NationStates Jolt Archive

HCAK missles [Storefront]

06-09-2008, 15:03
Missles for sell. I dont sell nukes to nations under 130 million.
Here are some rules:

*We start bringing after you payd.
*HCAK do's NOT take reasponds of what you do with them. If you use 50.000 of our rockets to destroy a town, it is not our fold.
*Be nice, dont ask for lower prices.
*If you got less than 130 million, and you ask for nukes we dont sell them.
*Before we sell nukes, we want to get a full signed contract like here:

* 1. We will not use the nukes bought at HCAK against Roef.
* 2. HCAK do's NOT carry guild for what i use them for.
* 3. If i use the nukes, i will report this to HCAK.
* 4. I will not try to make the same nuke, same design.
* 5. If i try to use that design, i will have to pay 250 million dollars.
* 6. if i use them against Roef, i will rebuild the hit piece.
* 7. If i use them against Roef i will also pay the price for rebuilding.
* 8. If i use them against Roef i will as last pay 2 billion dollars.

Singed: .... (the name of your nation and nation leader)


Atom weapons:
Atom bombs: (limited edition): 3.4 billion each.

Nuclear missles:
Regular missle: 1.5 billion
4.4 Nuclear missle (Roef design): 2.1 billion

Regular rockets:

Regular rocket: 22.000 each
1.2 Rocket (Roef design): 25.000 each

Information about the Atom bomb:
Max range: depends from where you drop it. You drop it with a plane, and the 25 miles are DEAD.

Information of nukes:
range: If it hit in the middle of it, it will destroy around 15 miles.

Information of rockets:
range: 200 miles (from the point where you fire it and where it will land.
Power: Rockets can destroy around 50 meters each.

Questions? Massage HCAK.
06-09-2008, 15:27
I changed a bit, i got some atom bombs to.
06-09-2008, 15:41
OOC: You need to describe your products. Maximum range, kilotons, weight, service cieling, and the like. People aren't going to by something designed by you that they know nothing about.
06-09-2008, 15:42
Thanks, i will give some details.
06-09-2008, 15:55
OOC: that sill isn't enough information Roef. You need to tell us how big the missiles are, how much damage it does, preditcion of the radiation going to and the range of your nuclear missiles.
06-09-2008, 15:59
I told the range...

How big:
rockets are around 3 meters.
Nukes are around 8 meters.
Atom bombs: 2 meters.

Nukes: 15 miles around point it hit.
Rockets: 50 meters around the point it hit.
Atom bomb: 25 miles around it.

Nukes: A normal to high amount.
Rockets: None, only explosives.
Atom bomb: Very high amount.
06-09-2008, 15:59
OOC: Look at the info section here ( for an idea about the info you need to give. Otherwise, we'll just go to another storefront with that info.
06-09-2008, 16:02
OOC: "A normal to high amount" doesn't tell us much. You need to give range of the radiation "cloud" and how long it will last, how far away I can be from the target and still hit them, and other such things. If you need help send my a telegram outside of the forums and I'll try and work it out with you.
06-09-2008, 16:03
this will be a OOC thread, IC here: