NationStates Jolt Archive

Steelios attacks weapons manufactory!

10-09-2008, 02:55

Five hunded and women crept down the mountain side towards the old IronWorks factory, most carrying Vrykolakas Modular Assault Weapon and dressed in body armor the color of mud. Some held older weapons, a few bolt-actions, even less with support weapons. They moved through the dense trees, making as little noise as possible. Suddenly, a bird call rang out over the quiet mountain. Five hundred soldiers halt, sweating with anticipation. Two men started out from the main group, crouching down as they move towards a cement building on the edge of the clearing in which the target lay. One waved a hand forward. The battalion returned to the quiet, slow-moving approach pattern. Five hundred yards from the target, they stop again. They have reached the edge of the forest. Once they left this protection, they would have little to no cover until they reached the bunker. There were six men standing guard at fifty yard intervals, and ten more in the bunker, along with two M60 machine gun nests. There were six stations like this. Then...

A tall, dark-skinned man with a Captains bars yelled, "Alright, Bears, Gittem!"
Three grenade launchers fire as one. Two flew into the bunker, one at the pair of patrolling guards passing eachother. An answering shout rang over the hillside.
Five hundred men and women burst from cover. A alarm went out over the factory grounds, but too late. There were less than a hundred men in the garrison, and an entire battalion of crack troops were already inside the perimeter. More than one ran, but most tried to get to their posts to stem the tide. Continuous bursts of fire mowed them down, as the offenders took and reversed the machine gun emplacements. The entire complex was cleared in a little less than two hours. Twenty two guards surrendered and were taken into custody.
The Ryou Black Islands
10-09-2008, 03:33
10-09-2008, 03:34
10-09-2008, 03:34
OOC: I thought about posting, but I have no idea who's being attacked, and in general what's going on that merits Salzland's interest
10-09-2008, 03:34
OOC: Is Manufactory really a word? Spell check is telling me no.

Who owns the factory and how is the international community going to find out and what is the purpose of the attack?
The Ryou Black Islands
10-09-2008, 03:36
OOC: that is what I want to know.
10-09-2008, 03:38
OOC: Oh, sorry. Manufactory IS a word, or you would only be able to facture things, the defendant in question is a belligerent terrorist group who took my weapons factory away, and there will be a general broadcast later to explain what happened and why. Sorry it was unclear, it was only after i read it again that I realized how vague it was.
10-09-2008, 03:55
Patriotic music plays for a few seconds before a man begins speaking.
"People of Steelios, I am pleased to bring you this news: Today, a force of five hundred of the 11th 'Bears' battalion attacked and reclaimed the IronWorks arms manufactory and surrounding area, seventy belligerents killed, twenty two captured, resulting in increased farmland and housing. This means that families may once again have their own homes, and also that rationing will be cut back considerably in the next few months.

"Even more importantly, the 15th Ranger battalion is fit for duty once more, meaning increased security, decreased security measures. Curfew is lengthened to midnight, instead of nightfall. This has been a SWEN broadcast, bringing the news right to your home."
10-09-2008, 03:56
Less vague? Still needs work?
10-09-2008, 04:12
[OOC: According to, manufactory is the archaic word for factory.]
10-09-2008, 04:14
What type of government does your nation have? Elected, monarchy, dictatorship, etc. Why are the rebels fighting? Do they have popular support? How long has the conflict been active?

Just a few questions off the top of my head. I'll guarantee I missed a bunch of really important ones, but I spent too much time studying for a Russian test tomorrow to really care.
10-09-2008, 04:45
OOC: Are things like that really important? Basically right now I'm just trying to get a handle on what kind of RP I'm going to do. Think of this as doodling, posting ideas that drift across my mind that I think are acceptable. For the most part, and there will probably be some more fill-out later, this whole area roughly the size of Texas is split up into factions, and this guy they call the Warlord is some kind of young genius who took a group of oppressed people into the Iron Mountain range, drew a circle on a map and said, "This is Steelios, it belongs to me." People are happy there for nearly a decade before the faction they left figures out where all these lower class people went, and make a move on them. The Warlord was ready for it, and had been pumping weapons out of the old weapons manufactory as fast as he could. Through use of terrain, hit and run tactics, and dumb luck, they make it through a massive battle, but they've lost the factory.

EDIT: Oh, and technically, we're the separatists and rebels here. But the area they got out of(Haven't got a name yet) is oppressive on the lower classes.
10-09-2008, 05:41
OOC: Anyone else have a question or two?
10-09-2008, 05:53
[OOC: Not really that many questions to ask. We don't have a lot to question just as yet, Steelios. Keep going, pard.]
11-09-2008, 06:35

A dark-skinned man in the muddy-green uniform of the Steel Guard walked down a cement hallway, deep in the heart of the Steel Command Center. Captains bars on his collar, a double action Colt Anaconda on his hip, he strode confidently down the narrow hall. The SCC was a rabbit warren of offices, war rooms, and the Fire Direction Center. He turned into the office bearing the name Marshal Einfeld, stenciled in large block letters. He removed his helmet and saluted the salt-and-pepper haired man behind the large desk, piled high with maps and reports.
"Sir," he said. "Captain Carvey, reporting as ordered." The man returned his salute crisply, then gestured at the seat in front of him. "Sit, please. Coffee?" The junior officer made a negative gesture. "Alright then, report."

"Sir. The Bears have taken target Wilco-Foxtrot, and the United Gruder officials have submitted a cease-fire order to their troops. All POWs were returned to them immediately, and the Federated Eastern Bloc has begun overtures of alliance, with the intention of free trade between borders." The Marshal nodded. "Yes, the IronWorks was key to their invasion. Is it true that they had two shipments ready to go?"
"Yes, Marshal."
"Good. I want the Bears off the front lines immediately, and have them replaced by the freshest Guards you can muster up." Carvey nodded, seeing the wisdom in this course. The Bears, or "The 11th Heavy Rangers Battalion", was the most active and worn out of the lot. One of three battalions to remain fit for combat after the massacre at the IronWorks which resulted in the loss of the weapons factory. The Marshal continued.
"Also, I want the best firearms redistributed throughout the active personnel. If the Bloc attacks, I don't want those people to be holding M1s, understood?"
"Yes sir."
Captain Carvey saluted and exited the office, retracing his steps back to the surface, glad of the good news to bring his Bears.
12-09-2008, 04:24
13-09-2008, 23:32

The 10th Steel Guard crept their way up the side of the mountain. In the distance was a grouping of electric lights and campfires that marked the position of the enemy. For the past year or so, the Western Alliance Bloc had been growing bolder, starting with raids on the loosely confederated towns in Steelios, and slowly moving inward. Now, the Strike force formed of the then 10th Guard and 15th Rangers would take and hold their base of operations until the 1st Armoured Company could move up and strike directly at the border city of Lockmaster. The entire force halted almost simultaneously at a thousand yards from the sentry posts. In entirety, there were sixty-five thousand proffesional soldiers in the attacking army, five hundred untrained conscripts for the defenders. Of course, the Steeliosians were spread out between this garrison and four others defending the approach to Lockmaster.

The sentries were dealt with, and the army took their positions, waiting for the word to attack. Then, five shells flew into the camp. Two into the barracks, one into the command post, the other two flying harmlessly into the compound. Whistles blew and five thousand rangers charged into the base. Men stumbled out of the exploded barracks in a daze, many injured. The offenders refrained from killing unarmed soldiers, but any with weapons were either disarmed if feeble, or shot if they actually posed a threat. Then the on-duty portion of the garrison that had not been shell-shocked into submission arrived, weapons and men ready.

A vicious firefight ensued, as the Steel Arm advanced on the entrance to the tunnel system that ran like a rabbit warren inside the mountain. The Westerners fought for every inch, and after an hour it became apparent that there were far more than five hundred men here, and better trained than fresh conscripts. Still the Guard pushed on, taking and inflicting horrendous damage.

Meanwhile the Rangers took the surrounding area, clearing it for the armoured convoy moving up the mountain.
13-09-2008, 23:44
OOC: I may join.
13-09-2008, 23:51
OOC: Cool. I'm trying to figure out my next move. It's alot harder to do this without feedback, or another poster.
14-09-2008, 03:10
Bump. Need feedback, people, please.
15-09-2008, 05:40
See previous post, please.