mhoudian christians call crusade against mhoudian islamists (MT)
The head of the Mhoudian Arab Christian Autonomous Zone, Constantin Al-Mukari, has declared war on the unrecognised Mhoudian Emirate, which is backed by the Islamist militia Dar-Ul-Ummar.The Zanski-backed christian militia, Saint Johns Army, has called up 100,000 volunteers to attack the Islamists.
Zanski, a secular country that occupies 1/4 of Mhoudia, is also mobilizing 10,000 soldiers from GarFor, the Pan-Gharrakan(zanski & mhoudia)peacekeeping force, to attack the islamists.
Volunteers are most welcome, as Christians of the world should always help eachother.
Official Allanean Response:
We will send equipment and volunteers if allowed.
The Ryou Black Islands
11-09-2008, 13:52
The Ryou Black Islands declares that all Mhoudian Musilms can come to the Islands and become Citizens of the Empire. The Ryouese Government also decares the Saint Johns Army as a Terrorist Group and warns Zanski to stop all Surport of face Ryouese Wrath.
Church of Kirav
Rectorate of Foriegn Ministry
The Church of Kirav hereby officially CONDEMNS this un-Christian act by the leadership of Mhoudian followers of Christ.
Jesus Christ preached the earlier Commandments of the Father, including, if we're not mistaken, Thou shalt not kill. He also preached to love thy neighbour as thine self. Do you not remember that recently, this situation was reversed? Do you not remember when the Muslims who you now slay were slaying your own, and the suffering and strife it brought to you and your families?
You claim to be fighting in the name of our Lord, even as you blatantly disobey his Word.
On behalf of the Kiravian government, we relay the order that Mhoudian Muslims are to be alotted 25,000 refugee visas. Mhoudian Christians have an unlimited number of refugee visas available, as decreed during the jihad against them. Both Muslim and Christian refugees can turn to the Church of Kirav for financial and living assistance. Conversion is not neccessary.
Message from the Church of Liberty-City
You ARE mistaken. The Old Testament was written in Hebrew. The original language of the Commandment does not say 'Thou Shalt Not Kill', but rather 'Thou Shalt Not Murder', 'Al Tirzah'. Killing in a just war is allowed - and while we may not all agree that this one is just, it's bad form to call people bad Christians because they think it's just to ifght a people that has been exterminating them for years and intends to proceed. That is all.
The Beatus
12-09-2008, 04:05
Official Statement
The Holy Empire of the Beatus, is outraged by the actions of this "Saint Johns Army" who claim to be doing the work of God. Our troops will fight for the rights of the Mhoudian Muslims, who should not be murdered simply for being Muslims. This "Saint Johns Army" is clearly the aggressor in this situation. We also offer our nation, to any and all refugees that wish to flee this conflict.
From the Desk of:
Emperor Jonas Listless
The Holy Empire of the Beatus
12-09-2008, 06:14
The Miraadery of Catawaba
An Open Communication from the Privy Councilor for Foriegn Affairs, Lolimba Bevu
Concerning the State of Crusade and Jihad in Mhoudia
It seems absurd that in a perhaps millenia old conflict between competing ideologies so many uninformed observers would choose to jump to conclusions, nay jump to merely military action with so little information. It is not the Miraade's opinion to become involved in this conflict until more is known as to the context of the continuing holy wars in this region.
The Miraade asks that all sides attempt to understand the situation before turning their keys and upsetting a volcano. A patrol frigate will be dispatched and sail into range so that we may launch photo-reconnassiance drones to observe the strife in Mhoudia and better understand the situation on the ground.
From the heart to the world,
Lolimba Bevu
Privy Councilor for Foriegn Affairs
While we generally prefer not to involve ourselves in the affairs of foreign states, the Grand Holy Empire of Imota generally condemns genocide, and thus offers to all displaced people of Mhoudia, Christian, Muslim, or otherwise, the right to seek refugee status in our country.
Minoru Ogawa, Acting Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Grand Holy Empire of Imota
The Kingdom of Bardar couldn't care less about foreign affair, but will watch and laugh as foreign heathens kill each other.
Bardur I, sovereign king of Bardar.
12-09-2008, 14:04
[OOC: Oi, I was so tired last night that I forgot to include a post script. Zanski, if you could, please flesh out the conflict a bit. Explain the wider implications of this brushfire war and the back ground of religious wars in Mhoudia. What's gone on between teh two groups over history. Who's at fault for what.
I think that'd help us greatly and it'd make your country feel like it was living and breathing, instead of being just a blurb.]
[OOC: Oi, I was so tired last night that I forgot to include a post script. Zanski, if you could, please flesh out the conflict a bit. Explain the wider implications of this brushfire war and the back ground of religious wars in Mhoudia. What's gone on between teh two groups over history. Who's at fault for what.
I think that'd help us greatly and it'd make your country feel like it was living and breathing, instead of being just a blurb.]
This has already been RPed in detail. I don't think Zanski needs to go through it again.
The Ryou Black Islands
12-09-2008, 19:24
The Ryouese knew now that Zanski would not control the Saint John's Army (Now wanted as a Terrorist group by The Ryou Government) so it seems that the Ryouese would have to force the Zanski and the SJA out of Mhoudia, one way or another.
and One Carrier Task force from The Revolutionary Martine Armed Force would be a warning that the Zanski Government would never Ignore.
Task Force Banzai
4 Camelopardalis Class Air Craft Carriers
10 Orca Class Battleships
10 Type 81 Cavalier-class Destroyers
5 Dead Moon Class Battlecruisers
5 Manta Class Missile Cruisers.
The Task Force left Port at Shai and head for Mhoudian Waters.
13-09-2008, 00:24
[OOC: I think we've gone into this before, Allanea. I figure that this is a difference in styles. I write, I play, in a book-like style. I reference and allude to previous events or threads in the story I'm playing right then. If I don't feel like rehashing an entire thread again, I'll provide a link for people to reference.
The problem between our styles seems to be yours is built on experience, which enables you to make short, one paragraph posts. You've seen or participated in that previous endeavour where all this strife occured. I have not. I'd appreciate the courtesy of a summary of previous events, a link to those previous events, so I can play at the same level.
If you're not willing to do any of that, you might as well close your threads but to those who know what's gone on.]
13-09-2008, 01:09
[OOC: Man, Ryou, can you even afford 4 aircraft carriers after the war that killed your country? I mean come on. Your nation is like an amoeba. You get utterly pwnt, and then you multiply and reform magically in the period of a week. It's rather impossible.]
The Lone Alliance
13-09-2008, 04:15
Message from The Lone Alliance:
"Holy wars" are a disturbing trend that we wish that many would learn to forget, sadly it seems that this time it appears that the Christians are the ones to initiate "Jihad". As of 0240 we are deploying several ships and Aircraft to monitor and possibly defuse the situation peacefully.
-Lone Alliance Ministry of Equality
1 Tarawa Class Amphibious Assault ship (LHA) (7 harriers, 2 Sea Knights)
2 Ivan Rogov Class LPD
2 Spruance Class Destroyers
3 Tromp Class Frigates
2 Swiftsure Class Subs
2 Oilers\Repair ships
2 Supply ships
1 Transport Ship
2,200 Marines 8LVTP7s 3 LVTH6 (Vietnam era landing vehicle 105mm gun) M163 Apcs
The Tolvanic Council of Churches hereby denounces this "holy war" embarked upon by the so-called Christian leaders of Mhoudi. There are few things more heinous then perverted the Word of God to support your war of hatred. Wars of this sort do nothing to advance the cause of God and in fact do more harm to the efforts of the Church than anything else.
As a result the Tolvanic Council Churches strongly advises its members to ignore this call to arms and to refuse to send any aid to the leaders of this travesty.
Dr. Felipe Valdez
Executive Director
Tolvanic Council of Churches
Cardinal Samuel Burns
Archdiocese of Brayton
Bishop James Morgan
Tolvanic African-Christian Church
Reverend Simon Graves
President, Tolvanic Baptist Association
DISCLAIMER: The views expressed above are those of the individuals listed and do not necessarly represent those of the Government of the Commonwealth of Tolvan or any of its agencies.
OOC: Catawaba, I don't think you seriously want to imply I'm unable to make detailed posts, which I do when necessary. But I don't think EVERY post of mine has to be detailed – if the original poster has not bothered to do more than a one-paragraph post, I don't think I should be called upon to write War and Peace in response. Also, Ryou, I don't think you're aware of the circumstances of the Mhoudian conflict. Are you SURE yours is an appropriate response?
The Ryou Black Islands
13-09-2008, 14:34
OOC: Also, Ryou, I don't think you're aware of the circumstances of the Mhoudian conflict. Are you SURE yours is an appropriate response?
OOC: Yes it is.
"The Arab Worker's Republic of Hallad strongly condemns this action against our Muslim Brothers, and we mourn the loss of each loyal servent of Allah. The Halladi Red Crescent has been authorized to deploy into Mhoudia by the Halladi government to help in humanitarian efforts, and will act impartially, aiding both Muslims and Christians. We are also willing to take in refugees wanting to escape the violence."
Commissaria of Diplomacy and Foreign Affairs
What was not announced was the 'nod' to any Muslim willing to go volunteer and fight on behalf of the Muslims in Mhoudia -- though Christians were barred from leaving to aid the Christian crusaders.
The Tolvanic Council of Churches hereby denounces this "holy war" embarked upon by the so-called Christian leaders of Mhoudi. There are few things more heinous then perverted the Word of God to support your war of hatred. Wars of this sort do nothing to advance the cause of God and in fact do more harm to the efforts of the Church than anything else.
As a result the Tolvanic Council Churches strongly advises its members to ignore this call to arms and to refuse to send any aid to the leaders of this travesty.
Dr. Felipe Valdez
Executive Director
Tolvanic Council of Churches
Cardinal Samuel Burns
Archdiocese of Brayton
Bishop James Morgan
Tolvanic African-Christian Church
Reverend Simon Graves
President, Tolvanic Baptist Association
DISCLAIMER: The views expressed above are those of the individuals listed and do not necessarly represent those of the Government of the Commonwealth of Tolvan or any of its agencies.
The Church of Kirav applauds the actions of our Christian brothers in Tolvan. They are being the true servants of Christ, not the Mhoudi.
The Saint John's Army has recently stated that it has killed 30,000 terrorists so far and pushed back the ceasefire line four miles.
Zanski will shortly order a ceasefire and send in peacekeepers to moniter the situation and has already forced the halt of ariel attacks by the Saint Johns Army.
The Christian council of mhoudia has recently defined 'holy war' and as such, these actions are not holy war. The SJA will not ever attack anyone without being provoked or without public endorsement from Zanski.
However, Zanski guarantees that no-one will get to Mhoudia alive as there are 8 million troops currently stationed there, and the blockasde of warships will make sure no airplanes get through.
the halladi red cross will not be allowed in. No foreigners in Mhoudia. FULL STOP.
The Ryou Black Islands
13-09-2008, 17:08
Seeing that the Zanski were now declareing Full Surport for the Terrorist Saint John's Army, The Ryouese now had no choice but to go into all out war against Zanski in Mhoudia.
But for a War against the Zanski and theri Terrorist Allies, one must have allies of their own. Isabella soon called out for help.
From Empress Isabella of The Ryou Black Islands
we aks for the world for help in the war aganst Zanski and The Terrorist group known as 'Saint John's Army'. These Terrorists must be stopped from killing people. So we ask for Natiions to help in the war.
This was War against The Zanski.
"The Halladi Red Crescent does not discriminate nor harm anyone, it is not a part of the Halladi government, and we are simply there to provide medical care -- and from the numbers that I have seen, Mhoudia needs us. Our organization is not hostile -- we are doctors, nurses, teachers, and others who volunteer their time to help those in need. The government of Zanski should reconsider this decision to not allow foreigners into Mhoudia before this turns into a major humanitarian crisis!"
Bashir bin Omar
Head of the Halladi Red Crescent Society
The Ryou Black Islands
14-09-2008, 01:41
"The Halladi Red Crescent does not discriminate nor harm anyone, it is not a part of the Halladi government, and we are simply there to provide medical care -- and from the numbers that I have seen, Mhoudia needs us. Our organization is not hostile -- we are doctors, nurses, teachers, and others who volunteer their time to help those in need. The government of Zanski should reconsider this decision to not allow foreigners into Mhoudia before this turns into a major humanitarian crisis!"
Bashir bin Omar
Head of the Halladi Red Crescent Society
To: Bashir bin Omar
From: Grand Admiral Ryu Minamoto.
The Zanski will never lissen. They are a Genocideal People that want to destroy all others because they are Xenophobic. The only way to get in is if Zanski was forced out of Mhoudia. Once we start the Invasion of Mhoudia, the Revolutionary Maritine Armed Forced wil let you fallow.
TO: Grand Admiral Ryu Minamoto
FROM: Bashir bin Omar
I am most saddened to hear that the government of Zanski will not listen to reason, and I thank you for your pledge. I shall make sure to remember the Ryou nation as one of compassion. I must confess, that though it is rarely said by me that war is good, I believe the actions taken by your government are commendable and that someone must act before more civilians die needlessly. For that reason, I say good luck, and God's speed. I would also like to tell you I will contact Premier Muhammad immediately and lobby for Halladi support for your endevour.
Bashir bin Omar
President of the Halladi Red Crescent Society
Bashir was true to his word and called the Premier's office immediately. Given his position, he was able to get through to Muhammad in a timely fashion even with the happenings in the world.
"Bashir, it is nice to hear from you again, how are you," answered Hasan Muhammad, the Premier of Hallad.
"Hasan," replied bin Omar, "I am doing well, thank you, and you?"
"Good, good as can be with my job," he snickered. "What can I help you with?"
Bashir paused. "Have you heard about the Mhoudia conflict?"
"Mhoudia..." He took a moment to think. "Yes, I believe so... ethnic cleansing? There was a press release from the Commissariat about it wasn't there?"
"Yes, the CDFA commented and condemned the actions of the crusaders, but also we were given the go-ahead. Permission to enter the area and provide humanitarian aid."
The Premier grunted his approval. "Good."
"One problem..."
"That is?"
"They won't let us in..." Bashir voice echoed his disappointment. "The government of Zanski has denied any access to the nation by any foreigners. I thought they would let us in -- we're Hallad after all! -- but, no, they won't have it. One nation, though, Ryou -- socialist, I believe -- is preparing to invade and liberate the people there and they have pledged to allow us in to provide the aid those people need."
"Good, well I'm glad." Muhammad wasn't sure what bin Omar was getting at yet.
Bashir sighed. "Hasan, we need to support this."
"Huh? Why is that?"
"To make sure lives are saved."
Now Muhammad sighed. "Bashir... I am all for helping these people, I truly am -- they are Muslims and our Brothers -- but I can't spare forces to this. You have heard the news haven't you?"
"Yes, Shessara, and our second major conflict with them. Securing Hallad's territory is more important than those people, quite frankly. I wish I could do both, but I just can't do it."
"Please," begged bin Omar, "Hasan, anything, a small contribution to the invasion force!"
There was a long pause, and finally Muhammad spoke. "I'll talk to Jabir and the Navy and see what they'll allow. I'm not making any promises. I'm sorry, Bashir, that's as best as I can do."
"Okay... thank you, Hasan."
"Good-bye, comrade."
The Premier was a man true to his word and he did contact Jabir Yusuf, Commissar of War and Defense, and the Naval Admiral Hakim Sayyid Abdul-Aziz. They fought bitterly over the matter, but they all had to admit they sympathised with the plight of the Muslims in Mhoudia -- Jabir Yusuf in particular was a devout Muslim -- and so they agreed they would help with a small contribution.
"The Hallad Arab Worker's Republic finds the so-called 'Communist' government of Zanski an affront to the working class. Were it truly an enlightened Socialist nation, it would never have allowed the situation in Mhoudia to deteriorate to where it is now. Their intolerance for the Halladi Red Crescent Society upsets the Halladi government, as well, as they are a show of friendship from our nation, a Socialist one. As such, if Zanski refuses still to take the sitaution under control and allow the Halladis into Mhoudia, we will contribute three destroyers, two cruisers, and two amphibious assault ships with 1,500 Red Marines to aid the Revolutionary Maritime Armed Forced."
The Commissariat of War and Defense
The Ryou Black Islands
14-09-2008, 04:01
The Ryouese were soon happy with Hallad's surport and were already prepareing for The Invasion of Mhoudia. to plan was for air strikes to take out Zanski forces. then fallowed by a Full scale Invasion that would take down Zanski's Forces and the Saint John's Army. The Goal was to free Mhoudia and Crush Zanski's Military.
After that would come a Invasion of Zanski it self, to end the madness.
The task Force sent to warn Zanski from surporting The SJA was soon ordered to start Air Strikes in Mhoudia it self. Satellites were soon headig over Mhoudia to find enemy Military bases and Air Fields to destroy.
While this was happening, The Revolutionary Maritine Armed Forces were planning a Blockade of Zanski to keep them from sending Renforcements to Mhoudia. The Blockade would be made up of Submarines and Anti-Aircraft Frigates and Destroyers. Privateers were soon sent also to attack Zanski Cargo Ships.
This was Zanski's final Mistake.
Ryou, your blockade will never happen.
5 miles from Ryouese coast
Two jets had been ordered by Zanski to briefly attack the Ryou Islands, but in a place where no-one would get hurt. So it was chosen that they would fire an airstrike against a barn. So, travelling at mach 1, one of them fired the missile and the two jets both turned back round towards Zanski.
Zanski hopes that this action will wake Ryou up to the fact that while a) we do not want to hurt them and b)Zanski has been weak in the past, that c) we will attack them without hesitation and d) we have a huge, advanced, well-trained army.
We have taken the decision to allow Hallad to recruit Zansk red crescent volunteers into Zanski, but no Halladi volunteers.
We have taken the decision to allow Hallad to recruit Zansk red crescent volunteers into Zanski, but no Halladi volunteers.
The Lone Alliance
14-09-2008, 22:16
Message from The Lone Alliance:
Due to continued instability and to assure that we will not allow any neutral party to be harmed. The Lone Alliance may deploy further protection into the area. We furthermore DEMAND that all attempts at these vile actions cease as soon as possible.
OOC: You may not fear Ryou Zanski, but you should fear me.
The Ryou Black Islands
14-09-2008, 22:24
Ryou, your blockade will never happen.
5 miles from Ryouese coast
Two jets had been ordered by Zanski to briefly attack the Ryou Islands, but in a place where no-one would get hurt. So it was chosen that they would fire an airstrike against a barn. So, travelling at mach 1, one of them fired the missile and the two jets both turned back round towards Zanski.
Zanski hopes that this action will wake Ryou up to the fact that while a) we do not want to hurt them and b)Zanski has been weak in the past, that c) we will attack them without hesitation and d) we have a huge, advanced, well-trained army.
OOC: Zanski: I am calling it godmod since you Ignored that fact of radar and that you have to RP your planes leaveing your Territory. But I am a Easy going Person, so I will ask you to edit it please.
and TLA is right, you may not fear The Ryouese, but you WILL Fear Him
The Ryou Black Islands
14-09-2008, 22:39
From: Empress Isabella
To: The Genocideal Nutjobs ruleing Zanski
I order you to leave Mhoudia with in 24 hours, or face Ryouese Wrath. We know that your Military is a sham, your People fear us more, but you fear The Lone Allaince, Hallad and others even more. The World hates you, you are Outcasts. No one will surport you and who ever surports you need to get a CAT Scan.
24 hours, or bye bye.
14-09-2008, 22:39
Neko-Opolis most certianly condems this political agression under the guise of religion! We will not support anyone who feeds the flames of inhumanity!
That is all.
(OOC: Ryou, please check Telegrams)
South Lizasauria
14-09-2008, 22:55
The Free Minds alliance condemns this action and under the authority of the Free Minds council and the Free Minds charter we have send a peace keeping force to prevent any Muslims or Christians in Zanski from infringing on each other's religious rights. Know that our presence will ensure that people shall be able to practice religion freely provided they are not cultic, and at the same time no religion will be allowed to oppress any other. We also acknowledge that cultists and extremism are not to be confused with the mainstream religions we protect.
120000 infantry
13500 armor (various tanks)
7000 various military/aid helicopters
4000 various fighter bombers/jets
100000 humvees
3000 bombers
Arsenal:Infantry armament and gear
South Lizasaurian tactical gear
Rocket launchers-LAWs, Mikor MGls, RPG launchers
Books on phychology and cult awareness
Various assault rifles, machineguns and miniguns
Flash bang grenades
High explosive grenades
Frag grenades
Combat power suits for infantry (proves very useful when dealing fighting in urban warefare, guerrilla warfare or when troops must be dispatched into dangerous combat zones)
Chem suits
Battle buggies
Hand cannons.
The Ryou Black Islands
14-09-2008, 23:20
While The War was about to start, many of The Religions in the Islands soon declared their own war on Zanski.
over 20% of the Ryouese belong to the Assyrian Church of the East, Isabella being a Member. Patriarch Mar Alhau denonced Zanski and declared a Crusade on Zanski and to stop the Fanatical people of Zanski from destroying a nation.
the Jewish people of the Islands soon started sending letters to Jews in Zanski, asking them to Rebel aganst the Zanski Government and to Welcome the Ryouese when they Invade.
Bigger in Anti-Zanski feelings were The Muslims, all 4,000,000 of them on the Ryou Black Islands. Many were joining a Terrorist group aganst Zanski: Known as Al-Jihad Ryou, They called on all Musilms to Attack Zanski targets and kill Zanski soldiers and civilians.
20,000 Al-Jihad Fighters were soon heading for Mhoudia to Kill Zanski and SJA forces in a War of Blood.
other Religions were decrying against Zanski, no more so then The Ryouese Shintoists and Pagans, who declared that Gods would Punsh Zanski and destroy that evil nation.
It was now a War of Religions.
South Lizasauria
14-09-2008, 23:34
While The War was about to start, many of The Religions in the Islands soon declared their own war on Zanski.
over 20% of the Ryouese belong to the Assyrian Church of the East, Isabella being a Member. Patriarch Mar Alhau denonced Zanski and declared a Crusade on Zanski and to stop the Fanatical people of Zanski from destroying a nation.
the Jewish people of the Islands soon started sending letters to Jews in Zanski, asking them to Rebel aganst the Zanski Government and to Welcome the Ryouese when they Invade.
Bigger in Anti-Zanski feelings were The Muslims, all 4,000,000 of them on the Ryou Black Islands. Many were joining a Terrorist group aganst Zanski: Known as Al-Jihad Ryou, They called on all Musilms to Attack Zanski targets and kill Zanski soldiers and civilians.
20,000 Al-Jihad Fighters were soon heading for Mhoudia to Kill Zanski and SJA forces in a War of Blood.
other Religions were decrying against Zanski, no more so then The Ryouese Shintoists and Pagans, who declared that Gods would Punsh Zanski and destroy that evil nation.
It was now a War of Religions.
After receiving intelligence from secret FMA agents in the islands the FMA sent naval blockades to the islands and increased the number infantry bound for zanski by 5000.
The Ryou Black Islands
14-09-2008, 23:36
After receiving intelligence from secret FMA agents in the islands the FMA sent naval blockades to the islands and increased the number infantry bound for zanski by 5000. Some of the FMA council were superstitious, a special secret ceremony was held in the FMA "temple" where magicians under FMA employment "blessed" every FMA member to be resistant to magical attacks.
OOC: The FMA has stood up against supernatural enemies before which calls for supernatural defense, this is also to prevent godmoding via magic.
OOC: IGNORED Reason: Godmoding.
Red Tide2
14-09-2008, 23:38
OOC: IGNORED Reason: Godmoding.
LULZ! Ryou has ignored someone on his own side for doing the exact same thing he is doing!
South Lizasauria
14-09-2008, 23:40
LULZ! Ryou has ignored someone on his own side for doing the exact same thing he is doing!
I'm not on his side, I'm against extremists, cults and religious oppression whether it be a religion being oppressed or a religion oppressing others.
The Ryou Black Islands
14-09-2008, 23:42
OOC: How is my post godmoding? They were sent, the ships have yet to arrive. You still have time to defend with your navy. Also the magicians powers are only limited to defenses, they're only function is to make sure none of the religions release some sort of godmosish entity to destroy them. They will not give anybody an advantage or disadvantage, their only purpose is to prevent IC godmoding.
Magic...IN A MT RP!
SL, I do not know why you are godmoding but Please stop it.
South Lizasauria
14-09-2008, 23:43
Magic...IN A MT RP!
SL, I do not know why you are godmoding but Please stop it.
Ok, if thats so than the "defense" is redundant. I shall edit it out.
The Ryou Black Islands
14-09-2008, 23:47
Ok, if thats so than the "defense" is redundant. I shall edit it out.
OOC: and also, Why The Hell are you takeing Zanski's side?
The Lone Alliance
14-09-2008, 23:48
Message from The Lone Alliance:
Let it be known that The Lone Alliance will provide whatever support for the South Lizasauria Peacekeepers, including but not limited to engaging any Zanski or Ryou forces that attempt to intevene.
1 Rapier Class Dreadnought "Topaz" (Flagship)
1 1143.7 Orel Ul'yanovsk class Carrier
2 CVN-65 Carriers
1 GustavX Compensator Class Gunship
5 Kirov Missile Cruisers
35 Type 42 Destroyers
14 DDG-51 Destroyers
7 MCS-12 Inchon Mine Countermeasure ship
12 T-AFS 8 Supply Ships
12 T-AKR 287 Algol Sealift ships
1 LHD-1 Wasp classe
3 Polnocny class Landing Ships
12000 Marines
The Ryou Black Islands
14-09-2008, 23:54
After receiving intelligence from secret FMA agents in the islands the FMA sent naval blockades to the islands and increased the number infantry bound for zanski by 5000.
OOC: also, the thing is in Mhoudia NOT Zanski.
IC: When News of a threating Naval Blockade, The Ryouese soon sent a message to South Lizasauria
Turn your Ships back or we wll declare a state of war against your nation.
To make sure that The Lizasaurians would be forced back. The 18th Battlefleet was to be sent to Destroy The enemy Blockade fleet and Capture the Crews on Charges of Genocide and surporting Terrorists.
The Lizasaurians would wish they had left the Ryouese alone.
South Lizasauria
15-09-2008, 00:00
OOC: and also, Why The Hell are you takeing Zanski's side?
OOC: The FMA's IC mission is to stop all forms of religious oppression whether its religion being oppressed or religion oppressing others. They have sent troops who are en route to both Mhoudia and Zanski to make sure that the religions and people in both areas are protected from militant religious groups. Upon learning that religious terrorists from Ryou black were coming they decided that if their mission was to be sucessful they'd need more troops in Zanski now that more militants were expected to attack. So far the Ryou Black islands are not suffering any oppression of any kind so they do no need FMA protection, however many of the religons from the islands have declared that they were at war on Zanski, which warrants FMA intervention. Note that the FMA's actions are determined by three things: situation, international law and the Free Minds charter. It is not favoritism, its all protocol. Its nothing personal and it's only IC.
South Lizasauria
15-09-2008, 00:29
OOC: also, the thing is in Mhoudia NOT Zanski.
IC: When News of a threating Naval Blockade, The Ryouese soon sent a message to South Lizasauria
To make sure that The Lizasaurians would be forced back. The 18th Battlefleet was to be sent to Destroy The enemy Blockade fleet and Capture the Crews on Charges of Genocide and surporting Terrorists.
The Lizasaurians would wish they had left the Ryouese alone.
Transmission to Ryou
From the FMA:
The Free Minds Alliance isn't only comprised of South Lizasaurians but of servicemen and women from all nations within the Free Minds alliance. And secondly the FMA never supports terrorists, we only fight them. Many religious sects have threatened to spill foreign blood. We will pull back our ships if the Ryouese government will crack down on these religious terrorists. We do not wish to go to war with the islands we merely wish to prevent religious oppression. Should you require assistance in silencing dangerous sects we are more than happy to send support however to simply stand by and allow cultists to wreak havoc on people is unnacceptable. The ships have halted, whether we order them to continue their journey or return home is up to those in charge of the islands.
The Ryou Black Islands
15-09-2008, 01:06
Transmission to Ryou
From the FMA:
The People heading for Mhoudia are Freedom Fighters, Not Terrorists, The Real terrorists are The Saint John's Army and Zanski. You are not to send any Ships into Xanadou or you will be attacked by Ryouese Ships and the Crews of the Blockadeing Ships will be Arrested as Pirates and Terrorists.
Keep away from The Ryou Black Islands or We will be at war.
Signed: Empress Isabella.
South Lizasauria
15-09-2008, 01:11
The People heading for Mhoudia are Freedom Fighters, Not Terrorists, The Real terrorists are The Saint John's Army and Zanski. You are not to send any Ships into Xanadou or you will be attacked by Ryouese Ships and the Crews of the Blockadeing Ships will be Arrested as Pirates and Terrorists.
Keep away from The Ryou Black Islands or We will be at war.
Signed: Empress Isabella.
To Empress Isabella:
From the FMA:
St. John's army and Zanski have been accounted for. We will not allow any religious zealots or fanatics of any kind to wage war on anybody. If the religions are being oppressed we will protect them, there is no need to send militias to Mhoudia or Zanski. Because we offer protection there is no need for religions to fight unless they are truly aggressive terrorists. If those "freedom fighters are not recalled" WE will arrest their crews for breaching international laws and as terrorists.
The Ryou Black Islands
15-09-2008, 01:18
To Empress Isabella:
From the FMA:
St. John's army and Zanski have been accounted for. We will not allow any religious zealots or fanatics of any kind to wage war on anybody. If the religions are being oppressed we will protect them, there is no need to send militias to Mhoudia or Zanski. Because we offer protection there is no need for religions to fight unless they are truly aggressive terrorists. If those "freedom fighters are not recalled" WE will arrest their crews for breaching international laws and as terrorists.
Seeng that the South Lizasaurians would not lissen, The Ryouese Congress soon voted to Declare war on South Lizasauria. war was also Declared on Zanski, The main enemy.
The 18th Fleet was soon ordered to sail Out and Engage the enemy Blockade Fleet and Destroy it, Survivors were to be captured and sent to Shai to be tried for Piracy and Warmongering, The Punishment was ether Ten Years hard labor or Death by Hanging.
OOC: Orbat of Fleet coming soon.
"The situation has deteriorate to a level which truly displeases the Halladi government. Where there should be solidarity, it appears there is war and conflict. Every moment that goes by where the enemies of Zanski quarrel with themselves, more Muslims are killed in Mhoudia... While we find this unacceptable -- and if we were not in a state of war with our neighboring state Shessara, we would act with the might of a Halladi Red Navy battlegroup -- we will not send Halladis to die needlessly in a free-for-all outside the seas of Mhoudia. Therefore, we will not deploy any forces to area. However, we still call upon Zanski to allow the Halladi Red Crescent Society into the area -- your offer is not nearly good enough! Without our people there, how can we ensure fair and equal care is being given to all those effected? The answer is, we cannot, therefore we [the Halladi Government] are lobbying further on behalf of the Halladi Red Crescent Society to allow humanitarian relief into the area from Non-Zansk citizens."
The Commissariat of Diplomacy and Foreign Affairs in Conjunction with the Commissariat of War and Defense
South Lizasauria
15-09-2008, 01:48
Seeng that the South Lizasaurians would not lissen, The Ryouese Congress soon voted to Declare war on South Lizasauria. war was also Declared on Zanski, The main enemy.
The 18th Fleet was soon ordered to sail Out and Engage the enemy Blockade Fleet and Destroy it, Survivors were to be captured and sent to Shai to be tried for Piracy and Warmongering, The Punishment was ether Ten Years hard labor or Death by Hanging.
OOC: Orbat of Fleet coming soon.
The FMA responded by sending the ships to intercept the 18th fleet and destroy it. The FMA was also shocked by the level of racism within the islands for South Lizasauria was the only member of the FMA that had war declared against it even though it was the alliance, not the nation that provoked the Ryou government. The FMA was outraged for the rational thing to do would have been to declare war on the alliance in general rather than singling out one nation.
To Ryou Black government:
From the Meritocracy of South Lizasauria:
We the federal council condemn your racist and unjust declaration of war. Judging by what we know of your regime you are no better than Lesbanian slime! Prepare yourselves for soon all you cultist scum shall be reduced to ashes.
The federal council of South Lizasauria.
The South Lizasaurian military quickly fortified the borders, both ground and anti-air defenses were set up, the air force and navy tightened up their defenses, more planes and ships now were on patrol and on top of that the patrols were greater in quantity and longer. The patrols were also ordered to scour every inch of the territories they're patrolling and to destroy any and every hostile detected.
SIC: Stealth units and submarines were sent to patroll the outermost territories to give the enemy the impression that South Lizasauria had a weak and little air force and navy.
The Ryou Black Islands
15-09-2008, 02:05
the 18th Revolutionary Fleet
One Kraken Class Superdreadnought
4 Aquila Class Supercarriers (Wth 150 Sango-17 Fighters on Each)
20 Ayanami Class Destroyers
20 Sea Wasp Class Frigates
30 Lion Fish Class Anti-Aircraft Destroyers
20 Sharktooth Class Battleships
10 Orca Class Battleships
20 Dead Moon Class Battlecruisers
20 Stingray Class Caravels
40 Tradewind Class Naval Tenders
50 Gunrunner Class Ammunition Carrier Ships
The Fleet was to stay in The Xanadou Region to wait for the South Lizasaurians to come to the region.
South Lizasauria
15-09-2008, 02:28
the 18th Revolutionary Fleet
One Kraken Class Superdreadnought
4 Aquila Class Supercarriers (Wth 150 Sango-17 Fighters on Each)
20 Ayanami Class Destroyers
20 Sea Wasp Class Frigates
30 Lion Fish Class Anti-Aircraft Destroyers
20 Sharktooth Class Battleships
10 Orca Class Battleships
20 Dead Moon Class Battlecruisers
20 Stingray Class Caravels
40 Tradewind Class Naval Tenders
50 Gunrunner Class Ammunition Carrier Ships
The Fleet was to stay in The Xanadou Region to wait for the South Lizasaurians to come to the region.
The FMA fleet held it's ground and attacked every Ryouese vessel en route to Zanski. Meanshile a task force of 250 submarines were dispathed by the FMA and an additional 10 were sent by South Lizasauria to test the enemy's defenses.
The Ryou Black Islands
15-09-2008, 03:15
The FMA fleet held it's ground and attacked every Ryouese vessel en route to Zanski. Meanshile a task force of 250 submarines were dispathed by the FMA and an additional 10 were sent by South Lizasauria to test the enemy's defenses.
OOC: I DID NOT Post any ships heading for Zanski or Mhoudia, and I do not need ships to head for Mhoudia.
15-09-2008, 03:44
As per our deal with the Ryouese people, Falkasia will be deploying a single, unmarked privateer into the region. The location of said ship will only be disclosed to your leader, as well as the ranking admiral(s) of your battlegroups. Upon arriving in the region, we will commence priacy actions on South Lizasaurian shiping.
OOC: Yes, I know. Not the best worded, but I'm tired.
The Ryou Black Islands
15-09-2008, 04:21
Our Privateers were sent out, to attack South Lizasaurian Shipping outside Xanadouian waters. as ordered by Kanna, the Pirate Admral of The Ryouese Pirate Guild.
To make sure that the enemy would not know what hit them. many Ryouese Privateers flew the Flags of Neutral nations and had hiden weapons, ready to go once it was in range.
Naval Surface raiders were in use also, these Modified Cargoships looked like normal cargoships, even flew flags of Neutral nations. No one knew where their base was save for three well garded people; Isabella, Grand Admiral Ryu and Kanna.
The enemy would be having trouble in the hunt for enemy Privateers, not knowing who to look for.
15-09-2008, 06:06
Aboard the patrol frigate CNS Nuckelavee
1500nm from Mhoudian Waters
Captain Sev Kodan was silent as he read over the intelligence the Naval Office has passed down to him. SubRosa had been busy. The spooks were practically salthering as they gathered Orbats, ship and troop movements, even hints that Letters of Marque were being bandied about.
The Taung naval officer leaned back in his chair and ran a hand over the dark skin of his shaved head. Nuckelavee had been detached from Frigate Squadron One to take a peek at the Moudhian Crisis. The Miraade himself had cut the orders and sent Kodan and his ship on their way.
The two corvettes Swiftsure and Rapier were shepherding the seven OPVs that made up Frigdron One, running drills and exercises further out. Kodan knew that if things went to hell that he'd been a bind for a long while before he'd get any back up. Which put a lot of reason behind launching one of his six RC-1 Seahawks, a navalized version of the Global Hawk UAV.
The Alacarity-class patrol frigate was so designated because it sacrificed its aft weaponry for a stubby flight deck that jutted out port and starboard in a massive V. The Nuckelavee used electromagnetic catapults to throw its drone 'Air Group' into the sky and arrestor cables to recover its charges. While the smallest capital ship in the Catawaban Navy, it was one of the most vital, versatile, and valuable.
The captain turned to his 'CAG,' his Commander of Air Group for lack of a better term. The CAG aboard the Nuckelavee oversaw all drone operations from the Seahawks to the Argonaut Unmanned Combat Submersible to the Sea Sentry Unmanned Surface Vessel. Some punsters had adapted the title to mean "Commander of Autonomous Group" but it was not official as of yet. "Mister McJunkin, put one of your Gannets in the air."
The bushy moustached CAG smiled. "Aye, cap'in dahlin', I'll be aboot it now." The transplanted Scot turned and began singing quietly in his inpenetrable brogue as he made his way down and out of the bridge on his way down into the RCC, or Remote Control Center.
Captain Kodan looked after his CAG for a moment before turning his attention back to intelligence reports in his hand. A little later the ship shook as one of McJunkin's beloved Seahawks soared past the bridge and into the air. Kodan watched at the UAV banked away from the patrol frigate and began a gradual climb to altitude on what would be a long flight towards where the brushfire war was likely to spark off, in Xanadou's waters.
The Lone Alliance
15-09-2008, 06:46
-TLA Capital, Military command-
"Sir we have recieved an encrypted message from Black Ops." The analyst said handing over a sheet of paper.
General Thompson looked over the info,
"Someone has begun commerce raiding against South Lizasaurian Shipping, and it's suspected that Ryou is to blame?" He let the paper float to the ground.
"Blasted Ryou's never learn do they, well we'll see about that, Deploy a full Q-ship fleet, give them South Lizasaurian flags. We will beat them at their own game."
"Yes Sir!"
Zanski is content that it will not be attacked and will continue battling islamists in Mhoudia although as promised, we will not tolerate any more attacks on civillians by our christian allies.
We admire TLA's neutrality and will not attack any TLA ships outside our naval waters.
Hallad may send red crescent volunteers but only less than a thousand and they must work in a Zansk military hospital for a week before being deployed to the areas of conflict.
The Ryou Black Islands
15-09-2008, 16:52
Zanski is content that it will not be attacked and will continue battling islamists in Mhoudia although as promised, we will not tolerate any more attacks on civillians by our christian allies.
The Zanski could not have been so wrong. The Task Force sent to Mhoudia was soon 300 Miles from The enemy Blockade. In Range of Anti-Shipping Missiles from the Ryouese.
They had orders from The Grand Admiral her self to start attacks on the Zanski Fleet blockadeing Mhoudia.
To Scout out what Ships the enemy had, one of The carriers sent a UAV out to see what ships the Zanski had.
For the Killing.
15-09-2008, 16:52
Offical Communication from The Senate and People of Rathanan
We have recieved your request and, after due deliberation, the Senate and Supreme Consul of Rathanan have declared that we shall have no direct military involvement in this process. We will, however, offer you Rathani military hardware (should the respective corprate makers choose to sell them to you). We have also given clearance for private mercenary organizations within Rathanan to lend their services upon request.
We apologize for the inconvience, but our own forces are preoccupied with peacekeeping missions as it is. May God grant you victory.
Deus beatus quod servo vos,
Q. Octavius Lepidus, Minister of Diplomacy for The Senate and People of Rathanan
The Ryou Black Islands
15-09-2008, 17:00
Note to South Lizasauria.
we will Stop attacks on your Shipping if you stop Surport to Zanski and The Sanit John's Army and let Zanski face it's doom.
All you are doing is helping a Corpse that is doomed to rot. Zanski has been a plauge to all nations since they appeared. They need to be shown that No one will let them get away with murdering people over Religon.
As for your Fleet and FMA, they are now wanted for Terrorism, Piracy and The Murder of Sailors from Ryou. The Memebers have a Death Mark on them, If cought, they will be sent to Death BY BEHEADING.
Take this Advice: Stop all help to The Genocideal Nation of Zanski or face Continued war.
Zanski's 60 Destroyers in the blockade are going out to meet the weak Ryouese, but will not attack. We will wait until Ryou does something. We are giving you one last chance to retreat or we will call our air force to avoid your incoming forces... and due to your false accusations of genocide and your tragicly false sense of self-confidence, obliterate your nation's major cities. You have 2 hours to comply.
secret ic to ryou: exercise caution, we effectively have 60 million muslim civillians hostage.
The Ryou Black Islands
15-09-2008, 18:38
secret ic to ryou: exercise caution, we effectively have 60 million muslim civillians hostage.
Zanski was not going to love the Ryouese once Isabella read the threat. Well, to make sure Zanski would see that any deaths would be.......Fatal to the Health of Zanski. The Ryouese soon sent The Secert Message on the Web, to Gobal News papers and News Companies, and to Zanski's own allies. If this was what Zanski had Threated, then Zanski would be soon having a All Out war with the World. one that would destroy Zanski and end it for ever.
Another thing was The Ryouese own warning
Before the war started, The Revolutionary Martine Armed Forces was working on a New Warhead. One that would blow up in Mid Air over a enemy target, be it a city, Base or Air field.
a Warhead made to Carry Biological Weapons like Anthrax, Ebola, Smallpox and other Air Borne Diseases. To make sure the enemy would not even think of killing any Muslim people. The Ryouese sent this:
If any Mhoudian people are killed by you are The Saint John's Army, Then we will attack your nation with Bio Weapons and make sure you will have a Problem on your hands.
and The Ryouese had over 40 ICBMs with the Warheads on them, pointed at Zanski to keep the Threat.
The Ryou Black Islands
15-09-2008, 18:49
OOC: Ok, somthing is off about Zanski, Claiming he has a Uber Military that is Uber Powerful......Reminds me of someone I knew who was known As DoubleWideville.
Imperial isa
15-09-2008, 18:51
ooc what was DoubleWideville join date ?
The Ryou Black Islands
15-09-2008, 18:55
ooc what was DoubleWideville join date ?
OOC: I will cheak as soon as i can.
The Ryou Black Islands
15-09-2008, 19:26
Zanski's 60 Destroyers in the blockade are going out to meet the weak Ryouese, but will not attack. We will wait until Ryou does something. We are giving you one last chance to retreat or we will call our air force to avoid your incoming forces... and due to your false accusations of genocide and your tragicly false sense of self-confidence, obliterate your nation's major cities. You have 2 hours to comply.
This threat was now the final Push. Zanski was now a threat that had To Be Totaly Destroyed. Isabella soon sent the word..........Launch.
Soon all 200 Missiles that Had Nuclear Warheads was sent up, launching to destroy the evil Nation of Zanski once and for all....No holding back.
Near Mhoudia, The Order was given for Attack.
From The Carriers, a total of 200 Planes were launched while from the other ships, a Total of over 5,000 RAFT-27 Anti-Shipping Missiles were launched against the totaly Out Numbered enemy ships.
The RAFT-27 was a new missile, able to go at mach 3, faster then most Anti-Missile Defenses on Ships.
Zanski had gone to far.
On the Ryou Black Islands, All Anti-Aircarft Defenses were readied. since it would take two days to reach Xanadou from Zanski. The Ryouese would be prepared.
and also, Zanski would be in trouble for crossing other Nations Airspaces....makeing a attack on the Ryouese imposable.
Zanski was now infor a all out war.
The Ryou Black Islands
15-09-2008, 21:51
Bump Up
The Lone Alliance
15-09-2008, 22:36
-TLA Council of 20-
The current meeting over exports was rudely interrupted when an aside ran into the room before collapsing on the table with a sheet of paper in his hand.
The entire council looked at him with a confused suprise. "What is the meaning of this?" The conservative delegate said.
"Ryou *gasp* has... started to launch a full nuclear strike... on Zanski."
"F*ck." said one member.
"They have crossed the line," one delegate said.
"We have no choice..." said a couple others.
"But think of the risks!" the Democratic delegate said
"No, they're right." Verta said.
"They have gone too far."
"Then it's time to hit back."
Verta pressed a button that sat beside the desk which activated an intercom.
"Military Command, what can we do for you council?"
"Ryou has begun preparations for a nuclear strike on Zanski, this cannot be allowed to go unpunished, you know what to do... Plan RY12, make it happen."
"... yes sir."
-TLA Navy-
~Topaz II~
"Admiral Serov, Ryou has launched nuclear missiles and the Ryou fleet is closing on the area."
"Move to intercept."
-Missile Command-
The 4 people in the room sat up when the alarm blared. Then went to their task like clockwork.
"Incoming EAM!"
"Recieving EAM code any target coords."
"Decrypting EAM code."
"Alpha, Tango, Bravo, Foxtrot, Charlie, Tango, Omega, Delta"
"Alpha, Tango, Bravo, Foxtrot, Charlie, Tango, Omega, Delta."
"EAM code is current and valid."
"Passing EAM along to other commands."
"Targets locked in, Salvo of 60, prepared."
"Roger that, entering final checks."
"Silos 1 through 20 have recieved the code and are prepping for launch."
"Silos 1 through 20 have completed final checks, and doors are opening."
#10 Seconds to launch# the computer announced.
"All codes cleared, all targets locked.
#9 Seconds to launch#
"Everyone brace for launch!
#8 Seconds to launch#
-TLA Fleet-
#7 Seconds to launch#
"Battle stations!" "I want aircraft in the air in 15 minutes!"
#6 Seconds to launch#
-TLA Capital-
"Declaration of war sent." An aside said to the silent council.
#5 Seconds to launch#
"I have become death, destroyer of worlds." Verta muttered.
-Military Command-
#4 Seconds to Launch#
"Everyone, it's time for a war."
-Missile command-
#3 Seconds to Launch#
#2 Seconds to Launch#
#1 Seconds to Launch#
"Missiles are go and away, all missiles are clear, I repeat, all missiles are clear."
And 60 missiles were launched for Ryou military targets.
International Message from The Allied States of The Lone Alliance:
As of the current time a State of War has been declared against The Ryou Black Islands over their genocidal use of Nuclear Weapons.
The Ryou Black Islands
15-09-2008, 22:57
-TLA Council of 20-
The current meeting over exports was rudely interrupted when an aside ran into the room before collapsing on the table with a sheet of paper in his hand.
The entire council looked at him with a confused suprise. "What is the meaning of this?" The conservative delegate said.
"Ryou *gasp* has... started to launch a full nuclear strike... on Zanski."
"F*ck." said one member.
"They have crossed the line," one delegate said.
"We have no choice..." said a couple others.
"But think of the risks!" the Democratic delegate said
"No, they're right." Verta said.
"They have gone too far."
"Then it's time to hit back."
Verta pressed a button that sat beside the desk which activated an intercom.
"Military Command, what can we do for you council?"
"Ryou has begun preparations for a nuclear strike on Zanski, this cannot be allowed to go unpunished, you know what to do... Plan RY12, make it happen."
"... yes sir."
-TLA Navy-
~Topaz II~
"Admiral Serov, Ryou has launched nuclear missiles and the Ryou fleet is closing on the area."
"Move to intercept."
-Missile Command-
The 4 people in the room sat up when the alarm blared. Then went to their task like clockwork.
"Incoming EAM!"
"Recieving EAM code any target coords."
"Decrypting EAM code."
"Alpha, Tango, Bravo, Foxtrot, Charlie, Tango, Omega, Delta"
"Alpha, Tango, Bravo, Foxtrot, Charlie, Tango, Omega, Delta."
"EAM code is current and valid."
"Passing EAM along to other commands."
"Targets locked in, Salvo of 60, prepared."
"Roger that, entering final checks."
"Silos 1 through 20 have recieved the code and are prepping for launch."
"Silos 1 through 20 have completed final checks, and doors are opening."
#10 Seconds to launch# the computer announced.
"All codes cleared, all targets locked.
#9 Seconds to launch#
"Everyone brace for launch!
#8 Seconds to launch#
-TLA Fleet-
#7 Seconds to launch#
"Battle stations!" "I want aircraft in the air in 15 minutes!"
#6 Seconds to launch#
-TLA Capital-
"Declaration of war sent." An aside said to the silent council.
#5 Seconds to launch#
"I have become death, destroyer of worlds." Verta muttered.
-Military Command-
#4 Seconds to Launch#
"Everyone, it's time for a war."
-Missile command-
#3 Seconds to Launch#
#2 Seconds to Launch#
#1 Seconds to Launch#
"Missiles are go and away, all missiles are clear, I repeat, all missiles are clear."
And 60 missiles were launched for Ryou military targets.
International Message from The Allied States of The Lone Alliance:
As of the current time a State of War has been declared against The Ryou Black Islands over their genocidal use of Nuclear Weapons.
The Lone Allaince was not thoughtfull of one thing....The Ryouese had a Anti-Missile Defense system for stopping Nuclear Strikes. The reason for the defense was when The USA threated the Ryou Black Islands. With a Defense against missiles, The Ryouese were well Protected.
From the Ground, 400 FAC-80 Intercepterer Missiles were launched against The in-coming enemy Missiles. These Missiles were made for takeing out enemy Missiles in the sky.
In Space, to help lessen the Misisle Swarm, Anti-Missile Satellites armed with Smaller KA-12 Missiles fired them against the enemy Missiles. Depleated Urainium Warheads, the small Cruise missile sized weapons were good aganist the enemy missiles.
TLA had been a Fool.
The Lone Alliance
15-09-2008, 23:25
-Missile Command-
"Countermissile fire detected." someone said as hundreds of small targeting lines appeared and headed for the TLA missiles.
"Right on time, where are the first 20 missiles."
"About 40 miles ahead of the remaining."
"So the anti missiles with pass through them first?"
"Detonate on my mark."
They watched as the missile cloud closed in on the group until they intercected with the first group.
The first 20 missiles detonated in front of the anti-ICBM missiles, atomizing the majority in a 100 mile long wall of flame.
"Primary Anti-missiles downed, incoming from Space."
"Nothing we can really do about them really, distance to Ryou?"
"450 miles."
as the two fleets clashed the VMS Sea Spray was moving towards the Standard sea lanes used by South Lizauria.
16-09-2008, 03:26
The waves lapped gently at the hull of the FNS Seasprite as it slowly made it's way though the tropical waters of the island chain. They had just arrived into the region, and were gradually making their way towards the nearest unoccupied island to set up a base of operations. Inside the ship's bridge sat Captain Andrei Kozlov. Recently promoted to Captain, this was his first post commanding a ship of greater size than a patrol boat. Although relatively unexperienced in ship-to-ship warfare, he was nevertheless a skilled commander.
Kozlov looked out the large windows of the bridge, admiring the beautiful, placid waters of the islands.
"If only it could be this beautiful in Falkasia," he thought, recalling memories of dull mornings in which the fog didn't dissipate until well after noon.
Seagulls flew nonchalantly past the ship as a breeze managed to ruffle some papers inside the wheel-house. It was as if nature was completely oblivious to what was going on just over the horizon. This was exactly how Kozlov liked it, peaceful and serene.
However, he hadn't come here for a vacation. The mission at hand was an important one, and would result in him and his crew being wealthily reimbursed for their time and troubles. He was here as a privateer, hired by the Ryouese Government to seek out and destroy South Lizasaurian shipping and naval operations. For any trained naval officer, this task was as simple as shooting fish in a barrel.
He had taken all the necessary precautions to hide the ship's Falkasian identity. The name had been cleanly painted over, as well as any other identifiable markings on the ship's hull or super-structure. The log book for the ship had been cleverly replaced with that resembling a neutral country in the region, as well as any papers of Falkasian origin destroyed. The crew, most importantly, had been directly ordered to refrain from any actions or traits characteristic of Falkasian citizens. In essence, they would be taking on the identity of the neutral country.
The ship continued to move slowly through the deep blue water of the tropics towards the unclaimed island where they would bunker down during their time here. If anything, it would be home for the next three odd weeks or so. Still in his trance, Kozlov was interrupted when one of his bridge officers came to him with news.
"Sir, we're approaching the island. ETA 17 minutes."
"Good, continue on our current course."
South Lizasauria
16-09-2008, 04:23
Note to South Lizasauria.
we will Stop attacks on your Shipping if you stop Surport to Zanski and The Sanit John's Army and let Zanski face it's doom.
All you are doing is helping a Corpse that is doomed to rot. Zanski has been a plauge to all nations since they appeared. They need to be shown that No one will let them get away with murdering people over Religon.
As for your Fleet and FMA, they are now wanted for Terrorism, Piracy and The Murder of Sailors from Ryou. The Memebers have a Death Mark on them, If cought, they will be sent to Death BY BEHEADING.
Take this Advice: Stop all help to The Genocideal Nation of Zanski or face Continued war.
To the Ryouese government:
From the FMA:
This is an outrage! You are the terrorists! We are preventing genocide and terrorism while you continue to send them armed support! All we ask for is peace and instead you put the world on the brink of world war and on top of that you attack a lone nation for being a part of an alliance even though there are many members! As for Zanski we are not supporting them or Mhoudia we are merely putting an end to their genocidal reign! If you are truly concerned about their actions than call back all religious fanatics from your nation point your guns at the fanatics, not at the nation! Our only demand is that your people stop fanning the fire. Stop those fanatics!
OOC: Basically the FMA is invading both Mhoudia and Zanski to protect the people and destroy religious zealotry. Yes the FMA is going to make IC attempts to reform said nations just as Imperial Japan and Nazi Germany were reformed. The FMA's only demand for the Ryouese is to cease hostilities and to crack down on religious zealotry. The Free Minds Alliance also has many member (many of which are inactive for some reason) try attacking the entire alliance rather than just me alone.
South Lizasauria
16-09-2008, 04:25
OOC: I DID NOT Post any ships heading for Zanski or Mhoudia, and I do not need ships to head for Mhoudia.
OOC: Wait, weren't the relgious guys from your nation going to those nations to attack the other sects? :confused:
South Lizasauria
16-09-2008, 04:28
Zanski is content that it will not be attacked and will continue battling islamists in Mhoudia although as promised, we will not tolerate any more attacks on civillians by our christian allies.
We admire TLA's neutrality and will not attack any TLA ships outside our naval waters.
Hallad may send red crescent volunteers but only less than a thousand and they must work in a Zansk military hospital for a week before being deployed to the areas of conflict.
FMA troops were already in place, the troops began their march toward Zanski and Mhoudian soil. The first wave had mainly scouts and infantry backed with hundreds of hummers and armor. The plan was to overtake the nation and put an end to the religious crusades in the region. It didn't matter what the Ryouese thought they were doing, justice had to be done, people had to be freed from this sectarian violence. Freedom of religion and from religion had to be enforced. Many non-combatants were counting on them.
16-09-2008, 04:36
Transmission to ALL Parties Involved
Considering the fact that this conflict has rapidly degraded into multiple exhanges of nuclear weapons, the People's Republic of Falkasia would like it know that it currently produces and sells a series of Ballistic Missile Interception Satellites. These satellites can, in essence, effectively eliminiate almost any given number of ballistic missiles, whether they be cruise, nuclear, biological, etc. As an added benefit, due to the fact that cruise missiles are considered (by definition) a form of ballistic missile, these satellites are impervious to Anti-Satellite warfare attacks. For further information, please consult the following links.
BI-4 Satellite (Latest, Most Advanced Version) (
BI-3 Satellite (Older, Obselete Version) (
South Lizasauria
16-09-2008, 06:25
FMA Admiral: *takes deep breath* Lt Commander, I received word that the blokes up top are shutting us down.
Lt Commander: But our agreements, our plans-
Admiral: Whether or not our true intentions were discovered our secret mission has failed. Those other people who wanted to take the Ryouese homeland, those very same people who offered us a bribe of 1000k credits, they're gonna be pissed.
Lt Commander: But sir! What about the cultists from the Ryou Black Islands, you may have sold your sou-
Admiral: Silence!!! The FMA is merely a scapegoat in the eyes of our sponsors. There were no cultists!
The XO was shocked, he left after giving a stern and cold look to the commander he respected, bled for and even looked up to. He now knew what must be done. The high command had to learn of this conspiracy within it's own ranks.
South Lizasauria
16-09-2008, 06:44
as the two fleets clashed the VMS Sea Spray was moving towards the Standard sea lanes used by South Lizauria.
The South Lizasaurian government was caught off guard at first but this time they were prepared, after many civilian deaths the air force and navy patrolled the standard sea lanes with mainly U-boats and a few ships to attract attention. The recent destruction of multiple unarmed civilian vessels was like the sinking of the Lusitania times a hundred.
To legalise the use of chemical, biological, nuclear and massively destructive weapons, Zanski has, for only the third time, declared war on another nation, in response to the mobilising of 200 nuclear weapons. We have declared a ceasefire with the islamist Dar-Ul-Ummar and have agreed to pull out seven million troops (leaving a million), which will shortly be pulled out to make way for the christians.
eighty Eurofighters have been sent towards Ryou, and three hundred destroyers are currently en route to patrol the waters just outside Zansk waters.
In addition, we are preparing to drop a hundred thousand troops in Ryouese lands to hold their country at ransom and make them pay the price for even planning to st foot in our great nation.
OOC:fma, we are a group of islands, RP accordingly.
The Ryou Black Islands
16-09-2008, 17:34
To legalise the use of chemical, biological, nuclear and massively destructive weapons, Zanski has, for only the third time, declared war on another nation, in response to the mobilising of 200 nuclear weapons. We have declared a ceasefire with the islamist Dar-Ul-Ummar and have agreed to pull out seven million troops (leaving a million), which will shortly be pulled out to make way for the christians.
eighty Eurofighters have been sent towards Ryou, and three hundred destroyers are currently en route to patrol the waters just outside Zansk waters.
In addition, we are preparing to drop a hundred thousand troops in Ryouese lands to hold their country at ransom and make them pay the price for even planning to st foot in our great nation.
OOC:fma, we are a group of islands, RP accordingly.
OOC:Zanski: Stop, just Stop. I am not going to do this any more. I have Decided to Stop this at once so I am Reconing the whole thing and Ignoreing you.
I hate to say this, but I will NOT RP in a Dogpile nor with a Wanker.
SL, TLA: lets Recond the whole War between Us ok?
The Lone Alliance
16-09-2008, 19:33
Ryou Apologize to everyone here first.
South Lizasauria
16-09-2008, 23:22
OOC:Zanski: Stop, just Stop. I am not going to do this any more. I have Decided to Stop this at once so I am Reconing the whole thing and Ignoreing you.
I hate to say this, but I will NOT RP in a Dogpile nor with a Wanker.
SL, TLA: lets Recond the whole War between Us ok?
OOC: Dude, have you read the NS art of war thread? Dog piling will occur to nations that RP in a certain fashion. If you do not like dogpiling try RPing differently rather than playing the ebil nation then bailing once people react. Try regulating your IC evils. For example my IC evils are hidden via conspiracy, the II community is aware of them via my IC hints yet they generally ovoid taking action.
And secondly I expected you'd RP the way your IC nation would ICly act if faced with this scenario. You only attacked my nation because I was the poster when if should have been the rogues.
Welp, the choice if yours, if you still want to battle my empire which possesses approximately twice as much manpower as yours does than ok. It works either way.
South Lizasauria
16-09-2008, 23:23
To legalise the use of chemical, biological, nuclear and massively destructive weapons, Zanski has, for only the third time, declared war on another nation, in response to the mobilising of 200 nuclear weapons. We have declared a ceasefire with the islamist Dar-Ul-Ummar and have agreed to pull out seven million troops (leaving a million), which will shortly be pulled out to make way for the christians.
eighty Eurofighters have been sent towards Ryou, and three hundred destroyers are currently en route to patrol the waters just outside Zansk waters.
In addition, we are preparing to drop a hundred thousand troops in Ryouese lands to hold their country at ransom and make them pay the price for even planning to st foot in our great nation.
OOC:fma, we are a group of islands, RP accordingly.
OOC: Oops. I'll fix.
New Greston
17-09-2008, 00:32
OOC: The funny part is I just destroyed half of the Ryou Black Islands. Their land forces are non existant due to numerous air raids upon his islands and his navy is signifigantly weakened and does not have enough of a budget to suppourt it. This is due to two different occasions where I completely destroyed fleets with an upkeep in the trillions.
The Ryou Black Islands
17-09-2008, 02:46
OOC: TLA, I do not have to Apologize to end a Stupid dogpile war.
The Lone Alliance
17-09-2008, 03:19
OOC: TLA, I do not have to Apologize to end a Stupid dogpile war.
A dogpile war YOU started.
17-09-2008, 03:22
OOC: I need a sandwich.
17-09-2008, 04:04
[OOC: My eyes water. Ryou, you and SL had a nuclear exchange because YOU declared war on him and Zanski. They retaliate, TLA joins, and you call it a dogpile and you leave. Come on, take it like a man! Don't run off whining to the mods because they declared war on you. Look at me; I've got some dozen nations all against me, yet I was the one who wanted that. Why don't you just do that too? Have another civil war and not godmode?]
The Ryou Black Islands
17-09-2008, 04:04
OOC: I need a sandwich.
OOC: *gives Falkasia a Sandwich*
17-09-2008, 04:06
OOC: Thank you... now back to killing ships.
The Ryou Black Islands
17-09-2008, 04:17
OOC: to TLA and others who thing Dogplieing is good.
I decided that this RP is to be Ignored for good.
Zanski: I am puting to on my Ignore List for Wanking. Sorry, but it is true, you wank.
TLA: that is a Load of you-know-what (I am nt to use Cuss words since I am not wanting to get banned by The Mods as you want me to) there are some who *Shock" thinks Dogplieing ruins RPs (what a Surprise)
South Lizasauria: I am sorry for this to happen, but it had to come to this. But lets all ignore this and go back and lets think it NEVER happened.
Stoklomolvi: Come Here! (Has Axe Behind him)
Falkasia: *Gives you another Sandwich*
that is all.
17-09-2008, 04:28
[OOC: Nah. *shoots you*
Seriously though, you're really going over the edge this time. Everything was fine until Zanski retaliated with a nuclear barrage, which is totally acceptable considering that there is quite some hullabaloo over his crusade thing. You declared war, he launched nukes. While nukes are extremely powerful, he has every right to do so. And he did. Deal with it.]
The Ryou Black Islands
17-09-2008, 04:32
[OOC: Nah. *shoots you*
Seriously though, you're really going over the edge this time. Everything was fine until Zanski retaliated with a nuclear barrage, which is totally acceptable considering that there is quite some hullabaloo over his crusade thing. You declared war, he launched nukes. While nukes are extremely powerful, he has every right to do so. And he did. Deal with it.]
OOC: Let Me think about...........NO!
Sorry but I am not going to RP with some one who wanks. I am not going to. and If Zanski is reading this, The Mods will not help force me to RP with you, nor will anyone else. I learned that when Greston forced me to RP his Stupid Invasion which I did not want to.
So, I am not RPing in this RP, Good Day, Good Night and Good Riddice.
South Lizasauria
17-09-2008, 04:36
OOC: to TLA and others who thing Dogplieing is good.
I decided that this RP is to be Ignored for good.
Zanski: I am puting to on my Ignore List for Wanking. Sorry, but it is true, you wank.
TLA: that is a Load of you-know-what (I am nt to use Cuss words since I am not wanting to get banned by The Mods as you want me to) there are some who *Shock" thinks Dogplieing ruins RPs (what a Surprise)
South Lizasauria: I am sorry for this to happen, but it had to come to this. But lets all ignore this and go back and lets think it NEVER happened.
Stoklomolvi: Come Here! (Has Axe Behind him)
Falkasia: *Gives you another Sandwich*
that is all.
OOC: Well enough, lets make the ending interesting. :p:wink::)
IC: Then before any ship or soldier could fire another round a black hole or cosmic energies from aligned celestial bodies or a quasar or something passed near the earth. There was rumbling then shaking then for some strange reason everybody and everything in the vicinity ended up being sucked into a space time anomaly causing all those effected to be put where they were minute prior to the rogue FMA Admiral's departure. For some reason everybody remembered. The rogues scrambled to the office to do their dirty work only to be met by MFA MPs.
MP1: Admiral We are placing you under arrest for conspiracy, perjury, and high treason!
Admiral: If it wasn't for this unexplainable phenomenon then the SL Alliance would have their prize and I would be rich!
Hobels: Take him away!
The MPs cuffed the admiral and escorted him to the brig until he could be court marshaled by the high council.
As for the war, everyone remembered but for thee sake of simplicity, peace and maintaining the balance everybody just decided to forget it and change the future for the better by making sure that the old one wasn't repeated. Since the war was never declared the empress never got poisoned and nor did any of the pirates and their country folk.
The end.
17-09-2008, 04:37
[OOC: He made one post and you called it wank? Tell me how and I'll let you go. And please, stop bothering the mods with everything I say. I'm not maliciously trying to provoke you into flaming.]
South Lizasauria
17-09-2008, 04:42
OOC: plz rate mah ending. :)
17-09-2008, 04:51
OOC: 6/10.
1 Point for Realism
1 Point for Likelihood
4 Points for Writing Ability
That was a pretty funny ending. "If it wasn't for this unexplainable phenomenon then the SL Alliance would have their prize and I would be rich!" I laughed when I read that...
New Kereptica
17-09-2008, 04:53
OOC: 'Tis brilliant! :D
17-09-2008, 04:56
Suddenly and for no appearent reason, a Falkasian ship fell from the sky and landed smack-dab in the middle of the island chain.
"Reverse wormholes do work after all," though the nameless captain, moments before his ship was sucked back through the wormhole and depositied elsewhere in the world. I guess that I'm quite safe for now...
17-09-2008, 19:19
OOC: Yea, you are apparently.... for now....