NationStates Jolt Archive

Diplomatic Missions in Daistallia 2104

Daistallia 2104
15-08-2008, 22:17
Minister Henk finished dictating his message to his Personal Assistant AI.

"OK, now attatch documents dr8815524 and dk8817524 and send."

To the Foreign Ministers, Secretaries of State, and like diplomatic officials of the world,

Daistallia 2104 is emerging from a long period of isolationism and wishes to renew ties with many nations. In this light, we are reopenimning Daistallia 2104 to a broader world by inviting nations to establish diplomatic ties. Any Nation wishing to establish or reestablish ties should kindly reply, with the following documents.

Thank you.

Bao Henk
Daistallia 2104 Minister of External and Foreign Affairs

Section I: Mission
Cultural Attaché(s):
Military Attaché(s):
Intelligence Attaché(s):
Economic Attaché(s):
Science/Technology Attaché(s):
Sophont/Sentient/Sapients Rights Attaché(s):
Security Detatchment:
Additional Staff:
Attatched Family:

Diplomatic Vehicles:
Security Detatchment Armament

Section II: Nation
Formal Name of Nation:
Casual Name of Nation:
Form of Government:
Head of State:

WA Ratings for Civil Freedoms:
WA Ratings for Political Freedoms:
WA Ratings for Economy:

Status of Human Rights in the nation:
Status of Non-Human Rights in the nation:

Status of the national Economy:
Status of Science in the nation:
Status of Education in the nation:
Status of Culture in the nation:
Status of the Media in the nation:
Status of the national Military:

Major Exports:
Major Imports:

Section III: Diplomacy
Do you agree to abide by the diplomatic regulations of Daistallia 2104? (see below)

Do you agree to extend Daistallia 2104's diplomatic mission to your nation the same rights, privileges and courtesies that are being extended to your mission? (see below)

Would you like to open cultural/intellectual exchange with Daistallia 2104?

Would you consider attending a convention on diplomatic relations (

Would you consider attending a convention on non-humann sentient/sapient/sophont's rights?

Would you consider signing a mutual non-agression pact with Daistallia 2104?

Would you consider signing a treaty of mutual friendship with Daistallia 2104?

Would you be interested in signing a free trade agreement with Daistallia 2104?

Dp you wish to enter into any other sort of treaty agreement with Daistallia 2104?

Regarding Diplomatic Missions
Daistallia 2104 recognises that diplomatic relations and the exchange of diplomatic missions, takes place by mutual consent. Furthermore, certain traditional niceties are common to international relations. Pursuant to this, the government of Daistallia 2104 expects diplomatic missions to abide by the following rules, and recognises and respects the following rights and privileges of diplomatic missions. In exchange, Daistallia expect reciprocity.

Restrictions on Diplomatic missions:
All diplomatic missions to Daistallia 2104 shall abide by these regulations. Likewise, Daistallia 2104's diplomatic missions shall also abide by these regulations.

1 Diplomatic missions shell represent the sending state, protect it's interests and that of it's the nationals, negotiate with receiving state, ascertain and report on conditions and developments in the receiving state, and promote friendly relations between the states, by lawful means.

2 Daistallia 2104 may at any time and without explaination, declare any member of the diplomatic staff of a mission persona non grata. The sending state shall either recall the person concerned or terminate his functions.

3 The Ministry of External and Foreign Affairs shall be notified of the appointment, arrival, departure and/or termination of members of the mission.

4 In the absence of specific agreement, Daistallia 2104 shall limit the size and security detachment of a mission. Missions from nations with populations less than 100 million will be limited to 25 persons. Missions from nations with populations between 100 million and 500 million will be limited to 50 persons. Missions from nations with populations between 500 million and 1 billion will be limited to 100 persons. Missions from nations with populations between 1 billion and 5 billion will be limited to 200 persons. And missions from nations with populations between 5 billion and 10 billion will be limited to 300 persons. This includes consular staff.

5 The sending state may not, without the prior express consent, establish offices in locations other than those in which the mission itself is established.

6 The head of the mission shall take up his functions only after presenting credentials.

7 All diplomatic bags shall bear visible external marks of their character shall not be opened or detained. Diplomatic bags shall contain only diplomatic documents or articles intended for official use.
8 It is the duty of all persons enjoying diplomatic privileges and immunities to respect the laws and regulations of Daistallia 2104. They also have a duty not to interfere in the internal affairs of Daistallia 2104.

9 All official business with Daistallia 2104 entrusted to the mission by the sender shall be conducted with or through the Ministry of External and Foreign Affairs.

10 The premises of the mission must not be used in any manner incompatible with the functions of the mission. Diplomatic agents shall not in the receiver practise for personal profit any professional or commercial activity.

Rights and Privilages of Diplomatic Missions:
Daistallia 2104 expects all nations to which it sends diplomatic missions to respect the following traditional rights and privilages for diplomatic missions and agents. Daist allia 2104 extends these rights and priilages freely to all diplomatic missions and agents.

1 The mission and its head shall have the right to use the flag and emblem of the sending state on the premises of the mission, including the residence of the head of the mission, and on his means of transport.

2 Daistallia 2104 shall facilitate the acquisition on its territory, in accordance with its laws, by the sending state of premises necessary for its mission, or shall assist in obtaining accommodation in some other way. Likewise, nations receiving Daistallia 2104's missions shall facilitate the acquisition on suitable premises necessary for the mission.

3 The mission shall be exempt from all dues and taxes in respect of the premises of the mission, other than such as represent payment for specific services rendered.

4 The premises of the mission are sovereign territory. The furnishings and other property thereon and the means of transport of the mission, and the archives and documents of the mission shall be inviolable. No agent of Daistallia 2104 or the receiving state shall enter, search, requisition, or attach them, except with the consent of the head of the mission.

5 Daistallia 2104 has a duty to to protect the premises of the mission against any intrusion or damage, and to prevent any disturbance of the peace of the mission or impairment of its dignity. Receiving states shall extend the same protections.

6 Subject to its laws and regulations concerning zones entry into which is prohibited or regulated for reasons of national security, Daistallia 2104 shall ensure to all members of the mission freedom of movement and travel in its territory. Receiving states shall do likewise.

7 Daistallia 2104 shall permit and protect free communication on the part of the mission for all official purposes relating to the mission and its functions. Such official correspondence shall be inviolable. Receiving states shall do likewise.

8 Documented diplomatic couriers shall be protected in the performance of their functions. They shall enjoy personal inviolability and shall not be liable to any form of arrest or detention. Furthermore, the personal baggage of a diplomatic agent shall be exempt from inspection, unless there are serious grounds for presuming that it contains articles the import or export of which is prohibited by the law or controlled by the quarantine regulations of the receiving state. Said baggage may only be inspected in the presence of the diplomatic agent or of his authorized representative.

9 The person, residence, papers, correspondence, and property of a diplomatic agent shall be inviolable. He shall not be liable to any form of arrest or detention. Daistallia 2104 shall treat diplomatic agents with due respect and shall take all appropriate steps to prevent any attack on their person, freedom or dignity.

10 A diplomatic agent shall enjoy immunity from the criminal jurisdiction of the receiving state, and is not obliged to give evidence as a witness. The immunity from jurisdiction of diplomatic agents and of persons enjoying immunity may be waived by the sender, but such waivers must always be express.

Locations of potential missions:
Daistallia 2104 has reserved several prime locations in down town Ti City for foreign diplomatic missions. Please indicate which location you would like to establish your mission at.

Embassy Parks:

There are 60 locations available in this parkland compond situated on the Eel River. Each location is suitable for a stand alone embassy compound.

Embassy Heights:

There are 11 buildings of 50 stories each. Embassies should request space in accordance with their needs.[/QUOTE]

OOC: Embassy Parks locations should be for larger missions and Embassy Heights for smaller missions. Missions of smaller than 100 persons should be seeking 1-4 floors of Embasy Heights.
Daistallia 2104
16-08-2008, 09:09
Bears Armed
16-08-2008, 13:43
To: Bao Henk, Minister of External and Foreign Affairs, Daistallia 2104,

On behalf of my nation's High Council of Clans, I request permission to establish an embassy in Ti City and enclose completed copies of the necessary forms.

Section I: Mission

Ambassador: Urranna o SeaBear
Cultural Attaché: Arrobor o BerryGlades
Military Attaché: Borrin SunChild
Intelligence Attaché: (none)
Economic Attaché: Elga o Zurarr Parm
Science/Technology Attaché: Hogni Grimmsson
Sophont/Sentient/Sapients Rights Attaché: Inga MoonSilver
Security Detachment: 8 members of the 'Bad News Bears' warrior-society
Additional Staff: doctor, cook, 8 secretarial staff, 2 drivers
Attatched Family: (none as yet; decisions about bringing any will be made later on, when we see how things are going)

Diplomatic Vehicles: 2 cars (large enough to be comfortable for Ursines) and 1 van (ditto, for transport/shopping purposes), which will be purchased locally of suitable models are available there; 8 Smithfolk-made 'RoadHog' motorcycles, indivdiually customised; Science/Technology Attaché's own personal autgyro
Security Detachment Armament: Shotguns (with 'non-lethal' ammunition, as well as conventional rounds), fighting chains, their own natural weaponry

Section II: Nation

Formal Name of Nation: Confederated Clans of Free Bears of Bears Armed
Casual Name of Nation: Bears Armed
Form of Government: confederation of clans, 'free septs', and some other groups
Head of State: Chairbear of High Council of Clans, currently Ammabarr o BerryGlades

WA Ratings for Civil Freedoms: Excellent
WA Ratings for Political Freedoms: Widely Abused
WA Ratings for Economy: Thriving

Status of Human Rights in the nation: tolerated minority, mostly part of a Clan
Status of Non-Human Rights in the nation: Ursines are dominant group, other peoples are tolerated minorities and are mostly integrated into various Clans

Status of the national Economy: Thriving
Status of Science in the nation: minority interest only
Status of Education in the nation: mostly a matter for the separate clans
Status of Culture in the nation: mostly a matter for the separate clans
Status of the Media in the nation: books are very popular, but 'mass media' are still only "developing" and mostly localised
Status of the national Military: Army = relatively small force of professionals, backed by Clan militias; Navy = coast-defence/fisheries-protection only
(Technology mostly 'pre-modern', some 'modern' imports or new designs)

Major Exports: timber, maple syrup, other woodland products, fish (mostly dried or salted), rock-treacle
Major Imports: petroleum products, some metals, assorted bits of technology

Section III: Diplomacy

Do you agree to abide by the diplomatic regulations of Daistallia 2104? (see below): Yes, pending any discussion on possible changes

Do you agree to extend Daistallia 2104's diplomatic mission to your nation the same rights, privileges and courtesies that are being extended to your mission? (see below): Yes, pending any discussion on possible changes

Would you like to open cultural/intellectual exchange with Daistallia 2104?: Yes

Would you consider attending a convention on diplomatic relations?: Yes

Would you consider attending a convention on non-human sentient/sapient/sophont's rights? YES

Would you consider signing a mutual non-agression pact with Daistallia 2104?: Yes, although given the distance between our lands there doesn't seem to be much risk of hostilities anyway

Would you consider signing a treaty of mutual friendship with Daistallia 2104?: What would this entail?

Would you be interested in signing a free trade agreement with Daistallia 2104?: Yes

Dp you wish to enter into any other sort of treaty agreement with Daistallia 2104?: Not yet.

Our preferred site would be in the 'Embassy Parks' dsitrict, say #b8.

Would it be possible for us to send more staff in our mission that our nation's size would, under your rules, allow?
(OOC: for RP purposes I regard Bears Armed as having a population of only somewhere in the range of 20-30 million, rather than the billions that game-mechanics say is the case...)

Best wishes, and many fishes,
Beorra o Berrum,
Chairbear, Committtee for The Strangers,
High Council of Clans,
Confederated Clans of Free Bears of Bears Armed.
Daistallia 2104
16-08-2008, 18:48
We will welcome your mission.

In regards to friendship treaties and non-agression pacts, the would read something like this boilerplate agreement (

Embassy Parks B8 will be prepared for your arrival.

OOC: sure, we can go by the game figure even if the RP pop. is smaller.
17-08-2008, 16:58
We agree . Can you send us more intelligence on Canedian Army ?
Daistallia 2104
17-08-2008, 20:24
We agree . Can you send us more intelligence on Canedian Army?

To what do you wish to agree? And why are you seeking intelligence data from us?
Free United States
18-08-2008, 06:15
The Commonwealth welcomes the opportunity to open relations with another neighbor.

Section I: Mission
Ambassador: Hon. Dorian Reynard
Cultural Attaché(s): n/a
Military Attaché(s): Col. Marko Ghukov
Intelligence Attaché(s): Special Agent Kira Nosova
Economic Attaché(s): n/a
Science/Technology Attaché(s): Dr. Maksin Petrovin
Sophont/Senmtient/Sapients Rights Attaché(s): n/a
Security Detatchment: 30 FSO agents
Additional Staff: 50 staff
Attached Family: Alphonsine Reynard (wife), Celestine (daughter), Enzo (son)

Diplomatic Vehicles: 2 Crown Victoria sedans, 3 Mercedes limousines, 2 Land Rovers, 1 Bell 222 helicopter
Security Detatchment Armament
Sidearms: P226, P239, Glock 17
SMG: P90, MP5
Rifle: M4

Section II: Nation
Formal Name of Nation: the Commonwealth of Free United States
Casual Name of Nation: the Commonwealth
Form of Government: democratic-socialist
Head of State: Premier Steven Vincent Galindo III

WA Ratings for Civil Freedoms: excellent
WA Ratings for Political Freedoms: good
WA Ratings for Economy: imploded

Status of Human Rights in the nation: excellent
Status of Non-Human Rights in the nation: n/a

Status of the national Economy: mostly government-run/regulated with a few powerhouse conglomerates
Status of Science in the nation: Most scientific research is done at Academnivosk, a major center built to house the greatest minds of the Motherland.
Status of Education in the nation: Very good. The government sees an educated populace as a mainstay in national defense.
Status of Culture in the nation: The main culture carries much of its history from the Norse background of the populace. Though, many cultures are now represented in the general populace.
Status of the Media in the nation: The media is basically harmless, with strict ethical beliefs that prohibit papparrazi-like activity.
Status of the national Military: Formally known as the Defense Forces, the Commonwealth military is advanced, using some of the most state-of-the-art weaponry and vehicles.

Major Exports: vodka, information technology, wheat, corn
Major Imports: raw materials, automobiles, small electronics

Section III: Diplomacy
Do you agree to abide by the diplomatic regulations of Daistallia 2104? (see below)

Do you agree to extend Daistallia 2104's diplomatic mission to your nation the same rights, privileges and courtesies that are being extended to your mission? (see below)
Would you like to open cultural/intellectual exchange with Daistallia 2104?
Would you consider attending a convention on diplomatic relations?
Would you consider attending a convention on non-humann sentient/sapient/sophont's rights?
Would you consider signing a mutual non-agression pact with Daistallia 2104?
Would you consider signing a treaty of mutual friendship with Daistallia 2104?
Would you be interested in signing a free trade agreement with Daistallia 2104?
Do you wish to enter into any other sort of treaty agreement with Daistallia 2104?

The Embassy we would like reserved is B16.
Daistallia 2104
18-08-2008, 06:37
The Commonwealth welcomes the opportunity to open relations with another neighbor.

Most excellent.

Section I: Mission
Ambassador: Hon. Dorian Reynard
Cultural Attaché(s): n/a
Military Attaché(s): Col. Marko Ghukov
Intelligence Attaché(s): Special Agent Kira Nosova
Economic Attaché(s): n/a
Science/Technology Attaché(s): Dr. Maksin Petrovin
Sophont/Senmtient/Sapients Rights Attaché(s): n/a
Security Detatchment: 30 FSO agents
Additional Staff: 50 staff
Attached Family: Alphonsine Reynard (wife), Celestine (daughter), Enzo (son)

Diplomatic Vehicles: 2 Crown Victoria sedans, 3 Mercedes limousines, 2 Land Rovers, 1 Bell 222 helicopter
Security Detatchment Armament
Sidearms: P226, P239, Glock 17
SMG: P90, MP5
Rifle: M4

Credentials accepted.

Section III: Diplomacy
Do you agree to abide by the diplomatic regulations of Daistallia 2104? (see below)

Do you agree to extend Daistallia 2104's diplomatic mission to your nation the same rights, privileges and courtesies that are being extended to your mission? (see below)
Would you like to open cultural/intellectual exchange with Daistallia 2104?
Would you consider attending a convention on diplomatic relations?
Would you consider attending a convention on non-humann sentient/sapient/sophont's rights?
Would you consider signing a mutual non-agression pact with Daistallia 2104?
Would you consider signing a treaty of mutual friendship with Daistallia 2104?
Would you be interested in signing a free trade agreement with Daistallia 2104?
Do you wish to enter into any other sort of treaty agreement with Daistallia 2104?

Here's the standard treaty wording we have for Friendship and Non-agression treaties:

Treaty of Friendship, Mutual Non-interference, and Non-Agression

Daistallia 2104 and (the contracting party) firmly believe that to consolidate the friendly ties between the two countries is in conformity with the fundamental interests of the peoples of the two countries and conducive to the maintenance of peace, security and stability in the world, and endeavor to enhance relations between the two countries have reached agreement as follows:

Article 1 Friendship
In accordance with universally recognized principles and international norms laws, and on the basis of mutual respect, the contracting parties shall develops the strategic cooperative partnership of friendship, cooperation and trust between the two countries from a long-term view and in a comprehensive manner.

Article 2 Territorial Integrity and Mutual Non-interference
The contracting parties respect and not interfere in each other's choice for the course of political, economic, social, and cultural development in line with their nation's actual conditions so as to ensure a long-term and stable development of relations between the two countries. The contracting parties shall make no territorial claim on the other.

Article 3: Non-Agression
In handling their mutual relations, the contracting parties will neither resort to the use of force, the threat of force, nor economic or other means to bring pressure to bear against the other. The contracting parties will only solve their differences through peaceful means, adhering to universally recognized international principles and norms.

Article 4: Nuclear Non-Agression
The contracting parties reaffirm their commitment that they will not be the first to use nuclear weapons against each other nor target strategic nuclear missiles against each other.

Is this acceptable?

The Embassy we would like reserved is B16.

Very well.
Daistallia 2104
23-08-2008, 11:56
-bumpity bump-
23-08-2008, 12:44
Official Communique from The Empire of the Wolf

The chance to establish new relations is always welcomed.

Section I: Mission
Ambassador: Peter Wattson
Cultural Attaché(s): n/a
Military Attaché(s): Storm-Captain Petersen
Intelligence Attaché(s): n/a
Economic Attaché(s): n/a
Science/Technology Attaché(s): n/a
Sophont/Sentient/Sapients Rights Attaché(s): n/a
Security Detatchment: 30 soldiers from Imperial Diplomat Protection Force
Additional Staff: 60 staff
Attatched Family: Wife, Ilga.

Diplomatic Vehicles: 2 armoured SUVs, 1 Ural truck, 2 outrider motorcycles
Security Detatchment Armament: AK-107 rifle, Pekerov 9mm pistol, ceremonial sabres

Section II: Nation
Formal Name of Nation: The Empire of the Wolf
Casual Name of Nation: The Wulven Empire
Form of Government: Imperial monarchy with limited unicameral parliament
Head of State: Emperor Ianovich I

WA Ratings for Civil Freedoms: Below Average
WA Ratings for Political Freedoms: Rare
WA Ratings for Economy: Frightening

Status of Human Rights in the nation: Excellent for Skgorrians and Atopians, somewhat less so for subject nations but are improving
Status of Non-Human Rights in the nation: Non-humans are regarded as tools

Status of the national Economy: Flourishing after a long period of depression. The unification of Skgorria and Atopiana after the One-Day War meant that Skgorria had to support Atopiana for a long time, but now Atopiana is picking up again. With a strong focus of corporatist ideals, it the employer who holds the power.
Status of Science in the nation: A lack of government funding in the past few years has meant that science has not been supported as much as other nations.
Status of Education in the nation: Education is flourishing now, but only after a severe decrease in the literacy rate following the collapse of Atopiana.
Status of Culture in the nation: Strong Germanic and Slavic influences, as well as those of nazism and fascism given the nature of the previous governments
Status of the Media in the nation: Tightly controlled and state-owned.
Status of the national Military: Having successfully made the transition from a conscript force, the Imperial Armed Forces is now a fully professional force.

Major Exports: Steel, iron, coal, weaponry
Major Imports: Oil, foodstuffs, consumer goods

Section III: Diplomacy
Do you agree to abide by the diplomatic regulations of Daistallia 2104? (see below) Yes

Do you agree to extend Daistallia 2104's diplomatic mission to your nation the same rights, privileges and courtesies that are being extended to your mission? (see below) Yes

Would you like to open cultural/intellectual exchange with Daistallia 2104? Yes

Would you consider attending a convention on diplomatic relations? Yes

Would you consider attending a convention on non-humann sentient/sapient/sophont's rights? Yes

Would you consider signing a mutual non-agression pact with Daistallia 2104? Yes

Would you consider signing a treaty of mutual friendship with Daistallia 2104? Yes

Would you be interested in signing a free trade agreement with Daistallia 2104? Yes

Dp you wish to enter into any other sort of treaty agreement with Daistallia 2104? Not at this time
Bears Armed
23-08-2008, 14:24
We will welcome your mission.

In regards to friendship treaties and non-agression pacts, the would read something like this boilerplate agreement (

Embassy Parks B8 will be prepared for your arrival.

OOC: sure, we can go by the game figure even if the RP pop. is smaller.

To: Bao Henk, Minister of External and Foreign Affairs, Daistallia 2104,

On behalf of my nation's High Council of Clans, I thank you for granting us an embassy in Ti City. The ambassdor and her staff will arrive there within a few days, now that the Summer Olympics (which the ambassador has been attending as a spectator) are nearly completed. If the embassy is not actually ready for them to move in then presumably hotel accomodation, with diplomatic privileges temporarily applicable there, would be available for the interim period?
In light of your generous agreement concerning the number of staff allowed, here are the amended numbers of personnel and vehicles that we propose to base there. In the light of your probable lack of knowledge concerning our naming conventions, I have indicated which of the senior personnel listed are female '[f.]' and which of them are male '[m.]', in case this becomes relevant (e.g. in RP).

Section I: Mission

Ambassador: Urranna o SeaBear [f.]
First Secretary: Marren WhiteBear [m.]
Cultural Attaché: Arrobor o BerryGlades [m.]
Military Attaché: Borrin SunChild [m.]
Intelligence Attaché: (none)
Economic Attaché: Elga o Zurarr Parm [f.]
Science/Technology Attaché: Hogni Grimmsson ([m.]; of the 'Smith-folk')
Sophont/Sentient/Sapients Rights Attaché: Inga MoonSilver ([f.]; doubles as the majority "One plus Seven" faith's chaplain to the Mission)
Chief Consular Officer: Barrg'hurr Northwalker ([m.]; a member of theHarr'aynau people, and thus more-or-less 'human' in appearance)

Security Detachment: 16 members of the 'Bad News Bears' warrior-society
Additional Staff: 4 diplomatic messengers, doctor, 3 cooks, 20 secretarial & communications staff, 4 drivers... (Presumably locals can be hired to do cleaning, gardening, and suchlike jobs?)
Attatched Family: (none as yet; decisions about bringing any will be made later on, when we see how things are going)

Diplomatic Vehicles: 4 cars (large enough to be comfortable for Ursines) and 2 vans (ditto, for transport/shopping purposes), which will be purchased locally if suitable models are available there; 16 Smithfolk-made 'RoadHog' motorcycles, indivdiually customised; Science/Technology Attaché's own personal autgyro.

Having read your text for the suggested treaty, I and my committee believe that this will be acceptable to the HighCouncil as a whole and have passed it on for their attention.

Best wishes, and many fishes,

Beorra o Berrum,
Chairbear, Committtee for The Strangers,
High Council of Clans,
Confederated Clans of Free Bears of Bears Armed.
Daistallia 2104
25-08-2008, 18:32
Thank you.
25-08-2008, 20:13
To: Bao Henk
Daistallia 2104 Minister of External and Foreign Affairs

Section I: Mission
Ambassador: Karel de Gucht
Cultural Attaché(s): Jan Hoet
Military Attaché(s): Gen. Karl De Groot
Intelligence Attaché(s): Cptn. Frans Wouters
Economic Attaché(s): Paul d'Hoore
Science/Technology Attaché(s): Prof. Dr. Walter Vandenbergh
Sophont/Sentient/Sapients Rights Attaché(s): Carine de Blecker
Security Detatchment: 18 agents of the NVD (Nationale VeiligheidsDienst; National Security Agency)
Additional Staff: 5 secretaries, 1 receptionist, 9 drivers, 3 cooks
Attatched Family: none

Diplomatic Vehicles:16 Mercedes S's and 2 Mercedes Van's
Security Detatchment Armament: 1 M16 per agent, 1 9mm handgun per agent and 2 knives per agent

Section II: Nation
Formal Name of Nation: The Republic of Brabandia
Casual Name of Nation: Brabandia
Form of Government: Federal Democracy
Head of State: President Jacob Creutzfeld

WA Ratings for Civil Freedoms: Excellent
WA Ratings for Political Freedoms: Average
WA Ratings for Economy: Very Strong

Status of Human Rights in the nation: every person is treated according to the WA conventions
Status of Non-Human Rights in the nation: there are some laws against animal cruelty, but animal activists are considered terrorists after numerous attacks on the nation.

Status of the national Economy: since tourism became one of the most important sources of income, the economy is booming.
Status of Science in the nation: many scientifical projects are being supported by the government. The big spotlight is on medicine and healthcare, but also studies about climate, economy, etc. are being supported.
Status of Education in the nation: education is mandatory for every citizen till the age of 18. Higher education is encouraged by giving the poorer students scholarships.
Status of Culture in the nation: the government has its own collection of very important cultural items of Brabandia in order to protect the own culture. Museums are accessible for very low prizes to try to get many citizens to them.
Status of the Media in the nation: the media has complete freedom and must prove to be independent before getting a license.
Status of the national Military: the military power of Brabandia is rather small, and is especially ment for humanitarian missions.

Major Exports: Beer, Chocolate and computers
Major Imports: Oil, Cars and Tobacco

Section III: Diplomacy
Do you agree to abide by the diplomatic regulations of Daistallia 2104? (see below)

Do you agree to extend Daistallia 2104's diplomatic mission to your nation the same rights, privileges and courtesies that are being extended to your mission? (see below)

Would you like to open cultural/intellectual exchange with Daistallia 2104?

Would you consider attending a convention on diplomatic relations?

Would you consider attending a convention on non-humann sentient/sapient/sophont's rights?

Would you consider signing a mutual non-agression pact with Daistallia 2104?

Would you consider signing a treaty of mutual friendship with Daistallia 2104?

Would you be interested in signing a free trade agreement with Daistallia 2104?

Do you wish to enter into any other sort of treaty agreement with Daistallia 2104?
That could be discussed

Kind Regards,

Konrad Heimelmann,
Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Brabandia
Daistallia 2104
10-11-2008, 17:31
Daistallia 2104
03-03-2009, 20:10
Quintessence of Dust
03-03-2009, 20:46
FAO: Bao Henk, Daistallia 2104 Minister of External and Foreign Affairs

I write on behalf of President James Dwight, even though he is being a total dick to me at the moment, Prime Minister Erica Ornan, who I have to admit is pretty foxy in a labcoat, the Quintessential Congress, who for 87 years had a ban on 'tosspot', which turned out to be a typo, and all the people of Quintessence of Dust, EXCEPT Mrs Hilda Scroggins of 43, Ironside Close, New Cleethorpes, WS.

A small nation with a historically limited role in international affairs, we are desirous of expanding our friendly relations, and as such I have instructed by the above named band of wastrels, losers and junkies to extend my heartfelt greetings to the Confederated Cantons. In demonstration of our desire for reciprocal good tidings, we suggest an exchange of embassies.

Form as requested

Ambassador: Joseph Beale, career member of the diplomatic service
Cultural Attaché: John Hall Goodman, eminent historian
Military Attaché: Glenda Orpingtonthensonton, former military aide to the National Security Advisor
Intelligence Attaché: Captain Henning Gustafsson, Quintessential Navy
Economic Attachés: (temporary) Dr Júlía Maria Jónsdóttir, nation's leading economist
(permanent) Dr Isabella Hermansen, former member of the Economic Advisory Panel to President Dwight
Science & Technology Attaché: Jia Li Chen, a former Assistant Secretary of Energy
Security Detatchment: 5 Marines
Additional Staff: A couple of translators, 10-15 office staff
Attached Family: Wife, three children, passive-aggressive mother-in-law

Diplomatic Vehicles: 2 cars, children's bikes, and a canoe
Security Detatchment Armament: Rifles and sidearms

Formal Name of Nation: The Democratic States of Quintessence of Dust, Delegate of the Green and Pleasant Region of Wysteria
Casual Name of Nation: Quintessence of Dust, Quod, QoD
Form of Government: Federal republic
Head of State: President James F. Dwight (Liberal)
Head of Government: Prime Minister Erica Ornan (Social Democratic)

WA Ratings for Civil Freedoms: Very Good/Excellent
WA Ratings for Political Freedoms: Very Good/Good
WA Ratings for Economy: Frightening

Status of Human Rights in the nation: Mostly well-respected (, though the high taxes, gun control laws, and general liking of 'political correctness' are all despised by libertarians. Author of 2 WA human rights resolutions banning torture and slavery.
Status of Non-Human Rights in the nation: There is a ban on any non-humans entering except as part of diplomatic functions, but we have lobbied in favour of 'sapient rights' at the World Assembly. Were non-humans to enter the nation, they would be treated as humans, but asked to leave. Non-biologicals (e.g. robots) are not accorded rights.

Status of the national Economy: In transition. Formerly isolationist and dependent on staples and ISI, now moving to a more integrated economy as part of the World Assembly Economic Union and other free trade deals, prioritising high-tech, financial services, and 'green collar' employment. Not an economic superpower, but we can feed ourselves.
Status of Science in the nation: Heavily subsidised, but with a significant bias towards the biomedical sciences away from theoretical physics. Have produced a couple of world-level scientists, in chemistry and evolutionary biology.
Status of Education in the nation: The No. 1 budgetary priority. 8 universities, free public education, 99% adult literacy rate. Traditional academic strengths are sociology, anthropology, critical theory, literary theory, queer studies, feminism, immigration history.
Status of Culture in the nation: Music has been traditionally underdeveloped, but Q-pop (dream pop) becoming very popular now, along with sockgaze, electronica, and indie pop. Strong operatic tradition. Small but buoyant film industry specialising in noire dramas, rom-coms, and above all faddish indie yukfests about hope and desperation in the modern world. Naturally, Shakespeare remains the number one box office hit on stage. Experimental drama also extremely popular. Sport also a big concern.
Status of the Media in the nation: Free press and tradition of 'open society', but in fact most people watch only the state television channel. The leading commercial channel has found recent success with Strictly Come Ironing, featuring politicians and celebrities engaging in extreme ironing. Quod FM is the leading radio station. High Internet use.
Status of the national Military: Pisspoor, and reform has been President Dwight's main agenda. Given our tiny size (5 million) it is unlikely we will ever be a global military superpower. We are trying to build an ABM shield, mostly out of used cereal boxes and duct tape.

Major Exports: Energy and energy resources; timber; furs; beef and dairy; electronic goods; cultural studies journals.
Major Imports: Most food products; tobacco; textiles; metals; airport novels.

Do you agree to abide by the diplomatic regulations of Daistallia 2104?
Do you agree to extend Daistallia 2104's diplomatic mission to your nation the same rights, privileges and courtesies that are being extended to your mission?: Yes, and we ask in addition that all diplomatic exchanges be conducted within the parameters of the World Assembly "Diplomatic Protection Act".

Would you like to open cultural/intellectual exchange with Daistallia 2104?: Absolutely, though we would be interested to learn about Daistallian culture first.

Would you consider attending a convention on diplomatic relations?: We offered to attend said convention at the time.

Would you consider attending a convention on non-human/sentient/sapient/sophont's rights?: No. We would approve WA legislation on the subject, probably, though mainly to annoy the Quintessential People's Party.

Would you consider signing a mutual non-agression pact with Daistallia 2104?: With pleasure.

Would you consider signing a treaty of mutual friendship with Daistallia 2104?: Yes.

Would you be interested in signing a free trade agreement with Daistallia 2104?: We will offer you most-favoured nation status. Subject to fair negotiation of terms, yes we would be interested in a broader framework. We also ask that you back up any requests we make to the WATC in accordance with the World Assembly Economic Union resolution, and agree to return the favour.

Do you wish to enter into any other sort of treaty agreement with Daistallia 2104?: We have an additional interest in facilitating mutual recognition of IP laws.

As a token of friendship, I include our standard gift selection package:
- free pencil
- plastic hawk action figure, fires yellow 'missiles' from its beak when you flap its wings
- selection of cured meats (personal tip, steer clear of the hákarl) and cheeses
- bottle of 1992 Chateau Quafite
- album by popular 'sockgaze' band Centaurus A
- voucher for half-price meal at Risotto Hut.

-- George W. Madison
Secretary of State
Quintessence of Dust, Delegate of Wysteria