hegemony Drive, Administrative Compound, Office Complex 7C, Hallway 52L, Room 89
Vladistov, Stoklomolvi
Encryption Level 0, Null Encryption
Subject: Declaration
Stoklomolvi retracts its statements of aid to Greal after Greal declared war on us during our civil war. We hereby cancel our mutual defence pact with Greal, we hereby detonate the fusion reactor in the Stoklomolvi embassy to Greal, and we hereby reciprocate the declaration of war. Stoklomolvi will assume total war with the traitorous bastards in the everdamned Greali "state," which we shall no longer recognise, declare to be the worst traitor in the history of Stoklomolvi, and ruled by a hyper-intelligent aubergine.
Grigor Aleksandrovich Stuyonovich
Civilian Management
Commissar of Foreign Affairs
Alexei Aleksandrovich Stuyonovich
The Commissar of Stoklomolvi
Vietnam Empire [OOC: Are you sure you're actually part of the Asian area? If you are, then you would be fragmented into hundreds of tiny states that all war each other.]
[OOC: Leocardia, please post in the OOC thread.]
Buddha C
13-10-2008, 19:56
~All over Stoklomolvi~
All over the country Cnian troops began pulling out, they fought back if shot at, but made no attempt to chase the enemy. Around an additional seventy-six thousand men had been made casualties, along with a large amount of tanks had been destroyed. However, for rectification of this act the Cnian government authorized the nuclear attack of some two hundred tactical nuclear warheads on known Stoklomolvi bases, most notable the ones belonging to the Imperialists. (About 70% of the warheads were aimed at the Imperialists 20% at Communists, and 10% at Liberals. Soviets were ignored.) The last amount of troops to be left in Stoklomolvi was the three Marine division on the shores of Karachi. Of the some forty-five thousand troops there, around thirty-three were still fighting, with that five tactical nuclear warheads were launched at the city of Karachi, hopefully the EMP would knock out most, if not all of the nuclear batteries, and if not it would give the three divisions time to get off the beach and spread out. The air planes above the Marines were also still consistently blowing away bunkers and the like, this gave the Cnian troops all the way up to about the edge of the beach, they almost made it out of the killing fields. Meanwhile hundreds of thousands and in multiplication of that number in tons was being sent to all Fascist-owned territory, this included tanks, guns, ammunition, artillery, SAMs and even mortars for building up defenses around the cities. These convoys were protected by a large armada of submarines, destroyers, cruisers, modified "tank" battleships, and several aircraft carriers.
The World Soviet Party
14-10-2008, 02:44
Finally, the 375th Mechanized Infantry Division had linked up with the Stoklomolvi Liberation Army, but they carried bad news, the whole Soviet fleet had sank due to a massive missile strike carried out by the Lyran navy, the coast had been mostly evacuated, and now they had Vietnamese paras falling near important cities.
A counter-attack was needed, and the city of Lviv was it's target. Not only had they allowed the Viets to enter, but they had allowed them to set their headquarters. Thus compromising the entire western section of the Ukraine province.
If anything, the Soviets and Stoklomolvi had both numerical, tactical and equipment superiority. They had heavy tanks, air support and artillery, whereas the Viets had light, airborne transports. They had local troops, guides, militias and irregulars, whereas the Viets had just arrived and had not convinced the population to join it's cause.
The counter-attack would start at approximately 0500 tomorrow, for the moment, the soviets rested and got ready.
The Beatus
14-10-2008, 06:26
With the situation in what had once been a Communist city, now rapidly deteriorating, fears were that the capital may be in danger from enemy forces. As such, 12 solders were selected, to go to the capital, and "secure" the embassy compound. Ambassador Tiblt Sydny, sent out a radio message to communist forces in the area, "This is Tiblt Sydny, commander of the Beatusian Forces in Stoklomolvi, we request transport for 12 solders to the capital to secure the Beatusian Embassy, and documents within, that are vital to Beatusian Security, and cannot be allowed to fall into enemy hands. We also wish to distribute our forces to various areas where conflict is high, and would like air transport, for those forces, to areas you deem most violent."
Someone was screaming in the distance. No one took notice of that since the gunfire blocked out all the-
A building suddenly exploded, killing nearly everyone inside. Major Share quickly ran to one of the remaining buildings that were still standing, he needed shelter from the flak tanks that were chewing his men up. He watched one of the Nakil tanks turn its turret and blast a machine gun placement on a building into smoke. The machine gunners fired again at his position, but he was safe for the time being behind the remains of a desk. KGB officers attacked his position, but he quickly routed them with his LY19 light machine gun. Sergeant Jenkins then emerged at the remains of the doorway, looking bloody.
"Sergeant, get in here." Jenkins dully obeyed, ignoring the gunfire around him, he quickly walked in. "What the hell is going on out there?"
"The communists decided to attack us. Apparently we are no longer allies." said the sergeant calmly firing his sniper rifle at the KGB officers running in the streets of the town. Share didn't respond and he fired his own R-1 Advanced Battle Rifle at the KGB. There was another explosion as an RPG blasted a hole in the building. Share cursed silently and picked off the KGB officers pouring into the building. But there were too many of them, so he and Jenkins ran to another position, this time behind a sofa. They happened to find a dead KGB officer there, and Share grabbed the dead man's weapons. "You never know when we'll ever get out of here." he explained.
They ran out the back way of the building, passing a abandoned LY83 Fox 4x4 Light Multirole Utility Vehicle that was riddled with bullets. He noticed a crate in the middle of the street. It was marked "Made in Greal". He ducked behind the crate and fired from there.
"RPG! GET DOWN!" Yelled a Greali soldier down the street. Share barely had time to move out of harm's way when the RPG blasted the crate. Jenkins was dead. Share then helped a squad cut the KGB RPG crew to pieces. Share then went down the street, toward the sea, where there was less shooting. At the coast, he could barely see the Greali Naval fleet, that was flying fighters and helicopters over to support the defenders. More helicopters were picking up wounded and plenty of soldiers and flying them to the fleet.
Hundreds, maybe thousands of LY589 Hellion Advanced Cruise Missiles were raining on the KGB officers, who were so numerous still, despite everything. LY300 Manticore Multiple Rocket Systems were firing rockets at the machine gun placements and KGB officers. There sill were too many of those flak tanks. Share quickly drank from his canteen, then headed off into battle He was joined by Captain Mayer, Share learned that half the company was dead or wounded from fighting. Fifty good men gone. He passed more wrecked cars and Fox vehicles as he and Mayer gathered up the remains of the company. Share gathered about twenty men and he lead them into battle. (The other thirty were out front fighting). After barely ten minutes of fighting, about fifteen men remained. Then Share and his company were next to leave. Out of the one hundred men in his company that marched into Stoklomolvi, only thirty five made it out.
Sheer numbers of the KGB officers forced the Greali troops to coast. However, the KGB officers could not crack the Greali line, so fighting continued. Many of the town's buildings were destroyed. Most of the inhabitants were probably dead of became refugees. There were now only two divisions left at the town, the rest were either evacuated or became casualties. There were still hundreds of thousands of KGB officers. The situation was starting to look bleak but the Greal forces still had the might of the navy behind them. But it would be difficult getting the rest of the Greali divisions out. The Military, decided to ignore the Foreign Ministry's stance on the communists and asked the Stoklomolvi communists if the navy was allowed to bring their remaining forces home without being attacked. In exchange, the military would no longer take any part in the civil war and even offer money to rebuild the damage the Greali forces had done to the town and the surrounding areas. The Military Command waited patiently for an answer.
Vietnam Empire
15-10-2008, 01:32
Lviv, Stoklomolvi Ukraine
The 104th Airborne has establish the base camp and called the Divisions and Airbase. Many soldiers are tired and went to bed, while others are patrolling and reporting some civilians running away from them; seeing also the marketplace, people buying, trading, and other sorts.
“This is 104th, base establishment successful, ready for last batch of remaining 104th soldiers. Need supplies of food, ammunition, and other necessities. Over” said Radio-com
“This is Airbase; copy that on last remaining 104th Airborne Regiment, and necessities. Any report on the Divisions?” said the other
“Negative on the Divisions, however, some of our men saw the 101st and 105th armory regiments. Also some soldiers are walking to the field…..talking to the locals…probably resistance.”
“Beware; get your sniper on position, Intel reports that there are still some strong Communist presences near Lviv. Those locals might be Communist scouts, unfortunately no report on any Communist establishment.”
“Affirmative, reporting to the Divisions. Over and out”
The 104th Airborne sent 5 snipers up and getting the scope focus to the Divisions. Apparently they aren’t that far away, so sniper shot is likely regardless to wind.
The Divisions was stopped and the Commander was walking up to the armed “Resistance” Locals with some of his soldiers escorting him. The Divisions continued their way to the base camp. Thousands upon thousands of soldiers march on, many are being nudged by battle tanks or on top of it. But only one battalion with 2 tanks are to wait for the Commander to return, practically waiting on the side of the road on guard for any suspicious activity.
“Hello, there! We are the Viets, I assume you’re the Imperial Resistance” said Commander Tran hollering to the “Resistance”
“hey commander, I don’t think they are the resistance, I’m getting a radio-com from the Airborne that there are still strong communist presence. And I have a feeling they aren’t the Ukrainians either.” whispering from one of the soldiers
“Lets fool them and to see if they are Ukrainian. Good thing I learn Ukrainian at Da Nang Unversity. Ahem----------- Добрий день, ви Імператорського опір?!?” said Commander Tran in Ukrainian Language
OOC: Really Stoklomolvi? Then never mind about me being your neighbor.
And the one I put in a weird language, its Ukrainian, using Google Translator.
Battlegroup Lambert, Arabian Sea
For the second time in less than a week, nuclear weapons had been fired within Stoklomolvi. If it hadn't been for the seriousness of the situation, if it hadn't been for the millions of lives that hung in the balance, if it hadn't been for the countless allied soldiers that stood to die in the nuclear fires, Order-Marshal Lambert would have found the situation amusing, in an admittedly macabre fashion.
But, as it was, he didn't find it amusing. He was just upset. Upset and angry.
How could people fighting in the name of Stoklomolvi do this? Do this to each other. Do this to themselves. How could Stoklomolvi's 'allies' drop nuclear weapons on Stoklomolvi cities? It makes no sense.
Regardless of that point, however, the fact remained that Lyras had to act to save innocent lives. There was, after all, no greater calling than to stand undaunted in defence of those that could not defend themselves.
As Battlegroup Godwin had done so recently before, Battlegroup Lambert, a grouping three times the size of its sister-force, fired its 'Rampart' anti-ballistic missile systems. Many such weapons were fired, including eight against the three Topol-M weapons on course for Tehran, and fourteen against the weapons aimed at Imperialist military facilities in the middle east.
But Lyras' duty to defend the innocent did not end with those who dwelt in territory occupied by friendly forces. As Lambert watched, aghast, Imperialist forces retaliated with their own nuclear arsenal.
A hush descended upon the command centre of the Longsword. How would the Order-Marshal respond? The feelings of duty pulling in two different directions could be felt by everyone in that room, kept informed as the incoming information flowed over display screens. No one envied their commander the decision he had to make. Engage their allies, or let countless thousands of noncombatants die.
In the end, it wasn't really a hard decision at all. A curt, tight nod to the 'Rampart' controller was all it took. More Ramparts, eighteen of them, left the decks of the superheavy warship, arcing in a similar direction as the earlier flights, but this time targetted at the Imperialist weapons that were themselves directed at fascist-controlled Afghanistan. Nine Imperialist missiles had been fired. Eighteen Lyran ones had responded.
That STILL wasn't all, however.
Cnian missiles had been fired at Karachi, in an attempt to cover the attempted withdrawal of the Cnian forces in the area. A densely packed, impoverished city of over ten million, the potential casualties from even a tactical strike were enormous. The Battlegroup's Bastion radar showed five weapons inbound to the city.
10 Ramparts responded...
...just before the Battlegroup's longer-ranged Moat early warning radar detected the incoming flightpaths of over two hundred Cnian weapons, mostly aimed at Imperialist territories, which were primarily located in Iran.
In response, in defence of life throughout Stoklomolvi, the LY4032s took flight again, with 450 missiles clearing the decks of the Battlegroup's ships, streaking out to where they would meet the incoming nuclear weapons. In total, over five hundred LY4032s had been fired into the upper atmosphere over the middle east. Once more, it would be Lyran honour and Lyran weapons that kept Stoklomolvi civilians alive to complain about Lyran interventionism.
Once again, there was a potent electro-magnetic pulse, easily as great as that which had been generated over the Ukraine. Once again, unshielded electrics would be shorted out. And once again, Lyras would not allow the window of opportunity presented to pass unexploited.
Cnian forces, so recently responsible for nuclear attack on Karachi, would not be permitted to withdraw unpunished for a callous decision of that magnitude.
With telemetry provided by RORSATs, Battlegroup Lambert turned its attentions to offensive action.
Its first target was the Cnian fleet, located off the coast of Karachi. It was a sizeable fleet, including numerous aircraft carriers and modified battleships, a veritable host of cruisers, frigates and destroyers, and doubtlessly submarines, although the latter had not specifically been located, and thus could not be targetted.
The rest of the fleet, however, could be, and were, targetted. Cnain supply of fascist forces was about to come to a crashing, jarring halt.
Taking advantage of the effects of the massive electro-magnetic pulse event which had just occurred, the Lyran fleet struck. 150,000 cruise missiles were fired from the 6000-ship fleet, aimed firstly at the Cnian fleet, and secondly at fascists and fascist-aligned forces and infrastructure throughout the middle east. As had happened in the Ukraine, the LY589s were aimed at rail junctions, bridges, major roads, powerplants, airfields, all forms of surface-to-air and surface-to-surface missile batteries, radar stations, control towers, barracks, known firebases, radio stations and television stations, important administrative complexes, munitions factories and warehouses, police stations and more. Any known piece of infrastructure that could be in any way linked to a war effort was put on the target list for strike. Some mobile forces would, no doubt, escape detection, and therefore escape destruction. But no fixed facility would be spared. You can't hide airfields and power plants. The Hellions that were fired each had a range of 2800km, a radius that put just everything in the region well within the battlegroup's grasp.
Attacks on civilians were not, indeed could not, be justified, and Lyras intended to show all comers the consequences of such dishonourable conduct.
The PeoplesFreedom
16-10-2008, 01:39
Off the Coast of Ukraine
It wasn't long before the radars were screaming with hundreds, if not thousands of missiles screaming towards the Prussian fleet, and the radar operators doubted they were even seeing all of them; no doubt there were sea skimmers and stealth missiles accompanying the massive barrage. Quickly, the BMS and missile operators began assigning targets to the various anti-missile systems of the fleet. The first systems to engaged the enemy missiles would be the Combat Air Patrol fighters on the outskirts of the fleet, each carried at least four missiles capable of downing enemy missiles, and at least forty were in the air at any given time. The BMS assigned them targets, the largest and most deadly missiles took priority, and the fighters then engaged. While many enemy missiles were destroyed, there were plenty more that still needed destruction, so the air defense cruisers of the fleet combined with destroyers and frigates engaged the rest at over one hundred kilometers out. This barrage of missiles ensured most of the enemy bogies were destroyed, and yet still some lived. The RAM and CIWS of individual ships then engaged the last missiles.
Even with these defenses, numerous missiles slammed into the Prussian fleet. A carrier took a direct hit to the deck, causing a massive fire to rage from burning aviation fuel and exploding ammunition. Sailors would work hard through the night to contain the blaze, and thirteen would die. The carrier was not the only ship hit, more missiles slammed into other ships, at least two frigates and a air defense cruiser were sunk, claiming hundreds of lives. Numerous ships suffered casualties or damage from shrapnel or other debris, some fire even started on their decks, but were soon contained.
It wasn't long before the ASW pickets of the Prussian fleet detected stalking Soviet submarines. Helicopters and planes were dispatched to deal with them, along with ASW frigates. It was hoped that the picket would destroy the enemy submarines before they could close in on the main battle formation, thusly limiting casualties. The Navy then prepared to assist the Marines in their assualt on Ukraine.
Command Center
General Hashim had been about to respond yet again to the new nuclear attacks launched against friendly positions, but once again it seemed that the Lyrans had taken care of the nukes themselves. Hashim wasn't sure whether or not he agreed with the destruction of the friendly nukes, but he knew that there was less of a chance of more nuclear bombs going off if none went in the first place.
Now Hashim turned his full attention to the task at hand, the amphibious invasion of Soviet occupied Ukraine. It called for a full shock-and-awe offensive, in multiple waves. Namely, large amounts of navy fighter bombers would destroy all Soviet positions, and clear the way for the Marines. They were supported by the cruise missiles from the various submarines and ships in the fleet. The Marines would assualt via both amphibious assualt vehicle and helicopter, and tanks would quickly land on the shore via hovercraft.
The offensive began in earnest, Seagull Electronic Warfare aircraft lead the way, followed closely by F-25 fighter bombers and Stork bombers. The first wave's primary targets would mainly be enemy airfields and surface to air missile and radar sites. Runway catering bombs, cluster munitions, and anti-radiation missiles would be used to completely disable enemy air capability, and future waves would continually attack the airfields to disallow them from being repaired and used by enemy aircraft. The second and third waves would focus on destroy enemy formations, whether vehicular or troop based, as well as supply depots and fuel dumps would be destroyed. Interdiction missions would be flown over rivers and roads, to ensure no forces would come to reinforce the beachheads. UAV's and satellites also took time to identify enemy strongpoints, command centers, and formations which would be targeted by the Hellion cruise missiles and be destroyed.
The armored and airborne assualt on the beaches, combined with overwhelming and highly accurate firepower, would ensure a successful landing with minimal casualties, and TPF would be on the way to conquering Ukraine.
Coast of Iran
The airborne attacks on the enemy ports had been a successful venture. Casualties had been moderate with around seven hundred killed or wounded, but the troops had taken the ports intact which would allow their Lyran allies to land.
Now, the troops focused on fortifying and controlling the points of entry to the ports in order to make sure they stayed open for their Lyran allies to arrive safely and with the forces needed to take the Middle East and Asia.
The World Soviet Party
16-10-2008, 03:21
I'll assume you met some of my troops, if that's okay with you.
Forward elements of the 3rd Liberation Army and the 375th were already on their way to Lviv, and, apparently, one of the scout platoons that had went ahead to clear the way had just met with a group of Vietnamese. A regiment no less.
Their commander was a young lieutenant, fresh out of the academy, this being his first combat deployment. Thankfully, his sergeant was a veteran of the Yuslevakian campaigns, and his advice was always welcomed.
First things first then, the radio operator reported their location to headquarters, along with a request for air and artillery support, with a simple word, hell would rain on the Viets.
Still, there was no need to be rude, and thus, the squad's translator spoke up (in Ukranian): "Hello, how may we help you in this fine day?"
Yet, the Viets would have to be quite blind not notice the patches with the soviet flags, military-grade equipment, armoured vehicle and uniforms these men were wearing.
20-10-2008, 00:44
[OOC: I seriously do not have time to maintain this thread very much. However, let's get this wrapped up by post 280-300 or so. My post will come in the evening, when I have more motivation. I'm writing about Macbeth right now.]
20-10-2008, 05:17
Karachi, Pakistan Oblast | Stoklomolvi
The five nuclear missiles were targeted in moments by the still active missile defences along the coast, which fired barrages S-400 Triumf missiles towards the incoming missiles. The aircraft grew increasingly ineffective as the bunkers were being levelled, though the infantry continued to fire from the shells below the main firing ports and from sandbag bunkers dug into the side of the cliffs. The nuclear artillery continued to boom and spit out nuclear shells towards the sea, relentlessly pounding the Cnian ships far away from the main front.
Вильнюс, Литва | Стокломолви
Vilnius, Lithuanian Oblast | Stoklomolvi
"Most violent areas? Here, of course! The communists in Iran are also being relentlessly pounded, but we'll deal with the imperialists and fascists down there later."
Narva, Estonian Oblast | Stoklomolvi
The Greali Military Command never received an answer in writing. Instead, the coastal defence batteries that were not destroyed by the Akimonadi forces, which numbered nine that were within range of Narva and the coast, opened up with a barrage of nuclear artillery fire. The Greali men, who had attempted to escape, were soon met with blinding lights and radioactive fire, while Narva was half vaporised as the KGB suffered over three hundred thousand deaths. The Greali declaration of war would be met likewise.
Iran, Stoklomolvi
In a major blitzkrieg, Stoklomolvi Imperial Guardsmen numbering in the tens of thousands, many of them conscripts, poured over the northern borders and struck hard and deep. Tehran, which was spared from nuclear barrages by the Lyran antimissile strike, was soon trampled on by the Imperial Guard. Their equipment, while some disabled, was still able to take down the imperialists, whose equipment was more advanced due to foreign aid but was disabled by the electromagnetic pulses. The Imperial Guard used their primitive AK47s and did the job. Still, they were met with fierce resistance, assisted by the TPFian troops in the area. Fascist infantry from the east, seeing a window, jumped through it and seized some land. The imperialist grabbed more land to the south from the fascists, and the communists smacked the imperialists. Chaos was everywhere; friendly fire was common.
In general, the communists were at the top, with the fascists and imperialists sparring just a rung below.
Fascist-occupied Black Sea State
The Stoklomolvi Imperial Guard chased the Cnians to the edge of the Stoklomolvi border, tanks rumbling and infantry marching through the countryside. Nuclear artillery pieces were drawn from the rear, though only two were available as the rest were in storage. The war would be one of the costliest Stoklomolvi civil wars yet, and the chaos that would inevitably ensue could throw the entire country into yet even more dangers. Still, the troops on all fronts fought on, grabbing and occupying random territory for their respective factions. The Soviets moved in from the north and took a slice of the previously fascist-occupied Black Sea State.
Vietnam Empire
21-10-2008, 00:53
Western Ukraine Stoklomolvi
The sniper unit of the 104th Airborne was taking aim at the “resistance” locals, but something was suspicious. Among the soldiers, they notice something on the shoulder patch, they couldn’t believe in their eyes, it was the WSP soldiers, fooling Commander Tran.
“Shit!!!, they walking into a trap!!, fire at will!!!” said the leader of the sniper unit
A loud gunshot was heard and is enough for Commander Tran and his protecting regiment went down to a prone, he turned his head and notice blood gushing out among the “resistance” locals. Crawling towards the people, he realizes something.
“What on earth! We almost walk into a trap….standard assault rifle, camo with patches…WSP?? Shit, we need to get out of this area and get to the base camp.” Said Tran, he gather his troops and catch up with the Divisions, who is also in the kneel/prone stance, he order them to stand up and continued along the road.
At the distance, they see some soldiers on top of a hill, recognizing it was the 104th Airborne.
Above the Coast of Ukraine; 10 hours after the radio call from Airborne
The remaining batch of 104th Airborne was approaching but its mission was to land in Lviv. Out of the window, they notice something on the waters. It was some Navy, don’t know who it is, they ascended to higher elevation for caution.
“That strange…the last pilot didn’t mention about a Navy near the coast…” said the pilot to the co-pilot
“He didn’t know, it was cloudy, probably marine layer, probably couldn’t see them. Which gives me a thought, how on earth did the Divisions not notice them.” Said the co-pilot
“They came through the north, sneaking through enemy territory. Well who ever it is down there, probably just arrived” said the pilot