a first contact thread 8D
Red Talons
12-09-2008, 10:00
The massive Ragnarok class super dreadnought Calypso drifted through dead space. Flanked by four Victory class carriers. Eight Destiny class battleships and no less than forty-eight Hunter class frigates. The Calypso sent out a message on all channels, far reaching into space. Broadcast in the languages known to them, though the first would be in english, and would cycle through the languages on repeat.
"This is Admiral Niori of the Mercenary Republic of Red Talons. We seek contact with the sentients of the cosmos. As of this moment, our contact has been limited to a select few of the galaxy. Contained in this transmission are the coordinates of our transmission location should you be unable to trace it. We stand ready to accept ambassadors. Good will be to any who respond. We seek peace and to extend our services however we can. This message will repeat."
The message was audio only. underlayed with a rough map of the system the small fleet was in. As well as binary coordinates for the area with a notation to please not exit directly on the listed coordinates, as they may or may not be occupied by other ships.
The admiral relayed a standby order to the reserve fleet which was stationed in the next system, using the systems sun as a buffer to hide behind so that any ships arriving wouldn't detect them. The fleet was staying close enough to the systems red giant sun that they would be completely blocked by the radiation and gravimetric signature of the massive star.
A message was also relayed to the Pegasis as to the current situation, and that they would be kept updated as to the progression of events. Hopefully things wouldn't go south. but they had seen some pretty hostile species out there. Some that weren't above subsuming entire planets into their being. The contact fleet had no intention of becoming someones lunch.
Grand Admiral Roze also had no intention of losing the Calypso along with so many ships without a fight. He sat back in his seat on the bridge of the Pegasis. He idly flicked his fingers as Isahil telepathically relayed to him the events going on with the contact fleet from his position beside Admiral Niori.
The Admiral and Isahil stared out over the empty space as the entire fleets sensors were reaching out across the area, reading for every imaginable form of anomaly against the "norm" that was the area. Waiting patiently for someone to arrive.
Into the Unknown....
A Mobas Class Superbattleship, the Tiger, jumping into the system to investigate. Following the Tiger were one battleship (Remer), and five cruisers. (Command, Science, Vial, Infected, Orion). Normally messages were investigated by a small ship, but following the Calaverian war, the Greal Naval Command was cautious. Onboard the Tiger were a few diplomats appointed by the government. Hopefully, they would find some new friends, instead of enemies.
OOC: Just checking....
12-09-2008, 21:02
It wasn't shortly after that Greywatch responded to the invitation. A typical explorer, along with a Star Shadow escort, were sent in. Greywatch had come into contact with this race before, though such contact was very short lived and were not diplomatic. Since that time, the MRoRT had, more or less, dropped off the map. But now that they'd reappeared in the universe, Greywatch was willing to take a stab at getting to know this nation, and its people, better. A Star Shadow would typically not be dispatched on such a mission, but the fact that 'Mercenary' was apart of the name did call for a little extra caution.
Red Talons
13-09-2008, 10:47
The sensors officer called out as first the Grael, then the Greywatch ships appeared. The Greywatch designs being seen before. The admiral noted, smiling a bit, by his sister ship, the Ragnarok. He ordered the fleet to keep their weapons powered down, as well as to leave the Calypso's shields offline.
Meanwhile, Isahil felt out with his mind. Non invasive, simply looking at the glow of the minds of the ships crew in the area. Moving his senses along the Grael ships, peering through any available view-ports.
Admiral Niori sent out a hail to both the Grael and the Greywatch. Standing up from the commanders seat on the Calypso. The signal was transmitted in both 2d and 3d to accommodate whichever display the other ships had.
The anthro wolf stood nearly 7 feet tall. Clad in a black uniform with red highlights. His fur was a soft gray and his general shape was that of a soldier. On his left hip was a black and red katana. He looked out with ice blue eyes. "I am Admiral Niori of the Red Talons. Commander of the Super-dreadnought Calypso. We understand that due to our nations nature we don't exactly elicit feelings of trust. We would like to discuss matters of diplomacy. I'm assuming you've brought some sort of ambassadors."
Behind the admiral, next to the commanders chair, stood Isahil. The gray haired neko male stood with his arms folded and his eyes closed. Concentrating on what he was doing outside the ship.
A message was immediately sent back.
We currently have two ambassadors on board that wish to discuss the possibility of diplomatic relations and such.
13-09-2008, 23:45
"Captain," began the tactical officer of the Star Shadow, "They have shields and weapons powered down. How shall we respond?" The captain nodded, "Keep weapons offline and shields at 25%." The comms officer looked up, "Sir, incoming trasmission." The captain nodded, "Put it up." After both ships had listened to the message, a response was sent back.
We currently have a diplomat aboard our Explorer, and will send them over whenever you wish.
Red Talons
14-09-2008, 08:25
One of the frigates broke formation and moved forward, a transmission was sent out.
"Our ambassador awaits on the frigate that just approached. We would appreciate if that would be the meeting point."
14-09-2008, 22:30
The Greywatch Explorer quickly deployed a shuttle to the frigate. The shuttle moved forward at high speed, the Greywatch group was anxious to get things going.
One of the frigates broke formation and moved forward, a transmission was sent out.
"Our ambassador awaits on the frigate that just approached. We would appreciate if that would be the meeting point."
A standard diplomatic shuttle came out of the superfortress, which soon departed due to a situation in Greal. The shuttle moved at high speed like their counterparts until it reached the frigate.
Red Talons
15-09-2008, 04:55
The frigates small bay opened up, allowing both shuttles to be guided inside. both were secured to the deck before the bay was closed and pressurized. The ships second officer along with what looked to be Isahil strode up from one of the nearby airlocks. Isahil wore solid crimson samurai style robes, a katana on his right hip and a wakazashi on his left.
The second was an anthro raptor, standing a good 6 feet tall, wearing a full uniform of black and red, a flay of spines covered from the top of his scalp to the base of his skull where hair would normally be. The 6 inch spines bobbed slightly as he walked. on his right hip was what appeared to be a side arm holster bearing a pistol.
The two didn't speak, and simply waited for the two shuttles to unload their crew.
15-09-2008, 05:08
From the Greywatch craft came forth a Xarniosi flanked by a Drone. The Xarniosi was a ways into his transformation and stood a good eight feet in hieght. One could make out its human features but much of its body, including both legs, one arm, much of left torso, and the right half of its face, were a combonation of cybernetics and flesh. To some extend, it looked like a cyborg of some kind, but was obviously different in nature. It's body was bulky, its one flesh-bound arm was very muscular. The other limbs were mirrored this, it wore no clothing for its lower torso was mechanical and its genetals were non-existant. Yet for all this mechinery on its body, it looked perfectly natural, like it was supposed to be there. The mechanical parts were a dark gray color an had blue lights scattered all over them.
The Drone on the other hand looked like any other. Its skin was an unhealthy looking pale color. Its hair, eyes, nails, lip, and dagger-like teeth were all black, as was its clothing. It wore black pants and a black sleeveless shirt. It's body was muscular and it obviously had quite a bit of strength. It stood at six feet like most Drones, and had no facial expression. Neither member of the Greywatch diplomatic group carried any weapons, neither one needed them.
The Drone gave a slight bow to the other two people and then stood, not saying a word. The Xarniosi nodded, "Greetings from Greywatch," he began, "I am Zen Ur." His voice was deep and bore a hint of artificialness.
Dorinia and Miller stepped from the Greal shuttle, behind them were two Black Guards. Dorinia looked around at her surroundings and looked for any sign of greeting from the two that were there. Miller looked at his Greywatch counterparts uneasily.
15-09-2008, 09:20
A single Infernal Frigate was cruising through T-Space investigating the territory ahead of the Nomadic Fleet It was common practice to search out all possible locations before establishing the route the Ta’Nar were to take next. It is good to know what lay within their future territory as they traveled through. You never know if there was a delicious civilization possessing Psionics along the way. They would be most certainly investigated if they were discovered.
Yes Shipmind?
I have detected a broadcast within Real Space. It indicates there is a new civilization seeking contacts along one of the projected paths of The Fist.
I understand. Change course to the source. Do not Emerge from T-Space but instead watch for a while.
Yes Sir.
The ebon frigate changed course and headed toward the rendezvous point.
If this is full I can delete my post.
Red Talons
16-09-2008, 08:20
Both the reptilian and Isahil nodded. Isahil giving a traditional bow in cat-stance, the Reptialian placing a closed right fist to his left brest in salute.
The reptilian spoke first. "Welcome aboard the Blue-Storm. I am second in command Raizlin. And this-"
At which point he was cut off by Isahil "Isahil Traekith, Diplomatic liason for the Red Talons. If you'll follow me, we have a room prepared for formal talks."
Isahil opened his senses, feeling if the Greywatch personell were living or machine, as well as feeling for the mood of the Grael personell. In an attempt to prevent any misgivings or misunderstandings that could be possibly catastrophic.
Meanwhile, on the bridge of the Ragnarok. The sensord were picking up something slightly odd. That had it not been for the fact that they had been scanning the area for hours before the ships arrival, they wouldnt have noticed at all. And if it hadnt been for the fact that they had never encountered one of the two races ever before, would have been given more attention than it was. As it stood. The Balrogga ship in T-space was logged as a spacial anomaly caused as an after-effect of either the Grael or Greywatch FTL systems.
OOC: Not full yet, i think i'll max out at 4.
Both the reptilian and Isahil nodded. Isahil giving a traditional bow in cat-stance, the Reptialian placing a closed right fist to his left brest in salute.
The reptilian spoke first. "Welcome aboard the Blue-Storm. I am second in command Raizlin. And this-"
At which point he was cut off by Isahil "Isahil Traekith, Diplomatic liason for the Red Talons. If you'll follow me, we have a room prepared for formal talks."
Isahil opened his senses, feeling if the Greywatch personell were living or machine, as well as feeling for the mood of the Grael personell. In an attempt to prevent any misgivings or misunderstandings that could be possibly catastrophic.
Meanwhile, on the bridge of the Ragnarok. The sensord were picking up something slightly odd. That had it not been for the fact that they had been scanning the area for hours before the ships arrival, they wouldnt have noticed at all. And if it hadnt been for the fact that they had never encountered one of the two races ever before, would have been given more attention than it was. As it stood. The Balrogga ship in T-space was logged as a spacial anomaly caused as an after-effect of either the Grael or Greywatch FTL systems.
OOC: Not full yet, i think i'll max out at 4.
Dorinia and Miller followed Isahil to the room where they would talk, about diplomatic relations an other things. Miller still seemed nervous, while Dorinia seemed sure of herself.
16-09-2008, 13:09
The Greywatch team followed with a nod. There wasn't much to say at this point in time. The Drone's eyes looked all around the ship, taking in anything and everything.
OOC: If your using psychic abilities to go over them, it's not going to work on the Drone whatsoever.
Red Talons
17-09-2008, 09:01
Isahil opened the door to a fair sized briefing room, metal frame chairs surrounded a U shaped table. Isahil and Raizlin took seats at the curve of the table.
Isahil started. "First of all, i'd like to again welcome you. I'd lso like to say its a pleasure to formally meet a representative of the Greywatch. empire." He nodded slightly to the two Greywatch representatives. "And greetings to..." He paused, looking at the two Grael ambassadors. "you haven't introduced yourselves yet..." He said in a tone slightly off from his so far cheerful manner.
OOC: Yes he's using psi abilities, and its mainly to see if the drone has a mind at all. Any mental activity would be sensed, so if its a hive mind, it would still register as a sentient being of sorts. Where a robot or AI would read as 'dead'
Isahil opened the door to a fair sized briefing room, metal frame chairs surrounded a U shaped table. Isahil and Raizlin took seats at the curve of the table.
Isahil started. "First of all, i'd like to again welcome you. I'd lso like to say its a pleasure to formally meet a representative of the Greywatch. empire." He nodded slightly to the two Greywatch representatives. "And greetings to..." He paused, looking at the two Grael ambassadors. "you haven't introduced yourselves yet..." He said in a tone slightly off from his so far cheerful manner.
OOC: Yes he's using psi abilities, and its mainly to see if the drone has a mind at all. Any mental activity would be sensed, so if its a hive mind, it would still register as a sentient being of sorts. Where a robot or AI would read as 'dead'
"I am Dorinia and this is my counterpart, Miller. We are official representatives from the Greal Galactic Empire." said Dorinia.
17-09-2008, 13:05
OOC: Drones are Crypticly based and are crypticly hive-minded (so they're sentient) but Cryption itself provides complete immunity to all things psychic. Xarniosi are humans that slowly transfer into becoming machines during the course of their lives and are quite sentient.
The Drone to a seat and the Xarniosi stood just behind it. Both looked to Isahil and then to the Greali. Looked like no one else had answered the call. Isahil would be able to pick up partial thoughts from the Xarniosi, mainly due to part of its brain being converted. The Drone, on the other hand, would be more like a ghost to psychic senses.
17-09-2008, 14:42
The Infernal Frigate slipped into the system deep within T-Space (or the 7th Dimension) and held position near the middle of the other ships. If anyone close by would have the ability to scan different dimensions, their proximity would possibly confuse and erroneous reading with the ships holding position in Real Space.
Of course their sensors would be detected as emitting in the vicinity of the ships also so any intense scanning would possibly be attributed to one of the other vessels. They also were in a position to use the returning sensor emissions from the ships in Real Space. This meant they would be able to detect almost everything else the others were. It also gave the Ta’Nar an insight on the cultures behind the different nations here.
The Rude Awakening waited, remaining Uplifted while it tried to listen in on the activities "below". After it was able to determine the commotion was centered upon The Blue Storm, the Shipmind contacted Captain F’Ster.
Yes Shipmind
I have determined which ship seems to be the point of origin and have indicated it in the sensor feeds
Thank you
Yes Shipmind
What are your orders
Captain F’Ster reviewed the data by accessing the feeds directly and explored the washes from the other ships. Of particular interest were several spikes from a couple ships on the K Bands. That meant there was possibly psionics In use and that interested him greatly.
Shipmind, isolate the K Band readings and let me know when you have compiled all the data
Yes Sire
Take us to Real Space, we have sulked around here long enough. Make sure weapons are ready but do not establish a Space Minus Power connection. We can use conventionals if they are hostile
By your command
Moments later a small 60 meter vessel simple faded into existence from nowhere as it Emerged from T-Space. The black ebony hull reflected no light and sensors immediately went berserk showing the gravity shadow of the vessel being that of a small star. The power readings were as equally impossible and made several technicians wonder if they should conduct a systems check. The Psions on the ship would immediately feel an alien presence from the ship, almost like the whole thing was alive. In the distant star system where the reserve fleet waited unseen, the appearance of the immense gravity signature as well as the power readings was immediately noticeable.
For what seemed an eternity, silence reigned before chatter filled the airwaves with panic and surprise from the ships taken by surprise by the entrance of the Ta’Nar vessel. After a couple minutes, a single voice filled the minds of those who could receive the communication.
Greetings. We are the Ta’Nar. We have heard your message.
Please take my general description of possible reactions as onlt suggestions. They are based upon estimations of general human reactions and does not reflect upon what your actions are unless you wish to allow your characters to follow the suggestion I provided.
Greywatch, I sent a TG before composing this post. Please check for it.
17-09-2008, 18:32
The weapons aboard the Star Shadow escort would come alive very, very quickly as the new contact appeared. All forms of scans were immediately done on the ship. The Explorer vessel moved back to its guardian while the captain of the Star Shadow pondered where such a thing came from. "Tactical, can you give me anything?" The tactical officer shook her head, "No sir. Looks like it came out of nowhere, very similar to PSR though, gravity disturbance wise." The captian nodded, "Interesting..." It was then that everyone on the bridge, and on the ship for that matter, (exception being the Drones and the Leanorians) heard the message. "Did that just-" The comms officer shook his head, "Nothing registered on the systems." The captain and crew were silent for awhile. Drones and Leanorians aboard the ship were confused at why everyone else seemed so out of it. Questions went back and forth, 'didn't you hear it?' 'How could you not?' 'What voice?' No one seemed to know what was going on. The captain sighed, "Access our databanks and see if you can find something useful.."
Red Talons
29-09-2008, 03:04
On the bridge of the Calypso, the captain ordered a all hands to remain calm. Most of the crews of the ships had heard the message. A call came up from the sensors officer.
"Looks like they may use some form of gravity technology, something like us but more advanced."
The Red Talons ships each bore a gravity signature much larger than what the ships of their size would normally give off. The Calypso giving off the signature of a small moon in itself.
Isahil instantly froze on the bridge of the Calypso where he stood, not that he had been moving to begin with. More accurately his avatar on the Frigate froze as he heard the message. Responding across the distance as his senses reached out to the ship. -"I am Isahil Traekith of the Red Talons Mercenary Republic. Greetings Ta-Nar. Would you be able to join the meeting on the forward most ship of our people?"- The voice responded, directed back at the new ship.
02-10-2008, 01:13
A simular voice replied from the back of the minds able to hear it speaking in their own language.
We will send someone over.
Please indicate the type of meeting you wish to occur.
Red Talons
02-10-2008, 23:07
The response to the newcomers came swiftly through telepathy.
-"Our nation seeks to meet other civilizations and open diplomatic channels for buisness and trade. Some form of ambassador is the usual custom for most races, though if you wish we could continue as we are now."-
Isahil's avatar on the frigate seemed to be unusually still for a moment before continuing. "Well, as soon as we get formalities out of the way we can move on to what we have in offer to trade." He smiled politely.
02-10-2008, 23:48
"Is there something wrong?" Asked the Drone, completely unaware of the psychic message that had been broadcast. The Xarniosi looked down to the creature, "You didn't hear?" The Drone shook its head. The Xarniosi looked forward, "It's not all that important, pay it no heed." The Drone shrugged.
03-10-2008, 04:11
There was a pause before the reply came in the same manner as before.
We were unsure of the nature of your meeting from your designation. It seems strange for any group of mercenaries to desire trade and business. Did we mistranslate your meaning? We were not sure if you wished assistance or employers.
Red Talons
09-10-2008, 05:07
to the Balrogga ship the reply came swiftly. -"Well, we do seek employers. but we wish technology and or mineral resources in return. We do not have a home planet of our own so we lack what most would call an 'industrial center' for trade and supplies."-
In the room on the frigate, Isahil continued simultaneously. "We ask for minerals and technology and in exchange we will provide our services as generations of mercenaries."
((OOC: if the drones mind cant be affected by psi abilities then it cant see isahil in the room >.>; ))
09-10-2008, 05:56
OOC: Well that's something I wish had been a little more clear much earlier. But more importantly, there's not much for me to do at this moment since all conversations between everyone in the room and you have ceased.
"Anyone feel like telling me this person we're supposed to be meeting is? I'd expect he wouldn't want to keep diplomats waiting." The Drone spoke in an uncaring tone, the Xarniosi looking down at the creature and pointed straight ahead. "He's here, are you saying you can't see him?" The Drone looked forward and then back up, "Well that's odd. I see nothing, I'd assume you're seeing things but there's a good chance I'm just blind. Of course, I can see everything else perfectly so there's got to be some other explanation." The Xarniosi sighed, working with Drones could be so troublesome, "I don't know. Perhaps someone on board the ship could help?" The Drone shrugged, not giving much notcie to the Xarniosi's suggestion.
09-10-2008, 06:36
Red Talons, check TGs
11-10-2008, 02:02
to the Balrogga ship the reply came swiftly. -"Well, we do seek employers. but we wish technology and or mineral resources in return. We do not have a home planet of our own so we lack what most would call an 'industrial center' for trade and supplies."-
In the room on the frigate, Isahil continued simultaneously. "We ask for minerals and technology and in exchange we will provide our services as generations of mercenaries."
((OOC: if the drones mind cant be affected by psi abilities then it cant see isahil in the room >.>; ))
The reply came back alomst immediately following the same method.
If that is true, then the rest of this conversation should be held in the presence of eath other instead of distantly where anyone might get lucky to over hear something. Where would you like to meet?
Red Talons
11-10-2008, 04:33
Isahil calmly sat where he stood on the bridge of the Calypso. Removing two black crystaline objects from his yukata and released them to float near his head as he assumed a medatative posture. Focusing his mind as he projected a second avatar to the balrogga ship.
In the conference room, the first avatar continued. "As i was saying, The Red Talons are a mercenary republic, I'm going to assume i dont have to explain what that means..." He paused, ignoring the drone. "As it stands we only know a handful of sentients in the galaxy, and buisness is rather... i dont know if slow would be the right word... more like, non-existant..." he smiled.
Raizlin nodded, looking over the four gathered in the room. "What our kind lad here means to say, is that we dont have a decent repertoire of decent clients who are willing to pay for our services."
((OOC: Balrogga, check your TG's))
11-10-2008, 04:49
The Drone rose and started to head back the way it was led in, "I'm going back to the shuttle until our host shows up. Contact me when he does." The Xarniosi didn't say anything to the creature but instead used the cybernetics to perform a brief scan. He looked to Isahil, "So you're more looking for employers than diplomatic talks, is that it? Have you ever considered having a side project, something besides being soldiers for hire? Trade always yields some interesting results... but more importantly, what is the nature of the technology you're using? I can't pick up your life signs as being in this room, and whatever you're using doesn't seem to work on my companion here."
Red Talons
11-10-2008, 05:42
Isahil smirked. "It is to be expected. Psi abilities do not work on those without a sentience of their own. I am appearing to you from the bridge of the Calypso. The dreadnought nearby. This is only an avatar of myself."
Raizlin shook his head. "Thats why i'm here, on the off chance his psi abilities fail, i'm authorized to continue negotiations." The anthro raptor nodded slightly.
11-10-2008, 17:10
"I see, I've not heard of this 'psi' before. I wish you luck in developing your skill since it seems that this special ability of yours is underdeveloped." The Xarniosi gave a slight smile, it meant no offense but obviously Isahil wasn't aware of just how sentient Drones really were. The Drone looked to Raizlin, "No, if the man can't come here himself, I'm not really interested in anything he has to say. Plus, just listening to the big guy," the Drone pointed to Zen Ur, "tells me it's nothing I'll be interested in. I'll be back on the shuttle if anyone needs me." The Drone snapped its fingers and vanished, only to appear inside its shuttle.