Arnold Oil Corp. (Oil for Sale)
The Beatus
10-08-2008, 03:29
Official Announcement
To the World,
Arnold Oil Corp. is opening it's reserves to foreign export. Arnold Oil production has outpaced Beatusian consumption, and therefore, we are now offering the surplus for export. Currently we have 55 billion bbls/day surplus for export. Any nations/companies interested in purchasing oil from Arnold Oil Corp., should contact us with the amount required. The current price is $20/bbl. Arnold Oil Corp., provides quality light sweet crude, from the Beatus' most productive wells, and there is no indication that production has, or will peak in the next 100 years. The map below depicts Arnold Oil Corp. infrastructure, which and terminals, from which your nation's/company's ships may pick up their oil.
(Dark Red Line=Pipeline, Green Dot=Terminal)
10-08-2008, 05:03
Official Announcement
To the World,
Arnold Oil Corp. is opening it's reserves to foreign export. Arnold Oil production has outpaced Beatusian consumption, and therefore, we are now offering the surplus for export. Currently we have 55 billion bbls/day surplus for export. Any nations/companies interested in purchasing oil from Arnold Oil Corp., should contact us with the amount required. The current price is $20/bbl. Arnold Oil Corp., provides quality light sweet crude, from the Beatus' most productive wells, and there is no indication that production has, or will peak in the next 100 years. The map below depicts Arnold Oil Corp. infrastructure, which and terminals, from which your nation's/company's ships may pick up their oil.
(Dark Red Line=Pipeline, Green Dot=Terminal)
OOC: Get ready to be badmouthed/invaded by Griffincrest. I'm guessing he'll show up within half an hour.
10-08-2008, 05:13
Official Message
To: Arnold Oil Corp.
From: Errikan Oil
Greetings! We are Errikan Oil, a subsidiary of Weapson and the preeminent petroleum provider in the Errikan Empire, and have noted your recent message to the world at large; we have interest in investment in your fine company. Our markets and resources could also allow you to expand your operations and infrastructure. If you are interested in selling stock or the like, please contact us.
The Beatus
10-08-2008, 07:22
Official Message
To Errikan Oil,
We would be most interested in selling stock to your nation. Currently there are 124,950,000 shares avaliable, or 35% of total shares. Shares are currently valued at $28.01 USD. If you wish to purchase some, simply state how many, and transfer the money.
Arnold Zimmerman
Arnold Oil Corp.
10-08-2008, 11:13
ooc: damn it, where's the Jaws music to anounce GriffinCrest is gonna be coming?
OOC: you did this on purpose didn't you?
ooc: iamde a thread like this and griffencrest or any other oil concouring nation showed up, i was sad and dissapointed.
TO: Arnold Oil Coperation
FROM: Vamperial Kingdom of Lynion, King Vamp
It has come to my attention you have oil for sale. We would like to buy an average of 50 barrels of oil ber month. We hope you can come up with a decent price we can argee on. When you do transport the oil, please send one shippment to Lynscert Island and the others to Lynhavic Island. Thank you.
10-08-2008, 11:30
TO: Arnold Oil Company.
FROM: Ceorouon.
It has come to my attention that the Arnold Oil Company has oil for sale. I would like to buy five hundred, sixty seven million barrels of oil for use in Ceorouon. I will pay any fee to recieve this oil. I will personally make sure that several cargo ships arrive and recieve this oil, at any time, day or place you wish.
Prime Minister J. Peterson
10-08-2008, 11:54
[OOC: I have my doubts that Griffincrest is in any position to attack the Beatus at this point. Many nations hate his oil mongering ICly, and the entire NU region will be there to stop him if he does invade.]
The Anghele Government would like to make a contract with your company,where you supplied our nation with 22.950.000.000 barrels of oil every 18 years with an option reserved for an increase of the supply if needed.
Funds pending approval of contract.
Thank you.
Gun Manufacturers
10-08-2008, 14:27
TO: Arnold Oil Corp.
FROM: Michael Thames, CEO ASoil
RE: Stock interest
ASoil, the ASoGM's largest oil company, would be interested in purchasing stock in your company as well. We are prepared to purchase 100,000,000 shares, for a total of $2,801,000,000. We will wire the money once the sale is approved.
Soviet Aissur
10-08-2008, 17:16
[OOC:Paging Griffincrest. It's suck for him if he did move to take the oil.]
To: Arnold Oil Corp.
From: Aissurian National Oil Company.
We would like to purchase 5 million stocks, total price: 140,050,000 USD.
We will wire the money on confirmation.
Canedian Army
10-08-2008, 17:29
I want to buy oil, for my tanks.
10-08-2008, 18:33
From:Ministry of International Affairs and Ministry of Trade & Treasury
To:Arnold Oil Corp.
We don't want to buy your oil but We want to let you (apart from internal and other companies ,needs) right to get it in my country.
(OCC: - and prepare to fight!)
The Beatus
11-08-2008, 06:32
TO: Arnold Oil Coperation
FROM: Vamperial Kingdom of Lynion, King Vamp
It has come to my attention you have oil for sale. We would like to buy an average of 50 barrels of oil ber month. We hope you can come up with a decent price we can argee on. When you do transport the oil, please send one shippment to Lynscert Island and the others to Lynhavic Island. Thank you.
Faxed Message
To King Vamp,
We will gladly sell you 50 bbls of oil per month. The current price is $20/bbl, which, for your order would be $1,000/month, or 12,000/year. However, we do not transport the oil ourselves, you will have to find someone to contract that out to, or do it yourself. The oil can be picked up at our oil shipping terminal, on the southern coast of the Beatus.
Arnold Zimmerman
Arnold Oil Corp.
The Anghele Government would like to make a contract with your company,where you supplied our nation with 22.950.000.000 barrels of oil every 18 years with an option reserved for an increase of the supply if needed.
Funds pending approval of contract.
Thank you.
Fax Message
To the Anghele Government,
We will gladly supply you with Oil. The price for 22,950,000,000 bbls of oil, at $20/bbl, will be $459,000,000,000/year. Once the money has been wired, your first shipment will be prepared, and will be waiting for you at our oil shipping terminal, on the southern coast of the Beatus.
Arnold Zimmerman
Arnold Oil Corp.
TO: Arnold Oil Corp.
FROM: Michael Thames, CEO ASoil
RE: Stock interest
ASoil, the ASoGM's largest oil company, would be interested in purchasing stock in your company as well. We are prepared to purchase 100,000,000 shares, for a total of $2,801,000,000. We will wire the money once the sale is approved.
Fax Message
To Michael Thames,
We will gladly sell you 100,000,000 shares in our company, for a total of $2,801,000,000. We thank you for your interest. The shares will be transfered upon reception of your funds.
Arnold Zimmerman
Arnold Oil Corp.
[OOC:Paging Griffincrest. It's suck for him if he did move to take the oil.]
To: Arnold Oil Corp.
From: Aissurian National Oil Company.
We would like to purchase 5 million stocks, total price: 140,050,000 USD.
We will wire the money on confirmation.
Fax Message
To Aissurian National Oil Company,
We will gladly sell you 5,000,000 shares of stock in our company, for $140,050,000. The shares will be transfered upon reception of your funds.
Arnold Zimmerman
Arnold Oil Corp.
I want to buy oil, for my tanks.
Letter, Marked Return to Sender
To Unknown,
We are sorry, but your message did not give us a name, or address. We marked the envelope return to sender, and placed this message in it, we hope it makes it to you. We would need information, such as who you are, and how much oil you wish to purchase. If you could give us this information, we would be more than glad to sell the oil to you.
Arnold Zimmerman
Arnold Oil Corp.
The Kingdom of Bardar is worried about the security of your oilfields, oil lure the most greedy invaders out of the pits they have been sleeping in. That happened to Bardar when we found oil. Bardar therefor would be ready to lend the 2nd Flying Leopards Brigade to The Beatus and Arnold Oil Corp to ensure your national sovereignity.
Signed; Bardur I, sovereign King of Bardar
Fax Message
To the Anghele Government,
We will gladly supply you with Oil. The price for 22,950,000,000 bbls of oil, at $20/bbl, will be $459,000,000,000/year. Once the money has been wired, your first shipment will be prepared, and will be waiting for you at our oil shipping terminal, on the southern coast of the Beatus.
Arnold Zimmerman
Arnold Oil Corp.
Funds have been wired.
After this,payments will be made in the 13th of January at the start of each year.
We also like to inquire how many shares would it be possible for us to purchase of your company.
Thank you.
Gun Manufacturers
11-08-2008, 15:05
Fax Message
To Michael Thames,
We will gladly sell you 100,000,000 shares in our company, for a total of $2,801,000,000. We thank you for your interest. The shares will be transfered upon reception of your funds.
Arnold Zimmerman
Arnold Oil Corp.
We are wiring the money to you now.
***begin encryption***
***256 bit high security algorithm***
***open session***
TO: Arnold Oil Corp. and Arnold Zimmerman, CEO
FROM: Corporate account, ASoil
AMOUNT: $2,801,000,000
RE: Purchase of 100,000,000 shares of stock in Arnold Oil Corp
***close session***
***end encryption***
11-08-2008, 21:27
Official Message
To Errikan Oil,
We would be most interested in selling stock to your nation. Currently there are 124,950,000 shares avaliable, or 35% of total shares. Shares are currently valued at $28.01 USD. If you wish to purchase some, simply state how many, and transfer the money.
Arnold Zimmerman
Arnold Oil Corp.
"This is quite an order," he mused, looking at the nearly billion dollar sum, "Certainly the largest we have spent on any such foreign partial acquisition."
Official Message
To: Arnold Oil Corp.
From: Errikan Oil
We wish to purchase a full 35,700,000 shares of your company, which, at $28.01 a share, comes to a full $999,957,000 USD. This money will be wired upon confirmation.
The Beatus
11-08-2008, 22:17
The Kingdom of Bardar is worried about the security of your oilfields, oil lure the most greedy invaders out of the pits they have been sleeping in. That happened to Bardar when we found oil. Bardar therefor would be ready to lend the 2nd Flying Leopards Brigade to The Beatus and Arnold Oil Corp to ensure your national sovereignity.
Signed; Bardur I, sovereign King of Bardar
Faxed Message
To the Kingdom of Bardar,
We thank you for your support, but we doubt anyone would do something like that. Your offer has been noted, and should the time come, however unlikely it is, we will call if we need you.
Arnold Zimmerman
Arnold Oil Corp.
Funds have been wired.
After this,payments will be made in the 13th of January at the start of each year.
We also like to inquire how many shares would it be possible for us to purchase of your company.
Thank you.
Faxed Message
To the Anghele Government,
Congratulations, you now have a deal with Arnold Oil Corp. We cannot wait to take your money. As for the stocks, there are 24,950,000 shares left.
Arnold Zimmerman
Arnold Oil Corp.
We are wiring the money to you now.
***begin encryption***
***256 bit high security algorithm***
***open session***
TO: Arnold Oil Corp. and Arnold Zimmerman, CEO
FROM: Corporate account, ASoil
AMOUNT: $2,801,000,000
RE: Purchase of 100,000,000 shares of stock in Arnold Oil Corp
***close session***
***end encryption***
Faxed Message
To Michael Thames,
Your stock purchase has been approved. Thank you.
Arnold Zimmerman
Arnold Oil Corp.
"This is quite an order," he mused, looking at the nearly billion dollar sum, "Certainly the largest we have spent on any such foreign partial acquisition."
Official Message
To: Arnold Oil Corp.
From: Errikan Oil
We wish to purchase a full 35,700,000 shares of your company, which, at $28.01 a share, comes to a full $999,957,000 USD. This money will be wired upon confirmation.
Faxed Message
To Errikan Oil,
We are sorry, but there are now only, 24,950,000 shares left. The stock appears to be moving fast, so buy now.
Arnold Zimmerman
Arnold Oil Corp.
Blackhelm Confederacy
12-08-2008, 00:52
Griffincrest is interested in purchasing stock in your company.
12-08-2008, 01:33
[OOC: G-gasp! Griffincrest is polite and asks to buy stock! I was actually expecting something like "Doom!"]
The Beatus
12-08-2008, 04:44
Griffincrest is interested in purchasing stock in your company.
Faxed Message
To Griffincrest,
After researching into your companies background, we have decided that we do not wish to sell any shares to your company. We hope you understand.
Arnold Zimmerman
Arnold Oil Corp.
Faxed Message
To Griffincrest,
After researching into your companies background, we have decided that we do not wish to sell any shares to your company. We hope you understand.
Arnold Zimmerman
Arnold Oil Corp.
OOC; Prepare for their retribution.
Soviet Aissur
12-08-2008, 21:41
To: Arnold Oil Corp.
From: Aissurian National Oil Company.
The full amount of money has been wired.
12-08-2008, 21:54
Griffincrest is interested in purchasing stock in your company.
OOC: I'm in shock. That is...unless you want to purchase 100% stock...
The Beatus
18-08-2008, 21:49
OOC: I'm in shock. That is...unless you want to purchase 100% stock...
[OOC: There isn't 100% of the stock left!]