NationStates Jolt Archive


20-08-2008, 11:08
Population: 34,560,000

Ideology: "Militarianism" based on the idea of the strong protecting the weak in other words the Military protecting (and ruling) the people and that everything that happens in the country must contribute in some way to the military and armed forces

Government: Led by the "Militarian Council" and the "Supreme Commander" basically a military dictatorship

Capital City: Militaria (Renamed after the "Military Revolution")


Is mainly a pyrimid structure based around the principles of the ideology of Militarianism and the armed forces and military

The Supreme Commander
The ultimate power is with the "Supreme Commander" who is a dictator with unlimited power over everything and has to be elected unanimously by the Military Council. Once elected they hold the position for life

The Current "Supreme Commander" is Avory Irons

The Military Council
The rule of law does not exist in Atleus. There are no such things as laws or a constitution instead the Supreme Commander and the Military Council decide on what to do on certain issues and problems and then issue edicts which must be obeyed by all
The Council is made up of 5 of the nations top military generals. The Council all must have served in the military for at least 10 years before they can apply to join the council and no more then 5 generals can be on the council so positions in the coucil only open up when one of the members die, resign or is removed by the supreme commander. They all hold the postition for life
They work closely with the supreme commander in dealing with domestic and international issues

The Military
This is supose to be the third most powerful element in the country. Officially every citizen is a member of the Military and can be called up upon to join the military at any time in thier lives no matter the age or gender. In reality only 4% of the population are in the armed forces which comes to 1,382,000 people (this is a relistic number considering North Korea with a populaton of 22 million people have an army of over 1 million)
The 1.3 million man army are payed more and are permitted to own bicycles as well as cheaper costs for buying permits so it pays to be in the army. it also guarentees a meal at least.

The Police
The police is integrated into the army. They wear the same uniform as the military except they wear a red and black arm band and badge. They only lack the priveledges the army have and are armed with only battons and hand guns but they are paid more then the average citizen. All chief of police are members of the real military. 1% of the population is apart of the police force which make them at a stregnth of 345,600

The Loyal Force
The Loyal force is a volunteer organization which any citizen can join. The perks of joining the loyal force is getting 1 free loaf of bread a week which in Atleus is a luxury. They act as an efficient secret police. they get cash bonuses for every dissident they turn in and they get food bonuses for providing information against dissidents. Their membership in the Loyal force must be kept secret otherwise they will lose all perks that come with this position

The People
The People really have no power in this society as officially its the Military's job to "Protect" them as the core value of Militarianism is that the "strong Protect the weak" They act as a resource that can be drawed up upon. the government can conscript them into any service from digging a canal, joining the military, participating in a military parade or being herded to other cities to work in newly built factories
The New Aryan State
20-08-2008, 13:19

Looks good. Have fun.
21-08-2008, 02:58

The Military council can not let one scrap of free market exists as it it a threat to the system and structure of the government. The people which is the lowest classing on the governmental pyramid structure must remain at the bottom and the class of business leader or wealthy citizen can never exist above the bottom level of the Pyramid

The Economy is completely state controlled and in accordance with the national Ideology all factories and industry contribue in some way to the military

All Industries have a system of allocation of profits


50% of profits must be turned over to the Military Council
10% of profits must be turned over to the Police Force
5% of profits must be turned over Healthcare facilities
5% of profits must be turned over to Educational Facilities
3% of Profits must be turned over to the Volunteer organizations (eg Loyal Force)
27% of Profits are divided amoungst the workers equally

This system of allocation all relies on the productivity of the people

If the factory is productive it will have a bigger turn over which means more money allocated to the above list and also means a higher amount of money left over for the workers so its an incentive to be productive

However should the factory be unproductive then everything in the list suffers and can result in no pay for the workers should the factory report a loss

Its calculated every month.

The most important industries and

Military equipment and armaments (These factories have the exact same ammount of profit every month as the government pays for these factories and industries. They can make more profit if the armaments are exported)

Farms are owned by the government and sell thier produce to sate run stores or over seas

Food Stores
They buy produce from the farms and sell them to the people for a profit
The Government has declared it needs only the amount of farms to be self sufficient in all produce to reduce imports so some cash crops are being converted into food producing farms for self sufficiency

Consumer goods factories
Low on the governments priority but a number of these factories exist as the Militarian regime preaches self sufficiency as imports are highly unwanted

Sell the consumer goods to the people

The Allocation system all work places run by means that every workers pay depends on thier productivity and changes from month to month but the average pay is around
$680 per month for the average worker
21-08-2008, 03:07
Atlens is the official currency of the country.

The Official language is english

Religion is permitted but the government is really against religion and discourages it

Instead all churches and priests must preach loyalty to the Military "Their protectors" before thier diety. The government also has the right to empty churches and convert the buildings to other things that actually contribute to the military.

Preists that preach pro government and military values means that thier churchs co-operate with the government edict of "Everything in the country must contribute in some way to the military" otherwise the government can demolish and close down the place of worship

Christianity is the main religion but only 33% of the population practice the faith. All other minor faiths have been banned for the sake of "Stability" as the government does not too much little religions which is hard to keep control of instead they only want one major religion to monitor and keep and eye on
21-08-2008, 03:15
Avory Irons

Avory is 68 years old. His birthday is on the 1st January, he was born in 1940, in the Capital city which use to be called Atlean.
He never went to school and instead join the military in 1960.
He slowly but surly wormed his way up the ranks and made the rank of General in 1998.
Through the 80's and 90's drawing some inspiration from stalinist nations and militarist nations and even some fascist nations he started to work on "Militarianism" basically the military become god in the country and have unlimited power and every single thing in the country MUST contribute in some way to the nations military and stregnth. In December 1999 him and some other leading generals staged a bloodless coup in the capital city.

They claimed that the government was corrupt. In February 1st they declared Atleus to be the "Militarian Republic of Atleus"
they changed the flag, national anthem and totally restructured Atleus society and based everything around the military until it was an isolated and oppresive society...... He has been ruling for 8 years now as the Supreme Commander