06-09-2008, 16:03
Missles for sell. I dont sell nukes to nations under 130 million.
Here are some rules:
*We start bringing after you payd.
*HCAK do's NOT take reasponds of what you do with them. If you use 50.000 of our rockets to destroy a town, it is not our fold.
*Be nice, dont ask for lower prices.
*If you got less than 130 million, and you ask for nukes we dont sell them.
*Before we sell nukes, we want to get a full signed contract like here:
* 1. Rockets, atom bombs or such will not be used against ally's of roef or agaisnt Roef.
* 2. The weapons bought will only be used in a fair way. You amy not use a atom bomb on a nation who do's not got nuclear weapons.
* 3. If any rules are broke, a price of 100 million will be payed.
* 1. We will not use the nukes bought at HCAK against Roef.
* 2. HCAK do's NOT carry guild for what i use them for.
* 3. If i use the nukes, i will report this to HCAK.
* 4. I will not try to make the same nuke, same design.
* 5. If i try to use that design, i will have to pay 250 million dollars.
* 6. if i use them against Roef, i will rebuild the hit piece.
* 7. If i use them against Roef i will also pay the price for rebuilding.
* 8. If i use them against Roef i will as last pay 2 billion dollars.
Singed: .... (the name of your nation and nation leader)
Atom weapons:
Atom bombs: (limited edition): 3.4 billion each.
Nuclear missles:
Regular missle: 1.5 billion
4.4 Nuclear missle (Roef design): 2.1 billion
Regular rockets:
Regular rocket: 22.000 each
1.2 Rocket (Roef design): 25.000 each
Information about the Atom bomb:
Max range: depends from where you drop it. You drop it with a plane, and the 25 miles are DEAD.
Information of nukes:
range: If it hit in the middle of it, it will destroy around 15 miles.
Information of rockets:
range: 200 miles (from the point where you fire it and where it will land.
Power: Rockets can destroy around 50 meters each.
Questions? Massage HCAK.
Here are some rules:
*We start bringing after you payd.
*HCAK do's NOT take reasponds of what you do with them. If you use 50.000 of our rockets to destroy a town, it is not our fold.
*Be nice, dont ask for lower prices.
*If you got less than 130 million, and you ask for nukes we dont sell them.
*Before we sell nukes, we want to get a full signed contract like here:
* 1. Rockets, atom bombs or such will not be used against ally's of roef or agaisnt Roef.
* 2. The weapons bought will only be used in a fair way. You amy not use a atom bomb on a nation who do's not got nuclear weapons.
* 3. If any rules are broke, a price of 100 million will be payed.
* 1. We will not use the nukes bought at HCAK against Roef.
* 2. HCAK do's NOT carry guild for what i use them for.
* 3. If i use the nukes, i will report this to HCAK.
* 4. I will not try to make the same nuke, same design.
* 5. If i try to use that design, i will have to pay 250 million dollars.
* 6. if i use them against Roef, i will rebuild the hit piece.
* 7. If i use them against Roef i will also pay the price for rebuilding.
* 8. If i use them against Roef i will as last pay 2 billion dollars.
Singed: .... (the name of your nation and nation leader)
Atom weapons:
Atom bombs: (limited edition): 3.4 billion each.
Nuclear missles:
Regular missle: 1.5 billion
4.4 Nuclear missle (Roef design): 2.1 billion
Regular rockets:
Regular rocket: 22.000 each
1.2 Rocket (Roef design): 25.000 each
Information about the Atom bomb:
Max range: depends from where you drop it. You drop it with a plane, and the 25 miles are DEAD.
Information of nukes:
range: If it hit in the middle of it, it will destroy around 15 miles.
Information of rockets:
range: 200 miles (from the point where you fire it and where it will land.
Power: Rockets can destroy around 50 meters each.
Questions? Massage HCAK.