NationStates Jolt Archive

The Orbs of Ra’Jin

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15-08-2008, 18:42
The Orbs of Ra’Jin

An old, ancient figure creaked as it fell into its seat. It had a long, flowing gray beard, with equally long gray hair. It was as skinny as a twig, gnarled as the staff that lay next to it. “Finally I am done,” it said to no one in particular. In front of it sat a desk, littered with strange, unrecognizable tools around the edge. In the middle of the desk sat a bunch of blue orbs. There was nothing special about them; they were simply a dull navy blue ball. However, the odd thing was that they were perfectly spherical, without a single blemish. The figure reached out with unusually long, bony fingers, and picked up all of the spheres with a single hand. It looked over to the corner of the small room. All that was in the room was the work desk, his chair, his staff, and the small globe of earth in the corner that he was viewing. “Well, perhaps this will make that place a little less boring,” it wheezed again to no one. Its fingers enclosed the orbs, and suddenly, without warning, the orbs were simply gone. The figure allowed a small, wry grin to spread across its face. It had begun. Now, all there was to do… was watch.

“Goooooooood morning, and welcome to the Rick Roller show, with me, Rick Roller!” Tal rolled over in his bed and hit the snooze alarm on his radio. [I]Well, it’s another day. Better get going. Tal rolled out of bed as his feet hit the floor. He took a quick shower, had a bowl of cereal, and put on his work uniform. It was another Friday, which meant the end of the week. Tal was glad, because his boss had been on his nerves all week, and he would need this weekend to cool off. Tal was the staff manager at Parker’s Packaging Co.
He went out his door to the hallway. He lived in a small apartment room. It was really all he needed. He left the building, saying good morning to the land-lord. He was a nice enough fellow, if not a bit of a stickler when it comes to his rules. But Tal wasn't thinking about that, he was already thinking about work. He got into his '99 Cadillac and started it up. He pulled out of the parking area and onto the road. Well, here's to another boring day, he thought to himself.
16-08-2008, 02:29
Ghost sat alone in a coffee shop watchning as people went about their daily lives. Beautiful day... he thought to himself, looking at the sky. He finished his drink and left, putting a pair of shades on to cover his eyes. This was normal for him, when he didn't have a job, he was as close to 'normal' as could be. Not a care in the world, his calm appearance hid his dark abilities.
16-08-2008, 04:15
Tal pulled into the parking lot next to the factory. Well, another day, another dollar.... Wow, that sounds lame. Tal smiled to himself as he got out of his car. He walked toward the factory, and he noticed one of the workers he was in charge of entering too. Let's see, that's... Jenny Doyle, if I'm not mistaken. Tal was a kind person by habit, so when he looked at a resume, he took the person's current state of living into his consideration. He'd sooner hire someone who was poor and needed the money, over a better suited college student who just wanted some quick spending money. However, the people usually worked harder, as they appreciated their job more, so it worked out. However, that's not the case with her, he thought. She just seems like the type who doesn't care too much about anything anymore. Tal shook his head. It wasn't his concern. Besides, he was still on thin ice with his boss. Tal was in trouble, because he always put the workers before the company. Tal sighed as he clocked in. Just one more day. Doesn't help that he tends to have a temper on Fridays. Tal stepped into his office and sat down. Better just stay out of his way and do paperwork. Tal began to do just that.
16-08-2008, 04:27
Jenny sighed as she rolled down her sleeves. It was warm in the factory, but she didn't like people looking at her bruises. She'd had another fight with her father this morning, and.... She sighed again as she slammed her locker shut. She was in the employee's area, putting on her uniform. She had noticed Tal when she came to work. At least he's here today. He's the only person with common decency... anywhere, really. She knew she didn't deserve her job, but he had given it to her anyway. He's always trying to make things at the factory better, and not just for me, but for all the employees. She walked out to the assembly line. Well, better get started. She could see in Tal's office window from where she was. She didn't think it was on purpose, of course... but it was nice to know someone was watching.

Jenny had stopped for a moment at the line. She was daydreaming, a bad habit of hers really, but more importantly, not doing her job. Suddenly, she could feel a familiar hot breath on the back of her neck, the same smell of cigars and cheap wine. It was Mr. Philp, the Supervisor of this factory. That's what he was called anyway. She turned around slowly. He was grinning his smug, evil little grin that she hated so. If only I could slug him, just once.... But she was lucky to have this job, and she wasn't about to throw it away. However, it looked like Mr. Philp was about to throw her out of the factory himself. As if on cue, his face turned red and his grin disappeared as he began to yell at the top of his lungs. Jenny cringed. He looked unmistakingly like her father suddenly, and she couldn't think of anything to say in return. Not that there was a chance he'd hear her.
16-08-2008, 05:01
Beijing, China

Alexander Markov sat in the stands of the pool during the 2008 Olympic Games. It was time for the Men's 200 Butterfly. He crossed his arms, and smirked.

A sound of a horn, and the teams were off, with the Russian team taking an early lead. It all happened in a matter of seconds. The American team, which had started off struggling for last, suddenly started gaining water against the Russians. The American swimmer, tapping into an almost primal rage, quickly passed the Russian, and going way past the mark for the World Record. He was able to finish first by an entire four seconds, something that had never been seen before on an Olympic level.

Markov stood up, putting on his hat. There was something definitely odd here. The American, fatigued by the race, went straight to the locker room, alone, to change. That's where Alexander went.

He had positioned himself nicely in an adjacent row of lockers, as to make his surprising appearance. He did so enjoy playing the role of the mysterious government agent, appearing out of nowhere, and disappearing just as quickly. He heard the man opening his locker. That's his cue.

He put on his best smirk, and stepped out into the open.

"Your skill in swimming is quite good. It's no wonder you've come this far."

The swimmer quickly turned around, obviously startled. That was good. Just as Alexander intended.

"Who the hell are you?!" The swimmer half-asked, half-shouted.

"Oh, don't mind me." Markov replied, smiling. "I'm just...a fan." He reached into his overcoat, producing a piece of paper. "Sign an autograph?" He replied, stepping forward.

"Oh, sure." The swimmer said, taking the paper. "You got a pen?"

"A pen?" Markov replied. This was the test. Let's see what he does... He thought to himself. "Yes..." He reached into his overcoat. "It's right... HERE!"

Producing his combat knife, Markov took a jab with the point, aiming right for the swimmer's exposed chest. Then it happened. The swimmer's eyes flashed red, and jumped to the side with supernatural speed.

"You're dead!" He snarled at Markov, a demonic rasp flooding his voice. His hand clenched into a fist, he took a swing at Markov's head.

The Russian quickly saw the fist coming, easily ducking ducking, and inserted the knife into the swimmer's gut, retracting it as fast as he inserted it.

The swimmer staggered backwards, thick blood streaming from the wound. Not being able to keep his balance, he fell, screaming and twitching, knocking over a row of lockers in his wake. Well, time to go. Markov thought, cleaning the knife with a piece of cloth. He made his exit out the main doors. Nobody should have survived that stab; it was meant to be fatal. He needed to investigate further.
16-08-2008, 05:11
Beijing, China
Office of Intelligence

Markov was sitting as his computer in his office. He kept replaying the events of what happened over and over in his head.

There was no way he could've seen the knife coming. But if so, how was he able to so easily avoid it.

He pulled up the file of the swimmer. If there was anything good about the People's Republic, it was that they were the most dedicated record keepers.

Hmm, Jason Draconis. He thought Age, 22. Place of birth... Jacaby, Illinois. That was a place to start.

Let's pay this "Jacaby" a visit.

In less then an hour, he was on the next plane to the United States.
16-08-2008, 05:11
Tal had a sound-proof office, but somehow he could still hear his boss when he was on a rant. Tal was determined to not get involved. It was unlikely the boss would fire anybody today. The only people he'd been upset with recently, were himself, and.....

Tal glanced up at the window. Sure enough, it was Jenny, and from the looks of it, Mr. Philp was really mad this time. Tal only hesitated for a second, thinking, No, he's mad enough at me as it is, better stay out of it. Unfortunately, his arms and legs didn't agree with him as he got up, opened his door, and strode over to the two. The other employees had gathered around to watch, like it was a spectacle to see someone getting yelled at.... when it wasn't them, anyway. Tal put his hand on Mr. Philp's shoulder. "Is something the matter?" he said calmly. Mr. Philp whirled on Tal. He was in the middle of shouting, and he wasn't about to be stopped. "Mr. Seraph, this isn't the time! I've found this slacker dozing off again, and I'm just giving her what for! If she can't work, then the shouldn't get paid!" He was about to turn back to Jenny, but Tal grabbed his shoulder, stopping him. "Sir, my apologies, I had put her on break. She just was trying to study how the new machinery works, on her own time. Right Jenny?" Tal liked to use first names with him employees. It was much more friendly then 'Mr. This' and 'Mrs. That'.

Jenny seemed to snap out of a daze, and she shook her had vigorously, giving Tal a look of gratitude. "Er, that's right Mr. Ser-, er Tal." Unfortunatly, Mr. Philp caught the look. He chuckled as he turned back to Tal. "No, no, don't think I don't see what you're doing here. You've been undermining me since day one, protecting lazy oafs like this. Well, I've had enough. Mr. Seraph, you've got to realize that this is a company, not a daycare. Now, I want you to put this piece of garbage where it belongs, on the curb, and return to your office. Now!" His face had gone red again, but not as red as Tal's was becoming. Tal was not a violent person by nature. He never lost his cool. He was a perfect employee, always doing whatever Mr. Philp said. So Jenny was taken aback when, for the first time, she saw Tal mad. She was even more surprised by how he dealt with his anger.

"No." Tal uttered the single word. His breathing began to even back out, his face relaxing. Mr. Philp was left with a blank look on his face as he stared at Tal, perplexed. Tal walked right by him and put a hand on Jenny's shoulder. It wasn't like when he did it to Mr. Philp, to stop him. It was more of a comfort to her then anything. "Let's go, Jenny." Tal led an astonished Jenny away from an even more astonished Mr. Philp as they left the building, only stopping to grab their personal things, which weren't many.

Tal and Jenny were in the parking lot, just standing. Without a word, Jenny began to walk to her house, like she normally would. "Wait." Tal waited for Jenny to stop and turn around before continuing. "Would you like a ride?" Tal motioned to his car. Jenny gave the first real smile he had ever seen from her before. "Sure." She got in the shotgun seat as he got in the drivers seat. "Sorry about all that," Tal said as he started the car. Jenny began to protest that it wasn't her fault, but Tal cut her off. "Please, let me make it up to you. How about some coffee? My treat." Tal's tone was gentle, but it was apparent he wasn't asking as he pulled out of the parking lot and began to drive.

They walked into the coffee shop. There was only one other person in the shop, some fellow wearing shades. Tal and Jenny grabbed a booth after ordering a couple cups of coffee. Neither could think of anything to say, so they simple sat there, enjoying their coffee and the sunny day.
16-08-2008, 05:19
OOC: I'm going to assume there is a park in this city.

IC: Aeryn sat in the middle of the grassy park, staring intently at a block of wood. Or at least Aeryn was what he liked to call himself. It had a nice ring to it, and it worked just as well as any other. He really didn't get the importance of names anyways. He could do just as well with people pointing at him if the wanted to tell him something, but it tended to annoy people when he didn't give a name.

The reason he was staring at the block of wood, was in order to invision his next sculpture. It was a nice white hickory, and he thought he'd be able to make an excellent figurine. He didn't exactly have a job, perse, but he had quickly found that he had a nack for carving, or anything involving a blade really.

So, he lived comfortably, if not luxuriously, by selling his sculptures, which were sometimes in wood, or when he managed to scrape enough money together, a small bit of marble or ivory.

He ignored the ineavetable stares as he stared deep into the blcok, invisioning what he wanted it to be. He always like to do his carving outside, as the weather alwas seemed to affect his ideas.

Hearing a giggle somewhere behind him, he was struck with a sudden idea, and began to carve away at the block of hickory, ignoring the wood shavings that fell to his lap. He would not stop working on it until it was finished. It was the way he did things. He'd heard many liked to take the sculpting process in steps, but he preffered to get an idea, and then work unceasingly until the block was what he thought it should be.
16-08-2008, 05:27
Ghost gave a glance to the two who walked in. Hmm, normal people with normal lives... I wonder want that's like. He wasn't in his assassin garb, nor in his 'stylish' assassin garb. He was wearing a pair of acid wash jeans ana a T-shirt. He ran a hand through his white hair. It was odd being there alone, but he was always alone, this was no different.
Kratna X2
16-08-2008, 05:34
coffee... coffee was always a good thing rich, dark, soothing warmth calming the nerves a moment of tranquility on a chaotic world. Star yanked open the door to the coffee shop headless of what the other patrons inside might think of someone rudly barging in but she ignored them and made strait for the counder setting herecampus travel mug on the counter and orgers a decaf 2 cream 4 sugar and just a hint of hazel nut it was her personal blend and she rather enjoyed it although some people gave here strange looks for the amount of sweetener butt that was there problem not her's and one look from her was usualy enough to silence most arguments

after her mug was filled and paied for she selected a small table somewhat in the middle of the room and pulled out her laptop logging on to the net via coffee house sponcored wifi and continued researching iformation fo her report quickly becoming absorbed in what she was doing and tuning out the rest of the world
16-08-2008, 05:34
Jenny had noticed the other fellow in the shop. He had been looking their way a few times. (She thought so anyway, it was hard to tell with his sunglasses.) Since they were the only other people in here, it made sense, but it still creeped her out. She was paranoid by nature, so she would keep an eye on him. "Mr.-... Tal... I want to thank you for before. I'm sorry I cost you your job. Why'd you do that? I was going to get fired anyway. Why make it worse for yourself?" Tal looked up from his coffee at her. "I just couldn't stand it. I would have quit sooner or later anyway. That guy drives me nuts." Tal paused, thinking. He had noticed the guy in the corner as well, but paid him little heed. It was kinda weird, him being the only other person here. Tal's natural hospitality kicked in. He turned to the guy. "Hey, you. Are you new to town?" Jenny gave Tal an odd look and sighed.

Tal had just been saying this as a woman walked in. He wasn't sure if she thought he was talking to her, but after a moment it was apparent she didn't hear him. He turned back to the man, waiting for an answer.
16-08-2008, 05:38
Ghost looked back, other than the person who burst in, no one else was there who the guy could be talkin to. "Yeah, I guess." He said said softly, standing up and proceeding to move closer to them. He took a seat at the table next to theirs. "I go here and there, can't be bothered to stay in any one place for long." This was partially true, as an assassin he often had to move from place to place in search of jobs. His tone was a little lifeless and his shades covered his eyes completely.
16-08-2008, 05:41
Aeryn grunted in satisfaction as he eyed his finished work, a small figure of a little girl with braids and a ball in her hand. Despite the short time it had taken to make the thing, it had excellent detail, and was as smooth as if he'd lacquered it, a talent he'd never been able to explain to those whom bought from him. He looked up from the carving, and glanced around. He was feeling hungry. He spotted a coffee shop, and got up. He personally detested the taste of coffee, but they might have food, and there might be someone in there willing to buy the statuette. Keeping the statue in plain sight, he strode towards the shop.
16-08-2008, 05:46
Ghost looked back, other than the person who burst in, no one else was there who the guy could be talkin to. "Yeah, I guess." He said said softly, standing up and proceeding to move closer to them. He took a seat at the table next to theirs. "I go here and there, can't be bothered to stay in any one place for long." This was partially true, as an assassin he often had to move from place to place in search of jobs. His tone was a little lifeless and his shades covered his eyes completely.

Jenny stayed in her seat, slouching. She decided to let Tal do the talking. He had called the man over here. Why invite me for coffee to talk to a stranger? She tried to not let if bother her. She didn't see why it should. Yet somehow, it did.

Tal nodded. "I could see that. I'm sure you see a lot of places. I haven't been far from home in... about six years, I'd say. Besides college. I don't travel much, I guess. Not much reason to, anyway. So, what brings you to Jacaby? There's not much happening locally right now... I don't think, anyway."
16-08-2008, 05:50
"No reason in particular, I just go from place to place doing odd jobs. I'm just a wanderer at heart." Ghost said without an expression. "This place has been good though, just another place I can say I've been."
16-08-2008, 05:52
Jenny saw the man walk in with something. She wouldn't have given him a second look, except for the carving.... it made her... sad. It was a sculpture of what seemed like a happy, young girl. The girl Jenny had never had the chance to be. She quickly looked away, somewhat embarrassed she had stared. She hoped no one would notice.
16-08-2008, 05:55
Aeryn noticed the girl looking at it, and smiled at the thought he might have a potential customer. He was beggining to run low on money, as even thought the carvings were excellent, a salesman Aeryn was not. He often let his work go for a third of its price. However, he was for the most part unaware of this, so it was with a hopeful heart that he changed course and headed towards the girl.
16-08-2008, 05:56
"No reason in particular, I just go from place to place doing odd jobs. I'm just a wanderer at heart." Ghost said without an expression. "This place has been good though, just another place I can say I've been."

Tal felt the chills when talking to this man. Something about him seemed... off, distant... he'd had the feeling before, but he couldn't think of where... "I see. I suppose it must be interesting, right? So, what kind of stuff do you do? There's not many jobs available right now, but..." Tal remembered that he had just been fired, but he shook the thought. Tal realized he had been talking, but forgot what he had been saying, so he finished with a "yeah."
16-08-2008, 05:58
Aeryn noticed the girl looking at it, and smiled at the thought he might have a potential customer. He was beggining to run low on money, as even thought the carvings were excellent, a salesman Aeryn was not. He often let his work go for a third of its price. However, he was for the most part unaware of this, so it was with a hopeful heart that he changed course and headed towards the girl.

Crap. Jenny hoped that the man was headed somewhere else, but it was obvious he was coming over to her. She turned, put on her best fake smile, and asked, "Yes?"
16-08-2008, 06:00
Aeryn was habitually nervous when talking with other people, one of his main flaws as a salesmen, so it was with a rather unsteady voice that he said, "I hope I'm not bothering you, but I noticed you looking at this carving. You see, I am, ah, looking to sell this little piece, and I was wondering if you might be interested in it."
16-08-2008, 06:03
Aeryn was habitually nervous when talking with other people, one of his main flaws as a salesmen, so it was with a rather unsteady voice that he said, "I hope I'm not bothering you, but I noticed you looking at this carving. You see, I am, ah, looking to sell this little piece, and I was wondering if you might be interested in it."

Normally Jenny wasn't interested in these types of things, but something about this sculpture... "It is a very nice carving. Tell me... how much would you be asking for it?" Jenny was eying the carving, curious as to why she was so interested in such a simple thing.
16-08-2008, 06:05
Aeryn shrugged. "I didn't really have any set price in mind, but how does twenty, twenty-five dollars sound?"
16-08-2008, 06:09
Tal felt the chills when talking to this man. Something about him seemed... off, distant... he'd had the feeling before, but he couldn't think of where... "I see. I suppose it must be interesting, right? So, what kind of stuff do you do? There's not many jobs available right now, but..." Tal remembered that he had just been fired, but he shook the thought. Tal realized he had been talking, but forgot what he had been saying, so he finished with a "yeah."

"I'm a jack of all trades... I just do things that no one else really can be bothered to do. That kind of thing." Ghost shrugged, "Whatever I can get."
16-08-2008, 06:09
Aeryn shrugged. "I didn't really have any set price in mind, but how does twenty, twenty-five dollars sound?"

"Sounds like it'd be hard to get buy doing that kind of stuff. But whatever works, I guess." Tal turned from the odd man in sunglasses and listened to Jenny's conversation.

Jenny smiled, a real smile this time. "That sounds great. I'll just-" she had reached to her pocket as she said this, but stopped short. "Oh, crap! I'm sorry, I forgot, I didn't bring my wallet today. I'm so sorry, I guess I-"

"I'll pay for it." Tal had interrupted Jenny. Jenny was about to say something, but Tal continued. "But I only brought ten dollars in here. The rest is in the car. I'll go get twenty-five dollars for you." Tal got up and walked out the door. Jenny was giving him an odd look. She sighed, and got up to follow him out the door. She turned back to the man with the carving. "Be right back!" she said as she went out the door.
16-08-2008, 06:10
(OOC: I'm gonna fast forward time for my dude, so he can be in the coffee shop too.)

Jacaby, Illinois

Alexander Markov stepped out of his hotel building. It was a modest place, Jacaby, as far as first impressions went. Not really large enough to be a city, but not really small enough to be called a town. He smoothed his overcoat, and placed his hat firmly on his head. It was time for work.

He took a walk down the pathway of a park, spotting a bunch of wood shavings on the grass. Why were they here, he wondered.

But he couldn't dwell on it forever. He had work to be done. What had happened to Jason Draconis, the Olympic champion?

He looked around, leaving the wood sculpture where he found it. He spotted a nearby coffee shop.

A coffee shop... He thought. There must be someone there who can point me in the right direction...

He walked over to the door, and stepped inside, the dark smell of coffee entering his nose. After ordering some coffee (Black. He never really cared for anything else in his coffee) He took a seat near the corner. There were a few groups of people talking. One of the people had a wooden sculpture.

Noticing that the wood shavings must have come from that, he took a seat near them, and eavesdropped on their conversation, casually sipping his coffee.

They were discussing the price of the sculpture, and someone had just gotten up to get money for the potential buyer.
16-08-2008, 06:11
Aeryn shrugged, and turned to sit down, but more or less tripped on some unseen thing on the polished floor. It ended up with him in the chair, but much more uncomfortable than he would have liked, and a great deal more embarrasment.
16-08-2008, 06:12
Aeryn noticed the man, and glanced uncomfortably at him. "Uhm. Hello. May I, ah, help you?"
16-08-2008, 06:16
"Uhm. Hello. May I, ah, help you?" The man asked him, looking nervous.

Markov took off his hat, smiling. He took a sip of his coffee.

"It's a beautiful sculpture." He replied, with a hint of an accent in his voice. "You'll have to forgive me, but I couldn't help but listen to your conversation. Twenty-five dollars does seem a bit low, if I might add."
16-08-2008, 06:18
Aeryn blinked. "It does? Seems fair to me. Besides, from the look of how young she is, I don't think she'd be able to afford much more than that, not for something like a petty sculpture."
16-08-2008, 06:19
Ghost was interested in this newcomer, but didn't show it whatsoever. His face was like stone, and he didn't bother to turn and face the man. Something about him... something familiar. Someone with a purpose... he thought to himself.
16-08-2008, 06:21
Markov chuckled.

"I suppose so." He added. He took another sip of his coffee. "So tell me, are you a professional sculptor, or is this just a hobby?"
Kratna X2
16-08-2008, 06:22
"60 is a better price" the commotion had drawn her out of her self long enough to catch the exchange and a look at the carving

it was a delicate peice of work intracly carved and even from this distance it was eazy to tell that the attention to detail on such a peice of work was worth far mor the he had asked for it. some people didn't know the value of there own work
16-08-2008, 06:23
Aeryn shrugged. "I suppose one could call me a proffesional, as its how I make my living. But it is something I thouroughly enjoy. I've always been good at it, and anything else involving blades, leastwise insofar as I can remember."
16-08-2008, 06:25
"60 is a better price" the commotion had drawn her out of her self long enough to catch the exchange and a look at the carving

it was a delicate peice of work intracly carved and even from this distance it was eazy to tell that the attention to detail on such a peice of work was worth far mor the he had asked for it. some people didn't know the value of there own work

Aeryn appeared startled at the very idea. "Sixty? Why in the world would I ask that much? Twenty-five will get me through the week, and if I run out I can always carve more. No need to ask more of the poor girl than I need."
16-08-2008, 06:26
"She does have a point, though." Markov added. "You could make a lot more then you are." He smiled again. "I'm sorry, I really shouldn't pretend to know what I'm talking about. If you believe twenty-five is fine, so be it."
16-08-2008, 06:27
Aeryn shrugged. "As long as I'm fed, have adequete clothes, and keep my tools in good condition, I really don't need anymore."
16-08-2008, 06:31
"Fair enough." Markov took a sip of his coffee again. Something else he said had interested him.

"Earlier, you said 'as far as you could remember.' What did you mean, exactly?"
Kratna X2
16-08-2008, 06:33
ugghh a hobbyest the worst kind of artist she thought to her self "because 60 if a fair price for the quality of the workmanship and the time invested into it"

she almost laughed at the idea that 25 would last hime the week... he must live a megar existance cause 25 rarly saw the end of the day with her not that her spending habbits where excessive living on a students buget
16-08-2008, 06:33
Aeryn shrugged, as if it were of no consequence. "I don't remember anything beyond the past year and a half. A few images, for instance someone I suspect is my mother, or feelings, like how I very much so enjoy the rain."
16-08-2008, 06:34
ugghh a hobbyest the worst kind of artist she thought to her self "because 60 if a fair price for the quality of the workmanship and the time invested into it"

she almost laughed at the idea that 25 would last hime the week... he must live a megar existance cause 25 rarly saw the end of the day with her not that her spending habbits where excessive living on a students buget

Aeryn laughed. "I spent perhaps half an hour on this. It was not any particular effort to make it, and I see no reason to charge as such."
16-08-2008, 06:49
An anemisac... Markov thought to himself. Coincidence? In his experience, he learned that nothing was ever a coincidence.

"because 60 if a fair price for the quality of the workmanship and the time invested into it"

He chuckled. "Don't push him." He said, turning his attention to the young woman across the way, a smile on his face "If he believes that twenty-five is enough, let him charge it."
16-08-2008, 06:53
Aeryn smiled at the man gratefully, both for not questioning him further, and helping him stand by his decision. "So, since you seem so interested in this statue, would you like me to carve you one?"
16-08-2008, 07:00
Markov shrugged. "I'm sorry, but I'm not interested in a sculpture. I'm looking for information."

(OOC: I'm gonna end it here. It's 2:00 AM here and I'm tired.)
16-08-2008, 07:03
"Oh, information of what sort?" Aeryn asked, curiosity painted on his face.

OOC: Fair enough, g'night mate.
16-08-2008, 14:15
Tal walked through the parking lot to his car. As he reached for the door, he turned around and saw Jenny following him. "I'll get it, just a second." He fumbled in his pocked for his keys. Jenny approached him cautiously. "Tal, you don't have to do this for me. You've already lost your job trying to save mine, gave me a ride, and coffee. You don't have to do all this...." her voice faded. It seemed like Tal hadn't heard her, because he opened his door, reached inside, and grabbed his wallet while she was talking. "But I want to." Tal looked up at her as he said this. He reached back inside to close the window, he had left it open a small bit, but some clouds were starting to gather. "Tal..." Jenny grabbed the back of his shoulder, causing Tal to jump a bit and accidentally hit the button that opened the trunk. "Er, sorry..." Jenny backed a bit away. Tal just sighed, somewhat out of annoyance. He was still thinking about how he lost his job, and it was starting to put him in a bad mood. He went back to his trunk.

He raised the trunk door to slam it shut, when he saw a something blue sparkle in the corner of the trunk. He froze. As if on cue, it rolled to the middle of the trunk, on its own. It was some sort of ball, or sphere, or something. It was a solid blue, about the size of a baseball. Tal simply stared at it. He had never seen anything like it before. How'd this get in here? It wasn't there yesterday... Jenny noticed how Tal was acting, so walked over next to him. "Tal, what is it? You look like you've seen a-" she was cut off as she saw the strange thing. It almost looked like the blue on the orb... was moving. But that was ridiculous, of course. "Tal, what is that thing?" She slowly reached for it, thinking of it's perfect roundness and blue hue. She was about to touch it, when Tal seemed to snap awake. "Wait Jenny!" He thrust his arm towards the orb. Tal and Jenny both touched the orb at the same time, on opposite ends. In that split second, Tal could have sworn that the orb seemed to become a lighter blue, while Jenny thought it turned darker blue.

There was a quick, blinding flash of blue light. Tal was knocked down to the ground. His body felt like it was on fire. Oh God, it was a bomb! Tal frantically tried to roll away, but as soon as it had started, it was gone. Tal got up slowly. He felt like he was stuck with pins and needles all over his body. But he soon forgot it. "Where's Jenny?" he whispered out loud. He frantically turned every which way, only to find that she had disappeared with the blue flash. "Jenny?" he asked, a little louder. "JENNY!!!" Tal screamed out at the streets, hoping it was a joke, hoping she would pop out from behind a car with a camera, saying, "Gotcha!" But that wasn't the case. Tal simply fell to his knees. His body had begun to hurt worse, especially a burning pain in his shoulder blades. He fought to keep his grip on consciousness, but he was slowly loosing.
Kratna X2
16-08-2008, 17:37
Star felt more than heard the wave of non sound that acompanied the flash of blue light that eminated from the parking lot. her first instinct was that a bomb had gone off but she quickly discounted that it was all wrong to be a bomb from what she had seen on tv it was just blue light and a compression wave that left a tingling sensation on her skin

she got up from where she was sitting and took afew steps to the window hopeing to see where it had come from but it wasn't the best view she couldn't see anything exept for acouple vehicals one of them being her own

"Anyone see what that was?" she asked no one in particular.

she didn't wait for a answer insted walking out he door and over to her car puting it beteen here and whatever might be out there. she slowly began to make her way around it not quite sure what it is she would see. part scared part curious but entierly convinced she had to know what it was
16-08-2008, 19:04
Markov's head turned to the window, seeing a strange blue light emanating from...somewhere. Was it a bomb? He thought. No, it couldn't be. That's not how bombs work.

He stood up, placing his hat firmly on his head. "What was that, I wonder?" he said to the sculptor. "Come, let's find out."

He put on his overcoat, buttoned it up nicely, and followed the woman out of the shop. There wasn't that many cars in the lot, and he could see the woman from the shop, standing over by a car, probably hers.

Smart girl. He thought, smirking. Leaving before something bad happens. Walking between the row of cars, he noticed one with it's trunk still open. Walking a little more, he made out the figure of a man, sprawled out on the floor.

He ran over to the man, who seemed to be unconscious. Kneeling over him, he placed his fingers on the mans neck, feeling a pulse.

He's alive. But no sign of injury. What could have happened?
16-08-2008, 23:34
Aeryn hopped up, hearing all the commotion. Still holding the carving, he ran over t the unconcious Tal. He knelt by him worridly, then looked around for the girl who was with him. Did she do this? I hope not, she seemed like a rather nice girl.
16-08-2008, 23:45
OOC:I play americas army for four hours, sleep for 12, and look what happens! Lol. I am back, and ready to RP. I'm completely exhausted from a three hour drive, that was for absolutely nothing....Here follows my crappy RP.

Another batch of recruits. Looks like they shouldn't even be in the army, from the looks of 'em. Aw hell, that is sarges son! Though Graith Dr'klow, the current medical teacher. He was just trying to pick up some pocket change, the money from that friendly fire incident would keep him happy enough for the rest of his life. Maybe sarge feels regret for that? Doubt that son of 'a bitch feels anything He thought with a scowl.
At over 6"5 he got ammaised looks from the students, as thye filed into the whitewashed room, that looked far too much like a highschool classroom. Well, it was a class room, so that made sense. What got the most stares however, even more than the twisted leg, was his electric green hair. It stood out like the flames of purrell, on top of a bench. Well, atleast they aren't afraid to stare.
"Alright class, so you want to become medics? Saving peoples lives matters to you? Well, this is shock one-'o-one. Below you is a test, so I can see what needs to be taught, and what doesn't. You may begin when ready." He spoke, while looking at each in turn. This class might have promise, from the looks of them. With that thought, he sat down, pulled out his I-Pod, and turned on some Angerfist.
16-08-2008, 23:47
"This one will be okay." Markov said, noticing the sculptor looking on all different directions. "But what happened to the girl, I wonder?"
16-08-2008, 23:49
"Exactly what I was wondering." Aeryn said. "Seems rather odd for her to dissapear. And even were she to run, I don't think she could have gotten far enough away for us to be unable to see her. The place isn't exactly crowded, and its fairly open."
16-08-2008, 23:52
"So you're saying she just... disappeared?"
16-08-2008, 23:55
Aeryn shrugged. "I've absolutely no idea. But it seems like the only explanation that could work in this particualr situation"
16-08-2008, 23:59
"Well, the only person who actually knows is..." He gestured to the unconscious guy below them. "This one."
17-08-2008, 00:06
Aeryn nodded. "Yes indeed, and it seems hes out cold at the moment, so we won't know for a while." He was silent for a few minutes, then said, "So, what brings you here?"
17-08-2008, 00:08
Markov stood up, and leaned against the car of the the unconscious man.

"Actually, I was getting to that. Tell me, have you heard of Jacob Draconis?" (OOC: Read my posts on the first page if you're clueless.)
17-08-2008, 00:11
Aeryn shook his head. "Sorry friend, never heard of him. He a friend of yours or somesuch?"
17-08-2008, 00:13
"Surely, you must know something. The Olympic swimmer? Broke the world record four times over?"
17-08-2008, 00:16
Aeryn laughed. "Never cared for sports. I know basically nothing about the Olympics, and truth be told, I really don't care."
17-08-2008, 00:21
Interesting, was Ghost's one word thought when the bright flash came. As fun as this could be I doubt I really want to stick around... he left the coffee shop and proceded down the street away from the mess.
17-08-2008, 00:36
OOC: I'm doing a timeskip. That was just letting you know about him.
Graith was driving down the road from work, when suddenly an explosion happened. Oh shit, terrorists. was his first thought, before his training took over. He slammed the pedal down to the floor, and sped into the area where the explosion had gone off. Well, apparently I haven't fully left the army. Always bringing work home. He thought with a smirk, as he came around into the parking lot. Maybe I'm in the wrong place? He thought.
Suddenly, he noticed a group of people standing around a single still figure, within the small lot. Looks like he's unconcious. Better learn what happened. And with that, he pulled up to the people, jumping out of the car. He had his medical bag, and hurried over quickly asking a single question:
"What happened?"
17-08-2008, 00:36
Markov looked around, and saw as the last patron in the coffee shop, a man who was talking to this one on the ground shortly before the event, calmly walk away from the mess.

There's something about that one. Markov thought. I wonder...

He turned his attention back to the sculptor.

"That's too bad. I find it quite interesting, the Olympics. It only happens once every four years, after all." He looked over at the leaving man. "Wait, wasn't that guy over there talking to this one on the ground here a minute ago?"
17-08-2008, 00:39
Aeryn shrugged. "Dunno, I came in a bit after these guys." He heard a man saying something, and turned to look at Graith. "Ah, we're not quite sure really." He answered.
17-08-2008, 00:45
Another one? Markov turned to look at this new guy.

"Some light, and this one's on the floor."
17-08-2008, 01:01
OOC: Damn I missed a lot... Looks like I get to do an alternate intro from what I had planned.

IC: More noise than usual had began to rise from the hood of the 1984 station wagon as two teenagers approached yet another town on their way down south. Alex and Ashley didn't have a destination in mind, they just wanted the trip, but it seemed that taking the Lundymobile was a very bad idea. "As much as I hate your brother, I wish you would have taken him up on the offer to borrow his car." Ashley scolded.
"You know as well as I do that his car is in worse shape than this beater." Alex retorted. The vehicle now in question was a mid 80's Cadillac with twice the miles as the Oldsmobile they were in.
"However true that may be, it's still more reliable." she snapped back. "Just get it looked at, that's all I'm asking. Look, there's even an exit up there for Jacaby." She pointed at the sign stating the exit was in a mile.
"Alright, fine." He shifted lanes and took the exit. After a few miles of silent teenage tension, Ashley pointed out what appeared to be a mechanics garage at the same time something underneath the car made contact with the pavement.
"It's going to be a long day." the duo said together.
17-08-2008, 01:20
Ghost continued away from the place even as the other man pulled up. He really didn't want to get too involved, and he didn't have too much of a reason to anyway. When odd things happened, something bad usually decided to follow.
17-08-2008, 01:21
Tal stirred. Ugh... another day at work. He opened his eyes. That's odd. There's a sky... and people in my room? Wait... Suddenly, the morning's events rushed back to him all at once. "JENNY!" he roared as he sat up suddenly. His two shoulder blades erupted in pain as he fell back to the ground. Ok, not smart on my part. He stayed on his back, panting, trying to make since of what had all happened.
17-08-2008, 01:22
Aeryn was rather confused, but asked, "Are you okay? What happened?"
17-08-2008, 01:25

Markov looked down, raising his eyebrow. Jenny... probably the girl he was with?

He smiled, and stuck out his hand towards the guy on the floor.

"You seem to have a way with the ladies, my friend."
Kratna X2
17-08-2008, 01:26
Star moved from where she had been hideing behind here car out to where the rest of the people where standig around the man on the ground she was just as confused as eeryone else by what had happened but atleast he was awake now but he looked to be in some sort of pain
17-08-2008, 01:26
Aeryn was rather confused, but asked, "Are you okay? What happened?"

Tal glanced around frantically. "Where's Jenny? The girl that was with me, where is she?" He tried to put an edge on his voice, but it only came out as despondent as he tried his hardest to not show the pain in his voice. Panting, he grasped Markov's hand and pulled himself up, his back going through another explosion of pain. He did his best to hide it though.
17-08-2008, 01:29
Aeryn shook his head. "That is what we are wondering. To all apperances, she up and dissapeared. What I'd like to know however, is how that happened, and how you ended up unconcious and apparently in pain."
17-08-2008, 01:30
"We were hoping you knew." Markov replied, placing his hand back in his overcoat pocket. "We saw a flash of light, and then found you. No girl in sight."
17-08-2008, 01:31
Alex thanked god they were wearing their seat belts when the wagon came to an unexpected stop in the middle of the street. "Well isn't this great!" he kicked the panel above the pedals as he turned off the ignition. He left the car while Ashley protested and did the same. A quick look under the car told them enough.
"Looks like the Lundymobile finally bit the dust." Ashley said with a hint of sadness in her voice.
"Look, there's a coffee shop a few blocks down, why don't you go get something and I'll talk to the guy at the garage, see what we can do about this." sighed Alex.
"Deal." They split their direction, people honking angrily at them from the streets.
As Ashley approached the coffee shop, it was apparent something was wrong. "What's going on?" She asked, concern flooding her words.
Kratna X2
17-08-2008, 01:32
"hey short beople in the back here!" star called out in an iritated tone. friggen tall people always getting in the way and blocking the view of things added to her self as she tryed to push forwards so she could see what was happening
17-08-2008, 01:33
Tal stumbled over to his car, and with great difficulty lifted the trunk. He then wheeled on the others. "Have any of you-" he stopped. He felt something in his pocket. He reached in, and pulled out the blue orb. It was now a dull, dark blue, but otherwise the same. "This... does anybody know what this is?" He looked around, he didn't bother to hide his panic or pain at this point.
17-08-2008, 01:35
Ashley looked at the orb, wondering if she was invisible to them. I'm used to small town friendly. But then again, it could be Minnesota nice talking. "Looks like someone screwed up when making a crystal ball." she half joked.
Kratna X2
17-08-2008, 01:36
"what the hell?" star asked when he showed the orb "it looks like a giant blue marble" she had no clue what it might be it really did look like a blue marble she started to move closer to get a better look
17-08-2008, 01:37
Markov straightened his hat, and took a look at the orb. It was blue, and dull. He had a nagging feeling that this is somehow connected to what he was doing.

"I wish I knew. But more importantly, how do you feel? Any different from before?"
17-08-2008, 01:38
Tal glanced around frantically. "Where's Jenny? The girl that was with me, where is she?" He tried to put an edge on his voice, but it only came out as despondent as he tried his hardest to not show the pain in his voice. Panting, he grasped Markov's hand and pulled himself up, his back going through another explosion of pain. He did his best to hide it though.

OOC:I was eating dinner, so I'll go from this part. Tal, any probs with me possibly getting powers, and only a V4-Stilleto combat knife?

"Easy. You'd better sit down; you have no clue what an explosion can do to a person under the skin." Said Graith, as he unclasped his medical bag. As he was doing this, the man pulled out a blue orb.
"I've never seen that before." He thought outloud. He unhooked the headphones, and stuffed them into his pocket.
17-08-2008, 01:42
"I feel like I've been stuck everywhere with needles, and my shoulder blades feel like they're going to explode." Indeed, his shoulder blades on his back did seem slightly swollen. "I remember seeing this ball... then we touched it... and it blew up, or so I thought. But I don't remember putting it in my-" He stopped, squeezing his eyes shut as the gripped at the car. This pain! It's unbearable! He didn't think he should try talking, lest he bit his tongue off, so he waited for it to pass. Unfortunately, it was taking it's time.
17-08-2008, 01:45
"Maybe you should sit down." Ashley said seeing the pain Tal was in. "Anyone know where the nearest clinic is? It's probably best if he gets some help."
17-08-2008, 01:48
"Maybe you should sit down." Ashley said seeing the pain Tal was in. "Anyone know where the nearest clinic is? It's probably best if he gets some help."

Tal leaned against his car, fighting back the pain. "I doubt they have a cure for Blue ball syndrome." Tal wasn't trying to be mean, he was just trying to make a point. He was about to continue, but was once again paralyzed by his back. He strained every muscle in his body not to scream, but he was beginning to not care.
17-08-2008, 01:50
Ashley sighed. "Sarcasm won't help either. But they might find something tangible that they could help. At the very least they've got real good painkillers."
17-08-2008, 01:51
"I'm a medic. Ex-marine, just sit down. I've got some stuff in here for the pain. Where does it hurt?" He asked such questions in quick succession as he looked in the morphine pocket. "This is somethign for the pain." He said, as he jabbed it into the mans arm.
17-08-2008, 01:53
"That orb..." Markov asked aloud "Where did you get it?"
Kratna X2
17-08-2008, 01:53
From where star was standing she could see that something wasn't quite right with his back "are you ok" a rare moment of concern colouring her voice "something looks wrong with your back"
17-08-2008, 01:53
"So this situation obviously hasn't gotten any better." Ghost said as he leaned on Tal's car, not even facing the group.
17-08-2008, 01:55
Tal couldn't even hear Ashley anymore. He couldn't hear anything. He couldn't see, couldn't smell, could only feel the pain in his back. He got up off the ground and stood up. Suddenly, without warning, his back erupted.

Two feathered angelic wings burst out of his back, shining in the sun with brilliance. They were easily with a ten foot wingspan. They stayed for only a second before they faded, leaving only two large holes in the back of Tal's shirt. Tal just stood there, a confused look on his face. He fell to a knee, panting, but awake, alive.
17-08-2008, 01:56
"Let me see." Said Graith anxiously, turning the man around so he could see his back, none too gently. Suddenly, the back exploded.

"HOLY SHIT! OH..." A string of swear words followed, as Graith stared wide eyed. He was normal a very calm, boring person on the outside, but now it was as if he had chugged the entire cooler of RedBulls at Max's.
17-08-2008, 01:57
Tal couldn't even hear Ashley anymore. He couldn't hear anything. He couldn't see, couldn't smell, could only feel the pain in his back. Suddenly, without warning, his back erupted.

Two feathered angelic wings burst out of his back, shining in the sun with brilliance. They were easily with a ten foot wingspan. They stayed for only a second before they faded, leaving only two large holes in the back of Tal's shirt. Tal just stood there, a confused look on his face. He fell to a knee, panting, but awake, alive.

Ghost was quick to move out of the way, he didn't want the wings to burst through the car and smack into him. "See? This is why I don't hang around when odd t hings happen... great, now I'm involved..."
Kratna X2
17-08-2008, 01:58
"holy shit!" star fell backwards as the wings apeared and then disapeared "what the hell was that!" she didn't deal well with suprises and this took the cake
17-08-2008, 02:01
Markov batted an eyelid as two wings appeared from the man's back, then disappeared just as quickly. He fixed his overcoat. There was no question now.

"Well, that was unexpected." He chuckled, picking up his hat, which had blown to the ground "How did you manage that?"

I think I'll stick around a little longer, see if I'm right.
17-08-2008, 02:03
OOC:Tal, We're waiting.,....MUAHAHAHAHAHA!
17-08-2008, 02:08
OOC: Yeah, it's starting to get good.

IC: Recognizing the other man from the coffee ship jumping out of the way of the wings, Markov smirked. He turned to Ghost.

"Well, this certainly isn't what you intended to happen, is it?"
17-08-2008, 02:37
OOC:I feel like I'm being ignored......
17-08-2008, 02:40
"I don't think many people expect wings to burst out of other people's backs..." Ghost paused for a moment, "I assume you're trying to suggest this is my responsibility."
17-08-2008, 02:48
Aeryn, unlike the others, simply stared in absolute and silent shock. After simply staring wide eyed for several moments, he weakly said, "Wll that isn't something you see everyday, now is it?"
17-08-2008, 02:58
"Oh, I'm not suggesting anything. It's just that you were the one who spoke to him last, and..." he smiled. "Well, let's just say, it's all very suspicious."
17-08-2008, 03:02
"If you weren't trying to suggest anything you may wish to change you wording a little." Ghost said, he was unflinching, his face completely expressionless. "Either way, you obviously an't comprehend situations very well." He pointed to Tal, "A flash of light outside the shop, an orb, and this guys car. I was too far away to have influenced the situation."
17-08-2008, 03:21
Markov smiled. I like this one. He's quite...intriguing He conceded that this guy probably had nothing to do with any of it, but there was something about this guy that Markov couldn't quite put his finger on.

"Well, I suppose it would be quite difficult to make wings burst out of someone's back." He chuckled. "Impossible, even. But still, the question remains: how did the orb find it's way into the man's trunk? I mean, it certainly didn't just appear there."
17-08-2008, 03:30
"Act of God perhaps?" Ghost said with a bit of a grin, he certainly believed there might be some knid of higher being, but he wasn't one to admit he believed in gods. His expression was quick to go back to being neutral.
17-08-2008, 03:36
Tal slowly rose. There's no way that happened, there's no way that happened... He looked up at all the others starting at him. Yeah, that happened. At least my back doesn't hurt anymore. "Before any of you ask, I don't know."
17-08-2008, 03:38
"Then by all means I'll lighten the mood and ask anyway." Ghost said with no change in expression, "What the hell?"
17-08-2008, 03:39
Aeryn shook his head. "Ah, would you a, mind telling us what you do know then?"
17-08-2008, 03:43
Tal turned weakly to Aeryn. "I. Don't. Know. I found the orb, Jenny disappeared, and now all this..." Tal wanted to fall down, fall asleep, and wake up, with everything having been just a strange dream. But he knew from experience that never worked, now matter how hard you wished it to be true.
17-08-2008, 03:44
Markov looked over at Tal, and chuckled.

"I had no idea that people could sprout wings before. I should look into that."
17-08-2008, 03:44
"Oh right, that other girl isn't here anymore. Shame. I wonder where she ran off to? And more importantly, I wonder what that orb is... and for that matter, its origin."
17-08-2008, 03:46
Markov looked over at Tal, and chuckled.

"I had no idea that people could sprout wings before. I should look into that."

"Join the club." Tal sat down on the pavement. How could these people take this so calmly? Then again, it's not like it happened to them. They also seem like a strange bunch, but I'm not one to judge. I just had wings pop out of my back.
17-08-2008, 03:46
Aeryn nodded. "That seems to me like it would be a good thing to wonder. So, you say you found it in your trunk then?"
17-08-2008, 03:50
Aeryn nodded. "That seems to me like it would be a good thing to wonder. So, you say you found it in your trunk then?"

Tal just nodded. He pulled out the orb and held it in his hand. He noticed some sort of odd pattern on the orb... he studied it closely, then nearly dropped it in shock. "There's writing..." he said to no one in particular.
17-08-2008, 03:51
Ghost moved a little closer, "Hmm, so there is. But what does it say? And know this, I'm not touching it. Not a chance in hell."
17-08-2008, 03:56
Tal studied it for a bit. "It's in fancy cursive writing, but it's English. It says... "The Orb of Ra'Jin is yours, with it's power. It no longer has power, only the first to touch it may receive it. It is now a map used to find other orbs. Have fun." Tal kept turning the orb as he read it, and the words kept changing just in front of where he was reading, so the one line read like an entire paragraph. "That's it."
17-08-2008, 03:56
Aeryn cocked his head. "Writing? Any idea what it says?"
17-08-2008, 03:57
Aeryn blinked. "So there are others? And this thing supposedly leads to them? How could that be? I don't see anything like a map on it. Then again, I can't see the writing either."
17-08-2008, 03:59
"So someone wants to play with us. Interesting challenge. I call the next one we find, just to see what happens."
17-08-2008, 03:59
"That's it?" Markov cocked his head. "No mystical riddles, no evil weapons?" He chuckled again. "Well, what does the map look like?"
17-08-2008, 04:01
Aeryn blinked. "So there are others? And this thing supposedly leads to them? How could that be? I don't see anything like a map on it. Then again, I can't see the writing either."

"I'm not sure. How am I supposed to get this thing to work?" Suddenly two words appeared, in big, bold, normal font letters, so everybody could see them. It said, 'Say please'. Tal was somewhat confused, but he said, "Show me the map, please." The orb's colors shifted, and suddenly there were large green spots on it. In those green spots where smaller red dots. Then, on the top, there was an arrow that appeared. It seemed to always point in the same direction no matter how he turned it. "Wait.... it's a compass... and a globe!" Tal could recognize the outlines of continents on the orb.
17-08-2008, 04:03
Markov laughed. "All we had to do was say 'please?' Now that's something."
17-08-2008, 04:04
Aeryn shrugged. "It seems whoever is doing this has a rather twisted sense of humor."
17-08-2008, 04:04
"Magically high tech little piece of work, eh? Dammit, I'll need to pick up a few things if I'm going on a treasure hunt..." He cracked his knuckles.
17-08-2008, 04:05
Markov laughed. "All we had to do was say 'please?' Now that's something."

"Someone has a sick sense of humor. And it's because of them Jenny's gone." Tal stood up, admittedly wobbly doing so. "Wait, what do you all mean by this we stuff? Is this supposed to be some sort of quest or game?" Tal wasn't angry (yet, anyway), but he wondered what the others intended to do.
17-08-2008, 04:07
Aeryn laughed. "I think that to us, this would be some sort of quest, and to whomever is doing this, a game. And to answer the we thing, if you don't mind, I wish to go with you on this quest/game. The girl did say she would buy my statue after all."
17-08-2008, 04:10
Aeryn laughed. "I think that to us, this would be some sort of quest, and to whomever is doing this, a game. And to answer the we thing, if you don't mind, I wish to go with you on this quest/game. The girl did say she would buy my statue after all."

"I never even said I was going. Still... I guess it's a little late to not go. Jenny's gone, and wings just came out of my back. I wonder where they went?"
17-08-2008, 04:11
Ghost leaned back, Wow, I must be good at my job. I've said how much just now and the fool has made a response to any of it.
17-08-2008, 04:12
Aeryn grinned. "From what I've been able to tell, you are not the sort of person to leave a helpless girl all alone in the heavens know where."
17-08-2008, 04:13
Technically, I've found out everything I need to know. But I wonder...

Markov straightened up, and fixed his hat.

"Well, I suppose I can tag along on this little escapade. It might be...interesting."

He had loaded his pistols before he left his hotel, and had packed extra clips in his overcoat. His knife rested firmly in a sheath in his overcoat as well.

Oh yes, he was ready.
17-08-2008, 04:16
Tal looked around at the other people, focusing on Aeryn. "I suppose you're right. Well, I won't stop any of you from coming. I'm just not sure what to expect. From any of this."

He leaned back against his car. It's odd. A group of people just decided to join me in a hunt for orbs of power. Can they be trusted? Do I have a choice? It's not like I can do this on my own.

He sighed. "I wouldn't even know how to start."
17-08-2008, 04:19
Aeryn shrugged. "Follow this arrow. Mayhap it is sort of a treasure hunt, hmm? Find the orbs, find the girls sort of thing." He thought for a second, then muttered, half to himself, "I wonder if touching one would give me my memories back..."
17-08-2008, 04:20
"Well I need to go get some stuff anyway. I'll be back in thirty minutes, I guess you can hold off until then. If not, I'll just have to hunt you down."
17-08-2008, 04:22
Aeryn shrugged. "Follow this arrow. Mayhap it is sort of a treasure hunt, hmm? Find the orbs, find the girls sort of thing." He thought for a second, then muttered, half to himself, "I wonder if touching one would give me my memories back..."

"It's all I have to go one at this point. Anyway, before we start, I think we at least introduce ourselves. I'm Tal. Tal Seraph." Tal was still extremely unnerved at this moment, so he was somewhat unsteady about Ghost's comment. "That's an odd way of putting it, heh."
17-08-2008, 04:23
"It seems pretty clear cut. Find the great orb of power, beat the bad guy, save the pretty girl."

He turned his attention to ghost. He laughed, but somehow, he knew that he wasn't lying.
17-08-2008, 04:23
Aeryn shrugged, and said, "I like to call myself Aeryn."
17-08-2008, 04:24
"My name isn't really too important, not like you would believe me if I told you anyway."
17-08-2008, 04:25
"It seems pretty clear cut. Find the great orb of power, beat the bad guy, save the pretty girl."

He turned his attention to ghost. He laughed, but somehow, he knew that he wasn't lying.

"From the sounds of it, there's more then one orb... not to mention, probably more then one bad guy. Hell, there could be more then one pretty girl." Tal was trying to be funny, but he wasn't really into it at the moment. "Anyway, it's nice to meet you Aeryn. Well, under normal circumstances it would be anyway... no offense."
17-08-2008, 04:26
Aeryn smiled. "Oh, I understand of course." He looked down at the statue and smiled. "I wish I had somewhere to keep this..." He muttered.
17-08-2008, 04:27
"Alexander Markov. Pleasure to meet you." He straightened up, smiling.
17-08-2008, 04:28
"My name isn't really too important, not like you would believe me if I told you anyway."

"I don't see how a name can be unbelievable, but each to his own. And Aeryn, you can just put that in the trunk. It's had a knack of storing odds and ends lately." Tal flexed his shoulder blades, trying to figure out if the wings were a one time deal or not.
17-08-2008, 04:30
"Alexander Markov. Pleasure to meet you." He straightened up, smiling.

"Same to you." Tal was somewhat distracted by his back, trying to see if he could use his wings again.
17-08-2008, 04:31
Aeryn nodded silently, and put the statue in the trunk of the car.
17-08-2008, 04:32
"I go only by the name Ghost. That is all, no last name. Just Ghost." He ran a hand through his white hair and then pulled off his shades. His two silverly eyes fixed on Tal.
17-08-2008, 04:35
"I go only by the name Ghost. That is all, no last name. Just Ghost." He ran a hand through his white hair and then pulled off his shades. His two silverly eyes fixed on Tal.

Tal stared back into his eyes. They seem so.... cold. Tal felt a shiver run down his spine, but he didn't look away. He certainly looks like a Ghost. "Well then, I'll call you Ghost. No problem there."
17-08-2008, 04:36
Ghost... well, that's certainly something. Markov looked into his silvery eyes. I wonder...
17-08-2008, 04:36
Aeryn closed the trunk of the car, and then sat down. "So, how are we going to go about this?" He asked Tal.
17-08-2008, 04:39
Ghost put his shades back on, "I'll go get my stuff. As I said, just be a little patient." With that he jumped over the car and ran off at full sprint.
Kratna X2
17-08-2008, 04:42
well things had sure seem to come to a head rather fast but being a witness she felt as though she should go with them after all who would beleive her if she told them she saw wings pop out of some guys back

"My names Star Lynde" she began "i think i'll tag along as well but like everyone else i need to grab a couple things from home before i go trapsing all over the world" yes things like extra cloths and other personal items she wasnt to worried about missing class after all going to collage had been her parents idea and traveling the world sounded like a much better idea
17-08-2008, 04:43
Aeryn sighed. "Does everyone have things they need to grab? How about you, Tal?"
17-08-2008, 04:43
Aeryn closed the trunk of the car, and then sat down. "So, how are we going to go about this?" He asked Tal.

Tal sighed. Why are they looking to me for answers? Just because I'm half bird now or something, doesn't mean I know anymore then the rest of these people. Still... I guess I have to do something now. "I say we go back inside. I'll make a list of things in there. Standing out here can't be-" Suddenly a rock bounced off Tal's windshield. A group of about a dozen punk kids slid out of the shadows of a nearby alley. Most of them had a weapon of sorts, like lead pipes or chains. They were all smirking. One of them with a switchblade stepped forward. "We're the-" "Jacaby Jackals, I know." Tal had interrupted the seemingly leader of the kids. "A bunch of miscreants who mug people and take their wallets. We don't want trouble, bug off." The kid with the switchblade sneered. "Look's like it's too late for that, looser! Now, gimme your money, or me and my friends will have to teach you a lesson!"

OOC: First fight scene! Bad time for everyone to leave though...
17-08-2008, 04:46
Aeryn sighed, and stood up. He was used to things such as this, as he many people attemped to mug him, partially because he was obviously aforeigner, and because people seemed to think he had a lot of money when they saw the statues. I should really buy a weapon... he thought to himself.
17-08-2008, 04:47
OOC: If you can keep them busy this will have the most spectacular finish.

Ghost was off to get his car, everything he needed was in there. All he had to do was get it and he would be ready to go anywhere.
Kratna X2
17-08-2008, 04:47
((ooc: i havent actualy left yet so Star is still there))
17-08-2008, 04:50
Markov turned, noticing the little gang of boys with their makeshift weapons. Markov smirked, and tilted his hat.

This should be fun. He thought.

"I'd suggest you boy's back off, I mean, someone could get hurt." He said, using his best accent he could make.

Markov wasn't afraid of them. He's been trained by top ranked military people, and masters of all degrees. These kids couldn't stand a chance."

He reached into his overcoat, his hand resting firmly on his combat knife. He wouldn't bother wasting ammo on them.
17-08-2008, 04:53
OOC: I'm looking forward to it.

IC: Tal stepped forward. "You're not getting anything. We spent our money on coffee. Now leave before somebody gets hurt." One of the kids got tired of waiting, and so he ran at Tal, swinging his chain down vertically at him.

Tal sidestepped it instantly, almost before the kid had even swung. When the chain hit the ground, Tal stepped on it and dragged his foot backward. Too hard, it seemed, for sparks shot up from the ground, and the chain snapped, but not before the kid fell flat on his face. How'd I do that? But Tal would worry about it later, when he wasn't surrounded by people armed and ready to hurt him.

Another of the kids got brave and rushed Aeryn with a knife, while two more charged at Markov with chains, both of them clumsily swinging at his legs.
17-08-2008, 04:55
Aeryn sighed, and resigned to the fight to come, casually tripped one of the kids, and kicked him in the head, then dodged the inevitable strikes from his buddies. I hope I don't trip like last time... he thought to himself.
17-08-2008, 04:58
Aeryn sighed, and resigned to the fight to come, casually tripped one of the kids, and kicked him in the head, then dodged the inevitable strikes from his buddies. I hope I don't trip like last time... he thought to himself.

The first kid got back up, while him and two of his friends circled Aeryn. They seemed to want to avoid the guy who was unnaturally fast, so they ignored him. Big mistake.

Tal grabbed one from behind with one hand and thew him into the other, knocking them both to the ground, while the third (the one Aeryn had kicked) made a slash at Aeryn.
17-08-2008, 04:59
One of the kids, barely able to contain his rage, slashed at Markov with his switchblade.

Without a word, Markov quickly ducked under the blade, and threw his elbow up into the kid's solar plexus, feeling it make contact with skin.
17-08-2008, 05:03
There was a roar as a car came around a corner at high speed and stopped. It revved its engine a few times. It was Ghost, what have we here? I wonder how meny of these brats I can run over with one go.
17-08-2008, 05:03
Aeryn managed to dodge enough to get only acut on his arm, and made several jabs at the kids face, and dodged to the right. He really wasn't very strong, and so preffered to be as agile as possible, which has hard considering how naturally clumsy he was.
17-08-2008, 05:09
There was a roar as a car came around a corner at high speed and stopped. It revved its engine a few times. It was Ghost, what have we here? I wonder how meny of these brats I can run over with one go.

The kids saw the car and got scared easily. Most of them left, leaving two kids unconscious on the ground. Only six of them remained, four in fighting condition. This included the leader. "Don't worry guys, they won't kill us or nothin'! They don't have the guts!" They all charged at the car Ghost was in, worrying about him first.
17-08-2008, 05:10
Ashley had stayed back from the fighting, but held back a yelp when her phone vibrated in her pocket. Grasping clumsily for it, she flipped it open. "Hello?"
"Ashley, we finally got it in the workshop. It's gonna..." Alex was about to launch into one of his rambling explinations when he got cut off.
"Look, Tal's back sprouted wings Alex. Get your ass over here now." Ashley told him off while starting to run opposite one of the thugs that had started attacking them. Why'd I pick today to wear heals? she wondered.
"On my way." Alex closed his phone and left the mechanic's garage for the group.
17-08-2008, 05:10
Aeryn smiled slightly and stepped out of the way. From the little he knew of Ghost, he would not hesitate to run them over.
17-08-2008, 05:11
"Poor bastards." Markov said to his new companions. "Ghost isn't the type to care about whether or not he hurts someone." He stepped to the side, the kids now ignoring him.
17-08-2008, 05:12
The kids saw the car and got scared easily. Most of them left, leaving two kids unconscious on the ground. Only six of them remained, four in fighting condition. This included the leader. "Don't worry guys, they won't kill us or nothin'! They don't have the guts!" They all charged at the car Ghost was in, worrying about him first.

OOC: Oh just for the hell of it...

Ghost turned on his CD player sending Cocaine and Toupees, blairing from his speakers as he slammed his foot on the peddle and charged forward. He however made sure the impact wouldn't kill them, he didn't need his car's paint job ruined.
17-08-2008, 05:13
Alex grabbed Ashley's arms and once they figured out each other was alright, they bothered to notice that Ghost had appeared. "So, got any names for me?"
"The one with the wings is Tal." Ashley said as they scooted out of Ghost's way. "And the driver there has horrible tastes in music." she pronounced.
17-08-2008, 05:15
Ashley had stayed back from the fighting, but held back a yelp when her phone vibrated in her pocket. Grasping clumsily for it, she flipped it open. "Hello?"
"Ashley, we finally got it in the workshop. It's gonna..." Alex was about to launch into one of his rambling explinations when he got cut off.
"Look, Tal's back sprouted wings Alex. Get your ass over here now." Ashley told him off while starting to run opposite one of the thugs that had started attacking them. Why'd I pick today to wear heals? she wondered.
"On my way." Alex closed his phone and left the mechanic's garage for the group.

The six kids continued at the car, while the one chased Ashley. Tal was quick to chase after the kid. Somehow he seemed almost twice as fast, and caught him easily. He tackled the brat, but not before the kid slashed his chest. Tal picked him up with both hands and threw him at a nearby car, so the kid landed on top and rolled off. Bleeding, the kid ran away. Tal turned around. Great, I wore my good shirt today. Now there's two holes in the back, and it now I'm bleeding on the front. "Are you ok?" he called to Ashley. He hadn't caught her name before.

OOC: His wings disappeared, there's just two holes in the back of his shirt where they were, he's not sure how to get them back yet.
17-08-2008, 05:19
OOC: Good to know.
"Tal, right?" Ashley asked. "Ya, we're fine. I know of two cars that aren't, but we are. I'd ask about yourself, but it looks like you need some wrapping up."
17-08-2008, 05:24
Ghost hit the kids head on, flesh vs. metal wasn't a good matchup. They flew back and rolled as he stepped out of the car with a cruel-looking dagger in his hand. He knew that they weren't dead, especially since there was no blood on his hood and they were still moving. "Who here actually wants to go into the afterlife?" He reached in to turn his CD player off. "Well? What motherfuckers, what?"

OOC: Who actually bothered to look up that song?
17-08-2008, 05:25
OOC: Oh just for the hell of it...

Ghost turned on his CD player sending Cocaine and Toupees, blairing from his speakers as he slammed his foot on the peddle and charged forward. He however made sure the impact wouldn't kill them, he didn't need his car's paint job ruined.

The kids tumbled to the ground. One was knocked out, and the others got up, bleeding and crying. The leader's arm was bent in a sideways angle. He yelped something that sounded like "Retreat!". Or 'Ravioli'. It was hard to tell, he was crying so hard. The kids were quick to leave, leaving just three unconscious kids behind.

Tal watched them leave, then turned back to Ashley. "I suppose so."
17-08-2008, 05:27
Ashley was shaking after Ghost hit their assailants. "I don't trust him as far as I could throw him."
"Which isn't far." Alex joked, earning him a nudge in the ribs.
"So what now?" She asked of Tal, figuring him to be the leader of this little crew.
17-08-2008, 05:28
Markov stepped over to where Tal and Ashley were standing, stopping to pick up his hat, which had fallen off during the fight. He dusted it off, and placed it on his head.

"Now, where were we?" He smiled.
17-08-2008, 05:29
"How about names?" Alex asked of Markov while extending his hand. "Alex Lundstrum. And this," he put his other arm around Ashley, "Is Ashley Knight."
17-08-2008, 05:30
Ashley was shaking after Ghost hit their assailants. "I don't trust him as far as I could throw him."
"Which isn't far." Alex joked, earning him a nudge in the ribs.
"So what now?" She asked of Tal, figuring him to be the leader of this little crew.

Tal was shaky too, but more from how he had been fighting. I'm not nearly that fast or strong... what's happening to me? He turned back to Ashley, controlling his shaking. Why does everybody ask me? Since when am I the leader? Well, I might as well look the part. "I say we discuss all this in the coffee shop. A parking lot isn't very good for talking, I think. Oh, and I'm Tal Seraph."
17-08-2008, 05:30
Markov gripped Alex's hand firmly, and shook.

"Alexander Markov. Pleasure to meet you two."
17-08-2008, 05:34
Ghost was quick to pick up the kid who was unconcious, "Yo, I'm gonna take this one to the local hospital. Be back in a bit." He placed the kid in the back rather carefully for someone who just ran into a whole group of kids, making sure to buckle him up. After that was done he jumped back in and was off.
17-08-2008, 05:36
Tal shook his head. He couldn't understand Ghost, and he didn't try to. He noticed his bleeding had already slowed, but his chest wound was still open and flowing. "Uh, anyone have any bandages?"
17-08-2008, 05:38
"Perhaps they have something inside." Markov gestured to the coffee shop.
17-08-2008, 05:39
"Good to meet you all. And they're in my wagon." Alex muttered. "Hang on a minute." he jogged off again, fishing for his keys as he left.
"Alright, coffee on me." Ashley started shepherding everyone toward the coffee shop.
17-08-2008, 05:42
Tal nodded. "Let's go then." He walked to the doors of the coffee shop. There was still no one in there, except for the person at the counter, who seemed to have missed the fiasco outside. Tal sat down at a table, thinking on everything that was happening.
17-08-2008, 05:47
"Mint condition and a white chocolate mocha." Ashley said to the clerk, handing over a debit card. "They're all on my bill." She looked to the group. "Get what you want, it's always good to have something like this if we're going to be talking."
17-08-2008, 05:48
Tal muttered, "no thanks." He felt awake and tired at the same time, and he was still trying to come to grips with what had happened.
17-08-2008, 05:54
"Alexander, did you want something?" Ashley asked. "And Tal, you sure? Not even water?"
Alex chose then to enter, carrying a small tote under his arm with a red plus on the lid. "Someone call for first aid?" he sat down next to Tal and opened the kit while Ashley brought his mocha.
17-08-2008, 05:54
Markov smiled at Ashley. "I can get it, thank you."

He stepped up to the counter.

"Plain coffee. Black." He said.

After receiving his cup, he made his way to their table, and helped himself to a seat.
17-08-2008, 05:56
Tal shook his head. "I'm not really thirsty." He looked in the box. "Er, what size bandage should I use?"
17-08-2008, 06:00
Ashley took her card back once they'd all ordered. She stashed the receipt in her pocket while sitting next to Alex.
"What size? He's funny. Have you even looked at the size of that cut?" he pulled out a roll of gauze, scissors, and tape. "It'll be hard to do with that shirt on though." he hated to bring it up, but it didn't look like Ashley or anyone else was going to.
17-08-2008, 06:06
"No, I haven't really checked it out.... just a sec." Tal removed his shirt. It was pretty much useless, with two gaping holes and a gash in it. Tal's cut wasn't too deep, but it was still bleeding. "Er, I'm not good with this medical stuff. What now?"
17-08-2008, 06:08
The door swung open as Ghost entered, eating a bag of Doritos. "So, what did I miss? Nothing? Good." He took a seat near the group and continued munching down on them, "Gotta love the Cool Ranch."
17-08-2008, 06:10
The door swung open as Ghost entered, eating a bag of Doritos. "So, what did I miss? Nothing? Good." He took a seat near the group and continued munching down on them, "Gotta love the Cool Ranch."

Tal laughed. "I'd have to agree with you there. But most people tend to think otherwise... anyway, I think they're good."
17-08-2008, 06:10
"Just sit still and let me know if you're in any pain other than this." He pulled out an alcohol swab and opened the packaging. "This will sting." he started cleaning the cut, thankful for all those accidents in the fields that gave him practice at first aid. "It's long, so we're going to do a wrap, but shallow, so it won't need more than a few layers. Lift up your arms a bit."
17-08-2008, 06:11
"Just sit still and let me know if you're in any pain other than this." He pulled out an alcohol swab and opened the packaging. "This will sting." he started cleaning the cut, thankful for all those accidents in the fields that gave him practice at first aid. "It's long, so we're going to do a wrap, but shallow, so it won't need more than a few layers. Lift up your arms a bit."

Tal cringed slightly, but compared to how the wings hurt earlier, he barely even felt it. He obeyed and lifted his arms. He felt somewhat silly, but he didn't think he could do it himself properly, so he didn't complain.
17-08-2008, 06:16
Markov sipped his coffee, chuckling silently at Tal. He reached over and stole a Dorito from Ghost, munching on it.
17-08-2008, 06:18
Alex started wrapping Tal's chest. It only took a couple passes before he cut the gauze and taped the end in place. It was pretty tight, and did pass over his shoulder blades a bit, but it was better than leaving it uncovered. "There you go." Alex cleaned up and handed Tal a shirt. "You're not too much larger than I am so hopefully that'll fit." He was stretching the truth a bit. Compared to most people, Alex was a stick, but the shirt was rather large.

"So just who are you?" Ashley demanded of Ghost.
17-08-2008, 06:20
Tal slipped the shirt on. It was a bit loose, but it was better then nothing. "Thanks." He pulled the orb out of his pocket and set it on the table, looking at it. "Everybody here and comfortable?" Tal called out.
17-08-2008, 06:23
"A man." Was the reply that came from Ghost, he was wearing his sunglasses again and had no expression. "What's it to you? Don't you know it's rude to ask someone who they are without introducing yourself first?" He looked to Tal, "Take it away when you're ready."
17-08-2008, 06:23
"I think so." Ashley said. "So just what is this?" she tapped at the orb with a ruby red nail. She then looked to Ghost. "You ran off as we were doing so. I'm Ashley."
17-08-2008, 06:27
"He's Ghost." Tal stated plainly. He looked back to the orb. "Well, I guess the whole 'power of the orb' thing was a one time deal. This is what made Jenny disappear, and gave me wings." He leaned back. "I think I'll wait for the others to get in here so I don't have to explain twice."
17-08-2008, 06:29
"I think so." Ashley said. "So just what is this?" she tapped at the orb with a ruby red nail. She then looked to Ghost. "You ran off as we were doing so. I'm Ashley."

"He's Ghost." Tal stated plainly. He looked back to the orb. "Well, I guess the whole 'power of the orb' thing was a one time deal. This is what made Jenny disappear, and gave me wings." He leaned back. "I think I'll wait for the others to get in here so I don't have to explain twice."

"Like he said. I go by the name Ghost. Sorry about running off, but I still have a little heart left in me."
17-08-2008, 06:30
"Wow, dangerous little thing." Alex said. "But it's benign now? I find it odd that something as powerful as this would be a disposable tool."
17-08-2008, 06:31
"Not really. It's a map to the next orb, and it has had messages on it a couple of times. I don't plan on leaving it behind, at any rate."
17-08-2008, 06:31
"Like he said. I go by the name Ghost. Sorry about running off, but I still have a little heart left in me."

"Good to know, let's hope you have a little more by the time all of this insanity is said and done." Ashley sighed. "Everyone could use a little more heart to be honest."
"Aw, I love it when you go all gushy about humanity." Alex said, wrapping her in his arms.
17-08-2008, 06:34
"Not really. It's a map to the next orb, and it has had messages on it a couple of times. I don't plan on leaving it behind, at any rate."

"Maps are good, but useless without transportation. I got room for 8 if we cram into the wagon once it's fixed." Alex said. "And leaving it behind would not be wise if that's the case."
"Eight's pushing it. We'd really have to get in. Like a freaking clown car." Ashley scolded.
"And goodbye gushy." Alex chuckled. Ashley rolled her eyes and they took sips of their drinks.
17-08-2008, 06:34
Some of us really don't need it in order to survive little girl. It's a harsh world out there, sometimes it just gets in the way... Ghost thought to himself. His glare was a powerful, which was why he wore the shades. "I have a car too, y'know."
17-08-2008, 06:36
How cute. Markov thought to himself, sarcastically.

That brings back memories.

He took a sip of his coffee.

"For all we know, the next orb could be on another continent. We should travel in more then one vehicle, so we're not all crammed in one."
17-08-2008, 06:38
"Yes, but I'm bringing it up in case people either don't have one or don't want to listen to your music." Alex chuckled. "And that's a good point Alexander. Tal, can you show us the map again?"
17-08-2008, 06:40
"And I'm telling you right now that I don't exactly care about you're opinions. Now I imagine you're not stupid enough to think I listen to music wherever I go. Honestly, I suppose you've never heard of getting into the mood."
17-08-2008, 06:48
"We should have stayed in Minnesota." Alex sighed to himself, wishing these people could take jokes better.
17-08-2008, 06:54
"Calm down, my friend." Markov said, smiling. "Alex here was only joking."
17-08-2008, 07:03
OOC: Is everyone still at the coffe shop? I quit bothering to read it after they got in there.
17-08-2008, 07:04
OOC: yes.
17-08-2008, 07:06
Aeryn, after discovering that they served nothing but coffee, went off and sat at a corner table, and sat to listening to the others, apparently arguing about music.
17-08-2008, 07:18
(OOC: Mer, did you see my idea in the OOC thread?)
17-08-2008, 15:58
Tal took out the orb. It had turned into a mini-globe of the earth. There was a small red dot on it, somewhere around the New York/Canadian Border. The arrow on the top of the globe seemed to always fact northwest, where the dot was. "Looks like it's near Niagara Falls."
17-08-2008, 18:04
Ashley looked to Alex and grinned. "Road trip!" She exclaimed.
"Saw it coming a mile away." He replied. "You guys are thinking road trip right? It'd be cheaper than air travel."
"The Lundymobile's in the shop though." Ashley said, half wondering if she could get someone to laugh at the name for the station wagon.
17-08-2008, 18:12
OOC:Damnit guys, how much can you do in a single night?!?!?! I was away for like 14hrs at most, and you create 10 pages rofl. Please, someone fill me in.
17-08-2008, 18:14
OOC: We kicked bad guy ass (Ghost ran them over) then we went into the coffee shop, traded names, ordered drinks (on Ashley), and Alex bandaged up Tal and now they're looking at a map showing the next Orb. So feel free to post, but I gotta head out for a few hours, my cousin needs someone to get her to Urgent Care, it sounds like she's having tonsil problems. :(
17-08-2008, 18:18
OOC:That's not good. Hope she's ok. If I was here, I shoulda bandaged im lol. Since I'm an ex-medic rofl. I have no idea where to come in....
17-08-2008, 23:19
(OOC: Well, we're talking about where the next orb is, and how to get there.)
18-08-2008, 01:50
Tal did chuckle at Ashley's joke, even though it hurt his gash somewhat. "Am I suppose to ask how it got that name?"
18-08-2008, 02:20
"Looks like we're gonna need some snacks, especially if we're going on this kind of trip. And who knows where the next one will appear?" Ghost said, finishing the last of the Doritos.
18-08-2008, 04:27
"Well it was his sister Kaylene's before he had it, and his parent's before that, so it's always been a Lundstrum car. Well, everyone calls the Lundstrums, Lundys to make things shorter and it just kinda migrated to the Lundymobile. From there it just stuck." Ashley gave her brief history.
"Snacks is probably a good idea. I've got a feeling though that McDonalds is going to be our best friend for a while though." Alex sighed, the thought of this trip making his wallet scream in agony.
18-08-2008, 14:24
"McDonalds? I'm going for Subway, not a chance in hell I'm eating McDonalds." Ghost shuddered to think about what the food at that particular chain was actually made of. "Anyway, I'm good with eating very little since I wander so much."
18-08-2008, 23:08
Tal shook his head. "That makes sense, I guess." He was just glad that everybody seemed to adapt to the situation so fast. He was still extremely concerned about what happened- no, was happening to him, but he tried to get rid of those thoughts. Too much of that type of thinking, and I'll go crazy, he thought. "I think grocery stores might be a better idea," he said, trying to add to the conversation. He still felt a little shaky from before.
19-08-2008, 00:05
"We'll figure something out, let's leave it at that." Ashley shrugged. "Now how are we getting everywhere? Or more specifically, who doesn't have a ride of their own?"
19-08-2008, 00:09
"I have that car outside...." Man, I wish I could put those wings to use.
19-08-2008, 00:15
"And we'll have the lundymobile in a couple days." Alex put in. "Plus Ghost obviously has a car." Man I hope we know what we're getting into...
19-08-2008, 00:37
"I wonder what it'd be like to fly?" Tal was thinking about those wings still, unaware he had just completely changed the subject. Still, if I could fly...
19-08-2008, 02:09
"Who knows." Ashley said, not realizing the subject had changed. "Do you even know how to get the wings back out?"
19-08-2008, 02:11
"I'm still not completely sure how I got them in the first place. I wish I knew more... it was odd, but in that fight earlier... it seemed like I was fighting normally, but yet there's no way I'm that fast or strong. This is really.... weird." Tal had been about to use a different word, but changed his mind at the last second. "I still wish I knew what was happening here."
19-08-2008, 02:23
"Well, I guess we'll just have to figure things out as we go. Maybe that orb did more than give you wings though." Ashley was speculating.
19-08-2008, 02:25
"I guess that's not my only concern. If it gave me all these... these, 'abilities'.... what did it take?" Tal looked down at his hands. "More importantly, I'm worried about Jenny. I hope she's fine, wherever she is."
19-08-2008, 03:24
Markov looked over at Tal. He looked like he was genuinely upset.

"Try not to worry about your girlfriend too much. She seemed like a strong enough woman. She'll be just fine." He looked to the rest of the group. "My hotel room can accommodate those who need shelter, while we wait for your 'lundymobile' (making the appropriate quotation marks with his hands) to be repaired."
19-08-2008, 03:30
"I never thought of that." Ashley commented. "It's a rational thought, but my thought is to take life as it comes."
Alex however was more sensitive to Tal's plight. "Don't worry about it. We'll see how things go and we'll find Jenny. For all we know this next orb will have a power for one of us that will help us do just that. And thanks, I have a feeling we'll need that. We can help pay the bill too." he offered.
19-08-2008, 03:38
"I suppose..." Tal sounded like he wasn't convinced by Ashley. He then focused his attention on Alex. "And you're ready to just accept some random power that could permanently deform you for the rest of your life?" Finally he turned to Markov. "She's not my girlfriend, I actually barely know her. But still... I can't stand the thought of anything happening to anybody on my account. But I live nearby in my apartment, there's room for one, maybe two people there." He then turned his eye's back to his hands, hands that had picked up and thrown those adolescents earlier like they were pieces of garbage. For some reason he couldn't stop his hands from shaking, a problem he'd never had before.
19-08-2008, 03:42
"I see." Markov smiled, and placed his hand on the top of his hat, pulling it down slightly. "My apologies."
19-08-2008, 03:44
Tal shrugged. "I can see how you'd think that, it's quite alright. I just wanted to be clear." He moved a little bit, twisting his shoulder blades and adjusting his bandage on his torso.
19-08-2008, 03:59
Aeryn, deciding to break his silence, and put in his two cents said, "Don't worry about money by the way. If things get tight I can always carve another statue, though apparently I'm a bad salesman, so someone else should take care of the selling."
19-08-2008, 04:02
Aeryn, deciding to break his silence, and put in his two cents said, "Don't worry about money by the way. If things get tight I can always carve another statue, though apparently I'm a bad salesman, so someone else should take care of the selling."

Tal sighed. "I've got a lot of money saved up, from working and inheritance. I was saving so I could go back to college for two years, but somehow it doesn't seem too important anymore."
19-08-2008, 04:04
Aeryn smiled slightly. "I feel the need to contribute something to this little trip, seeing as how I'm honestly more likely to trip on my own feet rather than help you. And I get the feeling it is more easy for me to make money than it was for you to save all that."
19-08-2008, 04:06
Ashley clammed up, figuring she'd done enough damage. Alex meanwhile went on. "Well, accept isn't the right word. But the fact is that things are happening, and I'm interested. We may as well see where this path takes us. But don't look to Ash or I for sales people. We're horrible at it."
19-08-2008, 04:07
Aeryn smiled slightly. "I feel the need to contribute something to this little trip, seeing as how I'm honestly more likely to trip on my own feet rather than help you. And I get the feeling it is more easy for me to make money than it was for you to save all that."

Tal nodded. "I understand what you are saying, but the fact is until now you've been carving to take care of yourself, not all of us. Face it, we'll all have to pitch in."
19-08-2008, 04:09
Ashley clammed up, figuring she'd done enough damage. Alex meanwhile went on. "Well, accept isn't the right word. But the fact is that things are happening, and I'm interested. We may as well see where this path takes us. But don't look to Ash or I for sales people. We're horrible at it."

"Just as long as you realize how that path might end." Tal knew he was being a bit morbid, but he also wanted to get across how serious this was.
19-08-2008, 04:11
Markov chuckled. "I suppose you're going to have to sell your sculpture for 60 after all. As for myself, I'm pretty handy with..." he smirked grimly "...negotiating. Plus, I can shoot. And I'm sure Ghost here knows a thing or two as well."
19-08-2008, 04:11
Aeryn's smile widened. "I once sold a marble statue for two thousand dollars, and as horrible as I am at selling, can you imagine how much more someone whos even a mediocre salesman could sell it for? That, and lets say I sell one statue for sixty dollars. I cna carve a statue like that in perhaps half an hour."
19-08-2008, 04:14
Aeryn's smile widened. "I once sold a marble statue for two thousand dollars, and as horrible as I am at selling, can you imagine how much more someone whos even a mediocre salesman could sell it for? That, and lets say I sell one statue for sixty dollars. I cna carve a statue like that in perhaps half an hour."

Tal shrugged again. "You're the artist, not me. I'll take your word for it. I could try to sell your scluptures, I've taken a lot of business classes, but they're more for management then sales."
19-08-2008, 04:18
"I realize where the path could end up." Alex responded. "But it's a risk I'm willing to take. I do like your sculpture idea though."
19-08-2008, 04:20
Aeryn laughed. "I'm hoping it'll make up for when I fall on my face at a critical moment."
19-08-2008, 04:23
"I realize where the path could end up." Alex responded. "But it's a risk I'm willing to take. I do like your sculpture idea though."

Tal had ignored Aeryn when he heard Alex. "Why? Why are you willing to risk everything? Just drop everything and go, maybe lose it all? Why?" It was obvious Tal was very intent on an answer, leaning over the table.
19-08-2008, 04:25
Alex chuckled. "Now who does that remind me of?"
"Any number of people." Ashley said with all seriousness.
"Actually I had a specific person in mind, but that works too."
19-08-2008, 04:26
Tal had ignored Aeryn when he heard Alex. "Why? Why are you willing to risk everything? Just drop everything and go, maybe lose it all? Why?" It was obvious Tal was very intent on an answer, leaning over the table.

Alex sighed at this. "Because it's a once in a lifetime chance. God has dropped something that could be a huge blessing into my lap and you expect me to do nothing? Yes, I understand the risks, but this could be something that changes our lives for good beyond our wildest dreams."
19-08-2008, 04:29
Alex sighed at this. "Because it's a once in a lifetime chance. God has dropped something that could be a huge blessing into my lap and you expect me to do nothing? Yes, I understand the risks, but this could be something that changes our lives for good beyond our wildest dreams."

"It is your decision.... but personally, I wish this had never happened." He sighed as he leaned back. He was all worked up. He needed to calm down.
19-08-2008, 04:31
Aeryn gave another slight smile. "And what of you, Tal? Why are you willing to put aside everything in your life in order to save a girl, when it really wasn't your fault to begin with?"