Juntastan Begins Building New City of Cthonopolis Out Of Stealth Materials
Juntastan Ascendacy
11-08-2008, 03:37
-New Cthonopolis Gazzette-
"Construction of a new city called Cthonopolis has begun using what is called "stealth materials". These materials, discovered by scientist, have been adapted to bend light and reate a "cloaked" city. Cthonopolis's new mayor Johnathon Acilles of the Minor House of Achilles says this will help the Kindred avoid the prying eyes of the pawandah. "Allthough the Electorial War is going on between the different canidates and Houses, we felt that to protect the Great Belief and keep our citizens from being ritually polluted by being watched by voyeuristic unbeliever eyes, this new material would help protect our sanctity, while avoiding disputes that led to the downfall of our former Arch Aristocra".
The new materials bends light, so as to make the city practically visible and pretty much invisible to satelites. Citizens in the new city will be issues clothes containing fabric derivatives of the new material, which will make them invisible to satelites as well. "Were pleased that we can worship and practice the Great Belief without blasphemous eyes" said Pontifix Maximus of the local Temple of Militius. "It was really disturbing for us to know we were being spyed on by other unbeliever nations while we were offering sacrafices to Lord Militius on his day of worship. I know my Prontiff colleauges of the Temple of Pantheus and of Kore and others were greatly bothered by it too. The Mysteries of the One should be kept sacred and undefiled from the voyeurism of the powandah.
In other news, the Electoral War is being fought in the Straits of Pericles, with naval engagements between the contending Houses. Casualties has been high, but the Junstanese Self Defense Navy is awaiting a clear victor to throw their weight behind and thereby declare whom the new Arch Aristocra will be. May the One and the Gods be kind to all, and may the One give victory to the One's choice for the new Arch Aristocra!"
OOC: it is possible, see link: http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20080810/sc_nm/cloaking_dc
OOC:You're still here 0.o I must admit however, this is a good idea.
Red Tide2
12-08-2008, 23:16
OOC: Correction, it is not possible. That very article states that it is impossible to stealth a building, much less an entire city. Not too mention it's gonna be expensive!
So in short:
1. You'll drive your economy into the ground trying too build it.
2. It won't work anyways.
Gun Manufacturers
13-08-2008, 03:24
OOC: Correction, it is not possible. That very article states that it is impossible to stealth a building, much less an entire city. Not too mention it's gonna be expensive!
So in short:
1. You'll drive your economy into the ground trying too build it.
2. It won't work anyways.
OOC: It might be possible in PMT or FT. But I think Juntastan Ascendacy is MT, so you'd be right.
Juntastan Ascendacy
13-08-2008, 05:49
Our scientists have made several breakthroughs on the technology and improved it. So it will work, but yes, it will be expensive.
Our scientists have made several breakthroughs on the technology and improved it. So it will work, but yes, it will be expensive.
OOC: A fanatical theocracy with genius scientists too? Suuuure.
Alliance Star
13-08-2008, 06:52
OoC: If I may, just simply deploy large scale bombers (like the B-52), and coat the area in paint or other marking material, just to spite him/her. Much cheaper, and feasible for an opposing nation.
The Beatus
13-08-2008, 06:53
OOC: why not just throw camo netting over your cities?
OOC: It might be possible in PMT or FT. But I think Juntastan Ascendacy is MT, so you'd be right.
Actually, it still falls under the category of "completely and utterly impossible." A coating of metamaterials as described above would be suicide by boiling to whoever was inside it.
Simple logic: Metamaterial "cloak" prevents light, heat, etc. from being noticed by bending it around it. Thus, no light on the inside. In order to generate light so people inside can see, you need to generate heat. Heat or light escaping defeats the entire purpose of the so-called cloak, so the interior must be made of black body materials. Thus, no heat or light will escape. While this prevents detection, it does cause the interior temperature to climb rapidly to the point where the equipment inside fails and any people begin to cook in their own juices.
So, essentially all you've made is a very large and very expensive oven.
13-08-2008, 07:08
I suppose that he could have had flaps over entryways to allow heat to escape. Say, every air conditioning unit in the building has the outlet pipes sticking out of there, and when a war or something comes, evacuate the building and close the flaps while attempting to dissipate the heat with liquid nitrogen or something. For lighting inside, he could use LED or some sort of cold lighting. However, all of this would be mightily expensive.
Juntastan Ascendacy
13-08-2008, 08:37
Cthonopolis will mainly be underground. The stealth material is to hide entrnces, e.t.c
This will minimize it being sited.
As for theocratic, no we are not. The clergy, as it is, dosen;t run the government. The government is ran by the Major Houses, extended families that are descendants of the original settlers of Juntastan.
Minor Houses are people who can claim descent from a Homeric hero that fought at Troy. But even they must be "adopted" into a Major House to take part in the government over the Assembly of Citizens, which has representatives from all the cities.
The power, then depends on whose family you belong to. If your in a Major House, or related to them, then you can participate in the upper parts of government. If your from a minor House, you can be adopted by a patron from a Mahor House, or if you do a great military, artistic or athletic feat, you can also be adopted by a Major House and thereby be elligible for the upper reaches of the government.
13-08-2008, 08:57
I can't help but notice that if you're building it mainly underground, you can go the extra mile and build it almost entirely underground. At least the "holy part," as you definitely have ways to have parts that aren't holy, since you have a handful of cities open to the world. Built into plateaus or the sides of canyons and then downward, the cities would be completely invisible from satellites, anyway, so this material for building purposes, if it even was viable, is an expensive lack of utility.
Also, it seems that our nations are run in fairly similar manner. Neat.
Red Tide2
13-08-2008, 22:01
Cthonopolis will mainly be underground. The stealth material is to hide entrnces, e.t.c
This will minimize it being sited.
OOC: Infrared sattelites would still detect the entrances and there are sattelites that can detect the location of large, underground structures by bouncing RADAR-waves off the ground and the construction equipment that would be required to do this would be impossible to miss. Also, your going to need a ton of air filters to keep everyone from suffocating, which will add too the already prohibitive cost. Your economy is going too tank if you go through with this.
13-08-2008, 22:56
OOC: Infrared sattelites would still detect the entrances and there are sattelites that can detect the location of large, underground structures by bouncing RADAR-waves off the ground and the construction equipment that would be required to do this would be impossible to miss. Also, your going to need a ton of air filters to keep everyone from suffocating, which will add too the already prohibitive cost. Your economy is going too tank if you go through with this.
Huh, I have a question for you. And perhaps I missed something otherwise, but he is just going for "infidels forbidden to look upon the city," right? I would think that it then doesn't matter if people see the construction equipment, the entrances, or location of vague underground structures?
Oh course, anyone can correct me if I'm wrong on that.
But anyway, my actual question meant for you; two, actually. Would the air filters alone be prohibitively expensive, do you think? And what exactly do you see if you try infrared or radar detection of underground facilities? I mean, it can't possibly be very high-res, can it?
Red Tide2
13-08-2008, 23:16
Huh, I have a question for you. And perhaps I missed something otherwise, but he is just going for "infidels forbidden to look upon the city," right? I would think that it then doesn't matter if people see the construction equipment, the entrances, or location of vague underground structures?
Oh course, anyone can correct me if I'm wrong on that.
But anyway, my actual question meant for you; two, actually. Would the air filters alone be prohibitively expensive, do you think? And what exactly do you see if you try infrared or radar detection of underground facilities? I mean, it can't possibly be very high-res, can it?
Point 1: No, the mere act of construction and maintnence would be absurdly expensive. The fact that he'll need a huge number of air filters if this is going to be a decent-sized city, plus the fact that he'll need to constantly replace those air filters, will only make it worse.
Another reason it's a bad idea would be that delayed-fuse, earth-penetrating weapons could cause massive cave-ins, not to mention how horridly vulnerable too chemical weapons the place will be.
Point 2: I am unsure, the exact amount of info is probably classified. Anything I say will be pure-speculation and assumption-making.
Not to mention the fact that your source specifically mentions it WON'T be used to hide from satelites:
Each new material works to reverse light in limited wavelengths, so no one will be using them to hide buildings from satellites, said Jason Valentine, who worked on one of the projects.
The Ryou Black Islands
14-08-2008, 00:22
OOC: One good Bunker Buster will blast that city sky high and kill many Civilians and also The Heat from any Vents open for air, the heat will come out and Infered would find the targets easy.
In Short, a More Modern nation will find your city and blast it to ruins.
Well, you know what they say.....
(Ron White. Use your own judgment).