NationStates Jolt Archive

The League of Boicoan Protectorate States (MT- New Organisation)

21-08-2008, 13:25
From the Office of the Secretary General of The LBPS

The League of Boicoan Protectorate States has been created, not just to support the small, vulnerable nations of the world, but to bring them, and larger nations, together. Every Protectorate shall be recognised as a sovereign state, and shall be treated as such.

Article I - Roles of Boico and Protectorate States

The Duties of Boico:

(a) Boico must defend all Protrctorate States (whether that be diplomatically or millitarily) if the Protectorate State requests such action.

(b) Boico must assist a Protectorate state if a disaster (whether natural or human) has occured and the Protectorate State requests such assistance.

(c) Boico will not assist a Protectorate State if it attacks another Protectorate State.

(d) Boico will assist a Protectorate State if it is attacked by another Protectorate State.

(e) Boico must allow a Protectorate State millitary passage through Boicoan territory.

(f) Boico must allow private businesses from Protectorate States to operate in Boico without the usual 60% tax.

(g) Boico must return any citizen of a Protectorate State, if the government of said Protectorate State requests it.

(h) Boico must pay 0.5% of its GDP to the LBPS general fund.

The Duties of A Protectorate State:

(a) A Protectorate State shall help Boico (whether that be diplomatically or millitarily) if Boico requests such action.

(b) A Protectorate State shall allow Boicoan millitary passage through its territory.

(c) A Protectorate State shall return any Boicoan citizen to Boico, if the Boicoan government requests it.

(d) A Protectorate State shall stop any Boicoan citizen attempting to travel to a Banned Nation* from said Protectorate States territory.

(e) A Protectorate State if expected to (but not obligated) to assist other Protectorate States
if the General Assembly or Security Council has voted for such action.

(e) A Protectorate State shall pay 0.2% of its GDP to the LBPS general fund.

Article II - The Governing of the LBPS

The General Assembly:

(a) The General assembly shall be made up of a representative from each Protectorate State (three from Boico)

(b) The General Assembly shall be the main governing body of the LBPS.

(c) Each Protectorate State shall have one vote, members of the Security Council shall have two, and Boico shall have three.

(d) Every Protectorate State (and Boico) is expected (but not forced) to abide by and follow the Resolutions passed by the General Assembly.

(e) Boico does not need the permission of the General Assembly to admit a nation into the LBPS, but only the General Assembly can expel nations from the LBPS.

(f) All Resolutions shall be passed if a simple majority (51% of Protectorate States) votes for the Resolution.

The Security Council

(a) The Security Council shall be made up of three perminent nations (Boico, and the first two nations to join) and two non-perminent nations.

(b) The two non-perminent positions shall be voted on every year (OOC: Every real life month).

(c) Members of the security council shall have the right to veto (with one other security council members support) any resolution.

(d) The security council shall decide upon matters such as war and defence of other Protectorate States.

Article III - Other Information

(a) 20th August shall be recognised as Protectorate Day, every year.

(b) The two official languages of the LBPS shall be English and Boicoan.

*Banned Nations are nations which have deemed unfit for Boicoan Citizens to visit.

This Charter can be altered by a Resolution in the General Assembly


An application must look like this:

Nation Name:
WA Category:
Type of Government:
Member of any Alliances? (if so please state the names):
Protectorate of any other States? (if so please state nation):
Any states under your protection? (if so please state nation):
Member of any other Organisations? (if so please state name):

The Rest of this application is volountary, but would be appreciated:

Your Governments View Towards:

Recreational Drugs:
The Death Penalty:
Freedom of Speech:
Eminent Domain:
Civil Rights:
Political Freedoms:
Free Trade:


Red = Perminent Security Council Member
Orange = Security Council Member
Green = Member is awaiting expulsion/ has sanctions imposed


Boico (Founder)
21-08-2008, 13:39

TO: Boico & the LBPS

Uiri applauds the efforts of Boico to establish this league. Uiri shall not join however as most of the obligations which would be posed by this treaty are already in effect due to the charter of OSAFU.

David Aposon
President of Uiri
21-08-2008, 14:47
Adopolis, while not famous on the international scene, was at least slightly known for being that stubborn city-state that refuses to bow down to any foreign authority. I mean sure, they have a population of ten million and a ridiculously small military... but that doesn't mean they're weak. It just means they're incredibly small.

Thankfully things were going wonderfully inside the city, a large building was built for diplomats called the Embassy, but the Embassy was just really a giant office building with small consulates.

We don't have space for real embassies, darnit.

Such was life. And the Assembly? They were quite pleased with the state of the economy, it was thriving (according to Max Barry) and taxes were quite low. Very low, in fact.

Sure there was a crime problem now but, you take it as is right?

And it is in this context that Sergius saw the Boicoan League appear out of thin air. Who is this random nation proclaiming to want to start a league? Did they really want to protect smaller nations out of the goodness of their heart?

No, that'd go against reason.

Indeed there was a small tax imposed on the nations that joined this so called league. But Sergius being an avid C.S. Lewis fan was not surprised. "Humanity's a broken hammer" Sergius would always say. "and we're trying to nail a utopia with a broken hammer. Hell we don't even have nails!"

So Sergius, him being a member of the oligarch that is the Assembly, decided to write a letter. Did it represent Adopolis' official position on the league? Not necessarily, but it's how the citizen feels about these sorts of things, to be sure.

To:The Office of the Secretary General
From: Sergius Paulus

I find it quite interesting that you're yet another nation trying to start a commonwealth. You say you want to support the small, vulnerable nations but yet you impose a tax on them. You might say it's a very small tax, and I will agree. But if you truly did care about these small nations, wouldn't you defend them for free?

And what if they want to leave? What if they've decided that they don't need you anymore?

I find your entire proposition full of malintent. If you wish to be an empire like the Praetonia, Questers, Doomingsland, or the Generic Empire, maybe you should invade other nations.

But I see this as a way for you to feel more important in this world of super empires, super battleships, and super budgets. That's fine, but certainly there's not wrong with contentment.

And I am VERY content. Joyful, actually.

If you wish to prove me wrong, I am more then welcome to be disproved, because a wise man is open to correction. And I try to be wise. If you wish to not reply, I am happy with that as well, but I just feel that as a leader of a small nation, maybe you should see it from a small nation's perspective.

May God bless you in your efforts.

P.S. Forgive me if I came out a bit hostile in the letter, but when Adopolis came onto the stage (so to speak), we were assaulted with offers to join commonwealths. A bitter taste still resides in my mouth.

Thankfully there are nine other leaders of Adopolis, so they could always scold Sergius. But the proletariat like Sergius more, heh heh.
21-08-2008, 14:58
From the Office of the Secretary General of The LBPS

To: Sergius Paulus
From: Yamini Kaskiani

The nation of Boico wishes to not only protect smaller nations, but also to bring them together. Unfortunately, Boico would not be able to provide Protectorates with full support with the money the Boicoan government receives solely. This is why it is neccesary to impose a small tax on Protectorate States. To answer your question about nations leaving the LBPS, nations are free to leave, and there would be no implications if they did.

I would like to express my hope on behalf of the Boicoan Government, and on behalf of the LBPS, that your government reconsiders your positions on the LBPS, and chooses to join. However, this is completely up to your government as a sovreign state, and will not be pressured into doing so.


Yamini Kaskiani,
Secretary General,
21-08-2008, 15:07
From the Office of the Secretary General of the LBPS

To: David Aposon, President of Uiri
From: Yamini Kaskiani

The government of Boico, and The LBPS wishes to thank the President, Government and the nation of Uiri as a whole, for the support shown for this organisation.


Yamini Kaskiani,
Secretary General,
22-08-2008, 13:39
22-08-2008, 16:16
Nation Name:The Empire of Altairan
WA Category:Capitalist Paradise
Type of Government:Quasi-Democracy(TG for further description)
Member of any Alliances?:No
Protectorate of any other States?:No
Any states under your protection?:No
Member of any other Organisations?:No
Recreational Drugs:Banned
The Death Penalty:For Murder
Freedom of Speech:Allowed
Democracy:Sort of
Eminent Domain:Yes
Religion:Unassisted by government
Civil Rights:Complete Tolerance
Political Freedoms:Average
Free Trade:Yes
Colonialism:Preparing first space colony
22-08-2008, 16:38
From the Office of the Secretary General of the LBPS

To: The Empire of Altairan
From Yamini Kaskiani

Your application has been accepted, thank you.


Yamini Kaskiani,
Secretary General,
24-08-2008, 13:31
14-09-2008, 16:46