17-08-2008, 19:25
OOC: This is pretty much a spying thread and is open to international comment. Feel free to pop in and try to find out exactly what is being built. You wouldn't know exactly what is being built either but you're more than welcome to spy)
80 miles outside Raskovia, The Empire of Ralkovia
General Armastand, Lieutenant Generals Severam, Toulouse, Arees, and Scott, and the rest of the Generals staff sat inside a thick concrete bunker near the launch site. In front of him was an SC5 "Rising Star" Heavy Transport Space Craft. It was carrying parts for a secret endeavor of Ralkovia. Over a trillion dollars had been poured into this project, miles above him sat a Ralkovian Space station, and near that station was an arsenal of super weapons.
The space craft carried 80 Tungsten poles the size of telephone poles. It was one of the last parts for this new weapon. The "Ballistic Launch And Chemical Kinetic Special High-powered Attack and Defense Orbital Weapon" or BLACK SHADOW as it was called was capable of launching kinetic strikes, space-launched nuclear, chemical, even biological weapons. Its high-light, a 200 Megaton hydrogen bomb. The explosion would be able to destroy almost 96 miles of land when dropped.
BLACK SHADOW was the G-d of all weapons. It had more explosives on it than most countries could or would use in a war. It also cost the Ralkovian Government 8 trillion dollars and over 10 years to build.
It was part of a new system of networked "kill-vehicles." BLACK SHADOW wasn't solely attack, on it was a missile interception system, anti-satellite missiles, and a Orbit-to-Air Missiles.
Any Country watching wouldn't be able to tell what the craft that was being built was. It didn't look like a space station but it didn't look like a space weapon either. Most countries, though knew of Ralkovia and its attitude and motives, that object in the sky would have a very important purpose and Ralkovia was trying to deny that it even existed, which meant that it would be of extreme interest to any country to find out.
There would be many ways to find out exactly what it was, they could try and find the scientist who were building it, steal the documents about the project, seduce one of the staff in charge of the project. Ralkovia had an open border policy when it came to countries, it had very good security making sure weapons, soldiers, etc. didn't get through but it allowed many guests into the country.
80 miles outside Raskovia, The Empire of Ralkovia
General Armastand, Lieutenant Generals Severam, Toulouse, Arees, and Scott, and the rest of the Generals staff sat inside a thick concrete bunker near the launch site. In front of him was an SC5 "Rising Star" Heavy Transport Space Craft. It was carrying parts for a secret endeavor of Ralkovia. Over a trillion dollars had been poured into this project, miles above him sat a Ralkovian Space station, and near that station was an arsenal of super weapons.
The space craft carried 80 Tungsten poles the size of telephone poles. It was one of the last parts for this new weapon. The "Ballistic Launch And Chemical Kinetic Special High-powered Attack and Defense Orbital Weapon" or BLACK SHADOW as it was called was capable of launching kinetic strikes, space-launched nuclear, chemical, even biological weapons. Its high-light, a 200 Megaton hydrogen bomb. The explosion would be able to destroy almost 96 miles of land when dropped.
BLACK SHADOW was the G-d of all weapons. It had more explosives on it than most countries could or would use in a war. It also cost the Ralkovian Government 8 trillion dollars and over 10 years to build.
It was part of a new system of networked "kill-vehicles." BLACK SHADOW wasn't solely attack, on it was a missile interception system, anti-satellite missiles, and a Orbit-to-Air Missiles.
Any Country watching wouldn't be able to tell what the craft that was being built was. It didn't look like a space station but it didn't look like a space weapon either. Most countries, though knew of Ralkovia and its attitude and motives, that object in the sky would have a very important purpose and Ralkovia was trying to deny that it even existed, which meant that it would be of extreme interest to any country to find out.
There would be many ways to find out exactly what it was, they could try and find the scientist who were building it, steal the documents about the project, seduce one of the staff in charge of the project. Ralkovia had an open border policy when it came to countries, it had very good security making sure weapons, soldiers, etc. didn't get through but it allowed many guests into the country.