NationStates Jolt Archive

Pacific Islands Conference: Miroxia '08 (Closed, ATTN PI members)

15-08-2008, 13:37
The newest high council of Miroxia, Hartford Benson, wore a huge grin on his face as he walked into the doors of the Miroxia's Conference Hall. Today was a special day as he slipped past the lobby and down the hall; up the elevator and two doors down. He opened the door and revealed a long table, 6 seats on each side and 1 on each side.

As he took his seat at the far end of the table, he inspected the clean-ness of the room. The red carpet was stainless, the windows to his right were crystal clear as a view of the ocean, and in the distance, the wonderful Pacific Islands.

Keneth Marsh, former body-guard of Roland and Durant, stood next to his High Councilor. "Sir," Keneth said, showing off the fruits of his English classes.

"Yes?" Hartford replied.

"Today is the day you meet the friends and companions of my previous leaders, to whom I guarded," Keneth said in his accented-English voice.

Hartford leaned back in his blue-leather chair and inspected his gold name plate. A flag of Miroxia was sticking out of both holes on the top. Likewise, it was like that for all, except on the other one, the national flag of the nation's leader was on the left. Also, the names of each leader were engraved on the gold plate, though Hartford did not expect all to come.

He replied, with a smile, "I know." He then awaited the arrival of the Pacific Island national leaders.
15-08-2008, 13:38
OOC: Don't this bring back memories! Its been a year, hasn't it. I wish I could attend, but alas I've moved on to Mediterranica.
15-08-2008, 13:44
OOC: what about Rodinia?

Anyways, yeah, it does. With all the new leaders, so much has changed in the course of a year. It feels good to hold a conference. Solenial let me do this one, and we will vote for a host on the next one.

Good luck in Mediterranica!
15-08-2008, 13:50
OOC: Rodinia is very, very inactive. Miamoria is still there for the time being though. Anyways, good luck with the region and happy diplomacy.