NationStates Jolt Archive

In the Family, [War & Character RP, Open, PMT/v. early FT] - Page 2

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19-01-2009, 20:29

Great Lassic/ Tollan

-It’s simple, really. All you need to do is keep this office appraised of the movements of the Vaadian military. You will be the interim liaison until your replacement arrives. When you first sent the message, I had it cleared with the Ministry of Rites and the Ministry of War. As well, given your background, it shouldn’t be all that difficult.
-I will perform this duty to the best of my ability.
-Indeed, Patterson. Remember that the Vaadians are duplicitous, warlike, and only thinking of how to expand their nation into the Klatch. We already see their influence in Alcona & Hubris. As well, be warned that they will likely not be giving you all the information. Now, we can expect that given the sensitive nature of the aforementioned information. But I also want you to include a personal opinion when submitting reports. Take the usual precautions of encryption and whatnot.
-Of course.

The Ambassador signed. He wasn’t going to like being here at all. A brief message was sent to the concerned parties.

To: Kylie Codreaneau, Minister of Defence
From: Ambassador Rek Hukrio; Ministry of Rites
Subject: Military Liaison

In the interim, Patterson Oreik will act in the capacity of interim military liaison between our two nations until his replacement arrives. We expect that he will be treated in the same manner of diplomatic staff that extends to the rest of the officials at this embassy.


[The Seal of the Ambassador Rek Hurio, Ministry of Rites]

Another message was sent to a certain Seargent Emaele.

To: Staff Seargent Emaele. Retaliatory Guard
From: Jacob Uliko; assistant to Sub-Ambassador Patterson Oreik
Subject: Military Liaison

Sub-Ambassador Patterson Oreik will be acting interim military liaison. There is no need to bombard this office with multiple requests.


[Jacob Uliko; assistant to Sub-Ambassador Patterson Oreik; Ministry of Rites]


Vrak Prime

The Ministry of Rites took the message from Ambassador Tancred with typical apomb. After all, it didn’t make too much of a difference to them if a liaison was set up. Let the Ministry of War and the VIS sweat a little over security concerns such as access to what and where in the Vrakian war machine.

Elsewhere, the hypersonic jet took off and soon veered over Vrak-Dukratus, carrying with it the Honourable Senior Minister of the Ministry of Rites - Jur Ratyuig. The walrus looked forward to his meeting with Hull. Appropriate messages were sent ahead and the senior minister did not anticipate any problems since he was meeting with an official from a Klatchian state.


[Post #249]
Dyelli Beybi

The Canal

The walrus raised an eyebrow.

“Well, if I were to draw a map, it would look something like this:

"...with our half being closer to our borders and the canal and your half more south. Both of us have access to the sea and the area is about half. As well, we both face Ilek-Vaad."

Elsewhere in Port Olympus

Irok caught what the Air Marshal said as he returned to the SUV. Hugo was beside himself, yammering about how much progress they had made and what initiative they has shown for meeting an actual member of the Junta. Justin put on a plastic grin for the benefit of his friend as he thought to himself. Ming…and Collins. Not all of them to be sure. At least it’s a start. And it might be enough.

Upon their arrival back at the Hill, Irok went to his office and after making Hugo promise that he won’t open his big mouth, closed the door and picked up the phone. Following the usual procedures, he was quickly connected to someone in the VIS and filed his report. The Dyellian High Commission was contacted via the Ministry of Rites asking if the Air Marshal would care to meet an official from the Department of Inter-Klatchian Affairs, which operated under the auspices of, well, likely the mix of the Ministry of Rites and the Ministry of War.


The Nef

The Vrakians were impressed with the arrival of the Sketchians, who were quickly ushered into a huge elevator that took them two kilometers deep into the facility. The soldiers would be assigned rooms, two apiece, with the minimum of necessities. A common hall for recreation purposes was easily found and the cafeteria was 24 hours. Their gear was stowed in a storage area but easily accessible.

Colonel Jesup was given a run-down of the whole situation in the Klatch when the call came. Sub General Uluk Orikaj turned his great head as the aide whispered in his ear. He nodded and then shifted his two and a half ton bulk.

“It looks like the Junta will meet in Desgradavel, located west of Port Olympus but within the Dyellian border. That could prove to be problematic. As well, not all of the Junta will be there, we are sure of that. General Ming will be and so will Collins. Once that is confirmed, then we can act. Thoughts?”


ooc: as for meeting the president, I kinda assumed she slammed the door on the Klatchians and met instead with the fox.
20-01-2009, 00:01

Pressed for time with new developments (, Lord Hull's office responded that Minister Ratyuig should proceed with all haste to Thunderbay, and that an escort was being sent to protect his flight....................

Great Lassic/ Tollan

Tollan was quick to reply with a quick telegram:

Sub-Ambassador Patterson Oreik

Attached is a list of all current Retaliatory Guard assets deployed and their operational parameters within the Klatchia, outside of the borders of The Free Republic.

Staff Seargent Eban Emaele
Retaliatory Guard Command, Tollan.

The attachment contains .pdf documents detailing the Naval Guard deployments to 'monitor' the situation in Vrak and Dyelli-Beybi, detailed dossiers of officers in command and troop strengths, it would be interesting to note that the Tactical Groups and Tormentor Squadrons of the Naval Guard that are deployed are all carrying full compliments of Naval Guard Marines, giving them a sizeable ground force. Of course the parameters were to 'monitor' the standoff between Vrak and Dyelli-Beybi and foreign deployments and stay clear of Federation Territorial waters.
21-01-2009, 13:10
Deep South Klatchian Ocean; Bruce's Beach Island
Vrak, Bruces

The Macisikani Forces had landed on the beach with an almost mechanical precision. No shouting, no fussing, no brawls; all was quiet and orderly.

Unlike the generally caucasian-appearing ethnic Maciskans, this group was drawn from three distinct groups; one were the Maciskans, one was of south-east Asian descent, and the third bore a distinct Australian Aboriginal resemblance.

Captain Itara was among the flag officers who arrived; it became apparent pretty quickly that the Maciskan ethnic group tended to dominate the officer corps.

The supplies they were unloading tended to be relatively simple fare, though the spices that flavoured them lent an exotic flavour.

As the altercation began to develop between the two Bruces, Itara and the flag group with them watched with raised eyebrows; around them the general crew continued to swarm. Temporary shade cloth shelters were being set up.

Ooc: hey, DB – did Ambassador Black respond to Sloan's latest round of nastiness?
Shielas and Bruces
21-01-2009, 23:00
The two Bruces bodies collided as both seemed to determined to knock each other over, but neither did. After a single moment a sound started to emerge from the two of them.

It was laughter, they started slapping each other on the back... "Hey, I still need to get you back for that game of beach cricket. but it's good to see ya. Bruce, Mate."

"Well, Bruce, Mate. You'll have you're chance, but first we've got people to meet. The Macki's have just arrived and the Vraksters are already here. We better say g'day."

As they walked they talked and joked with each other they were obviously very close friends, close enough that they could do something like what they did with each other. They were coming towards the shade clothed tents. They seemingly totally ignored the Captain and went directly to an Aboriginal
Dyelli Beybi
25-01-2009, 14:42
Presidential Palace, Port Olympus

"I would not want to." the President responded, "We cannot have foreigners fighting a state on behalf of the Federal Government. But I am getting ahead of myself. We shall cross that bridge when we come to it."

She paused, allowing it to drag on for a moment, it was a signal she was hoping to move on as quickly as possible, "Do you think we have covered everything Sir Ozy? I don't mean to be pushy... well I do actually, I want to get on top of this problem before a restless mob strings me up from the nearest lamp post."



The turn of events took Tomashenko entirely by surprise. Behind the bluff façade Dmitri secretly felt the Tzarina was as good as dead already, although honour demanded that they behave as if this were not the case. They had sat and planned in Shamir's flat and talked as if victory were certain. It was not, and even if it were he was certain he would never see the five of them around a table again. The Parliamentarian forces were good soldiers and paratroopers cut off in Bath were as good as dead...

Suddenly he realised he had been asked a question... and he had totally forgotten to respond to the formal introduction, "By all the Saints this is a surprise, Lord Tomashenko, Marquis of Novgar." he introduced himself, bowing in return, perhaps a little stiffly.

This was the difficult bit. The typical Dyellian response to an offer of aid from Ilek-Vaad would have been 'sod off', considering how poorly things of that had turned out in the past, however this was desperate and Dmitri knew the Tzarina to be the kind of woman who would not look kindly on him being ungracious towards anyone, "Well, that depends entirely on what it is that the Lord Vaad is willing to do." he responded, as a sudden inspiration came to him, "Although I would say that if it is the intention of the Lord Vaad to aid us, he could allow for his banner to be symbolically carried into the fray?"


The Canal

Saxon made a funny gesture with his head which seemed to be both a nod and a shake at the same time, "I have no doubt that the Government would be mostly happy about that. I imagine though that they would also ask to retain an isolated installation on the canal due to its vital strategic value to Dyelli Beybi."

The subtext of which read, to make sure the shipping routes to the DBAT stayed open in the eventuality of relations souring with Vrak.


Hall of the Assembly, Arn-Arakhan OOC sorry totally missed that last post Mac...

Black actually looked calm, to meet her anyone would expect her to have withered under Sloan's gaze... "May it please the Assembly, yes." she responded to the Secretary.

She was in fact about to lay on a fierce diatribe about pride and good common sense, however she held it back, neither the time nor the place, so instead she proceeded in a friendly tone, "The Honourable Patrick Sloan has a fair point. Klatch does need to make a gesture to 'demonstrate initiative'."

"Never fear!" she raised a hand, pointing skyward dramatically, "Klatch is fully prepared to acknowledge the 'process', however we also understand that merely to go through the 'process' can cause us to lose touch with the reality of the situation, the human aspect."

"Were Klatch to only go through the 'process', you would never get the opportunity to hear Klatch admit that we were wrong in our prior dealings with your State." she added with a touch of humility.

"I of course have complete respect for this Assembly's right to acknowledge whichever administration it pleases, however I would like to let it be noted that I am not a representative of the State of Dyelli Beybi, and as such any acknowledgement of the regime running that state is purely circumstantial and perhaps a little..." momentary pause, "Irrelevant."

She smiled helpfully, "If the Honourable Patrick Sloan wishes to have any points explained I would regard it as my privilege to answer any questions at a future time."
25-01-2009, 20:57
Presidential Palace, Port Olympus

Sir Ozy smiles amicably "Yes, I think we've covered everything that can be resolved at this moment, we will have more to discuss after Parliament meets, and I am still concerned about your personal well being. I hope that you are safe and aren't simply putting on a show of bravado for me?"

"Well, I will go then and call Parliament and some phone calls while I await the arrival of the Keys."

He then pauses and looks sympathetic "It may also be in all of our interests to stop thinking of the Lord Vaad as 'that foreign interloper', in a few short years he will be crowned Grand Duke."


Kerbal Valentinious nods "Very pleased to meet you Lord Tomashenko" and then turns to his bag and unzips a pouch on the side and carefully unfolds a 6'x 6' black flag with a golden comet on one side and a silver broken sword on the other.

"This should do, although I would imagine that air-support and fifteen thousand Velites Kerbals may be of assistance as well? The Lord Vaad would offer Alconian assistance, but it would probably be improper at this time."

Of course by improper he meant dangerous (, not that Tomashenko would know that yet.
Dyelli Beybi
26-01-2009, 15:18
Port Olympus

"I am quite safe." the President assured Sir Ozy, "Bravado would be quite foolish of me at a time like this... although I do worry somewhat about the Vrakians in the city. I would imagine there would be no threat from the Dyellians. I am after all, a matter of some National pride."

A slight smirk crossed her face at the prospect of anyone being proud of her achievements (rather than scandalised, which had been all too common before becoming President), "I can be diplomatic towards the Lord Vaad, however I confess I do worry about his alliegances. If he is a puppet of the Vaadian State he can effectively control 3 votes in Parliament, meaning three votes on internal matters being controlled by a potentially hostile foreign power."

"However." she concluded, "I will do my best to treat him without suspicion... Thank you Sir Ozy."

"Indeed." Tomashenko was in fact thinking of the response an Alconan involvement might engender from the Junta. Alcona and Hubris was hardly a state with a history of good relations with Dyelli Beybi...

"I think I will respectfully need to decline the offer of support from the Kerbals... you will have to explain to me what that means by the way. I doubt the Junta would recieve such a turn of events positively." it was as tactfully as he could put that the Junta would panic if a large contingent of Vaadian troops set foot on Dyellian soil.

"A token force would not go amiss however, say a couple of hundred infantry, perhaps the Lord Vaad himself if he is a soldier by nature?" he suggested, toning down the numbers to a point where he hoped the military wouldn't leap in, jack boots and all.


OOC: Thought I might move things forward a little with this plot line as well

Skies over Bath

The plane was a modified Dyellian airliner, which was to say somewhat basic looking, the autopilot was probably faulty and the air conditioning seemed to be jammed on 'fridge'. On the plus side it was easy to pilot and unlikely to fall out of the sky (unless all the engines broke down at once, but what were the odds of that?)

The people who Shamir had assembled were a mixture of human shape and size and the small stocky ones. A small minority had night vission equipment. It had been issued to Sherwin, along with a suit of fairly standard body armour that you might see in any police force around the world, a black balaclava and a similarly coloured parachute. All up this made it very hard to tell who was who. Apart from Shamir who had opted not to wear the balaclava just yet...

"Mr Thales?" she approached, "I think I forgot to ask. You can HALO jump right? You know which bits to pull and all that? For the purposes of this exercise you may consider yourself a Sub-Lieutenant. Any last minute questions? because I think in about three minutes we'll be out the door. The Convicts Hospital is the primary target although we expect people will be somewhat scattered so follow your GPS and remember the pass phrase is 'captain' and the response is 'subtext'."

She was stressed, it was quite clear from the way she talked, too quickly and without really waiting for responses. This was a first time under fire for the Lance-Lieutenant, something she was hoping she could cope with... and then of course there was the very real prospect of dying.
26-01-2009, 21:01
Port Olympus

Sir Ozy chuckles "I wouldn't go that far, just try and act like you aren't treating him with suspicion."

He gives a courteous bow and he is off again, this time back to his offices and then to call Parliament, hopefully successfully this time.


"The Velites Kerbals are the household army of the Lord Vaad, they only have as much to do with the Free Republic or the United Duchies as the Lord Vaad wills them to, they are solely under his command and swear allegiance only to him.

Ever since the Lord Vaad's envoys were extirpated fifteen thousand of them have been in the Eastern Marches, preparing, along with the Royal Marines to invade South-West Benjia. In a matter of several hours two hundred and fifty VTOL Marathon transports, owned by the Lord Vaad, could be on their way to meet us at Bath."

He pauses and folds the flag back up "But since you are adverse to such numbers, perhaps I could recommend a Thematae, five hundred that is, be sent if that is more along the lines of what you approve. That would require only two Marathon Transports."

He says the last word with a hint of mistrust as to why someone would request less help, considering the dire circumstances. "As for the Lord Vaad himself coming......................that is highly unlikely. Your Tzarina rebuffed his offer of friendship. While she has done nothing to become his enemy or show him ill will, she is nonetheless not a friend of the House of Vaad, he personally has no obligation to help the House Ap Adam nor does he care personally what fate befalls her. He is simply acting in a way that he believes best suits the dual purpose of restoring order in the Klatchia and increasing the security of the United Duchies."

Jormund Elvers, who had been watching them with feigned interest simply announces "I will get my men ready to move now." and then ambles off with a bow.

Skies over Bath

Sherwin too has forgone the wearing of a balaclava he listens intently to Shamir.

"I would have thought we would be performing a HAHO jump? The closer we open to the ground the more of a racket we're going to make, anyone standing around is going to hear something and maybe we'll be less of a surprise than we'd hoped?"

He pauses checking his GPS "I mean we've got these, why not glide in nice and silent?"

He seemed fine about the imminent battle. He then chuckles "Of course I could always stay up here and fly the jet and the pilot could take my place? That would be much safer."
Dyelli Beybi
27-01-2009, 13:42
Port Olympus

The President was good to her word. Issuing formal appologies to both Sir Ozy and the Alconan Keys for their wrongful detention and promise to get onto the job of leaning on the Dyellians for the return of dead airmen. Unfortunately she was unable to contact the Dyellians. Something funny was going on down there...

Desagradavel - Vrak

Clearance was granted in short order for the Vrakians to fly an aircraft into Desagradavel. Furthermore it didn't have to get diverted through Cyro or anything silly like that first which meant the Junta weren't trying to be deliberately offensive.


Tomashenko roared with laughter, deep and unashamed laughter. He clouted the Kerbal on the shoulder in hearty salute to what he felt was a great joke, "You Vaadians are strange people. You talk of invading us, say you are not our friends yet offer us troops. The Lord Vaad offers some huge number of soldiers yet will not come in person?"

Tomashenko was a man somewhat out of time (a good part of why he got on with the Tzarina). He thought much like the old Medieval frontier warlords did, "500 is more than we could have hoped for and should ensure the Junta don't open fire presuming the invasion is coming. They have sworn to defend our lands to the last drop of blood." he grinned wolfishly, "Alconan blood that is."

"Anyway, we can waste time on bravado, or we can attend to the task at hand... I would ask that you make the request of the Lord Vaad anyway. If not for Alexia, then for the good of Klatch as you put it, for I would hope he might see the benefit for Klatch of winning a friend in Alexia ap Adam, who is a rare jem indeed; an honest Dyellian."

He chuckled at his own joke, "Would you care for a drink? You have come far."

The Sky

"I said HAHO earlier didn't I?" Shamir scratched her head, trying to remember what she had initially proposed, "The Cheka informant tells me that Junta units in the city are feeding Parliamentarian forces with an uplink from a Twizel radar array; its one of those new things they designed to counter stealthed transports... they will possibly be able to pick up paratroopers. In other words, the faster we are on the ground the less time they have to get ready and shoot at us. I think."

There was a slight look of panic at the thought of potentially making the wrong choice. She was new and had a lot resting on her, facts she was acutely aware of, "We still have time to change orders, what do you think?"

"He's joining us anyway just so you know. Aim the plane at the countryside and bail out before someone takes it out."
28-01-2009, 19:58
Port Olympus

Sir Ozy returned to Parliament and after sending Mr. O'Blution to his old duties he set his staff to task contacting the Keys of the Federation States and making sure they knew that the real Speaker was calling Parliament into session.

He would wait to make his own excuses and apologies on the record and with Parliament in session. He then set about to personally contacting Lord Hull, and the other Alconian Keys.


"The Junta may get that chance yet." Kerbal Valentinious said with a disarming smile "A drink would be excellent, thank you."

He then paused to send a quick text message, that is all that is needed to get the Velites Kerbals underway. With only five hundred being dispatched, it would only take about an hour to have them underway, and the supersonic Marathon's would make a quick trip from the Marches.

"Where should I have my fellow Kerbals rendezvous with us?"

Skies over Bath

Sherwin chuckles "Well, if they have radar that can track a parachutist, HALO it is then, get in quick as possible."

He looks over everyone else in the jet and then turns back to Shamir "You need to relax a bit, going into combat is a lot like a first date, the expectation is almost always worse than the reality. By the way, I'm assuming that Alexia is at this Convicts Hospital..................if we are ditching the jet, how are we getting her out of Bath after we rescue her?"
Dyelli Beybi
29-01-2009, 00:07

"Agua Pura." Tomashenko replied. It was the most Southern major city controlled by Royalist forces, home to well over a million residents. It was small on a Dyellian scale, not among the top cities in terms of population and certainly not in terms of significance.

"You will be accompanying us then?" he asked, thinking he could probably provide refreshments on his learjet.



"Nowhere to land in the city, nearest air strip is some thirty kilometres out of town." Shamir explained, "Basically we're relying on Tomashenko and Mr. Elvers to capture a section of the outside wall. Otherwise we're all dead."

That was very reassuring... "Problem I see in your analogy is that none of my first dates were actively trying to kill me." she did crack a smile though which was probably a good sign.

This is your Captain speaking. We will be over the drop zone in approximately 30 seconds. Please stand ready. The temperature in Bath is a cool eight degrees and is expected to rise to a high of thirty seven by midday. We are expecting mild turbulence.

Which was all they needed thirty seconds before a drop... as it happened it hit just as the first people were dropping out and was not what would usually be described as mild. One of the short ones being flung from their feet and colliding with Shamir as she was attempting to pull the Balaclava on.

Eventually though they all dropped, out of the dimly lit plane and towards the distant lights of the city. The wind ripping across their faces. 'Chutes opened at the last minute, although it would become abundantly clear to Sherwin as he fell that they were scattered across the city. They have dropped 120 people, although under the circumstances they would be lucky if half that made it to the hospital. The best plans didn't last first contact, and this was far from the best; It was desperate and had been hatched in a couple of hours by inexperienced Commanders.
29-01-2009, 02:51

Kerbal Valentinious passes the information along and nods "Of course I will be accompanying you Lord Tomashenko. I have been ordered to."

He says that with a smile, not a hint that it was an unsatisfactory order or that he felt he was in poor company.


"Well," Sherwin responds tersely "Your dating history is apparently a bit better than mine."

He pauses listening to the Captain over the intercom and watches with some trepidation as the extent of the 'mild' turbulence became apparent.

Sherwin took the jump in stride, handling it a bit too expertly for just being the pilot that he continually claims. After landing in a hopefully fairly clear area he immediately checks his GPS to see where he is in relation to the Convicts Hospital, pausing to chamber a round in his assault rifle, just in case he has to 'ask' for directions and he takes a look around to see who's landed with him.
Dyelli Beybi
29-01-2009, 06:20

"Then if you will forgive my haste I can provide refreshments on my jet." Tomashenko offered somewhat apologetically.

Like many Dyellian aristocrats he was phenomenally wealthy, although unlike most he had managed to somehow State land seizures under the Himmler and Collins regimes (through offering the state a 49.5% ownership of all his assetts, including companies based overseas, before they had even started seizing).

"I am needed with the army." he added, "Without the Tzarina I am technically joint Commander of all Royalist forces in the field."

The jump had been a mess, although for now everything was quiet. It would not stay that way for long, "Captain." an unknown male voice hissed from out of the darkness.

"Subtext." another groaned from very close to Sherwin. It was one of the short dwarf type people. He had landed badly, slipping of the pavement and breaking his ankle in a seemingly deserted street.

The first voice hurried over, "Sh*t Ben you're f*cked." he remarked cheerfully, "Oh and you're the 'security contractor'... Hi."

"We're about a kilometre away from the target, so I suggest we get moving..." he grimaced at Ben who was quite obviously unable to go on.

"I'll ditch the uniform and hide out until this is all over." Ben replied to the unasked question, "You two just get to the objective."

At that point the radios crackled into life; Lance-Lieutenant Shamir, I've picked up a Junta signal from the corner of King Avenue and Tristram Street. They are refusing to hand over the Antiair facilities to Parliamentarian forces. The King Ave garrison of eight is worried that the local Police will attempt to take the AA piece by force. It is absolutely essential we stop them doing that. Any forces in the are are to move directly to the corner of King and Tristram and attempt to assist the Junta. If this proves impossible sabotage the launch rack. Shamir out.

That just happened to be them. Somewhere in the darkness gunfire shattered the silence, "This is King Ave." the man mused, "Guess we just go north until we see a confrontation."
29-01-2009, 23:24

Kerbal Valentinious nods "I understand,lead the way." He picks up his bag and follows Tomashenko.

Meanwhile the Einherjar are very skilled at getting ready, quickly and are all pretty much prepared to move, except for some of the women, children and the elderly, Elvers approaches Tomashenko as he heads for his jet.

"We are all ready to go, where am I sending our non-combatants?"


Sherwin chuckles at the 'Security Contractor' title "I guess that's as apt a description as any."

As they hear the orders over the radio and then the gunfire he nods to 'not Ben' "Let's get moving, besides I don't want to stick around if Ben is taking off his uniform. Which is harder to explain, the uniform, or lying naked in the street with a broken ankle?"

He chuckles and takes point up King Ave, rifle at the ready moving carefully as close to cover as possible.
30-01-2009, 09:53
Hall of the Assembly, Arn-Arakhan

It was fortunate she had resisted the urge to indulge in a tirade; Sloan had a history of enraging, then demolishing his opponents and an admonishment about pride, to these people, would have played right into his hands.

Instead he'd only sat and smirked during her speech; he shook his head in the negative when the Secretary looked to see if he wanted to continue discussions.

The Secretary (who either had inhuman vision or was being assisted by a computer and his glasses), glanced down at something in front of him.

"Delegate Avara Ideene, Metropolitan County of Azalatar."

The woman in question, tall, slim, greying, rose.

"Thank you Mr Secretary. Mr Secretary, I have a question for the Ambassador," she paused and surveyed the Klatchian. "My question is in several parts; perhaps her Excellency would like to have a drink while I ask it.

The Delegate cleared her throat and glanced down. "Firstly, is her Excellency aware of the serious decline in trade between all states of the Federation and the Covenant that has taken place since the current round of Dyellian civil instability began? Second, is Port Olypmus aware of this matter? Thirdly, is the Ambassador, and Port Olympus, aware that the primary beneficiary is the Free Republic of Ilek-Vaad? Fourth, are there any strategies being considered to combat this drop-off? If not, why not?" she paused for a moment.
"For the Ambassador's reference," she added "the UIK Department of Trade, External Affairs, gives the drop-off as 73% of pre-disruption levels, and attributes only a third of that to sanctions against Dyelli Beybi. Around two-thirds has been picked up by Ilek-Vaad."

Having reached the end of her question, she sat. The entire chamber's attention focused on the Ambassador.


Deep South Klatchian Ocean; Bruce's Beach Island
Vrak, Bruces

The Captain and other officers smiled quiet little smiles and nodded to each other.
«I thought as much» she commented in quiet Ka'ani to one of her fellows.

The "Aboriginal" (a native of Sulyet) looked at the two Bruces quizzically; from the ferocious glares he was directing at the enlisted, he was an NCO of some level.
Dyelli Beybi
31-01-2009, 15:20
Hall of the Assembly, Arn-Arakhan

Black did not like the smirk, but she decided to interpret the lack of further attacks as a sign that Mr. Sloan had found nothing he could jump up and down on in her speech.

"I would first like to that the Metropolitan County of Azalatar, I was not in fact aware of the precise figures." she began, "As to what strategies we might be pursuing, that is unfortunately not strictly within my job description. Trade policy in the Federation is formulated on a State basis rather than at a Federal level."

"As a whole" she continued, acutely aware that her fellow Dyellians would have booed her off state for what she was about to say, "Klatch believes in the free market. It is also my belief that we can produce goods more cheaply that Ilek-Vaad, and both exports and imports would incur less shipping costs provided that the Squall Straight route is being used. It is my belief that if we allow the market to be governed by natural forces, trade will pick up with the Federation once again."

OOC: Basing this on the Third Geek business on GDP per capita where IV has the highest in the Region. This generally means that IV is a higher wage economy, meaning the Federation should be able to make stuff cheaper.



Bloody hell, hope they have some tents. Tomashenko did not vocalise the thought, it might seem rude. They hadn't begun construction on housing yet, or even designing the housing for the Einherjar body shape, although that shouldn't take long. It would be best to get some Einherjar input in that though, "Well you've seen the earmarked land, although we obviously haven't had time to erect anything yet. If you coud give me exact numbers I can put the civilians in touch with Baron Roderick Bassett who is in charge of Court Management while I am away. Perhaps someone can speak to him with some kind of recommendations as to what type of accomodation we should build? If your people have any special requirements and so on."


"You mean you don't have civies in your back pack?" not-Ben looked totally confused. Shamir hadn't said anything to Sherwin (having totally forgotten), however the plan was, in the event of everything going wrong, to attempt to blend into the civilian population and thereby escape the wrath of Parliament.

He shook his head, then set off, sprinting across well lit areas, otherwise hugging the shadows at the side of the road. It was not far to the cross road, where a single storey building seemed to have been surrounded by a force of at least 40 police officers, vehicles arranged in order to provide cover were anyone to attempt to open fire from inside. An military officer and a senior looking police officer were standing on steps exchanging words. From the body language it seemed to be going nowhere.

"Captain." there was a hissed female voice from behind an industrial sized rubbish bin. It was not someone Sherwin would recognise.
31-01-2009, 20:04
OOC: Quite right, nothing is made cheap in the Free Republic, it's all of the highest quality, not like that Dyellian and Vrakian tat! ;)


Jormund nods "That will do, we have our temporary shelters, though our non-coms will need assistance to erect them as we will be moving out immediately. If Baron Bassett can be of help it would be appreciated."

He turns and nods to a young lady on the edge of his people, she is nowhere near as large as most of the other Einhherjar, with straw straight blond hair and crystalline brown skin and what can only be described as 'devil's horns' "Niabi will be in charge, she can coordinate everything with your people."


Sherwin winks at not-Ben "Nope, just two snickers bars and the latest issue of 'Wired', I'll have to fight my way out if we fail!"

After moving down the street Sherwin responds to the hiss while keeping his eyes trained on the group of Police.

"Subtext.How many of us are there?"
Dyelli Beybi
01-02-2009, 14:36

"It shall be done." Tomashenko concluded,allowing the Einherjar to go about their business while he departed with Valentinious. He was well equipped on his luxury jet... at least on the classical music and alcohol fronts. He seemed a fan on the kind grandiose teutonic martial music as well as Vodka which he consumed in vast quantities without any apparent ill effect.

Meanwhile Baron Roderick would turn out to be a well meaning but somewhat ineffectual elderly gentleman. He probably hadn't had an original idea in years although he was more than happy to do whatever was asked of him (provided it didn't totally demolish his budget).


"How many of us? You tell me." came the reply along with hasty beckoning into the shadows, "Oh don't tell me you're it."

This one was dressed in civies already, although she had put on a blue and yellow arm band (a symbol of the monarchy), "Commisaar Davies. Who the hell are you?"

If Sherwin were one to remember faces she would probably seem familiar. He had in fact met one of her siblings some time earlier, a certain Patricia Davies who had ditched the Klatchian Marshals in order to sign up with the Tzarina. This Davies was younger though, rounder face, deeper set eyes, although the family resemblance was unmistakable (if he remembered).

Meanwhile the radios were busily confirming Saint Rafael's hospital had been secured. This was met with a somewhat caustic reply from Shamir to tell the individuals responsible that they were supposed to be securing Saint Caedwalla's...

"OKay two of you, that will have to do. What we're going to do is wait till they start shooting then lay down fire from the rear and generally make as much racket as possible. Hopefully they'll think they're outnumbered and bugger off. Shooting to wound by the way, don't want to kill cops if we can avoid it." the sentiment probably came partly from the fact that Chekists were also technically cops...

Yeah we know, but we needed to secure an emergency room, we are getting slaughtered out here. Over.

This didn't seem like it was going to be too long. Even as the radio died down again the officers split up and the door was slammed shut. The building had thick concrete walls, that would offer protection to those inside, however they were outnumbered, and if it came to shooting they would end up pinned.

Understood Sergeant, if you can clear the road to Caedwalla's, that is only 500 metres, then we can ferry casualties back. Meeting stiff resistance. Over.

It didn't take long for it to start up. Someone with a drum fed light MG balanced on the bonnet of a police car began to lay fire on the building while a pair of officers in what looked to be bomb squad jackets sprinted up to the door.

"Let's go." it seemed Davies only had a very small looking pistol... that was silenced, so instead she screamed and threw a rock which managed (through sheer luck) to neatly clock the nearest officer on the back of the head.
02-02-2009, 19:51

Fortunately money wasn't needed at this point, just strong hands and backs to help put together the modular temporary housing. The Einherjar were used to having to travel with everything they needed.

Kerbal Valentinious made no comment on either the music or Tomashenko's proclivity for vodka, though he himself did not partake.


"Captain Thales, who that's who the hell I am." Sherwin replies with a smile, he was about to say more, about a plan he had but he was interrupted by the machine gun fire, and then Davies rock throwing.

"Oh, brilliant." He says as he brings his assault rifle up and sets it on semi-auto and plinks the machine gunner in the back of the thigh, and moves on casually to the others, saving his ammo for now. He moves between shots to give the appearance of more than one sniper.

"Try and not kill them...............I wonder if they'll be so kind when they return fire?" He muses in between shots. He is a very good shot, for a pilot.
Alcona and Hubris
03-02-2009, 01:46
And now for something completely different...

Klatchian Marshals Office

One moment the screens went black for a moment and came back on. It was a short interuption that everyone in the vast complex noted. Eyes raised up to supervisors...supervisors called various parties lower down to find out what had happened...

"Ah, yes as I told Kermit sir, the system switched off the Port Olympus main grid and went back to Primary power..."

"Primary power...I thought the grid was Primary Power..."

"Not for Parliament Hill sir, the Alconains built something with L.O.W about 100 feet below level Omega 5. They Called it Foxtrot Ringo sir..."

"Oh and what is Foxtrot Ringo?"

"I always thought it was a huge fusion reactor."

"Oh, well then I suppose we activated it due to the recent unpleasentness..."

"Well sir, they never transferred it over to us..."

"So your saying there is an underground fusion reactor being controlled by the Alconians underneath Parliament Hill?"

"Yes sir..."

"How big?"

"Who knows sir, it was a Var design...actually I think it was just a copy of a carrier powerplant...."

Unfortunately, that was fairly large...a plasma based super conducting Neutron-Thermoelectric fusion reactor that did away with needing silly things like turbines, re heaters, and such, just some coolant, a pump, and a rather small star contained by a self generating magnetic field. Of course the Var also could make it do a 'Once in a lifetime' imitation of a mini Super Nova.

Which would give any good paranoid spook...the spooks...

Mcdonald hung up the phone and dialed a new number. "Get me the President...we may have just found out how the Alks are going to strike."
Dyelli Beybi
03-02-2009, 08:26
Agua Pura

The flight to Agua Pura was short and from there a helicopter took Tomashenko and Valentinious to the 'army' which was sitting some 20 odd kilometres North of Bath not doing anything, "Can those Marathon's do VTOL?" Tomashenko asked during the journey, "If they can it might help Elvers and company get to where they are needed a bit faster."

The inactivity of the force might seem surprising to someone that didn't know Bath, although Tomashenko was quick to explain as he waved a hand around the camp, "We have no armour, just old fashioned APCs. The artillery in the city defences would rip us to shreds before we even came within sight of the city."


The simple answer to Sherwin's question was 'no'. As it happened 'not Ben' caught a bullet in the face that killed him stone dead within the first few seconds of the engagement. Davies scrambled for his weapon, slipping in the spilled blood and brain matter, narowly avoiding catching a bullet herself (mostly because she fell flat on her face at just the right moment).

At this point the Junta opened fire from the building with some kind of rocket which incinerated a car and several police officers. The others took this as the appropriate time to retreat and promptly did so in relatively good order, dragging their fallen comrades behind them.

Davies sat up once the coast was clear, grimacing as she attempted to wipe 'sticky bits' off her blouse with rather limited success. The Junta Officer also reappeared waving a white rag on a stick, "Royalists?" he called out, "We aren't going to shoot."

There were six dead police along with one wounded left behind. There had been probably a good half dozen more who hadhad the good fortune to be dragged away into the night.

Okay listen up everyone. it was Shamir again, I'm in the foyer of Saint Caedwalla's, seems the Tzarina has been moved, although we don't know where yet. We are 'interviewing' a couple of prisoners now to work out where she is, but for now do not, I repeat do not move in the direction of Saint Caedwalla's. Over.

So we do not attempt to reform into a coherent unit? someone asked incredulously, forgetting the 'over' to signal the end of the message.

Yes, but not here. We are cut off and out gunned. Reaching Saint Caedwalla's will result in unacceptable casualties considering we are already looking at close to thirty percent. Over.
Port Olympus

When the Marshall's rang the President had been attempting to sleep on her desk. She woke with a start, the world blurry until she found her spectacles, "Hello?" she answered on the fifth ring, "Who is this? What is the emergency?"
03-02-2009, 18:51
Agua Pura

Kerbal Valentinious nods in response to the question "The Marathons are absolutely VTOL capable, I would be pleased to place them at your disposal."

He looks over the situation outside of Bath and nods "It appears then that you have a whole series of problems, how do you intend to get past the artillery?"


Sherwin keeps his head and keeps shooting and moving, although he stops aiming for legs and arms after the fatality on his side. After the explosion and the hasty retreat of the Telau forces Sherwin approaches the Junta soldiers, his rifle up.

"Yeah, Royalists. Sorry we didn't get here sooner." He looks over the dead and wounded and listens to the radio although none of it really means anything, until they give a location of the Tzarina.

He smiles and looks over to the Junta soldiers "Hey, you have anymore of those rockets laying around?" and then as anafter thought looks back to Davies "Are you coming or what?"
Dyelli Beybi
03-02-2009, 21:54
Agua Pura

"It's positioned along a wall." Tomashenko explained, "Basically its a series of Battleship turrets, relatively rapid fire 200 mm naval ordinance rounds with good elevation on the guns."

"This is where the Einherjar come in. The town still isn't closed off to civilian traffic, although if they catch us approaching they'll close up and open fire. I want to send the Einherjar to the wall in supermarket delivery trucks. Once there they will hopefully be able to withstand the considerable amount of small arms fire they will absorb in the gateway and begin to clear a section of the wall, enough of a section to allow us to make a safe approach to the city."


Davies did stand up after a few moments, approaching with Sherwin, getting a whistle from the Junta Officer, "Whoa lady we have some medical gear inside..."

"It's not mine." she grunted, unimpressed, "although I'll take a change of clothes if you have one lying around."

This looked like it was going to get a 'no', although eventually he nodded, "Consider it done, Joe, get some gear... take off the unit badges though."

"Rockets we have." he sounded apologetic... "Unfortunately we only have one launch tube that works and we're probably going to need it. Its one of those old Kornet Es... you got a tube?"

It had been standard issue prior to the Second Dyellian civil war when the Tzars had been overthrown most recently although now the military were supposed to carry an energy weapon. Presumably it hadn't been issued but whatever the building was had some old equipment lying around in it (quite likely; the Dyellian military were hoarders).

The radio chatter continued although it was the usual kind of stuff. People were dying left, right and centre. Shamir still hadn't found where the Tzarina had been taken to.

"Look. I shouldn't be telling you this, neutrality business and all that." the Officer (a Second Lieutenant from the rank insignia) lowered his voice so as not to carry to those inside, "But I overheard on police radio that the Tzarina, who I assume you are looking for has been moved to the Palace. Sh*t are there only two of you?"
Alcona and Hubris
04-02-2009, 02:13
Port Olympus

When the Marshall's rang the President had been attempting to sleep on her desk. She woke with a start, the world blurry until she found her spectacles, "Hello?" she answered on the fifth ring, "Who is this? What is the emergency?"

"Mad'am President, I am afraid that I have to inform you that fifteen minutes ago the entire Parliamentary Complex, including our air defenses just switched to a secondary power supply." He paused, realizing this didn't seem like a problem...

"A nuclear power supply apparently built by the Var and installed by the Alconian regime at some point with an interally built, remote controlled self-destruct sequence..."

He paused again, "At this time, and with the current situation, I am forced to conclude that the sudden activation may be a prelude to self-destruction...with yourself and the rest of the Government being the intended target..."
Dyelli Beybi
04-02-2009, 13:47
Port Olympus

"Aha." the President sounded remarkably calm all things considered, "Okay I want you to initiate any emergency evacuation protocols you may have put in place under the previous regime. I will not be leaving my office."

A pause, "So you are telling me this is an Alconan plot?"

She waited for a response then immediately hung up. No point wasting time on goodbyes... Immediately she rang another number. This one to the Dyellian Ministry of Transport of all places, "Hi Adrian, listen no time to explain. I need extraction literally now ... No, don't give me that I know about your little project ... Not important. I need you to use it. I take it you don't need to have it explained why my untimely demise would be bad for Dyelli Beybi? ... Good we are agreed then."

Again she hung up, and this time waited.
04-02-2009, 22:08
Agua Pura

Valentinious looks dubious "A section of the wall? How big a section do they need to seize in order to take enough batteries to make it safe for our approach?"

He pauses looking back over his shoulder "How far are we from the sea?"

As they continued talking the Marathon Transports carrying the additional Velites Kerbals would enter Dyellian airspace and continue on to Agua Pura at well over mach speed, however there are three of them instead of two...............they would shortly request clearance to land.


Sherwin looks thoughtful "No, no tubes........................could we have two of them anyway? Any explosives."

He pauses and looks even more thoughtful "The Tzarina's at the Palace............Hmmmmmmmmmm"

He chuckles at the officer "Two is all we need, for now, the rest will be arriving shortly." He tries to sound as confident as possible. He looks around for Davies "Okay then, no time to mess around with your bodice, let's get to the Palace! Radios someone and tell then that's where we're converging."

He turns and looks about to charge off and the pauses checking his GPS "Palace.........."

OOC: I'm going to get blamed for the bomb in Port Olympus, aren't I? You bastards! :D
Alcona and Hubris
05-02-2009, 02:03
OOC: Now there you go again...assuming that I'm going to do something mean and nasty to Port Olympus...remember giving your readers whiplash is fun...

Port Olympus

The fateful words were "emergency evacuation protocols you may have put in place under the previous regime" The folder was pulled out and the various emergency contingency protocols were searched:

Invasion by Dyelli Beybi---Loser
Invasion by Vrak---Fatman
Invasion by the Var---Blackman
Invasion by Vaadians---Arrogant Twerp
Attack Via Air---Lone Dove
Attack Via Sea---Phelps
Zombie Infestation---Brains
Vampire Infestation---Suck
Newbie Infestation---Acel
Mass Vrakian Dunk Driving---Whaleboy
Jackalope Infestation---Hoppy
Michal Jackson Concert---Pedophile
Bollywood Film Festival----Puke
Hippy Sit In---Flowerdower
Nuclear Attack---Bad Cloud

The various protective agencies and law enforcement, and the Marshalls were all given one code Bad Cloud. Every phone on parliment Hill went off with the same voiced instructions. "CODE RED ALERT BLACK CLOUD ASSEMBLE FOR IMMEDIATE EVACUATION"

The Keys and their senior staff were rushed to the underground monorail station to be wisked to the airport as junior staff were likewise prepared to go.

The Presidential Guard of course acted as they had been instructed to, to immediately secure the President and wisk her off to the Citidel and saftey.

They were a bit miffed at the door being locked. Captain Doon knocked loudly on the door. "Madam President, there is an evacuation order, we need to take you to a safe location."
Dyelli Beybi
05-02-2009, 04:51
Agua Pura

"Well a whole aspect." Tomashenko supplied after some thought, "Thats about four kilometres, two kilometres in either direction from the gate. Although its basically just a case of running along a tunnel and flushing anyone down from the turrets."

"We're about 300 kilometres from the coast." he supplied, faster on that one, "Or will be when we get to Bath, probably about 360 up here... these are rough estimates so you know... If you're thinking of launching a missile from off the coast, I wouldn't. The Junta won't know whats being targetted and even if you tell them they won't believe you."


"No explosives but we have enough grenades to give every orphan in Dyelli Beybi an explosive Christmas." the officer remarked, "I'll get you a couple of the rockets."

Some time later someone appeared with two strapped to his back. They were big tank hunting affairs that would slow the wearer down.

"My bodice? Excuse me." while this exchange was going on Davies had taken the time to change into the deinsigniaed uniform. It was a kakhi dress uniform, probably not ideal for battle, but not covered in bits of someone (so a big improvement in her eyes). She had also managed to convince them to hand over a SSA1801 and several clips of ammunition, "I don't have a radio."

Which was really useful... "Well I did, but I think its a bit broken. Use yours."

She followed Sherwin, sticking to the principle of safety in numbers but not offering to carry any of the new gear, "I hope you know where you're going."

They were only a couple of hundred metres from the base when a voice in the darkness called out, "Armadillo."

"We are Dyellian military." Davies blustered, "Let us pass."

This was answered with a shot that bounced off the pavement, "If you were military you would know the passphrase. Lay down your weapons. I will not ask twice."

"Which left them in a difficult situation. There was only one obvious person although there could be more hidden somewhere. The person/people were obviously not Royalists, although he/they could be Junta or Parliamentarian troops of some description.

There was no answer. The door also semed to have been locked from the inside. Atypically the KNG had also disappeared from the hallway. Apparently they had the good sense to evacuate when danger was signalled...
Alcona and Hubris
08-02-2009, 19:15
The Presidential Guard walked down the hall to a small panel and pulled it out of the wall. A single guard pushed through the narrow gap and then turned a corner pushing one of the built in bookcases of the room out of the way. Orginally it had been planned by Sir Ozy as an escape route, but it worked well as a way around a locked door.

Meanwhile the first aircraft filled with Keys and staff began to hit the skys and turn north east. Apparently that is where the plan informed them they needed to go.
10-02-2009, 03:29
Agua Pura

Valentinious smiles to Tomashenko "From off of the coast? Lord Tomashenko the Apollyon Cruise missile has a range of 1600 miles, you think the Junta would have time, much less a clue that the Lord Vaad's Tormentors were even going to launch a strike from International waters? That seems like a risk that would be acceptable."

He shrugs "However that decision is up to you, I won't request it unless you think it will be of use."

The Marathons land and begin to disembark their Velites Kerbals, and would soon be ready to begin transporting the Einherjar from York.


"Ooooh, grenades, I'll have a bag of those too....." Sherwin says as he shoulders the rockets and shakes his head at Davies and clicks on his radio "The Tzarina is at the palace, repeat the Tzarina is at the Palace, we are headed there now."

He smiles at Davies "Well, if the GPS knows where the Palace is, then yes I do know where I am going." He stopped as they were challenged and failed the test.

Sherwin reacted quickly, thinking that they were too close to finding the Tzarina to be held up, he pauses only a second before firing off a burst from his assault rifle as he dives behind, well something handily, and rather clumsily with all the extra equipment he's now carrying.

"Dive for it....................OOOF!" he yells as he shoots and dives.
Dyelli Beybi
10-02-2009, 06:11
Port Olympus

The President was not in her Office. She was gone, although where would not be clear for another twelve hours. How would be something that wasn't about to be answered in a hurry. There had been no obvious form of transport anyone might be able to detect.

In twelve hours the President would appear in Artois, the most northern city of the Djel valley. It was a city that had grown up to supply the garrisons on the Vrak border with recreational activity as well as to house the bureaucratic State customs apparatus. By this stage she was recommending an emergency relocation of Parliament to Artois...

Agua Pura

"I don't want to risk them picking up the missile on radar. They are already on a war footing." Tomashenko explained, "They're using some kind of fancy magnetic gizmo coupled to a 'multistatic low-frequency' radar thingee to pick up stealthed aircraft... and missiles."

Dyelli Beybi was a highly militaristic state, but perhaps thankfully for the rest of Klatch it was almost always in 'repel boarders!' mode...

Then of course there were the somewhat underequiped private armies such as the one Vasa was keeping on Alert in Agua Pura. It was probably enough to overthrow the Government of a Banana Republic, but here it was theoretically the Tzarina's bodyguard...


Sherwin hadn't really had the best luck so far. There was no return fire, although the noise of breaking windows and screeching civilians strongly implied that the enemy not only outnumbered them, but were rather rapidly surrounding them.

Davies hadn't had to be told to dive twice, "Gimme." she whispered, snatching the radio and GPS unit from Sherwin, "Parliamentarian strike force on Sanders, mid way between AA and Palace. Please send detachment immediately, suspect will move to strike units in the rear."

"Surrender Royalist forces." the voice had begun even before she had begun her radio message. This one was female and amplified by a megaphone, "We know there are only two of you and you are surrounded. We have been expecting you to approach up this road. Please be sensible, you don't want to die and I don't want to lose any soldiers. Just hand over your weapons. I give you my word as Teulu that you will come to no harm."

"We aren't going to be ditched, this force is too close for comfort. Surrender and we can distract them enough that some of ours can ambush them. Trust me." Davies whispered... "I'm coming out, don't shoot!" she called.

There would then proceed a very odd exchange. Had Sherwin chosen to take Davies' advice he would see it, otherwise he would probably hear it. Davies moved out and was signalled to behind a low wall where she was quickly disarmed by Parliamentarians (for it was them), "Name and rank?" the female Commander, a woman in her thirties in a field grey dress uniform asked (apparently they didn't have serial numbers in the private armies).

"Commisaar Caitlin Davies..."

"You!" the woman cut her off, then sat steepling her fingers and looking grim for a few minutes.

"You had best go." she decided eventually, "If I keep hold of you they will execute you and I have given my word you won't be harmed. Walk to the end of the street, then run and hide somewhere, I will pretend we have never met. Go!"

The Teulu had a very odd way of fighting a war...
10-02-2009, 16:23
Agua Pura

Kerbal Valentinious nods "If that is your wish, we will make no move to disable the guns. Now then, when does this 'attack' begin?"


Sherwin was used to bad luck, but this was bad. He looks alarmed as Davies surrenders "Oh, fine, great for you, but I'm a foreigner, what do you think the Telau will do with me!?"

He stands slowly watching as Davies surrenders he then strikers on a plan, as he stands he drops his rifle but holds onto his GPS, clenching it in is left hand as he raises them, he watches as the Telau has her little exchange and waits to see if they actually let Davies run.

"Er, um, Sherwin Thales , Pilot........" he pauses jerking his thumb to point to the large missiles on his back "I'm sort of wired to this, if I let go , we go up for about a block and half, but I'll be happy to run away and pretend we never met either, miss?"
Dyelli Beybi
11-02-2009, 01:43
Agua Pura

"As soon as possible." Tomashenko answered simply, "We have some vans ready, we just need people to put in the vans. They will not fire on them even if they suspect they are ours. If they shoot up a civilian convoy the Junta might actually take sides."

Apparently the 'Junta neutrality' worked both ways...


The Parliamentarian Commander came out at the point where Sherwin threatened suicide bombing. It was something which had never really caught on in Dyelli Beybi, the people who might usually be candidates were usually busy trying to get rich to even consider the idea of blowing themselves up for a cause...

The Teulu were an odd band. The honest ones tended to be rather stiff necked and honour bound (in a distinctly Dyellian kind of way), "I want civilians cleared from the area, now!" she barked an order to a subordinate.

Handing her side arm, a large revolver of some sort over to another man she stepped out into the open, "Mr Thales? I am Keeley Stewart the Viscountess of Arles, a pleasant little town in Outremere. I am not armed."

She stepped closer, holding her hands out to show she was unarmed, close enough that were Sherwin actually holding a bomb, she would be killed instantly as it exploded, "You aren't from round here are you? Listen, if you let us disarm this we don't need to say any more about it. I will hold onto you until the fighting is over, but then you will be free to go home."

If Sherwin had been aiming to distract the Parliamentarian force as Davies had suggested, he had definitely succeeded. Stewart seemed to have become quite caught up in the idea of securing his surrender without him detonating himself, "I cannot in good faith let you wander around this city endangering civilians and friendly combatants alike, I'm sorry I just can't do that, is there anything else I can do for you though? Something that might help us reach a resolution?"
Alcona and Hubris
11-02-2009, 02:16
Port Olympus

By the time the President 'reappeared' she would discover that Parliament was now sheltering on a rather large mountain in the former territory of the Var. The huge complex was a series of long, low buidlings with interior courtyards to let in light that circled down the sides of the hill. At the center, and almost the top of the place was a huge flat square paved with granite blocks five meters by five meters, at the north end of this space was the temporary Parliament building which looked like a huge hourglass stuck into the top of the hill.

Meanwhile back in the city, a former Klatchian Marshal appeared. Banks was an Olympian who had taken 'early' retirement when the government had fallen into the hands of the Dyellians.

When he wanted to know what the hell was going on he was told. "Their is an Alconian nuke about to blow underneath the city!"

Banks on the other hand stopped and considered the rather excitable aide from somewhere and continued to try and find someone, anyone actually not evacuating in a rush. Finally he found Kerrick, the old janitor who was actually cleared to clean just about anywhere.

Kerrick looked up at Banks and scoweled for a moment, "Burk wasn't it?"
"Ah, yeah..."
"What is going on?"
"Everyone panicked when that blasted contraption the Karlord installed down underground came on. Their sure the Alconians are going to blow the whole place up with it."
"You mean the mantle tap"?
" those things explode?"
"If I recall correctly, only after you hit them with a nuke..."

"Ah, so I can finish my tea..."

"Yes, and I suppose we....wait why wasn't it working..."

"Stopped when the Var left...."

"And now its turned back on..."

"So I'd say the Overlord is back..."

"And the Var..."

"Yup...of course you know...isn't the Overlord an Alconian?"

"House Crawfnord is a cadet branch of House Crawford..." Banks stopped in mid sentence.

"Cookie" the old man held up a stale biscut and Banks took it without really looking. His eyes were pondering all sorts of implications.

The Var were back...

The Overlord was back...

Lord Vaad was going to be out...
Dyelli Beybi
11-02-2009, 03:59
Artois, Northern Djel Valley

There was a distinct shortage of office space in Artois unless they moved the Dyellian customs department, which would cause complications, so instead the President had set up offices in the upper floors of the Paris and Londinium Casino, a huge building that catered for every kind of well dressed patron with money to burn.

The President had herself been located into the Caesar's Palace Suit. It was huge and tastelessly decorated in gaudy faux-Roman decor. On the plus side it was huge, huge enough to house a small army of staff.

Just because it was fun, ab Ieauf had chosen to dress in a white tunic today and do all her buisness lounging on a couch, which was where she was when the news that Parliament and all her regular aids were in Var territory... as well as the news that Port Olympus hadn't detonated.

She wrinkled her nose at the news, she was a Dyellian, intrigue was in their blood, and on this occassion she smelt a rat. The Klatchian Marshalls had always been in the pocket of House Crawford... the Var were a puppet of House Crawford. A bomb had supposedly planted by Alconans, perhaps the implication being those loyal to Corum Vaad? Something was going on, and she did not like it.

Quickly she waved at one of the aides she had taken on. Nearly all of them were loyal to the Dyellian Junta. A controversial decision, but it was better than aligning with any specific faction... "Get me a video conference line to whoever is the Vaadian head of State at this time." she instructed, also deciding now would be a good time to change, "I don't care if you have to wait for six hours before they'll put you through. Let them know this is an emergency and let them know, subtlely, that I will give my blessing to any deployment in Alcona and Hubris, also if you could let the MRAF know and invite him to be a part of the discussion."
Alcona and Hubris
11-02-2009, 05:58
Betting World...
Corum Vaad will not be Regent of the United Duchies in a Year.
10:1 odds against (or he will be)
10,000,000 Krondor bet made in Port Olympus fifteen minutes ago.
3:1 odds now...
11-02-2009, 14:27
Hall of the Assembly, Arn-Arakhan

There was a murmuring, cut short again by Foxworth's dry voice.

"It is the official position of His Serene Majesty's Several Governments that the Squall Straits not be used for the purposes of shipping due to extreme risk of piracy," his eyes regarded the Ambassador for a long moment. "State-sanctioned piracy," he added. His voice and tone were bland; he might as well have been discussion the weather.

Into the suddenly very brittle silence the Secretary spoke again, a simple "Delegate Ideene."

"Thank you Mr Secretary, My Lord President," she coughed. "Your Excellency," this to the Ambassador, "the market is being governed by natural forces. The Trade Secretariat in the UIK, which has been given a mandate to resolve the grievance with Dyelli Beybi, that is, operating under the UIK mandate, the secretary has chosen to impose punitive sanctions against the state.
"Not a natural force true, but a natural consequence is to expect Klatchian states to impose retaliatory tariffs against us; rather then wait to be bitten, many trading concerns are pre-empting what they see to be an inevitable outcome."

She paused, and accepted a glass of water handed to her.

"This is aggravated by many of the nations represented here following the UIK's lead. Of course, many of us overlook the fact that Klatch is not as cohesive as the Covenant; if a Klatchian state sanctioned Azalatar, for example, all the Covenant would retaliate. Not so for the Federation.
"Might I suggest to your Excellency that when you meet with Minister Valdir to re-open negotiations on the non-aggression pact, you include a provision guaranteeing security of trade and security of persons? I'm thinking this would particularly apply to cases of state-sanctioned corruption, piracy, and matters similar to the Dyellian Registration Act."

A very ugly expression crossed nearly every face in the chamber at the mention of the Act; even Foxworth frowned.

OOC: for reference, the Covenant doesn't import manufactured goods as a rule; the materials to make them is another story entirely.


Port Olympus

Valnard and his mission were confused. First the city was going to blow up, then it wasn't, then it was, now no-one could find the President, now no-one could find any official of the Federation, now Parliament was over there, then here, then there, then dead; rumours were flying thick and fast.

Finally they gave up on the Federal officials; no-one was answering or returning increasingly frantic phone calls; instead, four messages were sent.

The first was to the Vaadian mission in the city, to see if anyone had deigned to remember them.
The second was to Lord deMalara in Vrak. The Consul-General was told to prepare himself for a sudden promotion to head of the Macisikani mission to the Federation, and to ask the Vrakians if they had any idea of what the hell was going on.
The third was to the Bishop in Great Laasic, telling her to prepare for a sudden promotion to head of the Church in Klatchia.
The last was to Minister Valdir in Arn-Maciska, asking for the delegation to speak to the government of Vrak without going through the local mission first.
11-02-2009, 20:49
Port Olympus

The Vaadian Embassy is still manned and at full staff, the previous bomb-threats used by the Federation President had rendered the Vaadians (and quite possibly a lot of others in Port Olympus) deaf to such announcements.

Three days ago Sir Ozy had called Parliament, a bomb threat was reported, today Sir Ozy again tries to call Parliament, a bomb threat is reported. The pattern was fatiguingly familiar.

The Vaadian Embassy would respond to Ambassador Valnard's missive that they had seen an alert of some sort of bomb threat but that they had not thought nothing of it as Parliament Hill had yet to blow up previously. The Vaadian position was that it was probably business as usual, and simply an excuse for the Federation to prolong having to actually solve any issues.

Artois, Northern Djel Valley

Emergency or no President Ab Iaeuf is still personae non gratia with the First Republican, and he has no intention of talking with her, ever. If she is willing to wait she will be eventually connected to Sir Alec Connover, Minister of Foreign Affairs, who as usual, is open to just about any conversation.

Port Olympus, Parliament Hill

Contrary to popular belief, Parliament Hill is still occupied. The Nachxa had driven Sir Ozy to the Presidential Palace and to Parliament after Sir Ozy had found it necessary to shelter with The Nachxa and now the Nachxa had been in the process of collecting his picnic basket and coffee carafs and then had intended to wait for Sir Ozy.

He had obviously seen the commotion and he decided to use his remarkable talent to 'misplace' himself and simply waited until the commotion had died down, and now, the old gentleman wandered the empty hill, having a bit of a look around.

'Cenotaph' it sounded so much like 'Cenote' the underground wells that the Tolteca God-Emperors used to enter this world. He is uniquely positioned to understand that something was going on , he did not think it would be an explosion.
Alcona and Hubris
12-02-2009, 01:47
OOC: Cenotaph isn't in this thread IV...well it is one in Port Olympus over on Cenotaph Hill, they are related...

Port Olympus, Parliament Hill
The place was locked down, like Washington had been when Clinton and Congress had their little spat. There was not much of anyone about. Although someone from Sir Ozy's office did come and see if the Naxcha was still about.

"Ah sir, I was hoping you would be about. Seems that the whole thing is about...well...were not sure yet. But there are other problems, Sir Ozy thinks that the Government relocating to Mount Olympus may be benifical for actually getting some work done. However, he has been reactivated to active duty to deal with a problem in Cross Harbor. It appears that the last Naval Marshall was assasinated so the Royal Consul had decided to his a problem with the largest bat at hand.

He sends his regrets that he can not personally say good-bye. Unless...well he did say if you ever wanted to ride along on a carrier landing that he had an extra jump seat available for you."

Klatchian Government, Secure Diplomatic Website

Due to an anticipated attack, the Government has been relocated.
Please call 06-666-123-KLATCH
to connect you with an operator in our present secure location. If you are a recognized foreign mission or embassy, please note that transfering to the new location may be posssible on a first come, first served basis.

If you are a hacker who has breached this firewall...get a damn life and hack Melci's bank accounts.
Dyelli Beybi
13-02-2009, 02:13

The President might have been offended... but then again she would have fobbed her Vaadian counterpart off with Delgado had he tried to call her, having first subjected him (or whoever he had got to ring) to several hours of the specialy imported 'nails on a blackboard on hold music' (manufacted by the Dyellian Telecommunications Board). It was coincidentally why she had ordered a subordinate to make the phone call. So really the Vaadian response wasn't that bad.

She had spent the intervening time playing poker with Christopher France and a couple of other senior DRAF officers. The cards and money were quickly shifted away before patching the video-teleconference through. By this stage she was looking quite presentable, crisp business suit and rimless spectacles. France wore a blue DRAF dress uniform. He was a rather unassuming man, probably in his fifties, "Sir Connover, how do you do?" ab Ieauf opened warmly.

"May I introduce you to Sir Christopher France, Marshall of the Royal Air Force of Dyelli Beybi?" he nodded, but chose not to speak, "Listen. I hope you don't mind me cutting to the chase... Alcona and Hubris. Would you by any chance be thinking of extracting Vaadian citizens or those of Vaadian origin who may have renounced their citizenship, 'Non Resident Vaadians' one might call them?"

"If so, we..." France began, presumably the 'we' referred to the Junta, "... are willing to give you access to Dyellian naval and air bases as well as to offer supplies at cost price as well as support from engineering and medical units of the Benjian armies. No strings attached."

"It is our belief." ab Ieauf took over again, "That intervention in that area would be beneficial to regional stability."

"We are also fully aware of the hypocrisy inherrant in our strictly non interventionist policy regarding Dyelli Beybi." France added dryly, "It is my belief that the two situations are markedly different, but then I would say that, wouldn't I."


Port Olympus, Parliament Hill

With the failure of the 'bomb' to go off the KNG were back in force and were quick to visit the Naxcha to let him know the whereabouts of the President and the fact that Artois was now the Klatchian capital until they had cleared Port Olympus.

While this was going on, the President's personal 'police force' were also putting in a concerted effort to locate and disarm/eliminate the bomb.
13-02-2009, 22:36
Port Olympus, Parliament Hill

The Nachxa simply smiles "Thank you my young friend, no,no, I should just be heading home then. I would hate to get in the way."


The video link to Sir Alec is of very low quality and he did not appear to be in his office, maybe a study or a dining room somewhere, possibly just using a laptop webcam, the sound is of equally low quality.

He looks about to say something but then just listens as President Abaeuf explains the situation. He then pauses, looks thoughtful, blinks and then replies slowly.

"I am not sure how to answer any of that. First, you expect us to use the Junta's airbases, the same Junta that shot down an Alconian craft and then announced that it had repelled a Vaadian invasion. Second you want us to intervene and end the civil war in the United Duchies while ignoring your own, and equally destabilizing bloodbath. Third you say this is 'with no string attached' and that our military intervention would be 'beneficial regional stability."

He pauses for a long second "You realize Caroline, that in a single statement you've done a complete one hundred and eighty degree turn on every statement of policy you've ever made? Now if I were a suspicious man, I would think that Air Marshal Frank here and his Junta syndicate of goons that have been preparing to repel a Vaadian invasion would be keen to have some Vaadian targets to unify the Blessed Kingdom and allow them to take control from the Peers and their Duchessina.

Now Caroline, I trusted you when we negotiated the Accord, but honestly how stupid do you think any one in the Free Republic would be? I'll tell you both a couple of things: the only officials that have less credibility with the Republican Council than the Federation are the Dyellian Junta, I will also tell you that Corum Vaad refused to sign a mutual defense pact negotiated by my Mr. Cherkess. We in the Free Republic have no ties to the United Duchies officially, not even an embassy, all of our citizens travel there, just as they do to anywhere else in the Federation, at their own risk."

He stops and shrugs "This really is the most ridiculous thing I've heard, and I'll simply put in my notes for the Republican Council that Air Marshal Franklin and his Junta mobsters are probably holding you hostage and forcing you to place this call. Now, is there anything based in the world of reality that I can help you with?"

Sir Alec's natural boyish charm that had helped the negotiations over the Accord go so smoothly probably seemed more impetuous than charming now that Caroline found herself receiving them in a less than friendly manner.

There is no way of telling with Sir Alec whether he actually believes that Air Marshal France is holding Caroline hostage or if he simply does not believe a word that Caroline has said.
13-02-2009, 22:45
The government has always remained neutral in regards to Klatch affairs.

Those who speak in commerce, however, have always been digging where they shouldn't.

"To the misfortune of others."

"To our own fortune, my friend."

The couple sipped their illegal Merlot in the splendor of a high rise Emulov office. Modern, classic, a killer sunset from almost a mile above the city. Black smoke trailed slowly over the coast, the only sign of the recent regional dispute.

Lion, the Urban Speaker of the Duma.

Man, the Warden of Emulov.

A somber social call between a sociopath and a puppet-master.

"The Adel remains ignorant, yeah?"

"Yeah, the Emperor has no idea. The Consul has been to city hall, but he's tied up in paperwork."

"Treason is a high crime these days."

"We received clearance today from Al-Ariq. He said we can begin as soon as tomorrow."

Lion set her Merlot on her desk, stood, and walked slowly to the windows looking over the bay. Man remained seated, enjoying the illegal import.

"The Empire insists on standing neutral. Naive. The projected profit margins of this regional debacle are exponential. We're going to piss someone off eventually, might as well profit while the market is prime. Commence Green Peace tomorrow morning. I'll be in Cairo speaking to the Duma."

She glanced to Man, then back to the bay.
Dyelli Beybi
15-02-2009, 05:46

France made an odd clicking noise with his tongue, "I think Lady Caroline that we are experiencing what one might call a 'Vaadian response'."

"We are indeed Mr. France." she picked up on the Air Marshall's tone quickly, the corner of her mouth twitching slightly as she did.

"You know, this is interesting, I think we have a bad line, 'France' isn't usually a complicated name." he added mildly, "Perhaps it is our Dyellian accents that are beyond his comprehension."

"He can usually understand it, I'm going with bad line." she waved hand in front of the camera, "CAN YOU HEAR US?"

"It doesn't matter Lady Caroline, we can hear him. That is the important bit I feel." France tapped her on the shoulder, "What perplexes me is the simultaneous offence taken at the engagement with a vehicle refusing to follow ground control instructions in a no fly zone and denial of any involvment in Alconan Politics."

"It perplexes me also. I think what one might take out of this is that the Vaadians are uninterested in interfering in Klatchian politics... which is a pleasant change." she continued, "Well since Mr. Alex can't hear us I think we should disconnect. I'm sure he is just as frustrated by this conversation as we are. Goodbye"

The image cut out.

"I think perhaps this puts our own situation into perspective." France pondered after the call.
15-02-2009, 23:53

Sir Alec simply chuckles in amusement at the Dyellians failed attempt at his own impetuous brand of humor. It did not suit them, nor did Caroline's alternating attempts at vilifying the Free Republic and then attempting to get the Free Republic to solve the Federations problems. Of course this schizophrenia is always what vexes the Vaadians the most and gets them to act in a most unfortunate way.

He just shrugs as the line goes dead, making a couple of notes on the file that the exchange was saved to like 'Junta has possibly kidnapped President' and 'Caroline ab Iauef as untrustworthy as originally expected'. He thought for a second that Caroline actually did want to ask for Vaadian help, but had miscalculated horribly by having a Junta thug in attendence, she had to know that 'Soult's law' passed mainly in her support after Genorale Soult was overthrown prevented the Free Republic to recognize or act in support of or with the support of any group that militarily overthrows a legal government. She had to know the disdain that Vaadians held for military strongmen.

He then types out a quick brief for the media and his Ambassadors:

After a frankly confusing exchange with the Federation President and one Air Marshal France during which both requested Vaadian action to 'stabilize' the situation in the United Duchies while ignoring the situation in the Blessed Kingdom. This odd and incongruous stance leaves a very strong possibility that the Federation President is under direct control of the Dyellian Junta.

Be advised that all Vaadian Embassies are hereby ordered to suspend all diplomatic visas for Federation Officials and to increase the scrutiny to Federation travelers requesting visas.Be also advised that the deployed Naval Guard Tactical Groups currently deployed in Klatchia regional waters will be putting ships originating from the Blessed Kingdom and the United Duchies under extra scrutiny.

The Free Republic has no intention of becoming involved in the internal affairs of Federation States, unless publicly asked to do so by the Federation Government as required by the Accord for Peace in the Klatchia. Such requests made under duress from Dyellian Junta thugs, and their offers to use Dyellian bases, will be ignored.

We hope that the Federation Government has not been compromised by Dyellian Junta goons and that all sides in the Federation will quickly resolve their issues and come to peaceful resolutions of the myriad conflicts.
Dyelli Beybi
17-02-2009, 23:01
Of course the President wouldn't have believed the Vaadians disdained 'military strongmen', being as Ilek-Vaad had been the one demanding Klatch negotiate with Generals...

"We cannot." she paced, waving a finger angrily, "Cannot, continue turning a blind eye to Vaadian meddling in Klatchian politics. If they won't play ball then we need to solve the continued situations in Alcona and Hubris and here at home in manera Dyellia."

"We have discussed several options." France responded slowly. He had been somewhat confused by the exchange with the Vaadian, although had he known he had been compared to Soult he would have been positively offended, in his mind all he had done was act to prevent the childlike forces of the Tzarina and Parliament from butchering each other and the civilian population...

"Opperations Rajah, Cromwell and Poltergeist." the President waved a hand dismissively, not wanting the Air Chief Marshall to go over things again, "We will run with Cromwell. Phase One will be an internal matter in which I will not associate myself, although Phase Two I will endorse."
20-02-2009, 17:00
Of course whatever the Dyellians were up to was probably exactly the wrong thing to do given the circumstances. The federation, in it's own dysfunctional little world was probably unaware that the entirety of the circumstances had changed (, of course the Federation only notices changes which are preceded by a horrendous bloodbath. The silent, orderly changes of the Free Republic as always are entirely unfathomable to the Federation mind.

'Democracy is the continual overthrow of the government by the People, without the violence.' the Honoured Statesman had once said.

The new Minister of Foreign Affairs, Scipio Nemaraan went about his job in a quiet orderly fashion, before anyone knew it he had set up a temporary office in the Vaadian Embassy in Port Olympus. The Right and Honourable Ambassador to the Federation Livingston Bramble made it known to the office of the President of the Federation and the Parliament that the Minister of Foreign Affairs would be in Port Olympus for the next nine days and that his schedule could be cleared to meet with any Federation officials, at their convenience.

Obviously a nefarious Vaadian Imperialist trap!
Dyelli Beybi
28-02-2009, 05:07
OOC: Hey IV think you might have missed the last DB civil war posts...
28-02-2009, 18:28
OOC: I believe you are right, you should have said something sooner, I thought I was waiting for you! Another Dyellian plot!


Agua Pura

"Well, as soon as my men are unloaded, we can start getting the Einherjar down here, they are quite a bit bigger than us, and have more heavy equipment, so we can probably only carry about twenty or thirty at a time." He motions to the three Marathons "However I would imagine that the flight to and from York would only take a few minutes at mach 2...."


Sherwin was pleasantly surprised, his luck had just turned and if Davies was going to get help and not just running away, this just might work. He then realized that they thought he was now a suicide bomber and he smiles pleasantly at Viscountess Stewart. His profuse sweating from carrying his load probably added to his theatrics.

"Well, uhm, I think you've made a mistake......." He deliberately speaks slowly dragging this out, keeping his GPS firmly gripped with his hands still out "I don't want to blow myself up either."

He steps slowly towards Viscountess Stewat pointing to his 'detonator', keeping his hand over it so she can't see it "When I dove over there....." he slowly motions behind the car or whatever he had jumped behind "I accidentally armed this" he motions to the missiles on his back " It was to be used in case we had to blow a wall or something to rescue Alex.......... er the Tzarina, but when I dove, I must of pressed 'armed' and hit a number key at the same time, because it's red......." He pauses cupping his hand to look at the GPS "and it shows '1 sec' so I guess I hit '1' and the only reason it hasn't started it's one second count because I haven't let go of the 'armed' button."

He chuckles nervously, looking down the street to make sure Davies is well out of sight.

"I could use a glass of water, and my hand is really starting to sweat. I would love you to disarm it, it would be easier if the ordinance expert......" he points to where Davies has disappeared to "hadn't run away......................she told me to carry it, because it was too heavy for her........................." he pauses letting his knees buckle " I feel like I might pass out....................."

He's hoping to get everyone to back off even further by feigning light headedness...............
04-03-2009, 21:05
[Post #253, 254]
Macisikan, Sheilas & Bruces
Deep South Klatchian Ocean; Bruce's Beach Island

Captain Kuet looked over the Macisikani Forces as they quietly and efficiently set up their positions on the beach. Then his gaze was drawn over to the two Bruces who appeared ready to draw knives and then settled in for backslapping and laughter with each other. The Captain was hardly a philosopher, but holding the rank of captain meant that he appreciated getting things done with the least amount of hassle. Which meant he inwardly admired the foreigners in their mechanical efficiency but also felt drawn to his Klatchian brothers in terms of their spirit but, at least in his eyes, their lack of discipline caused his eyebrows to frown.

A bark of command and the small party of Vrakians finished unloading the supplies and began to set up a shelter. Accompanied by one of the sailors, he strode towards the Shielas and Bruces encampment, searching for their commander.

Dyelli Beybi
The Canal

Sansaeya caught Saxon’s implication and grinned. It would be what he would do if he were in the Brigadier’s position. After all, the Vrakian colonel could appreciate the strategic importance of the D.B.A.T to Dyelli Beybi proper. But then again, what they were discussing wasn’t really up to them. They had their orders and, for the moment, his orders were to dig in and wait.

“Well, I can appreciate your position Brigadier Saxon. At best, I can forward our joint proposal to my superiors if you’re willing to do the same. After all, unlike what others may think, we Vrakians aren’t particularly inclined to go about killing fellow Klatchians.”

A short hrumph and the walrus settled back. He really wasn’t sure if the Brigadier was ready to put his name to anything or if he thought it would really accomplish anything. After all, the Vrakians were big on procedure and this action put forward by the colonel was clearly “thinking outside the box” in Vrakian mentality.


Somewhere in Vrak

-Clearance has been given for Desagradavel
-Very well. Inform Sub General Orikaj. Prepare the teams.
-Are the Sketchians ready?
-We believe so. If not, we have others that can do the job.
-It is too obvious. The finger will come back to us.
-No matter. A message will be sent to the Klatch.
-Can we live with the fallout?
-Possible scenarios have already been run. We believe that this is the best course available.
-Not enough flexibility has been built in.
-Irrelevant now.

Suddenly, an unexpected phone call came through.


[Post #252]

Thunder Bay

Haste was not lost on the Vrakians. The hypersonic jet ferrying the Senior Minister kicked it up a notch as it cleared Vrak-Dukratus once the message was received. They were flying high and fast and would be fairly difficult to catch for most any hostile party. As it was, the walrus was seemingly unmoved. He was focused on trying to diffuse the situation and to forge some kind of peace accord. Instructions he left with his staff and communiqués with the Department of InterKlatchian Affairs was to proceed on that front - especially to press the Klatchian Parliament. Although since this particular department also was in conjunction with the Ministry of War, he had some misgivings about success.


[Post #277]

-What in the Blue Oyster is going on! shouted Irok to his two trembling colleagues. Immediately, the walrus reached for the liquor cabinet while Hugo sat down and put his hands to his ears.

The door burst open and a Klatchian Marshal of Vrakian descent burst in. He was armed and like Irok was in control of himself, although the VIS trained key was still taken by surprise.

-Evacuation sir! We have to go!

Justin signed and then turned. At least he accomplished his first part of the mission. He picked up the encrypted line and dialed quickly. After a few short words he hung up.

-Let’s go. he said to his colleauges


Port Olympus

Of course, the order for evacuation of Parliament was not lost on the Vrakian troops within the grand old city itself. Troops that were closing in on the Parliamentary buildings themselves halted and waited for orders while the rest manned the gates and entrances. The Vrakians didn’t want a widespread panic among the general population to develop. If one did occur though, it would be dealt with in the usual Vrakian style which usually didn’t involve being compassionate.
Dyelli Beybi
06-03-2009, 00:40
The Canal

Saxon exhaled, "Very well, I will forward the message up, but be aware that we are not really in a position to negotiate on behalf of the State. We are merely one arm of the State."

The arm of the State that hadn't gone completely crazy at least in Saxon's opinion...


Agua Pura

"Very well." Tomashenko nodded, "Let it be done. May I leave you in charge of organising that aspect of our campaign. We have a dozen or so trucks at your disposal. They're supermarket grocery delivery vehicles."

Not so high above that it was invisible (or inaudible), an FM2 fighter, identifiable from the canard-delta wing design, swept past.



Stewart was quite obviously totally taken in by the act, she stepped closer, "Okay, we're going to call in the bomb squad." she assured Sherwin, "Just stay calm... do you think you could hand me the detonator?"

While the others had backed off, Stewart driven by a misguided sense of nobility had decided she absoulately needed to help...

Which was about when gunfire broke out again, only this time it was the Parliamentarians who were at the recieving end of the ambush. Already jittery from the 'bomber', most of them turned tail as the first shots were fired, scattering into the side streets. There was one notable exception... Stewart, "Don't come any closer!" she yelled, one of the hidden figures was almost certainly lining her up in their sights by now, "Your colleague has an armed bomb!"
06-03-2009, 04:16
Thunder Bay

The Senior Minister's jet was given landing instructions and met by a contingent of the Regent's Royal Guard, a Captain came forward and saluted the Senior Minister and his staff.

"Greetings Sir, we had intended to take you to your lodgings and allow you to freshen up before meeting with Lord Hull but I am afraid that the situation on the ground may have over taken the reasons for this meeting and Lord Hull has instructed that we take you directly to him."

He pauses and motions to the LAV's pulling up "We will assure your security."

Once everyone is loaded in they drive through Thunderbay to the Royal War Museum where the LAV's pull around the back of the campus.

"Lord Hull's offices are here in the museum, he says that it furthers his studies." The Captain says with a chuckle as he leads the Senior Minister into the offices and into an office on the first floor, not an overly large office, more like that of a professor. The tall solidly built dark haired and dark eyed Lord Hull stands waiting and bows respectfully to the Senior Minister.

"Welcome, I am sorry that we meet under such difficult circumstances...............scotch, or vodka?" He says as he opens the decanters. "Please make yourself comfortable."

Agua Pura

Kerbals Valentinious nods "Very well................" he pauses and looks quizzical "Armored grocery delivery trucks?"

The Marathon's quickly disgorge their Velite Kerbals that being unlimbering their equipment, FN-FAL para assault rifles, Scorpion sniper rifles and even shoulder mounted anti tank and anti-air missiles, some of which are aimed at the jet over head until it is determined that it is not attacking. The Marathon's then begin shuttling in the Einherjar.


Sherwin chuckles as Stewart turns towards the Tzarist's gunfire and picks up his own rifle and pokes her in the ribs with it.

"I am awfully sorry Viscountess Stewart, but in the name of the Tzarina, you are under arrest." as she most certainly turns back to him he tosses her his 'detonator' he then says " Captain.' As he waves to the shadows. "Tell me Viscountess, do you have any official transportation nearby?"
Dyelli Beybi
06-03-2009, 08:27
Agua Pura

"Just delivery trucks." Tomashenko responded, "The real thing. We're banking on them not getting shelled before they stop to look at what's inside. They don't want to piss the junta off by killing civies."



The Viscountess looked stunned, but not so stunned that she forgot to answer when a weapon was pointed at her, "No." she said simply, putting her hands behind her head.

"Wow you are stupid." Davies had sauntered up while this was going on, wearing a triumphant smirk, "Letting prisoners run away. This isn't the nineteenth century. What did you honestly think would happen?"

Stewart looked glumly at the floor muttering something about 'honourable behaviour'.

"Okay we need to press on." Davies indicated upwards as a pair of paratroopers passed by, cautiously hugging the shadows on the edge of the road, "Mr Thales, deal with this Parliamentarian."

Which was interpreted as 'kill' by Stewart who abruptly burst into tears (apparently she was no soldier).
06-03-2009, 08:41
[Post #300]
Dyelli Beybi
The Canal

“Of course of course!” exclaimed the Colonel, “You and I, well, we just follow orders, eh? Let me just write something down here.”

What the fat walrus meant was that his aide was summoned with a laptop who promptly sat down and began to type as the Colonel barked at him in the harsh Vrakian language. After a few minutes, a double-sided one page document spat out. It was divided down the middle with Vrakian on the left and English on the right - essentially summarizing that this was a proposal put forth by both man and walrus believing that dividing the land claimed by both will ease hostilities and unify the Klatch. On the back was a miniature version of the earlier map and then concerns made by the Brigadier (access to the DBAT) were also noted.

The walrus took out his personal seal and stamped it and then pushed it to Saxon.

“Here you go. Let’s sign and then enjoy some entertainment!”

Port Olympus

So far, Port Olympus did not blow up, which brought a sense of relief to the Vrakians. After getting ready themselves to evacuate, since some rumours indicated that a nuclear device was to be detonated, the Vrakians reacted.

The HORDE Commander of the Middle South HORDE group decided that he had enough. Conferring briefly with his superiors and feeling a little flush with the literally hundreds of thousands of military equipment and personal flooding into his district - he acted.

First, a phone call was placed to the most senior Klatchian government official based in Port Olympus - preferably a senior ranking Klatchian Marshal or a high ranking Klatchian JDF official that Vrak was going to reinforce their troops in Port Olympus to ensure stability.

Next, at least three more man-gunins were immediately sent to the city itself. Most were infantry and personal carriers, but one group of fighter craft located at a nearby airbase were put on full alert.

Then, the troops already in the city were tightening up the perimeters and began to move much more forcefully into controlling major intersections. No curfew was established yet but that would soon change.

Lastly, another huge door in the side of a mountain grinded open. After a couple of hours, yet another LLAFV-DP lifted off and began to head towards Port Olympus.

ooc: I looked Artois on old DB maps but I can't find it.
06-03-2009, 15:21
Agua Pura

Valentinious shrugs "I hope you know what you're doing." and then waits for the Einherjar to arrive and gets them situated as best as possible.


Sherwin chuckles and takes the missiles off his back and hands them to Davies.

"Carry these for the moment, I'm basting in my own juices , also locate a compact car, and do these buildings here have aluminum gutters?......................I'll catch up in a minute."

He takes the Viscountess by the arm and leads her into an alley and stands her against the wall "Okay, toss me your hat, and jacket......" he keeps her covered with one hand while digging through his pack with the other and takes out a few zip-ties "Okay, now turn around, hands behind you, don't worry I'm not going to shoot you, unless you give me any trouble, now be quick about it."
06-03-2009, 21:00
[Post #301]
Thunder Bay

The walrus merely nodded as he was informed that Lord Hull would prefer to meet with him soon. He rather preferred that instead of “freshening up” since usually the Vrakian meaning was to start drinking heavily before any serious negotiations were to begin. A brief bark to his tall, dark haired aide who spoke quickly into her head mic. The aide herself was dressed in a simple pants suite and carried a briefcase. Behind her strode on of the usual Inuit bodyguards who looked about the area with a scowl. As well, one SOAT-bot walking on all fours made up the last of the little group.

Once in the museum, the walrus grinned slightly at the mention of alcohol.

“Vodka, please if you don’t mind Lord Hull. Glad we could meet under these…well…interesting circumstances.”

He settled his two ton bulk as best he could while the rest of the group remained unsmiling.
07-03-2009, 00:21
Thunder Bay

Lord Hull pours the drinks as the Royal Guard leave the Minister and his assistant and their robot alone with Lord Hull. He then takes his seat and rubs his chin thoughtfully.

"Well, I am not sure what we have to discuss at this point. Just before the most recent 'bomb threat' Sir Ozy had reported that the President and he had worked a plan that was to be presented before Parliament for debate." he then sighs heavily "But it appears she has found a way to avoid Parliament's scrutiny yet again, and now with Field Marshall O'Booze offering to harbor Prince Makonen's rebels.................."

He shrugs "The Dyellians seem prepared to escalate their hostility to the Regent. The President seems content to stand by and allow the Dyellians a free hand in whatever nefarious actions they wish to take. So far as I know at this point General Lytleton is poised to drive the Dyellians out of Federation Parkland and back to their own borders, rather than posted along the border of the Marches. This is the point where I would ask for your support, but I know that is not going to happen. You do not trust the Regent either and are prepared to abandon the United Duchies, I do thank for at least coming in person to express your stance."

Lord Hull is certainly not upbeat and is obviously planning for the worst case scenario. He sips at his vodka as he finishes and waits to see what the Senior Minister has to say.
08-03-2009, 02:46
[Post #306]
Thunder Bay

Senior Minister Jur Ratyuig looked thoughtfully at Lord Hull. Alconian troops ready to drive out Dyellians in Federation Parkland? With the consent of the President? He signed. He disliked the twists and turns of Klatchian politics since the Vrakians were less skilled in the art of cloak and dagger.

“I think there is much to talk about, in fact, Lord Hull. Whether we can accomplish anything is another matter, but I believe we need to try. To address your point, well, I believe that Vrak will remain neutral in the event of any conflict between any states within the Klatch itself. We will, of course, monitor the situation and will act if we detect any foreign involvement.”

A pause. He wasn’t exactly sure what was happening in the United Duchies.

“Perhaps you can summarize for me what has been going on in the United Duchies itself. What is the ‘situation on the ground’ as I was informed when I landed in Thunder Bay? In all my years of being in the Vrakian government, I’ve never personally encountered nor has anyone in the Diplomatic Corps, before it was folded into the Ministry of Rites, ever had to worry about their own safety within a Klatchian state.”

Another sigh as he downed his first vodka.


Vrak Prime

The Department of Inter-Klachian Affairs was suddenly very busy. When it was first created, it was considered a sleepy post for ex-diplomats and warriors. That is, meetings were supposed to be held at the seaside with massages for all. But with the recent events, and a very much hands-on King, it found itself actually having to live up to its mandate; promoting peace and stability within the Klatch. It also was another channel for other Klatchians to make their voices heard within the mind-numbing Vrakian bureaucracy.

Not only were missives sent to Dyelli Beybi (at least the ones the Vrakians recognized that didn’t include the Junta, not yet anyhow) and Alcona & Hubris, but the states that Vrak had more of a periphery interest in. These included Shielas and Bruces, Fodmodmadtol, and Karmanyaka. Some believed that if the latter three could form some kind of agreement in coalition with Vrak then a more powerful voice could present itself to Parliament. The sudden relocation of the Keys to Artois put a damper on the plan but it was an avenue that was worth exploring.
09-03-2009, 21:47
Thunder Bay

"What is happening in The United Duchies? As the Dyellians would say 'Purely an internal matter and nothing to worry about' the rest of us with normal intellect would call it an insurrection. Certain parties within the United Duchies have taken the Regents hands off management style and his attempt to deal with the Dyellians as rational human beings as weakness and are questioning his legitimacy as Regent."

Lord Hull pauses and chuckles " Detect any foreign involvement? You should ask the Free Republic about that, we have some, rumors, that our President has asked the Free Republic to intervene in the United Duchies current situation, and the Dyellian Junta are offering their military bases for Vaadian use.........................Minister Nemaraan will not give us specifics on the matter as the Free Republic feels that the communication with our President is of the confidential diplomatic nature, he only refers us to the previous diplomatic release on the matter ("

He pauses and take a drink. "However we still have some well placed friends in the Free Republic and they have confirmed that the Junta and Federation President did ask the Free Republic to take our Regent out of the way. We will respond to that matter when we have concluded the more urgent matters."
Dyelli Beybi
09-03-2009, 21:56
OOC: Artois is new... remember where the 'Artois line' was? The series of forts on the very original Vrak/DB border. It's just South of that, kinda a city that sprang up to provide R&R needs to the troops.

The Canal
Saxon signed off on the paper although he made a little addendum by pen to note that he was the 'Representative of H.M.'s Armed Forces', presumably this was to excuse him from getting into trouble for exceeding his authority...

Agua Pura
There were 12 biplanes in the sky now, flying relatively low. Tomashenko had disappeared to wherever his headquarters were, but quickly reappeared looking grim and trailing an equally grim looking Vasa, "We have a problem." he announced, "The Junta have shown their hand. They are demanding an immediate surrender of all private armies around Bath in order to 'minimise civilian losses'."

He grimaced, "We need you to get moving ASAP or things will start to get really bad."

Homelands Army HQ, Some miles South West of Agua Pura

General Bennigsen was a happy man today. Dyelli Beybi was a country in almost constant violent flux. A corrupt regime would exist, then everyone got fed up, overthrew it and replaced it with a regime which was honest... for a little while. Then slowly it became dishonest just like the last. Rinse and repeat. It was a horrific cycle of blood and violence which ultimately achieved nothing. Only this time they were going to break it, and he was the man who was going to do it, "Captain Clark, pass word to Air Chief Marshall Lewis that our men are in position to commence opperation Aadvark, we simply await his support. Also inform him that we are commencing Opperation Lord as we speak."

"Yes Sir." the Captain saluted smartly and retreated to a radio, "Bring me a Conference call to Brigadier Pope, I want to know how his forces are going."

This took a few moments, but soon a pompous, although slightly stressed sonding voice was coming over the intercom, "Brigadier Pope reporting, Sir."

"Status report on Opperation Lord." Bennigsen demanded, facing the large projection screen despite the fact that Brigadier Pope did not have access to video teleconferencing at this time.

"We are reunifying the Brigade South of the main conflict zone, although this means that we have left significant amounts of ammunition, not to mention heavy AA pieces in a position for Parliamentarians or Royalists to sieze and use against us."

"I understand your reluctance, but this is a tactical necessity." Bennigsen assured the general. "We need the Road to Sheffield clear for Major General Thomas to advance. Once he is present we will have overwhelming superiority in terms of numbers, equipment and quality of soldiers."

"Indeed." it sounded like Pope had more to say, he dithered for a moment, apparently cautious about speaking out of turn, but eventually decided he would, "Sir, we have not considered one eventuality in 'Lord'. The Opperation will take time. Parliament may chose to eliminate the Tzarina if they feel they are facing certain defeat."

"Valid point." Bennigsen was not so foolish as to ignore an obvious possibility, the Junta was essentially pro-Tzarina, although the orders from the President had been to eliminate Vaadian influence over her as well as to ensure neither she nor Parliament was able to field personal armies again, "If you have any troops you feel are unneeded in Phase A, feel free to commit them to an assault on the Palace."

"Semper Dyellia." Pope acknowledged the new orders.


Davies didn't seem that keen on holding the missiles so palmed them off to a passing soldier. She shrugged at the question about gutters, "No idea. Probably the newer ones."

She quickly joined the rest of the soldiers. She had ordered Sherwin to kill Stewart, mostly because she wasn't comfortable with doing it herself. Stewart had been stupid to let her go, but she was also undeniably decent, the kind of person she would have been friends with had they met in civilian life. So let Sherwin do the dirty work.

Meanwhile Stewart numbly handed over her jacket and cap. It was almost military, clearly designed to resemble Dyellian dress uniform as closely as possible, and definitely too small for Sherwin (although probably not for Davies). She sniffed, looking thoroughly dejected as she put her hands behind her back, "Why not?" she asked, realising immediately that was a stupidly dangerous question, "I won't be any trouble, you have my word."
10-03-2009, 02:35
Agua Pura

Kerbals Valentinious looks dubious to say the least and walks over to the other Kerbals and has a quick confab with Manglevites Macrombolitsa, who then hurriedly gets on the radio as Valentinious comes back over to Tomashenko and Vasa.

"No dice, without the Einherjar here either you get the Red Army to honor it's neutrality or we are gone, Manglevites Mancrombolitsa is recalling the Marathons now. We are not going to be on the receiving end of the massacre."

He looks very grave and then adds "Either that or commit to a naval bombardment of Bath by the Lord Vaad's Tormentors and allow us to land the other fourteen thousand five hundred Kerbals to watch our back while we rescue the Tzarina. Make your choice, we are leaving in ten minutes."

He turns and stalks back to the other Kerbals who now begin limbering their equipment again.


"Of course you won't...." he says as he zip ties her hands together and then retrieves his tactical tomahawk from his pack and uses the blunt end to deliver a knockout blow to the side of her head/neck from behind. "Pleasant dreams." he then takes her identification, and anything else she has.

He then uses the sharp blade of the tomahawk to shear off a section of gutter as high as he can reach and then splits it, running out of the alley to his comrades, tossing the Viscountess' hat and jacket to Davies.

"Viscountess Stewart! You forgot your hat and coat, oh and you have eighty six Kronor in your handbook!" he tosses the wallet as she gets the coat on.

"Come along then, keep up!" he says as he sets off at a quick jog towards the palace "I have an awesomely dangerous plan." He runs up next to one of the 'paratroopers' "That car! pop the bonnet and tear out the battery and the leads! Come one, they may regroups and be back!"
Dyelli Beybi
10-03-2009, 14:23
Agua Pura

"We have sufficient troops." Tomashenko replied bluntly, squinting in a way that didn't try to conceal his mistrust of landing Kerbals; foreigners of dubious loyalty.

However he did need to complete his mission, no matter the cost, "Explain to me this naval bombardment again? Where is it launched from and what can go wrong?"


"I don't look at all like her." Davies seemed to have cottoned on, "For a start I'm at least five years younger... no..." she squinted at the ID card, "Exactly 10. She has green eyes, mine are brown, blonde hair, mine is black... do we need to go on?"

The complaint seemed to be more on general principle that someone else was telling her what to do, for she put the hat and jacket on anyway, "She is dead right? Because I don't want her coming back, doubt she'll be as nice next time around."

From not too far ahead the sound of gunfire had started up again. The radio crackled into life again, Shamir here, we have led an assault on the East aspect of the palace, although it is getting nowhere. There just aren't enough of us left. We need an assault on another aspect, hopefully it will be less well guarded. Is anyone else left?

Apparently Shamir had managed to bust out of the hospital somehow, although no doubt her unit had taken horific casualties in the process. Nobody knew yet, but of the original 120 troops dropped, less than fourty were alive, uncaptured and not nursing a crippling injury. A good third of those standing would have been considered 'walking wounded' in a normal battle. In her heart Shamir had accepted that the mission had failed, yet she would not stop until she was dead; Honour demanded it.

"So what's the plan bright spark?" Davies demanded, doing her best to keep everyone moving towards the palace, "I hope its a good one."
10-03-2009, 19:25
Agua Pura

Valentinious frowns at Tomashenko "The Lord Vaad's Tormentor's are standing off the 'Federation Parkland' some three hundred miles along with the Royal Navy ships that are gathering in the Eastern Marches. They would be launched from the Tormentors. The Apolloyon missiles used have a twelve hundred pound warhead and a range of over sixteen hundred miles, their bunker buster warheads would make the gun emplacements swiss cheese.

They travel at mach six or better and are constructed entirely of radar absorbent materials, they are laser, satellite and image guided. The worst that can happen is that they are somehow intercepted and shot down, but that is next to impossible. They will not miss, but expect total casualties at the gun emplacements, and if your designers have been foolish enough to have the magazine in or near the gun emplacements, expect high collateral damage as well."

He pauses "Decide quickly, in minutes we can reduce every gun emplacement facing us to rubble."


Sherwin keeps his eyes open as they run, looking for an alley from which he has a clear view of the palace, it does not have to be close, just fairly clear "Look, I know she's more attractive than you, but with the hat on and the collar pulled up, no one will notice." he needles Davies as they move "She's dead-ish, it will be a good eight hours before she's able to show up."

As soon as he found an alley that fit his needs he stops and waves to the man now carrying the missiles "Put those down, grab those garbage cans!" he pauses and gets on the radio to Shamir "Roger that, Delta Unit just entered city, heading for palace, artillery will be in place shortly!"

Hopefully the Telau were listening.

As soon as the trashcans were where he wanted them he propped the two sections of gutters on top of them at an angle and lashed them into place with the duct tape from his pack and laid the missiles in the end and takes car battery off to the side and returns to the missiles with the cable leads, stripping them open and making four ropes from the copper wire inside.

"You see, tube fired missiles like these are electrically ignited, usually by a 2.4v source, a car battery will do in a pinch............" he pauses as he locates the ignition lead and duct tapes two wires to each lead and walks back to the battery with all four "All you need to do is complete the circuit........." he says wrapping one cable from each around the positive battery terminal, he hands the other two ends to one of the men.

"Right, give us five minutes then touch the cables here to the negative pole, that will complete the circuit and launch the missiles......oh and you'll get a little shock......." He hands the other guy his bag of hand grenades "After they hit the palace, or near it or whatever, start throwing these, move around and throw from as many different positions as possible, then get out of here when you've drawn the guards out."

He then slaps Davies on the back and puts on his balaclava. "Viscountess Stewart here will get us in and hopefully to the Tzarina, okay, give is five minutes starting now!"

At no time does he pause to listen to dissent and now he starts running towards the side of the Palace, Davies in tow.
13-03-2009, 19:49
[Post #308]
Thunder Bay

The walrus hrumphed as he listened to Lord Hull. An insurrection in Alcona & Hubris was not what Vrak would like to see, if his words could be taken at face value. He would have to do some investigating on his own. Also the mentioning that Klatchian states have asked Ilek-Vaad to intervene gave him concern.

“Troubles in any Klatchian state is not what we like to see, but especially here. While I can perhaps understand the rationalization of some states asking for intervention by an outside power, it doesn’t mesh well with Klatchian history. In the past, at least, the Klatch was more responsive to any outside intrusions.”

He let the words hang in the silence then pressed on.

“I am here to see that all the states in the Klatch remain stable. To that end, my colleagues in the Department of Inter-Klatchian Affairs are quite busy in concert with my office to build a coalition of like-minded states to end this crisis. I fear what the consequences would be should I fail.”


ooc: this map is what I could find to figure out where cities are in Dyelli Beybi.
14-03-2009, 16:23
Thunder Bay

Lord Hull chuckles generously "Stable? Stabilty was gone when Vrakian and Dyellian troops used the disbanding of the JDF to grab Federation lands. It's made the Junta stronger, prolonging the Dyellian civil war."

He pauses here and frowns "But that is beside the point, fixing that requires an act of Parliament. It also did not help that the Regent believed that if he treated the Dyellian as rational, responsible adults they could solve their issues by sitting down and talking about them."

He pauses and chuckles "Chancellor Hume was correct abut that. So we all bear responsibility for the instability. For now, we are going to focus on putting down the insurrection here in the United Duchies, the rest of the Federation is on their own, it's obvious that the President will not allow Parliament to be seated. You should also ask your Vaadian friends about her offer to allow them to intervene. They are not talking to our Ambassador, partly because the Regent refused to sign their Mutual Defence Pact, and partly because the new First Republican does not want to get involved."

Lord Hull sighs heavily his head drooping so that his chin rests on his chest "So the quest for stability rests in your capable hands. Sir Ozy is returning here to take control of the Royal Navy, we are going to crush the insurrection and then invade Southwest Benjia and kick out the Dyellians. The Federation has refused to deal with the New Regent as they would the Grand Duke, he is now finished with appealing to the Federation for anything, he realizes that the United Duchies is on it's own."

He then smiles to the Senior Minister " I would say 'good luck' but I doubt I could say it with any sincerity, or without sarcasm."
Dyelli Beybi
23-03-2009, 11:09
OOC: Hey sorry I've been away a bit. I'll try to hurry things along a bit.

North of Bath

"Fire it." Tomashenko replied, suspecting the Vaadians were probably a little overconfident, having a vague idea of the amount of money that had been funneled into detection equipment over the years, "Wouldn't have a bloody clue where the magazines are, hope for the best."

"You don't know that." Davies stormed when Sherwin mentioned 'a good 8 hours', "Whacking people on the head is a very inprecise science especially when you don't even know what species you just hit."

Although it was worth noting that she didn't demand he go back and finish the job...

Everything went swimmingly when they approached the palace. Davies was a spy after all and was used to acting, although the fighting on the other side (quite audible), she was greeted with a degree of hostility, "Barker!" the guard bellowed, clearly a pass phrase.

"Let me through you fool." she blustered, "Viscountess Stewart here, no don't salute."

Which was about as long as the bluff lasted. Whether it was the lack of pass phrase or whether the guard in fact knew Stewart, either way he didn't hesitate, letting off a single round that took Davies in the chest, spinning her around as she fell in a crumpled heap on the pavement.

At which point the paratroopers let off the missle... managing to hit a building at about 90 degrees to the actual target. This did create the desired effect of confusion among the defenders though, at least for now.
23-03-2009, 19:27
North of Bath

Valentinious frowns at Tomashenko "And the additional Velites Kerbals?" he asks as he motions to Manglevites Macrombolitsa.

The message was relayed and the three Tormentor Cruisers of the Lord Vaad broke away at speed from their Alconian Royal Navy escorts, quickly building speed to eighty knots and once in range they turned quickly firing the missiles on the run.

Of course they did underestimate the Dyellians detection abilities, each gun emplacement would be the target of three separate Apollyon missiles ( Each missilie would take a separate route to it's target, diving and weaving as they moved at better than mach six speed, detecting them may not be hard, but knocking them down would prove a challenge.

In a few minutes the sonic booms somewhere above and around Bath would signal their imminent arrival.


"Her species was girl." Sherwin replied with confidence. Minutes later he almost felt bad for not being nicer to Davies as he carefully picked off the guard that shot her down , but of course he wouldn't stay at this door either. Unless of course the fighting had left a single guard there, the return fire would tell him that.
Dyelli Beybi
24-03-2009, 13:07
North of Bath and the Fallout from events there

"Call them." Tomashenko responded. I mean why not? He was in this deep already. If things backfired he was about to get into very deep trouble indeed...

Under Alexia ap Adam Dyellian military tech had come on in leaps and bounds, although in a typically Dyellian way, which was to say focused on the idea that someone was going to invade within the next five days. The missiles would remain totally unnoticed until they entered Benjian airspace (where they came under the surveillance of numerous multistatic radar arrays, vector magnetometers and infra-red detection devices known collectively as 'the Sieve'), which gave a 6-7 minute response window. By Dyellian standards the response was slow, meaning that despite early detection not all of the batteries associated with the 'Archer' program opened fire until after the missiles had passed (at which point interception by the merely Mach 4 capable 'Arrow' missiles was impossible). One missile got through and at the temporary Junta Headquarters in Quisa heads were rolling even before the smoke cleared in Bath...

While Tomashenko wondered whether he had made a big mistake, Vasa signalled a general advance. Despite not having hit with all three missiles it seemed the ammunition was stored in large store rooms under the wall, one of which the missile had been lucky enough to plow into, blowing open a breach which Vasa saw as takeable... There were still active guns, but a breach would make an assault possible at least. The Benjians had got in years before with a tactical nuclear missile (although had then been surrounded and slaughtered).

Problems became magnified further when the Junta decided to dive bomb Vasa's advancing forces, butchering the first wave (of just over a thousand troops) and sending them limping back only to be replaced by more soldiers. There was no finesse in the attack, just a straight charge and hope for the best. It was going to be bloody.


The place was swarming with Parliamentarian troops within moments at which point it would become abundantly clear that the remaining Royalists were hopelessly outnumbered. There was no way in, and as another trooper took a bullet in the shoulder, collapsing in a loud bout of swearing, someone with the chevrons usually associated with a Sergeant broached the inevitable, "It's no use. We have to pull back."

At which point a large section of the palace wall errupted in a ball of flame and falling masonry, sending everyone with half a brain running for cover... except for one person who dared the falling bricks and mortar to pull the stricken Davies into the shelter of a nearby building. She was almost certainly dead, but someone wanted to double check.

"I didn't think the artillery was for real." one of the duo who had been in charge of the rocket looked impressed, then grunted as a rock bounced off his helmet to skid harmlessly across the street.

"It isn't its just a joke." the voice was recognisable... Shamir was back. Somewhere in the chaos she had lost her helmet, balaclava and compulsory sunglasses. Huge black pupils shimmered in the firelight, "Present from our good friends in the Junta." she smiled, a gleam of white teeth that made her appear like some kind of nocturnal predator, "Never look a gift horse in the mouth... Come on, lets finish this!"
24-03-2009, 15:09
North of Bath and the Fallout from events there

"In for a penny, in for a pound." Valentiniuos signals Manglevites Macrombolitsa and a flurry of activity begins taking place far out to sea and in the Eastern Marches. The Tormentor Cruisers open up again, targeting any more batteries that Manglevites Macrombolitsa indicates, as he signals a general advance of his men, they move forward, slowly, staying behind the Royalist advance, they would prefer to be at the front of it, but hang back out of deference for their hosts. The Tormentors also rain in more cruise missiles on any batteries that attacked the previous missiles. They are further reinforced as their Alconian escorts catch up with them.

In the Marches several hundred Marathon supersonic transports, and their air support, move into action and begin heading in waves for Aqua Pura.

The three transports that delivered Macrombolitsa and his men continue on to York and begin picking up the Einherjar.


Sherwin ducks as explosions an masonry rain down.

"The artillery was a ruse, I only had two missiles set to go! They were more powerful than I thought......................."

Sherwin waits for everyone else to charge in, and then carefully picks his way in through the rubble, more concerned about finding the Tzarina than engaging the enemy.
24-03-2009, 23:04
Vrak - border and Port Olympus

The Tentacle, the third LLAFV-DP neared Port Olympus at top speed, which was about the same as a KA-50 helicopter (340 km). Needless to say, each of these floating monstrosities boosted morale for the troops but what caused concern for command was how many were actually available for front line work. Since Space Command was technically in charge of the operations and logistics of the machines it had to rely on the other arms of the military in order to fully integrate them into overall tactical and strategic planning. Which meant, of course, that they were untested in actual combat conditions. Some commanders weren’t exactly keen on throwing away literally billions on the equipment especially when tensions were high in the Klatch. It would have been preferable to use them in a smaller engagement of some kind - preferably away from the Klatch itself. But it seems that the Klatch as a whole tends to thrust circumstances on the Vrakians which caused them no end of frustration. Otherwise, the flow of equipment continued to flow into Vrak-Ozarka and, now with some intelligence reports filtering in, the border between Vrak and Dyelli Beybi also began to increase which would have been noticed. As of yet, no overt movements yet.


The Vrakian keys were not too happy about being shuttled away to the temporary capital. The phone lines and other methods of communication were apt to be less secure. Irok in particular did take it in stride and, along with his colleagues, began to take in the lay of the land. He just hoped that this sudden relocation would not cause any delays to meet Junta representatives in Desagradavel.

The Nef

Little did the Keys, or really anyone else know, what was next to be unveiled. In some ways, the abrupt relocation of the keys played into the hands of the VIS who were eager to try out a new weapon. Well, two more in fact. One was the unveiling of a new type of fast deployment of a troop transport - incorporating both Dolze technology along with input from Sketchian and Santa Barbarian designers. Unlike the bulky LLAFV-DPs, these promised to be more versatile in their usage which made some planners happy. After all, it wasn’t really that much of a stretch to incorporate a faster moving transport in their plans.

The second, however, was far more intricate. Lessons from the Dolze war were learned by the Vrakians not only how to try to stop it in the future and that method of attack - namely drops from orbital ships, but also the infiltrators that were used. The unfortunately extinct nation of Dukratus first came across the infiltrators which caused damage to rear-guard troops and required further measures to be undertaken in terms of detection. Now, what worried the Vrakian military was that by actually using one would stir up some, shall we say, bad memories for all concerned. Hence, a self-destruct mechanism was embedded in the first one as it casually sat up from its table and looked around in the laboratory.

Tiny motors whirred nearly without a sound as it stood up and looked in a mirror. It turned its head, human-like, as the Sub General and a scientist strode in. Well, the human scientist did while the techies moved out of the way of the walrus.

-Remarkable, isn’t it.
-Well, it had better work. I can’t see the point of throwing money out the window to see it gone.
-No matter. It will.

The scientist turned to the infiltrator to address it.

-State your name and your mission.

“I am,” began the machine, yet not really one, in a near perfect voice of the original, “I am Justin Irok. My mission to greet the Junta and extend to them a blessing,”


The Canal

The walrus grinned.

“Now that matter is concluded, let us celebrate as befit warriors such as us!”

A bark from the walrus and suddenly a huge gong sounded outside the tent.
01-04-2009, 12:46
Official Communiqué

Classification: Confidential
From: Office of the Secretary of State for Ambassadorial Affairs, MEA (UIK/COV)
To: the Ambassador to the Covenant from the Federated Klatchian Coast
Subject: Meeting with the First Minister

To Ambassador Claudia Black,

Your Excellency has an appointment at 11 o'clock in the morning, the day after tomorrow, with Her Most Serene Ladyship, the First Minister Elgiva deMa'iska, Her Grace the Duchess of Maciska.

The Office of the First Minister has indicated that Her Most Serene Ladyship wishes to discuss President ab Ieauf's recent abrogation of the duty of care to our diplomatic mission in Port Olympus.

Attendance is compulsory.


Baronet Julius Madarr,
His Serene Majesty's Secretary of State for Ambassadorial Affairs
Ministry of External Affairs

Official Communiqué

Classification: Confidential
From: Office of the Minister, MEA
To: the Minister of Rites, Glorious Kingdom of Vrak
Subject: Covenant Mission to the Federation

To the Honourable Minister of Rites, greetings,

I hope this missive finds you well. As you are no doubt aware, the Klatchian Federal Government has rather hastily departed Port Olympus, leaving such foreign missions that are in the city to their own devices.

As the Glorious Kingdom now has de facto control of the city, I am seeking surety for the interim safety of our mission in Port Olympus from your government until we can make alternative arrangements to guarantee this safety.

I thank you in advance,

The Hon. Lady Justina Valdir, M.P. (L)
The Most Hon. The Marchioness of Valdester,
His Serene Majesty's Minister of External Affairs,
02-04-2009, 20:38
Great Lassic

Ambassador Rek Hukrio was in a decidedly grumpy mood as he waddled out of the Vrakian embassy into his waiting car. Well, “car” as in heavily reinforced limousine that was more along the lines of a small APC. It was sometimes infuriating to the walruses who were stationed to foreign posts since, in most cases, the host country simply was not designed to accommodate walrus bodies.

-Patterson is already in Tollan acting as the interim military liaison. said Jacob Uliko. He was nervous since he didn’t know the Ambassador in person and missed his immediate superior’s easygoing manner.
-I am aware of that already, Jabob. Have you told the Vaadians of my arrival? Cherkess and Codreaneau seem quite anxious to meet me. In his mind, he already thought Uliko to be a first-class dolt who would be more useful as a server instead of attached to any type of diplomatic staff.
-Yes sir.
-Good. Now go back inside and find out what else is going on with the outside world. Follow the usual procedures if a code red item is one the wire.

He handed his briefcase to the stoic Inuit bodyguard who smoothly opened the door. The walrus got in and turned once again to the shaking Uliko and addressed him as if he were a child.

-Keep me informed. Remember that.


Thunder Bay

“I shall certainly bring up the matter of Vaadian intervention in this state and others. I cannot specify what action Vrak will take but I will also sent this concern to others within Vrak who have an interest to keep the Klatch under a semblance of normalcy,” replied the walrus.

He, of course, was not aware of the task force assembling in the North Sea or to what extend the preparations were being made in Vrak-Shiron or Vrak-Dukratus. In that sense, he was clearly out of the loop.

“The Federation, as currently being led by a Dyellian, may have turned a blind eye to the plight in Alcona & Hubris, but let me assure you that Vrak stands by all true Alconians.”


Dyelli Beybi
The Canal

The walrus motioned to the Brigadier General to follow as he waddled outside. The gong continued to sound and a large flat area which acted as a parade ground was being cleared out of equipment. Soon, the area would be surrounded by most of the troops and even one end the engineers erected a temporary stands for the soldiers to sit in to get a better view.

Gong! Gong! Gong!

At the far side from the Dyellian and the Vrakian colonel, the troops parted so as to allow a column of men and walruses to enter. They were clad in the Battle Dress and two flag bearers - one with the Klatchian Flag and one of Vrak led the rest. What was striking would be the arrival of at least 50 armoured walruses. Armoured not so in the entire body covered with plates but the headgear was a wicked looking contraption with spikes. Each walrus also was clad in body armour more akin to kevlar and carried some kind of longish looking gun. Plasma bold similar to the Dyellians? Or some other weird weapon dreamed up by the Bastion scientists?

Lastly came a dozen SOATs on all fours. Astride one of them, as like a man riding a pony, was a man in black wearing a motorcycle helmet. They brought up the rear and then a odd looking cart pulled by 4 SOATS rumbled up. On the cart, which had a rough hewn look, was a giant of a man stripped to his waist banging on a huge brass gong. There were other musicians presently and they promptly added to the cacophony.

A deep throated roar swelled up from the crowd.

“Let us begin!” cried out the Colonel.
02-04-2009, 21:32
Great Lassic

Anxious was probably the wrong word, Minister Codreaneau was simply eager to get the meeting out of the way and Mr. Cherkess was in no position to argue. Whenever Ambassador Hukrio was ready they would make time for him.

Thunder Bay

Lord Hull nods and smiles "I'll leave the issue of the President for you to deal with, as I said it looks as though we will have our hands full for a few weeks at least. Hopefully the Federation can at least survive that long without active Alconian participation."


All of this activity was being greeted positively in one place, Retaliatory Guard headquarters. In Tollan the Guard were poring over the information on Dyellian and Vrakian deployments, the new hardware being picked up by satellite, the Dyellian ability in countering missiles from the Alconian was all more than they could have asked for.

Of course they did manage to make time to keep the interim military liason, Mr. Patterson , apprised of the current positions and disposition of the two Naval Guard task forces, he would of course be pleased to learn they were no longer watching the activities in Vrak and had shifted further south and west , what with the increase in activity in Dyelli Beybi and the United Duchies. Their mission was unchanged and they were still simply observing.
Dyelli Beybi
05-04-2009, 13:39
OOC: Sorry I keep buggering off

The Canal

Saxon was clearly edgey about what form the entertainment might be taking. Dyellians tended to be in to drinking and dancing, although this Vrakian stuff seemed to be edging towards blood sports...

Bath, Bath, Bath
By now the whole Archer network was online and ready for action, meaning over a thousand Arrow missiles could be fired every minute. This was more than enough to shield Bath from further insult, although an Archer network site inside the city of Tek'n'Brik took a direct hit, which along with killing a half dozen soldiers, also succeeded in killing 26 civilians and injuring a further 37. Many Archer sites were positioned inside cities. This had originally been seen as sensible when trying to defend a city from an ICBM (the primary role of Archer).

Meanwhile a few scattered Royalist reinforcements had begun to assault the breach. Probably only one in three who set off from Tomashenko's base of opperation made it to the wall, courtesy of artillery fire and regular Junta air strikes. At this point Vasa arrived to announce dryly that the Junta were moving artillery in from the North and that evacuation from their current position was probably advisable...

Things didn't really improve in the palace. As Sherwin arrived gunfire would still be audible from within the building although it was clear the fighting had moved on, "Sherwin!" a hoarse voice called.

It was Shamir, not looking in particularly good shape, she had been shot multiple times in limbs and abdomen, "I've f%#&ed up." she coughed, blood, tried to sit up, but failed, slumping back, "Find her. She had better be bloody worth it."

Overhead the sound of helicopters could be heard quite obviously. Someone was yelling through a megaphone; "Lay down your weapons or you will be shot. You are under arrest." the unmistakable roar of an XC-1 47mm chaingun, then a repeat of the same message, word for word.

Then came the deafening retort of the SSA2801 assault rifle. The Junta was here.

In response to the mounting tensions in Dyelli Beybi, particularly the Tek'n'Brik incident, the President called for an emergency meeting, extending an invite to the Vrakian keys who appeared to be present in Artois (unlike the others keys who had been mysteriously shipped off to Lords of War territory).

Black had been consulting a dictionary as to what abrogation meant, although she wasn't quite certain how relevant the natives of Sheilas and Bruces were to the discussion, she had turned up anyway (sharply punctual, partly because an 11 o'clock meeting meant she didn't have to get up before 10).
06-04-2009, 04:30
Bath, Bath, Bath

The Velites Kerbals now began using their last resort weapons, their surface to air missiles, the shoulder mounted Comet missile launchers are perfect against dive bombers and helicopter gunships, but not much else. The Pavise teams began to ruefully target artillery along the walls and punching at the breach with their anti-tank missiles. Normally they would have saved these missiles for actual tanks.

The small number of Kerbals made sparse targets and slogged up to the breach, it was also bad news for the Junta and Telau force that the Lord Vaad's money had acted faster than the that of the Retaliatory Guard. Under their heavy ceramite armor, they now also had gel based bodysuits ( that were just now trickling out to Retaliatory Guard units. The worst part was that unless Vasa was at the front, Manglevites Macrombolitsa would not hear his intentions. The determined Kerbals gained momentum as they neared the breach the Blackhernai Color Guard unfurled their flags. The Golden Comet of the Lord Vaad now snapped in the air at their head and their efforts redoubled as their vigor is lifted to supernatural proportions at the mere sight of their flag.

Kerbal Valentinious simply turns to Vasa and Tomashenko "There will be no retreat now. Let them bring up their artillery, the rest of the Blackhernai Companion will be here before any artillery shows up. Now is the time to show your loyalty and bravery and fight on."

Back at the Palace Sherwin detours slightly to pause near Shamir "I won't stay long......." he says as he comfortingly pats a non bullet riddled portion of her anatomy "Everyone standing near me tends to get shot. I'll find her, you relax and tell your lads to lay down their weapons, they've fought hard enough."

He then quickly heads off again, ditching his rifle and heavier components of his kit showing an unusual amount of stealth for a pilot. He resigns himself to the shadows of the palace and sneaks off, keeping his ears open for any mention of the Tzarina.

Overhead the three Marathons that had finally picked up the first of the Einherjar come screaming into the city, after-burners fired up and flying erratically to dodge the opposition, and at Jormund Elvers' request , they barely slow as the scream over the palace, above the copters. Their rear ramps open as the 'Heavies' of the Einherjar jump out, without parachutes..................their beastial bellows can be heard above the roar of guns and engines. Yes, the Junta was there and now so were the Tzarina's new bodyguard, and whatever they'd had for breakfast hadn't made them happy.

OOC: Don't worry we expect nothing but skiving off from a Dyellian ;)
Dyelli Beybi
06-04-2009, 14:08
The overall effect of the attacks on Parliamentarian forces had been demoralising to say the least. At the wall, as soon as it became clear their submachine guns weren't particularly efficient at penetrating Kerbal armour, most fled into the surrounding streets. Presumably ditching their uniforms and pretending to be civilians in true Dyellian style.

About the only real resistence was from a whistle armed traffic policeman who declared everyone was under arrest until he was brutally clubbed by a pair of Royalist troops. They kept clubbing until he stopped moving.

In the Palace Parliament troops seemed to have mostly either surrendered or decided to switch sides (especially when the Einherjar arrived). Although they had been developed apart there was a distinct similarity in the Kerbal 'gel' armour and the Dyellian 'flexotropic' body armour, although the hardening gel matrix in the Dyellian design also served to reinforce limbs when the SSA2801 plasma-fired assault rifles were used.

"It isn't finished." Shamir muttered, refusing to give a stand down order, "Is this what it's like? This isn't as bad as I imagined..." the last was almost inaudible. She closed her eyes, exhaling ragedly for the last time.

"You'll never get away with this." someone protested down the coridoor. If Sherwin was quiet enough he would be able to see a half dozen Junta troops gathered around Alistair Powell, the leader of the Parliamentarian faction.

"I won't ask again." an officer, a Captain, threatened, waving a gloved finger in front of the politician's face, "Where are you holding her?"

The politician didn't respond, yet his eyes flickered towards a coridoor. The officer nodded in that direction and a pair of his troopers broke off, one radioing their location.

The officer scowled at his prisoner, drawing his sidearm unexpectedly, and carefully slotting a bullet between the man's eyes, "Traitor." he spat on the corpse.

Outside the junta, supported by helicopters were engaging the Einherjar with grim determination, "Not one step backwards!" someone bellowed, "Send the abominations back to hell!" (Predictably the Dyellians had decided they were demon spawn).

And in the sky above Squadron upon Squadron upon Squadron was taking off to clear the skies of anything non-Junta. Radars would pick up over 100 fighters incoming while the ground flak batteries also began to open up, filling the skies with shrieking missiles and explosive shell bursts. Now was probably a good time for any lingering transports to do a bunk...
Dyelli Beybi
06-04-2009, 14:09
OOC: It's rather late here, may come on tomorrow to fix glaring gramatical mistakes lol
07-04-2009, 02:24
(Blood) Bath

Seeing the opposition melt before them brings a change to the Kerbals, Manglevites Macrombolitsa removes his helmet and gives a wave of his arm and the Kerbals in unison shoulder their FN-FAL's and draw their broadswords and their submachine guns and form up into ranks. If they see the brutality of the Tzarina's men, they quickly intervene and stop it.

Macrombolitsa bellows "Blackhernai Companii!" and the color guard unfurl the rest of their banners, a black flag with a stylized leopard on it and quite thoughtfully a flag with the standard of the House Ap Adam, and they then quite smartly begin marching towards the palace.

Back at the palace after having crashed through roofs, helicopters and whatever else was in their way the Einherejar start to get to their feet. A large blood red Einherjar stands, pulling his head and shoulder painfully from the crater his impact forms yells towards Jormund Elver.

"I fought you said we wasn't ever gonna do that agin!?" Elvers points to his eyes and then up to the helicopters and the Einherjar nods "Roight."

Elvers then stands his 'Heavies taking their feet around him, hands up over their faces and gritting their teeth to the bullets in the air as a man would against a cold rain.

Elvers bellows at the Junta soldiers in his booming voice "We are the Tzarina's Bodyguard, we are here to collect her majesty. Anyone that stands in our way will be placed under arrest!"

The Einherjar pause, weapons lowered, obviously waiting for the signal from Jormund Elvers to fight back, for now they simply stand in the open and the Junta shoot, assault rifle rounds ricocheting from their and their thick hides.

Back in the palace Sherwin does pause when he hears the talking, he then takes off quietly to try and get behind the mean that rush off, although he can't be sure, he doesn't know the palace, well, or at all. As he jogs quietly around he looks hopefully at his GPS, maybe it's the newest Tom-Tom that has walking directions of large public buildings? Otherwise he uses his ears and instincts to try and get behind them.

OOC: Civil war is no time for grammar man!!
Dyelli Beybi
08-04-2009, 15:26
There was some buzz as clips began to run out, although to the Junta's credit nobody retreated. The 2801 could take out light armoured vehicles (giving similar stopping power to an AWM) into tiny pieces so its failure at destroying something organic was puzzling to the troops...

"You're Royalists then big fella?" an officer with an swagger of command had strode out, "If her Majesty can confirm your story no doubt she will be glad to have you around." he was pointing the business end of a rather puny looking small arm at the Einherjar lines, swinging it between them in a manner that was presumably meant to say 'I mean business'.

The weapon was a SSAE1, sometimes refered to as the 'can opener', it was an energy weapon powerful enough to strip a weak shield generator and then melt a hole through two feet of steel. It was, however, one shot only.

The Junta had appeared in force in the back coriddors, searching methodically for the Tzarina. Eventually a band featuring the same officer found a locked door, rapping on it, "Your highness?" he inquired. Whatever the response was, it created a buzz.

"Stand back!" a rifle was levelled at the lock...

Meanwhile out on the streets the more eager Royalists had enocuntered a hastily erected roadblock on King street manner by a couple of dozen Junta troopers, one of whom fired threateningly in the air, a warning which was not heeded, resulting in a rather one sided shoot out in which a number of Royalist troops were mown down by automatic weapons fire, although it noteworthy that they stopped firing as soon as they began falling back, avoiding a massacre. Someone, another elf looking fellow with long blonde hair scolded them as they fell back, "You'll never take it in a frontal assault, outflank."

"Their armour stops our bullets." one trooper grumbled.

"And every hit is one hit closer to penetrating, besides every armour has weak spots; aim for the face, between the cheek guards." (probably easier said than done).

In the excitement nobody seemed to have noticed the apparent reluctance of the Junta troops to get heavily engaged.
08-04-2009, 16:36
Bath Mezzanine level

Jormund Elvers looks down the officer waving the pistol around, the Einherjar still haven't fired any shots but still have their weapons leveled.

"Then you will take us to the Tzarina." He states quite firmly to the officer "If we are not at cross purposes then there is no reason for us to detain or kill you."

He seems oblivious to the energy weapons potency.

Inside the Palace, probably lost

As the Junta men raise the rifle to shoot the door Sherwin jumps out "Wait! haven't you ever heard of ricochet!? Or you might shoot whoever is behind there, just hold on cowboy!"

He walks to the door keeping his hands up and motions to it "Give me a chance to pick the lock, get the Tzarina out and then you can shoot whatever you want.....................within reason."

The Streets of Bath

Of course shooting between the cheek pieces is good advice when facing the Velite Guard or the Retaliatory Guard, but the Kerbals wear fully enclosed great helms, they could aim for the head of Manglevites Macrombolitsa, who has removed his helmet.

The Kerbals keep marching to the Palace, roadblocks, barriers, any thing in their way are met with a quick double time charge, swords brandished. They only shoot if the Telau blocking the path don't run when they are charged. Their intent seems to be get to the Palace by the quickest most direct route, stopping to kill a demoralized enemy only wastes time.
10-04-2009, 00:06

Black was greeted by a younger man clad in a three-piece suit, who led her down cream-walled corridors until they stood before a simple wood-pannelled door; the room screamed "outer office", and was lit, as many were, by light from an inner garden. The sky was sullen and overcast.

An elderly lady at a desk to the left paused in her typing to glance up.
"She's about two minutes behind," the EA mumured. The youth nodded in response and seemed content to wait standing.

Without warning the door opened and a dozen people filed past; some were in the black-and-red dress uniform of the Covenant Space Division, while others wore Covenant business attire. The only face that would have been familiar to Black was Justina Valdir, who was chattering in high speed Ka'ani to an aide, and paused just long enough to smile and nod in greeting.

Once they'd gone past, another woman ( stood in the doorway.
"The First Minister will see you now," she said, turning and vanishing back into the office.

The younger man gestured for Black to enter.
Dyelli Beybi
16-04-2009, 13:57
OOC: The cheek guard comment was about Junta troops who have a helmet which vaguely resembles a Roman Gallic-G, except a (fragile) transparent visor over the eyes.

The Kerbals would come across the exact same road block the Royalists had fled from a few moments before and similarly were greeted by a warning shot above their heads. The troops here were better armed, were actually armoured and didn't look likely to budge without some a serious effort to dig them out.

Meanwhile some of the Royalist units pulling up the rear had disappeared into the warren of streets that were the town. Screams in the night announcing their passage. While the troops that had dropped in with Shamir had been well controlled, the bulk of the force were not, and without Tomashenko or Vasa being present to personally oversee every soldier, a number had taken the opportunity to indulge in a little pillage.

Within the Palace
"We will once we have..." there was a pause as the officer confronting the Einherjar listened in on his headset, "... let me rephrase that, we will as soon as she confirms your identity."

A small camera was installed on the forehead bar of the junta helmets, allowing them to give send each other video footage in real time. He pressed his hand to the edge of his helmet, manipulating a small control panel set against the side of the bar, all the while keeping his weapon trained, "One moment please."

While the Junta's had attacked the Royalists on the outskirts they appeared to be friendly in the Palace (recent politics had caused them to become generally pro-Royal, however aware of the potential for the unruly armies of retainers to perpetrate massacres on civilians and enemy combatants alike, had attempted to prevent an incursion into the city and were now attempting to prevent movement beyond the the few blocks surrounding the wall).

“Who the hell are you.” rifles swivelled to point at Sherwin.

“He's a -ing foreigner Captain, I say just feed him a couple.” one strongly accented soldier suggested amenably.

The Captain held a hand up, “No wait, its a good call. You can open the door, but I wan you can hand over all your weapons first.” He left unspoken 'in case you are an assassin'.

Back was her usual obsequious self, returning Valdir a rather florid bow (although now people would probably have realised she was hiding a backbone in there somewhere).

Upon being allowed entry to the First Minister's office she repeated the procedure, “Your most honourable excellency.” she hoped the invented term of address would be seen as respectful, although you never could tell what foreigners would think... “What business could be so important that you would chose to send for me in person?”

She had a pretty good idea, but experience had taught her that pretending you knew nothing usually got you a second explanation which might be slightly different from the first.
16-04-2009, 19:38

The Kerbals reluctantly pulled up within sight of the barricade, Manglevites Macrombolitsa quickly waved to his men and they take cover on either side of the street , the pavise crews set up near door openings or cross alley ways leveling their 20x110mm Scorpion rifles at the men manning the barricade. Manglevites Macrombolitsa tugs at his neck pulling the com unit up and clicking it on to loudspeaker mode.

He addresses the blockade "The Telau have lost, Bath is in Royalist hands, disperse and no one need get hurt, throw your guns out and abandon your position and we will pass without violence."

As he waits for a reply he turns and motions to his men as he hears the 'pillaging' break out, a team of about 25 break away and head to put a stop to it, violently if they have to, one of them also radios Kerbals Valentinious.

Valentinious, then turns to Lord Tomashenko "Pardon me, but Manglevites Macrombolitsa has informed me that your troops are engaging in, well, some of war's more unfortunate activities. If he has to put a stop to it, you may not like his results."

Within the Palace

Jormund Elvers looks the man over "So you know where she is? You will lead us there."

Meanwhile Sherwin hands over his sidearm and tactical tomahawk "Assassin? I'm a pilot, the Tzarina's pilot!"

He says as he takes a spark-plug gapping kit out of his pocket and selects two or three appropriately sized gappers and slips them into the lock, he turns back to the Junta Soldiers.

"So, are you lads from Bath? Local boys?" as he does he jiggles the gappers until he presses them against the appropriate tumblers he pushes them out of the way and twists to open the long this takes depends on how old the lock is how well maintained, and just to make it go a bit faster he reaches in his other pocket to produce a tube of graphite and squirts it into the lock to make it looser.

"You get really good at this when you're always losing the keys to the jet, let me tell you............."
Dyelli Beybi
17-04-2009, 02:00
Outside the City

Tomashenko sighed, "I'll will go in with the Provosts in to dig them out. If you concentrate on the military objectives I will deal with that. Your guys will freak the civies out, being from foreign parts and all so probably best you leave it to me."

"Tzarina won't be happy." Vasa added caustically although the reality of the situation was that they had needed to deply every available soldier.

"No %&* elf boy." Tomashenko snarled back, then grinned and clapped 'elf boy' on the shoulder, "Round up my retainers, I need to get changed into my field uniform."

The Roadblock

"The Central City is a demilitarised zone." came a tense response, "By decree of Lieutenant General Scipio. These civilians are under our protection, you or any other Teulu private armies may not pass, blok pakrah."

Being addressed by a 'blok pakrah' apparently was not the way to convince the troops off the baricade...

That seemed to be an end to it, but then suddenly the soldier piped up again, "Her Royal Highness declares there will be no more blood shed this day."
In the Palace

"Wait for identification by the Royal person." the officer confronting the Einherjar glared, he was not about to hand his monarch over to some big ugly elf that was (in his opinion) as likely to eat her as guard her...

And then in the space of a few seconds he eased up, lowering the side arm and holstering, "She said she'll be with you in a minute. Also something to the effect of stop killing people."

"Outremere." the Captain responded on top of someone else saying he was from somewhere called 'Tilburg'.

"Third North Germanian Division" he added proudly (which bore no resemblance to North Germania the former Klatchian State).

The skill at lockpicking had a couple of the troopers exchange significant glances. It smelled like Cheka, and the Cheka were always bad news, they got men killed. It was not a very complex lock, being somewhat medieval in construct. It sprung open quickly...

The Tzarina was seated at a small reading table, dressed in a simple black dress and looking a little bruised. There were also bandages underneath, covering the bullet wounds, although nobody would know that until later, "Mr Thales. Yes, he is my pilot." she cut off the inevitable question. And you are Captain...?"

"Bathe Ma'am." the Captain bowed, seemingly overawed to be in the prescence of the Monarch, it drew a cheeky grin from her which made him blush.

"You two will be my agents." she declared enigmatically, So tell me, what is the butcher's bill?"

Bathe left it for Sherwin to answer, probably because he didn't know, nobody knew yet.

"Do you think that we have saved lives like this?" she asked, a frown creasing her brow, "This has prevented a war I pray."

"Yes." Bathe affirmed, "And no, there will be no war." he refrained from comenting on the good sense of 'this' mostly because he didn't know what she was talking about. He glanced at Sherwin, imagining he probably did.

"Bathe, you still haven't given me a first name. I want you to send out my orders over your radio. There will be no more bloodshed on this day. It is over. There must be no more death."

"Yes Ma'am." he paused momentarily before doing so, "Ma'am, there are some fat surly elves who claim to be your bodyguard..."

She waved a hand impatiently, "They are, I'll be with them in a moment, please let them know. Sherwin, could you give me a hand up please?" it was the only indication she had given of the injuries she had sustained during capture.
17-04-2009, 02:54
The Roadblock

Manglevites Macrombolitsa sighes and then motions to the Blackhernai Color Guard and he steps out into the street with them and motions to the House Ap Adam colors and addresses the men on the blockade again.

"We are here with the Royalist forces of Lord Tomashenko, we are here to help the Tzarina. We agree with her, there should be no more blood shed. Allow us to pass and we will take our orders directly from her. That I swear. Once I can verify that she is safe, and in control, I can call off the rest of the incoming forces to aid her."

He waits out in the open.

In the Palace

Elvers nods to his men and they lower their weapons.

"We have yet to kill anyone."

He pauses and looks down at the bodies of the Telau and royalists.

"Unless we landed on any of them.

Sherwin bows nicely to the Tzarina, clearing his throat.

"Well, I think I'm the only one left of the 'commandos, I did see Shamir before coming here and she was, well, shot up. Unfortunately I had to keep evading gunfire to get here. So I assume all the 'commandos' are dead or have followed orders and melted into the surrounding population.

I personally have only knocked out one person and shot two others. I'd guess all told there are a couple hundred casualties. If Chief Elvers is here, well then Vasa and Tomashenko have done something right."

He pauses to give her a hand up "Are we sure you're okay, your highness, maybe a medic? Oh, those 'fat, surly Elves' are your Einherjar, don't call them fat or elves, they are generally okay with surly. I saw them dropping through the roof from what sounded like Marathon transports. So someone has hired mercenaries with access to Vaadian aircraft.................or worse."

He chuckles and puts his arm under her to keep her steady "Other than that, everything is fine, how has your day been?"
17-04-2009, 08:41
Back was her usual obsequious self, returning Valdir a rather florid bow (although now people would probably have realised she was hiding a backbone in there somewhere).

Upon being allowed entry to the First Minister's office she repeated the procedure, “Your most honourable excellency.” she hoped the invented term of address would be seen as respectful, although you never could tell what foreigners would think... “What business could be so important that you would chose to send for me in person?”

She had a pretty good idea, but experience had taught her that pretending you knew nothing usually got you a second explanation which might be slightly different from the first.

The room had the familiar red-wine carpet and cream walls. It seemed that the architect had drawn from the White House in designing it; it was oval-shaped, a mahogany desk at the windowed end, a fireplace opposite, and a diamond-shaped quartet of couches in the middle. There was no seal on the carpet, though the familiar double-headed crowned eagle hung from a wall.

The room's occupant turned and smiled at the Klatchian. It was quite a friendly expression given the woman's reported demeanour.
"Ambassador Black, I'm Elgiva deMaiska. Madam First Minister will do here. May I offer you something? Tea? Coffee? Sherry?
"We haven't met, which is normal; Ambassadors usually only meet me when they're in trouble." she let it hang a second, then rolled right on in an Eton accent.

"And in this particular case, it's not you, so much as your President. Can you please let her know that, next time Port Olympus looks like it's going to be reduced to a fine ash spread across three Klatchian States, we'd greatly appreciate it if she would be so kind as let Valnard know what he should do before she high-tails it to the countryside? I'd really rather not have to go looking for his next-of-kin. Those calls are quite depressing," the tone had stayed light and friendly throughout.
Dyelli Beybi
17-04-2009, 12:05
The Roadblock

There seemed to be some debate among the soldiers (the Dyellian military tended to be a little too 'democratic'). Eventually the officer cleared his throat, "Ah okay, we understand that, however we have been instructed to prevent looting."

The comment didn't make perfect sense, he was aware of that too, so he tried valiantly to find a solution, "Can you give me your oath that none of your men will enter civilian habitation with malicious intent or harm any civilian persons?"

Interior of the Palace

"I think that was more for us." the Junta had shot anyone who had got in their way and done a remarkably good job at it, perhaps too much of a good job, any prominant Parliamentarian who had shown their face during the fighting had been mown down.

Some distance away the Colonel who had led the landing was on the radio, "... hostilities seem to have ended. We have relieved the Parliamentarian garrison and control the centre of town although the outskirts is still swarming with retainers. Tell Scipio and O'Booze that it will be safe to come in by helicopter. Over..."

Some distance away

"Guessed it might be them." the Tzarina winced, standing unsupported, "I still managed to get some information while I was in here; This country is so riddled with spies, it beggars belief."

"We must find Shamir." she insisted, "She is a friend."

The procession outwards managed to draw a large number of the former fighters. A handful of Royalist paratroopers had survived unmaimed, they crowded around in mute triumph, "They shot me in the stomach." she explained to Sherwin, "Although it isn't infected or anything it does hurt, a lot."

She stopped for a moment to direct a warm smile at the Einherjar, "Chief Elvers? Welcome to Dyelli Beybi. You have seen our violent side, pray you never see it again and can live here in peace."

Unfortunately by the time they reached her, Shamir had already passed away, her peculiar eyes staring lifelessly at the sky. With remarkable composure Alexia knelt to close her eyes, "Goodbye Amalia." she whispered almost inaudibly, "We will meet again soon imshallah."

She stood again, wincing in pain, "Walk with me a while Mr Thales, Captain Bathe, Chief Elvers, Colonel."

They were not far from the river here and she led them down towards it, moving some distance from the palace and everyone else. They were the select few, although why she had picked these people was a mystery, "You can tell O'Booze he can have his constitutional monarchy." she directed this to the Colonel.

She sighed as they reached the river bank, hoisting herself up to sit on the ornate stone railings that kept drunks from plummeting into the crocodile infested waters below, "Poor Amalia." she sighed, and it was then that the shot rang out.

Bathe spun around, swinging his weapon around wildly in an attempt to locate where the shot had come from. The problem was there were dozens of church spires and it could have come from any, or indeed the bell tower of the town hall.

The Colonel had not spun to try to locate the shooter, but instead was letting lose a torrent of invective, because the Tzarina had gone into the river, apparently hit, and if she was dead, childless, there was going to be a civil war and everyone who had died had died for no reason.


Black shook her head at the offer of refreshments, "No, thank you all the same though." her accent, while not hugely noticeable still carried the pleasant Dyellian lilt.

"My extreme apologies for that." she continued, bobbing her head submissively, "While we do not have a legitimate excuse, the reality was that we thought the Klatchian Marshalls were going to do that, they were tasked with coordinating the exacuation."

It was news to Black that they hadn't evacated Valnard. What she had heard was that when told to carry out the 'previous administration's evacuation plan', the Marshalls had shipped just about everyone up to Lords of War territiory, something which seemed highly suspicious considering the explosion had failed to eventuate. Certain factions of of the new administration (including the President herself) had viewed it as a House Crawford power play, but she wasn't about to say any of that out loud.
17-04-2009, 14:31
The Roadblock

Manglevites Macrombolitsa nods and draws his broadsword and holds it out before him by the blade.

"I swear on the honor of the family of the House Macrombolitsa and on the name of my Lord, The Vaad, that neither I , nor any of my men shall trespass on the homes of any civilian with malicious intent, and shall conduct ourselves. This I swear."

He then re-sheathes his sword and motions to his men and they begin to assemble behind him again, putting away their weapons and preparing to march.


Sherwin looks concerned "Yes, gunshots tend to be a bit of a bugger." and supports her as they walk through the palace.

Jormund Elvers recognizes her from the brief video and he goes down on one knee, the other Einherjar follow suit.

"I thank you your highness, unfortunately we were not as much help as we had intended and have only just arrived."

He then follows her as bid, shoulder his machine gun and staying behind her. They all looked when the shot rings out Sherwin immediately jumps up on the railing before being grabbed by a large hand.

"Crocodiles Captain Thales, if you go in, they'll have two meals, not one." and with that Elvers hands his machine gun to Sherwin and pulls off his armored coat and steps up onto the railing, and jumps, hopefully avoiding landing on the Tzarina, if he sees any crocodiles right below, he aims for them.

Sherwin looks back over at Bathe and the Colonel "This isn't good for anybody, is it?"

The sound of the shot brings the other Einherjar running, well trotting.
17-04-2009, 23:55
The First Minister regarded Black for a moment.
"Perhaps it's because diplomatic missions to the Federation are so very new," she mused. "The Vaadians were left behind as well. I don't think they'd have been very happy if the worst had happened..." her voice trailed off and her eyes unfocused.

"Ten minutes for a ten-second conversation..." she muttered, snapping back. "In any case, Madam Ambassador," she moved to the desk and plucked up a thermos, "do you have any idea when the government will return? Will the government return?" the questions were punctuated by sips. Unasked was the question and what they do when they get back?
Dyelli Beybi
18-04-2009, 11:41
"This has to stay quiet." the Colonel snapped, seeming more than a little frazzled. He waved frantically at the Einherjar, "Keep everyone away, even my own men."

Bathe had dropped to a crouch, unwilling to move but fully aware of how exposed he was. He gritted his teeth, waiting for another shot to ring out. His Colonel, a somewhat more practical man, engaged the headset radio, "We need units deployed to every steeple and clock tower in the city. Coordinate with local authorities."
The river water was heavily poluted, visibility was minimal, although there seemed to be no crocodiles in the immediate vicinity... no Tzarina either. There was a drainage outlet, and a crocodile net, huge twisted steel cables as thick as an orc's wrist combining to form a dense mat that nothing larger than a pike could swim through (not that a pike was especially small).

Elvers would find nothing in the water, although lower down there was a dense forrest of water weed that a body could easily become tangled in (although one would have thought it would have floated). After 10 minutes the Colonel suggested bringing in Navy divers considering the Council had crocodile proofed the area (later it would turn out that the council had not crocodile proofed the area and nobody seemed to know how the nets had got down there).

A second shot never came, nor did the Junta troops find anything in any of the steeples. Something fishy was going on.

When it became clear they weren't going to find the Tzarina, alive or dead (probably dead at this stage), Tomashenko called for a meeting, Sherwin was invited, as were Elvers and Macrombolitsa. O'Booze and Scipio had both arrived so would be present along with the Colonel (Ffrancis Booke), Captain Bathe and Vasa.

The Dyellians all turned up although Tomashenko, who was never very good at disguising emotion looked very much like he wanted to be somewhere else. O'Booze, a large elderly balding gentleman took this as an opportunity to chair, clearing his throat dramatically, "Representing the Junta of Dyelli Beybi we have Lieutenant-General Isaac Scipio, Colonel Ffrancis Booke and Captain Jarvis Bathe. Representing the Royal Household we have Marquis Dmitri Tomashenko, Marshall Thidrek Vasa and..."

He paused allowing anyone else who had come to make introductions, waiting for that to conclude before getting straight down to business, "Gentlemen, we are keeping the events of today secret for now. However, obviously if the Tzarina is dead, which seems very likely at this point, people will start to get suspicious if she doesn't appear within a day or two."

"Now I am going to set aside the current issues I have with you cowboys." he continued, drawing everyone's attention to them anyway, "Being as you are a facet of the Government so will be expected to foot the 2 billion Kronor bill for Arrow missile replacement, and we haven't even costed the damage you have done to the defences here and in Tek'n'Brik... I might add we are probably going to get sued by the families of the deceased civilians in both cities." he growled (evidently an accountant had got to him).

"Amateur armies." Scipio snorted.

2 billion Kronors was an exhorbitant amount of money, that was approximately $US24 billion, but he did not allow time for people to mull it over, "Tomashenko has something he wants to share with all of us."

"Oh yes right... claimants to the throne. Next in line seems to be a Rev. R. Jordan." Tomashenko supplied briefly.

"Who is where?" O'Booze coaxed.

"Rhosllannerchrugog, Valentia." he grunted, mangling the name of the village (population 19,801).


How did you say, we're not returning until we've run the Marshalls out of town and replaced them with KNG troopers who are of unquestionable loyalty, without it looking like Klatch was a basket case?

"The Government is functioning in Artois at this time." Black responded, dodging the question, "If it is the desire of the Embassy to be relocated to Artois we will organise for temporary accomodation and office space, I cannot unfortunately say how long we will be out of Port Olympus."

She paused for just a moment, this was the tricky bit, "We are attempting to establish whether the rumour was started with malicious intent. We feel it is important to aquire this information in order to gain a propper understanding of all potential security concerns within the Capital."
18-04-2009, 12:23
The First Minister chuckled. It was a clumsy attempt to deflect her questioning.

"I'm sure it is. In a fashion. Somehow," the rebuke was softened by the fact that deMaiska was more amused than anything else. "in any case, the information was delivered from several sources, including one of your own marshals, and concerns among the Vrakian forces who are now in control of the city. Please tell me you knew that the Walrus king now controls your capital...
"Incidentally, Valnard and the Embassy will be remaining there, as I don't think they'll survive transit," she regarded the Klatchian with ageless eyes.

"Of course, if you're tactfully asking if we can help locate the originators of that particular information, we can. Though I'm not sure how happy the President would be to have the Compassionate Hand combing through the city; they're not always polite. And it would be legally dubious, as your parliament refused the offer of treaty."
Dyelli Beybi
18-04-2009, 14:29
Black looked confused for a moment, frowning pensively. She was, in fact, still trying to digest what had just been said to her, was the embassy ill or something? She imagined it was probably some kind of glib jibe at Dyelli Beybi's persistent civil unrest. Then there was the tactfully suggesting bit, what had she said that could be read into?

"As it would be legally dubious for the Cheka to comb through the city." she added piously, totally aware of the fact that they were almost certainly doing exactly that.

"Although were they to find any information and relay it back to yourself, were it to then find its way to me, the Dyellian State would no doubt be grateful." Black added with a slight bob of the head, just in case.

"We know of course that the report was initiated by the Marshalls, it stated that the 'Alconians' had planted a bomb. It was of course, of great surprise to us that the Marshalls then evacuated essential Government departments into Lords of War territory."

Let her chew on that one. Bloody Alconans, they were every bit as bad as Vaadians.
18-04-2009, 18:58

The Einherjar did as commanded for now, Elvers got cleaned up and joined the rest at the ad-hoc council. He did not even attempt to hide his anger at what had happened to the Tzarina, he listened intently and he and Sherwin both declined any formal introductions to those present, Manglevites Macrombolitsa was more than happy to introduce himself.

"Manglevites Itar Macrombolitsa, Third Manglevites of the Blackhernai Companion, servants of the House of Vaad."

He listens to O'Booze's 'cowboy' comments and his general complaints about who was going to compensate whom and for what and simply answers " I am sure that is a matter for the Federation Courts to sort out."

He speaks without anger or emotion, ignores General Scipio's comment and then listens to the talk of the next in line and then comments quite matter of factly.

"I have canceled the additional fourteen thousand five hundred Blackhernai Companion, as Exarch Edrull was instructed to put the Tzarina back in control, I was instructed that should she be dead that my mission was at an end. I can make no other accommodations, unless The Lord Vaad issues new orders."

He then actually smiles " I assume that you would like me and my men to surrender and accept arrest, we will do so. We are all perfectly prepared for arrest, torture and summary executions."

Elvers frowns and stands before talking. "I am sending for the rest of my men, we will protect the legitimate heir as I have sworn to do. There is however something going on, there is no reason that the Tzarina's body should have disappeared, there were no crocodiles and the water was stagnant, there were no swift currents to carry her body away, and unless her pockets were lined with lead, she would not have sunk."

He pauses jabbing his finger at Colonel Booke "The only amateur action here was the Junta's forces failure to clear the area, if I had known that they had not properly swept the area, me and my men would have done so. I do not trust the Junta, they will not be in charge of security for the Tzarina, or god forbid, her heir. They have not sworn to protect them and their inability to do so has stained my honor!"

He pauses to smash at the table with his large fist "It will not happen again!"

Sherwin quietly scoots his chair away from Elvers.
Dyelli Beybi
19-04-2009, 00:38
O'Booze frowned at the comment about torture and execution, "We aren't the Cheka. You are free to leave, however I would like to invite you to remain for some time Manglevites. Whatever deal you may have had with the previous Monarch, and frankly I have no idea, nor do I care what that was, carries over to the new one under Dyellian law."

"The Tzarina cannot officially die." Scipio explained, continuing his role of wing man, "As she is the body of the state."

Vasa had been sitting silently during the talk, although when Elvers accused Booke of incompetence he perked up, "I have been wondering the exact same thing. If she was dead we should have found a body, we should have found some trace of a shooter, powder residue at one of the potential scenes, something. You have cocked up Colonel."

Booke by this stage was looking totally devastated, staring at the woodwork of the table, "We did sweep." he insisted, "I don't know what could have happened, how someone could have got through. I accept full responsibility."

"We can deal with that later." O'Booze grunted.

Tomashenko cleared his throat at this point, "To insist on her survival Thidrek is denial. You must accept that she is dead and gone. We can launch an investigation into how, but we must also move to locate Jordan..."

"Mr Thales and Captain Bathe were reportedly nominated as 'agents'." O'Booze smoothly cut the Marquis off, "Anyone know what that means? And why Bathe, she'd never met him before as far as I'm aware."
20-04-2009, 03:40
"I will have to consult Exarch Edrull, as far as I know there was no agreement behind my orders, just unilateral action by the Lord Vaad, and Lord Tomashenko's acceptance of our help." Macrombolitsa states quite blandly "Chief Elvers is free to use my Marathons to expedite the movement of his troops."

Elvers frown at Tomashenko's comments about the survival of the Tzarina "I agree with Lord Vasa, I think we need to find the Tzarina. Why would a Telau sniper kill her at this point? That would only creates chaos, they need her to marry someone under their control before she dies."

Sherwin has just been looking back and forth between all the parties when he he is finally mentioned. "As agents I think the Tzarina meant to entrust us to assassinate the Junta leaders if she was killed."

After the looks from that, he smiles and shrugs "Sorry, sorry bad joke. That's my sense of humor for you. I guess we go and find the heir, I call pilot. Or we're supposed to bring her killers to justice, I still call pilot."
20-04-2009, 10:40
Black looked confused for a moment, frowning pensively. She was, in fact, still trying to digest what had just been said to her, was the embassy ill or something? She imagined it was probably some kind of glib jibe at Dyelli Beybi's persistent civil unrest. Then there was the tactfully suggesting bit, what had she said that could be read into?

"As it would be legally dubious for the Cheka to comb through the city." she added piously, totally aware of the fact that they were almost certainly doing exactly that.

"Although were they to find any information and relay it back to yourself, were it to then find its way to me, the Dyellian State would no doubt be grateful." Black added with a slight bob of the head, just in case.

"We know of course that the report was initiated by the Marshalls, it stated that the 'Alconians' had planted a bomb. It was of course, of great surprise to us that the Marshalls then evacuated essential Government departments into Lords of War territory."

Let her chew on that one. Bloody Alconans, they were every bit as bad as Vaadians.

deMaiska sighed.
"Ambassador, Claudia, we could bandy around in a game of verbal chess like most world diplomats, making seemingly innocuous remarks laden with hidden meaning and congratulating ourselves on being oh-so-clever, but I'm First Minister of the United Imperial Kingdoms; I don't have that kind of time. Say what you mean. And for God's sake, if your government, the Federal one, thinks we can help, and it won't involve us in a shooting war with your bloody states then say so. The worst I can do is refuse." behind her a phone chirped, a distinctive 1-2-3 beeping.
"Hold that thought," the First Minister said, reaching behind her and plucking up the antiquated handset. There was a short, monosyballic conversation in Ka'ani, then she hung up.

"Sorry about that," she muttered, "Where were we? Oh, the states, yes, on that subject subject of the states, if you can get them to line up for long enough to ratify the non-aggression pact, and then you bring that to me, I'll make sure there's no trouble in the Dail. Right now I can't make the first move on this, not officially, not with them. Especially when those bloody Alconians are threatening to shoot at us."
Dyelli Beybi
20-04-2009, 12:49

O'Booze looked foul tempered throughout, although that was more a reflection of his gout...

Nobody else seemed to have taken a Sherwin seriously, although the only one who sniggered was Vasa. One might have normally expected the same from Tomashenko, but he looked decidedly off colour today.

O'Booze harumphed loudly, "We need someone to fetch the heir. I'll fetch the Metropolitan and see what he thinks of the idea of a provisional coronation."

This was greeted by a somewhat nervous cough from Bathe who up to this point had done nothing more than look uncomfortable, "Sirs." he began nervously, "I did a BA at Eindhoven, there is such a thing as 'anticipatory association'."

This drew blank stares from every other Dyellian.

"Two Tzars at once, ah... it has been done twice in history; when the succession was in jeopardy." he explained, "Although the current Tzar had always..."

"Well that solves a few things." O'Booze grumbled, "You, Thales, have a Dyellian passport? You sound foreign."

He gave a second for a reply before storming on, "You take point in locating the new Tzarina, take Bathe along with you and locate this Jordan fellow."

"Mister Elvers, I would assume your position as bodyguard would cause you to want some part in the investigation to locate the Tzarina, whether alive or dead? The investigation is being led by a Detective Superintendent Boyle, although I suspect he would appreciate the help, he is also attempting to locate the Chief Executive of the Home Office who disappeared in the chaos last night."


Black looked taken aback momentarily, more by the use of her first name than anything else. She pursed her lips frowning at the floor for a moment, "Well..." she began, drawing out the word, "Honestly, I can't ask or suggest it would be a good idea for you to investigate, but if you happened to decide to do that, I think we would happily take any information you offered."

"We suspect the Marshalls are working for House Crawford to undermine our administration, probably with the goal of setting up a Crawford as President." she continued, "Alconans and Dyellians rarely, if ever, see eye to eye. Our cultures are quite alien sometimes."

"I imagine we can get Vrak and Dyelli Beybi to 'line up', which is sufficient, the Alconans can fight it in the courts later." the Alconans were up in Lords of War territory, so wouldn't be able to be present to vote...

"And with Klatch's amazing judicial system it could take them 20 years to get through even if they did have a legitimate constitutional challenge." she added.

Claudia paused, interested in the idea of Macisikan and Alcona and Hubris in a standoff. She let the cogs work for a moment before adding a final comment, "Might I suggest you consider a temporary accomodation, or whatever term you want to give it, with Federal Authorities? By that I mean an agreement that they would declare your fleet to be neutral and welcome to observe or something like that? It might help with the Alconan situation."

It would also give the Dyellian military (currently taking direct orders from the President) the opportunity to 'pacify the Alconan situation' if the Alconans did start a fight...
20-04-2009, 13:25
deMaiska smiled. It was a genuine expression.
"Excellent," her voice had warmed, "an... let's see," her eyes unfocused. "A Provisional Understanding for Reasons of Mutual Safety and Security... the Office of Legislative Drafting will have a formal thing for us shortly," she seemed to come back from a distance.

"I like it. Consider it done. I do not want a confrontation with Alcona and Hubris. It will snowball and end badly for everyone, in Vårheim and in Klatchia. Those stiff-necked prigs are good for one thing; respecting rules and regulations," the last was punctuated with rolled eyes and a swig from the thermos. "Well, only as long as they favour themselves out of it. Except Sir Ozy. I'm told the fox is actually reasonable. As for investigation, well, I won't confirm or deny for the sake of the record anything to you, but if we should somehow find something out, we will pass it directly to you."

Green eyes regarded the other woman for a moment. The First Minister was of almost elfin build herself; Black was quite able to look her in the eye.

"What if the Alconian force attacks? Their homeland is in turmoil worse than the Blessed Kingdom; they might not get the memo. I don't want to have them annihilated if it's possible..."
Dyelli Beybi
21-04-2009, 00:06
Black paused again, honestly she wasn't really certain how things would play out when the real Klatchian power players got their hands on the memo. She was quite low down in the food chain...

"I'm guessing a little bit." she conceded, "But I imagine the Kingdom navy would engage the Alconans and try to convince them to surrender, but that is only if they attack."

She knew her own people well enough to know they very rarely pursued conflict 'to the death', if they had Dyelli Beybi's population would have been decimated years ago.

"We will absolutely make sure the Alconans get the memo." she added, "Otherwise we might as well not draft anything up in the first place. I imagine the President will send them a copy then announce it to the media amid much fanfare. I'm sure that will get the message across."
21-04-2009, 03:00

Sherwin smiles and nods "Oh, I have several Dyellian passports. I guess I can't do much good here, so I may as well hunt down the new heir." he finishes with a sigh.

Jormund doesn't break his frown "My people are probably not suited to help with an investigation, we can provide security Detective Superintendent Boyle and aid him as much as we can. I would also like to send someone to provide security for the possible second Tzar."

Macrombolitas suddenly looks interested "Kerbals Valentinious. He is with Tomashenko's men, he is Vitatelas, and a Velite Investigator." He pauses again thinking how best to explain it "I can do nothing until I contact my Exarch and receive new instructions, but the Vitatels, the Lifeguard can act if they feel it benefits the Lord Vaad, or will possibly make Him more secure. If you can convince him, he can decide to give you whatever help you can convince him is necessary."

He then shrugs "Or not. Regardless I will apprise Exarch Edrull of all the developments."

With that Sherwin stands "Right, off to work I suppose."
21-04-2009, 13:12
Black paused again, honestly she wasn't really certain how things would play out when the real Klatchian power players got their hands on the memo. She was quite low down in the food chain...

"I'm guessing a little bit." she conceded, "But I imagine the Kingdom navy would engage the Alconans and try to convince them to surrender, but that is only if they attack."

She knew her own people well enough to know they very rarely pursued conflict 'to the death', if they had Dyelli Beybi's population would have been decimated years ago.

"We will absolutely make sure the Alconans get the memo." she added, "Otherwise we might as well not draft anything up in the first place. I imagine the President will send them a copy then announce it to the media amid much fanfare. I'm sure that will get the message across."


deMaiska shrugged. She knew (hell, it was there in the region's public information database) that getting the Klatch to coordinate was like herding cats.

"I will have Valdir issue a declaration of neutrality regarding the civil wars in Alcona and in Dyelli Beybi, and issue a statement to the effect that the Covenant undertakes not to engage in matters internal to the Federation unless invited by Federal Authorities. Hopefully that will calm people down. We have already signed off on the damn things, but were um'ing and ah'ing over whether they should be issued.
"And Admiral Nevass has orders not to engage any forces other than pirates without direct clearance from the Lord Marshal. As long as the Alconians aren't idiotic enough to strike at a carrier force three times their size in international waters, we should be fine. He's been trained in conflict resolution like all flag officers," which revealed that Rear Admiral Duffy had his assessment, though not his reasoning, correct; Macisikani did prefer to talk rather than shoot.

"Now, I suspect that, like me, you would prefer to avoid an incident. Have you considered the clause in the constitution which says you can tell a state to sit down and shut up if it looks like their actions may endanger the whole of the Klatch? You can always employ that one if you want," her mouth quirked. "Of course, we're assuming this force answers to the Alconian government... assuming one still exists." Privately deMaiska was wondering exactly how much of the Covenant's military history the other woman knew about. She was starting to suspect it wasn't much at all.

"In any case; I was serious about that treaty. Get Caroline to show me and the Dáil that Klatch wants it. We'll have to have provisions that ensure that it is as binding on Klatchian States as it is on Covenant Nations, of course. Check the votes, and we can have it signed and sealed by lunchtime on Friday. And while we're being busy little bees in diplomacy, let's encourage Dyelli Beybi, Sheilas and Bruces, Alcona and Hubris, and who are the others? Karmanyaka, that's it. We'll need to have them establish consulates. I suspect you're getting tired of being dragged into Valdir's office to be yelled at every time a State stuffs up."
Dyelli Beybi
21-04-2009, 14:27
"We'll get your representative some emergency travel papers... you will also need them unless you have a passport you haven't made yourself." O'Booze grunted to Jormund and Sherwin.

Scipio frowned at this but said nothing.

"Your investigator is more than welcome, encouraged even, to join in the investigation so long as he is aware Boyle is taking point." O'Booze continued, "A fresh mind always helps, security would probably not go amiss either. Boyle is already at the crime scene, we will notify him of all arrivals."

"Unless there is anything else, the meeting is dismissed, Manglevites could I ask you a few questions about the house of Vaad?"
21-04-2009, 16:23

"They're ALL perfectly legal, and I already have emergency travel papers as well." Sherwin responds with an arrogant sniff as he heads out with Captain Bathe. He chuckles as they head out to find the 'new' Tzar and turns to Bathe and smiles "They way everyone is acting you'd think somebody has died."

Jormund Elvers grunts angrily and then is off as well, on his way to the crime scene he radios his men and has them readied for transport to Bath.

Macrombolitsa turns and looks to O'Booze intently "I do not have the standing to suggest to Kerbals Valentinious that he help the investigation. I should very much like to answer your questions as I think your assumptions are probably incorrect."
Dyelli Beybi
22-04-2009, 11:49
"You're an idiot." Bathe spoke to Sherwin as they left, he sounded more amused than anything else, "I would gamble you'll get the police serving up a search warrant on your house while you're away and all kinds of nasty surprises at customs."

There was a train bound for Outremere within two hours so they and whomever it was that Elvers decided to send along were booked onboard. It was set to be a six hour train journey, although the ticket price did involve lunch. While they were waiting Bathe showed off his passport, an odd affair, Klatchian passports were blue with the hydra logo on the front, independent of which state issued them whereas Bathe's was green, had a lion rampant on the front cover and identified itself as being from the 'Prefecture of Gaul'.


Meanwhile O'Booze waited for the rest of the meeting to clear before he addressed Macrombolitsa, "Actually you will find I have no preconceptions whatsoever." he grunted, "I generally have no particular interest in foreigners, I tend to find we Dyellians are much more prone to fighting each other."

"I want to know, and you can cut the diplomatic crap, why you are here? Is House Vaad trying to cultivate a potential future ally in House ap Adam or are you here for some other reason?" O'Booze continued to scowl, although it would seem that was a permanently fixed expression (except when he was heavily inebriated).

"Also how big is House Vaad, are there heirs and so on?" he asked.

"You see we are opening a can of worms by going after Jordan, Alexia is or was safe as she's the only ap Adam, Jordan is from House Angevin and they are big, it allows for a whole host of pretenders trying to grab a piece of the pie."


As Elvers and Vasa left they would find themselves pounced on by a plain clothes detective, "You are from the Tzarina's staff are you not?" he flashed a badge, "Detective Sergeant Temper. Do you mind if I ask you a few questions? It might help us locate the Monarch."

Apparently this was one of Boyle's crew, "Piss off you %(#ing sand rat." Vasa apparently was in a particularly irritable mood.

Somewhere Else
Shoes clicked on the concrete floor as they approached down the hallway. The woman in the suit didn't turn, staring intently through the one way mirror in front of her, her head turned slightly to one side as she watched the prisoner within, "Good and bad news Ma'am." the man who had approached was probably in his fourties, a prominant hooked nose and slicked back hair gave him a somewhat sleazy look.

"Go ahead Lester." now she turned. Were Sherwin to be there, he would probably recognise her (but he wasn't). She had Dyellian features and appeared relatively young, probably under thirty.

"Everything is proceeding as we planned, unexpectedly they have actually talked about 'anticipatory association', but I think we have left enough of a false trail that they will not discover what we are up." his voice was curt and carried a degree of arrogance that would make him instantly dislikable to most people.

"And my youngest sibling?" she asked, betraying concern for whomever that was.

"Unconscious but recovering remarkably quickly." Lester replied, "Strong Djel blood in you people."

"Yes, and you aren't getting your fingers on it either." a wry half smile, "You mentioned bad news though?"

"Certain sectors of the Home Office are attempting to locate you." Lester replied, "I am informed they have access to a magnoscope, I believe they suspect Himmler's involvement."

The woman grimaced, "That could be irritating. I trust I don't need to tell you not to call them off. Did you use an intermediary jump portal to throw off pursuit."

"It was what was ordered." Lester supplied, obviously not having taken part in whatever they were talking about personally, "I will check."

"If they haven't we'll need to shut down quickly. If they have prepare a surprise for them if they try to follow." she frowned, "Try not to kill anyone though, remember we are all on the same side... They just don't realise it yet."
22-04-2009, 14:56

Sherwin just chuckles amicably "What house? Oh, and I discarded all my guns and explosives during the battle...wish I had a change of clothes, there is still some brain on my sleeve."

Elvers had chosen a member of the Einherjar that looked almost human, skin color, hair distribution and facial features are human, but his thick ape like arms and unnecessarily broad shoulders and pelvis made him look odd, that and the jacket obviously made from plates of blast shield sewn to a long coat. As far as they could tell his name is Johann.

He isn't talkative.


Macrombolitsa looked a bit irritated as he didn't think he had trotted out any 'diplomatic crap' and he was offended by the insinuation.

"We are here for exactly the reason Kerbals Valentinious stated, the Lord Vaad believes that a strong and stable Federation is best for the United Duchies and he believes that must start with a quiet and stable Blessed Kingdom of Dyelli Beybi. The House Ap Adam has already refused the House of Vaad's friendship. She is no enemy of his, but his interest to her, personally, rises to at best disinterest. His interest in her as a unifying force for your people, is higher. My orders were to make sure the Tzarina was safe, and on the throne. Obviously I cannot complete that mission."

He pauses and gives O'Booze a very long look "The Lord Vaad has seen what happens when he attempts to cultivate Dyellian friends and allies, he will not make that mistake twice."

Macrombolitsa frowns at the next question "The house of Vaad is large enough and secure enough that Cheka and Spetznaz assassins cannot damage it. Then again I'm sure you know full well about the Dyellian assassins that attempted to gain entry into the Lord Vaad's Avanc Fortress."

Then Macrombolitsa shrugs "Your can of worms is your business. Without the Tzarina the Lord Vaad will return to the task at hand of recovering his emissaries and keeping Junta forces out of Federation parkland. Of course that is only a guess until I speak with Exarch Edrull."


Elvers ignores Vasa's bad temper and he addresses Detective Sergeant Temper "You can of course ask us questions, as you escort us to the crime scene and to Detective Superintendent Boyle."
Dyelli Beybi
25-04-2009, 13:12
Bath Railway Station

"And you don't think this will make you look suspicious?" Bathe rolled his eyes skywards.

"We have some time to wait." he thrust a wad of cash at Sherwin, "Go and find a bureau de change, get those converted into Kronors then buy yourself a new shirt."

The curreny was 'Crowns', issued by the Bank of Gaul. Some time later the train arrived. To get on one needed to pass through a Department of Immigration desk. It was typical tight Dyellian security, finger print and iris scan was linked to a Passport. Bathe got through with no problems, presenting his passport for a departure stamp then going through while Johann was given papers indicating he had a six day travel visa to Outremere issued by the Department. Unfortunately for Sherwin though O'Booze had apparently ordered the Department to sieze Sherwin's passport upon presentation, which they did, giving him a six day travel pass as well...

O'Booze smiled condescendingly, "For someone who asks me not to have preconceptions you certainly seem to be particularly well endowered in that department."

"Where was I..." he resumed scowling, "I don't believe you. You contradict yourself, you claim to be here for 'stability' then say problems of stability are 'my business'. Since you are obviously not here to win friends I would suspect your purpose is somewhat more nefarious. I wasn't born yesterday."

"Now, as much as I have questions I suspect I would get more useful answers from a coal scuttle. Good day." which was a quite clear indication to leave, the Ubermarshall having decided at that point to totally ignore Macrombolitsa and write notes instead.

Near the palace

"I will walk with you part of the way." Temper stated, "I am due to interview a witness from the far bank so will need to take the St. Crispen Bridge."

Vasa slunk off as the detective spoke. He had his reasons for not answering. He smelt a conspiracy and while he was almost certain Temper had nothing to do with it, he disliked the fuzz on general principle...

"You will be allowed on." Temper assured Elvers in case he felt the lack of a detective escort would mean he would be turned away, "If you will pardon me saying so, you are quite unmistakable."

Then he launched right in with the questions, "I understand you had little face to face meeting time with her, but how would you describe the person of the Tzarina if you had to?"

"We are trying to establish whether her movement towards the riverbank was predictable or not." he added.
25-04-2009, 20:39
Bath Railway Station

Sherwin chuckles at Bathe "I'm a foreign pilot with ties to a mercenary group, the President of the Federation and the Tzarina, I don't think there is anything I could do to shed suspicion." He then takes the offered money. "Why thank you." and goes to buy a shirt.

He returns shortly with something nice and casual and doesn't seem put out at all by having his passport confiscated and just goes along with it all without any comment.

The Palace

"As I said, the Lord Vaad determined that stability, depended on the Tzarina, with the Tzarina dead, there is no mission here and the aftermath are your problem. If that changes I will alert Lord Tomashenko."

He then stands, salutes politely and leaves to rejoin his men who have by now joined Valentinious with Tomashenko's men. He quickly apprises Valentinious of the situation and then they are both on their sat-phones within minutes apprising the chain of command of the change in the situation.

Near the palace

The conspiracy that Vasa smelled could possibly be coming from Elvers, who unfortunately now smells like the river, Elvers frowns and looks down at Temper as Vasa scuttled away and nodded at Temper still not quite paying attention to him.

"I do not know. I have yet to even speak to her. I am troubled by several things."

He doesn't elaborate as he walks with Temper.
Dyelli Beybi
29-04-2009, 14:45

"You can at least look like you haven't just murdered someone." Bathe responded, "Which may decrease unwanted police presence."

The train was the usual long haul Dyellian affair, the kind that people took from York to Cyro on a regular basis; Plush aircraft style seats in a comfortably air conditioned cabin. Across the D.B.A.T. you had sleepers, but apparently the journey wasn't that long. Oddly as the train took off from the station it swerved West towards Welles and Sheffield, stopping to take on more passengers at Welles before heading up towards the mountains.

"I got some info on this individual, Ralph Jordan." Bathe announced, producing a folder, "Angevin house, bellator caste, not that anyone really cares about that in Gaul, currently living in the village of Rhosllannerchrugog, North Valentia, population about 10,000... married to Eugenia Jordan, three children, Constance, Prudence and Bestiality."

After travelling for about an hour beyond the city border of York the train hit a tunnel, it would probably be assumed this was under one of the hills separating Dyelli Beybi from Fasta Benj, although when they came out they certainly weren't in Fasta Benj... the sky was far too blue to be one of the polluted Southern States.

"Got us on a flight from Roma to Lyon, then a connecting flight to Birkenhead." Bathe explained, "Then we're meeting someone from the 1st Gallic who will escort us down to that unpronouncable Valentian place."


"You haven't?" this seemed to trouble Temper who looked like he had been hoping for a key witness, "Do you have any impressions at all? We think they could be quite useful?"

He would veer off as they neared the river, heading towards the bridge although Elvers was evidently recognised by the uniformed police guarding the crime scene. More than one had a red and black rosette, a symbol of Allegiance to Parliament although they let him in without any fuss. The Parliamentarians apparently didn't seem to feel they were defeated...

Boyle was an older gentleman, thinning a little on top. When Elvers arrived he was standing at the top of a manhole leading to the sewer system. Someone had fed electrical cabling down it, "Home Office is doing something down there. We think we are onto something quite interesting." he spoke without introducing himself, carrying himself with the crisp aura of the truly task focussed.
29-04-2009, 21:07

Both Sherwin and Johann listened intently, although none of it made much sense to either of them. Sherwin for his part simply nodded and yawned at the travel plans "Good, good, wake me when we get there." He has been up since well before dawn and had done quite a bit of strenuous activity for the day, especially for a pilot. He was too tired to even comment on the last child's unfortunate name.

Johann simply looked blankly at Bathe as he read the info on 'Tzar Ralph' and their travel plans and only interrupted him to ask "What is a bellator caste?".

Sherwin would be well asleep before any answer was made.


"No, I have not." he stated simply as they reached the bridge "I am afraid I have nothing useful to impart." he states as he pauses near the officers, and looks at their Parliamentarian arm bands, pausing long enough to make sure they were thoroughly uncomfortable at his presence before heading over to Boyle.

Elvers pauses to put his tank-armor shirt back on as he looks over the scene and listens to Boyle "I suspected as much. Two things. First there is no splatter of blood, or anything on my armor. Second thinking about it carefully, I did not hear a splash."

He pauses looking down the manhole "Though that would raise more questions than provide answers."

Where ever the heck Tomashenko is

Shortly after his and Macrombolitsas phone conversations Valentinious locates Tomoshenko again to apprise him of their situation.

"Lord Tomoshenko, The Marathons will be here soon with more of Chief Elvers men, where would you like them to land? Also considering the circumstances as soon as the rest of the Einherjar are off-loaded Manglevites Macrombolitsa his men and I will be leaving. It does not look as though we can be of anymore assistance to the Tzarina, and the Lord Vaad is insistent that we do not get involved in the impending civil war. I am deeply sorry, but there is little we can do I am afraid."
Dyelli Beybi
30-04-2009, 08:33
"Outremere is a bit different." Bathe explained, "The people are divided into Castes that are inherited from your parents, the Oratores are priests, doctors and anything else medical and politicians, generally speaking, Bellatores are soldiers, cops, firemen, security guards, the wealthier ones of us sometimes become politicians, Laboratores do pretty much everything else."

"Italics and Illycans have quite a strong tradition of sticking to their caste, Gauls and Easterns not so much." he shrugged.

They would soon discover a few things about Outremere... for a start it was clean and the people seemed prosperous on the whole, possibly because they hadn't had to keep rebuilding war damaged towns, probably why it was so difficult to travel into. The colony was supposedly only a few years old, but it looked like many of the buildings had been here for much much much longer. Bathe's passport would also reveal he had been born in Kaarst, which was a local settlement.

The train ride was not long, only an hour or so into the city, then there was customs, a 10 minute taxi ride to the airport then more customs. Interestingly the Dyellian flags in Roma were always matched with another one, a simple two coloured flag (the left side of which was red and the right side a kind of mustardy yellow). This was followed by a two hour flight to Lyon then yet more customs (here the other flag was a golden rearing lion on a blue background with golden bars). Transit time of half an hour then a three and a half hour flight to Birkenhead. Thankfully there was no associated customs on this leg of the trip.

At the end they were met by a cheeful looking Captain from the 1st Gallic with a bushy black moustache. He smiled as they appeared, it was the smile of someone who looked like he thought something was funny, "I have you guys booked on the SS Lowenstaat, I'm Captain Trewithin by the way. Lowenstaat is a privately owned Hummingbird class transport by the way."

"Why?" Bathe asked, sounding slightly tetchy about this, "We're going to some Valentian village."

"Actually you're not." Trewithin chortled, although changing his tone to a more respectful one when talking of the dead, "Your information is about 2 months out of date. Rev. Jordan was killed in a motor accident, its all on file with the Valentian constabulary. His widow has relocated offworld to the Vrak IV colony. Hummingbird should only take you a day to get out there."


Boyle chewed the inside of his cheek, it was a subconscious act which those that knew him would realise meant he was mulling over new information, trying to construct a plausible scenario, "Divers didn't find a bullet, not that that means a great deal, they did find a small beanbag though that appeared to have gone in quite recently." he said after a while.

"That could be a child's toy, there is enough other rubbish down there, or it could be a 'less lethal' round, hard to tell, I've given it over to the lab."

"By the way, think if we fired a few guns off you might be able to identify the sound?" he asked. Although Boyle appeared distracted he was watching Elvers to make sure he didn't try anything inconvenient towards any of his men.

Boyle was a Parliamentarian himself, he believed in elections, not that he had anything particularly against the Tzarina, but he worried about getting another Richard Glawis. What he was though above everything else was a detective. A crime had been committed, it needed investigating, he would find the answer if it could be found, independent of factional allegiance.
30-04-2009, 16:43
Johann frowns at Trethwin and rumbles unpleasantly "It seems everyone is dying rather conveniently, for someone in this whole affair. I will want to see those files from the Valentian constabulary." He snarls mostly to himself "Chief Elvers will not be pleased." His mood appeared to be going from unfriendly to hostile.

Sherwin just chuckles " I don't suppose there is any reason to even go see his wife?" He asks as he turns to Bathe "We should probably let O'Booze know and plan a different course of action. Honestly, one more plot twist and I'm going back to what I'm supposed to be doing."


"Non lethal round." Elvers muses as he loops his ammo belts back over his shoulder and puts the belt back into his machine gun with several audible clacks and a loud snap as he chambers a round. "I suppose I could try and identify the sound. Although after all these years all gunshots pretty much sound the same. I tend to ignore them anymore."

He shoulders his machine gun and frowns "A non-lethal round to knock her off the bridge, but how did they catch her and more importantly how did they know which section they needed to be under? She could have sat anywhere along this railing?"

While they have been standing there the rest of Elvers men have started to collect near their commander and the scene. They were not used to having Elvers out of their sight and were now getting very edgy and instinctively getting closer and closer to him. He did not seem to notice.
Dyelli Beybi
01-05-2009, 01:54
OOC: Whoops, sorry forgot to reply to this line.
Tomashenko's HQ

Tomashenko appeared to be packing, although when Macrombolitsas appeared he slammed the suitcase shut with a wild eyed look. For just a moment it looked like it was full of money...

"So you won't be waiting around in case she shows up?" he asked, sounding distracted, "That's fine I can respect your decision. God speed."


"Good question." Boyle acknowledged the thoughts on the section of bridge, "The Home Office seem to think they have the answer, but apparently its 'need to know'."

Suddenly voices were raised down the tunnel and a pair of (presumably) Home Office men in black fatigues came bursting out, yelling for everyone to get back. Boyle spun, just in time to see the jet of flame burst out of the manhole with a deafening roar and shockwave that knocked several officers off their feet.

"Keep away from the manhole!" someone was yelling, "That explosion could have weakened the foundations and I don't want anyone disappearing through the floor."

"What just happened?" Boyle demanded tetchily from one of the pair.

"There was a bomb." there was more the man wasn't saying.

"Oh really." Boyle grunted, "I was down there earlier and didn't see anything. and I might add my men did a very good sweep of the tunnel."

"You did." the man said slightly defensively, "Its 'need to know'."


"Feel free to file an AR02 homeworlder." Trewithin smiled, apparently thinking this was a good joke. It hadn't registered on Trewithin that Johann wasn't Dyellian so he was playing the obstructive colonial... not that he would have done anything different for anyone else from the 'homeworld'.

"Au contraire mon ami." Bathe beckon Sherwin away from the other Captain, allowing whatever confrontation flared up to flare up, "The list of heirs is fairly extensive, however he has three children as we discussed earlier, aged between twenty five and twenty one, so they are all obvious candidates, we just need to head on out there and grab one to take back with us. But yes I would agree this is rather odd timing. Someone is screwing with us."
01-05-2009, 04:22
Tomashenko's HQ

Valentinious looks over Tomashenko suspiciously "I normally do not bet on the dead does not look as though you are either." He nods to the suitcase as he finishes that statement.

"What makes you think she will reappear, and what makes you think it would be a good idea to stay?" His voice lowered and became firmer.


Elvers,of course, is nowhere near quick enough to get away from the manhole but does manage to crouch and cover up. The explosion staggers him and he staggers several feet back and then turns to survey the situation and watches Boyle's exchange with the man he is certain is the bomber, he strides over to them.

As the home office man moves to get off the bridge Elver's ropey arm and thick hand grabs him firmly as he waves his gun bringing his men rushing in. "Nobody gets off this bridge!" he bellows, mainly to his men who form a semi circle weapons lowered.

He then shakes the home office man violently "We all stay here until you tell us why you detonated that bomb. DO NOT try my patience, it is now gone."

With his last words the sounds of the other Einherjar chambering rounds is audible, and a strange low whirr fills the air as the large red Einherjar with the black goggles flips a switch on his belt, turning on the electric motor for the 20mm vulcan cannon he is carrying, he stands and moves it slowly back and forth and in his low thick growl states to anyone that attempts to rush forward

"Nobody gits on out of this ya pit alive...................."


Synchronicity. miles away Elvers snap is probably timed very closely to Johann's and the reaction is eerily similar, the chuckling Trewithin finds himself being grabbed by Johann, one hand to grab his face, palming it and the other to grab Trewithin's sidearm, he is much, much faster than Elvers.

"I am Einherjar, we are the Royal Family's bodyguard! You laugh at me again and I break your face, I will see those reports and you will stop showing disrespect."

He does not bellow like Elvers, but talks in a low hiss. Sherwin listens to Bathe, but nods over to Johann "Should we get involved? I vote no."
Dyelli Beybi
01-05-2009, 12:34
Royalist HQ

"No reason." Tomashenko looked decidedly cagey, then, realising he was quite obviously lying decided to come clean, "I have recieved a ransom demand."


"Put him down." Boyle stated firmly, "We do not assault witnesses, as difficult as they may be."

Meanwhile the police and home office had also drawn weapons although they were pointing it at each other. Anyone who knew anything about the sprawling Dyellian bureaucracy knew the departments were given to infighting, Elvers had just picked a scab...

"Put him down." Boyle repeated, sounding slightly irritated, he knew his way around the bureaucracy, and the last thing he needed was to be lumbered with some tactless fool who thought he could throw his weight around, "This is not a productive use of police time. I have a crime to solve, so please, put the man down."


Bathe smiled slightly, "As amusing as this is, we should get him to put him down. The authority of Cyro doesn't extend very well out here. Him being a representative of the Tzarina doesn't mean jack... and if the cops spot this they'll assume we're terrorists and fill us full of lead."

"Fill out an AR02." Trewithin responded.

"I'd severely doubt he's seen the form either." Bathe decided to intervene, "He's military, it will be being held by the police... an AR02 is the form you fill in to apply to look into a police case file."

Trewithin indicated an affirmation.

"Now you can stay here and try to convince the police to open up the file to you, or you can come with me to Vrak IV. You decide."
01-05-2009, 15:24
Royalist HQ

Valentinious looks interested "A credible ransom demand? Did they offer any proof that the Tzarina is a alive and that they have her?"


Elvers narrows his eyes and stops shaking the Home Office man but does not release him. He turns slightly to Boyle when he makes the second demand to put the Home Office man, but still does not comply.

"No." he says firmly then turning to his men "Disarm all of these men."

The Einherjar move in, half of them keep the area covered the others begin grabbing the weapons that the Police and Home Office men are brandishing at each other.

"No one moves from this spot until this man answers my questions. This man is part of the conspiracy to kill the Tzarina, she is under my protection. This matter is under my jurisdiction now. This man is not a witness, he is a saboteur." It seemed as though Elvers had his own ideas on a bureaucratic power play.

His grip on the Home Office man tightens. "I've been in the river once today, I do not mind going in a second time."


Sherwin shrugs "You're no fun."

Johann looks over at Bathe then back at Trewithin and grimaces and then releases him, shoving backward as he does. He then growls lowly "Let's go."

He pauses long enough to toss Trewithin's sidearm back to him. "Cross me again, just cross me again."
Dyelli Beybi
02-05-2009, 14:04
Royalist HQ

"Yeah." Tomashenko sounded shady again, "I got a video recording, although obviously I'm not showing it around."

"This smacks of Cheka." he added, "Or a faction thereof."


"I'm not a saboteur." the man protested, "There was a trap, in case you didn't notice we lost a lot of irreplacable gear down there."

"This isn't the wild west." Boyle sounded terse, but decided to pick his battles, "I wash my hands of this."

Nobody was surrendering weapons willingly, although they seemed ready to clear off.
There was plenty of radio chatter as well. Things were not going to go down well...


"We don't cross people." Trewithin smiled, he still looked sneery, although his hand was on his sidearm this time, he wasn't going to be taken by surprise.

"Okay, lets get the hell out of here." Bathe waved towards a short coridoor.

Lowenstaat was a small looking craft looking a lot like a fat bellied plane with a couple of rather large engines. The ship was supposedly a small time trading vessel, although the Hummingbird class was a favourite of smugglers...

The Captain, John Parr was a quiet man who seemed not especially interested in inquiring into anyone's business, although he accepted a bribe was Bathe, leaving some of his cargo in storage for a later voyage in order to get off the ground faster.

"You need to keep your lid on." Bathe growled when they had a moment together, "Most of the people out this way don't give a toss about the Tzarina or Parliament. I'm an annoying fed, you guys are just civilians as far as they're concerned. Vrak IV is a sh*t hole moon with little respect for the law, so 10 times worse than Valentia in that respect. They'll kill you as soon as look at you, and you look funny, so don't make trouble."
03-05-2009, 07:25
Royalist HQ

Valentinious frowns "Compelling evidence perhaps, but not iron-clad. Do you have enough money?"

He pauses "You know that most kidnappers kill their hostage well before any exchange takes place, even if you pay them, she may already be dead."

"Yes, and I am certain no matter how expensive the gear, it was expendable to those who ordered you to detonate the bomb." He then pauses and turns to Boyle, signaling his men again, they all step aside as he looks at Boyle as he releases the Home Office man.

"I expected that from you. Now you are relieved of having to go through the motions." He points his machine gun at the men with the Parliamentarian arm-bands "You and your traitor Teleu investigators had no intention of solving what happened here."

He then bellows again, loud enough so that all the police can hear him "All of you may leave, NOW." He then turns to the Home Office man, "Get your men out of here , or I will have them shot as saboteurs."

His men begin cordoning off the bridge, anyone who does not want to leave is ejected. Elvers then gets on his radio to check on the rest of his men, who should be arriving shortly. Of course Manglevites Macrombolitsa is listening in on Elvers call to his Einherjar, and Macrombolitsa's pilots.

Manglevites Macrombolitsa orders his men to head for the Bridge and he returns to the Ubermarshall's office.....................


Sherwin watches everything with mild interest as he has been and then looks shocked at Bathe. " I didn't do anything. I don't even know where we are going or what we are doing. If you have a problem with the Einherjar....." he motions to Johann "Take it up with him, unless there is something you want me to fly, I'd like to catch up on my sleep. We didn't all have the nicety of sitting back at a base waiting for the fighting to end to march in!"

Johann says nothing, except for some grumbling under his breath.
Dyelli Beybi
03-05-2009, 12:45
Royalist HQ

Tomashenko nodded, "I know, it could have been filmed some time ago, but what can we do? We have enough money, just, we are just about bankrupting the House."

He grimaced at the second fact, "Were I the kidnapper I would have killed her, however I would also know that her House would pay out anyway on the chance she was alive."

Elsewhere in Bath

A look of puzzlement passed between the officers, but nobody voiced anything, "Back to the Station, now." Boyle ordered, he would remove the threat then finish the investigation... just as soon as TWEP cleared the terrorists out of the area...

There really wasn't much to come back to. Whatever evidence had existed had been destroyed. There was an intact diesel generator that the Home Office had left, and a booklet.

Meanwhile O'Booze was mobilising, "I want 4 XC2s issued to the police and two dozen case guns. That should be sufficient to defend the evidence. Mobilise infantry to the area, we need to take the zone back, we need to send a strong message about pakrahs."

There was a knock on the door, "Hang on." the Ubermashall spoke into the telephone, "Get on with what I've ordered, I'll call you back.... Yes, enter."

"Sir." an aide entered, a staff Captain by the rank, he was probably in his fifties and had a receding hairline, "That blok pakrah Vaadian with the unpronouncable name wants to see you."

"Send him in." O'Booze grunted.

The Captain saluted, letting Macrombolitsa into the room, "So. What are you doing here. I understand you are acting as a ferry service for these terrorists who have siezed a city block."


"We saved your ass." Bathe snorted, "Get some sleep. I think he heard."

The ship had separate rooms for each of the three with a bunk and bathroom facilities (there seemed to be some kind of artificial gravity so they weren't too dificult to use). They weren't big or particularly extravagant and you could never escape the dull roar of the engines, but they were private.

"I don't suppose we can necesarily count on there not being a shoot out." he mused, then vanished up a flight of stairs in search of the Captain.

He returned some time later carrying a pistol and a what looked to be a lever action rifle. He handed the pistol the the Einherjar, which had O'Booze seen would have caused him to blow his nut, "OK, thats a 'Gibblet Nine' seven shot energy pistol, not as powerful as the military things, but theirs are one shot wonders, far better if you aren't planning to use it on a main battle tank. Its a break barrel, you slot the fresh cap in when you're done. I've only managed to get two extra caps from the crew so don't go crazy with it."
03-05-2009, 19:48
Royalist HQ

Valentinious looks dubious "I suppose there is nothing we can do to help."

Elsewhere in Bath

Macrombolitsa sighs "Yes, as I said earlier we had been aiding Lord Tomashenko and allowing him to use out transports to move the Einherjar." He was getting tired of continually explaining things over and over again.

"I wanted to make certain you were aware of the situation, my men are on the way there, though I have only instructed them to make visual contact. If you like I can have them physically separate the Police, Home Office and Einherjar before they come to blows."

He frowns "I don't know where the Household Cavalry fit into the chain of command but you may want to explain where that is to Chief Elvers. Confronting him with military hardware is only likely to make him think that whatever conspiracy theories he has are right. Do not underestimate him and keep in mind that he has a reputation for for being very intuitive. You should talk with him before you label him anything."

He then salutes again "I would also like to request that the Red Army find a working transport or two to take care of the Einherjar so that I can get my damn jets back and get the hell out of here. With the number of men at the crime scene witnessing Elvers and the others arguing, everyone in Dyelli Beybi will know the Tzarina is dead, and I don't think that there is any possibility of order being maintained."

Meanwhile Elvers and his men simply secured the area, none of his 'heavies' were even small enough to go down the manhole, but smaller Einherjar would be arriving soon. He would leave it to them to figure out what exactly was down there. For the time being, he simply stands at the manhole, his machine gun aimed down it.

"I am certain now that she is alive." he grunts to one of his men.

"How do you figure that chief?" another large Einherjar wearing heavy armor, armed with a machine gun and an iron girder as a melee weapon responds.

"If the Home Office, or whomever wanted to destroy something down there, she is alive. Had they simply shot her, there would be nothing under this bridge to compromise that fact." He says with a nod.

The other Einherjar simply nods in response.

Down at the end of the street Macrombolitsa's Kerbals stop just shy of the corner and have a look round to see where everyone was and then radio their position back to Manglevites Macrombolitsa..


Sherwin chuckles "No one's ass would have needed saving if the great Red Army and it's Junta had done something.........anything weeks ago." and then he goes to his cabin to get some sleep, letting Bathe and Johann make their 'battle plans'. He was determined to do as little as possible.

Johann looks confused at the weapon and open it just to see how it works. "Who do we intend to have a shootout with?"
Dyelli Beybi
05-05-2009, 13:58
Royalist HQ

Tomashenko puffed out his cheeks in thought, "Honestly I hadn't even considered it, I was just planning on making the drop then hoping for the best."

he probably wasn't the sharpest mind in the Royalist camp, but he was at least fiercely loyal.


There were 'spooks' on the streets near the Einherjar, although these ones wore black jackets with the letters CTT emblazoned on the back. There were perhaps a dozen of them, although they didn't try to interfere. They seemed far more interested in rounding up civilians...

Meanwhile O'Booze frowned at Macrombolitsa, "Actually I would much rather you stopped transporting Einherjar altogether."

He snorted at the comment about the Chief being 'intuitive', "Well he seems to be motivated more by conspiracy theories than hard facts at the moment... if he is even telling the truth when he speaks. I know what happened with the Home Office, but it involved the utilisation of certain technology which is strictly need to know, and pakrahs don't need to know. From where I'm sitting I just see some creature who thinks he owns my country. Blok pakrah." he spat the last two words out venemously.

"As for the situation as it stands." he continued, The police and Home Office are removing themselves to the Headquarters on Queen Street along with any all collected evidence. We are issuing them with anti-tank energy weapons to defend the building. The CTT is clearing civilians away from the immediate area in order to contain information flow and to allow TWEP and Tercio units to set up a perimeter. Captain Haworth from the Tercios will be handling everything on the ground."

Somewhere in the Universe

Bathe looked confused, "The Red Army is in Cyro, what do they have to do with anything?" then shook it, "Urg, never mind."

"We don't intend to have a shootout." he responded some time later to Johann, "However we aren't LEOs so we can't carry firearms on civilian aircraft. I figured I might as well borrow these from the crew, just in case we get into any trouble with the locals."

The truth was that the Dyellian Government had little real authority in Outremere and certainly didn't have the resources to keep order in all the little Outremerian offworld settlements. Places like Vrak IV tended to be run more by local strongmen than by central Government and a lone soldier was asking for trouble.

Parr was intelligent enough to realise that, radioing ahead as they reached orbit, "We're looking for some newcomers to IV, yes I know you get them all the time, these are different, we're looking for Teulu, well bred Angevin bellators, not your usual indents."

It took some time of cruising around while the spaceport figured this out, but eventually they did manage to come back with a rough location much to Parr's satisfaction. Hummingbird's were VTOL so he was able to put them down on a nearby patch of scrubby ground, "Jonestown." he announced as he came down from the cockpit, "The people you are looking for are on a farm some miles North. While you're in there I'm going to head into town and pick up some supplies. If you need to radio back to us Brown will be staying on the bridge. Do not lose those guns, they cost more than this trip is paying."
05-05-2009, 20:20
Royalist HQ

Valentinious smiles "That is some complex plan, where and when do they want you to make the drop? Perhaps you should alert someone?"


The Einherjar remain in place as the 'spooks' round people up, they appear unconcerned. Meanwhile back at the original landing site the Kerbals Marathon transports were unloading the second round of Einherjar who were coming off the transports in good order and heading to the bridge. The first one there to meet with Elvers is Hagarg Ryonis, the 'Treasurer' of the group. After quick explanation of what had occurred she removes her armor and .50 82A1 semi-automatic rifle while one of her assistants looks over the generator and the manual that was left behind.

After Hagarg is stripped down and Elvers points out the spot where the Tzarina sat and went over and she summarily goes over as well, head first, which is deceiving as she is an excellent free climber and begins scaling down the outside of the bridge to see what exactly is under where the Tzarina was seated...............Elvers has no idea why and looks back to his men, a bit confused.

Meanwhile Macrombolitsa pauses putting his hand to his ear and talking into his com "Right." then he turns back to O'Booze "My men are within sight of the Einherjar, and the Marathons have arrived and are off loading their current payloads, I will instruct them not to go back to York for anymore Einherjar, I would have stopped previously had you requested it earlier."

He pauses and looks quizzical " So if there is nothing else me and men will be on our way as soon as the transports are empty? "

He continues to ignore O'booze's bad mood "Oh, and I do not believe that 'blok pakrah' would be an accurate description of the Einherjar, I believe the Tzarina made them Dyellian perhaps you should extend to them an explanation and attempt to diffuse the situation? Otherwise I have a hundred Kronor that says you can't dislodge them without destroying that entire bridge, and all your evidence."

Somewhere in the Universe

Sherwin chuckles "Don't drink the Kool-aid." in response to Parr's announcing where they have landed "I'll stay here with Brown, maybe he can give me a tour of the bridge and cockpit?"

Sherwin seemed much more interested in the Hummingbird than in an Tzarist heir. Johann simply looks nonplussed and starts marching North at a steady plod.
Dyelli Beybi
09-05-2009, 14:49
Royalist HQ

"And then what?" Tomashenko had obviously considered this, turning prickly at the perceived sarcasm, "Who should I contact? I don't even know who pulled this off. It could be O'Booze for all I know, or the Chief of Police... it could even be you, or Vasa."


A grunt from the Ubermarshall communicated that he hadn't been informed of any citizenship grants, "Do they have papers? It scarcely matters, if anything this makes the situation worse."

"As fun as I find pandering to people to be." he continued, not bothering to disguise the sarcasm, "I can neither confirm nor deny that we have used top secret technology, but assuming that we are, I am not giving any old joe access to them."

"We have our evidence, or as much as we're getting." he concluded, "They will be removed. We shall try peaceful means and will escalate until they are no longer impeding the the justice system."

Vrak IV

The Humminbird Class were really rather small, Brown was initially quite openly suspicious of Sherwin, although talking about planes/spaceships loosened him up. Apparently it had two 'torsion coil' engines and 'subspace capability'. There wasn't a bridge to speak of, just a large cockpit with about as many buttons as one would expect on a jet liner (which was to say, a lot)... many of them did the same things to.

If Sherwin was really listening he would pick up a fair bit about this weird part of Dyelli Beybi, for instance the people didn't really see themselves as Dyellian, they were Gauls, or Italics, Baeticans and so on. Hummingbirds, the only civilian VTOL 'subspace capable' civilian vehicle seemed to be the vehicle of choice for any kind of commerce with the minor colonies.

For the others, 'North' would seem a pretty vague direction, although it would become rapidly clear that nobody liveds this way, the soil was nearly desert, pretty much unfarmable, only one family had been daft enough to try...

It was a rather unimposing hut, solar cells to provide electricity, a satellite on the roof, a malnourished looking flock of sheep... "Who the hell are you, and what do you want?"

It was a typical warm friendly greeting then... from the blonde girl wearing the leather duster. It was something about the eyes, this was one angry young woman... it could have had something to do with the shotgun she was pointing at Johann's face too. She had apparently been lounging behind a boulder, although common sense dictated she had been waiting for them to appear.

"So a soldier... and the one who looks like the gorilla would be the Chekist then?" she sneered, "Drop the guns."

"Actually I don't think we're going to do that." Bathe responded cooly, "You've got a pump action and you're gambling if we drop our weapons you can shoot us both, we're just here to talk, I'm gambling you think we're assassins... Captain Jarvis Bathe, and you would be Constance Jordan?"

He was guessing from the age, but from the snarl he had obviously got it right, "OK, you're here to talk, so talk."
12-05-2009, 22:02
Royalist HQ

"Oh yes. Us. Brilliant , that makes sense, you may as well hand me the briefcase then.........." Valentinious says with a chuckle "It's hardly my fault that you can't trust anyone in your own country, but for starters if the Tzarina is still alive then Manglevites Macrombolitsa still has to stay until she is seated safely at the levers of state, so you may as well put them to work. I don't know how much time you have but it would be best to put what you have at your disposal to work, like possibly the Tzarina's bodyguard? Or I can just shove off and stop trying to be helpful."


Macrombolitsa frowns at the Ubermarshall "You are a prickly, short sighted, hopelessly obstinate man. You are probably a brilliant battle field commander. I thought that maybe, as any good commander would, a bit of advice how not to get people killed would be welcome."

He then turns to leave "I don't need to stand here giving advice that isn't listened to all day, I'll get my men ready to depart."

Back at the Bridge Elvers men are still watching the activity near the bridge with interest, but not with any apparent alarm. Ryonis' assistant continued to peruse the left behind manual while she edged her way down the side of the bridge and then around to the underside. She paused at the dark underside allowing her infrared vision to adjust to the cool darkness under the bridge before climbing on under. She is determined to work backward from where the Tzarina fell to the manhole above....................

Vrak IV

As usual Sherwin apparently had no interest in Dyellians and their socio political machinations, Brown would only find an enthusiastic and experienced pilot that seemed only interested in healthy 'pilot' things. He eagerly listened to anything Brown could impart about the Hummingbird.

Back at the ranch (I love typing that!) Johann disarmed himself as instructed, he didn't even think the gun given him was a real weapon, he dropped it at exactly the same moment Bathe states "Actually I don't think we're going to do that."

He also didn't think the pump action was going to be particularly effective. After dropping his 'gun' he simply states "I'm no 'Chekist'." in his usual irritated grunt. Then staying out of it as Bathe does the talking.
Dyelli Beybi
13-05-2009, 07:29
Royalist HQ

"I'm not accusiong you of anything." Tomashenko sighed, "I'm just pointing out that I don't know who is responsible... How do you think you can help? I am not really the brains of the opperation, that is Vasa, but I really have my doubts about him, he can be so racist. It could be a motive, some kind of elven revenge plot."


"Dyelli Beybi needs more obstinate people." O'Booze grunted gruffly, "Apart from appeasement what is your advice?"

He was clearly trying very hard to be reasonable, probably because his ego had been massaged sufficiently to allow him to consider the other man's viewpoint, "You must understnad that we need to make it quite clear who is in charge. The State needs to remain supreme and it can certainly not be shown to respond to threatening moves by non-state actors."

Dyellian politics was fiendishly complicated, Governments rose and fell on loss of face; The NSWP had been voted out due to apparent loss of face at Nekoa Bay. Meanwhile powerful Government Departments and Non-State organisations had made numerous attempts to grab power, especially when the Government had been seen to be weak, The third civil war, the Neo-Tyr crisis and the Soult coup were testiment to the damage these could do. O'Booze had survived all of these upheavals because he understood Dyellians. He feared what might happen if they saw him bend to the will of a small band of non-state actors occupying a bridge. He feared this because what he understood most of all was the fact that power in Dyelli Beybi was built on smoke and mirrors.

Meanwhile the Einherjar would find little evidence of anything. The Tzarina had toppled backwards into the water... apparently. There was a sewage outlet directly into the Djel (quite unhygenic) just below where she had fallen. It was in here that the bomb had gone off. The home office had set something up here, although it had been turned into nothing more than a twisted mass of metal. There was one odd phenomenon to be noted. Compasses span madly when they went near the epicentre of the blast...

Vrak IV

It took a couple of seconds for the pair to register what Johann had just done. Both reacted instantly, Bathe throwing himself to the side as the Angevin girl swung the shotgun at him, letting off a blast that grazed his thigh. There was an odd buzzing noise from his weapon and no visible sign of a projectile... but there was no doubt it was real. The girl yelped in pain, dropping the weapon and clamping her hand over arm.

The shot had burned clean through the stock of the gun and her right forearm leaving neat hole-punch sized entry and exit wounds that were already pooling with blood, "Now." Bathe exhaled angrily as he hauled himself up to a sitting position, there were probably still a few pellets in him and he didn't look especially comfortable, "Can we bloody talk?"

He punctuated the end of his sentence with a bout of swearing. Constance was breathing hard. She glared but gave no answer.

"Well this is just -ing great. I do not want to have to explain the fact that I shot you to your mother. But you -ing shot me first. hat do you say to the idea of ruling the country?"

The girl described both Bathe and Johann's mothers, once again missing the thrust of the argument.

"Don't play -ing coy with me." Bathe spat, "I know you know who you are, or you wouldn't be looking for -ing Chekists. And stop -ing whining you stupid -tch, laser burns don't hurt that much."

The girl yelled a few more descriptions of Bathe's parentage, implying several illegal acts had been carried out by his mother with a whole menagerie of farmyard animals... then moved onto Johann again, although here she seemed to be focussing more on the primates section of the zoo, although having had a few moments to vent and having noticed that nobody had killed her yet, some semblance of common (Dyellian) sense was begining to return, "So the ancient hag kicked the bucket before I did. Well thats some satisfaction at least."

It was an odd way to descibe Alexia ap Adam who was little older that Constance...

"You know the law is equal inheritance though, so Bestiality gets it as well." she added, family loyalty showing through, "Prudence is simple so it might be wise to overlook that one."

some time later...

Prudence was indeed simple. She seemed to have the mind of a six year old and required the mother's nearly constant intention. Bestility on the other hand was a quiet bookish looking sort who ironically was very kind to animals...

The shootings took some explaining, although eventually was allowed to let slide as a 'misunderstanding'. Bestiality even de-pelleted Bathe, although the only anaesthetic available was local moonshine...

Some time after he had the opportunity to get Bathe and Johann alone, bringing them a bottle of moonshine, mostly for Bathe to dull the pain with, "So... whats the plan? You've seen how hot headed she is." that was clearly Constance, "You really only need one, and I won't disguise that I am ambitious."

Bathe looked to Johann then for some kind of indication of what he felt, the Gaul was keeping his thoughts to himself...
13-05-2009, 16:01
Royalist HQ

"Well......." Valentinious looks thoughtful " You already have the cash, so I guess I can't help with that, but perhaps we can add a way of tracking that money, a way that the Cheka wouldn't suspect because they wouldn't have heard of it. That way we can get at them. We can take Macrombolitsa's men that way we know there are no spies or assassins in their number and of course can use their jets."

He pauses "Well, I am here to help the Tzarina."


Macrombolitsa pauses "Why don't we go talk to Chief Elvers, whatever we decide if you are there and you issue the order for them to clear off, no matter how it's done, your authority, the states authority is intact." Macrombolitsa is obviously a man that despite his military background seemed to want to avoid actual conflict.

Ryonis looked over the wreckage very carefully looking to see if there was any sort of frame, or construction that could have moved at any time to 'catch' the Tzarina or move down to intercept her fall. After carefully studying everything she then heads up back through the manhole, wriggling out of it and then walking back over to where the Tzarina was seated and seating herself in the exact same location, scanning the buildings around the bridge.

Elvers and the other Einherjar continue to watch.

Vrak IV

Johann if anything looked completely amused by the entire situation, watching Bathe and Constance shoot each other with a smile. After they have disable each other he pauses and picks his gun back up and listens to Constance's various insults with no comment. Johann seems perfectly content to let everyone else discuss the situation and treat each others wounds and to chuckle at the recounting of the 'misunderstanding'.

When finally asked a direct question by the unfortunately named Bestiality "If we take only one of you, that obviously leaves the other two for someone else to attempt to manipulate into contesting fort the throne. I believe that the best plan is that you are all coming with us and we assume that the oldest male heir is the new Tzar."

Of course he knew nothing about Dyellian succession, he wasn't sure if the Dyellians used fratricide to eliminate contenders for the throne, he figured it was be best to have all the contenders in one place for whatever the Dyellians usually did to eliminate the necessity of traveling.

"We will protect with whomever is eventually named Tzar or Tzarina."

He turns to Bathe looking at his leg "Does that hurt much?"
Dyelli Beybi
13-05-2009, 22:27
Royalist HQ

"You think it was the Cheka?" Tomashenko frowned, cocking his head to one side, "Then we should speak to Davies if she's awake."

Davies had evidently survived the battle unlike so many others...

"You're taking this a step too far." he continued, suddenly grinning roguishly, "How thoroughly do you think they'll check in the field? They'll probably just have a cursory examination for tracking devices then take it back to base."


"The State's Authority." O'Booze corrected scowling, "Not mine. I am not Soult."

He wanted to nip any implications of dictatorship in the bud. He wasn't interested in running Dyelli Beybi; it lowered your life expectancy tremendously. "We'll talk to him, give him a chance to come out without force. You lead, I tend to make people angry in hostage situations."

Meanwhile the Einherjar would find no evidence of anything having been attached to catch her, no indication at least on the stonework of the bridge of anything having been attached recently. Possibly she landed in the water.
Vrak IV

"Yes." Bathe actually grinned, not one of his usual expressions, "But I can walk. It's only a flesh wound."

It looked like Bestiality was about to agree with the statement of oldest heir, but Bathe, ever the historian cut him off, "Actually no. Technically both of them inherit, Prudence would be disqualified as unfit. In the last few hundred years there has been a tradition of the Tzar or Tzarina nominating a successor. It was supposed to prevent fratricidal civil wars. Generally it didn't."

"Exactly." Bstiality said, strongly implying in his facial expressions that the swift removal of his sister might save the country a lot of bother.

Bathe remained stoney faced, refusing to pick up the hint. Honestly he prefered Constance, the angry, violent, hot blooded one, to the calm, civilised, cold blooded Bestiality. He certainly wasn't going to eliminate her, "We need to get back to the ship."
13-05-2009, 22:54
Royalist HQ

Valentinious grins fishing in his pocket for a flat, very thin flexible metal disk about the size of a US dime, but as thin as paper "Slip this up into a wad of cash under the band, they won't find it until they start taking the money out and counting it, by then they'll be settled in."

He then stands handing the disk "Well, let's go talk to this Davies fellow." He had no idea who Davies was or that she wasn't a fellow, Sherwin would be surprised she was a live, if he ever finds out.


"I meant your authority over the armed forces, assuming the Einherjar now are part of that." He nods to the Ubermarshall and then heads out to the bridge meeting up to his mean who are still cautiously looking around the corner at the ominous lack of activity, Macrombolitsa wades through his men giving a couple of them a slap on the back as he passes. "Hang back gentlemen, hang back."

He walks up to the Einherjar's lines, they are much less wary of the black armored Kerbals than they are of any of the Dyellians. Macrombolitsa then speaks to the line of Einherjar in a low voice.

"Now then gentlemen, be good lads and get Chief Elvers over here, Ubermarshall O'booze would like a word with him." they pause to look at each a bit surprised "Now then be quick about it then lads, don't keep the head of the Tzarina's armed forces waiting now."

One of them breaks away to get Elver's attention, who is now watching as Ryonis begins rounding up all of the steel cable that the Einherjar have on their person, they use in place of rope. The 'messenger' reaches Elvers and motions over to Macrombolitsa and O'Booze, Elvers lopes over to them turning just before Ryonis finishes securing the cable to her waist and diving nicely from the bridge.

Elvers takes no notice as he reaches O'Booze and Macrombolitsa, pausing to bow to them both "Can I help you?"

Macrombolitsa puffs out his chest a bit and continues to speak quietly and calmly before the Einherjar "The Ubermarshall is bit puzzled as to why the official investigators and the technicians of the Home Office were so quickly and unceremoniously ushered from the crime scene."

Elvers looks confused and about to bark something gruff before Macrombolitsa interrupts "Perhaps is has something to do with the bridge?" his voice a bit firmer.

Elvers blinks and then smiles as if he has suddenly remembered something and bows again to O'Booze "There was an explosion and the Home Office technician wanted everyone off of the bridge, there was some confusion and some accusations, the Home Office and the City Police aimed their weapons at each other, my men aimed their weapons at all of them, no one budged and fearing imminent collapse I made sure that they evacuated the bridge. I probably offended some of them in doing so in such a gruff manner."

Elvers turns and looks back around "As soon as we have determined if the bridge is safe, they are of course welcome back on..............." he appears to be looking for Ryonis, one of the Einherjar simply states "'Ere, she's done gone off the side."

Macrombolitsa frowns, again.

Vrak IV

"If you can't walk, I can drag you." Johann says with possibly some hint of irony, or malice, it's hard to tell. He listens to Bestiality and Bathe.

"Then I suppose we head back to the ship, if Captain Thales hasn't done something unfortunate with it.
Dyelli Beybi
14-05-2009, 08:10
Royalist HQ

"Okay." Tomashenko took the disk without further question, opening the briefcase and slotting it into one of the wads well inside, "I assume your guys can track that. I should go and make the drop now. You can speak to Davies while I'm doing that. You'll find her at St. Luke's hospital. I would say be careful, she has powerful friends in the Home Office, but you can skip town quite rapidly so it doesn't really matter. Just don't give her too heavy a beating."


A few TWEP officers had appeared in the streets near the bridge, although they had been very careful not to be seen by anyone who might see them as a threat... Black uniforms and gas masks seemed to be the name of the game for them, although TWEP was emblazoned in bold yellow letters on each officer's back.

O'Booze was intelligent enough to accept this as a face saving option although he was wearing a depper scowl than was usual (on account of the walk having aggravated his gout).

"You need to know a couple of things, just general background information." he added, making it quite clear he wasn't making an accusation, "Support of Parliament in the recent 'armed incident' is not a crime. While between the three of us we can probably say that Parliament has acted in a corrupt manner, many of its supporters fought on the general principle that 'democratic Government is better than authoritarian'. While some of the hardliners are Republicans, the vast number are people in favour of maintaining a Constitutional Monarchy. They are not enemies of the state."

"Neither are Teulu, although I wouldn't trust most of them as far as I could throw the bastards. I'm Teulu, so is Dmitri Tomashenko, so is Alexia ap Adam... and that wattled imbecile who is her theoretical successor."

"The Home Office." he added, moving onto the last point he needed to make, sounding his usual irritable self, "Is utilising top secret hardware that absolutely cannot be revealed to anyone, I mean end of life on the planet if it gets into the wrong hands type of technology. I can tell you you are unlikely to find anything more here, but that the Home Office have identified two potential suspect organisations... the Cheka and the Home Office. I am aware of the irony. We also have a person of interest, 'Commisaar Caitlin Davies'. She was the lead agent on 'Project Lake', which while I cannot tell you the details of for reasons of National Security Protocol, we feel is extremely relevant to the case. She can be found at St. Luke's hospital."

As much as O'Booze knew Boyle was a good Officer, he doubted he could interogate a Chekist, certainly not one like Davies who had suffered some of the most extreme tortures imaginable and remained both unbroken and sane. Filling the Einherjar in with the details of the Project was illegal, but he didn't need it, all he had to do was ask 'where is the Tzarina?' in a suitably threatening manner...

Vrak IV

"Of course I can walk." Bathe snorted, "I've had worse, took three bullets in the gut in the Crocodile Glacier campaign, had to walk five kilometres to an aid station in sub zero temperatures."

The two young Jordans, Constance and Bestiality seemed quite excited to be leaving, although their mother wept bitterly despite Constance's assurances that they would send for her as soon as things were 'sorted out'. It was clear she imagined she probably wouldn't be seeing one of them again and the root cause would probably be the other sibling.

Back at the ship Parr had taken on passengers. They looked to be the poor of the poor, dressed in rags, although they had quite a large amount of baggage with them, most of it barrels.

"I'm going to turn a blind eye to this." Bathe muttered to him as they stood on the back hatch, "You're doing a good thing, although I get the impression you're making a bit of profit in the process."

The Captain smiled and nodded, "Picked you as the type that wouldn't mind. Lets get going before anyone notices."

As the ship departed Bestiality retired to his quarters to read. His sister on the other hand was the life of the party, despite the nasty wound her bandage concealed, "So if you aren't the Cheka, and you don't look like any other kind of Fed, what are you?" she asked Johann, "I'm sorry about before, I'm sure your mother is a very attractive woman and not at all like a chimpanzee."

"Also what happened to the ap Adam woman?" she continued, "If parliament had killed her and won their farcical little war you would have killed my family also."
14-05-2009, 19:18
Royalist HQ

Valentinious looks slightly offended "I am a member of a Titled Family and one of the Lord Vaad's LifeGuard, I don't beat anyone." He then nods "I'll get a couple of Macrombolitsa's men to do that...........Give me a call after you've made the drop."

With that he is off, pausing only to grab a pair of Macrombolitsa's men and wonder what is going on out by the bridge and then grab a cab to St. Luke's.


Elvers listens quietly as O'Booze explains the situation, an explanation he wishes he would've had before being sent out to help Superintendent Boyle. It certainly would have helped avert the situation as it occurred. Macrombolitsa simply nods unaware that somewhere behind him his men are being diverted to other causes.

As O'Booze finishes Elvers is the first to speak "As soon as I fish my associate out of the River we can go talk to this 'Davies?'"

It looked like Davies was going to have a very crowded hospital room , very soon.

Vrak IV

Johann looks less pleased about the cargo and other passengers viewing them as a security risk more than anything.

Despite being irritated by being talked to he does answer Constance "I'm Einherjar, the Tzarina's bodyguard. Your guess about my mother may be accurate, I wouldn't know." Very few of the Einherjar know who their mothers and sometimes even who their father was due to their unusual parentage.

"The Tzarina fell off of a bridge. Chief Elvers does not believe that she is dead." is his answer to her third question.

Meanwhile Sherwin does his best to stay up at the cockpit to watch the Hummingbird in action.
Dyelli Beybi
15-05-2009, 14:13
Royalist HQ

"You should try it, its fun." Tomashenko assured Valentinious, "I'll notify you when I make the drop."

After that he gave instructions as to how to get to St. Lukes before departing towards wherver his rendezvous point was.


"Yes." O'Booze confirmed simply, "I would suggest a police officer come, but this is one of the most hardened members of the Cheka, I doubt they would be likely to give up anything to Boyle."

St. Luke's

St. Luke's was full of the injured and the dying. While Bath itself, in the light of day, looked relatively unscathed, her emergency rooms revealed the true nightmare of war. The staff looked timed and harassed, the will to argue to keep people out of a patients room (which they would usually have done out of malice) seemed to have long since fled them.

The only thing even resembling resistance was from one white coated doctor who met whoever arrived first at the door to the room, it was a solo-room, a reminder that the Davies family was powerful, "I wish to express my resistance to this. Artificially waking the patient from the coma may kill them. It is unadvisable." the resignation in his voice expressed the fact that he was going to do it anyway, he just didn't approve.

Vrak IV

The Hummingbird handled like a much smaller craft, pulling off a vertical take off before screaming upwards with quite a disturbing turn of acceleration. Whatever they used as artificial gravity kicked in at the same time to dampen the jolt, although it was still strong enough to knock people off their feet, "And we are away." Brown explained to Sherwin vaguely.

Bathe and Parr had closeted themselves together to discuss the optimal position in Outremere to put down.

Constance frowned at the information Johann gave her, looking thoughtful for the first time since they had met, "I'm going to pray for my sake that she is not. Out of curiosity, I assume you're the one in charge of..." she dragged a finger across her throat, putting on a gurgling sound effect as she did, "... if it turns out the Tzarina is alive?"

A good three hours out Brown 'moved to subspace', once again the ship lurched and now no stars were visible through the cockpit, although there was no real sense of extra speed.
15-05-2009, 14:32

Elvers nods "I'm not sure any of us would be any better at interrogation, there was a separate arm of the Bad Hand that dealt with such things while we were employed with them."

Macrombolitsa chimes in "I also did not anticipate any interrogations, as such there is no Lictor accompanying us and I'm afraid me and my men would be over matched by a Cheka operative. Perhaps if we let Boyle do the questioning and Chief Elvers made sure he was present, that could help knock her off of her game?"

They both look expectantly to the Ubermarshall.

St. Luke's

Valentinious bows courteously to the Doctor that who making the pretense of barring their way. "I fully understand your position Doctor, I would not think of such a thing unless it was a matter of life or death."

He pauses as one the Kerbals removes his helmet and offers a hand to the Doctor "This is Kerbals Bioscop, Dr. Bioscop......."

Bioscop nods "I am a trauma surgeon and you need not even be present Doctor."

Valentinious then shoves past the doctor "After she is awake and stable, I can have Dr. Bioscop assist your could use the help."

After that they just barge in, and Bioscop looks over Davies, checking vitals, etc. and prepare his own adrenaline from his case to prepare to wake Davies.

Vrak IV

Sherwin chuckles "Feels like it handles like a Marathon. I assume for subspace a computer calculates the route and you pretty much just hit 'go'?" He asks Brown.

Johann simply shrugs, he had not given such an act any consideration "I suppose that would be for the Tzarina to decide. I do not know who would be responsible."
Dyelli Beybi
16-05-2009, 12:58

"Maybe." O'Booze gave the idea consideration, "Although personally I feel that Elvers might be enough of a shock, a suspension from established reality if you like, to knock her off her game."

He didn't want to put Elvers and Boyle back together again, although he could see the benefit of the plan, "You can decide Chief Elvers, I will make the call if you think it will help."

Let it never be said, O'Booze thought to himself, that Lunchtime O'Booze was unwilling to allow others to make decisions.

St. Luke's

The Doctor wasn't a quitter, "Dr. Bioscop." he interupted, "Let me do that. The help would be appreciated, yes."

"I need to insert a lure before she wakes up. She's an NHD." he explained, "They have an odd metabolism."

He appeared quite ready to help... and willing to use Bioscop's adrenaline (to save hospital supplies), but he was qite keen to get the lure in. Perhaps it was his way of trying to save face.


"I plot the subspace route." Brown explained, "Although we're just backtracking so it isn't too complex. I don't know exactly how it works, a scientist could tell you, but I know you can encounter other ships in here, so its best to have someone up here most of the time, not that I expect to find anyone for another few hours. Nobody comes out here except for ships with cargos of 'indentured labourers'."

"I see." Constance responded, sounding like she suspected otherwise "You'd have to be a damned fool to want to run this country."

"I don't, but I understand it is destiny, or some crap like that." she explained, making it clear she wasn't calling herself a fool.

She stood up and wandered off to find a crew member. After talking to the Einherjar she found herself desperately seeking the comfort of a firearm.
19-05-2009, 02:45

"Perhaps I do not understand Superintendent Boyle and his motives, but I also do not think that I will even know the right questions to ask and at the very least he could advise me." Elvers answers "Perhaps we can start to understand one another and dispel some of the mistrust as well."

Macrombolitsa simply nods "Well, that is settled, I will prepare my men to leave. I am glad that is all sorted out." He believes, again, that he is at a point where he can leave................erroneously.

St. Luke's

Valentinious raises an eyebrow and nods to the other Kerbal that guards the door,meanwhile Kerbal Bioscop looks a bit confused.

"A 'lure' I am afraid that I am not familiar with any such medical instrument or procedure, perhaps you should explain.........." If there was any such device as a medical 'lure' he had no idea what it could be, perhaps it was a Dyellian term.

Valentinious hangs back, letting the Doctors sort out their issues.


"Well, we can't be going that fast if you can just spot and pull out of the way of space traffic and debris." Sherwin says with a chuckle "Well, if you want someone to take over, give me a yell. I'm going to go beat up some of the passengers for a larf."

With that Sherwin heads back into the passenger cabins and finds Johann.

"Well, Johann, how did it go?" He aks as he looks around for Bathe and the other passengers.

"Fine." Johann deadpans "Oh, Bathe got shot."

Sherwin almost looks alarmed "Really? Badly?"

Johann frowns "Very badly, he was barely grazed, it was not a good shot. "

Sherwin blinks "What I meant, well....................never mind. Cheer up, maybe he'll have a heart attack or something." He shakes his head and moves to appraise the other passengers.
Dyelli Beybi
19-05-2009, 08:11

"Alright." O'Booze grunted by way of concession. He had already explained more than he was accustomed to explaining to people, if Boyle and Elvers ended up at each others throats it was hardly his business.

"I'll organise to let the Detective know to meet you at the hospital." he concluded, "Now unless there is anything else I have work to do."

Organise a coronation actually. It never hurt to be prepared.

St Luke's

It was Dyellian medical jargon. A 'lure' it would turn out was a venous cannula with a connection to allow the doctor to potentially take blood if he needed to.

"Okay." he concluded, stepping back to allow Bioscop to take over, "Subject is 159 cm tall, 56 kg, you'll want to administer 1.12 mg for her or thereabouts."

After that he retreated from the room, sliding past Valentious with a nod. He had countless patients to tend to, many of whom had suffered far more life threatening injuries than the Chekist.


"We're not." Brown explained again, "It's kinda like an extra dimension, I'm not a physicist, I just know its a way they've worked around not being able to get things to move faster than light."

The other passengers weren't the most talkative lot treating Sherwin with open suspicion if not quite hostility... apart from Constance, "They're indentured labourers." she explained of the others, leaning against the wall of the ship while nursing her arm.

"You fly out into space and your engines give out... maybe they were shot out, who knows? Feds are too weak out here to do anything. Anyway, next thing you know there's this other ship. They offer to pick you up, but they ask a price. It's waaay more than you can afford, but you say yes, because its better than suffocating out here in the darkness." she continued, "They sell your debt to a 'debt collection agency', usually a mine, where you work at minimum wage... minus whatever paltry food and habitation they give you until you work the debt off or die. Usually you die."

"Those barrels are fuel rods." she waved her good hand at the neatly stacked barrels. Parr and the crew had strapped them to the deck to stop then rolling about on reentry, "So I'm guessing they're probably trading a ticket back to civilisation in exchange for a pile of stolen goods."

"Where are my manners? I'm Constance Eleanor Jordan. I would shake your hand but soldier boy melted a hole in mine, who the hell are you?"
20-05-2009, 02:50

Elvers nods and sets off while Macrombolitsa heads back to where his men are, and finds out that he and his mean aren't leaving quite yet, although they do get loaded up and ready to move. The Lifeguard could be so annoying, only the Lord Vaad could second guess them.

St Luke's

When explained that way, Kerbals Bioscop nods and watches as he finishes and then begins bringing Davies out of her coma, Valentinious nods to the Doctor as he leaves "Thank you for your help."

He then has a quick discussion over his comm unit with Macrombolitsa, Bioscop attends to his 'patient'.


"I'm Sherwin Thales, Ninja." He says with a grin as he surveys the 'indentured servants' and then her arm "Well, that's what I fight against, slavery oppression, uh, samurai's and feudalism. You'll be the new Tzarina then?"

He leans closer to look at her arm "I'm guessing you shot Bathe, Johann is very critical of your aim. You'd be fast friends with him if you killed Bathe or that nob Trethwin. The Einherjar are heap angry about the Junta soldiers failing to sweep the building that the Tzarina was allegedly shot from."
Dyelli Beybi
21-05-2009, 02:31

Boyle was waiting outside the hospital along with a police Constable in a solar topi. The Constable had been given one of the energy side weapons the military seemed to believe would take down an Einherjar, although it was firmly holstered for now.

St Luke's

The doctor had looked like he was going to leave without a word, but he did stop to acknowledge the thanks, "I did nothing. I just know the patient... there is a panic button, press it if anything goes wrong."

The dose was on the heavy side, but nonetheless it seemed to have no impact on Davies, for about five minutes, at which point her eyes fluttered as if coming gently out of a deep sleep. Then she coughed, touched the corner of her mouth and noticed a small amount of blood had come up. She looked at Bioscop, he didn't look Dyellian, then at Valentinous who looked like 'the hated Vaadian imperialist', "Why am I awake?" she croaked, aprehension evident in her voice.


"Ah picking the hated leader of the feudal system?" Constance laughed, there was bitterness in the laugh.

"That is not I, I am but a pawn, although yes, I am one of the two 'leaders' that your two friends picked up." she grimaced, "I'm glad I missed him, I thought they had come to kill my family, I had no reason to shoot him."

"Who's Trethwin?" she glanced around, wondering if he was perhaps someone else who had been hiding on the bridge, then shrugged.

"I have a question." she eyed Sherwin curiously, imagining he was probably the one in charge, "If you don't think she's dead, why did you come and collect me?"

She had made the conclusion Sherwin thought her still alive when he had used the word allegedly, apart from cops, people didn't use that word unless they were disputing official 'facts', and he didn't look like a cop... "And what is the plan if you turn out to be right?"
21-05-2009, 04:10

Elvers simply paused and nodded to boyle and then headed into the building, expecting that Boyle would follow him.He then looked about for someone who could tell him where this Davies was..............

St Luke's

Valentinious pulls up a chair to Davies bedside and gives his best smile, he is a handsome young man and summons all of his charm as he chuckles.

"I would be asking why are still alive? You are very resilient........." He pauses as Bioscop leans in to give her a handkerchief "You are awake to answer some questions, for me and Lord Tomashenko."

His brief exchange with Macrombolitsa had alerted him to the Ubermarshall's 'plan' and decided to use what Macrombolitsa had filled him in on.

"Or you can wait, and it will very, very unpleasant. I need to know about Project Lake, and how the Cheka intended to use it."

He pauses there waiting for her answer. Outside the door the Kerbal was looking out for Elvers and Boyle.


Sherwin chuckles "I'm not picking anyone for anything. I'm just the Tzarina's pilot. I just have a feeling she is alive, and I will stress that she never, ever suffered any mishap when flying."

He smiles again "I'm not aware of any plan, I think we're pretty much at the seat of the pants territory. The parliament lies defeated, the Junta had agreed to a constitutional monarchy with Alexia and her disappearance open the door on endless civil war."

He shrugs "I think you and your unfortunately named sibling are 'plan B', only nobody ever conceived plan B. Bathe seems to have a plan, but I'm a suspicious foreigner, so he hasn't shared it with me."

He then waves his hand dismissively "Trethwin was some soldier that Johann didn't get on with, he informed us of your fathers untimely passing. Johann was offended by his laughing as he told us. Bathe stopped him from crushing his head, now he's in a worse mood, if that is possible for an Einherjar."
Dyelli Beybi
22-05-2009, 15:02
St Luke's

"I don't die easily." Davies reponded when her survival was remarked on, although as soon as Lake was mentioned there was a sudden look of horror, then control reasserted itself and she clammed up.

"Inspector Caitlin Davies, I have no serial number." she responded robotically.

It wouldn't be hard for Elvers to find the way to the ward Davies was in. Unlike most Dyellian establishments, the people in the hospital were actually helpful (rather than deliberately obstructive).


"So you're an aerial chauffeur, yet you've just flown half way across the Universe to pick up people you hope will prevent endless civil war..." Constance raised an eyebrow, "Pardon me if I call you on that one, its just plain silly."

There was a flash on anger in her eyes at the mention of the death of her father, "He thought it was funny? I'll kill him myself."

She paced, looking like she was about to take a swing at Sherwin, but thought better of it, reminding herself not to shoot the messenger. She swore, letting out a stream of expletives that would make a sailor blush, although it seemed to calm her down a bit.

"I'm sorry, the whole business just makes me so angry." she confessed, "So pointless...I need to lie down I think. It was a pleasure making your aquaintance Mr. Thales. We'll see more of each other no doubt."

Parr put them down in Roma itself this time where his other passengers scattered. It also shaved a good half day off travel, and prevented any further run ins with Gallic Army officers... Soon they were on the train to Bath again. Bestiality read a book while Constance seemed somewhat withdrawn, staring blankly out the window as the countryside slipped away.
22-05-2009, 18:31
St Luke's

Elvers talks to Boyle as they head to the room. "How do you think we should approach this? Do you want to question her directly while I look threatening, or do you want me to ask the questions, and if so, what do I ask?"

He kept his tone conversational, he still didn't trust Boyle but he was going to give him some rope and see if he hung himself. As they neared the room the Kerbal outside spotted them and radioed Valentinious.

Valentinious raises his hand and shushes Davies in the middle of their response and jumps up. He smiles at her frantically, trying to look calm. Frankly he looks frightened.

"I'm sorry dear, the Einherjar are here, sooner than I expected............." He waves forcefully to Bioscop and hisses at him "Let's go, just tell them she said nothing, I'm not sticking around for this mess, you know the Einherjar don't even care if someone talks, and I can't stand the sound of limbs being torn from sockets again..........." they rush to the door, as Bioscop goes out Valentinious pauses and looks back at Davies his eyes filled with pity and he sighs "In a minute, you'll wish you did die easily."

In the hall Bioscop rushes to Elvers and Boyle "Chief Elvers, Superintendant Boyle, Hold off just a second, Kerbals Valentinious is giving you guys a build up..................."


Sherwin chuckles at Constance "Plain silly? I think you've reached the crux of the plan. This business hasn't exactly endeared anyone to me either, I should go back to being a busboy."

The train back finds just about everyone quiet and un-talkative. Johann is his usual quiet and sullen self, doing his best to keep the 'Heirs' in his view, Sherwin, goes back to sleep.
Dyelli Beybi
23-05-2009, 13:45
St Luke's

"I think this is what they call a wild goose chase." Boyle responded, "The person already has a rock solid alibi and there is no evidence of any connection save for some mysterious project that O'Booze won't tell me about."

In his eyes the Einherjar were a force for lawlessness, cowboys who should be kept out of any real police work, "You can ask questions. I will observe."

He imagined the Einherjar was probably about to do something that would make whatever evidence he did gather inadmissable in court (and that was hard in Dyelli Beybi). He wanted to be able to wash his hands of it if things went pear shaped. Again.

Davies meanwhile had adopted what could only be called a poker face. She stared back at Valentinious without displaying a trace of what she was thinking. It was how Chekists were trained, don't show off, don't bargain, don't sneer. All of those things gave insight into your character, and insight meant leverage that could be used to make you reveal information.

Back to Bath...

The Customs checks persisted on the way back. It was a little odd that these existed within Dyelli Beybi, but presumably there was a reason for it.

The train pulled back into the station amid zero fanfare. People went about their daily business, trotting to get into air conditioned interiors and avoid the horrific heat of the day. The heat gleamed off the metalic bulk of the train, momentarily blinding anyone foolish enough to look at it head on.

Three black four wheel drives were waiting outside the Station. They bore the small band back to the Palace, although this time to the area in which O'Booze had set his field HQ. Johann, Sherwin and Bathe were taken in first while the two heirs were kept outside. O'Booze looked like he hadn't slept much and was probably even more foul tempered than usual. He frowned as they entered, "Who can explain to me." he growled, not rising from his chair and nott offering anyone his seat either, "Why we have two heirs with us? I don't want to crown two people. It's far too complicated."
24-05-2009, 04:59
St Luke's
Valentinious doesn't give Davies a second look as he rushes out, once out he salutes Boyle and Elvers.

"Well, I talked you up, see what you can get, I have to get back to the palace and wait for a call from Lord Tomashenko......" He turns to Bioscop and the other Kerbal who are getting ready to follow "no,no, I made a promise, you two get to the emergency ward and see what good you two can do."

He then rushes out and the Kerbals rush to the emergency ward, after asking someone where it is.

Elvers simply frowns at Boyle and Valentinious.

"Very well." he says as he pauses to remove his armor shirt again, thinking that his bare chest will make him look more bestial. He then slams open the door to Davies room, ducking and turning sideways to fit in...........

Bath, O'Booze's Field HQ

Despite Johann being furious that no Einherjar were sent to meet the heirs and his being vocal and threatening about it, making sure all the Junta people knew that it was their lax security that had made the job easy for snipers, the ride went rather well.........

Once inside with O'Booze Sherwin listens to O'booze as he starts going through his duffel bag that he's been mysteriously reunited with, as O'Booze finishes his question Sherwin has his Inquisitor Beret on and is taking off his new shirt and commando pants, fortunately he is wearing boxer briefs.

"No idea why they are both here, Marshall........" he says hopping on foot to remove his pants "From what I gathered Johann wanted to bring the oldest male heir but Bathe had some legal precedent of why we needed both?" he says with an inquisitive look to Bathe as he sniffs his Inquisitor's uniform.

"This is clean, I'll have a shower before I put it on." this seems to indicate he'll be in his under wear for a while longer, he takes out his gun belt with his Murcielago hand gun and magazines.

"But don't worry about it, I'll take charge of security for them both, I'll need a whole wing of the palace and I'll send Johann to get the Einherjar there, there should be a case on the Kerbals transports too, I ordered Einherjar sized Household Cavalry badges. For heavens sake, I jumped out of the plane this morning with this in my pack with a round chambered and the safety off."

He frowns at O'Booze's shocked and angry countenance "Surely you remember I was in charge of the Tzarina's security in Port Olympus? I patted you down."

He assumes that Bathe and O'Booze's expressions have nothing to do with his state of undress.

"Unlike some people in this room nobody has ever died while I was in charge in of security, I won't name names........."
Dyelli Beybi
25-05-2009, 06:49
St Luke's

Davies looked Elvers over once, then rolled her eyes. It was the first trace to indicate she understood anything that was going on around her.

Boyle follwed a few steps behind. Flashing his badge as was propper, "I am Detective Superintendent Boyle, we have a few questions to ask you regarding the disappearance of the Tzarina. You do not have to say anything, but I must warn you now that if you fail to mention any fact which you rely on in your defence in court, your failure to take this opportunity to mention it may be treated in court as supporting any relevant evidence against you. If you do say anything, it may be given in evidence against you."

A slight smile cracked on Davies' face, "So a copper following a pair of Vaadian cow cockys?" she was going off script, but she understood Boyle. No matter how much the 'Vaadian cow cockys' had tried to talk Elvers up, Boyle had ruined it.

"Where were you at nine thirty this morning?" Boyle asked.

He recieved a shrug in response, "Let me be helpful." there was a tetchiness to Davies' voice that implied she wasn't planning to be helpful at all, "Some time in the small hours of the morning I was trying to get into the palace to get the Tzarina out and somebody shot me right here."

She pressed a finger lightly to her chest, "Now I have a plug shoved in my chest so I can breathe. I was unconscious until about five minutes ago when I was woken by a pair of bull buggering Vaadians asking about a classified counter-terrorism project. Where the hell do you think I was at nine thirty in the morning, you moronic sack of turd?!"

As she became angrier more blood began to trickle from the corner of her mouth, trailing down towards her chin.

Bath, Military HQ

While Johann was generally ignored, it was communicated that his vocal protests were 'exactly why' the Einherjar had not been informed or involved. Apparently O'Booze had decided they were tactless.

"This is your fault." O'Booze pointed at all three of them individually, "You are all accountable, do not try to shift the blame to the Captain you revolting little man."

He seemed very good at ignoring the undressing stunt. Sheer force of will apparently allowing him to blank it from his reality, "You were technically correct Captain, both individuals inherit, however we don't want a fratricidal civil war. You should have either just picked one of them up or selected one and shot the other. Either would have done."

"I have no recollection of you whatsoever." O'Booze seemed puzzled he was even being asked, "Now before you jump the gun... you are House ap Adam Calvalry, Thidrek Vasa's troops. This pair are House Angevin. If you wish to be given protective duty, they will need to engage you personally, as Angevin retainers. Until such time as that happens they will remain under the protective custody of the Ministry of Defence. End of story."

"Anyway." he grunted, "Lord Tomashenko, The Right Honourable Mr. Biscuit and myself will be deciding on which of this dynamic duo will be given the privelege of being crowned as soon as Tomashenko arrives. You three can go. You will be informed of my decision shortly."

He waited till they were about at the door before calling them back, "Oh and Mr. Thales, if you ever undress in front of me again I will have you given one hundred lashes then thrown into the river. If I hadn't loved Alexia like a sister you would be dead already. The Nation is more important than any one person, even Alexia, and I do not have time for renegades... and don't try one of those cliche lines about how actually I would be dead already. Get out of my sight... all of you."

"That went quite well I think." Bathe announced as soon as the door was closed. It didn't sound like sarcasm.

Constance was also in the foyer of the office chatting to a desk clerk. She shouldn't have been here, but apparently a mixture of her new found importance and ability to be charming (when she needed to be) had got her as far as the door. Her brother was nowhere to be seen, "Hi boys!" she greeted them cheerfully, "So how is the grim chieftain of Dyelli Beybi's armed forces faring? I was hoping to get to see him, but apparently I'm not expected for another hour, I didn't even realise I'd made an appointment until this fine gentleman told me."


Valentinious didn't have long to wait for Tomashenko's phone call, "I've made the drop. Constitution Square... yeah don't ask. Are your guys picking it up?"

Dyelli Beybi didn't have a Constitution in any sense of the word. It was a rather odd name for a square.
25-05-2009, 18:25
St Luke's

Elvers looks Davies over quietly and simply grumbles "I am not Vaadian. I am Einherjar, the Tzarina's bodyguard. I was not informed that you were in the party attempting to rescue the Tzarina."

"Regardless, she has disappeared and O'Booze says it is Cheka who has done this, you are Cheka, do you know anything that can help us?"

Bath, Military HQ

Sherwin snaps his gun belt on over his boxers and puts his bag and pants over his shoulder and salutes O'Booze smartly, in his underwear.

"Funny, cliche incoming, I was just going to say that if Alexia hadn't intimated how much she liked you I was going to go with the original plan and eliminate the Junta. Starting with you, Marshall big fat slow target, sir!"

He then snaps his heels together and marches out, in his underwear.

As they leave he smiles at Constance and breezes past "That's because in an hour they'll have decided which of you to shoot. I've been informed that we aren't Angevin retainers and are quite unwelcome. Have a fun wait!"

Johann says nothing, and begins walking back to where the rest of the Einherjar are.


Valentinious is up in one of the cockpits and punches up a passengers computer as he gets Tomashenko's call. The disk does not have an RF frequency or a beacon or a radio transmitter or anything that a bug scanner or anything like that would pick up, it is made of a rare isotope and emits specific exotic particles.

It is Commonwealth technology, and only the Commonwealth's satellites can pick it up which Valentinious is patching in to. It will show up as a blue dot overlaid on the map, the particles it emits will even pass through hundreds of feet of concrete and well underground..........

"I'm bringing it up now, it will take a minute, get back here and we'll be up in the air after them as soon as you're on board."

He didn't ask about the naming of the square, Valentinious simply assumed that Dyelli Beybi must have had a constitution at sometime in antiquity.
Dyelli Beybi
26-05-2009, 00:00
St Luke's

"No." Davies coughed, more blood, "No." she repeated, lying back in obvious pain.

"We believe it may have something to do with the technology from project Lake." Boyle prompted.

There was a sigh from Davies. She had expected the big foreigner to yell and carry on, it was what foreigners did. He hadn't though, so she could at least be helpful, "Lake was disbanded nine months ago when the Himmler threat was eliminated. I was in favour of destroying the technology, some things are better left alone, but others were not. It is now exclusively in the hands of the Home Office as far as I am aware."

She stressed the word 'I' heavily, just to make sure they realised she wasn't exaqctly high command.

"I shouldn't be telling you this." she added, glancing around, "The word in certain circles of the Home Office is that a diffusion of power might be advantageous for national stability."

Military HQ, the Palace

"Whoa, whoa." Constance grabbed at Sherwin's arm with her good hand, "Hang on just a minute there, whats all this about shooting?"

"Relax." Bathe tried to assure her, "O'Booze is a foul tempered old b@stard, and Mr Thales is just joking."

She glanced at Bathe, but wasn't having a bar of his explanation, "Tell me, please."


"Can you take someone else who I trust? Keeley Stewart." Tomashenko asked, frustrated that he had 'double booked' himself, "I've been asked to speak to O'Booze to decide which one of the two heirs they have brought back should be kept and which one should be sent home again."
26-05-2009, 03:24
St Luke's

Elver's had decided not to yell or make any threats, especially after he'd heard how Davies was wounded. He looks up at Boyle.

"O'Booze is wrong, it leads back to the Home Office again." He then stands.

"I will ask that a doctor look back in on you on my way out." With that Elver's turns and leaves.

Military HQ, the Palace

Sherwin smiles nicely "I'm sorry, I'm not an Angevin retainer, find some of them to explain it to you. I'm going to go have a shower, get a nice dinner and then find a jet to steal."

He then removes Constance's hand from his arm and shoots a look to Bathe "Either O'booze is senile, or he's playing us for patsies. I'm done with his wild goose chases."

He then walks away grumbling to himself "I don't know why I didn't see this before, it all makes perfect sense now."


Valentinious sighs very heavily and very slowly "I would prefer not. I'm flying three jets packed full of foreign commandos I want someone high , I mean very high up on the food chain. You know you Dyellians have a habit of shooting down the Lord Vaad's jets."

He pauses and thinks for a long second "No, no, without you, or someone higher up like Collins or Nairn, It's off, we're flying home. You backing out makes me think you don't want to be flying aboard a nice big target that the Junta can shoot down and claim was another 'Vaadian invasion'."

He sounds dead set.
Dyelli Beybi
26-05-2009, 14:30
St. Luke's

"One caveat." Davies called, "This isn't hard evidence. My sister is the Chief Executive of the Home Office. It is just what I've overheard, 'Trish would never actually harm her majesty. It's probably just something she said in passing."

"Patricia Davies?" Boyle exhaled, "She went missing as well. It's why those Home Office guys showed up in the first place... although she has reappeared. No explanation given."

Military HQ, Palace

"Wait!" Constance wasn't giving up easily, "What if I engage you as a retainer? I'll pay you..."

She patted her pockets down, producing a pencil, "Will this do for starters? I don't technically have any money as such, but when I become Tzarina I'll have bucket loads. Come on, you've got to cut me a break here."

"What makes sense?" Bathe just looked confused by what was going on, "I don't get it. What's a patsy?"

Tomashenko seemed slightly put out, although he understood why Valentinious was concerned and his primary focus still needed to be in securing the safe release of the Tzarina, if she still lived. As such he was willing to do whatever Valentinious asked to track the case (within reason), "I appreciate your concern. Damn it, I just don't trust Vasa to sit in on the election; he has somewhat Machievellian views on what constitutes a good ruler."

"She's a Viscountess." he volunteered of Stewart, "Commanded the Parliamentarian Defence of this city... I know that technically makes her the 'other side', but she was unconscious when the Tzarina disappeared, so logically must be unconnected. If you feel you need me there I will come, I am hoping she is senior enough for you. You decide anyway, I'm sure Elf Lord won't destroy the country if he gets a say in who's running it."
26-05-2009, 20:33
St. Luke's

Elvers just nods and then gets his armor back on.

"And we can't do anything about it because the Ubermarshall says the Home Office is off-limits. So, that ends the investigation in all probability."

He just shrugs, not at all happy about the situation but at a loss as to what to do. "I wonder if Captain Thales and Bathe are back yet. They were both at the crime scene as well."

Military HQ, Palace

Sherwin laughs for several minutes, at Bathe and Constance, tears coming his eyes.

"You won't be Tzarina, and your brother won't be Tzar, you're here to buy time, maybe even start a civil war. You won't be rich and even if you were, I don't do what I do for money."

He wipes at his eyes "Oh boy. If I were you, I'd tell O'Booze to take a long walk off of a short pier and go home. Just think about it, think about it for good hard minute. Your father dies just before a new Tzar is needed, succession goes from clear cut to a two way tie. Think. The people that killed your father want you and your brother here, and I'm willing to bet that they are the same people that have the Tzarina. Add to that O'Booze sending everyone that witnessed the Tzarina's demise and has an interest in finding her off in a hundred different directions.........................and you have a very nice conspiracy."

He chuckles and heads off again "A very, very nice conspiracy......................."


"She sounds expendable." Valentinious answers quite frankly. "Tell O'Booze he has to wait until tomorrow, and that if he does wait, he may not even need a decision."
Dyelli Beybi
27-05-2009, 14:06
St. Luke's

Boyle seemed shocked that Elvers would even suggest the investigation had run its course, "Are you military? Whatever you are, I am with the Police force and I have not received any orders from the Chief Constable to imply the investigation cannot touch the Home Office."

"I have not been informed if they are or not." Boyle responded to the second part, "However I intend to do further interviews with the Home Office, you may attempt to locate them if you wish."
The Palace

That was evidently not the right thing to say, Constance's eyes narrowed as uncontrolled anger bubbled to the surface, "Why you pakrah whoreson..."

Constance slapped Sherwin, hard enough to make Bathe flinch, "How dare you bring my father into your cock and bull conspiracy theory!" she raged, "He died in a car accident, he was driving too fast in the rain, it has nothing to do with anyone else. I should know, I was there."

Which possibly went a long way to explaining the angry otbursts, "You think I can go home?" she yelled, "How the &^$@ do you think I'm going to afford the train ticket, let alone passage on a spaceship? You brought me here you miserable goatspawn, if anything happens to me its your fault... and my father's death is not a joke!"

Abruptly she realised she was making a scene, she spun on her heels, stalking off, "Good work." Bathe remarked dryly, "I think I might go see how she is."
Elsewhere in Bath

"Not to me." Tomashenko replied, "Alright I'll come, but I won't ask him to postpone; I'm not going to tell him where I am just in case he has something to do with it. I'll just say I'm 'feeling poorly'."

It took him all of five minutes to get to the transports. He arrived in some kind of Dyellian made sports car, it was sleek and black, freshly polished. The car screeched to a halt inches from one of the transports, wheels smoking. Tomashenko got out the passenger side, waved off whoever was driving then looked around for someone to tell him what to do. The driver spun the car around and began driving off, although this time at a slightly more legal pace... "I came as quickly as I could." Tomashenko announced.
27-05-2009, 14:30
St. Luke's

Elvers just shrugs "If they aren't down at the bridge, then I have no idea where to begin."

Elvers narrows his eyes at Boyle "You seemed content to end investigations when I became involved previously, why the change of heart?"

The Palace

Sherwin lets Constance finish her tantrum without saying a word and then turns to Bathe "Well, if you think you might go and see how she is, feel free. I for one don't care. If I were feeling charitable I would put a bullet in her and her brothers head to save them all the trouble they are in for."

He shrugs "But I have enough to do.So have fun."

Sherwin then heads off to do what he had originally intended, find a shower, take one and then get dressed.

Elsewhere in Bath

Of the three Marathon's only one had it's rear ramp deployed and a pair of Kerbals standing guard outside of it. They usher Tomashenko on board and to the cockpit to one of the two captain's chairs behind the pilot and co-pilot, Valentinious is in the other one and he points up at the monitor and the blue dot.

"There we are. By the rate it's moving we should be able to tell if they are in a car, or on foot, we can be in the air in a minute to get after them if they start moving faster. They can't get out of range of the satellite."
Dyelli Beybi
28-05-2009, 15:36
St. Luke's

"What gave you that impression?" Boyle's eyebrows ascended, wrinkling the skin of his forehead, "I said I wanted no part of whatever illegal actions you were taking. You showed a startling lack of self control which might be appropriate on the battleground, but which is totally inappropriate for a criminal investigation. I don't mind you being on the team, but I need you to keep control or any confessions or evidence gathered from such confessions becomes inadmissable in court. But as for your question there has been no change of heart, I was always working on the case."

He walked some distance from the room, making sure nobody could overhear him before he continued, "I was fairly certain this was her sister Patricia's doing even before we spoke to her. People from the home office have thought she has been behaving oddly recently, she has motive and opportunity. Everyone knew she was worried about dilution of power, furthermore Caitlin was seriously injured and Patricia herself was arrested by Parliamentarian forces, sentenced to hang and reportedly raped; motive. She had access to the technology, so opportunity also. What I cannot do is physically link her in any way shape or form to the crime. Even the Home Office guys don't know where she is and she isn't legally obliged to come out of hiding for anyone short of the Tzarina or an order from the Minister of the Interior, and the Lord alone knows where he is."

He seemed to have finished, waiting to see if Elvers had anything to add... suddenly though he clicked his fingers, "Oh... one caveat, if this is Patricia Davies, she is acting as a rogue without the knowledge of the bulk of the Home Office. So please don't tar them all with the same brush."

The Palace

"You're a cold hearted b@stard." Bathe grunted, before following the girl.

Tomashenko's desire to keep O'Booze in the dark meant that he had sent Vasa along in his place. Every decision had implications. Ripples in the septic pond of Dyellian politics.

"We already have too many hot blooded Djels ruining the country." Vasa declared, drawing askance looks from the two Djels at the table, "The decisions is simple, take Bestiality. Sod interviewing them."

"I would tend to agree." Mr. Biscuit chimed in, "The can give us a prepared speech, but it is their behaviour that indicates who would make a good leader. Bestiality: Calm, composed, dignified. Constance: throws tantrums, shoots people, blabs her mouth off to all and sundry about the fact the Tzarina is missing. By the Lord, the decision is obvious!"

O'Booze was the only one who did not seem entirely taken by the idea, frowning pensively. "What's the matter? Do you disagree?" Biscuit demanded.

"No, no Mr. Biscuit, I am in full agreement." O'Booze confirmed, "I am only worried we are jumping the gun if we crown him too soon. The investigation to locate the Tzarina is still well underway."

"We don't need to actually crown him." Biscuit volunteered, "Just keep him in the wings, and if things get desperate we can roll him out and put a crown on his head."

O'Booze nodded, "Very well, I'll send for him, we will let him know the good news."

It did not take long for Bestiality to come to the topic of what needed to be done about his sister, "She will start a rebellion." he assured them, "She wants power, you have heard her saying as much."

"I'm still not sanctioning a hit." O'Booze folded his arms across his chest, frowning at the weedy young man, he was perhaps a little too bloodthirsty, especially considering she was a family member.

Vasa could see the Ubermarshall was going to stay staunch on that matter. He knew the man was secretly as romantic as any other Djel, he just pretended to be a gruff old warhorse. Vasa though would have no qualms about removing the petulent little b!tch. If a civil war broke out the fabric of society would be torn asunder and his people could end up persecuted again. He would not take that risk. As soon as the interview was over he would offer his services to the new Tzar to be. A cold smile crept across his face as he listened to the Ubermarshall argue the point with Bestiality, neither budging an inch from their standpoints on the issue. Honour facing off against practicality. Little did he know the real reasons for Bestiality's venemous dislike for his sister had all to do with his father's death and nothing at all to do with rebellions...

Onboard the Transport

The tracking device would lead them to a shopping mall in the outer city. Indications would be that the person had been moving on foot although now they had come to a standstill.

"Drink?" Tomashenko took a swig from his hip flask before offering it around. It smelled like mineral turpentine, "Do you think you could drop people on the roof of that mall?"
28-05-2009, 16:20
St. Luke's

"I never once lost control." Elvers states dryly. "If she is acting as a rogue, why is the Home Office not cooperating. I would like the chance to question them in a setting where they are not in control and cannot escape. I am not implying they are all i on this, just that all the ones I have met seem more interested in obstruction than finding the Tzarina."

He shrugs "But without know where the other Davies is, I don't see what we can do, and if the Parliamentarians treated her so badly, why would she want to kidnap the Tzarina?"

The Palace

Sherwin just laughs again "I only help whom I like and I don't like you and I don't like Constance, so bite me." He says in parting to Bathe.

He then finds a room with a private bath, locks the door, braces a chair against it and has a long hot shower before settling down for a nap until it gets dark, keeping his gun within arms reach at all times. If he knew what Vasa was up to, he would recommend against it, just friendly advice to not get involved, but he certainly wouldn't stop him.

Sherwin's loyalty is to Alexia, all the rest of it has nothing to do with him as far as he's concerned.

Outside the palace the Einherjar had gathered, listened to Johann and were now waiting for Elvers. Hagarg Ryonis' quickly producing food and drinks for a nice lunch was the only thing that had halted the increasingly irritable Einherjar. Maybe it was because their blood sugar was low from skipping breakfast, but it was more likely that without the Tzarina their residency and citizenship seemed to be in doubt and they were of the increasing opinion that it would mean fighting their way back to York to rescue their families and then find a way out of Dyelli Beybi.

On top of that, add the absence of Elvers, and their agitation was obvious to anyone passing by.

Onboard the Transport

"No thanks." Valentinious says with a smile "Of course we can get men on the roof."

He nods to the pilot who turns on the Marathon's bafflers and the jet engines go silent, the Marthon's maneuver to over the top of the mall and the underside doors open and the Kerbals begin rappelling down ten at a time, covered by the 30mm autocannon, it is a quiet, quick and obviously often trained drill.
Dyelli Beybi
29-05-2009, 15:07
St Luke's
“Well it wasn't the right reaction either way.” Boyle responded, “I know the temptation exists to intimidate for information, but there is strong evidence that this information, while easy to obtain, is highly unreliable... anyway let us leave that subject.”

“The Home Office.” he explained, “Is just worried that we, that is you and your people and myself and mine could potentially be spies who would steal the secrets of their technology. I don't think they are being obstructive for any reason other than protection. It's a fairly common problem in Dyelli Beybi. Political alliances tend to be somewhat fluid meaning there is little culture of trust.”

As they reached the front door of the hospital the Constable who had been following Boyle stepped forward to the gate open for the pair, “I can only guess at what might motivate Davies, although my psychologists suspect that this is some attempt to make up for a loss of personal control through coerced political control. She is allocating blame to the Tzarina as she believes that her reckless self endangerment was the root cause of what happened to her and her family. Just bear in mind we don't know it was her yet.”

The Palace
The agitated Einherjar were a worry to the authorities. They were generally regarded as unruly, and difficult to stop. That made for a bad combination, keeping them happy was a priority... so in true Dyellian style they delivered a beer tanker full of 'Dr. Johnson's Bowl Gasher (Inebriation guaranteed!)'. Alcohol made people happy, right?

Some distance away Bathe had succeeded in playing agony aunt to the young heir. They were quite alone in her apartments on the East Wing. She leaned against his shoulder and cried tears of frustration and rage. He gently put an arm around her, his intentions were wholly dishonourable, but there was a time and a place. It was then that she looked up at him, he knew that look.

It was then that the door creaked. He could have ripped the irritating interruption's ears off. He turned glaring. It was Vasa. He stepped into the room, gently kicking the door closed behind him, "What the hell do you want elf boy?" he growled, quite racistly.

Elf boy smiled, it was the kind of unpleasant smile that set Bathe's teeth on edge. “Your brother...”

He got no further before Bathe launched himself across the room, flattening the Ljósálfar, his head coliding with the wall with a sickening thud. Thank God the silly elf had decided to go for the film style speech before he pulled the trigger Bathe thought, realising just how touch and go his survival had been.

“William.” Constance snapped, “What the &^$# are you doing?”

While others were put off by her temper and generally abusive nature, Bathe was actually attracted to it, God help him, he liked frontier girls. He straightened, the elf was out cold, waving the stumpy little pistol Vasa had been holding, “Murcielago silent pistol. Now what do you think he might have had that for?”

He half expected Constance to descend into a bout of swearing, but to her credit she knew when it was appropriate to keep quiet. Bathe motioned for her to stay back, then flung the door open.

A black uniformed ap Adam retainer was standing about idly in the hall breaking the 'no smoking indoors' rule, “Hey, what are you...”

Bathe didn't stop to make a speech. He drew the pistol, aimed between the man's eyes and pulled the trigger. There was a clicking noise as the wall was tastefully redecorated in crimson, “Constance, get the hell out here now. We're leaving.”

He set the pace, holstering the stolen pistol where he would normally have had his own, striding purposefully down the corridor. He needed to find someone from his company before someone found the bodies... he should have made sure Vasa was dead. Elves and NHDs had an annoying habit of not dying. The first soldier they came across was standing guard on an intersection. It was a fairly pointless duty, probably designed to give idle troops something to do, “Five Speed!” Bathe exclaimed, grinning despite himself, this was his lucky day.

“Hi Captain, how's the home front?” 'Five Speed' responded.

“Good. Constance Jordan, this is private Joseph Reynolds.” Bathe responded.

Constance frowned, tilting her head to the side, “Why 'Five Speed'?”

'Five Speed' seemed about to answer, but was not given the chance, “Listen, can you radio Beer Gut, and the rest of the Company HQ team and tell them to meet me at the East Wing service gate in two minutes, bring guns. I assume you're all on duty?”

“Yes Sir!” 'Five Speed' saluted.

Bathe set off again, Constance breaking into a trot to keep up with him, “I assume you know what you're doing?” she asked petulantly.

“Yes.” Bathe replied, “I'm getting a decent gun. Then we're going home.”

“You just murdered someone.” she dropped her voice, “They'll find out before we can get on a train.”

“Who said anything about a train?” Bathe replied. He had a plan. It was as stupid as any the Tzarina had come up with, yet it might just work...

On the Transport

"If I make a cellphone call will it crash the plane?" Tomashenko asked, "I want to make sure the police don't send TWEP in to get us. They can get very prissy about armed people doing things without notifying them."
29-05-2009, 16:55
St Luke's

Elvers frowns "None of this is getting us any closer to finding who is responsible and where the Tzarina is."

He pauses looking up and down the street, deep in thought "Unless we can question the other Davies, we can't rule her out. This would have been much simpler had the Junta forces just admitted they know nothing about keeping anyone safe and let us take care of the Tzarina."

The Palace

The beer tanker full of 'Dr. Johnson's Bowl Gasher' was greeted with looks of confusion , and then some Einherjar looked absolutely pleased but as they moved towards it the sound of a gun ripped through the air as the large red-skinned Einherjar fired his 'side-arm' into the air, the machine gun gets everyone's attention.

"On Duty!" he bellows at the other Einherjar "Until Chief Elvers says we ain't, now gerroff!"

He then ambles up to the tanker and thumps on the driver side door "Not that we don't appreciate, but lots of us is violent drunks and what wif we still has guns an missiles and all you don't want this 'ere. Shove off."

It was true, if the Einherjar were irritated now, a tanker of booze would make them happy, but far more rambunctious and prone to insult. They tended to fight when they were drinking, with whatever weapon was handy. Drunken Rampage would probably best describe what would happen if the mix was allowed to happen.

Keeping the Einherjar happy was hard when they had nothing to do, and time to think about conspiracy theories.

On the Transport

Valentinous shrugs and looks over at the deeply concentrating pilot and then the co-pilot who answers.

"It should be okay as long as you press 'call' and not 'launch AA Missile'." He says with a smile "All systems on the Marathons are shielded, so even if your phone was an EMP device we'd still be fine."
Dyelli Beybi
30-05-2009, 15:03
St Luke's
"From what little I understand about the technology." Boyle apparently had had some kind of brief, albeit a sketchy one, probably with a lot of use of the words 'I can neither confirm nor deny', "I think they were able to predict her doing something which should have been entirely random."

"The thing is, the Home Office still needs to function, so messages need to get through from where she is. This means there is a trail. I will look into following that." Boyle felt he was probably better suited to that task, he knew his way around the bureauocracy...

"Can I offer you a lift somewhere?" he offered politely as they left the building, "I have a driver."

Transport, Outskirts of Bath

Tomashenko nodded, "Got it, will make the call..."

It seemed to be pretty standard Dyellian stuff. Whoever he was talking to was willing to let things slide provided no civilians were injured, in which case the crap would hit the fan.
02-06-2009, 18:09
St Luke's

Elvers just shrugs "I suppose back to the palace. I probably need to find out what , whomever it is that is going to be in charge, is going to do with us. Thank you."

Transport, Outskirts of Bath

The Kerbals quickly and quietly rappelled onto the roof, not all of them of course, but a group of fifty. Kerbals Valentinious detaches the monitor by his seat, which turns out to be a tablet PC and flips out the handles on the side of it, keeping his eye on the tracking dot.

"Okay, what's the plan?" Valentinious says to Tomashenko with a grin.

The Kerbals on the roof start looking for an access door or hatch.
Dyelli Beybi
03-06-2009, 14:33
St Luke's

"You're a retainer right?" Boyle, being a Dyellian had an intrinsic understanding of the unspoken rules of social hierarchy, "You're technically probably now in the employ of one of the Tzarina's cousins. Don't really know which ap Adam is in charge of the House... it's unheard of for someone as junior as her to take power. Comes from the late Tzar sewing a few too many 'wild oats'."

They let Elvers take the full back row of the squad car, although the driver looked like he thought he wasn't going to fit in even that space, "For now." he added, "Tomashenko seems to be coordinating her affairs, I'd probably listen to him, but its really over to you. Just don't let O'Booze order you around. He's only in charge by virtue of the fact that he has the most guns."

Outskirts of Bath

"Find him... or her, and take them alive." Tomashenko said decisively, "Then we can make them tell us where she is... just be careful not to shoot any civilians or I'll get charged."

There was a single access door on the roof. It was locked from the inside, although it didn't exactly look like a sturdy mechanism. It was at that moment that the person they were tracking seemed to drop 3 floors...

The Palace

O'Booze glowered at Vasa, wondering if he would be able to claim it was provoked if he shot him... probably not, "So, you're telling me you went for a friendly chat with Constance Jordan of Angevin and she was in an amorous embrace with Captain Bathe who overpowered you, murdered a retainer and has run off?"

Vasa nodded, his eyes giving nothing away, although O'Booze was intelligent enough to suspect it was not intended as a friendly chat.

"Do you realise I am also missing a helicopter?" O'Booze demanded, "I don't believe in coincidences. This is YOUR FAULT!!"

The sudden bellow didn't even cause the smarmy turd to jump. He just looked back impassively. Vasa had cocked up royally. Constance was angry but she wasn't a real threat to security, until now. Thankfully she was almost certainly going to head for Outremere with the Captain gone AWOL. There wasn't much damage she could do out there. Hopefully.
03-06-2009, 19:45
St Luke's

Elvers attempts to nod in the car, but probably can't manage it. "I thank you for your advice. I'm not sure where we fit in any command structure. The Tzarina did not get a chance to make that exactly clear. Maybe I will discuss it with Tomashenko, though we have seen precious little of him."

Outskirts of Bath

Valentinious nods and then is out of chair and down a rappel line surprisingly fast, Tomashenko can apparently follow if he wants, or can.

Once on the roof Valentinious keeps his eye on the blue dot.

"Here, they're moving, step aside........." He steps past the Kerbals and to the access door drawing his broadsword. Anyone who has seen the blinding gleam of the metal before will recognize that his blade is comprised entirely of mithril. He uses it to quickly slice the door open and usher his men in, directing them where to go as they move in quickly as they cover their entrance as best they can.

The Palace

Sherwin finally wakes from his after shower nap and dons his Inquisitor's uniform. He then goes searching for dinner, and then trouble.
Dyelli Beybi
05-06-2009, 14:24
St Luke's

Boyle grunted in response to the comment about Tomashenko's marked disappearance from the public spotlight, a sign he viewed this as suspicious, "I think we can pull this off." he announced optimistically, "Just try to hold the door kind of closed to keep it out of the way of traffic."

If Elvers chose to take that option Boyle would give him a lift to whereever it was he needed to go. Otherwise it was probably faster to walk through the narrow streets of central Bath anyway...

Shopping Mall, Outer Bath

Tomashenko didn't have a weapon or armour or anything that would make him anything more than a nuissance so he chose to stay onboard and communicate from where he wouldn't be in the way. It would soon become clear why the person carrying the package had suddenly moved... they had opened the package up and emptied the contents down the central well. There was now a money lolly scramble on the bottom floor which a pair of security guards were trying (and failing) to control, at great personal risk of getting trampled.

The Palace

Without Alexia around to take a personal interest in him, Sherwin was left more or less untroubled, although it would be clear something exciting had happened from the small clusters of people who could occasionally be observed gossiping in worried tones...
05-06-2009, 14:41
St Luke's

Elver's takes the offer of the ride back to the Palace, if only because it offered and it would be impolite to refuse, no matter how uncomfortable it is.

Shopping Mall, Outer Bath

Upon encountering the scene Valentinious looks over the falling the money "Right, well the civilians will be down there, so let's grab the guys doing the dumping.............."

With that the Kerbals rushed to surround the 'dumpers' hopefully since they are coming down they will have a fair position to do so.

The Palace

Sherwin does not like the look of the gossip and worried tones. He approaches a group of gossipers, and injects himself into their gossip.

"It's absolutely astounding, isn't it, what do you think they'll do now............" he says in his most conspiratorial tone possible.