Flagship OOC Thread
05-09-2008, 08:41
This is where you will post your ship stats and a picture (if you want but not required).
It is assumed there is a way to harmlessly duplicate every weapon possessed by all contestants but please describe them as if they actually worked.
There will be multiple threads going at once. Each pairing will have their own thread but this Thread will serve for the OOC comments for the entire contest.
All vessels will be used in standard configurations. This means you cannot load extra fighters, missiles, or any other boost. The ships are to be uses at their standard weapons load-outs.
The fight card will be filled in the order each contestant posts their ship stats and name of their vessel in THIS thread. The initial post of the IC Thread will contain the fight card and the standings.
The contest will begin when I have sixteen contestants. Any others that wish to join may participate in a massive slugfest afterwards using the same rules the contest used meaning there will be no real damage.
I want the participants who enter to realize there are others waiting for them. If you cannot commit to fully participating then please reconsider or wait until the Free For All at the end. If a participant ever goes a whole week without posting in their individual battles they shall be disqualified and their opponant will be annunced the winner of that matcha nd moved forward tot he next round.
Thank you for participating in the contest.
Here is the IC Thread:
05-09-2008, 08:50
I'm interested, certainly, but practical IC considerations are giving me some trouble. Not to mention, being backwards little Earthlings that we are, the Republic of Earth is somewhat lacking in the ultra hypertechnology that would prevent, say, teleporting a nuke onto the bridge of the ship or something. Normally that wouldn't be a consideration, but since this is a 'for fun' event, I'm a bit leary.
05-09-2008, 09:05
Wouldn't your sheilding prevent teleporting? Most gendres use that. Even ST had to lower sheilds to transport.
The Phoenix Milita
05-09-2008, 10:56
You know last time I checked (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showpost.php?p=10496683&postcount=1), I was still winning :)
Hyperspatial Travel
05-09-2008, 11:04
I loves ya, Balrogga. You're just so damn tricky. Have fun with this.
05-09-2008, 11:05
True but everyone went almost two years without posting so everyone was disqualified.
If you want to enter this one it would be quite welcome. Old blood to mix with young will make this much nore interesting.
Hopefully this time we get people who will keep posting so we can have the slugest. I really looked forward to that free for all at the end.
The Phoenix Milita
05-09-2008, 11:08
I will join this new one if my ship can be declared "2006 Champion (by default)" :tongue:
05-09-2008, 11:13
That would not be fair to any of the others.
If I would do that, it would cause a reason to invalidate this contest.
You could call yourself a veteran of the first contest if you wished and I will use the same facilities and stick to the same procedures except the first phase will have all eight battles at once instead of splitting them into two groups of four. That is where the disinterest began, waiting for their fights.
The Phoenix Milita
05-09-2008, 11:31
Ok I will just say I am undefeated (thats true)
The Mega Phoenix Dreadnought measures 2388.5 cubits in length... ill get the pic and other stats up tomorrow
05-09-2008, 16:24
Wouldn't your sheilding prevent teleporting? Most gendres use that. Even ST had to lower sheilds to transport.
Unfortunatly I lost all my stats for my ships in a harddrive crash, so I can't remember if my flagship has shields. Most RoE ships don't, since they're a fairly new invention for me.
And, of course, the show I'm taking my technology from never bothered with explanations for most of its technology, so I really don't know if teleporters would be bothered by said shields in any case >_>
05-09-2008, 17:31
hmm, im interested. It depends which capital im aloud to use. My old capital is the Empak Ra and my new one is a warfortress class with enugh fire power to wipe out a system. Ill post the stats for both and just tell me which on im aloud to use.
05-09-2008, 17:41
D.E.S. Atlantis
Class: Sca'uh
Apearance 1 (http://i256.photobucket.com/albums/hh161/dragonsclaw56/IMAG0079.jpg) 2 (http://i256.photobucket.com/albums/hh161/dragonsclaw56/IMAG0080.jpg)
3 (http://i256.photobucket.com/albums/hh161/dragonsclaw56/IMAG0081.jpg)
4 (http://i256.photobucket.com/albums/hh161/dragonsclaw56/IMAG0082.jpg)
Armament**:10 rapid fire super cannons***
18 enhanced torpedo emplacements
2 gravaty well emiters
6 enhanced phaser banks
26 disruper beam emiters
1 super magna cannon (as powerful as 10 ori beam weapons)
enhanced multi-phasic shielding
200 turbo-magna cannons
400 anti fighter turrets
450 fighter bombers
Thaleron cloacking device
Obliterater class auto destruct
abaltive generaters
*Has the same strength of roughly 40 atomic bombs.
**the ship its self is suposed to be mirrored underneath, meaning it has the same armament agian bellow it, the reason being (as you can proboly tell, i had to make the moddle my self out of lego, there was no way i could have got that thing finished much less to stand upright if i had mirrored it. Exeptions to the 'mirrored armament' are the 2 gravity well emiters, 4 foreward disrupter emiters and the super magna cannon. The 200 turbo-magna cannons and 400 anti fighter cannons are placed all over the ship, they are not mirrored as such as they are placed all around the hull, for this reason they are technicly exempt from the mirror armament.
*** The cannons are not the ultimate weapons as the name sugests. They are however a mac cannon that fires a magna round every second and a macround every 3 seconds, capable of doing both simultainiusly. Normal supercannons are equiped on my superdestroyers, this being the first ship to bear them and thus give them thier name.
A standard torpedo compliment for warships is a T-PS torpedo, or more acuratly several hundred of them. These torpedos detonate in a similar manner to a seismic charge, scattering its casing. Each blast is on a slightly differant frequency to the last and can be absorbed by 'micro capaciters'/ absorbers located in the outer casing of the torpedo.
These absorbers can't absorb the blast from thier own warhead (so as to preserve its effects) but will absorb the energy from other topedos and will blast it out again, creating secondery or even terchiery blasts depending on the dorpedo spread.
T-P stands for trans-phasic because there is virtualy no limit to the amount of energy that can be absorbed and released, meaning the blasts can eventualy become so powerful they enter several other layers of space time, including sub and node space.
Solar Communes
05-09-2008, 19:07
Behold the ACS Dong Qigong (http://ezine.kungfumagazine.com/magazine/article.php?article=315)
Class: Catalonia Class Arsenal Battleship (http://fc76.deviantart.com/fs31/i/2008/218/5/2/Semjorka_by_donaguirre.jpg)
Description: Built over the former and by far obsolete Guernica Class Guided Missile Destroyer and taking advantage of very recent breakthroughs in energy production technology, the Catalonia Class Arsenal Battleship is featured as a spacecraft entirely dedicated to space combat, lacking little more than an external docking bay for other spacecrafts to connect to it, and having no flight decks inside, sacrificed to allow it to pack in its center four massive gauss cannons with a significant amount of high-powered superconductive coils, coming from the seamless meeting of the hull with the propulsion components to the tip of the spacecraft, which are able to accelerate projectiles up to near the speed of light depending on the chosen energy output and number of coils activated in the system. As Solarian torchships in combat are commonly flying in c-fraction speeds, they are rarely used at their maximum power.
Such powerful weapon, although packing a massive beyond visual range capability, is secondary to their primary weaponry: the massive Advanced Stellar Ballistic Missile, grand-grandson of the ICBMs of the past, which is a capship and planet-killer kinetic weapon capable of reaching relativistic speeds by its own and intended to be fired from ranges of hundreds and ideally thousands of astronomical units. As an arsenal ship, such is only one of its many missile systems, which also include more lightweight kinetic missiles with a limited maximum velocity and the very recently developed antimatter missiles. Some of the kinetic missiles are loaded into railgun missile launch platforms, able to launch them at nearly 10% of the speed of light, while laser-ablated launch systems offer for a very high speed launch process.
As energy weapon, five ultraviolet laser turrets, completely invisible to the naked eye, fed on an extremely high energy input, and with large lenses of a hundred meter of diameter, are rarely used in combat but can put significant damage, with a high range achieved from their sheer lens dimensions, serve as tertiary weapons at best, and are rarely if ever used in combat, for the Catalonia was projected and optimized to engage threats astronomical units away, and to destroy them before they can even reach visual range, like any modern spacecraft built in the relativistic universe of the Solarians.
At last, their smaller, less powered but with higher rate of fire gauss autocannon turrets serve more as a complement to the defensive capabilities of their anti-ballistic missiles and tactical ultraviolet lasers than as a weapon, although they can be quite useful to quickly destroy "space fighters" while other weapon systems focus on the main threat, and pose a threat to most known spaceships. Like all Solarian spacecrafts, when not in combat, all its weapons are retracted inside the hull or covered by it to allow for it to fly near the speed of light during interstellar travel without tearing them away from the spacecraft.
Strange for a spacecraft of its size, the Catalonia Class is fully automated and able to operate without any human control, albeit at a much more limited effectiveness. Mind uplinking and the use of "brain-in-machine" crews can allow for the flexibility of the human mind to combine with the limitless potential of the acceleration of the spaceship, much beyond what a human being could stand without serious breaches over common sense and scientific laws which are unbreakable in their universe. When crewed, it rarely has more than seven crew members, a necessary advancement to compensate for a manpower that has never accompanied the industrial growth of the Confederation.
The ACS Dong Qigong, as one of this class of spacecrafts, is featured by the ironic Soviet motifs that have been applied to it, including a very visible red star coupled with a sickle and hammer symbol in its external hull sides, and seems quite clear and new, being a very recently built spacecraft, after the end of the Eternal War. It's remotely crewed by a very cheerful crowd of mind uplinked individuals.
Length: 650 meters
Average Diameter: 350 meters
Hullframe: Torchship (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Torchship)
Weapon systems:
- 4 120mm HC201 gauss autocannon twin turrets
-- Maximum Muzzle velocity: 3,000 km/s
-- Rate of fire: 180 rounds per minute
-- Effective range: 3,000 km
-- Maximum range: 10,000+ km
- 4 UL95 Ultraviolet Laser Assault Turrets
--Lens diameter: 100 meters
--Power output: 1 EeV
--Effective Range: 30,000 km
--Maximum Range: 60,000+ km
Launch Systems
- 600-cell Laser ablated Launch System
- 200-cell High-velocity Rail Launch System
Anti Capital Ship
- 4 203mm HC-08 relativistic spinal gauss guns
-- Maximum Muzzle Velocity: 267,000 km/s (0.89c)
-- Effective Range: 267,000 km
-- Maximum Range: 1,000,000+ km
- 20-cell Advanced Stellar Ballistic VLS
- 1000-cell LM-49 anti-ballistic launch system
- 30 UL53 Ultraviolet-C Laser anti-ballistic turrets
- SPN-89 anti-ballistic missiles
-- Payload: 800 kg of MSMH
-- Effective Range: 120,000+ km
-- Maximum Range: Theoretically unlimited
-- Acceleration: 15g
-- Maximum speed: 90,000 km/s (0.3c)
- Spacewinder MK-7 smart kinetic missiles
-- Payload: 1 metric ton of MSMH
-- Effective Range: 3 Astronomical Units
-- Maximum Range: Theoretically unlimited
-- Acceleration: 10g
-- Maximum Speed: 60,000 km/s (0.2c)
- Spacewinder MK-8 smart antimatter missiles
-- Payload: 200 kg of Antihydrogen
-- Effective Range: 1 Astronomical Unit
-- Maximum Range: Theoretically unlimited
-- Acceleration: 8g
-- Maximum Speed: 15,000 km/s
- Advanced Kinetic-kill Stellar Ballistic Missiles
-- Class: Kinetic anti-capship SBM
-- Payload: 5 metric tons of MSMH
-- Effective Range: 500 Astronomical Units
-- Ideal Impact Speed: 0.86c (258,000 km/s)
-- Ideal Launch Distance: 4,000 Astronomical Units
-- Maximum Range: Theoretically unlimited
-- Maximum Impact Speed: 0.95c (285,000 km/s)
-- Propulsion: 1 Antimatter Thruster
-- Acceleration: 30g
- Aggregate diamond nanorods reinforced Metal Matrix Composite
- "Smart" Nanites Matrix Composite Armor
- Electromagnetic Reactive Armor
- High Energy Electromagnetic Field
- Advanced Planetary Scanner
- Quantum FADEC
- Quantum Flight Control System
- 70 Eqb quantum storage drive and 500 EHz Quantum processing system
- Brain-Computer Interface
- 2,500 kilometers effective range advanced multi-frequency RADAR(12 light-years range in Space)
- Advanced Astrogation Deck
- Advanced active protection sensor and automatic fire control systems
- Spacepilot 7.5 pseudo-sentient AI with Hebbian learning support.
- Advanced Battleship 30.7 lock and targeting system
Maximum Primary Acceleration: 1.2 g crewed, 6g unmanned/cryo'ed crew
Maximum Vectorial Acceleration: 4g pitch, yaw, roll, 3g z-axis and y-axis and 5g reverse-speed acceleration
Propulsion: 16 5th Generation MSMH (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metallic_Hydrogen#Nuclear_power) Fusion Engines/Reactors
Range: 1,500,000,000 km/s delta-V
PS: This is a serious post.
I'm in, RPing as the Alliance's newest and fastest ship in the fleet, the Zeus Class Battleship.
Name: R.S.S. Zeus
Class: Zeus Class Battleship
Registry: NX - 136587
3rd Person View (http://i11.photobucket.com/albums/a172/Huntaer/ZeusClassCruiserFinal.jpg)
Top View (http://i11.photobucket.com/albums/a172/Huntaer/ZeusClassCruiserFinalTop.jpg)
Side View (http://i11.photobucket.com/albums/a172/Huntaer/ZeusClassCruiserFinalSide.jpg)
Front View (http://i11.photobucket.com/albums/a172/Huntaer/ZeusClassCruiserFinalFront.jpg)
Bottom View (http://i11.photobucket.com/albums/a172/Huntaer/ZeusClassCruiserFinalBottom.jpg)
Rear View (http://i11.photobucket.com/albums/a172/Huntaer/ZeusClassCruiserFinalRear.jpg)
Designation: Cruiser
Manufacturers: Huntarain Alliance, Leonis Ship Yards, Nova Louisiana Ship Yards
Length: 800 meters
Width: 310 meters
Height: 288 meters
Consumables: 2 years
Time Before Refit: 5 years
Expected duration: 80 years
Cargo Capacity: 3,500 metric tons
Crew: 750
Troops/passengers: 1100
FTL: Necrominus Drives Mk III, Inertia Drives
Hull: 1800 RU
Shields: 4500 SBD
8 VII Phaser Arrays, 4 Quantum Phaser Arrays (Saucer Section), 3 Torpedo Bays, 4 Torpedo Tubes, Torpedo Replicators (Photon, Quantum Mk I), 2 Type U Pulse Phasers
On board Craft:
60 B-Wing fighters, 20 Y-Wings, 10 A-Wings, 15 X-Wings
The newest ship design in the fleet, the Zeus Class is a unique design in itself. Adapting the classic Saucer Separation technique, it is now implicated for the purpose of military combat, providing two attacking ships instead of one. Both sections of the ship, if necessary, are capable of atmospheric flight, which could give the upper hand for the Zeus class in it's attempts to flee a perusing enemy ship. It's saucer section has Pulse Lasers, which acts like a slightly larger and more powerful version of the Defiant Class.
05-09-2008, 21:11
Now I'd feel really out of place :P
The Eltreum comes in at seventy kilometers, and Super Excellion class are about ten kilometers. RoE ships rely pretty much solely on brute force and the idea that if you dump enough energy into a single location, something'll have give eventually.
Red Talons
05-09-2008, 21:36
Heres my entry.
The RTMR Ragnarok (http://fc03.deviantart.com/fs10/i/2006/094/c/d/AFF__Ragnarok_Superdreadnought_by_failurecrusade.png)
Type: Ragnarok class Superdreadnought.
Length: 4km
Width: 500m at max
height: 800m at max
Engines: Particle impulse primary thruster, Gravitic induction for tactical maneuvering and acceleration.
Powerplant: 6 Heavy Gravity Induction cores. Four Antimatter reactors
Weapon systems: Four Heavy Mega particle cannons, forward mount.
Four directional heavy mega particle cannons, dorsal, pair on each side.
Eight mega gravitic drivers, 4 on each side (Fires a slug the size of a semi truck/trailer)
Six superheavy plasma accelerator turrets, 3 on each side
120 torpedo/cruise missile tubes, 50 on each side, 20 forward.
200 812mm(32inches) quad barrel gravitic drivers
2000 quad barrel sliver cannon point defense guns
Missiles: Thanatos class antimatter anti ship cruise missiles.
Multikill class torpedo- Carries instead of a warhead, a load of 200 micro missiles. Each missile is the size of a pop can and carries a small matter/antimatter warhead. The torpedo reaches a designated range before deploying. Self destructing as it deploys its payload.
Armor: The Ragnarok's armor consists of an outer layer of Crystal carbon, carbon nanotubes in a dense crystal fiber matrix. Behind that is a layer of nanite gel to blunt physical blows and circulate to rapidly cool energy impacts. Behind that is a layer of 2000 4mm aluminum alloy plates, spaced 6mm apart. Every 5 plates there is a plate of steel. Known as a whipple shield, it is able to dramatically blunt kinetic weapons, even high frac C rounds. Next is sandwiched layers of Liquid metal and nanite gel, 10 layers before another whipple shield layer as above. Then a gap before the inner hull, which is a layer of liquid metal.
06-09-2008, 00:44
I am planning on making this an annual event, especially if this one takes off better than the origional one two years ago.
I will take the entries in the order their stats are posted in this OOC Thread. I will not reserve spots in order to mak it fair to everyone. If you do not wish to be in the tourny but want to be in the Endgame (free-for-all) then say so and I will put you down for that one.
If you know someone you always wanted to fight, point them at this Thread and you might get to face them in the Tourney or in the Endgame.
Ih8uwannakillu, I cannot count your aplication complete until you decide which ship you are using. When you do so, I will then place you in the next slot available.
Three accepted applications so far.
Demonic Gophers
06-09-2008, 01:32
It's tempting to send in the Sword of DEAT, but I don't think it makes sense IC. The Demgori have little interest in showing off that doesn't involve real explosions.
Perhaps I'll scrape something up from my Evil Alternate (http://www.nationstates.net/angelic_gophers); this seems like the sort of thing that might interest them.
Would it be acceptable to send in a ship with a weaker than normal set of weapons, because they're in this primarily to gain information, and prefer to be underestimated by any potential enemies in a real fight?
Solar Communes
06-09-2008, 01:47
If you know someone you always wanted to fight, point them at this Thread and you might get to face them in the Tourney or in the Endgame.
If I was insane, I would say Neo-Mekanta.
As I'm not, I would like to face a Chronosian battle barge or battleship.
The Phoenix Milita
06-09-2008, 02:43
The Mega Phoenix Dreadnought (http://fc01.deviantart.com/fs9/i/2006/065/8/d/Power_up_the_Shields_by_SpartaN_PhoeniX.jpg) features a Devastator cannon and 18 forward firing disruptors(Type 1 Block IIB Enhanced) , front and rear torpedo launchers (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v293/grunt74/NS2/torpedos.jpg) plus black talon phasers throughout. A full compliment of fighters and bombers is also included. It is protected by adaptive armor, forcefields and energy shields and also features color changing dynamic nano-paint. It is about 1092 meters long, features 4 warp nacelles and 3 power cores. It is the largest most powerful ship in the Fleet and has a full line of advanced sensors, science laboratories and other systems. As with all Phoenix Fleet vessels the Mega Phoenix is equipped to travel at high sub-light speeds with both ion and impulse engines and its warp coils are rated above Warp 9. The Mega Phoenix is a multi role ship ideal for large and small scale ship-to-ship engagements, planetary bombardment, planetary invasion and interstellar patrol.
06-09-2008, 16:37
TPM added to the fight card.
Throughout the fight, every angle will be covered by drones. The footage will be broadcast to the station holding the event for spectators and each participating nation will also get free access to the feed. Those nations not participating will have to purchase the feed much like the old fashioned Pay-Per-View.
Proceeds will be donated the Universal Way Charities
07-09-2008, 13:46
Ok then, ill go with the Atlantis, if you think thats ok.
Also seeing how some people have elaborated on thier weapons systems, ill elaborate on my torpedo systems.
I suppose I'll join, the IC reason I guess is that this tourny will be an excellent opportunity to examine the military capacities of other nations. So, guess I'll be using the standard Phoenix-Class Dreadnought... Unfortunately it might take some time to explain everything. x3
SEV Escalibur
Type: Phoenix-Class Dreadnought
Length: 3,012 meters.
Width: 867 meters.
Height: 563 meters.
Defensive Systems and Armor:
Outer Hull: 10.2 meters of Emprium II
Emprium II is the strongest substance known to the Empire, not because of its resistance to damage by itself but for the fact it can nearly instantly and evenly disperse thermokinetic energy across itself. With the Phoenix-Classes large size, this means that a point attack such as a railgun or plasma weapon will need to pack enough energy to burst through sixteen kilometers of armor to so much as scratch or dent it. Unfortunately though, Emprium II can't disperse the heat created by lasers (being to focused) fast enough, allowing it to sear right through the hull. Another draw back is that the ship's armor strength decreases exponentially with the more damage it takes.
Inner Hull: 3 meters of Tungstanium alloy.
Primary Shields: Ex-Lattice Plasma Shields, two meters thick and hugs the Dreadnought’s hull.
Simple, and somewhat primitive energy shielding. This 'secondary hull' serves nothing more than a Whipple shield to break up incoming projectiles for kinetic attacks, however it's capable of dispersing and containing a small about of photons before growing to hot and 'evaporating' away from the magnetic containment, breaking down the lattice-structure in the nearby vicinity.
Secondary Shields: Quantum Shields Mach III, extends six kilometers away from the ship’s center.
Shielding that refracts photons, causing laser damage to be spread out over an area to hopefully prevent it from searing right through the Emprium II hull. It's also capable of preventing quantum leaps, temporal or dimensional phenomena, and a host of other strange phenomena to jump across the shielding. It's also been noted to diminish the effect of 'phasing' and 'quantum tunneling' weapon systems.
Weapon Systems:
1x Devastation Canon
4x Heavy Plasma Canons
6x Heavy Coilgun Artillery
10x Medium Plasma Canons
16x Light coil gun Turrets
26x Railgun Point Defense Systems
42 Rail-Launched Missile Tubes (20 on each side, two on the back)
Missile Compliment:
Effectively unlimited Medium Plasma Missiles
20x Long Range Fusion Cruise Missiles (Tactical Level warhead)
6x Anti-Shield Plasma Missiles (Tactical Level warhead)
A multi-clustered warhead featuring a tactical level plasma warhead and secondary cold plasma mini-missiles. The ASPM launches the mini-missiles moments before impacting with the shields, utilizing the cold plasma released in the beforehand explosions to create a brief hole in the shields as the cold plasma refracts and absorbs the shield's energy before dispersing. The warhead is then free to impact the hull (usually targetting a shield emitter) or the next layer of shielding.
Fighter Compliment:
48 Pheonix Feather-Darters (Interceptors), and 16 Grand Drake Fighter/Bombers.
Miscellaneous Systems:
Tactical EM Sensor Array
Drift-Oscillating Matter Sensor Array
the Drift-OMSA utilizes stolen technology from the United Resistance combined with the Sertian's Drift tech. It essentially detects matter and can scan things faster than light speeds would allow. In addition it can also scan through shields (although this diminishes sensor resolution). However, it can only scan a few kilometer radius focused on one target, and additionally gravity based technology severely hampers the resolution, to the point that all they can say is that the ship's mass is there.
Power Generator: Three Z3 enhanced fusion generators.
FTL: Drift Disturbance Drive; maximum of 200ly per day in a galaxy’s gravitation field.
Sublight Drives: 1 Photon Drive, 2 Secondary Plasma Mass Drivers.
Grappling Systems: Eight magnetic locking grapples attached to a tungstanium-weaved cord.
Repair Systems: Including crew compliment, six droids that can repair one cubic centirmeter of Emprium II hull a second each, or six cubic centimeters of Tungstanium to patch holes in an emergency.
While the Phoenix-Class is a design twenty years old and a veteran of the Great War, it is still seen widely used within the Empire because of its near invulnerability to heat and kinetic attacks and the large array of weapon systems it can bring to bear, especially the Strategic Level Devastation Canon which composes the core of the ship. However. with recent technology upgrades the Phoenix-Classes have been retrofitted constantly with improved plasma and coilgun canons, Quantum Shields and even replacing the primary Mass Driver engine with an anti-matter powered Photon Drive.
But the Escalibur is slightly different, as her design has been 'tweaked' to produce an enhanced compatibility with newer technology, as well as being upgraded with some slightly experimental technology. Amongst the new upgrades was a return of old plasma shield technology (updated of course) to add a second layer of protection from laser fire, and fighter bays compatible with the newer Feather-Darter Interceptors (rather than the old Light Drakes that were retired from service). The Escalibur was then taken with the Sertian Expedition for field testing against the denizens of the Milky Way Galaxy.
08-09-2008, 06:08
I will update the listing immediately.
While explaining your vessel and weapons is desirable, please make sure everyone has them in a single post so it would be easier for their opponants to find them when they are fighting. It will make things vastly easier if people don't have to look for them in multiple posts. Also, please remove any multiple ship descriptions so only thestuff you are using is posted. Avoiding confusion will make things work much better. Be sure everyone has their vessel name included in their entry. It will make identifying their ships easier.
Now, to do that update I promised.
Orthodox Gnosticism
22-09-2008, 21:31
Nation: Twelve / United Colonies of Kobol
Ship Name: BSG-32 Battlestar Atlantia
Class: Columbia Class Battlestar
Reserved: Stats, will come soon.
The Second Alliance
22-09-2008, 21:42
May jump in. I'm still finishing a sketch of what she (the ship) looks like, as well as basic statistics. I'm still working on fine tuning my nation, so I'll post again to let you know whether or not I feel comfy with jumping in.
22-09-2008, 21:53
When you make the OOC Post I will include you onto the fight card. If you want to post the basics and then edit in the specifics to guarentee you a spot that is fine but you will have to edit the post before your fight so both sides have equal access to each others stats and can interact OOCly for the fight.
Gotta be fair
The Second Alliance
22-09-2008, 23:24
Right. Gotya.
Basic Statistics
Starship name: The Burden of Truth
Starship Class: Keyship, Multi-role Fleet Command Warship
Ship Captain: Mason J. Castro, Second Heir Ascendant of the Second Alliance
Nation Represented: The Commonwealth of the Second Alliance of Human Nations
Ship Stats
***VISUAL REPRESENTATION*** (http://i123.photobucket.com/albums/o316/Founderdude/AllianceStarship-Keyshipclass.jpg)
***BROAD SYSTEMIC BREAKDOWN*** (http://i123.photobucket.com/albums/o316/Founderdude/AllianceStarship-Keyshipclass-color.jpg)
Length: 1.4 Kilometers in length
Hull Construction: 4.31' thick reinforced "Kilaros" battleplate composed of Ultrium skin with depleted uranium undercoat. Underlying superstructure constructed with hexagonal ultrium support struts reinforced by localized tensor fields*
*The Kilaros pattern battleplate's hardness and resistence to heat and radiation provide a highly resilient frame capable of ship-to-ship ramming with minimal hull damage, as well as resisting most conventional laser or projectile-based anti-ship weapons. The hexagonal superstructure and supporting tensor fields allow the ship's frame a fair measure of flexibility, preventing the ship's dramatic acrobatics from sheering the hull apart, as well as reducing ramming damage further.
Conventional Drive Systems:
-Two Independently Mounted, fully rotational dominus-class NERVA engines with adjustable thrust accelerators
-Two Laterally Deployable Repulsor Sails**
**Repulsor Sail technology is not actually a sail, but rather a tough yet thin membrane of memory metal that can conduct magnetic energy and Chernokov radiation. The repulsor membrane discharges the accumulated energy to rapidly adjust the craft's orientation in space. This maneuvering system, combined with the fully articulated NERVA engine mounts at the aft end of the craft, allow a Keyship to perform what would be considered otherwise impossible acts of agility, such as a no-stop 360 degree turn in under two seconds, or a 45 to 90 degree course change in less then one, all while retaining it's existing forward momentum. While such maneuvers can create great deals of inertial stress, Keyship's superstructures are designed to take that sort of abuse, and the crew is trained to secure themselves safely to prevent injury from the gravity-overriding momentum. It's for this Repulsor Sail technology that Keyships are considered by many Alliance strategists to be so effective in combat, as the Keyship's tactical agility is second-to-none against other Alliance starcraft, and few other races possess craft with similar mobility that can match the firepower and armor of compact and deceptively well armed Keyship. To sum it up, if Alliance Keyships have one advantage, it's nearly always maneuverability. This craft is the only warship Alliance has constructed that can literally "turn on a dime", and their commanding heirs are trained to press that advantage heavily.
FTL Drive System: Mk XIII Localized Spacefold Drive***
***The spacefold drives of the Keyship take approximately three minutes to cycle correctly, though they can be jump started within thirty seconds for emergencies. There is no cooldown, as the drive cycling renders cooldown times irrelevant. In otherwords, the Mk XIII Localized Spacefold Drive allows the ship to spacefold once every three minutes, though continuously spacefolding could cause significant damage to the Mk XIII drive.
Due to the nature of spacefolding, greater distances traveled do not make longer journeys, since the craft bends space and time, and bending space and time to move five feet or sixty thousand lightyears requires the same amount of energy and time expended. The drives cut out a swathe around the traveler and hurl that whole chunk of space time into a specific four-axis (W being equivelent to the time-axis of a 3d coordinate plane) coordinate point in space, where upon the whole cut out area expands to fill it's original mass, explosively displacing any existing matter or energy at the destination, before the normal laws of physics kick in. The result is a transdimensional tremor every time a starship spacefolds, which if used correctly, can be sued to disperse fighter squadrons, destroy starships, even simply intimidate foes. However, for purposes of this event, weaponized space-folding like that shall only be allowed to come within a 200 feet of a target ship; enough to shake the ship's structure with the tremor, not enough for serious damage.
Shielding Systems: Retractable, forward-mounted Chernokov Shield Grid****
****Chernokov Shield Grids function differently then the shields of other races, serving more as a futuristic version of a medieval tower shield than a regenerating second hull that covers the entire ship's surface, forfeiting partial protection of the entire hull for complete protection of one angle of attack. The system works by projecting a field of Chernokov radiation from the head of the ship, which solidifies and hardens into a glowing blue, hexagonal grid of protection that floats in front of the ship like a futuristic analog to a tower shield. The shield grid can be moved by the shipboard engineers, though it wastes far more energy to change the shield's orientation then it does to simply move the entire ship to a different angle or location.
The nature of the shield grid makes it spectacularly resilient. The light and heat energy of conventional energy weapons fire is simply redirected to the edge of the shield where it disperses harmlessly into space. Projectile weapons ricochet or vaporise on impact with the hardened wall of energy, their kinetic force likewise dispersed all but harmlessly. The binding energies used to concentrate plasma bolts and other plasma weaponry are disrupted when exposed to the high level magnetic field generated by the grid, and the heat is safely dispersed as laser fire. Ion cannons are all but ineffective, the electrical pulses they generate harmlessly dispersing off the shield. The Chernokov shield can only be disabled by significant applications of force and is unaffected by charged particle/ion weapons, being the field is made of charged particles/ions itself, and it's like trying to break down a mud levy by throwing more mud at it.
Only the heaviest of laser weapons can overload the shields, such as quote 'superlasers' unquote and even under those circumstances, the energy from the overloading blast is dispersed safely before the shield would drop. It takes roughly three minutes to reconstruct the grid after an energy event of that magnitude.
Super heavy projectile weapons fare similarly against the shield for different reasons. The projectile's high velocity produces enough kinetic force to puncture the shield grid like a balloon, freeing the Chernokov energy explosively from it's confinement. The explosive destabilization of the grid removes most of the kinetic force from the incoming round, though minor damage from the wildly flying shell is possible. The grid takes four minutes to reestablish after such an event.
Super heavy plasma weapons are easily the thing the shields excel at dispersing. Regardless of how fast the bolt travels, or how large it may be, the magnetic field disperse it's binding energy all the same, and then it's just a matter of dispersing the excess heat outwardly. while such gratuitous amounts of heat cannot be dispersed perfectly, the worst case scenario is that the residual heat energy heats up the ship's hull by a couple hundred degrees, something the ship was designed to endure with no difficulty. The shield grid will hold against such weapons indefinitely.
The biggest disadvantage of the shield grid is that it is impervious to both friendly and enemy fire, dispersing both relentlessly. The shields cannot be fired through, and unless they are dropped, the ship may only fire from non-shielded vectors.
Powerplant Systems:
-(1 located in aft central hull) Centrifugal 48 X-turbine Chernokov Reactor with 96 falcon-class capacitors, Central Reactor Complex
-(2 located in aft central hull) Centrifugal 24 O-turbine Chernokov Reactor with 48 falcon-class capacitors, Auxiliary Central Reactor Complex
-(1 per engine hub) Centrifugal 12 Y-turbine Chernokov Reactor with 24 falcon-class capacitors, Engine Reactor Complex
-(3 per Mass Driver Cannon, total 6) Cyclic 14 O-turbine Chernokov Reactor with 28 falcon-class capacitors, Main Weapon Reactor Complex
-(1 per Repulsor Sail, total 2) Cyclic 10 X-turbine Chernokov Reactor with 20 falcon-class capacitors, Auxiliary Engine Reactor Complex
-(1 reactor per OFC/DFC turret, total 20) Cyclic 2 I-turbine Chernokov Reactor with 4 falcon-class capacitors, Secondary Weapon Reactor Complexes
Weapon Systems:
-(2) Heavy Mass Driver Cannons: Forward mounted. Primary Weapon System This is the most powerful weapon on the Keyship. It accelerates a three-ton projectile to five-eighths the speed of light by the time it exits the weapon. The kinetic force is great enough to sheer through well over a quarter kilometer of armor plate. Reloading system is fully automated and has the mass driver ready to fire again in three seconds. Heavy Anti-warship weapon.
-(6) Offensive Linear Cannons: Turret Mounted.
-(14) Defensive Linear Cannons: Turret Mounted.
-(2) HYLE Nuclear Warheads: One each in the port and starboard hangars.
23-09-2008, 01:00
Thank you.
I updated the fight card and we are half full. We only need another 8 nations to submit teir ships and we can start. If you know anyonewho might be interested in participating steer them here.
Admiral Hekan Deltev's Super Dreadnaught the Razgriz
Length:10 kilometers
Class: Charzakian Super Dreadnaught
200 laser batteries (fighter defense)
400 Turbolaser batteries (for use against ship classes higher than single manned fighters)
50 long range turbolaser batteries (can fire on ships 1 light year away)
1 super laser (capable of destroying a super dreadnaught or lower in a single blast but it takes over 3 hours to charge fully)
250 ion cannons (disables shields)
4 baridium missiles (mega nukes)
200 fighters
100 bombers
Shields and Defenses
Imperial Class shield
S-Grade Beskar Hull (Titanium on steroids)
A-class scanner can detect even cloaked ships down to microscopic nano virusis
S-class Tracking System capable of tracking targets up to 3 lightyears away.
Represents the Empire of Charzak
23-09-2008, 02:10
Seven spots left.
Teh SupremEz0r
24-09-2008, 01:44
I am planning on making this an annual event, especially if this one takes off better than the origional one two years ago.
I hope that works out. At this point, I don't think I can spare the Toastinator from guard duty for an extended period, but I'd be interested in entering it once I have some proper defenses built.
24-09-2008, 02:35
This takes place outside any other RPs. Use fluid time if you want an excuse but this competition does not take in conflict with any other Threads.
If you want to enter then do so.
The Second Alliance
24-09-2008, 18:17
Wow I started putting in the stats for my dreadnaught class instead of super-dreadnaught class. Fixed it though.
The Romulan Republic
24-09-2008, 20:33
Um, I'd really like to join, but I only created this nation for a Star Trek Rp, and it doesn't really exist out side of that context. So I don't really have any ships of my own design
25-09-2008, 02:20
That choice is yours. But if you reconsider, then you should really think about entering. You can use one of the "flagships" from your nation. You might even want to create a nation for this and then go FT with it for other RPs
It's not as if this would affect the other RP (The Trek one) and we are doing this for fun.
Think about it and if you decide, then please do before the fight card closes.
The Romulan Republic
25-09-2008, 02:40
k, im in.
I haven't decided weather to use the flag ship from the Star Trek rp, or create a new one. But the Trek one's pretty good.
The Great Lord Tiger
25-09-2008, 22:48
The Immortal Lands of the Great Lord Tiger have developed a new, full-scale capital ship. Behold: The Death-Class!
Name: The Black Death
Ship Classification: Superbattleship
Appearance: http://img03.picoodle.com/img/img03/3/9/30/f_Deathm_5e8daa3.jpg
Length: 1.8 km
Hull/Structure: 3.3 meters of Densilon* armor; internal skeleton of titanium.
* Densilon is a proprietary Imglot composite created by the layering of cobalt, steel, iridium, and lead. The lead protects from radiation; the cobalt and steel provide armor; and the iridium has been noted to have a protective effect on ships traveling through Slipspace (see FTL Propulsion)
Shielding: Capable-Type Shield Batteries**
**The Capable Battery is a new shield system developed exclusively for the pride of the Imglotian Navy, the Death-Class Superbattleship. It protects against both directed energy and projectile weaponry, providing an extraordinarily powerful second layer of shielding. The Capable shield system takes massive energy amounts, which prevent use on smaller warships.
Propulsion and Power
Sublight Propulsion:
2X Allsvinn-type Primary Ion Drives
FTL Propulsion: 2X Hantog Slipspace Drive***
***The nature of the thing known as "Slipspace" is questioned by all of Imglot's scientists. Some argue that it is a dimension beyond our own; some say it is a reflection. Still others argue that Slipspace is outside of the universe. Either way, Slipspace is entered through the use of a drive system known as the Hantog, for the scientist who headed the research into entering Slipspace. There are dire consequences possible if Imglot's ships leave the universe; however, it provides some sort of time and space bending properties, making long distances more manageable.
2X God-Type Main Fusion Reactor: Propulsion and Ship Systems
6X Deity-Type Secondary Fusion Reactors: Shielding and Auxiliary power
5X Demigod-Type Secondary Fusion Reactors: Weaponry and Auxiliary power
24X Savage Quad-barrel maser turrets. The Savage turret has four sizable masers mounted on each turret. These beams are capable of disintegrating a starfighter with a single strike, and can do decent damage to any larger targets..
2X Ragnarok Coilgun- The Ragnarok cannon, operating under typical Gaussian Principles, functions using a series of powerful electromagnets. They change polarization almost instantaneously, forming a tube of magnets that, at first, pull the projectile, and then switch charge, pushing the charged projectile forward. This enables the object to reach astronomical speeds, approaching about 1/2 the speed of light. The projectile is constructed in a vaguely cone-like shape designed to puncture, and is filled with the incredibly radioactive Polonium. This makes the round glow with an eerie blue light, and its effects on flesh would be devastating. Imglot has few qualms about the use of such a destructive weapon- after all, the lead sheathing which is ejected after launch prevents friendly casualties. The Death-Class Superbattleship mounts its Ragnaroks side-by-side along the primary body.
20X Despair-Type Missile Batteries.
The Second Alliance
25-09-2008, 23:24
Nice starship Imglot. I'm liking your attention to detail! It's quite well done...
The Great Lord Tiger
26-09-2008, 00:14
Thanks! Based off your own specs, but with my own twist.
Still, don't see how a ship that is <1 km can match mile-long beasts. Maybe the Ragnarok can balance things.
We Imglotians love our radioactivity :D
26-09-2008, 00:25
Honestly, mine can. If I played then right they could destroy large moons or even planets. The battleships I use are only 180 Meters and they are damn nasty. That is why I am not in this contest, my ships are too powerful.
I am happy enough holding the event and this knowlege means if they are that nasty, I would not be interested in stealing any of your tech ICly. it is qa win-win situation where you get to show off and your tech is safe.
The Great Lord Tiger
26-09-2008, 00:31
Yeah... we love our Ragnarok.
And plus, Polonium's rare. Luckily, we found a naturally-occurring vein of this unnatural element. How does that happen?
Chance. Cosmic coincidence. Luck.
The Second Alliance
26-09-2008, 04:18
Every race has an ace up their sleeve in some form or another. Hell, my race discovered a safe, nearly limitless free energy source in Chernokov radiation. In fact, most generators have output inhibitors installed since they can potentially short out/overload the systems they power if they ran full steam all the time.
And yeah, your ship is small, but it has agility on it's side thusly. Most of these craft here are the big battleship-style craft. Your size gives your ship a nice advantage, and while the Burden of Truth and other Alliance Keyships may be able to literally "turn on a dime", it's the extremely rare exception, and even so, it's bulk could mean outmanuevering your craft in close quarters may be nearly impossible. Just play to your ship's strengths and have fun. All our guns are loaded with dummy/paint rounds so their's no risk involved, just laughs to be had and interstellar shenanigans to be pulled.
26-09-2008, 07:35
Exactly the point.
The only true injury you risk is a Bruised Pride.
The Great Lord Tiger
26-09-2008, 18:11
i really wish for this to get under way so can we somehow speed this up?
27-09-2008, 02:49
Get the fight card filled. We need 16 contestants to make a proper tree so send your FT friends to the Thread and get them to join.
That is the fastest way.
We need people to post their ships in the OOC Thread. I am using this order to determine their position on the fight card. The list is currently updated. We have 6 positions left.
If anyone wants to participate in this better hurry. I have been told by some they would like to but there are no ships posted in the OOC Thread to place on the Card.
27-09-2008, 04:13
I cannot resist this...
Our pardon, Balrogga, but it seems that in your haste, you entitled our entry, "The Great Tiger Lord." We must stress that it is, in fact, "The Great Lord Tiger."
Anyone daring to call themselves by the same name as the Great Lord is executed. We just wanted to clear that up.
From the Office of His Great Lord Nhur-Galladu, Warlord of the Fallen Empire of Balrogga:
I wish to apologize for the mistake made in your Title. Please do not take Offense at it. The mistake has been corrected and things are as they should be.
Scheneshal A'Nube
Fist of Darkness
The Fallen Empire
No offense, just a joke so I put it in the OOC
Constantine class Juggernaught
Initially conceived by the the Draconian-Rossian Alliance (http://www.nswiki.net/index.php?title=Draconian-Rossian_Alliance) after the Fall of Klonor (http://www.nswiki.net/index.php?title=Klonor#End_of_the_Empire), the Constantine is currently the most powerful vessel in the Klonor armada. 7.5 kilometers in length and crewed by 15,000 Klonor servicemen, the firepower of the Constantine results in the ship often being referred to as a Fleet in and of itself. In addition to a myriad of Vernii weaponry, the Constantine is armed with 86 Mk II Laser Turrets, 14 Heavy Beam Cannons (A-8), and one miniaturized Harbinger Cannon. With such a high potential for destruction, the Constantine is often used independently as a solitary assault force and mobile defense base
Mass (Tons): 70,500,000
Length Overall (Meters): 7,500
Maximum Beam (Meters): 1,000
Maximum Height (Meters): 950
Maximum Acceleration (G): 260 (2.548 km/s) in Normal-Space; 2,860 in Hyper-Space
Complement: 15,000 (1,280 Officers + 13,720 Enlisted)
Armament Mounted/Weapon Mount Placement
Missile Tubes: 120 per broadside, 18 per chase
Laser Turrets (Mk. 2): 86 Advanced Anti-Capital Ship and Fighter/Missle Deterrents
Laser (450 cm): 0 per broadside, 4 forward
Heavy Beam Cannon (A-8): 7 per broadside, 0 per chase
Graser (500 cm): 0 per broadside, 4 forward
CM Launchers: 1200 per broadside, 32 per chase
PD Laser Clusters: 200 per broadside, 32 per chase
MiniHarbinger Cannon: One bow mounted
Launch Rails: Six missile pod launchers aft
Parasite Complement: Capacity for 40 shuttle sized vessels or 320 fighters
Armor: Battlesteel-thick (1 meter); Energy absorption/redirection
Shields: Sidewalls/Impeller wedge (SD-strength); Particle deflection/Radiation absorbtion fields
Propulsion: Impeller drive motivator
Powerplant: MiniStar Mk.III Advanced Fusion Generator
Sensor Equipment:
Ergometric Detection Unit (Ergometer)
Mass Effect Analyser (Massometer)
Particle Emitter Detector (PED)
Front View:
In Orbit:
Life Flashing Before Your Eyes:
*Images designed and donated by the Nation of Blademasters*
Technology Specifications:
Missile Pods: One-shot reusable pods with ten missiles. The Constantine carries 850 pods in a hollow core along it's long axis. It can launch six pods every twenty seconds, for 60 missiles per salvo, 180 missiles per minute. If there is time for preparation before a battle, the ship can hand off pods using it's tractor beams to other warships, allowing the entire fleet to fire a massive salvo.
Impeller Wedge: Two 300 km x 300 km walls of gravitic force above and below the primary hull, generated by the Imepeller drive; the two walls angle with respect to the long axis of the Constantine, resulting in a greater gap between the two at the bow of the vessel than at the rear, and are collectively referred to as "the wedge." Gravitic sheer prevents passage by any known matter or energy force, serving as a valuable means of protection; however, the wedge likewise limits the field of fire. Active sensors are unable to penetrate the the wedge, so the ship must rely on passive sensors or sensor drones to cover the blind spots.
Sidewalls: Weaker bands of gravitic force projected to the port and starboard of a vessel to occupy the space left unprotected by the Impeller Wedge. The ability to open "gunports" within the Sidewalls allows a vessel to fire out through them, however their weaker nature also allows for the penetration of hostile weapons fire. Gravitic sheer still prevents the passage of solid matter, but energy forces of sufficient strength can penetrate, albeit highly distorted, bent, and refracted.
27-09-2008, 11:35
5 spots left to fill.
27-09-2008, 15:56
hmmm, i DID ask VT to join, he said he would. Damned lazy dood, i shall harm him!!
27-09-2008, 17:35
I'd like to join, this is my ship;
The Celestial Dragon III Class
A Capital Ship that very closely resembles a huge golden dragon ( No Pic Available)
Length: 7.72 miles long
Crew: 20,000
Hyperdrive: x .50 (backup x 2)
Warp Drive: 12 Nacelles ( In hull design similair to those of the ST Defiant Class Starship only larger)
Maximum Warp Speed Rated at: 9.99
Impulse Drive: .1 to Full Impulse
Passengers: 100,000 troopers, ships crew and defiant starship wing personnel.
Cargo Capacity: 650,000 metric tons
1 Galaxy Gun: The Galaxy Gun fires missiles equipped with particle disintegrator warheads, an extremely fast hyperdrive that can travel from the Galactic Core to the outer most frontier worlds in a matter of hours, automated laser cannons, armor plating, and advanced energy shields for protection. This gun is capable of independent operation from the mother ship if needed.
1 Mini Super Laser
1 Sun Crusher Cannon
600 Turbo Lasers
400 Ion Cannons
600 Concussion Missile Tubes
400 Tractor Beam Projectors
Garrison Forces: Forty Eight Prefabricated Garrisons
Launch Bays for 800 Variuos types of Fighters
Secondary Bays that will hold up to 100 Defiant Class Starships
200 Orbital Nightcloaks
Cluster Bomb Placements
BOz-62 Kortech Sensor Array w/ Com Scan Integrator Console
Sensor Countermeasures & Screamer Active Jammer
Layered Quantum Crystalline Molecular Armor ( Nearly impervious to turbolaser fire )
Kore Plasma Ablative Planetary Shields
Kortech Holonet Transciever ( Nearly impossible to intercept )
Kortech Subspace Transciever
( This ship has been greatly reduced in size and firepower next to the original Celestial Dragon Class Capital Ship. )
27-09-2008, 21:45
4 spots left. I bet we can get this filled in over the weekend.
27-09-2008, 22:16
hope so..
Solar Communes
27-09-2008, 22:18
Out of curiousity Dragona, who is the VT you mentioned? I'm wondering if VT is who I'm thinking about or not. Probably not, but I'm still curious.
27-09-2008, 22:37
Void Templar
May hap you thaught it was Void Temple?
Solar Communes
27-09-2008, 23:32
Not really, I had a silly thought it was the one who helped me mostly to make realistic FT design, but considering his preference to RP post-nuclear PMT among other things, I should've guessed it was not.
Because it would surely ensue some interesting and humorous events. Suffice to say he is the one who gave me the link to the "Dong Qigong" article, and who inspired me to make all the culturally strange FT stuff (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gbi7ZIqDJ1I).
Some have Star Wars, others Trek and others BSG as their source of inspiration. I have a early 90s Sci-Fi B-movie with lowbrow humor, as one of the many sources of inspiration.
27-09-2008, 23:44
I updated the fight card to show the completed entries.
Please, if you posted in the other Thread, your entry is not considered complete until you post your ship details in THIS Thread. The card was filled out using the order the ships admissions were conpleted.
Name: The UCS Guardian
Type: Titan-class Dreadnaught
Length:750 meters
Width: 350 meters
Height: 320 meters
Image (http://img185.imageshack.us/img185/20/odinkl4.jpg)
Engines: Four fusion conversion engines
Powerplant: Four fusion reactors
Weapons Systems:
- 42 Railguns
- 65 Missile pods
- Four Focused Energy Cannons, located on the frontal part of the ship, two on each side of the Heavy FE cannon.
- 1 Heavy Focused Energy Cannon, located in the front of the ship.
Armor: Several layers of armor that is designed to take kinetic impacts fairly well and it has ablative armor to help take several volleys before the hull gets hit. It also has internal supports that help the ship keep together far after most ships would be destroyed.
Shield: A moderately powerful shield that blocks both energy and kinetic attacks. It is supported by several shield generators and it will be able to take a lot of damage before it goes down.
The Romulan Republic
29-09-2008, 01:00
I was tempted to use my modified Scimitar Class from the Star Trek RP, but I've decided to go with something a little different. I came up with a more hard sci-fi design, trying to see what was the best ship I could make with relatively realistic tech. I just want to know if its ok to make up a new ship for this thread, or if we're supposed to use an existing one from our other rps. If this is ok, then here is my entry:
Titan Class Command Carrier.
Name: Silver Sun.
Hull: carved out of the inside of a mid-sized asteroid, which gives it a coat of natural armour. Inner structures are titanium armoured.
Size: about 10 miles long and two miles wide, though most of that is just rock.
Sheilds: none, but can put out heavy jamming sufficient to block some teleporter type technology. Generates Force fields sufficeint to stop micrometeorites and radiation, but nothing tougher.
Weapons: 520 missile lauchers arrayed fairly evenly around the hull. 1060 point defense lasers. 120 rail guns and ten heavy lasers for planetary bombardment. Amunition includes clusters of 13 1 megaton Nukes (standard ordinance), Heavy 50 megaton nukes, and laser tipped "bunker busters" rated at 200 Megatons. However, only standard ordinace will be on board, as deployment of heavier weapons requires special authorization and is usually only for attacking fortified targets like subsurface planetary bunkers.
Propulsion: Seven Fusion reactors. A magnetic funnel scoops gas from the surrounding space to fule the ship. Theoreticaly top speed is just under lightspeed, but takes a while to accellerate or turn.
Small craft: Carries 120 armed assault shuttles, 240 atmospheric and low orbit fighters, 72 orbital defense platforms that can be deployed either defensively around the ship or over a captured world. Also carries 8 Frigites.
Crew: about 100000 ground troops and 50000 crew. Can carry over 200000 if nessisary.
Finally, a note on frigites:
Frigites are tube-shaped light warships with a comparatively short range. Frigites have only 8 missile launchers and about 20 point defense lasers apeice, plus 1 rail gun and one laser for orbital bombardment. No sheilds, they are weak individually and rely on numbers (meaning that without its support fleet, the abillity to deploy only 8 frigites is a serious weakness). Frigites have the same propulsion and armour and quicker accelleration/better manuverabillity, but shorter range and are only about 400 feet long and 50 feet in diameter. Each also carries two lighter assault shuttles of its own.
Again, this is a new design created specifically for this thread, and has nothing to do with any other rp I've ever been in. If that is deemed cheating or against the rules in any way, I will instead use the design from the Trek RP.
The Great Lord Tiger
30-09-2008, 03:21
The Second Alliance
30-09-2008, 20:22
bump again...
The United Fleets
30-09-2008, 23:53
I think I'd like to join. I think a the ship I had in mind isnt properly described as big until I give you the stats. And here they are.
Dirge Class Battleship: Banehammer
A Dirge Class Battleship of Pact Rhine. If you think the Armageddon looked formidable as a pile of scrap, take a look at this.
18 Kilometres long, and around 7 Kilometres wide.
12400 (Tech Devicers, Crewmen, Bridge Opperators, ect.)
Advanced Plasma Shielding with a composite that absorbs shock from most explosions and stores the kinetic energy. Also extremely effective against lazers, partical weapons, and high energy beams.
Heavy (Capital)
Marine Force:
2600 Pact Rhine Space Marines, 40 Siege Drones, Melody Gunships, 50 Knight Class Dropships, and a company of Archangel Tanks.
4 Overwatch Fighter Command Bays.
24 Guardian Class Bombers, 80 Firestorm Class Fighters
4 Main Daemon Plasma Cannons
(The ships main weapons, tears holes in Capital Ships)
300 Ghoul Plasma Cannons
(Set about the ship, good at ripping apart gunboats, corvettes, and frigates)
Advanced Anti-Smallcraft Defence Network
(Nova System, kinda like mini mass drivers that are good at blowing up bombers and fighters. Ineffective against anything bigger)
8 Plasma Engines, Powered by the Heart of Gold Reactor System.
Energy Source:
The Heart of Gold Reactor System. It is in the back of the ship, protected by a small army of Marines and Siege Drones. Essentially a differant Vault system, only protecting the crew from a lethal amount of radiation. Extremely safe used in the right hands, capable of destroying the ship if overloaded.
I don't think entering a Battlecruiser or a Carrier would be wise. I need some thing up that top hat of mine to pull out when I need to stir up some trouble. And surprises are nice indeed.
The Great Lord Tiger
01-10-2008, 00:44
The Immortal Lands of the Great Lord Tiger have developed a new, full-scale capital ship. Behold: The Death-Class!
Class: Death
Ship Classification: Superbattleship
Appearance: http://img03.picoodle.com/img/img03/3/9/30/f_Deathm_5e8daa3.jpg
Length: 1.8 km
Hull/Structure: 3.3 meters of Densilon* armor; internal skeleton of titanium.
* Densilon is a proprietary Imglot alloy created by the mixture of cobalt, steel, iridium, and lead. The lead protects from radiation; the cobalt and steel provide armor; and the iridium has been noted to have a protective effect on ships traveling through Slipspace (see FTL Propulsion)
Shielding: Capable-Type Shield Batteries**
**The Capable Battery is a new shield system developed exclusively for the pride of the Imglotian Navy, the Death-Class Superbattleship. It protects against both directed energy and projectile weaponry, providing an extraordinarily powerful second layer of shielding. The Capable shield system takes massive energy amounts, which prevent use on smaller warships.
Propulsion and Power
Sublight Propulsion:
2X Allsvinn-type Primary Ion Drives
FTL Propulsion: 2X Hantog Slipspace Drive***
***The nature of the thing known as "Slipspace" is questioned by all of Imglot's scientists. Some argue that it is a dimension beyond our own; some say it is a reflection. Still others argue that Slipspace is outside of the universe. Either way, Slipspace is entered through the use of a drive system known as the Hantog, for the scientist who headed the research into entering Slipspace. There are dire consequences possible if Imglot's ships leave the universe; however, it provides some sort of time and space bending properties, making long distances more manageable.
2X God-Type Main Fusion Reactor: Propulsion and Ship Systems
6X Deity-Type Secondary Fusion Reactors: Shielding and Auxiliary power
5X Demigod-Type Secondary Fusion Reactors: Weaponry and Auxiliary power
24X Savage Quad-barrel maser turrets. The Savage turret has four sizable masers mounted on each turret. These beams are capable of disintegrating a starfighter with a single strike, and can do decent damage to any larger targets..
2X Ragnarok Coilgun- The Ragnarok cannon, operating under typical Gaussian Principles, functions using a series of powerful electromagnets. They change polarization almost instantaneously, forming a tube of magnets that, at first, pull the projectile, and then switch charge, pushing the charged projectile forward. This enables the object to reach astronomical speeds, approaching about 1/2 the speed of light. The projectile is constructed in a vaguely cone-like shape designed to puncture, and is filled with the incredibly radioactive Polonium. This makes the round glow with an eerie blue light, and its effects on flesh would be devastating. Imglot has few qualms about the use of such a destructive weapon- after all, the lead sheathing which is ejected after launch prevents friendly casualties. The Death-Class Superbattleship mounts its Ragnaroks side-by-side along the primary body.
20X Despair-Type Missile Batteries.
Will we be permitted to utilize this more able ship in combat?
Hope no one minds, I slightly altered my ship and added some 'fluff'. Basically just more in depth explanations of some of its systems and hull, and a few special features to make it more than just the standard Phoenix-Class (Like, OMG, a name! And backstorey!)
The Great Lord Tiger
05-10-2008, 20:01
gfg bumped!!1!
06-10-2008, 02:26
I have updated the listing and there is a single position left.
I have also provided hyperlinks to the post where you first submitted your vessels so each contestant can locate their opponants easier. IF you make any changes, please edit them into the linked post or your opponants will not be using the correct ship description.
I am going to wait to update the listing until I get the last entry.
Trinity Prime
06-10-2008, 04:02
The Neti II (http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y293/jeudesprit/trinity/NetiII.jpg) is designed to "rake" and "smooth" transition corridors for craft using our semi-space portal system, as well as act as a temporary gate and transition point operations ship while a real gate facility is built. It has extensive hangar space, but routinely carries no combat strike craft.
To this end, this class of ship has enormous reactors, an extensive energy absorption field, and 12 large and very powerful particle beams evenly spaced about its 2 km diameter sphere for use in selective fracturing of normal space to create gateways.
It also mounts:
75 “B” class primary banks (2 primaries/bank for a total of 150 tubes).
300 point defense x-ray lasers (in clusters of four around each primary bank).
All of this armament was meant for defensive use against possible assaults, not as an aggressor. So, this will be an interesting tactical exercise.
The 12 x “Raker” beams are each 10 meters in diameter and have a discharge time of one second before needing at least a one minute cycling time for cool down and recharge of primary fusion capacitors. In short, a really active bar of radioactive material is put into a fusion state (from solid to liquid) and then a sub-atomic blast is used to drive reactive cores into the mass. It vaporizes and collapses in forces similar to but smaller than a super nova…resulting in a tight beam discharge along a pre-calculated space fracture line at a steady and enormous rate. Thus as a weapon, it has limited but devastating potential.
Range= approximately 5,000 km for full effect, out to 10,000 km for half, and mostly dispersed but still a lot of charged particles at 25,000 km.
Discharge= out to first drop off 40 PJ (petajoules) or roughly enough to vaporize 2690 cubic meters of iron in one second.
Such power is necessary to “align” junctures in semi-space for fastest transit…otherwise local density variables could slow transit considerably.
The “B” Class primary is capable of firing once per second, using much the same ammunition and technique of the “Raker”beams, only much weaker and more coherent. The fusion-vaporization and conversion is the same, but on a much smaller scale.
Range: 15 light seconds or about 4.5 million km before beam collapses inward and disappears into semi-space. The power level never decreases due to its tighter collapsed field, thus its range far exceeds targeting capabilities for useful purposes verses moving targets.
Discharge: on the order of four TJ (tera-joules) or vaporize roughly 11.5 cubic meters of iron (16 m long, 50 cm diameter “bar” of energy).
Finally the X-ray lasers are pulsed (100/second), with full “hotshot”potential.
Range of 50,000 km. Discharge: 250 MJ
The defensive field can absorb and store a large amount of energy…. but it has to be discharged quickly or the system explosively collapses. Generally the discharge is routed straight to the impellers to cause the ship to “skip” and accelerate at right angles away from the beam hitting it. Another popular dump is to send it straight to the lasers for discharge…making it fairly dangerous to be within 50,000 km of a field equipped ship under enemy fire. In general operations the field is used to drain excess heat from reactors and shunt it into regular space approximately 5,000 km away using the gate projectors.
Finally the ship’s hull is armored and layered with different carbon composites, a graphite vaporizing layer, a paraffin and lead mixture backing, and a crysiron-steel citadel around vital areas and crew storm shelters. Many parts of the ship can be hulled completely through during combat and cause no significant loss due to pre-depressurization or the large amount of dead space that acts as free shielding from radiation inside and out.
Crew: 620 officers and 6300 naval files, 100 officers and 1000 marines, 5 officers and 100 mobile infantry = Total: 725 officers, 7400 ranks.
06-10-2008, 04:09
The Fight card is now officially filled. I will do the updating necessary and then get the starting Thread going. From there I will create and provide links to each individual fight just as before.
I will get things started later on tonight after I go back and remind myself how I started the actual Thread two years ago. I will then create a simular version for this Thread with the ITH being the official hosts, not Balrogga. Trust me, you would rather have the neutral ITh than the twisted Ta'Nar. I also cannot use any info gained through this in any IC manner this way too.
Solar Communes
06-10-2008, 04:27
I've updated my entry description with better details.
Whoo! We're finally getting this going!
Anyway, just a quick question. ICly, do our ships have access to the information that was posted here? (As in, the effective firepower, range, armor and shields, etc?) or is the information for OOC references only?
06-10-2008, 04:56
This info is posted in the OOC Thread for the player's convienance. You and the other player should get together to agree what IC knowlege you might have of each other's ships. After the first round, you would have access to the video feeds to study overnight for the second round. The first round will be most likely unknown fighters unless you two can agree on prior knowlege.
This is another reason I am not in this contest. The ITH technitions have to crawl through your ships and systems to provide the wargames versions and that would give them unfair knowlege. That is another reasion I am using the ITH, a strictly NEUTRAL entity I created years ago to be the permanent hosts for this annual event. Nothing we learn about your ships will be shared. Period.
06-10-2008, 13:58
Here is the IC contest Thread:
Second Flagship Contest (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?p=14073326#post14073326)
We will continue to use this Thread for the OOC stuff.
12-10-2008, 03:32
Before I begin, I wish to know how long we have to wait before a contestant is disqualified. Lat time I used a whole week and this seemed to cause the RP to slow. Having the time be too short would be unfair to those going to school/college/work.
What would be a good duration?
I will create the actual fights tomorrow afternoon. I have been up for a loooong time on less than 90 minutes of sleep. I want to be sure I do this correctly. Be sure to contact your opponant and arrange anything that needs to be done before the fight starts.
Solar Communes
12-10-2008, 04:17
1 week. I really don't mind waiting, as I rarely can keep the pace with too fast threads, and some people just have time to do it on weekends.
There's also the question that if the time is too small, the quality of the posts will suffer.
The Second Alliance
12-10-2008, 05:50
Agreed. I beleive a week is more than suffiecient.
Seconded. I can usually put out a couple dozen posts an hour if I have to, but we're not exactly talking Pulitzer-prize product in those situations, and if people do have pressing RL concerns I'd rather wait the extra bit than be stuck with "I shoot at you; sorry it's not better, but I gotta get to work."
Trinity Prime
12-10-2008, 17:23
I am only able to rattle off about one or two posts during the week and about double that on weekends unless I really set-up time...so a week is a good judgment call. I think that most fights will be responded to every day or two anyway. Once the "bang-bang" starts most posts get shortened
For me, the longer posts are going to be any side diplomacy in Void Station as the fights unfurl outside.
13-10-2008, 01:20
Then I will keep the non-response time at a week seemingly by poular agreement. Over the next couple hours I will set up the individual Threads and get a post linking them all together. Please be patient and things will start. First I have to look back to see how I did it last time...
In the last contest we placed false bulkhead doors over the ships doors to allow boarders to cut through something to board the ship and take over. If you wish, include this feature in your RP if you want to take it down to boarding each other. Just assume it was added so as not interfering with any of the simulated weapons you are using.
Trinity Prime
13-10-2008, 03:03
I was going to start posting, but I noticed all the arenas got slammed together in one thread. Until it is sorted out i was thinking about starting a thread covering the night before in Void Station. Anyone think I should?
It can follow a trail from diplomacy to a hard nights drinking or anything in between. just a space of time in the Void.
I have to agree... I mean hell, that cluster fuck is going to be confusing and it sounds like a mod who didn't do his research and thought it was just spam spam spam.
13-10-2008, 03:10
I have to agree... I mean hell, that cluster fuck is going to be confusing and it sounds like a mod who didn't do his research and thought it was just spam spam spam.
Or perhaps you could direct your questions to myself in the moderation forum? A massive amount of threads for each specific fight, which doesn't seem like it's really going to be more than a few pages, can easily be thrown into one thread. You pay attention to your opponents response, he/she pays attention to yours. We really don't need 8-9+ threads on each separate one.
13-10-2008, 03:22
Please keep the stuff happening on the station in the IC Thread. Right now I am trying to reason a satisfactory way to resolve this with our Mod.
Trinity Prime
13-10-2008, 03:26
Okay, but have run out of time for tonight. Be back tomorrow.
Or perhaps you could direct your questions to myself in the moderation forum? A massive amount of threads for each specific fight, which doesn't seem like it's really going to be more than a few pages, can easily be thrown into one thread. You pay attention to your opponents response, he/she pays attention to yours. We really don't need 8-9+ threads on each separate one.
I do mean no offense, but I do happen to have some experience on other forums with this type of thing. Even if the posts COULD be fit onto one topic together, it has several other consequences. For example, even if you do attention someone I believe they still have to crawl through perhaps several pages of post to find the little red name to alert them to which thread is there's. Then there's the fact that if someone who does have time, will get distracted by the other fights while going to the post he has to reply to, and will have the information from the other fights buzzing around in his brain while trying to come up with a reply for his fight.
It does work very well to each to have a separate thread, if need be you could always move them into one thread after everyone's finished to save space, since then it'll become sort of an archive. The other thing is we do have at least some paragraph RPers in this contest, which means their 'few' posts might take up to several pages, not to mention they'll probably have 'grandiose' battles that'll make their post count even higher.
13-10-2008, 03:39
It will also make it hard to track the people who do not post when there are a dozen others burrying their last post.
We have no choice but to follow the ruling set forth by the Mod. I will create a Thread for Round 1 and we will try to muddle our way through it. Please keep track of your opponant's posts and let me know when their week deadline expires by linking it to this OOC Thread.
13-10-2008, 03:41
I do mean no offense, but I do happen to have some experience on other forums with this type of thing. Even if the posts COULD be fit onto one topic together, it has several other consequences. For example, even if you do attention someone I believe they still have to crawl through perhaps several pages of post to find the little red name to alert them to which thread is there's. Then there's the fact that if someone who does have time, will get distracted by the other fights while going to the post he has to reply to, and will have the information from the other fights buzzing around in his brain while trying to come up with a reply for his fight.
It does work very well to each to have a separate thread, if need be you could always move them into one thread after everyone's finished to save space, since then it'll become sort of an archive. The other thing is we do have at least some paragraph RPers in this contest, which means their 'few' posts might take up to several pages, not to mention they'll probably have 'grandiose' battles that'll make their post count even higher.
Solution? Page 1: Control + F, search for your opponent. Nope? Page 2: Do the same. If you're only responding to your opponent, which seems like this is the main point, there should be no problem at all.
Solar Communes
13-10-2008, 03:45
Solution? Page 1: Control + F, search for your opponent. Nope? Page 2: Do the same. If you're only responding to your opponent, which seems like this is the main point, there should be no problem at all.
Or maybe a separate forum.
I'm resigning from the RP unless something is done to avoid the mess that it will become.
Actually, I have a small forum I originally created for my Factbook. We can easily just create more accounts there and have our matches, then just link it from the Station thread?
13-10-2008, 04:06
I am retooling an offsite forum for this. I will fix the links when I have it set up.
I am retooling an offsite forum for this. I will fix the links when I have it set up.
Alright, given that my net is not allowing me to play Battlefront 2142 right now, I'll anxiously await your links. :D
13-10-2008, 04:13
Give me an hour to get things underway and recreate all my deleted posts and then things will be golden. I will then edit in the correct links into the IC forum and we can be off.
Things will not be pretty but hopefully I can get something started with this new forum, the idea behind this contest.
You will see what I mean when I reveal it.
13-10-2008, 04:31
There, everything is corrected.
You can use the site for wargames and duels after the event. You can use the tech areas to post your nation's ships and troops if you wish.
Just make an account with your nation name and have fun.
So... Something tells me that my opponent last track of this RP...
Ah well. :3
13-10-2008, 06:20
Send him a TG
Send him a TG
Did already, apparently he hasn't made a decision on an Issue in 12/18 days and I haven't seen him on the forum.
Hopefully he'll appear though, I'd feel like a cheat being given the first match. XD
13-10-2008, 06:32
He has a week so sit back and enjoy the other battles while you wait.
I really don't want anyone to be disqualified so hopefully he returns soon.
19-10-2008, 18:22
I recieved this TG.
The Mercenary Republic of Red Talons
Received: 1 day ago
hey, i'm goin to cali for a week or so, so i'll be absent from the flagship contest. Sorry i cant keep up. I hope i wont be disqualified.
I feel this is a reason to not post. Is this OK with his opponant?
Well, it's been six days since my first post, and Kormanthor (My opponent) is M.I.A. I've sent him a TG, but it looks like he's AWOL. Hopefully he'll pop up today or tomorrow, but it looks like he might have forgotten about the contest.
Solar Communes
21-10-2008, 00:16
I'm waiting for Huntaer, that's why I haven't posted yet. Winning by W.O. isn't fun.
The Romulan Republic
21-10-2008, 08:48
Sorry I've let this slide. I'll try to post tomorrow.
The Second Alliance
21-10-2008, 13:58
Orthodox Gnosticism and their starship, Battlestar Atlantaria, has forfeited due to sudden time constraints, but wishes to jump in on the free for all if possible. Also, she wishes to finish our fight when she gets the chance, so if you could leave our Battle Star thread, or pin/lock/archive it somehow, that'd be sweet.
Thread can be found here:
Battle Star Flagship Thread (http://z10.invisionfree.com/Battle_Star/index.php?showtopic=11&st=0&#last)
Orthodox Gnosticism
21-10-2008, 15:31
I unfortunately have to forfiet. Due to many real life problems and events, it is not possible to rp in this event without the dreaded one line answer, which I do not want to disrespect anyone with.
Realistically it will be sometime after Nov. 19th before I can even have a moment to breathe to begin to write a decent post. I regret to announce that I must withdraw. Second Alliance I wish you the best of luck in this event, and thank you so much for your patience. Perhaps in the free for all, if I can come back in time, or next year we can be matched up again.
21-10-2008, 16:46
I will move your ship entry to the Slugfest so you can still have the chance to kick butt.
I'm waiting for Huntaer, that's why I haven't posted yet. Winning by W.O. isn't fun.
Sorry yo, been busy with modeling stuff that I almost forgot to post up my introduction. I'm already registered on the board so a post will come soon!
Oy, Kormanthor still hasn't made an appearance, and it's been eight days now (Nine since the thread was first posted). What do we do?
27-10-2008, 21:37
Anyone who has not posted by midnight Friday Central time zone shall be disqualified and we will move onto the second round.
This has been put on delay long enough to give everyone time to adjust to the venue change long enough.
Solar Communes
01-11-2008, 01:47
Could this deadline be extended a bit? I really don't want to "win" by W.O.
01-11-2008, 02:14
If others wish to extend it then I shall abide by their wishes.
I await the opinion of others. If I hear from nobody then the midnight cut off will stand. Since it is less than 4 hours away I will draw the line but wait 24 hours for opinions. If nobody else posts theirs then I will go by the origional deadline.
It seems the fairest thing I can do.
I'm all for a fair shake and open challenges, but there comes a time when you need to nod and move on; hopefully they'll come back later, but if people still haven't even posted their arrival I think we need to move on.
05-11-2008, 22:40
There are three contests where neither opponant has posted.
Opinions on this? Suggestions?
This is your contest, I am only hosting it. The deadline was almost a week ago.
Solar Communes
06-11-2008, 01:50
As I have no option besides resigning by now, I'll be posting the arrival of the ACS for the W.O. "victory". Hopefully it won't be a problem in the next round.
The Phoenix Milita
06-11-2008, 20:24
When I signed up I did not realize we would be required to register and post at an offsite forum since we didn't have to last time. Therefore: my application was never submitted. I was never here.
First we should send them a TG or some other means of contact, make sure people still remember we're doing this, and if people already have been contacted, but still haven't appeared, we move on. Passed time limit and all, the next round seems like the obvious step.
07-11-2008, 01:48
When I signed up I did not realize we would be required to register and post at an offsite forum since we didn't have to last time. Therefore: my application was never submitted. I was never here.
When I started this contest I was not aware the nitpicking players would run to the Moderation Forum calling the contest spam and have the MODs agree and drive the contest off site.
If you want out I will remove your entry. Please understand I had fully intended to keep this entirely on NS but the Powers That Be said otherwise.
07-11-2008, 01:49
First we should send them a TG or some other means of contact, make sure people still remember we're doing this, and if people already have been contacted, but still haven't appeared, we move on. Passed time limit and all, the next round seems like the obvious step.
I will send off TGs to everyone that has not posted and who still wishes to be in the fight. I will then move onto the second round after a reasonable time for response.
The Phoenix Milita
07-11-2008, 03:11
I agree its sad childish people have to ruin our fun. Sorry I couldn't be more flexible. Wish more of a stand was taken but I guess its too late now.
07-11-2008, 06:16
So do I but it was easily apparent the Mod was not going to change their mind.
Now that they have set a precident all we can do is point out other Threads that should be included under this same ruling whenever you see one. It would only be fair... just don't get into trouble or anything.
Right now I am on my phone, when I get back home on my PC I will send out the TGs. I really wish you would change your mind about pulling out.
Well, it's been another 10 days since our last time extension and we've still got a lot of no-shows. We should move on to the next round, as it is this contest has actually been dead for quite a while.
17-11-2008, 22:17
I agree.
I will work on the listings for Round two. Any blank spots will be carried forward to Round Three.
Give me a couple hours to get things done and I should have them up later today if RL doesn't interfere.
26-11-2008, 12:41
This is a reminder the contest is continuing at Round two.